[Barbados Underground]  Yes Jeff, Charles Herbert faces a monumental task, not least because he has already been convicted in the court of public opinion. The social meaning of the case has become about the history of race relations in Barbados, so although the court case is supposed to consider the evidence dispassionately, I am not certain that a jury will lack bias

1,362 responses to “Chairman of Goddards Enterprises Asserts His Innocence”

  1. @lawson July 28, 2018 3:17 AM “The Salem witch trials are alive and well in barbados.”

    You know during the Salem witch trials an enslaved black Barbadian woman [enslaved by a white Christian pastor] was blamed for working obeah on the good pastor’s daughters which caused them to act out and to make accusations which resulted in the deaths of a good number of women. Except that the black Barbadian enslaved woman did not work obeah on the pastor’s daughters, the daughters were very likely reacting to their budding sexuality in a society that was extremely sexually repressed.

    But yes. Continue to blame the black Bajans. We the wretched of the earth.

    We know that white people have never, do not, and will never do anything wrong, unless you count the greed that motivated slavery for hundreds of years.

    Yes. The white people are all nice sweet breads.

    They love us and ALWAYS look out for our welfare.

    Yes please Sir.

  2. @Enuff
    Is Charles Jong on the payroll of the Barbados Gov’t or is he on the payroll of the BLP? Is he a private consultant offering his services to the highest bidder? Since when did BGIS allow quasi private contractors to access its information and author its communications? If the Gov’t employs private consultants shouldn’t it insist that those private contractors cease work for any other Gov’ts/clients in the region?

  3. @Sargeant

    Didn’t you listen to the Mottley Ellis interview? Jong is on the government payroll, a contract tied to Mottley’s tenure.

  4. @lawson July 28, 2018 3:17 AM “SS for gods sake wants them convicted because of 300 years of abuse by white guys,”

    Why don’t you stop telling lies on me? I said 211 years of slavery. I said clearly in response to PLT that I do not know whether they are guilty or not because I have not had an opportunity to see or hear or smell lol the evidence. I said in response to PLT that all three men enjoy the presumption of innocence.

    If you are telling lies on me in public like this only God knows what else you are capable of doing. Are you too a descendant of those who practiced slavery and Christianity upon my ancestors for 211 years?

  5. You know during the Salem witch trials an enslaved black Barbadian woman [enslaved by a white Christian pastor] was blamed for working obeah on the good pastor’s daughters which caused them to act out and to make accusations which resulted in the deaths of a good number of women. Except that the black Barbadian enslaved woman did not work obeah on the pastor’s daughters, the daughters were very likely reacting to their budding sexuality in a society that was extremely sexually repressed.

    The Salem witch trials occurred in 1692.

    Man, you got an amazing memory if you can remember that.

    But if you google it you will find the slave was a South American Indian!!

    So you seem to be slipping!!

    Do you know how to google?

    Dementia happens in many elderly people and if you are over 300 years old, you will probably be starting to exhibit symptoms.


    “Tituba, a South American Indian slave by way of the West Indies, likely became a target because of her ethnic differences from most of the other villagers. She was accused of attracting girls like Abigail Williams and Betty Parris with stories of enchantment from Malleus Maleficarum. These tales about sexual encounters with demons, swaying the minds of men, and fortune-telling were said to stimulate the imaginations of girls and made Tituba an obvious target of accusations.[36]”

  6. As much as you would like to 311 years of nasty history cannot be blown out like a candle on a child’s birthday cake.

    You see what I mean?

  7. If you are telling lies on me in public like this only God knows what else you are capable of doing. Are you too a descendant of those who practiced slavery and Christianity upon my ancestors for 211 years?

    So which is it … 211 or 311?

  8. Simple Simon
    July 28, 2018 9:28 AM

    @Hants July 27, 2018 11:44 PM “The packaging must have been very good to prevent the “innocent” from the pungent smell of the drugs if it was marijuana.”
    Good point Hants. Good to see that all HC fellas not duncy.
    In another place I was walking through an apartment building–going to visit a friend, lolll!!!–and could smell the stink of a single marijuana cigarette, even through a door that met the fire safety codes of a strict first world jurisdiction.
    Marijuana has a very very strong smell.
    If I wrap up one of my coconut breads in plastic, the smell of coconut is still very evident. Plastic can reduce, but not eliminate the smell.


    Dese marijuana farmers know their product well!!

  9. The fall out from this criminal activity is going to spread far and wide as far as money laundering
    As we all know evidence shows now shows that the black guy does not have any money to get himself out of jail
    So how in the world could he have been the buyer or property owner of that massive drug hall
    Charles Herbert the answers all lie with you
    Deep pockets spelling trouble fuh yu man entering deeper waters

  10. @lawson July 28, 2018 6:39 AM. “Actually I find it strange that anyone of them would do this with each having a lot to lose.”

    But people traffic drugs all the time, yet each of those people so convicted did the deed in spite of having a lot to lose, chiefly their liberty, but also their reputations etc.

    That is HUMAN nature. Note I did not say white human nature. Just HUMAN nature.

    And men are greater risk takers than women. That too is HUMAN nature.

    Highly successful people are also greater risk takers that dumb schmucks like me, who are so cautious that we are even afraid to cross the street. That too is human nature.

  11. Aren’t we always hearing that black lower class Bajan women are risk averse?

    We don’t risk our money on investments.

    We don’t traffic drugs

  12. @David

    I knew the answer but since he is on the Gov’ts payroll why is he allowed to work for and promote other Gov’ts? The PM provided a terse response to the question posed as to his employment and the matter seemingly ended there, would be interested to know the minutiae in that arrangement.

  13. Simple Simon
    July 28, 2018 9:05 AM

    @John July 27, 2018 11:15 PM “Not a cheap illness to battle.”
    More than likely the taxpayers of Barbados are paying all of her bills at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital. If you are a low wage deck hand who cannot even meet your bail and you have four children why would you even try to go private for your wife’s cancer treatments?
    Very likely we the taxpayers are paying her bills.


    Pretty sure Health Insurance as an employee of GEL will exist too.

  14. @Sargeant

    Yes a fully explanation is required. It is one of those issues that will not go away. The PM seems to be comfortable with the position that the electorate should judge the performance of her government at the end of the term based on a bundled policy approach.

  15. Barbados Underground Whistleblower Avatar
    Barbados Underground Whistleblower

    @ Georgie Porgie

    I posted a reply to you yesterday but as David said got lost in the black hole when comments were stopped on previous blog post.

    You mentioned I should disclose to the Public and the Police.

    I plan to do my full disclosure in the near future to the Public but not to the Police because if you read ALL my previous posts you would understand why.

    Let me give you a first hand experience a while ago a major dealer who hails orginally from Chapman Lane in the city of Bridgetown and was relocated to Barbarees Hill with the LARGEST house among the residents a bright orange yellow colour.

    He goes by the Alias of Fox and if you want to find out who he is he is the father of Remy Rock a freelance photographer who I believe previously did work for both the Nation Newspaper and the Barbados Today.

    Remy Rock was charged several years ago for buggery of a minor boy and would have appeared in the Holetown Court which was covered in the media in print and online.

    Going back to my disclosure a while ago I happened to be in Alias Fox car where he was the driver and myself the passenger. During the ride Fox started boasting that he owned 9 houses and that he and a number of Police in the Drug Squad worked together in that they would bring him BULK drugs seized which he would pay them for at heavily discounted street prices which he would breakdown and resell at significant markups.

    The drug of choice the Drug Squad bought to him primarily was cocaine.

    He has another son who is an major drug addict who frequents Nelson Street area.

    After he said he worked with the Police whilst driving he reached within his car and pulled a clear plastic bag which contained a white powder substance around a pound in weight and asked if I knew what it was I told him based on the conversation I suspected it was cocaine.

    I then asked if he was not afraid he would be pulled over, he laughed and remarked that he was well known and would never ever be pulled over and stopped as he had been doing it for a long long time and he had his boys to protect him.

    It was the first time I ever saw cocaine in person and I never rode in his car again.

    So it does not surprise me when I watch the video of Charles Herbert saying how well he was treated by the Drug Squad and CID Police he is now part of their network voluntary or not.

    So Georgie I hope I have answered your question in why I will not go to the Police who are complicit in many drugs and guns activity happening in BIM.

    It is one of many.

    It would not surprise some of the same drugs ceased on the Ecstasy Yatch are not already back on the street hence the reduced value in the charge amount.

    By the way Fox is not the only dealer who receives seized drugs from the Police there are quite a few others as it is an extensive network accross the 166sq miles island.

  16. “If dimwits like you and me can figure this out, pretty sure the folks at GEL have this one covered!!”

    There is not much spin anyone can put on that, however one looks at it…Prescod was a loyal employee of Goddards for how many years was it 6 years, or they would not have kept him that long.

    Had he been the owner of drugs imported for 6 years, he would not have been working for Goddard, but for himself.

  17. Yeh liesalot…..that one will never fly, many people know how the black dealers operate..as long as they got their contacts aligned, they are not interested in working for any white man and particularly not for 6 years when they have 500K shipments at a time.

    ….yall can’t come up with a story good enough to make that go away..lol

  18. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right

    @ John the Quaker

    You said and I quote “…Goddard’s gave him a second chance, a responsible job which he held for six years….”

    So you mean to tell us that this former drug seafaring importer WAS NOT GIVEN A JOB SWEEPING THE YARD OR AS A HANDYMAN at GEL but as the crewman on a seafaring vessel where said criminal had been locked up a few years back?

    And you want we sheeple to believe dis cat piss?

    Wait me grandson going do a Stoopid Cartoon about that one.

    Thank you for your caring heart A. Charles Herbert and Chris Rogers “YOU KIND HEARTED WHITE FOLK YOU”

    You giving a man an pportunity to get better at importing for 6 years

    You got to be real stoopid though John.

    YOu mean that they send you after the cognac last night at the plantation to continue their defence and this is what you come back here and posted?

    You must be stale drunk!!!

    Your normal reasoning is seriously impaired though, THIS IS NOT YOUR ACCUSTOMED DOMAIN, you are an apologist, BUT YOU ARE NOT A LIAR and your heart is not really into this one or you would have done your homework and not given any fuel to this matter with that ingrunt response

    In fact John, as Enuff of Lorenzo duo tell de ole man why dont you STFU just for a little while and leh we niggers vent pun Charles Herbert for a while and blame he and de rest uh wunna for slavery and ting

    While wunna plan de next line of action, or seek to stop the train of thought that is influencing the DPP Office.

    sorry i should not mention anything that is related to lines [of cocaine] or [mule] trains heheheheheh

    I wonder where me grandson is?

  19. Simple,
    Why is this an issue you ask, where’s the problem you ask. The problem is 216 years of the enslavement and brutal oppression of black people by white people in Barbados, and another 100 years of deep oppression and virtual slavery.

    As much as you would like to 311 years of nasty history cannot be blown out like a candle on a child’s birthday cake.

    Fair comment but what is the solution?????

  20. John 8.26am

    I am sure that you are of sound mind, so I suggest you keep quiet about the three suspects in the drug smuggling case and allow due process to take its course. At present there are three equal suspects. No one is buying the crap that Mr Prescod is the main suspect.

  21. Hants is one of the nice ones from HC but the others pun here NICER!

    Weak word to use Hants woulda get mark down fuh dat!!! haha

  22. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right Leader of the Opposition cause Enuff of Lorenzo tell me so Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right Leader of the Opposition cause Enuff of Lorenzo tell me so

    @ Dr. GP

    heheheheheheh Enid Blyton? heheheheh and what was the one with “George” i cant remember or was it Billy Bunter? i am getting forgetful…

    @ T. Inniss

    Doan mind that you is a DLP feller de tings da you be blogging is de bomb!

    It would appear like if you are coaching Mariposa as well cause her entries have improved a great deal. and one can almost understand EVERYTHING THAT SHE IS POSTING and her points are hitting the target (more regularly)

    I going see whu de grandson cud do for your succinct subject matter.

    But why it is dat you dont submit a blog to the Honourable Blogmaster here for these various subjects?

    Dem doan got to be “LONG’ heheheheh not punishing like de ole man 3000 words NOR DRIVEL?

    I got to remember dat one from de senator heheheheheheh

  23. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner


    Stop the false outrage, nobody believes yours or BT’s is genuine. Your interest is party politics……………………………..

    God cum fuh yuh worl !!!!!!

  24. Pieceuhderockyeahright Leader of the Opposition cause Enuff of Lorenzo duo tell me so Avatar
    Pieceuhderockyeahright Leader of the Opposition cause Enuff of Lorenzo duo tell me so

    @ John

    Regarding that emotive matter of Prescod’s plea about cancer of his spouse.

    THat is a medical condition that CAN BE CONFIRMED BY A REPUTABLE DOCTOR AND RECORDS and a biopsy

    Not all cancers are malignant as many of us know full well but even in the face of such cancers many of us DO NOT RESORT TO IMPORTING DRUGS.

    Wheel and come again

  25. Lawson the only dimwit here is you not to realize that Herbert step on a hot wire and trying to use Prescod as a scape goat is like throwing a flaming torch into GEL

  26. Corruption has to be eliminated, no matter who is doing it, we know it’s people in positions of power in the community committing these crimes the most because they are not held accountable and suffer no consequences, never have, we know it’s unethical governments colluding with business people to create all of these problems…

    In other jurisdictions there is a clean up campaign to lock them all up..no matter who they are..


  27. Pieceuhderockyeahright - leader of de opposition cause? and the refrain is "enuff of Lorenzo tell he so" Avatar
    Pieceuhderockyeahright – leader of de opposition cause? and the refrain is “enuff of Lorenzo tell he so”

    @ De Pedantic Dribbler aka De Ingrunt Word

    In your comment of Senator Franklyn you said and i quote “BTW @Senator Franklyn, it does appear that the persona of blogger Caswel and Sen Franklyn the blogging legislator are one and the same…you dodge and weave around questions with the same snarky yet quite informative nature …so all good. I thought Sen Franklyn the blogger would have less snarl to him..”

    And this is precisely the point that one seeks to underscore

    When Mr. Caswell Franklyn Blogged here previously when he had not ascended the steps to the Senate, his was a frequent intermingling with us plebians and sheeple.

    But even he, mindful of his ascendancy, has observed a protocol, that not a man jack had to tell him, “CASWELL, you is a senator now, blogging like you feel when you feel IS NOT THE OPTIC THAT WOULD LEND BENEFIT TO YOUR OFFICE”

    So even he has observed that unspoken rule and said I ent getting into every catfight with wunna pun all these topics as in times afore times.

    UNLIKE DE MAN Arthur Holder the speaker of the House of Assembly whom he now champions de man multiple jobs.


  28. Maybe Lawson can explain who pay for that massive haul of drugs found on the boat and where was Charles Herbert when the boat was being loade

  29. Mariposa/ Ac et al,
    Intelligent people KNOW that the DEMonic Larceny Party RUINED Bim!

    It has not been reported as yet but someone saw Errol WB and Cammies coffins spinning wid nuclear power passing the harbour wall a few years back, dey leff bout hey cuz the DLP were so BAD that they were forced to relocate! Wish Dippa was still here to be Skippa back den!!!

  30. Mariposa, Prescod has been convicted of a similar crime in the past–who paid for that???? No one is saying that he does not have connections much higher up the Net Worth ladder.

    Do you think that Juan Valdez and his mule own all de coffee in Colombia???????

  31. peterlawrencethompson
    July 27, 2018 10:49 PM

    @de pedantic Dribbler July 27, 2018 10:21 PM
    “absent a financial trail of unknown large sums, valid video or other unimpeachable evidence that Herbert and Rogers can’t beat this charge.”
    I do not believe that such evidence is “absent.”


    Me either!!

  32. Georgie Porgie Avatar

    @ Barbados Underground Whistleblower July 28, 2018 10:39 AM

  33. Critical Question–where are the Courts going to locate unbiased Jurors in Bim??????????????????

  34. Herbert should have been told by his lawyer to make no statements or comments to the press , as investigatons are ongoing , etc etc ..
    as it is he screwed up big time by comparing his situation to someone flying on an airplane, and another passenger is caught with drugs. Did he not realize that he was not a passenger on a boat … he was on his Company Yacht . Big difference.

  35. @SS, I doubt an additional 18 months of training for the cops or for most in the public service will make a difference in the way they behave toward their fellow Bajans. If you haven’t at this time, take a look at Willie Lynch’s ” Making of a slave.” Speaking of slaves, Tituba was said to be a bajan slave taken to America. Maybe she did Wuk obeah or those horny white girls fooped that Mathers fellow and blame the devil.

  36. Money Brain uh better watch yuh mouth cause your words which can imply that there is a wider chain with linkage to this drug haul and a black boy being used to get connections necessary for Charles
    Which begs the question where was Charles Herbert when the vessel was being loaded or is Charles defense he was taken hostage and being blackmailed

  37. There is a Whapsapp message making the rounds that suggest the Grenada authorities handed over a video to show the vessel being loaded.

  38. @SS, given that the devil is known to have two horns sticking out of his head, thus the term horning is derived lol. Now you know why Bajans say someone got ” Horned”………………..Just kidding.

  39. @Dr. GP.

    lol. You are not as old as me. You discussed and explained the half-life of medicines in one of your medical blogs some years ago. So, don’t put us all down. Mr. Darlington would not know this, but surely you remember. Mr. Dr. also explained it when she moved me from two a day to one a day medication.

    I keep my marijuana in a bottle of liquor. hahaha

  40. “Which begs the question where was Charles Herbert when the vessel was being loaded or is Charles defense he was taken hostage and being blackmailed.”

    lol..that might be the last resort spin, but if there is video and/or pictures of who was loading the boat in existence, none of them can spin enough stories to make them fly.

  41. @ David,

    The question is how far reaching will the investigation be.

    It will probably only look in to this one trip because the “police budget is stretched “.

  42. Georgie Porgie Avatar

    i HOPE YOU KEEPING SWEET dont mean diabetes now lol

  43. Barbados could legalise marijuana on October 17th and celebrate with Canada.

    The case against the Bajan trio could be thrown out and make them ecstatic.

  44. @Hants

    Time will tell like sand through the hourglass.

  45. @Hants
    How will they get around the large quantity? Did you read that this legalization is causing problems for some Canadian businessmen who are travelling to the US? Seems that the Canadian Gov’t has established any protocols with the US Gov’t about the proposed legislation and some who are affiliated with newly formed marijuana businesses are being turned back at the border.

    I will celebrate when I hear that Fantino is persona non grata in the USA.


  46. Canadian Gov’t hasn’t established……

  47. @ Sargeant,

    My only interest in this”legalisation ” is that it could result in fewer young men ending up in prison for an ounce of weed.

  48. David
    July 28, 2018 12:15 PM

    There is a Whapsapp message making the rounds that suggest the Grenada authorities handed over a video to show the vessel being loaded.


    If that’s true, it explains where the tip off to the Bajan Police originated!!

    What do Grenada and Barbados have in common?

  49. @Hants
    Fantino locked up a lot of black men for possessing weed now he jumped to the front of the line to profit from it now it is being legalised.

    Apologies for going off topic.

  50. Would not be surprise if a blackmail hostage story enter the fray
    A story that does not really require pictures as hardened evidence as the pictures cannot show intent or state of mind of those being taken hostage ..furthermore the cameras in those situations could be turn off . however a damaging criminal history of the hostage taker can do sufficient damage to show their abilty or capability to commit such devious crimes
    Furthermore the stacking of deck against the black guy can happen when character witnesses are presented to show a favourable side of Charles Herbert

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