The electorate of Barbados decided to give the Barbados Labour Party (BLP) an overwhelming and unprecedented mandate on the 24 May 2018. The result was a repudiation of a hapless Democratic Labour Party (DLP) administration led by Freundel Stuart, as it was a belief by Barbadians in red bag-promises from Mia Mottley. We know the proclivity of human beings to want to believe in something, anything if it means being blinded to facts. Barbadians have shown themselves to be no different.

As we prepare – how time flies even when not having fun – to enter the early phase of another election cycle, the question being discussed quietly in some circles – is it possible the Mottley government could become a one term government? It harrows the mind of the blogmaster that after a 30-0 drubbing of the DLP three years ago some are open to the possibility of the incumbent suffering the ignominy of an Alan Chastanet in St. Lucia. 

The pandemic is proving to be an x-factor driving unpredictable human behaviour, beleaguered electorates suffering from economic fatigue has seen governments of SIDs struggle to govern. An absurdity tossed up sometimes by political talking heads is that some elections are good to lose. Is it possible this is the case for Verla Depeiza and her unready team? A scan of the DLP’s ‘newly minted’ website suggest the party is a work in progress.

Barbadians accept that the DLP represents the only option as the credible opposition party going into the next general election (The blogmaster was unable to find a website of the official opposition party led by Joe Atherley). We are therefore vested in a competent DLP being equipped to share alternative, progressive programs and to present a competent team to implement same to move the country forward. Based on what we have seen can we say – are we there yet?

The honeymoon period has disappeared for the Mottley government and much of its post-2018 political capital. Although the blogmaster is not convinced at this point Mia Mottley will suffer the fate of Alan Chastanet at the next poll, there is a level of apprehension in some quarters driven by the hostile environment governments of SIDs are presently negotiating. Making it more difficult for the experienced Mottley are rookie mistakes made so far, helping to reaffirm a perception that six of one, half dozen the other. 

It is unfortunate given the level of political apathy shown by the electorate, it has not given rise to a vibrant, credible and alternative political movement. One must conclude there are serious underlying issues preventing Barbadians of integrity and the other prerequisite characteristics to offer themselves for public service. The result has been successive governments who lacked the ability to sustain Barbados’ position on the socioeconomic ladder.

Now that Vela Depeiza has shown her mettle to win against internal combatants George Pilgrim from old guard and upstart outsider Guy Hewitt, is Verla battle harden enough to take on Mia Mottley?

472 responses to “One Term Government?”

  1. ‘Reform immigration, citizenship to boost benefits’ – by Marlon Madden October 8, 2021

    Immigration within the Caribbean could benefit Barbados and its neighbours, noted economist and former central bank governor Dr DeLisle Worrell has suggested as he called for a reform of the policies,……..”

  2. Congratulations to our Supreme Leader!

    Today she won the first round in the legal battle against the radical No Vaxx terrorists. Now would be the time to finally take action against the opposition that is behind the deadly Delta plague.

  3. I have been accused by a small number of domestic home Bajans of writing shite and being very negative.

    May I suggest to those individuals to triple read the words of Dr DeLisle Worrell. Reading between the lines it appears to be an explicit call to encourage home grown Bajans to migrate to possible greener pastures; whilst encouraging the influx of foreigners.

    Will there be a place in this new Barbados for Cuhdear’ s grandchildren, or Donna’s son, or AC’S nephews and nieces or perhaps Artax’s off-spring?

    Whilst we argue with each other we fail to see the warning signs scattered throughout our landscape.

  4. @TLSN

    No thanks.

    This man had the job of government’s banker during thr worst economic period Barbados has experienced.

  5. “Whilst we argue with each other we fail to see the warning signs scattered throughout our landscape.”

    that suits all of them….they have been on the blog for years, i came and met some on here, and they stilll carry on with the same retrograde bullshit, no improvements….and with no concern to what is about to happen to them and their families, so we should show even less concern and protect ours for what is coming at full speed…they already know the parliament nigas are SELLOUTS that is what they have always been and always will be..

    …some things they are not aware of, but am sure not going to be the one to tell them, i said a lot in 9 years…not when they already have all the answers and know everything about everything…it’s best they see for themselves..

    am just making sure the continent knows about these corrupt thieving minorities from the Caribbean diaspora with big plots and plans for what is not theirs, the wicked thieves for descendants of indentured servants who believe they can jump over African descendants because the disrespectful black face CORRUPT criminals TOLD THEY COULD..their hatred of Black/African peoples that is well documented will be told…, the evil syrian/indian cartels etc that the fraudent trash in the parliament giving greenlight to like if they own our ancestral lands…

    ..if the Black population want to sit their asses down and be spectators in the upcoming FRAUD driven scams beiing devised by the evil nigas and their minority partners .. while their families and future generations lose out and get driven further into poverty.., they know how to fight down each other and post shite all day long but don’t know how to fight for and defend their ancestral rights……that’s on them…

  6. William Skinner Avatar

    @ David
    Was Dr. Worrell the Minister of Finance? Was he responsible for government’s economic policy?
    Is he the only governor of the Central Bank when the country’s economy was

  7. David Bu you beat me to it.Here 5his joker TLSN invites us to reread something presented by Dr Worrell the same person who was governor of the central bank and the last government chief economic advisor during the lost decade.I wonder where this tlsn was back then in timbucktoo?She/ he often refers to Ms Mottley as a dictator but ould not be found or heard when the last PM decided he was not going to call the last election when it was due but decided to go into an extra three months to try to hold on to power.The electrate showed them who had the power.Therefore Talking loud saying nothing most bajans especially me, do not want to hear anything from Dr Worrell in terms of advice.I gone.

  8. As for the wannabe and white criminal minorites…..their day too will come…

    and the lazy, Black ignoramus’ will get exactly what they have been begging for years..

  9. @William

    He did not resign which can be taken as assent.

  10. This one term govt gonna left a lot of mess behind for the new govt to fix
    This govt will be remembered as A tenure of destruction and devastation on the bajan households

  11. William Skinner Avatar

    @ David
    Did Bostic not resigning meant “assent” to a frigging vaccine scam ?

  12. @William

    Do you know have info you want to share?

  13. Yes minority thieves and criminals in Barbados and the Caribbean…and their black face enablers….this is OUR continent…and we will defend it from lowlife criminals like you..

  14. I don’t think its fair to say Bostic resigned over a vaxx scam alone though. I think he mainly resigned over the inertia of this government and its inability to make a decision. Its not easy being the whipping horse for something you can’t make the final decision on I would imagine.

  15. @John A

    Had Bostic resigned?

  16. William Skinner Avatar

    @ David
    What info? You are saying that Worrell did not resign so it should be taken as “assent” . I ask if Bostic not resigning means it should be take as “assent” to the vaccine scam. Obviously, you can’t apply a measure to one and not the other.
    I am putting it to you and all the damn apologists , that under the Wetsminister system, Bostic should have resigned forthwith or Mottley should have fired him. Worrell was no part of any cabinet, he was not elected and he was fired by the minister of finance.
    I am no big Westminister fan but that’s what you support and defend daily.

  17. Two different situations William, if you cannot see it …

  18. @ david.

    To the best of my knowledge no he has not. He said he would not run again though. I don’t think with his background he would walk away from this before elections. He will stick it out unless of course if Mia reshuffles. Not that any one else would want that ministry with covid now anyhow.

  19. TLSN…the backwardness that these island governments, with their little colonial titles, wallowed in for over half century will be told and retold for decades into the future, and they have no one but themselves to blame…..they can’t reverse any of it…they are too slow, too weakwilled and don’t carry the requisite know how.

    we all know what they are good at….

  20. We are moving forward.

    “A six-year-old Georgia girl has become the youngest Black farmer in the state as well as the youngest certified producer.”

  21. TLSN October 8, 2021 4:34 PM #: “Whilst we argue with each other we fail to see the warning signs scattered throughout our landscape.”

    My friend……..

    Could you please explain to BU how is it POSSIBLE for YOU, as an anonymous blogger, to DETERMINE what ‘warning signs’ other anonymous bloggers ‘fail to see?’

    How do you KNOW whether or not they’re making positive contributions to their communities and by extension, the society?

    Do you know if they are involved in volunteerism…….. freely devoting their time to community service…………. or activism to bring about bring about political or social changes, or support a particular cause…….. and PREFER not to ADVERTISE their achievements on BU.

    Or, do you believe people’s understanding of social, economic and political issues is determined by:

    …….. bragging about how many years they were on BU
    …….. the multiplicity of ‘samey, samey’ contributions they post to this forum
    …….. boasting about writing books that cannot be identified or for which there aren’t any references
    …….. giving vague descriptions and explanations of objectives they claimed to have achieved

    Perhaps you may want to outline what social changes your were able to initiate through Barbados Underground.

    Sir, you NEED to STOP your NONSENSE of coming to BU and making PRECONCEIVED ASSUMPTIONS about what PEOPLE YOU DO NOT KNOW are DOING or NOT doing.

  22. NorthernObserver Avatar

    Dr.W choice was resign, or do as he did and be fired. He knew his exposé would not be ignored.
    Hence I cannot equate failure to resign with assent.
    Had he resigned ‘quietly’ that may have sent ‘no message’. Hence, his actions were anything but assent.

  23. @NO

    He could have resigned and be a vocal critic.

  24. William Skinner Avatar

    @ David
    Why doesn’t Bostic resign and become a “ vocal critic”? By now you must realise your double standards can’t hold water here.
    @ NO
    Dr Worrell was fired for not doing what the Minister of Finance wanted. He stood up like a man and the MOF did what the law allowed him to do. Dr. Worrell did not allow the indignity of being fired deter him from his actions.
    Bostic on the other hand was completely ignored and left out of a serious matter involving his ministry. Why doesn’t @ David present that by staying , knowing fully, that he was disrespected in such a public manner , that he should have resigned and or resign and become a “ vocal critic” of the atrocity of the scammed vaccines procurement.

  25. William…the scamming is not going to stop. That is who they are, it’s the reason the continent was warned to tread very lightly with them and STAY ON HIGH ALERT, criminal minorities are their weapons against Black/Africans….even when trading with the continent as they were INVITED TO…they will still try to sneak their hardcore minority criminals in UNDER THE RADAR to commit financial crimes……..but there are security forces who will watch them, and they can only get so far….

    …..they can only continue their crap in Barbados and the Caribbean, if the people ALLOW IT going forward….it’s time to show them who is the REAL BOSS.

  26. That’s exactly what happened with the vaccine scam, although government has DIRECT ACCESS to any vaccine manufacturer to go on their waiting list, their maloney agent was still allowed to go rogue and try to enter the back door to procure vaccines, and according to AstraZeneca would have gotten counterfeit since he had no authorization as a 3rd party procurer……again, his fellow scamsters must be thanked profusely..

    unfortunately the government cut the minister of health completely out of any knowledge of their under the radar plot, and could not very well fire him for not knowing, when THEIR SLIMY PLOT BACKFIRED……..but was easily the fall guy had a bunch of people been poisoned by any counterfeit vaccines…

  27. Tek my son’s name out yuh igrunt mout! My son runs an online business, selling his product to the world.

    His business is currently being promoted by a Bajan of Indian descent, currently residing in the USA.

    And the minority crook wukking den!

    You let ME worry about my son!

  28. @William

    Repeating an earlier comment, Bostic signaled months ago this was his last hurrah. How many politicians you know retire from politics?

  29. William Skinner Avatar

    @ WURA
    Note that all the so-called accountability and transparency advocates, who had a field day with Cahill , have now gone silent.
    This is how the Duopoly operates. They pretend to go after each other, but when the issue becomes too ominous, they circle the wagon and start to declare the issue over.
    Suddenly , we have one Carrington, a civil servant/ technocrat reading a parliamentary statement, in complete contradiction of what was said by the Deputy PM.
    We now have a Minister of Labour , in direct contradiction , with the Chief Labour Officer regarding the mandatory vaccine issue.
    The confusion is as rampant and confusing, as it was under Stuart and company.
    Barbados certainly deserves better. However , as always , this happens all over the world, so no need to highlight what happens on the rock.

  30. Each quarter he on national TV talking pup only to be fired by the wus MoF in history. Where was his professional pride? He went so far as stopping press conferences.

    Piss in the blogmasters pocket do.

  31. @William

    You live to stretch issues. Cahill is a completely different issue, we had confidential documents leaked which fueled the story. Then there was the issue of people anti gasification etc. This matter like Donville Inniss will pick up steam once court proceedings start. With a general election coming the political opposition has something to work with, it do they.

  32. David BU you have to excuse Skinner.He seems to be a friend of Dr Worrell which is no problem.He was the same with Mr Inniss looking for sympathy for him on here speaking of his family forgeting how the over 60 workers Mr Inniss sent home and refused to rehire.They did not have family and bills to pay.As for Dr Worrell either he was giving advice not heeded or he was giving poor advice knowing full well that was not the way to go.Either way instead of going quietly he decided to go to court and still had to go.I guess it must have been in my view the perks of the job.I gone.

  33. William Skinner Avatar

    @ David
    Dr. Worrell only stopped press conferences when his positions were consistently misrepresented , especially by the Nation newspaper. On more than one occasion, they had to apologise to him.
    @ Lorenzo
    Please bring the evidence that William
    Skinner ever supported the dismissal of workers by one Mr. Inniss .
    Once again you’re are foolishly attempting to link me to matters, I have never commented on.
    On Inniss’ predicament, I merely stated that we ought to consider the effects , it would have on the disgraced gentleman. Do “ excuse” me if on very rare occasions , I appear to be human!
    All I am saying to @David, is to apply the same measurement he has toward Dr. Worrell to Minister Bostic.
    And a very pleasant weekend to you and yours.
    Keep up the good work, you remain an asset to BU.

  34. @William

    The blogmaster recalls he had a problem with reporters questioning an HR issue but what does the blogmaster know.

  35. “Note that all the so-called accountability and transparency advocates, who had a field day with Cahill , have now gone silent”

    hypocrites, as long as those who are their favorite corrupt government doing it, and they can get a few crumbs to make themselves feel important…..the fact that those are still crimes committed against the people…does not register in their tiny polluted minds.

    “The confusion is as rampant and confusing, as it was under Stuart and company.”

    when operating in a framework that is not of YOUR DESIGN….confusion will NEVER STOP….but ehy are the ones believing they are keeping a system to continue their anti-Black/African endeavors of crookery…

    only the retarded need minorities to promote anything for them…everyone else knows how to promote to tens of millions in the diaspora..

  36. William Skinner Avatar

    @ David
    You should be quite aware that it is standard practice , with most organizations, that HR issues are seldom discussed in public, especially by those who may be directly involved.
    There are serious legal implications if orbwhen such is allowed or done.
    Any reporter who expects any seasoned manager, to allow such , would only be wishing on a star.
    Right now , you’re catching at straws because you like most apologists on BU , do not want to accept that Minister Bostic should have resigned the moment he learnt that he had been sidelined, on a matter of such import., as the importation of vaccines .
    All I ask you to admit is the simple premise that if in your opinion, Dr. Worrell’s refusal to resign meant he “ assent” to the failed policies of the decadent DLP, why are you not holding Bostic to such a standard.
    Answer the damn question.
    As for Cahill and the vaccine scam , the question remains: Transparency and accountability. Now, you can talk about degrees. Death by bullet and death by stabbing is death.
    The blasted vaccine deal was so frigging transparent, that the minister did not know about it !
    Gimme a frigging break my brother.

  37. @William

    What does discussing HR matters have to do with cancelling press conferences? All CEOs of companies have to answer hard questions even if they have to deflect. Give us a break indeed.

  38. So… my son is retarded now?

    My son does not write colour into every blasted thing as you do.

    The guy came with a proven track record.

    He wukking!

    Fuck off, foolish witch bitch!

    Enough of your toxic brew for the day!

    I gone!

  39. Stupid bitch does not understand that freeing up promotion time thereby upping production time can be beneficial.

  40. William Skinner Avatar

    @ David
    You introduced the HR thing , not me!
    Stop dodging the issue re: your double standards re: Worrell and Bostic.

  41. The HR issue was introduced to refute your erroneous statement.

    Worrell bans Nation – NationNews Barbados —

  42. Forgive me if I cannot take most of the stuff I see here seriously…

    I noticed Lorenzo switches from Manglish to very good English. His departing phrase is ‘I gone’. What if …

  43. “from Manglish to very good English.”


  44. Donna October 9, 2021 8:27 AM

    Please, why waste your time. It’s a good thing she DOES NOT READ your contributions.

    Here we have a delusional, dumb, retarded individual who spends from as early as 2am to as late as 12:59PM on BU, spewing the same shiite EVERY DAY, about ‘minority criminals,’ while IGNORING the fact that some of the ‘MAJORITY’ are also DEVISING similar plans, to ROB poor Black people similar to themselves, senior citizens, disabled and other vulnerable people of their ‘properties, bank accounts and pension funds.’

    Or, SELLING narcotics to children at primary and secondary schools.

    Cussing minorities every day, while PROUDLY DECLARING being MARRIED to a white man and having a Chinese in-law.

    And, then, they go to live in countries where they are immediately counted in one of the minority groups, only to ‘cry foul’ or racial profiling, when similar treatment is meted out to them by the ‘majority.’

    ‘Yuh just cahn mek dis stuff up.’

  45. Side note:
    Not really into the covid or one term posts.

    Just waiting on the scam post to take wings.

  46. NorthernObserver Avatar

    Within “certain circles” it was believed DrW was the brains behind many of BigSincks policies. Hence animosity when the financial trajectory kept going in an unfavorable direction. However DrW was paid to do a job, including advice.
    When a tipping point was reached, and the GoB refused to change, in spite of unprojected results, DrW broke his silence.
    Many believed this was long overdue and should have come sooner. Yet, he did not go quietly? That was all the criticism one needed.
    In a similar fashion, Min Bostic’s response tells us someone overstepped their authority. He was blindsided. Should he resign and become a vocal critic?
    He could fire the PS who penned the letter? That would clearly send a message. And shake the tree. But only stir the pot if he knew the PS was instructed by someone “above him” in the command chain vs acting on their own.

  47. @NO

    Understand your reasoning, it comes down to judgement. The decision by Bostic to go end of this term perhaps has deflated his situation

  48. What if what!!!!

    Ask David!

    But it would really be hilarious to have fooled all uh wunnuh so-called superior people for all these years.

    Flea-brain and Peabrain!


    Almost sorry it isn’t true!

  49. To clear the matter once and for all about Bostic left out in the cold would some brave journalist ask the PM at her next PC if the Minister knew of the aborted deal for vaccines. They may not get a definitive answer, but they may be able to read between the lines and arrive at a conclusion.

    Mr. Bostic is the first politician in Barbados history who is pledging to walk away from a job at the top of his profession and in a Gov’t that is poised to repeat its electoral success in the coming months. The usual spin doctors are making statements that he had arrived at a decision “to spend time with his family” some time ago and has now made it public.

    Will wonders ever cease?

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