[Barbados Underground]  Yes Jeff, Charles Herbert faces a monumental task, not least because he has already been convicted in the court of public opinion. The social meaning of the case has become about the history of race relations in Barbados, so although the court case is supposed to consider the evidence dispassionately, I am not certain that a jury will lack bias

1,362 responses to “Chairman of Goddards Enterprises Asserts His Innocence”

  1. @well well

    that is utter poppy cock. are the blocks a separate part of Barbados? dont they have the same privileges, freedoms and free education etc. that other bajans enjoy? do they have a stamp on their bodies that id them as blockers?

    that right there is one of the many problems in Bim, certain segments of the society want special treatment. we have become too mendicant in Bim. everyone wants something given to them.

    that is why it is important to wean Bajans from off all this freeness so that they can learn to take care of themselves. altho i still believe Govt should provide education up to 2 year college level including SJP, Community College, Erdiston and Skills Training but not free uni, and basic healthcare for all and full healthcare for the elderly.

  2. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right - Part of the Vitriole Incarnate Team Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right – Part of the Vitriole Incarnate Team

    We, a people who are saddled daily with the inequity in this society, battered from the left from a faceless bigoted white man’s island and beaten down by a 95% nigger with the keys community, are now being castigated for speaking out about a crime of drug importation where 2 white men and a black man are the trio that are named to be on this private launch.

    Now let me see if i got this right Crusoe.

    Pick up any newspaper and you will see the faces of every single black man that is “Wanted for Questioning” by the RBPF but absent from the line-up of mugshots of persons WANTED FOR QUESTIONING is the mug shot of a former policeman now replaced with a Logo of the RBPF

    Stay with me just a while sir.

    There was a white teacher at Queens College a few years back who was caught fooping underage girls with trembling botsies” (that tag line is authored by an outstanding BU citizen and is not my own creation)

    He was arrested? and released under the oversight of a certain group of white men, one with a handlebar moustache, and the man left the island and went back to the UK.

    Hold your horses with your sanctimonious indignation Crusoe just a few seconds more.

    There is a hotel called Kings Bay i think that was managed by a white man who owed some big lot of taxes about $12 M and he was able to leave the jurisdiction without a feller seeking seriously to have him extradited back to BIM like wunna hunt down dat Biggs feller to South America.

    And den dere was de white boy who, when a black feller went into H&G Hardware? held de black man head down to the display cabinet and axe he if he cud see the articles

    And den dere was de white woman called Lady Hoagie dat tek two black thugs and walk in a black woman store and deposit the trash pun she counter and de black woman report it to de police and not one badword happen

    You unnerstand whu dis is about Crusoe?

    We as your good man Friday get screwed so much for all these years by wunna and wunna sanctimonious attitudes dat when wunna even poop in we space we ready like Freddy.

    This is what is happening before wunna very eyes a cauldron is boiling over at the top and wunna ent even got the vision to understand that IF YOUR DONT COME TO THE EFFING TABLES without these platitudes dat you going have to unleash the private AK47 dat wunna hoarding in wunna houses in civil war pun did rock.

    And de effing ting is Crusoe dat neither Owen nor Fumbles nor Mia know how de ef to deal with this.

    Here you is pun BU and you ent got time to say one effing word about serious engagement BUT, BUT MY MAN YOU AND JOHN and de rest of you talking bout “Bloodlust”

    Excuse me !!! you can suck my adipose lips my man.

    Until you and your kind genuinely come to talk solutions like Freedom Crier who has seen the light so to speak now comes with serious debate WE GOING HAVE THIS PROBLEM.

    This is not the facebook walls with the INGRUNT BAJANS who are sheeple.

    Here you have men and women who while we is of a different colour dan you we is very well educated and just as bright IF NOT BRIGHTER than some of you.

    And we are grappling with a common enemy DRUGS and RAMPANT IDIOCY that is masqueragding as entrepreneurship opportunities for our collective youth, YOUR WHITE BOYS/GIRLS TOO, and so called educated youth which we dun know are blasted idjits.

    So a feller will come here and toss out a challenge to say “I got an idea to employ 250 people but I ent got de money to do dis” and whu does happen?

    We does get caught up wid Trump whoring problems and Johnson and Brexit and we get lost.

    Mia and she brand of crooks can only teif Crusoe IF WE LET DEM and if we wait around thinking dat she wid he 26 jobs got solutions.

    De only solutions dat she got is to put Communication specialists in places to spy on my and your personal communications.

    ALL OF THESE FVCKERS HATE INDIGENOUS SELF SUSTAINING INITIATIVES cause they beleive that you and I looking for votes!

    But you and I hate drugs cause of what we see it is doing to the best of our minds.

    Your ass and mine going get old and we NOT GOING BE ABLE TO RUN AS FAST AS WE DO at today. nor get flat like Owen Arthur was purported to have done on Belleplaine Football field when the gunshots started during his community football matches.

    You see that part of the Richard Prior video with the blind man who sat down in “the white side” of the courtroom? that is where barbados is at 2018!

    And this is where Herbert who IS IN CONTEMPT OF Magistrate Frederick’s court is right now.

    Operating with IMPUNITY doing something that Andrew Pilgrim was almost locked up for by Waveney Griffith.

    You feeling me?

    But Crusoe, Dr. GP has impressed on my spirit with his direction from Ecclesiastes that this is A BRIDGE TOO FAR.

    Cause you ent going seriously seek to engage with none of us even though you pretend to take the high road with us “the Vitriole Incarnate”

  3. Georgie Porgie Avatar
    Georgie Porgie

    i got a question bout …….There was a white teacher at Queens College a few years back who was caught fooping underage girls with trembling botsies”
    1 were the botsies trembling de novo sans fooping….or
    2 were the botsies trembling because of the fooping or during the fooping
    3 what really caused the botsies to tremble

    de jackass dee word dont want me to do a psychiatry resedency in TRUMP derangement syndrome, so after your post I fuguring if I could do it on trembling botsies

    wuh u tink?

    also do you really mean “you can suck my adipose lips my man.”

    or you asking the respondent to approximate his labiae orae to the adipose tissue that overlays your glutei maximi , which being interpreted less elegantly as kiss m– a……..

  4. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right

    Forgive my lack of commas Dr. GP.

    According to the noted poster in times before time, it should have read …fooping underage “girls with trembling botsies” to be precise.

    In the scenario of which i speak, if this myope recalls clearly, the blogger was speaking of a video that was circulating at the time.

    And i think that the action was one that was purposely effected and was not a medical condition caused by any cervical injuries (whuloss GP you gine mek sure dat my friend ent going invite me to no more barbecues at he house!)

    This pedophilia disposition seem to manifest itself in the speech of us menses who several women her would rightfully call a “dribbler” as in an old man who dribbles without any control of said dribble (not to be confused nor do i refer to a pedantic dribbler – gone before you get me cussed for my drivel whuloss)

    Oh by the way i going come back to that topic during the midterms when things really going heat up but i read the two of you every day

  5. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right
    July 28, 2018 3:08 PM

    @ John the Quaker
    Look John (leader of the society of friends) let me Leader of the Opposition (because Enuff of Lorenzo said so) speak to you another leader heheheheheh
    As sure as day followeth night a surety will be found for Prescod by Monday.

    I will be glad for him because it will mean he has atleast one friend who will stand by him.

    On second thoughts ….. why does a surety have to be found for him

    Wouldn’t a friend just come forward and be a surety?

    Couldn’t he just ask a friend?

    Whose bidding is Mr. Prescod doing that there now has to be a search to find a surety for him?

  6. I am sure the Police will be enthralled to see a surety come forward too!!

  7. Piece Uh De rock…Now this is what I call kicking ass and taking phucking names.

  8. The way things disappear in Bim
    Prescod might be better off in jail

  9. Piece @ 6:31 p.m.

    Behave please.


    Wuh is dat yuh tell he – to suck your adipose lips.

    Wuhloss – help muh here – Yuh good though


  10. Mariposa
    July 28, 2018 7:55 PM

    The way things disappear in Bim
    Prescod might be better off in jail


    I take that to mean you ain’t standing surety for him

  11. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right

    While only tangentially related to this matter de ole man sought to bring up a topic that the Drug Accused sorry Accused Importer of Drugs and Chairman of Goddards Enterprise Limited Charles Herbert referred to – The Royal Barbados Police Force

    In one of their annual reports they state and I quote ”…The Force had to once again contend with the challenge of finding suitable applicants to fill existing vacancies in the rank of Police Constable.

    One developing trend was the high failure rate among persons when scored on the question of previous drug use. As a consequence of the prevailing deficit, the actual strength of the constabulary was one thousand, four hundred and eighteen. This contrasted with the established strength which was one thousand, five hundred and twenty-eight…”

    A few things jumped out at the ole man as i am sure they jumped out at all of you but i will repeat them in light of what the Chairman said.

    1.THE RBPF seems to be operating at less than their capacity.

    2.They admit that there is a challenge of finding suitably qualified candidates

    3.And last but not least BUT most disturbing of these three, is my imputed belief that in these times THE RBPF seems to be relying on “asking potential policemens if they have used drugs before”

    Say it ent so, or even if it is so, say that each person has to go through a test to see effing dem is candidates for Lord Evils of Bounty’s or whomever’s Pension plan for avaricious policemens.

    I would rely on the policemenses among you both the real and the pretend ones to advise de ole man as to whether entry to the RBPF is attended by a blood test and IF THERE ARE REGULAR PISS TESTS for policemenses during their tenure with the honourable RBPF.

    De ole man is jes asking and do not have any information in me possession like de almost killing of Nazzim Blackett by 8 officers, nor has de ole man been communicating with Barbados Underground WhistleBlower who seems to know the names of all these criminals

    Let de ole man give you and anyone who is interested in submitting information to BU some tips

    1.create a mock ID with an unknown email provider
    2.do that on a computer that is not your own OR
    3.Install VMWARE and start to bog from there. this means that your machine will not be connected to your OS unless and until you seek to access your HD or SDD.
    4.Install a VPN on that Virtual machine and choose an IP in another country
    5.Use a browser in your virtual machine and Check on http://www.IP-Tracker.org to see where you are being reported to be blogging from. It will show you somewhere other than barbados

    Put any files that you have to share on a SDD and then log onto Barbados underground and upload the files to the confidential box that the BU blogmaster provides


    Metadata relates to data that identifies the source authorship and if you are the author you have to clean it first.

    Do not for example send Word files in their native format because what happens is that the file captures the name of the author of other identifying information from the time you install word and put in that type of info.

    Original documents WHICH YOU HAVE AUTHORED have to go through a few steps like (a) being cleaned in the original Word processor and then sent to Adobe Acrobat (NOT THE READER) and then cleaned again with its metadata cleaner.

    Before you print the document to PDF YOU MUST “PROTECT THE DOCUMENT” using the function that is in the Adobe Programme and Remove Hidden Information.

    It will run a routine which will count to 100% and then you press remove and then print.

    The resulting document is clean of all traces of your authorship.

    Then you can upload those documents ONLY THE FINALIZED PDFs.

    The Blogmaster will check and clean up the documents UPON RECEIPT at any rate

    As an additional bit of advise de ole man will advise that you do not accept any incoming pdfs even at your spun up virtual machine,

    You can read mail and text sent to you BUT DO NOT ACCEPT ANYTHING FROM ANYONE

  12. Maripopsa,
    So U think that Prescod arrange evating, financing, transportation, he gin walk all bout selling by the half ounce by heself tuh? hahaha pure mocksport!

  13. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right - Practicing to be a CSI policeman WITHOUT A LICENCE Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right – Practicing to be a CSI policeman WITHOUT A LICENCE

    Errata Waveney Bannister not Griffith if my ole donkey recalls correctly

    @ the Honourable Blogmaster

    There is an items in suspense and i would be grateful if you would retrieve it thank you.
    It relates to advice for those bloggers who really want to either blog here on BU or (b) submit materials which are of a Whistleblower nature but they are understandably afraid.

    I know the Old David of BU who will safeguard their identity but they do not so i have written up something that the grandson gave me for this purpose that they can use.

    I should let the grandson do a little video of the process for whistleblowing OR HOW TO SUBMIT DATA ANONYMOUSLY & BE SURE THAT YOU ARE PROTECTED.

    I know that it exposes the process to Dougie but IN THE FINAL ANALYSIS what we are fighting for is bigger that you or I so…..

    I am doing some reading heheheheheheh (following Boreman’s advice heheheheh)

    Specifically searching for instances of Bajan busts that are collated by overseas entities

    I came across this item http://www.refworld.org/docid/3f7d4d630.html

    In particular there is a passage that the ole man copied for general reading which states

    “…Marijuana is grown for local consumption on a small scale; however, Barbados receives the bulk of its marijuana shipments from St. Vincent and the Grenadines via go-fast boats and fishing vessels. Marijuana is imported from Colombia as well. St. Vincent marijuana sells for US$700 per pound while the Colombia marijuana can sell for as much as US$2,000 per pound. Some local marijuana traffickers have received cocaine as payment for transportation expenses…”

    Now if we are to use the low number which our authorities shared with the UNHCR in 2002

    does it not seem really strange that @ 2018 267 lbs of Marijuana have not been devalued to US$125 a pond from US $700!

    Or did Stinliar do the computations at the police station?


    Dem feel we sheeple real badword stoopid

    I going ask de grandson to do a Stoopid Cartoon pun dat one as soon as he come home

  14. Piece A De Rock,

    Oh, please. Come to the table what. A lot of verbiose nonsense, sidestepping the fact that yes, you already charged, tried Herbert as guilty.

    That is bloodlust. Hide it how you may, but that is what it is.

    As for ‘white man’s island’. You are joking. It was not a white man who ran rampant the last eight years sucking the island dry.

    How much has the current government claimed is missing? $400million unaccounted for?

    As for your threats of violence etc etc. Well, people always find someone to blame for their situation.

    Is it the whitey who has brought the Jamaican dancehall lifestyle crap here? No.

    Who runs all of those ‘fetes’ with disgusting lyrics and ‘wine yuh botsy’ ? Juk, juk, juk. Absolute idiocy.

    Thanks, had no idea it was whitey.

    If you aim for the gutter, you will get there.

    And then blame someone else.

  15. How is the investigation going into the murdered British resident, you know, the one who sold cars. Allegedly including to former ministers?

    Any news on that?

  16. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right

    @ The Honourable Blogmaster

    Your assistance please with two items thank you

    I coming back to you shortly Crusoe jes a moment

  17. Do not bother, Mr.’Sanctimonious Indignation’. Holding you and others to task for calling a man guilty before a fair trial is ‘sanctimonious’ and trying to rationalize that.

    No, your viewpoint is well stated and very clear.

    Surely very clear too, to potential investors who I am sure are very assured at understanding how to spend their money.

    I will leave it at that, I have no interest in discussing anything with you. Your ‘approach’ is as clear as glass.

    As I said before, if nothing else good comes from this, the one thing is that it has demonstrated the view of certain people, thankfully not all of Barbados thinks like you.

    But out of this has exhibited enough people who share your mentality and it surely advises potential investors, and others, adequately.

  18. MoneyBrain July 28, 2018 11:57 AM “where are the Courts going to locate unbiased Jurors in Bim?”

    As I pointed out to someone else last night, if our courts move at their usual pace, my grandson and his friends, none of whom have yet learned how to read will be the jurors on this case when it gets to trial in 10 or 15 years time. Since these youngsters cannot read yet they are not posting on Facebook nor on barbados Undergroung or any other media. They are not posting at all because they have not yet learned how to read.

  19. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right

    @ Crusoe

    Fortunately, de ole man is past anything that you or others like you can throw at me because of where I have been and where I am and where i soon will be.

    Some of you Crusoe can never and will never understand these words

    “…“But it really doesn’t matter with me now, because I’ve been to the mountaintop … I’ve seen the Promised Land. I may not get there with you. …”

    What you are aiming at Crusoe is clear as day.

    It is division of the races and ensuring that wunna who have WILL MAINTAIN THAT WEALTH by any means necessary.

    Charles Herbert is the veritable tip of your spear as you seek to subjugate and rule while we niggers fight and kill on the streets of Barbados BECAUSE WE ARE INGRUNT.


    WHEN YOU MET THE BLACK WATCHMAN AT THE PLANTATION YARD the poor black man had to flee for his life because he was AUTOMATICALLY SUSPECT OF KILLING & RAPING (dont really matter the order) your pearly white sister.

    SO you come here and pontificate about us who simply are saying this

    NO fvcking honest white man would be on a ship with a black drug dealer as his captain AND IRRESPECTIVE OF ALL THE CHVUNT YOU TALKING WE IS NOT GOING TO BELIEVE YOU!!

    Can you get that through your head?

    So let us go a little bit further.

    De ole man hath been baptised in a fire and flame that you HAVE NEVER SEEN AND WILL NEVER SEE IN YOUR LIFETIME badword.

    It is not about me my man this is about what is fucking right for the cuntry and none of wunna fvckers going evah understand that till wunna start to bleed like we have been bleeding for all these years.

    I DONT GIVE TO EFFING BADWORDS BOUT YOU NOR HERBERT NOR C O WILLIAMS nor wunna effers dat think we is to only clean wunna shoes and wash wunna cars.

    THe reason that this has happened in Barbados is very effing simple

    It is to cement in wunna minds what the 24th of May has done!

    All of the temples and institutions dat wunna have builded up got to be brought down.

    As the effing tape will show my man and then you and the rest uh wunna going beg to come to the table to deliberate.

    Black people deading all over effing barbados because of fellers who trading is death/cocaine/drugs doing dis shite and all you got to come and say is dat it exposing people like me?

    I is representative of the tip of the fvcking spear that is saying to you and your type we ent tekking dis shyte no effing more.

    There are some whites who are genuine and do wish a harmonious existence and do have a real care for people of other colours but you are a fvcking racist and irrespective of what evidence is shown to you wunna going beleive that wunna got the right to be as wunna are.

    Note that you ent had one word to say bout the list of transgression of your type.

    But the real issue is when you get caught and wunna show wunna selves just to be fickle feeble men or in betweeners.

  20. @John July 28, 2018 1:28 PM “What do Grenada and Barbados have in common?”

    U.S. Embassies crawling with DEA agents, who all get paid to spend 40 hours per week, plus overtime, lolll!!! to find people and vessels trafficking drugs through the Caribbean, in the hope that they can protect at least some of their own people from addiction and the wickedness of drug traffickers?

  21. Of course some of the DEA “boys” are pretty young gals.

  22. @John July 28, 2018 1:57 PM “What are the requirements of a surety? Can anyone be a surety? Could Simple Simon for example be a surety for Mr. Prescod?”

    Maybe Simple Simon can be a surety for Mr. Prescod, but please be assured that Simple Simon will NEVER act as a surety for ANYONE, not even the Simple’s children.

    If you are accused of the crime, and if you are found guilty, you will serve the time with NO help from me.

    Don’t even ask.

  23. So … SS … you going down Monday Morning with the title deeds to your land to stand surety for Mr. Prescod?

    Looks like Mariposa backing back so it is left to you and Hants.

  24. @John at 1:57 P.M. “Anyone meeting the requirements of the court could go in and unstack the deck for the “black” guy,

    SS, you could commit the land you often speak of … but don’t mention the part about the marijuana farming. Assets will work too!! Mariposa, try and persuade SS and the two of you go and stand surety for Mr. Prescod. He needs some friends.”

    Mr. Prescod may be looking for friends, but I certainly am not. Too besides he have white friends doesn’t he? White friends who take him sailing on their boat. I wasn’t invited for the sweet little sail down the islands and back, so I know that none of the 3 accused are my friends.

  25. Piece Uh De Rock, just when I thought all the black men in Barbados were skin teet pooch sniffers. I’m reminded of my younger days in the ’80s when I first got hold of some speeches by Malcolm X

  26. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right

    So let us discuss the white man’s agency the Drug Enforcement Agency report with another pretend white man Crusoe.

    It reads “…The United States Drug Enforcement Administration’s Website includes a report entitled The Drug Trade in the Caribbean: A Threat Assessment (n.d.) that provides the following information on narcotics and narcotics trafficking in Barbados:

    Barbados is one of the small islands that comprise the eastern edge of the Caribbean transit zone for drugs traveling from South America to the United States, Canada, and Europe.

    Drug traffickers use Barbados and the other islands of the Lesser Antilles as a staging area for airdrops and smuggling by small vessel. Most of the cocaine seized in Barbados comes from couriers that transit Barbados’ Grantley Adams International Airport. The airport is a major international hub that provides daily direct flights to the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom (UK)…”

    Now i am sure that the pretend white man Crusoe is going to say that the White man at the DEA is falsifying information

    OR he will say that the smuggling on small vessels is all orchestrated by “certain of us” euphemism for wunna black people causing de white people does not do dese sort of things nor can “a man as rich as Croesus” do something like this.

    Jesus Christ dies again and is resurrected in the body of A Charles Herbert blameless citizen.

    Let me show you how people like you think and by your very words one can convict you as a racist.

    At 9.13 pm in your last post you said and I quote “..I have no interest in discussing anything with you…”

    When de ole man said invite you to a table to sit down, I was not speaking of your ingrunt RH Crusoe’

    Nor was i talking of my black ass.

    I was referring to blacks and whites and peoples of different persuasions of the skin meeting and talking at the table

    Let me explain someting to you further you RH not one of wunna fly by night Mo Fo’s got enough money to invest in anything that de ole man can conduit into this sphere.

    You do not have the necessary grey matter to do so, all you know is to import merchandise and sell or build buildings and sell dem. NOT ONE EF ELSE.

    The younger ones among you have a more reasonable position but if dem remain among you when wunna racist asses gone we going be in the same place IF NOT WORSE cause de poor man going be poorer and the rich one going to be richer.

    Welcome to Slavery a la 2020’s.

    I understand that wunna is “hand to mouth” Crusoe and i sight dat when a black man will stand up to wunna mo fo’s it are is a problem.

    And this is why when I talk to de black mo fo’s dat supposed to be empowering we niggers this is why i say what i say about the so called microenterprise institutions cause dem unwittingly are part of your ilk’s new age enslavement programme.

  27. Hants boy, it look like it is down to you … SS running!!

    Maybe PUDR will assist and spread the load.

  28. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right

    I had posted this earlier and it didnt come through but I realise it is Saturday probably around ten there so the Honourable Blogmaster and the rest of the BU Borg are probably at dinner

    While only tangentially related to this matter de ole man sought to bring up a topic that the Drug Accused sorry Accused Importer of Drugs and Chairman of Goddards Enterprise Limited Charles Herbert referred to – The Royal Barbados Police Force

    In one of their annual reports they state and I quote ”…The Force had to once again contend with the challenge of finding suitable applicants to fill existing vacancies in the rank of Police Constable.

    One developing trend was the high failure rate among persons when scored on the question of previous drug use. As a consequence of the prevailing deficit, the actual strength of the constabulary was one thousand, four hundred and eighteen. This contrasted with the established strength which was one thousand, five hundred and twenty-eight…”

    A few things jumped out at the ole man as i am sure they jumped out at all of you but i will repeat them in light of what the Chairman said.

    1.THE RBPF seems to be operating at less than their capacity.

    2.They admit that there is a challenge of finding suitably qualified candidates

    3.And last but not least BUT most disturbing of these three, is my imputed belief that in these times THE RBPF seems to be relying on “asking potential policemens if they have used drugs before”

    Say it ent so, or even if it is so, say that each person has to go through a test to see effing dem is candidates for Lord Evils of Bounty’s or whomever’s Pension plan for avaricious policemens.

    I would rely on the policemenses among you both the real and the pretend ones to advise de ole man as to whether entry to the RBPF is attended by a blood test and IF THERE ARE REGULAR PISS TESTS for policemenses during their tenure with the honourable RBPF.

    De ole man is jes asking and do not have any information in me possession like de almost killing of Nazzim Blackett by 8 officers, nor has de ole man been communicating with Barbados Underground WhistleBlower who seems to know the names of all these criminals

    Let de ole man give you and anyone who is interested in submitting information to BU some tips

    1.create a mock ID with an unknown email provider
    2.do that on a computer that is not your own OR
    3.Install VMWARE and start to bog from there. this means that your machine will not be connected to your OS unless and until you seek to access your HD or SDD.
    4.Install a VPN on that Virtual machine and choose an IP in another country
    5.Use a browser in your virtual machine and Check on http://www.IP-Tracker.org to see where you are being reported to be blogging from. It will show you somewhere other than barbados

    Put any files that you have to share on a SDD and then log onto Barbados underground and upload the files to the confidential box that the BU blogmaster provides


    Metadata relates to data that identifies the source authorship and if you are the author you have to clean it first.

    Do not for example send Word files in their native format because what happens is that the file captures the name of the author of other identifying information from the time you install word and put in that type of info.

    Original documents WHICH YOU HAVE AUTHORED have to go through a few steps like (a) being cleaned in the original Word processor and then sent to Adobe Acrobat (NOT THE READER) and then cleaned again with its metadata cleaner.

    Before you print the document to PDF YOU MUST “PROTECT THE DOCUMENT” using the function that is in the Adobe Programme and Remove Hidden Information.

    It will run a routine which will count to 100% and then you press remove and then print.

    The resulting document is clean of all traces of your authorship.

    Then you can upload those documents ONLY THE FINALIZED PDFs.

    The Blogmaster will check and clean up the documents UPON RECEIPT at any rate

    As an additional bit of advise de ole man will advise that you do not accept any incoming pdfs even at your spun up virtual machine,

    You can read mail and text sent to you BUT DO NOT ACCEPT ANYTHING FROM ANYONE

  29. @Piece at 6:31 PM “There is a hotel called Kings Bay i think that was managed by a white man…”

    CORRECTION: Kings Beach at Road View, St. Peter, Barbados. Walter Matthisen was the white German man’s name”

    Whatever became of Wally?

  30. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right

    Honourable Blogmaster,

    You are backcounting the posts

    They are going to 326 and then back to 325 lololol.

    I like i getting the rest of the BU Borg vex

    But wunna should not be vex cause wunna is part of the 95% technically

    We want wunna to do a ting doah heheheheheh

  31. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right

    @ Simple Simon

    He “left” the island even though there was a case pending against him NEVER TO BE SEEN AGAIN and not a man jack every sought to pursue him

  32. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right

    @ Crusoe

    Your mother never told you that you are not to play with fire!!!

    Say another word my man EFFING YOU IS A BAD MAN and watch how soon your phone will light up from 90**.

    Go for it pretend white man!

    Play with it some more!

    Let us see how your imputations will measure with the pretentions of record

    Before you do this let de ole man warn you to call first and get a clearance cause you OF ALL PEOPLE WOULD NOT WANT TO LOOSE THAT “PICK” or is it more correctly called INVESTMENT heheheheheheheh

    Steupseee leh de ole man go back to Drug Importers of which Herbert is purported to be one

  33. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right

    The post that is mysteriously not appearing is the one which benefited from the comments of the Luminary Mr. Jeff Cumberbatch

    Since that is not showing here I will try to compose it again so if it shows up dont blame me BU-ers

    In the dated DEA Report titled “The Drug Trade in the Caribbean: A Threat Assessment ”

    it states “…Marijuana is grown for local consumption on a small scale; however, Barbados receives the bulk of its marijuana shipments from St. Vincent and the Grenadines via go-fast boats and fishing vessels. Marijuana is imported from Colombia as well. St. Vincent marijuana sells for US$700 per pound while the Colombia marijuana can sell for as much as US$2,000 per pound. Some local marijuana traffickers have received cocaine as payment for transportation expenses…”

    The point that the ole man was making AND WILL MAKE HERE AGAIN even if the drugs were priced at the low end that would mean 267 lbs times $1400 BBS or $373,000 and at the higher $4,000/lb it is $1,068,000

    But oh Luminary that pricing is from 18 years ago and unless the drug industry is also undergoing a recession or devaluation one would at least think that that the assessment of the RBPF and for that matter the courts IS ERRONEOUS, or I should say, unwittingly undervalued, and consequently the bail that was sought was equally undervalued.

    I do hope that you entertain my drivel kind sir which, while not asking a question, DIRECTLY, asks a question INDIRECTLY heheheheheheh (which is was the amount purposely undervalued so that while the two white boys would be able to obtain a surety THEY DID NOT WANT THE AMOUNT THAT PRESCOD (the mastermind behind these drugs according to John & Crusoe) NEEDED TO RAISE to be A BRIDGE TOO FAR?)

  34. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right

    $373,800 errata

  35. BARBADOS (Naked Departure) — RE: CHARLES HERBERT AND CREW — OSSIE MOORE wrote: I know that all of Buhbados _ Barbados is surprised to find out that white Barbadians are into drug (and gun running) but Ossie Moore is no surprised at all (Naked Departure readers are not surprised at all by this development).

    But first let me begin by saying that nothing will ever come out of this drug bust because this is just the tip of the iceberg. They are politicians, law enforcement and military officials and probably Magistrates and Judges involved in this operation, but something went DREADFULLY WRONG that this shipment of drugs were caught. . . ..DREADFULLY WRONG! ! !

    I can guarantee the whole of BUHBADOS _ Barbados that this is not the first time that this yacht / individuals were involved in drug running.


    I mean the whole world knows that a black person in Barbados can get arrested and sent to jail for stealing a pint and a half bottle of white rum but yet still a white man’s boat filled with drugs ( and probably guns) and not one person will spend a day in jail (they get sent to jail for picking up empty bottles).

    Barbados is the only country in the world where white folks can never get arrested (yes, it’s the ONLY slave society in the world).

    Look at the past instances where white people in Barbados have dropped their pants and told black Barbados and the Police to kiss their a** :

    (1) A white man (Swayne ) back in the 50’s shoots and kills a black bajan boy because Swayne’s wife tells him that the black boy was shaking his penis at her. The young man had just finished peeing and as people know men tend to shake their penis after relieving themselves in order to get rid of the excess water on their penis. But she is looking out of the window and sees the boy behind a tree shaking his penis and told Swayne that the black bay was shaking his dick*y at her. White man Swayne shoots and kills the black bajan boy and does not spend a day in jail.

    (2) A white man murders his son while ( he claims ) that he was cleaning a gun in Barbados . . . . . . again a white man walks away Scott free.

    (3) A white woman goes missing in Barbados and gangs of white people get together with guns and threaten to shoot up and kill black Barbados if this white woman is not found within hours . . . . .. not one white person is arrested.

    (4) A white Canadian Priest in Barbados back in the late 60’s strangles his wife and 5 year old son Owen just before going to preach the sermon. Returns to the rectory and sounds the alarm that his family has been murdered. Barbados police in a hurry to solve the murder and to satisfy white Canada arrest innocent black Wingrove Brathwaite who is then hung for the murders. The white Canadian murderer returns to Canada and tells black Barbados to kiss his a*.

    (5) A white Canadian woman has a relationship with Singer Rudy Boyce in Barbados and when her white family in Canada finds out that she is having relations with a black man she is forced to cry ” rape ” . . . .Rudy goes to jail for 5 years.


    So the point here is black bajans as far as criminal charges are concerned this ” white drug/gun running ring thing is over. WHITE PEOPLE DO NOT GO TO JAIL IN BUHBADOS _ BARBADOS.

    Now to add my few cents . . .there are a lot of a* hole bajans who talk a lot of cu*t about the USA this and the USA that. If Barbados was the USA those white folks would have already been arrested, charged, jailed and the names, pictures and everything about them from the day they were born would have already been scattered worldwide.

    Bajans! It would have been a different situation if these white bajans had gotten caught by the WHITE USA COAST GUARD. Ossie Moore

    Agreed! Slavery is alive and well in Barbados, and Black Bajans LOVE IT SO!!
    It’s the ‘culture’, which is known to Naked Departure as a TERMINAL ILLNESS, INFECTION. If DODDS really worked, it will be filled with WHITE PEOPLE…, and attention would be given to blacks to teach them their TRUE history and help them to mend. Naked Departure

  36. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right

    De grandson jes get home and jes send dis picture for wunna to remember this incident by


  37. The benefits of keeping marijuana as an illegal drug have been exposed. It has nothing to with the health and welfare of the young black population but everything to do with the preservation of the wealth of the minority.

  38. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    Two or perhaps three years ago, a regular brass tacks caller committed suicide. The gentleman , had sometime before lost his two sons , to an unfortunate drowning accident. I listened in utter shock, as moderator Peter Wickham, gave a long diatribe , telling listeners to not allow the stressful times under Freundel Stuart and his government, make them so depressed, that they may attempt suicide. Later reports stated that the gentleman was found hands out stretched on the graves of his sons. Grieving for the lost of a child, can be an extremely debilitating experience. Wickham, in his haste, to politically bury Stuart and company, forgot that the gentleman was perhaps still in grief from his tragic loss.
    A few days ago, I read in one of the papers, Mr. Charles Herbert a prominent white business man and corporate high flyer, declared that he was charged, for drug trafficking because the country was under tremendous stress, due primarily to the rough times , experienced under Stuart and company and it was looking for blood.
    Freundel Stuart’s failed economic policies have therefore been blamed for a Black citizen committing suicide and a white citizen being charged for drug trafficking.
    Hal Austin, a much maligned contirbutor to this blog, has often said that Barbados is a failed state. Each time he has repeated it, Imake it a point to oppose his position.
    I can now publicly state that Hal maybe on to something because if in the space of three years, mismanagement of our country, can be blamed for a suicide and a criminal offense by a Black citizen and a white citizen; it proves beyond a shadow of doubt that we have entered the twilight zone.
    So, should Mr. Herbert end up in prison , he can blame the DLP and if he walks free, he would no doubt claim , that it is the BLP’s economic policies that gave him his freedom. How ignorant can we get ?

  39. Let me register my disgust at the foul language being used by some of your commentators. I am appalled that they are not censored.

  40. Akenantyl,

    Swayne was not in the 1950s, but the 1930s. Grantley Adams represented Swayne. Not your fault, pal, it is the poor job done by our historians.

  41. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ John Carter

    Get to he’ll out of dodge city

    Is it three black men dat het shoot down by you in Hope road in st Lucy?

    You understand how this shit does wuk?

    We tired reading John Carter

    We poor black menses tired getting shoot pun we block when de day come while you and de rest uh dem in de garrison or Kensington first class stands HOBNOBBING WITH THE VERY rich and famous

    AK47 bullets does come through de wooden walls in we houses John Carter.

    And our behinds gine cuss and agitate until someting get done.

    It is because of wunna sitting down pun wunna ads for 10 years all dis shite happen but we dun wid dat.

    Your ads and mine frighten to go and stand up pun spring garden cause some assholes going be looking to kill somebody again this year.

    Why is that John Carter of Mars cause you got your head up your pooch with this nice talk while my niggers killing udder niggers

    Go and sleep my man cause wunna ent see cussing yet.

    You feel dat the 30-0 campaign was rough

    Watch We Now.

    Dis chutney gots to change or what Dr he’ll is it worth getting up for Carter?


    Instead of our parents breeding men and women dem breeding cunts and female rabbits

  42. @PUDRYR

    Based on your comments those charged including Prescod are guiltily?

  43. The following query was received by BU under confidential cover.

      Is it true that the three crew members cleared immigration, customs and were at home when they were called back to the boat by the Coast Guard?
      Is it true that several people were seen on the boat after the crew left the boat and the Coast Guard arrived?
  44. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    “But out of this has exhibited enough people who share your mentality and it surely advises potential investors, and others, adequately.”

    Crusie…that kinda threat is not working with present and fiture generations of blacks though, they know they do not need white or indian or syrian people to survive, they are stronger in numbers..over 270,000 and can survive better without the parasites in the minority communty sucking anymore of their blood or using their existence to survive, they are now fully aware that minorities live off their existence and they are much better off without the crooked pretend investors most of whom are criminals. .

    The black population can rebuild on their own.

    Yall will have to come with a better excuse to try to cling on to black lives for survival.

    The Cartel needs to be broken up, the minority drug trade through the Caribbean must end.

  45. William is still lamenting and suffering the mental anguish of his catastrophic loss and utter rejection in St Michael West in the 1991 General Election when he couldn’t even muster 150 votes in a riding with 6000 eligible voters.What a convincing purveyor of things current.
    Hal Austin,newspaperman extraordinaire,can be counted upon to get his ‘facts’ wrong more often than not,Daily Mirror style.Check the real facts Hal.For once use google.I did a lil fella,always like nuff reading.I remember it.

  46. I have no doubt that that information received under confidential cover was sent by the agents of Herbert to muddy the water.

    On the one hand they are decrying social media yet they busy on BU,they on facebook,they sending,sending out WhatsApp messages,they commenting on Bdos Today – now they sending confidential info to this site.

    That info seem suspiciously strange to me.

    What it is they really trying to say that the Bdos Coast Guard is so unprofessional that they allow the 3 persons to disembark,leave the port,go home,bathe,change and do whatever and then call them back – and they manage to get all of them back at the same time.
    Wuh skippa,from the time I hearing they are calling all of us back (if that did ever true) then I would be calling ‘the great Andrew Pilgrim’ and ask him to come down there wid we.Steupes.

    They sounding too desperate now man.

    Every institution they busing now boasie.The DPP,the Coast Guard, the Police Hierachy,the DLP – who else next?
    One thing I am pondering on – if it is that the customs cleared them – It is making me wonder about whistleblower earlier posts about some custom officers’ behavior down at Port St Charles.They need to check the custom officers who were on and do some back checking to see if they were always on when that yacht came in.

    Don’t forget David/BU posted that there is a WhatsApp video going around of them loading up the yacht in Grenada.

  47. Well Well & Cut N' Paste At Your Service Avatar
    Well Well & Cut N’ Paste At Your Service

    Ah want to see who is brave enough to go pick up more shipments..lol

  48. If the video can be released of the boat being loaded it would counter much the speculation being conveyed as fact by some on social media.

  49. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    @Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right – Practicing to be a CSI policeman WITHOUT A LICENCE July 28, 2018 8:27 PM
    “the assessment of the RBPF and for that matter the courts IS ERRONEOUS, or I should say, unwittingly undervalued,”
    The 267 pounds of cannabis was valued by the RBPF at $2000 per pound. This is exactly in the range that you quote the DEA document as specifying for drugs that originate in St Vincent, allowing for some inflation since the DEA document was published. On the other hand the original valuation of $3 million is an astonishing $11,236 per pound: well beyond what your cited document establishes as the true value.

    Your argument that the cannabis has been undervalued is not at all supported by the document that you cite as an authority.

  50. A comment snagged from elsewhere:

    Unfortunately, any forward momentum that has been made in the community with employers hiring ex-cons has just been blown out of the water. This case has the potential to negatively impact many lives and futures due to mistrust and possible lack of access to employment. Who now will take the chance now hiring someone with a criminal past.

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