Thanks to Kammie Holder the blogmaster highlights the following reminder to Barbadians. Let us all do our part to keep the virus contained – David Blogmaster

AG (Dale Marshall) stated – ALL businesses with a few exceptions are closed from Saturday March 28th at 8pm until April 15th to reduce human interaction and compel social distancing.
The businesses permitted to operate during the day with social distancing are:
1) Supermarkets
2) Pharmacies
3) Abatoirs, butcher shops, fish markets
4) Bakeries
5) Farms
6) Pharmaceutical, food processors, drink manufacturers
7) Banks and Credit Unions (not insurance companies)
8) Cleaning services (companies)
9) Restaurants – only drive thru and take away permitted (11am-5pm)
10) Fuel manufacturers, fuel storage, fuel distribution
11) Gas stations (7am-7pm)
12) Delivery services for food groceries and pharmaceuticals ( 8am-6pm)
13) Hotels and Villas can operate for the full 24 hr – however gaming rooms, spas, gyms, tennis courts, squash and any other ancillary recreational services provided in hotels are prohibited included dine in restaurants
14) Portvale sugar family
15) veterinary services for animals in distress
An exemption has been granted for the completed construction of Harrison’s Point. NO OTHER CONSTRUCTION MUST TAKE PLACE
Weddings – only bride, bridegroom, official witnesses and marriage officer are permitted to attend.
Funerals – no more than 10 mourners, the funeral director, necessary staff and the officiant
No person shall host or attend a private party, sporting event, meetings of social clubs, civic organization etc.
Public Service
Some services will be open but with skeleton staff (9am-2pm)
1) Office of AG
2) Registrar of Supreme Court
3) National Assistance Board
4)Govt laboratories
7)Central Bank
8) Central Purchasing
9) BRA
10) Commerce Dept
11) Post Office
12) Cabinet Office
13) Min of Public Service
14) Min of Foreign Affairs (not Foreign Trade)
15) Meteorological Services
Min of Public Service is finalising a work from home programme for civil servants where possible
Essential Services for whom the curfew does not apply are:
1) Medical profession
2) Para medical profession
3)Hospital/pharmacy workers
4) Caregivers/homehelp (not maids)
5) Police
6) BDF
7) Customs
8) Security services
9) Firefighting
10) Disaster management services
11) Electricity, telecommunications and media services
12) Transportation services
13) Airport and seaport including
14) Water services
15) Collection, treatment storage of refuge
16) Businesses dealing with deceased persons
*Penalty for breach:
$50 000 fine or 12 months imprisonment or both*

454 responses to “Remember the CURFEW Barbadians”

  1. Cayman islands did not have to do all of that, legislating sweeping powers in secret and they have a total handle on their shutdown.

    BTW…someone please tell Bajans that they have to stand 6 FEET APART FROM EACH OTHER….

    …there is a video circulating in real time at Popular supermarket, looks like in Spooners Hill and the people are really too close to each other…i did not put this out there for Mia to use her sweeping powers to brutalize these people, they just need to be told 6 feet is the required distance for their own safety.

  2. And i heard the Covid Czar, whatever the hell that is, will be on Brasstacks at 11:00 this morning…now it’s his or her time to SHINE AND REPEAT…to the populi, that 6 feet apart will save their lives….ah don’t want to hear no shite talk because yall done know that BAJANS HAVE SHORT MEMORIES…and ALL OF YOU KNOW WHY…

  3. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @Mr Blogmaster, 2 quick comments..

    Re ‘”In cases of public Emergency The law is most assuredly NOT an ass.” I respect Mr Alleyne’s legal skill/knowledge but smile at his remark… I remind myself gently of his political stripes and then muse on the fact that there are many instances of ’emergency powers’ legislation trampling citizens right … and very much being later affirmed as “being an ass”.

    Nothing to say this one is not similiar!

    The US Patriot Act after the 9-11 scare and its far reaching usurpation of civil liberties is a clear example of overreach!

    And do tell bro, how exactly does one applaud any government for zero deaths from the covid19 outbreak!

    We can thank the Lord, the awesome skills of the doctors/nurses and too the immune systems of our citizens collectively maybe…but a govt itself …OK …I really dont get that reasoning but I miss these things often!

  4. @Dee Word

    It is ok for people to bray about Barbados lack of managing the COVID matter and at the same time applaud others countries? Cayman closed sheduled flights 22 March 2020. Sick of the unnecessary criticism.

  5. Since they are doing so well managing a growing infection count…why do need sweeping absolute powers???

  6. @ David BU

    It’s their job to criticize at all costs. And, I suspect the main critic is happy COVID-19 has finally reached our shores, because it gave her ‘fuel to add to her fire.”

    If, for example, ‘government’s’ closure of the borders had resulted in a situation similar to that of the 35 Trinidadians who were denied entry in T&T, the critics would be all over BU ‘braying’ about the Constitution and how the borders shouldn’t have been closed because stranded Barbadians’ constitutional rights were violated.

  7. Asa matter of fact, with all those sweeping absolute powers, why is the Defense Force and police not at the supermarkets…or are those sweeping powers for special occasions…only fools will not want to know…

    ya elected a government after they BEGGED YOU FOR VOTES..

    ya gave them titles…

    ya pay their salaries WITH PERKS..

    ya know they ARE ALL CORRUPT…and they continue to LIE TO YOU…

    and ya don’t want to know why they are creating laws in secret…

    how intelligent….a real bang up education system…

  8. @Artax

    Nothing wrong with constructive feedback but for crissakes man, this is a situation where Barbados and other countries are making up the rules as we go along.

  9. I repeat…

    Since they are doing so well managing a growing infection count…why do THEY need sweeping absolute powers???

  10. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @David, there is vast divide between silly, stupid criticism of the type @Mariposa often offers and valid inquisition of Ms Mottley’s policy (or any other govt comparatively).

    To criticize the govt on defined policy objectives which appear counter factual is NOT to be damning to Bim itself … I thought her govt policy was flawed and said why…. one can validly question the decision to stay open AND ALSO NOT institute more testing, use PPE etc.

    Reasonable people can properly disagree on those very problematic issues. For me and I suspect most well meaning Bajans this is NOT a BLP thing….never was and should never be.

    Ms Mottley is an ‘effective” leader (how could she NOT be if she has ‘bested’ all thrown at her and remains at the top)… that does NOT mean that she is necessarily the ‘best’ leader … same with Trump or Johnson in that leadership sweepstakes: they bested a lot of capable people thus they are ‘effective ‘ as leaders…but does it mean they are the best leaders in their nation. .. I think not!

    Life is very simple: to the winner goes the title of ‘the ‘best”. But we can stilll criticize their backsides can’t we!

  11. They are those who bray one response – Bad.
    They are those who bray one response – Good
    They are those who bray _ “Good”, “Bad” “Wait a minute. What the hell is happening here?”
    They are those who bray “Keep your eyes open. Something is coming downstream”
    A cacophony of asses

  12. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    There are two major categories of criticism of government policy:
    1. Complaining about what the government has done wrong in the past.
    2. Complaining about what the government is failing to do now.

    Category 1 complaints are mostly people indulging in ego driven 20-20 hindsight. Useless, vain, and mostly a waste of time and energy.

    Category 2 complaints are mostly people trying to affect policy in a positive direction. If these criticisms are based on sound analysis they are worth serious consideration.

  13. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    In an emergency one has to make swift decisions. Out of an abundance of caution the GoB is seeking the necessary powers in advance. They have obviously seen some inadequacies in the current emergency legislation.
    Some commenters need to engage their minds before keyboarding. Our constitution is framed to avoid micro- management of the Executive. Some commenters need to bear this in mind.

  14. “Nothing wrong with constructive feedback but for crissakes man, this is a situation where Barbados and other countries are making up the rules as we go along.”

    stay there and DON’T SEE hidden agendas…but ya will see the results…

    still waiting for that answer….they are doing such a superior job of managing GROWING Corona numbers…so what do they need sweeping powers to do…all is needed right now is Defense Force to mobilize at supermarkets etc…and ENFORCE the 6 feet of separation…just by their PRESENCE..they did not need absolute powers to carry out that BASIC requirement in any society dealing with an infectious outbreak.

  15. It was clarified this morning the JetBlue flight to Barbados yesterday the purpose was to collect Americans stranded in Barbados.

  16. @Vincent


    You plan for what is possibly to come.

  17. Vincent…people can see that AND MORE…

    None of that is needed in 21L X 14W Barbados….one of the tiniest societies on earth…

    give me a list of names of persons who are any threat outside of the virus itself…

    …and how come they are the only ones outside of China who are looking for such powers, not even UK has done that yet, only police presence, in US army presence…in some areas..police in US have become infected, at least one died in NYC..

    You need to tell Ms. Fighting Imperialism, to THINK BEFORE coming up with these power grabbing schemes…..and that is the bottomline..

    yall are too damn soft, then ya complain about women who is actually the mentally superior, stonger human..

  18. Really ‘Really Talk about adding fuel to fire
    The list in local media of parishes and communities that is without water at a time of health crisis is mind boggling
    Yet to hear people stand bold faced and support govt measures of open port of calls during this crisis is dumbfounding
    How on earth can a country that is water scarce allow visitors at this time to come into a country that is experiencing drought conditions
    What the hell is happening
    Can somebody any body tell govt that they are putting the country in harms way
    The list that was placed in local media would send shockwaves miles long across the ocean
    I meaning with little water for the populace yet govt keeps playing hard and loose with the health of the nation
    Where are the voices to speak against this injustice

  19. Just saw a video where the Black Rock Service station was robbed this morning…this is the environment that BOTH DBLP created because they only ever wanted one small section of the population to be wealthy and access any opportunities the island had to offer, they can share the blame, it is interesting to note there seemed to be no security inside the premises…

    with all these sweeping powers, why are Defense Force and Police not on 24 hour patrol

    you reap what you sow….your legacies will follow you until real leaders appear.

  20. If one listens to the NEW CMO there seems to be a shortage of doctors trained and or available to do swabbing to facilitate testing.

  21. Just in case i am called an alarmist this was a recent update a few days ago

    Barbados Today

    The Barbados Water Authority (BWA) is reminding the public that the shut-offs implemented during 2019 still remain in effect into this year 2020. This action of periodic shut-offs is being taken in order to enable the equitable distribution of water in the parish of St. Joseph.

    The shut-offs will directly affect residents and commercial customers in parts of St. George, St. Thomas and St. John who are serviced by the transmission mains which run between Bowmanston and Golden Ridge, as well as from Applewhaites to Golden Ridge.

    The affected areas include:

    In St. George

    Locust Hall, Bournes Village, Paradise, Jericho, Market Hill, Cottage Grove Development, Cottage Retreat, Newbury, Todds, Tappy Pond and neighbouring districts.

    In St. Thomas

    Hopewell, Vaucluse, Content, Rock Hall, Shop Hill, Christie Village, Cane Garden Heights, Proute, Strong Hope, Applewhaites and surrounding areas.

    In St. John

    Wilson Hill, Sherbourne, Claybury, Cherry Grove, Pool, Four Roads, Lemon Arbor, Gall Hill, Carters Gap, Glebe Land, Clifton Hall, Edge Cliff, Church View, Newcastle, Foster Hall and neighbouring districts.

    Customers are reminded that the shut-offs continue on

    Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays between 9:00 a.m and 4:00 p.m and nightly between 9:00 p.m and 4:00 a.m until further notice.

    The Authority apologises for the inconvenience and thanks you for your cooperation. ( BWA)

  22. with all these sweeping powers, why are Defense Force and Police not on 24 hour patrol

    and no, she does not need any sweeping powers to direct the AG to direct the COP and/or Brigadier…to patrol the streets…

  23. It would be of interest to know when these passengers arrived and from whence they came
    If on arrival in Barbados if they were tested or quarantine
    Btw they were other flights yesterday that brought passengers to barbados

  24. I thought i saw somewhere they were getting medical people from Cuba to help, doubt nurses from Kenya, Ghana or anywhere that far will be traveling anytime soon if they are not on the island already.

    Ah heard Donville’s favorite ditty was…when ya fail to plan, ya plan to fail…he should know, the two of them being best friends and all…..and people already have it all over social media that they do not pay their own nurses on time, if at all….can’t believe yall memories so short ya are ready to enable this shitshow.

    As for the water, should’nt the aquifiers be filled by now, with the Corona they don’t have to give or sell water to cruise ships anymore for a very long time, so we should not be hearing about water problems by June…or there is something else going on.

    when they get something right, let me know.

  25. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    WURA at 11:57Pm and 12:10 PM

    We are who we are. We are not a Banana Republic. The Rule of Law is supreme in our land.No need for the Defense Force or the Police to increase their visibility.
    Whether you want to admit it or not we do have real real leaders. Your standard of leadership is not appropriate .

  26. The COVID Czar and AG confirmed that flights coming to Barbados were scheduled to do pick up and in cases where there is incoming passengers they were screened and those originating from affected countries were quarantined, we will go with official sources thank you.


  27. Oh on the jet blue flight some arrivals stay on in barbados
    Also i understood another flight with arrivals would becoming on Monday

    But back to the water situation does it make sense to be adding addition to the populace when there is no water for the few in a time of crisis
    This govt needs to be exposed for their nonsense

  28. Mariposa… they are given a form upon arrival at the airport and told someone will check on them every 5 days…never happened…they are supposed to record their own temperatures and call in or text the results…

    the document is on whatsapp, ask your friend.

    so what are these sweeping powers for again i ask..

    when they get something right, let me know…

  29. “Your standard of leadership is not appropriate .”

    Well corruption is not my bag, you are welcome to the corrupt, i have higher standards…

    the law never went anywhere…don’t think you are understanding what is happening here, maybe it’s best to be an onlooker…

  30. Are you able to comprehend that Barbados is currently experiencing drought conditions which perennially negatively affects water level in our reservoirs? In order to protect the reservoirs and to allow them to replenish the prohibition makes sense as well as regulating flows to certain areas. Both BLP and DLP are not blameless for the state of affairs.

  31. Maybe the AG needs to go to the airport and get a birds eye view of what is transpiring

  32. They are those who bray “Keep your eyes open. Something is coming downstream”
    A cacophony of asses

    In case I am one of the asses I should bray that I have no predictionsabout what is coming downstream. I do however think it is ALWAYS a good idea to keep one’s eyes open just in case.

    Are you suggesting we should close them?

  33. I have my concerns about a Bds$50000 fine for disobeying the badly framed curfew legislation; so, as the authoritarian chairman has pointed out, if youths break the curfew, are they going to be fined $50000 on conviction? Is that angry, bitter magistrate going to send them to prison if they cannot pay the fine? In the UK, the fine on the spot is £60, £30 if paid within 14 days. And it is not a criminal offence. A civilised society does not try to penalise its citizens to show who is in charge, it tries to nudge those citizens in to doing what is right.

    Absolutely correct. In France, it is, I think c.130 EUR.
    Barbados, like the US loves to criminalise and inprison its poor and most vulnerable. The sad part is that we get these idiots on BU and elsewhere on the island supporting this savagery.

  34. “Are you suggesting we should close them?”

    it does not take much to turn some people into BLIND DUMMIES…and as misery likes company, they want everyone to be blind dummies too…that is how many, many people lose their lives stupidly, which if they cared anything about, they would be a hell of a lot more cautious…

    ..and ya done know, if ya don’t care about ya own lives, i sure as hell will not put you in charge of how i think or what i should know….or in charge of my life either….ha..

  35. For those still not taking the rising Covid count seriously enuff to stay 6 feet apart.

    Confirmed cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) in Barbados are 33.

  36. @Dullard

    You are aware the court has discretion in applying the amount of the fine etc?

  37. The blogmaster will go with the AG instead of you and your FB sources.


  38. David
    March 29, 2020 12:16 PM

    If one listens to the NEW CMO there seems to be a shortage of doctors trained and or available to do swabbing to facilitate testing.

    ….a suggestion like that would have little merit. Internationally, doctors from all fields, including surgeons, have been assisting in the treatment of COVID-19 patients.

    Further, a nurse can do swabbing. A ‘trained’ layman can do swabbing.

    All of the DNA tests conducted worldwide are done using swabs, by the users themselves.

  39. @ David,

    ” Overall, 287 tests have been conducted over the last three to four weeks.”

    “Confirmed cases of coronavirus (COVID-19) in Barbados are 33.”

    If true this Scary!

  40. @Hants

    About nine cases the result of contact tracing. Let us agree with Peter we need to aggressively test.

  41. @Crusoe

    The CMO indicated special training is required to do the test for COVID 19.

  42. I have my concerns about a Bds$50000 fine for disobeying the badly framed curfew legislation; so, as the authoritarian chairman has pointed out, if youths break the curfew, are they going to be fined $50000 on conviction? Is that angry, bitter magistrate going to send them to prison if they cannot pay the fine? In the UK, the fine on the spot is £60, £30 if paid within 14 days. And it is not a criminal offence. A civilised society does not try to penalise its citizens to show who is in charge, it tries to nudge those citizens in to doing what is right.

    Absolutely correct. In France, it is, I think c.130 EUR.
    Barbados, like the US loves to criminalise and inprison its poor and most vulnerable. The sad part is that we get these idiots on BU and elsewhere on the island supporting this savagery.



  43. David your call nit surprising but u can call the airport to verify
    Fb is not the only source to fjnd information u can email any where in the world for fact finding

  44. @ac

    Stay safe in your neck of the woods.

  45. David all u have to do is go on American airline website u would find that flights from the USA are still coming to barbados
    I know for a fact that one such flight came in with arrivals yesterday


    Here is a schedule flights going all the way into May from Miami

    ound trip
    Round trip
    One way
    Thu, May 7
    Wed, May 13
    Any number of stops
    Nonstop only
    1 stop or fewer
    2 stops or fewer
    Departing flights
    Sort by
    Best FlightsDefault
    Departure time
    Arrival time
    6:51 PM
    10:25 PM
    3h 34m


    round trip
    10:49 AM
    2:31 PM
    3h 42m


    round trip
    11:00 PM
    3:10 PM+2

  46. From reading the above, people are not ‘getting it’.

    The $50,000 is meant to focus the gravity of the situation.

    Is the magistrate meant to ‘give the fella a lil ease’?

    Really???? Some of you really are missing the issue.

    You think this is sport?

    Then we will hear, ”but de grandson only went by a few lil friends tuh talk, he din know he woulda give it tuh he grandmother, cuh dear”.

  47. DavidMarch 29, 2020 2:03 PM

    Stay safe in your neck of the
    You too David. Wish i could say the same for the number of innocent people whose lives might be affected by the virus because of govt policies

  48. @John A

    The AG slammed the door on hardware stores opening.

  49. Also the AG slammed the door on arrivals to Grantley Adams Airport yesterday

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