[Barbados Underground]  Yes Jeff, Charles Herbert faces a monumental task, not least because he has already been convicted in the court of public opinion. The social meaning of the case has become about the history of race relations in Barbados, so although the court case is supposed to consider the evidence dispassionately, I am not certain that a jury will lack bias

1,362 responses to “Chairman of Goddards Enterprises Asserts His Innocence”

  1. wuhloss..Crusoe and MoneyB…yall here pulling our legs, yall did not say Herbert was part owner of the Ecstasy..is that true…since yall splitting hairs…why was the black dude with no money to bail himself out, the employee of Goddards given 50,000 dollars more bail than those two Goddard top officials, for the same amount of weed….wuh he aint own the boat and it’s clear the marijuana or whatever was not his…same boat…and if Herbert said he was framed that means the low level employee was framed too..

  2. GP, does he not appreciate that half life will raise questions with many here about whether the half to live is white?

  3. If a fishing boat owner , his son and 2 crew went fishing for a few days and drugs were found on the boat when they returned they would all be arrested and charged.

    Even if the owner and his son knew nothing and were innocent they would have to defend themselves in court.

    In the Herbert case there has to be a lawful/legal reason reason why the 3 people who were on the yacht with drugs are charged.

  4. WW,
    I must confess that I was under the impression that you were cleverer. The fella with the higher bail has served prison time for the identical crime before! I would argue his bail should be double or triple!

  5. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right - LoO and Senator Franklyn's Boss cause Enuff of Lorenzo tell me so Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right – LoO and Senator Franklyn’s Boss cause Enuff of Lorenzo tell me so

    @ the Honourable Blogmaster

    I see that you are on shift and therefore there will be equity afforded blogger comments

    First of all there is a Stoopid Cartoon in suspense and I would be grateful for your retrieval of same

    Secondly I should like to send this Stoopid Cartoon for the Senator with the hope, however remote in this fading evening light, that he might “see” the optics and perceived “CONFLICT” that an incoming government that has invited 5 druglords to the opening of the House of Parliament then seeks to have the Speaker of the House so enveigled in this disturbing situation.


    I WILL NOT resort to the Rules of Barbados during a search because LIKE HA, de ole man feels that we are a “failed state” in many ways, particularly as it relates to our economic stability, our social equity and our iniquitous judicial system which affords a day in court for one man and denies that day for another.

    But the following plagiarism comes from a New South Wales website

    “..The Speaker
    The Speaker is the Presiding Officer of the Legislative Assembly and as such must act with both authority and impartiality. The office of the Speaker is recognised in section 31 of the Constitution Act. The Speaker is described as the Legislative Assembly’s “independent and impartial representative”…”

    Let me look up the word impartial for the goodly Senator “adverb – able to judge or consider something fairly without allowing your own interest to influence you…non aligned, unbiased, neutrality”

    Now I would know that the goodly senator will be mighty busy in the trenches with his senatorial duties et al., but the issue here is that you got a sting wid varying amounts of money being pelted about and instead of realizing that your donkey CANNOT DO WHAT YOU USED TO DO BEFORE YOU GET APPOINTED to the MIA CARES TEAM you tek it upon yourself to run helter skelter to a felon who is know to the police for drug trafficking

    But de ole man will defer to the superlative knowledge of the ascended senator who doth bestride the world like a demigod while now we lesser men do butt about seeking dishonourable graves.

    But let us all but tarry a while and such will be our reward as well be it honourable or dishonourable

  6. @Well, Well July 27, 2018 7:28 PM “hy was the black dude with no money to bail himself out, the employee of Goddards given 50,000 dollars more bail than those two Goddard top officials.”

    it is alleged that the other guy is “known” to the courts. The other two are newbies.

  7. Horace Rollins Avatar
    Horace Rollins

    @ Caswell

    that clause with respect to a lawyer taking on a client does not obligate a lawyer to act for every and any client who walks into his office or wants to engage him but rather if counsel accepts the case and the client has paid the arranged fees then counsel is obliged to act in the best interest of the client unless he is not properly instructed by the client.

    i hate when bajan lawyers misuse this as a get of jail card with respect to taking on certain clients.

    btw up and on

  8. @Well Well,

    Not far fetched at all. There are motives (more about those at the end). Some above are stating that the amount involved would not be used. Not so, a frame must be believable. As it is, any less would be a joke. $500k split between a few people would mean men of their earning capacity would be getting like a quarter of their annual salaries or less each, while risking so much. Ridiculous.

    Now, to motives. Not sure if a one target thing or part of a broader adverse publicity plan hatched by an analytics firm on behalf of their client, even if actually executed by footmen.

    Before you say far fetched again, consider the worse things (bad as this is) that those firms have done.

    Now to watch and see what other events ensue. That will guide as to whether a single target or a broader plan.

  9. NorthernObserver Avatar

    I support the decision to charge. I am going to assume their proof of innocence relates to somebody’s admission of knowledge the drugs were aboard.
    I see CF making reference to CH over-ruling an HR decision. I still don’t know if Mr Prescod was an employee or a person ‘engaged for the trip’. In either the engagement of his services is relevant.
    I further support the decision because people’s stories and recollections have a habit of changing with time. Especially if authorities have cause to believe The ‘admitter’ is not the owner but a transporter.
    How many high profile cases have we seen go to court, after extensive interrogation and prelims, and suddenly, the answers to a few well placed questions, well researched of course, changes the entire proceedings.


    @MoneyBrain July 27, 2018 7:30 PM “he not appreciate that half life will raise questions with many here about whether the half to live is white?”

    “Half-life=the time required for any specified property (e.g., the concentration of a substance in the body) to decrease by half.”

    Wunna HC mafia too like to insult the rest ‘o we. But lemme tell wunna something. We know how to Google too.

  11. @ Simple Simon,

    I went to HC too but I am one of the nice ones. lol

  12. Crusoe…I believe the value was reduced so that bail would be affordable more than the amount busted is now smaller..

    I don’t see why it is any particular vendetta ….whites have done far worse on the island, maybe not as brazen as Herbert to publicly take on a sitting PM…but nothing was done to them after all the shit they do……so though moutta ac and TInniss and the others are throwing flames at Herbert…I dont think is nothing more than someone knowing about these shipments and dropping a dime…or…they were being tracked…and if they were, whoever did the tracking, are sure to have photos.

  13. @Hants July 27, 2018 7:55 PM “I went to HC too but I am one of the nice ones. lol”

    Thank you Sir Hants.

  14. NorthernObserver Avatar

    “We know how to google too”
    Only proves you were not being petty but malicious. LoL.

  15. Georgie Porgie Avatar
    Georgie Porgie

    RE MoneyBrain July 27, 2018 7:30 PM
    GP, does he not appreciate that half life will raise questions with many here about whether the half to live is white?

  16. Georgie Porgie Avatar
    Georgie Porgie

    RE “Half-life=the time required for any specified property (e.g., the concentration of a substance in the body) to decrease by half.”

    Wunna HC mafia too like to insult the rest ‘o we. But lemme tell wunna something. We know how to Google too.


  17. I mean, suppose I had a house and shed with a kitchen and bathroom out of wall at the back, and a galvanize paling that the ole man de’d and lef fa me, and suppose I rent it to a fella and then sometime later I come to know that he was a convicted drug trafficker, and suppose i ain’t say a word, but i ease he outta my place.

    You think that I so simple that I won’t change all the locks on my place.

    You think that once I know about his conviction I would allow him unsupervised access to my place?

    The best thing to do is not to have convicts around, and if they are around, then keep an eye on them 24/7. Don’t sleep. Don’t go to pee.

    i know this and I am only a Simple Simon.


    I know, I know. Like you forget that I taught you at HC.

    You was always a bright boy.

  19. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right - LoO and Senator Franklyn's Boss cause Enuff of Lorenzo tell me so Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right – LoO and Senator Franklyn’s Boss cause Enuff of Lorenzo tell me so

    Now here is a thing that not a fellow ent speak about here as yet.

    Now de ole man is not a lawyer so I forst of all make the disclaimer that I am a brimler and a myope in the Rum Shop

    But this is the disdain that Mr Herbert has for all of the parties, THE DPP possibly the AG and Magistrate Douglas Frederick?

    But like Alair Shepher because HE WHITE NOT A FELLER ENT GOING SAY A TING!

    De ole ma look up Sub-judice which mean dat de matter is under judgement and according to de tings dat de ole man copy from de internet euphemism for teif it reads thusly

    “…Matters are considered to be sub judice (Latin for ‘under judgment’) once legal proceedings become active.

    Criminal proceedings are deemed active once a person is arrested, a warrant for arrest has been issued, a summons has been issued or a person has been charged and remain active until conviction…”

    So de ole man put it to Magistrate Frederick dat Herbert is in contempt of Court since he have breached de two forms of contempt of court dat de internet talk bout:


    (1).statutory contempt of court under the Contempt of Court Act 1981, (dat is in de UK but de ole man ent know effing dere is one here in dis turd world cuntry) which criminalises the publication of material which creates a substantial risk that the course of justice in the relevant proceedings would be seriously impeded or prejudiced; and

    (2) common law contempt, which targets any other action which is intended to interfere with the administration of justice, including interfering with pending or imminent court proceedings.

    Whu de ole man would certainly tink dat both Herbert AND DE NATION dat has published dem insulting remarks da impinge on and possibly impede and have prejudiced dese ongoing proceedings should be pursued.

    But I is jest an ole man and I ent know a ting bout dese tings but effing it was a NIGGER he ass would be grass jes ask Waveney Griffith OR Andrew Pilgrim

    See whu de ole man mean bout one law for de medes and anudder for de persians?

  20. What Herbert did can be seen as interference and even if anyone with savvy and real world experience only believed he was guilty before, his actions are screaming guilt now.

  21. Enuff…ya buddy Vivek is giving full coverage on barbadostoday, now that’s motivation….lol

  22. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right - LoO and Senator Franklyn's Boss cause Enuff of Lorenzo tell me so Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right – LoO and Senator Franklyn’s Boss cause Enuff of Lorenzo tell me so

    Now dat de ole man look at whu i write at 4:15 I get frighten causing it mean dat all uh we who was here blogging pun de matter is also sub-judice and kin get lock up fuh contempt?


    @ the Luminary Jeff Cumberbatch

    Mr Cumberbatch, Your assistance please with this matter cause de ole man ent want no incidents with soup.

    But would it be that we maliciousing bajans who is heah commenting on these things that are under judgement are possibly guilty of contempt?

    would they then be able to issue a writ of habeus corpus for people like me grandson for commenting on these matters?

    I get that latin term from you and Perry Mason used it last night pun de channel fuh ole menses like me

  23. @de pedantic goats dribbler o dat ilk, et al July 27, 2018 4:32 PM “Why is this even an issue? In a grown-up country, it wouldn’t be. Charge the guilty,free the innocent. Where’s the problem?”

    Why is this an issue you ask, where’s the problem you ask. The problem is 216 years of the enslavement and brutal oppression of black people by white people in Barbados, and another 100 years of deep oppression and virtual slavery.

    As much as you would like to 311 years of nasty history cannot be blown out like a candle on a child’s birthday cake.

  24. “WW,
    I must confess that I was under the impression that you were cleverer. The fella with the higher bail has served prison time for the identical crime before! I would argue his bail should be double or triple!”

    Exactly MoneyB…so what are two Goddards’ executives doing on their yacht with him, why is he a sailor employee of Goddards…do you see how quickly you can answer about why his bail is 50K higher..??

    Besides, his bail is just fine, if they tripled his, they would have to triple Herbert’s and the other dude, the boat does not belong to the fall guy.

  25. In his statement Mr. Herbert expressly said that he was speaking on behalf of himself and Mr. Rogers, Mr. Prescod is presumably out to sea in a leaky boat or to use the other terminology currently in vogue “thrown under the bus” which has backed up over him.
    It’s Mr. Herbert’s right to defend himself publicly but if he thinks lashing out at social media is good strategy he needs a public relations consultant. The DPP had no choice but to lay charges, simply saying you are not guilty doesn’t mean you are not guilty otherwise Dodds would be empty, the charges have been laid, let the chips fall where they may.

  26. This white guy spoke in glowing terms of his treatment by the cops, we black bajans even go to a precinct to lodge a complaint and the black cops would treat us like shit some times. Has anyone considered that the present DPP is a DLP appointee? These guys were not kind to Fruendel.

  27. @Crusoe July 27, 2018 4:38 PM “So, you do not like white people, we get it.”

    I don’t know any white people so I cannot like or dislike white people.

    But I do know my history. i do know how my parents and grandparents were treated by white people.

    You cannot brush away 311 years of brutal oppression and pretend that it did not happen.

  28. Looka the gums bumping is in full flight. A specialist in domain and directorship investigations is arguing that the Speaker of the HOUSE is to be impartial–the operative word is HOUSE as that is where he presides. I guess Holder can’t be biased in his support of West Indies cricket team because as Speaker he must be “impartial”. But I go further (a fave line of Bajan politicos) if impartiality means non-discriminatory, unbiased, unprejudiced etc, to not represent Mr.Prescod would be impartial or partial? But I ain’t too bright.🤣🤣🤣🤐

  29. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right - LoO and Senator Franklyn's Boss cause Enuff of Lorenzo tell me so Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right – LoO and Senator Franklyn’s Boss cause Enuff of Lorenzo tell me so

    @ the Honourable Blogmaster

    De ole man hath sinned!

    I went ant took a peek at Barbados Today (but you already know that heheheheheh)

    And guess what de ole man found?


    De Night of De Long Knives!!!

    Man looka I said dat you must be besides youself in pleasure dat all dese news media is coming to BU and copying all de articles here and dumbing them down and rewriting them for their dwindling readership.

    Whuloss looka dat doah! De stone dat de builders rejected hat become….

    Looka i going have to put dat in square brackets doah causing I ent want my brother in de spirit to see dat and leggo pun de ole man for blasphemy especially when we ent be arguing per the schedule dat he and I agree on to keep things lively heheheheheh

    @ Simple Simon

    I have a bone to pick with you

    Whu I do you girl???

    Looka whu you gone and write heah pun BU

    “…house and shed with a kitchen and bathroom out of wall at the back, and a galvanize paling that the ole man de’d and lef fa me…”

    Not only you gone and impute to everyone dat de ole man and you in sumting and dat becausing of unspeakable unmentionable I got you mention in me will but you gone a step further and telling de ole man dat you gone and rent it to a feller!!!

    Girl, I ent know what to say…de dynamic duo and Mariposa when dem in dem mood does tell de ole man to STFU, Mariposa a long time ago (not recently though cause she does be talking sense recently) wanted to kick de ole man in he head, de senator tell de ole man dat I talking drivel and now you dead off de ole man jes so.

    I wonder if I can get de Honourable Blogmaster to issue wunna with an order not to come within 5 inches of de ole man blogs under a virtual protection order and not to accost de ole man with dese harsh words about “piece uh badword badword” and “drivel” and “STFU” and “de ole man dead” and others of dese violent terms to de ole man sensibilities heheheheheh

    You kill off de ole man in you story and den to mek tings worse trying to kill

  30. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right - LoO and Senator Franklyn's Boss cause Enuff of Lorenzo tell me so Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right – LoO and Senator Franklyn’s Boss cause Enuff of Lorenzo tell me so

    @ Enuff of Lorenzo

    Dont you feel that, given he 500 plus comments the Ecstasy article racked up here on BU that the Honourable Blogmaster should have called this blog “Chairman of Goddards Enterprises & Director Get Bail” instead of “Chairman of Goddards Enterprises Asserts His Innocence”?

    Answer dat one for me and show how bright you can be AT TIMES heheheheheh

    Keep on Looking the more you look the less you see heheheheh

    I was going add “Specialist in Domain & Directorship Investigations” to me title but I ent like um

    Plus dat is Me Love you Long (Time) de feller dat de Grenada or is that Dominican Opposition Leade ask to lef de House of Assembly or de Senate , dat is de title and job description dat Mia paying he two salaries (ooops) one salary for while he doing two jobs de substantive job at the BLP while de SHEEPLE OF BARBADOS paying he fuh nuffing

    Plussing I like being de Leader of the Opposition so dat i can tell Senator Franklyn dat he is fired effing he get too rambunction here wid he words of “drivel”

    He like he ent know dat I wud approach de BU GG (dat is Brother Bush Tea) and whaplax….heheheheheh.

  31. Magistrate: Deal with the issues at hand, not race, class


  32. Why is this an issue you ask, where’s the problem you ask. The problem is 216 years of the enslavement and brutal oppression of black people by white people in Barbados, and another 100 years of deep oppression and virtual slavery.
    As much as you would like to 311 years of nasty history cannot be blown out like a candle on a child’s birthday cake.


    Bajans are long lived but your claim is ridiculous!!!

    Tell us what you remember happening in 1711?

  33. ” Prescod, she said, was a family man with four children and has been currently supporting his wife who is battling cancer.”

  34. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right - LoO and Senator Franklyn's Boss cause Enuff of Lorenzo tell me so Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right – LoO and Senator Franklyn’s Boss cause Enuff of Lorenzo tell me so

    @ The Honourable Blogmaster.

    You are to be congratulated on the service that you perform to the SHEEPLE OF BARBADOS yet again.

    This is a comment to the OLD DAVID OF BU and to a lesser degree his assistants.

    You do a really serious job and this is my comment notwithstanding other things

    DO NOT GIVE IN TO THE FACTION THAT IS COURTING the blog emphasis on the “COURT” part.

    I have a better understanding of the GDPR matter and the rationale behind ***

    I have a question though.

    As in all things, with our leaving this sphere what does succession hold for BU?

    One day you should commission someone to write a short story, I PREFER ANIMES that would display what you went through to get here.

    People INCLUDING me, do not appreciate the magnitude of your sacrifices, and what you have and continue to put on the line.

    Oh boy when I get this way I honestly despair and wonder at the purpose of all this and why people who are capable of such good, IF THEY HARKEN TO HIS WILL are predisposed to such evil, and I know the answer for that but HOPE SPRINGS ETERNAL in my heart


  35. NorthernObserver Avatar

    @Sen CF
    So what role did Customs play?
    I am told the vessel entered Babados at 1am Monday. C&I were closed. It tied off. First thing once C&I were open, the vessel was cleared. After clearing C&I, the vessel was approached by Coast Guard with RBPF in tow, the vessel searched and the drugs found.

  36. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    NorthernObserver July 27, 2018 7:45 PM
    Mr. Prescod is an employee of Goddards Enterprises Ltd. He was hired six years ago. He works full time as a seaman on the sailing vessel Ecstasy. He is the main employee who takes care of the boat.

  37. NorthernObserver Avatar

    Yes PLT. Length of service doesn’t match my info, but greater than 4.

  38. “Unless we, like some dejected, rejected politician are willing to conceptualize this matter as one that hinges on race or class or one’s political orientation these objections have no meaning.

    “I think we all are very much aware that people [are] charged with this quantity or more, and I’m not talking about the quantities mentioned on social media and the media; I’m not talking about $3.5 Million in cocaine as was reported… I’m talking about what is before this court – 267.4 pounds of marijuana.”

    He recalled the court granting bail for persons charged with having similar quantities; as recently as last month.

    He said he believed the court was one that acted on law and principle and that the accused men should not be treated any different to others brought before the court on similar charges.”

  39. @Peter

    Your comment rubbishes the intervention by Senator Franklyn? If Herbert became Chairman in 2016 it does not line up with when Prescod was hired?

  40. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right - LoO and Senator Franklyn's Boss cause Enuff of Lorenzo tell me so Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right – LoO and Senator Franklyn’s Boss cause Enuff of Lorenzo tell me so

    @ Brother Hants

    Thanks for the Loop link

    I read the part that said “…It was here that the magistrate questioned whether the vessel was confiscated by police. To which Pilgrim said the vessel was in possession of police from July 23 and no arrangements were made to release it.

    Pilgrim reiterated that the objections held no weight, adding that his clients were Barbadian citizens, with family, business and property ties here on the island.”

    Maybe the Prosecution might have at least made a token response that would have represented dissent like “your honour I would wish to bring your attention to a similar precedent with one “Johan Bjorn Bjerkhamn” who had similar “family business and property`

    A man who is less precarious circumstances did indeed leave the jurisdiction during an incident where his son was shot.

    Many will recall the Nation article when the Prosecutor asked for an adjournment and Bjorn “was granted additional leave to continue treatment on his injured hand”

    “Additional”, in that May 27th 2010 Nation article, would suggest to a reader these 8 years hence, that Johan had been granted prior leave by the authorities, to depart the island.

    But wunna must understand that when you are white, privileges are automatically accorded to you isnt that so John the Quaker?

    You probably cross by Redland enjoying a glass of cognac but we will expect you to return to your PR job tomorrow heheheheheh

  41. NorthernObserver Avatar

    And am told it was Rogers, the long time Skipper, upon whose advisement he was hired. And Rogers was aware of his past, felt he had reformed and was willing to give him an opportunity. Gather it worked well for a while? I couldn’t blame anybody in an HR capacity for being uneasy. And hindsight is 20-20 ( that one for your departed who took good care of my bad eyes for a while)

  42. Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right - LoO and Senator Franklyn's Boss cause Enuff of Lorenzo tell me so Avatar
    Piece Uh De Rock Yeah Right – LoO and Senator Franklyn’s Boss cause Enuff of Lorenzo tell me so

    @ The Honourable Blogmaster

    Your reasoning is flawed.

    Even if Herbert became Chairman of GEL in 2016 he could still have been the party who, in another capacity while at GEL or even elsewhere have given instructions that the person Prescod be hired at GEL in 2016

    Let me go check his credentials and Director of Domains and Investigations a la Enuff of Lorenzo duo

    I shall be back anon

  43. @John July 27, 2018 9:16 PM “Tell us what you remember happening in 1711?”

    John, John, John.

    I remember what happened in 1711 just as you remember what the Quakers were up to in Barbados in 1711.

  44. @Northern Observer

    How does Herbert explain the incident with Moore at Redland awhile back?

  45. @fly
    I have nothing for or owe the man nothing.
    In fact, I wish him the very best

  46. NorthernObserver Avatar

    CH was a board member before he assumed the Chair. However, the prior Chair was a big supporter of the vessel. My guess is somebody had to tell HR it was ok, but it likely wasn’t CH.

  47. The question assumes Herbert had no standing in the company prior.

  48. Barbados Underground Whistleblower Avatar
    Barbados Underground Whistleblower

    @ Blogmaster

    I submitted a very important informative detailed response to @ George Porgie just before the other blog was closed for comments it has not shown.

    It is is a very important piece of information.

    Your assistance please.

  49. NorthernObserver Avatar

    I have no contact with CH or anybody close to him.

  50. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @PLT, you and @Pieces, @Northern and from a different but somewhat 😁 reasonable perspective also @TInn bring good review to this affair.

    So if I may add my screed as an off shot to your remarks

    “… is inevitable that this case has become about the inequities of race and class in Barbados… inevitable, but it does not aid the search for truth and justice.”

    A truism surely.. and practically in 2018 rancorous Bdos there is no other result for a matter such as this.

    “If the evidence shows that Herbert is not guilty […] that will do little to staunch the public clamour for his blood.”

    Do we realistically perceive that absent a financial trail of unknown large sums, valid video or other unimpeachable evidence that Herbert and Rogers can’t beat this charge.

    Thus far I can’t see how they can be convicted beyond reasonable doubt.

    ”It will damage public confidence in the judicial system even further…”

    Why do u think such? If this goes to trial as it surely must eventually I expect a literal full court press of media scrunity and legal analysis (here surely) which in full should ADD to transparency NOT diminish it.

    “…and it will inflame racial and class resentments to dangerous levels. Barbados is in a hot mess and that is tragic.”

    Back to your start … Anymore than it is already…I think not. I agree with @Simple on that point.

    Bdos’ race relations has been a hot mess for decades as noted by others…this shines a ‘hot’ light but can’t see how it necessarily exacerbates the status quo so more tragically.

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