[Barbados Underground]  Yes Jeff, Charles Herbert faces a monumental task, not least because he has already been convicted in the court of public opinion. The social meaning of the case has become about the history of race relations in Barbados, so although the court case is supposed to consider the evidence dispassionately, I am not certain that a jury will lack bias

1,362 responses to “Chairman of Goddards Enterprises Asserts His Innocence”

  1. Piece Uh De ROck Yeah Right - now Leader of the Opposition because ... Avatar
    Piece Uh De ROck Yeah Right – now Leader of the Opposition because …

    @ Money Brain

    You said and i quote “…Critical Question–where are the Courts going to locate unbiased Jurors in Bim??????????????????…”

    You are confusing “bias” with “being informed on a matter”

    Courts all over the world are now seized of the fact that with social media promulgation the average person is not as isolated from mainstream news as before.

    It is therefore the responsibility of the lawyers choosing/objecting as it relates to the jury’s selection, to try to assess “bias” not knowledge of a matter.

    Any lawyer who would argue that knowledge of a matter is BIAS is an idiot and should not be hired by any of the defendants

    If you send me your private email in square brackets I would send you some episodes of Perry Mason and Judd for the Defence to watch and to sharpen up your wits.

    I will ask Dr. GP to send the names of a few Enid Blyton hardcover books so that you can bring up your detective skills too.

    This is the sort of novels myopes like us expose ourselves to AND AS YOU CAN SEE it works for us relatively well heheheheheheheh

    Dr. GP I still heah laughing bout dat Enid Blyton comment whuloss you and Mariposa going kill de ole man doah and the Sage…

  2. Leader of de Opposition Cause Enuff of Lorenzo tell me so - sorry me fingers miss & type dis Avatar
    Leader of de Opposition Cause Enuff of Lorenzo tell me so – sorry me fingers miss & type dis

    As one of the best known blogger would say Oh Shirt!!

    Honourable Blogmaster – “…There is a Whapsapp message making the rounds that suggest the Grenada authorities handed over a video to show the vessel being loaded…”

    If that is true then LET US HOPE THAT it will show ALL of the parties boarding in addition to the loading AND WHO WAS THERE TO OVERSEE THE LOADING.

    Whuloss…whu even Perry Mason ent show CCTV in one uh he cases…!!!

  3. I too wondered why Herbert didn’t allow his mouth piece (Pilgrim) to speak on his behalf after all Pilgrim is no shrinking violet and he could just as easily have said “My clients are prominent businessmen with unblemished records and strong ties to the community and I intend to prove that there are not guilty when the preponderance of evidence is examined”.

    Instead Herbert used the opportunity to deliver his take of a “diabolical forces” speech intended to cast suspicion on the spent force that is the DLP and other unknown actors.

    BTW I thought the Bajan populace’s appetite for blood was sated when it delivered a 30-0 defeat to the DLP but somewhere Freundel is trying to translate schadenfreude into Latin.

  4. Sargeant,

    There is always a first time for a criminal. That is why police rarely say someone is of good character. They always say nothing is known about them.

  5. Furthermore the stacking of deck against the black guy can happen when character witnesses are presented to show a favourable side of Charles Herbert


    Charles Herbert has a surety … or character witness!!!

    What are the requirements of a surety?

    Can anyone be a surety?

    Could Simple Simon for example be a surety for Mr. Prescod?

    The non existence of a surety for Mr. Prescod is telling.

    Here is how it works in Australia.


    A surety seems to be a character witness, but one with skin in the game, willing to put his/her possessions on the line.

    No high words … just actions.

    Mr. Prescod has no one it would appear.

    No amount of words can alter this fact.

    It is sad.

    Anyone meeting the requirements of the court could go in and unstack the deck for the “black” guy,

    SS, you could commit the land you often speak of … but don’t mention the part about the marijuana farming.

    Assets will work too!!

    Mariposa, try and persuade SS and the two of you go and stand surety for Mr. Prescod.

    He needs some friends.

  6. Before the word Police come for me

    that they are not guilty….

  7. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ John July 28, 2018 9:48 AM
    “But if you google it you will find the slave [Tituba] was a South American Indian!!”

    So everything that you, John the Quaker historian on all things slavery, “google” on the Internet is ‘gospel’ fact?

    If what you regurgitated is gospel could you explain to the BU ‘ignorati’ the Barbados connection?

    Wasn’t the Reverend Parris, the god-fearing father of one of the ‘demon-possessed’ girls, a resident of Barbados who migrated to the town of Salem?

    Isn’t it more highly probable that Tituba was a slave girl of African descent who was the house servant of the goodly slave-loving man of a European god?

    Wasn’t the witchcraft practiced by Tituba similar to voodoo aka obeah, revealing her West African cultural roots?

    Isn’t it also likely that she could have been the genetic product of miscegenation between an indigenous Barbadian (Amerindian) and a West African importee (in your apologetic language: a refugee fleeing from the carnage of the Muslim slave traders); hence the South American Indian-looking connection?

    Maybe the peripatetic Reverend Parris took a trip to Brazil on a slave-trading ship called the “Jesus of Lübeck 11”owned by his Jewish friends in Christ and captured the exotically beautiful Tituba for his own house pet.

    What about that Mr. Google(er)?

  8. Piece,
    The key problem with your point is that Perry Mason et al operated in large countries with different laws, different mix of people, different history. Buhbadus dont operate so. If Pieces was in CH position U know U would be pissing blood when the jury is selected. Can’t even fine 12 independent thinking people pun here. No DEMs on Jury, Mariposa / AC ????

  9. 3 men on a boat with half million dollars of marijuana.

    2 rich enough to pay for the best legal defence that could include strategists spin doctors.

    1 too poor to get bail.

    Money buys the best results.

  10. Wasn’t the witchcraft practiced by Tituba similar to voodoo aka obeah, revealing her West African cultural roots?


    There you go assuming voodoo originates in West Africa.

    If you do some reading you will see its origins are unknown!!!

    It could very well have been the religion of the native Amerindians which the Europeans came and found in South America and the Caribbean.

    … which could also explain its appearance in Salem through Tituba.

  11. TInniss
    There was no attempt to connect Herbert, Parris and Jong. My contribution focused on your pure, unbridled hypocrisy, and your response further proves me right. I am not one backing the white boys–I made it clear from the outset I am not CSI.
    On Jong, I merely stated that it is not uncommon for a political consultant to work for more than one client. Have you found out yet if Jong is paid by Skerritt?

  12. Georgie Porgie Avatar
    Georgie Porgie


  13. Hants
    July 28, 2018 2:17 PM

    3 men on a boat with half million dollars of marijuana.
    2 rich enough to pay for the best legal defence that could include strategists spin doctors.
    1 too poor to get bail.
    Money buys the best results.


    You are ignoring the need for a surety!!!

    Money doesn’t provide a surety …. it is the other way around.

  14. Hants, you could join SS and Mariposa and stand surety … but tell SS to go easy on the marijuana farming!!

  15. Even when bail is granted, the accused will still face the charges in a court of law when a trial date is set. Once granted bail it just means that the court is of the view that the accused will stand his/ her trial and is not a flight risk or a danger to the community.

    Source, wiki.

    The fact that Charles Herbert and Chris Rogers are out on bail means the court is of the view that both will stand trial and are not flight risks or dangers to the community.

    Once they stand trial, regardless of the outcome, the surety will be relieved of the responsibility and get back whatever cash or security deposited.

    No one so far has come forward for Mr. Prescod.

  16. ….. not SS, not Mariposa and not Hants.

  17. YES Hants you are overly influenced by the OJ case. haha

  18. Mr. Prescod could also be rich, but it will be of no use because I doubt the Court would accept him as a surety for himself.

    Money and wealth are very different.

    A friend in time of need is all the wealth a man may have …. or needs.

  19. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    If ‘Herb’ert had the actuarial foresight of the eventual commercialization of mary jane in Barbados he could have spotted the ‘green and gold’ business opportunity of cultivating his ‘red-‘lands plantation into the herb capital of the region and to not only put once arable (now idle) lands back into profitable ‘grass’ but be also saving millions in forex which have to be found to make the mary jane overseas business pimps into fast ‘high’-heeled millionaires.

    Had he done that instead of exposing himself on the risky high seas, he would have spared himself the life-long embarrassment of finding himself in such a ‘smelly’ but unproven mess of political and racial intrigue.

    He would have been heralded as a great ‘saviour’ of the forex-leaking Bajan economy and be regaled as a ‘modern’ pioneer in the revitalization and restructuring of agriculture in Bim and be seen as a winning captain of agri-business worthy of the knighthood of Sir Arthur (you just cannot have two Sir Charles in little lilywhite Bimshire).

    Where there is no vision Bajan businesses- with their ‘only import-and-sell’ mandate as their mission- will fail or be taken over by foreign interests.

    With its fallen white god-father- now morally dethroned in his heavenly business kingdom, would the Gel conglomerate like the BST with its managerial Achilles heel exposed be put on the auction block for South American bidders only, namely Colombian Mafiosi?

  20. ss july 27 845 you wrote 311 I only repeated roughly what you claimed,.do you actually read what you write?
    Mariposa how do you know the drugs werent going from barbados to grenada ? you know you grow that shit there.to. Maybe put on board before the trip by somebody at the port..

  21. NorthernObserver Avatar

    @Yatink, Sarge
    I couldn’t agree more. If CH said anything, it should have been, “we look forward to the opportunity to prove our innocence “. End. Better still, let his attorney do the talking.
    If those with the responsibility to press charges, had freed these two based on whatever evidence they have, the result could have made that pissy, little peaceful march look like child’s play.

  22. Sargeant
    So far all of what Mottley has broadcasted has been in her capacity as Prime Minister, not leader of the BLP. Truth be told, the post of PM and party leader are one in the same 99% of the time. Apart from branch meetings and annual conferences, they will be no need for Mia not to speak as PM even if the lines are blurred sometimes. And as I said from the outset, information and communication are not the same.
    Here is what the GIS does:
    “This Department is responsible for the dissemination of public information to the various news media and the general public. The BGIS was established in 1958 in response to the need to inform and educate the public regarding government and its activities.” The key words are dissemination and public. Ask yourself if there isn’t a clear void. Jong is communications consultant to the PM not the government. What are the PM’s communications objectives, just disseminate info to the public, or real communication (a two way exercise), including with other Cabinet members and key personnel? Study it.🤣

  23. “Fantino locked up a lot of black men for possessing weed now he jumped to the front of the line to profit from it now it is being legalised.”

    That is what the hypocrites and criminals in Barbados do, all uppity business class and pretenders , without waiting for Cannabis to be legalized, they relish gleefully when someone black is busted with the drug, while they are the ones trafficking large quantities and jumping in front to make sure they are the only ones making hundreds of millions from drug and gun running…

    Ah bet not many of them want to jump in front to hog everything now though, not today, not since “Herb’ert”…lol

    Good one Miller.

    Ah guess the cost of getting ya drugs and guns into Barbados through the ports just quadrupled in the 5 days since that bust.

  24. “If ‘Herb’ert had the actuarial foresight of the eventual commercialization of mary jane in Barbados he could have spotted the ‘green and gold’ business opportunity of cultivating his ‘red-‘lands plantation into the herb capital of the region and to not only put once arable (now idle) lands back into profitable ‘grass’ but be also saving millions in forex which have to be found to make the mary jane overseas business pimps into fast ‘high’-heeled millionaires.”

    Now Mia can allow the people who have actually been going to prison for it grow, reap, produce from it’s derivatives and profit from it..

    …..the minorities are too greedy and will believe they are the only ones entitled to get wealthy from the plant…let them continue to sell their cocaine until they get caught.

  25. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right

    @ John the Quaker

    Look John (leader of the society of friends) let me Leader of the Opposition (because Enuff of Lorenzo said so) speak to you another leader heheheheheh

    As sure as day followeth night a surety will be found for Prescod by Monday.

    It makes sense that the po’ black man, who being charged more bail, NOT FIND A SURETY at the same time as his white bosses (bosses in the sense of their positions at GEL and not as the ringleaders of the drug importation)

    Dis is why PCR (PCR (polymerase chain reaction) tests should be used for many of you to determine wunna DNA. I hope i copy and paste dat right Dr. GP heheheheheh)

    BU is not the world and certainly we would hope that in the JURY SELECTION the selectors will not ask “are you one of the BU bloggers?”

    Whu John it would be a good badword idjit who would respond “Yes Sir, I am AC and i blogs dere every day as my job”

    When it gets to trial what will happen is that Andrew Pilgrim will most assuredly pool the 5% of your brethren to be chosen to deliberate for Herbert and Rogers and he will be set free becausing “white people, especially those as rich as Croesus” do not commit crimes

    there is a skit with richard prior and that williams fellow who committed suicide Mork from Ork done about a famous book dat I forget now, I getting ole John, but you should google it

    Here it be

    I may inform on the selection choices of your jury and their DNA

  26. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right

    @ the Honourable Blogmaster your assistance please with an item thank you

  27. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ John July 28, 2018 2:21 PM
    “There you go assuming voodoo originates in West Africa.
    If you do some reading you will see its origins are unknown!!!
    It could very well have been the religion of the native Amerindians which the Europeans came and found in South America and the Caribbean.
    … which could also explain its appearance in Salem through Tituba.”

    What are you implying here Rev. Quaker John?
    That the black slaves imported like cargo from the West Coast of Africa were so irreligiously paganistic, therefore they had to ‘borrow’ or copy the religion of the sickly natives ‘dying-out’ from the white man diseases?

    Even your ‘white-Christianity-peddling’ a fable of a white god- with a forgiving Apollo son of a white man and a woman as virginal as Eve- could not eliminate, in toto, the magnifying magic of the black slaves’ spiritual heritage.

    So the same way white men raped black slave women to get mulattoes so too did the mixing of the European religious rituals with the natural spirituality of the West African slaves produce voodoo or obeah; the practice of which was banned by the European, drum-beating included.

    But we must recognize your magnanimous admission that Voodoo or Obeah has as much status as a ‘Religion’ as any other including your white man-made Christianity ‘religiously’ practiced by the very slave owners and traders.

  28. What are you implying here Rev. Quaker John?
    That the black slaves imported like cargo from the West Coast of Africa were so irreligiously paganistic, therefore they had to ‘borrow’ or copy the religion of the sickly natives ‘dying-out’ from the white man diseases?


    Why is Voodoo found in Haiti, formerly Hispaniola and not Barbados?

    Did the slaves going to Hispaniola not come from the same West Africa?

    What specific practices in Voodoo have you found in your wide research are similar to practices in Obeah?

    Hispaniola had a thriving Taino population when the Spaniards arrived, Barbados appears to have had a sparse population.

    The name Tituba in the slave registers in the 800K slave names does not exist.

    Yarico however does, throughout the British colonial dependencies.

    If African slaves copied a native name, it is pretty easy to see they may well have adopted Voodoo which may well have been a native religion … long before they arrived!!

  29. As sure as day followeth night a surety will be found for Prescod by Monday.


    I will be glad for him because it will mean he has atleast one friend who will stand by him.

  30. “Maybe Lawson can explain who pay for that massive haul of drugs found on the boat and where was Charles Herbert when the boat was being loade”

    Yeah..Lawson want hauling in, he might have information..lol

  31. Why has GEL not suspended Charles Herbert until this matter is resolved? This is what happens in civilised societies. Barbados is a failed society.

  32. NorthernObserver Avatar

    CH is a NON-executive Chairman. He has been replaced by the Vice Chairman and suspended pending the outcome of these proceedings.
    Is Barbados still a failed society?

  33. Why do you bother?

  34. NorthernObserver Avatar

    @john 3.40
    That’s a time not my new rendition of the scriptures.
    Totally inappropriate and uncalled for.

  35. Talking Loud Saying Nothing Avatar
    Talking Loud Saying Nothing

    @ Piece,
    Maybe you saw the satire in that video clip however I did not. It was an accurate portrayal of Barbados circa 2018. Mr Charles Herbert must be reclining in his settee with a big fat cigar in his mouth having a good chuckle at this video, for he knows that Barbados has an antiquated attitude towards race.

    The chances of himself and his white pal been found guilty are zero. I wish i could say the same for his incarcerated black co-worker. Barbados is both a failed and a backward state; and will never progress unless her black majority population are given equal rights.

  36. John
    July 28, 2018 3:38 PM

    Remember that the slave involved in the Salem Witch Trials was reportedly of West Indian, I believe Barbadian, origin.

  37. John, Sorry, now seen that you already referred to it.

  38. I see some of you are still busy finding Herbert guilty at all costs. No reasoned discussions, just one sided bloodlust.

    Would have been expected from Mariposa (support the former waste of time government at all costs), but some of the rest of you…..

    As they say, people will eventually show their true colors over time.

    Well Well may have a blog that is somewhat scandalous, but at least she does it from a real desire for good, even if her ways are somewhat misplaced sometimes.

    But some of the rest of you are vitriol incarnate, hidden under the surface, with pretense at being ‘honorable’ men, and women.

    Goes to show…time truly reveals all.

  39. Crusoe…and this too shall pass, it always does.

  40. I am convinced Hal is going senile or malicious. The mattervod the man being replaced was discussed on the other blog days ago. I echo–why do you bother?🤣🤣

  41. “Barbados is both a failed and a backward state; and will never progress unless her black majority population are given equal rights.”

    Cannot be given..it has to be TAKEN….it is THEIR INALIENABLE RIGHTS…they better not sit on their asses waiting for someone to GIVE it to the…they better TAKE IT.

    Don’t tell me the majority black population and their weak ass leaders and governments have been WAITING for 52 years for someone to give them rights? you joking right….Mia better do something about this lack of consciousness and education.

    Even if I only posted the UN 30 Articles of Universal Rights for every man woman and child on this earth last year…those rights were ratified since 1948..

    ….even if the two vicious governments kept the information from the people for decades, it’s all over the internet these days..

    ……so no black person in Barbados or anywhere in the Caribbean should be WAITING for anyone to give them their rights…do you see any of the shithound lawyers advocating for any human rights, except for a few, they would quicker rob you, so ya better get up and take your rights from those couple thousand people who have been exploiting and oppressing you..

  42. Talking Loud Saying Nothing Avatar
    Talking Loud Saying Nothing

    I could have said “taken” but it would have brought out the usual crazy tag partners.

  43. lol..let them come out, it is about time they get used to the changes, they are not babies, they just think they are too freaking entitled, at other people’s expense…time for them to grow up..

  44. Talking Loud,

    If a people continue to look inward they lose all sense of what is happening in the wider world. A people sitting in a theatre facing the stage can easily imagine that what is taking place on the stage is reality when the real action is taking place at the back of the theatre.
    Sadly, nearly all our institutions, including the church, have failed to come up to modern standards.. Look at the Anglican church, as obsessed as gangsters about the election of a bishop. How humiliating.
    But modern Bajans believe in the perverse motto: my country right or wrong.

  45. Northern Observer,

    My apologies. But where does it say that Charles Herbert is a non-executive chairman of GEL? And where does it say he has been suspended? Was any reason given for his alleged suspension? I have seen that he is chairman and that his deputy is now acting chairman. Have I missed a trick?

  46. Georgie Porgie Avatar
    Georgie Porgie

    RE Sadly, nearly all our institutions, including the church, have failed to come up to modern standards.. Look at the Anglican church, as obsessed as gangsters about the election of a bishop. How humiliating.


  47. https://barbadostoday.bb/2018/07/27/give-us-a-chance/

    Glad to see Mia addressing the blocks, these young people need opportunities, that have been denied them, their parents and grandparents, as long as young people can use their skills, their intellect and know others are listening to them instead of talking down to them, there will be a big difference in fortunes for the depressed areas.

    Too may people for the last 50 years did not get the opportunities that are theirs by right, time to right that wrong.

  48. Talking Loud Saying Nothing Avatar
    Talking Loud Saying Nothing

    @ Hal,
    It’s called the Bajan bubble effect. I have noticed that you have come in for some fierce criticism for your objective critical analysis of Bajans and their country over the years. Barbados is a sad country. They know best and must decide for themselves what type of country they would like Barbados to be.

  49. Hal there you go..you have a point on the issue of the suspension of Herbert
    Hal you must understand that ever since this govt took over transparency has taken on the meaning of smoke and mirrors and everything is written in Brielle

  50. Talking Loud,

    Water off a duck’s back. It is a cultural thing. Reason will eventually assert itself. @Mariposa, the chairman of BU calls details nitpicking. As I said, I have not seen any public statement of Mr Herbert being suspended as chairman of GEL, or that his position is a non-executive position. I am still waiting to hear if he is a senior member of the Social Partnership or if he attends meetings in his capacity as chair man of BPSA..

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