Thanks to Kammie Holder the blogmaster highlights the following reminder to Barbadians. Let us all do our part to keep the virus contained – David Blogmaster

AG (Dale Marshall) stated – ALL businesses with a few exceptions are closed from Saturday March 28th at 8pm until April 15th to reduce human interaction and compel social distancing.
The businesses permitted to operate during the day with social distancing are:
1) Supermarkets
2) Pharmacies
3) Abatoirs, butcher shops, fish markets
4) Bakeries
5) Farms
6) Pharmaceutical, food processors, drink manufacturers
7) Banks and Credit Unions (not insurance companies)
8) Cleaning services (companies)
9) Restaurants – only drive thru and take away permitted (11am-5pm)
10) Fuel manufacturers, fuel storage, fuel distribution
11) Gas stations (7am-7pm)
12) Delivery services for food groceries and pharmaceuticals ( 8am-6pm)
13) Hotels and Villas can operate for the full 24 hr – however gaming rooms, spas, gyms, tennis courts, squash and any other ancillary recreational services provided in hotels are prohibited included dine in restaurants
14) Portvale sugar family
15) veterinary services for animals in distress
An exemption has been granted for the completed construction of Harrison’s Point. NO OTHER CONSTRUCTION MUST TAKE PLACE
Weddings – only bride, bridegroom, official witnesses and marriage officer are permitted to attend.
Funerals – no more than 10 mourners, the funeral director, necessary staff and the officiant
No person shall host or attend a private party, sporting event, meetings of social clubs, civic organization etc.
Public Service
Some services will be open but with skeleton staff (9am-2pm)
1) Office of AG
2) Registrar of Supreme Court
3) National Assistance Board
4)Govt laboratories
7)Central Bank
8) Central Purchasing
9) BRA
10) Commerce Dept
11) Post Office
12) Cabinet Office
13) Min of Public Service
14) Min of Foreign Affairs (not Foreign Trade)
15) Meteorological Services
Min of Public Service is finalising a work from home programme for civil servants where possible
Essential Services for whom the curfew does not apply are:
1) Medical profession
2) Para medical profession
3)Hospital/pharmacy workers
4) Caregivers/homehelp (not maids)
5) Police
6) BDF
7) Customs
8) Security services
9) Firefighting
10) Disaster management services
11) Electricity, telecommunications and media services
12) Transportation services
13) Airport and seaport including
14) Water services
15) Collection, treatment storage of refuge
16) Businesses dealing with deceased persons
*Penalty for breach:
$50 000 fine or 12 months imprisonment or both*

454 responses to “Remember the CURFEW Barbadians”

  1. Oh. And that she has signed the legislative changes into law.

  2. mari.

    there is a possibility that the people from ny coming in on logs at night through the unprotected coastline

  3. @ Hants.

    Extrapolated you would be looking at 31,000 approximately in total based solely on the figures quoted to date for the tested and positive result.

  4. Address to the Nation by the Governor General of Barbados March 29, 2020

  5. @ Hants

    For clarity that would be 31000 positive cases not deaths, but as I said the formula depends on too many variables to be accurate at this stage.

  6. Again I say that if one is primarily targeting for testing contacts with known positives the ratio of positive tests results to negative test results is going to seem high.

    Think about it.

  7. @ John A,

    We need to know how many people landed in Barbados over the last 3 to 4 weeks. Let me stop because this statiscal / probability stuff is above my pay grade.

    I gine stick wha I good at. Playing guitar and fishing ( when we are allowed to go outside.

  8. “I can’t, however, say that the 33 represent all of the persons with COVID. I cannot even tell you if it represents just a small proportion of the persons with COVID-19, but we are looking for it aggressively,” the public health official said.

  9. I cannot and will not support a measure which can lead to catastrophic endings for the people well being whilst holding hands with a govt under the guise of patriotism
    Hypocrite i am not


    You see why I would call you a fearmonger?

    Do you know the meaning to catastrophic?

    but its used to cause maximum impact of fear

  10. @ Hants.

    Lol don’t worry, to take the tested over the positive and then pro rate that over the population at 275000 would give you roughly 31000. But as I said too many variables to use that formula.

  11. now from the medicals reports so far, what I gather is that is only one visitor to the island who tested positive. ALL OTHERS are bajan who 1. seem to caught the virus will overseas or 2. bajan (people living in Barbados) who contracted the virus from those bajans in (1).

    Yet we are getting so mush hysteria from one who said it is the constitutional rights of the 35 trinis to reenter their country.

    here we have the government allowing the returning bajan their constitutional right being blamed for the said bajans infecting other bajans

    Next we will be hearing that the medical officer is giving false reports because he is political.

  12. I hope that Barbados is lucky and the spread of Covid 19 is limited.

    Let us see what happens next week.

  13. Scratch that, ah wasn’t up to date about Germany’s infection and death rate figures…their death count was low for a very long time, it is only now starting to rise..

  14. “A scholar and a gentleman.”

    they are known to exist, not as many as we would like, but they do exist.

  15. If the virus is on the island, at some point everyone is going to get it in one form or another. Some will get it mildly, some not mildly and some severely, a few, sadly, will succumb to it.

    The current international infection rates are not representative of the final result, because it is in early stages and most countries are exercising social distancing.

    When the countries are weaned off of social distancing, everyone will get it.

    Then, we will know the true mortality rates etc.

    Then again, when the virus mutates as these viruses do, it will be like the seasonal flu with varying symptoms over time, hopefully none as drastic as the first pandemic, or at least, not impacting the health services with such volume.

    Remember that these lockdowns and social distancing are merely to lessen the immediate impact and overflow on the health care systems. That is all. The virus is here to stay.

    Hopefully though, ongoing hygiene will improve with the elimination of hand shaking, a most dirty way of greeting and with the more regular washing of hands etc.

  16. @Crusoe

    True but the world wants to buy time until a vaccine is available, we want to be able to help those with compromised immune systems.

  17. John 2 it seems like certain persons on this blog namely Mariposa, Waru, Austin and Baje seem to want a medal for continuing to spread as much negative news about Barbados at this critical time as possible.No credit or praise for the frontline workers like doctors , nurses, policemen , soldiers etc putting their best efgorts in to keep the country as safe as they can to look at this blog to see the doom and gloomers who wish the worst for their country.Truly sickening even Gazzerts has realized that we need all hands on deck.I would not be surprised if some of them are rrsponsible for a lot of the fake news on social mefia.As for Baje it seems like all his degrees could not exempt him like the rest of us from curfew I told him before your world could come crashing down lime any of us common people.Always know there is a greater being than you above.

  18. RE: “I can back up comments with proof by simply looking at the Grantley Adams website and the area of departure via arrivals to barbados.”


    Unless you checked an airline’s manifest to see how many people arrived into the island and from WHERE they DEPARTED……….

    ………. perusing GAIA’s website to see daily departures and arrivals DOES NOT provide you with any PROOF to what you’ve been implying.

    RE: “So to say i talking nonsense is political posturing.”

    It’s CLEAR you DON’T KNOW the meaning of “political posturing.” The term basically means supporting something not necessarily because you agree with it, but because it is politically advantageous to do so,” ……….

    ………. therefore, (and according to your man Freundel), it’s a “perversion of common sense” for you to suggest anyone “saying you’re talking nonsense is political posturing.”

    RE: “This is nothing new after all people would seek the safest place they believe is for refuge
    If barbados numbers remain low while other countries like America rises as long as the airport remains open the possibility remains that those people would come no ifs ands or but a reality that defines survival if necessary.”

    I UNDERSTAND your CONCERNS about the island’s borders remaining open and that “people would seek the safest place they believe is refuge.”

    However, for a few moments, don’t allow your political loyalty to PREVENT you from THINKING and discussing this issue reasonably and RATIONALLY.

    I’m sure you’re aware countries all over the world are ‘grappling’ with the deadly COVID-19 virus that seems to be highly contagious, and would have already instituted the relevant precautionary measures to prevent it from spreading. The travel industry has also responded similarly.

    As such, this reality changes the circumstances under which people may be allowed to seek refuge in other countries…… and the countries to which they want to travel, allowing them to enter. People cannot use the corona virus as a reason/excuse to apply for political asylum and be granted refugee status.

    Using your ‘political alarmist’ scenario, let’s say, for example, an American Airlines aircraft full of passengers, came to GAIA and immigration officers discovered several of them came from New York.

    Do you believe the officers would say: “Oh, you guys are running from the virus. Welcome to Barbados and remain here as long as wunnuh like?”

    An airport is not a bus terminal, where several people could board a bus from the Oistins depot, get off in Speightstown and walk ’bout.

    Immigration officers usually ASK visitors certain questions (and more so under these present types of circumstances), including what countries they visited during a specific time period (e.g.the past 3 months), and would check the passports to see the dates on the departure stamps of the countries they visited……. and if they answered the questions correctly.

    Additionally, police and immigration officers are given copies of flight manifests, allowing them to know before hand and keep a record of who are arriving and from where they departed….. and who are departing and their ports of arrival. There are also personnel from health and agriculture stationed at the air and sea ports as well.

    Bearing this in mind, for you to suggest ‘government’ is allowing SCORES of visitors from countries “where the virus is out of control” to enter Barbados ‘willy nilly’ and SPREAD it ALL OVER the island………

    …………. can only be best described as NONSENSE.


    Baje suffers from the overseas bajan complex (OBC) that turns the local bajans away from them. HE THINK HE ARRIVED!


  20. “No credit or praise for the frontline workers like doctors , nurses, policemen , soldiers etc putting their best efgorts in to keep the country as safe .”

    the only reason these workers have to work so hard is because your STUPID, WICKED LEADERS…put everyone in danger by exposing them to the virus…that is why THEY WILL NEVER BE ELECTED AGAIN….the main reason….there are many more reasons to prevent them anymire selling out of the people…

    So how is the slave trade from Barbados to UK going these days.

  21. HantsMarch 29, 2020 10:49 PM

    “I can’t, however, say that the 33 represent all of the persons with COVID. I cannot even tell you if it represents just a small proportion of the persons with COVID-19, but we are looking for it aggressively,” the public health official said.

    There you go. Not much can be gleaned from the stats at present. But if you are testing people with symptoms who are later confirmed as positive and tracing their contracts you can consider yourself lucky when you find some contacts who have NOT got the virus. So…. the high percentage of positive results of those tested is not alarming at present.

    We will have to see how it goes from here.

  22. Wura the virus is everywhere now and as much as I hate your putz Canadian boyfriend for being too politically correct now is not the time . Be up beat dwell on the positives and solutions There will be lots of time to judge later if we are still around.

  23. Shut up Lawson….i dont pay attention to Barbados’ yardfowls for the simple reason…they have no memory….this PM now playing the population for attention and sympathy.VOLUNTEERED to send 8 pound an hour slaves to UK…when no other PM in the Caribbean did….then opened the door for a virus to take hold of the country although SHE WAS WARNED….all because they did not know what to do WITHOUT ANOTHER TAXPAYER PAID CONSULTANT and refused to listen to those who saw the shit brewing…as soon as this destruction to human life is over….SHE WILL DO THE SAME EVIL SHITE AGAIN….and the same dumb fowls will be applauding because that is all they know…

    If Justin did such evil shite to any Canadian, white of course…you would be the first to CRUCIFY shut up..because you have no clue the wickedness to the Black populi that they are still setting behind the scenes…as recent as THIS WEEK..

  24. A friend of mine a chief on the fire dept was rushed to hospital with covid 19 on Friday very serious ,The station had to be shut down all firefighters he came in contact with are in self isolation for two weeks roughley 80 people are isolating because of this incident or travel.This can decimate n emergency service. We work on a 24 hr shift separated by a few days so during your cycle you may come in contact with everyone who works at that station, because of our interaction with the public on med calls or any type of call colds flus etc can easily sweep through the fire hall. I do not know what your emergency rotations are but I would suggest 4 days straight then off for twelve to keep health of dept

  25. Waru you have to calm down its too early to be at full throttle, relax ..go play some ball with your husband and give him an extra pat for me

  26. “I do not know what your emergency rotations are but I would suggest 4 days straight then off for twelve to keep health of dept”

    All ya can do is give advice and hope they follow it…

    It’s been weeks many of the frontline people have been struggling on the island. I am yet to hear one pretend leader come out and give them a boost of confidence for when Covid really hits the fan….ya saw them attempting to big up themselves as though they are heros though…

    You are of course assuming that they indeed have a plan in that regard. We will know soon Enuff.

  27. Yeap it is me again
    Cackle Cackle wuh loss muh belly
    Did the AG made an asinine statement of telling the people it is ok to go to the beach
    However practice Social distancing
    Where would anyone find the sense in his comment one which focus on stopping the spread of the virus
    Isnt the object in placing curfews and other measures like staying indoors as much as possible (with limited exceptions excluded) to stop the virus from spreading
    His comment shows an ineptness that lacks common sense and rises to a level of border line insanity

  28. I must commend some supermatkets though, for the plexiglass type divide to protect both cashiers and customers….when i actually see more INTELLIGENT actions…ah will let yall know.

    As i told Vincent yesterday my standards are just high enough not to acccept MEDIOCRITY.

  29. “Did the AG made an asinine statement of telling the people it is ok to go to the beach.”

    I heard about that one, everyone was laughing,

    Before mouthing off, did he do any research first to see if the VIRUS CAN SURVIVE WATER….and spread that way….soap kills it we know, ah yet to hear that sea water does too.. without soap…steuppppss.

    Mediocre lawyer playing scientist,

  30. I said that because just last week there was an article where the french i believe found the virus alive and well in their SEWAGE WATER… survives poop, it can survive any water…no degree needed.

    Dont why Lawson dont return to the island and let the government look after his Corona welfare…up in Canada depending on Justin…lol

  31. @Lawson

    Hoping you stay safe.

  32. Yeap it is me again
    Cackle Cackle wuh loss muh belly
    Did the AG made an asinine statement of telling the people it is ok to go to the beach
    However practice Social distancing
    Where would anyone find the sense in his comment one which should focus on stopping the spread of the virus
    Instead he advocates actions that are counter productive to stemming the flow of the virus
    Isnt the object in placing curfews and other measures like staying indoors as much as possible (with limited exceptions excluded) to stop the virus from spreading
    His comment shows an ineptness that lacks common sense and rises to a level of border line insanity

  33. The discussion about going to the beach is outside of curfew hours.

  34. Lawson will be fine, Justin will take care of him, the ungrateful devil…lol

  35. the woman cant help it!

  36. Outside of curfew hours will not help anyone if the virus is alive and active in the sea water…will be nice for a few ministers to go test that theory like the other ministers did with the sewage in Ch Ch…since it was the AGs most brilliant idea to date…..or am sure a few fowls will be happy to volunteer…since the AG said it’s ok.

  37. WW

    you don’t think the minister is being advised by the health professionals?

    have you ever heard of the flu or any other virus being spread through the sea?

  38. sewage water is 99% fresh water

    Seawater contains sodium CHLORIDES. CLORINE can be produced from seawater to help kill micro organism in sewage water.

    Don’t be a mariposa!

  39. DavidMarch 30, 2020 9:28 AM

    The discussion about going to the beach is outside of curfew hours.

    Duh wouldnt expect it to be late night or curfew time period when many would go to the beach

    However once again govt has shown an ineptness of placing barbadians in the fore front of the virus to save the tourism industry
    All and sundry knows that barbados beaches are tourist play ground which means to close beaches to only barbadians would create a firestorm whereby a calling for the tourist also
    A call which would put a dent in the pocket of big tourism in barbados
    So there we go gullible barbadians being led like sheep to slaughter where they will be mixing with potential carries of the virus hidden within a mischievous disguise attached to tourism and a AG and govt failing to do the right thing and closed the beaches


  41. dAVID

    CAN YOU CREAT A special stupid post for mariposa?

    before she give me a stroke lol

    I cannot believe some one can be so stupid day after day and multiple time a day. if she was doing it for humor I could understand but the woman actually believes all the stupid thing she post.

  42. The blogmaster will go with what the CMO advised. Keep your advice.

  43. Am sure the leaders have all seen the video footage of 18 wheeler freezer trucks parked at back door entrances to hospitals in Brooklyn and other areas to collect the dead, because they have no space, a temp location has also been set up in central park…

    ….so let these small island crooks continue to play their petty games turning their people into paupers with their wicked actions of terrorizing those just trying to survive when they have no plan to enrich their own people and are using these evil, behind the scenes set ups and cruel tactics…TO ENRICH THEMSELVES ONLY…..and believe no one knows their self-serving plans.

  44. BU is a place where all congregate to share views, the dullards and the intelligent. Be tolerant to other views. We are who we are.

  45. “have you ever heard of the flu or any other virus being spread through the sea?”

    I told you what french scientists found in sewage water, i asked if the fool did his research before saying that sea water is safe to bathe in or that ya can bathe outside of curfew hours..

    …i have not heard any scientists say that it is safe to do so…this is not your regular be virus, it appears to be able to safeguard itself…i am sure it cannot survive a swimming pool because of all the chemicals…i won’t risk the sea..because again it is not a regular virus and people are now asking if they can even create a vaccine for it..

    so unless a scientist tells me it can survive seawater, i will not go near the sea….of course am not telling anyone not to seabathe…

  46. David

    no need to respond. I was just playing with that part tied it to greenes lucus request. all good .

  47. That is like the tourism pimp telling Bajans how much tourism has done for the island, although there is nothing to show for it after over 100 years except for more and more useless hotels…. and to go and staycation without first checking to see if any infected tourists were in the same hotel rooms, which it turned out they were,..

    ……before leaders come out with what they think in their twisted heads should be instead of what really is, they should do their research….and TALK TO SCIENTISTS FIRST…they may learn something.

  48. again

    the lawyer wood be taking his advice/research from his medical advisors.

    No need to try to tear the lawyer down or any one by calling them yardfowls etc.

    the one that need to do their research or at least ask a question of the BU doc is U…before you start your braying and spouting off your sewage water.

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