The electorate of Barbados decided to give the Barbados Labour Party (BLP) an overwhelming and unprecedented mandate on the 24 May 2018. The result was a repudiation of a hapless Democratic Labour Party (DLP) administration led by Freundel Stuart, as it was a belief by Barbadians in red bag-promises from Mia Mottley. We know the proclivity of human beings to want to believe in something, anything if it means being blinded to facts. Barbadians have shown themselves to be no different.

As we prepare – how time flies even when not having fun – to enter the early phase of another election cycle, the question being discussed quietly in some circles – is it possible the Mottley government could become a one term government? It harrows the mind of the blogmaster that after a 30-0 drubbing of the DLP three years ago some are open to the possibility of the incumbent suffering the ignominy of an Alan Chastanet in St. Lucia. 

The pandemic is proving to be an x-factor driving unpredictable human behaviour, beleaguered electorates suffering from economic fatigue has seen governments of SIDs struggle to govern. An absurdity tossed up sometimes by political talking heads is that some elections are good to lose. Is it possible this is the case for Verla Depeiza and her unready team? A scan of the DLP’s ‘newly minted’ website suggest the party is a work in progress.

Barbadians accept that the DLP represents the only option as the credible opposition party going into the next general election (The blogmaster was unable to find a website of the official opposition party led by Joe Atherley). We are therefore vested in a competent DLP being equipped to share alternative, progressive programs and to present a competent team to implement same to move the country forward. Based on what we have seen can we say – are we there yet?

The honeymoon period has disappeared for the Mottley government and much of its post-2018 political capital. Although the blogmaster is not convinced at this point Mia Mottley will suffer the fate of Alan Chastanet at the next poll, there is a level of apprehension in some quarters driven by the hostile environment governments of SIDs are presently negotiating. Making it more difficult for the experienced Mottley are rookie mistakes made so far, helping to reaffirm a perception that six of one, half dozen the other. 

It is unfortunate given the level of political apathy shown by the electorate, it has not given rise to a vibrant, credible and alternative political movement. One must conclude there are serious underlying issues preventing Barbadians of integrity and the other prerequisite characteristics to offer themselves for public service. The result has been successive governments who lacked the ability to sustain Barbados’ position on the socioeconomic ladder.

Now that Vela Depeiza has shown her mettle to win against internal combatants George Pilgrim from old guard and upstart outsider Guy Hewitt, is Verla battle harden enough to take on Mia Mottley?

472 responses to “One Term Government?”

  1. John A

    You make another turn around and now realising how important tourism is to our recovery?

    It aint dead no more or will never be the same And all them types of comments?

    From when Obama started openning up to cuba. You did killing off tourism In barbados

    I think i heard tha one about we getting the scraps from you already – probably last year

  2. Approx 50k visitors for the 3rd quarter

    Another prediction for you

  3. Uh oh! Here comes Talking Loud and Still Saying Nothing!

    Not only do some stay-at-home Bajans share my view but also some prominent overseas Bajans whose opinions were published in the Sunday Sun two editions ago.

    This is apparently a thing. And I am having my say. I thought that was my right.

    My bad!


  4. Northern Observer,

    There is big theft and there is bigger theft. There is incompetence and there is worse incompetence. These two together determine whether things are bad or worse.

    My link with the economy is specific to the management of this covid situation.

    No matter how bad things are at present, I guarantee that it would have been far worse with the last DLP administration which could not even keep 100 buses on the road or 12 garbage trucks. No new facility would have been prepared. No medical supplies would have been sourced. No vaccines would have been available. We would literally be running out of oxygen and dying for want of care.

    The corruption dwarfed anything I have seen so far from this government. Also the incompetence.

    So the difference between the parties is one of degree.

    And yes, we citizens need to be more involved in holding them accountable. The awakening of the citizenry is the only good thing that has come out of covid. When the dust settles, I hope it will continue. But in a better cause.

  5. So childish or not, big people up in Amurka debating it!


  6. Oh shite! AC want we to kiss the bottom uh she foot! I now see dat!


    Why Some Overseas Bajans don’t Fit in well on Resettling in Barbados – Exhibit A.


    Anyhow! I have had my say on the igrunt discussion that was started in Amurka.

    Wunnuh could cuss the niga all wunnuh like! She cuss proof!

    I heh laughing right through!

  7. “Your keyboard may catch fire lol”

    i can just imagine, I see London is hold an “investigation”..the amount of 0s involved woud give ya a headache.

  8. Hope this one comes out as 0s.

    ya can’t even ask for some jokers on the blog to be more useful, they are too un/miseducated to be of any use..but believe that they have say that can sway…delusional.

  9. “The minority groups who run the island will be emboldened with this post. In direct contrast to the majority black population who are ilikely to become trapped in perpetual poverty irrespective of their high levels of education.”

    the wicked minded, uneducated and ignorant will NEVER understand that and would automatically look across at the next Black person to blame it on or blame it on those who have to go through all types of challenges and harsh seasons to be able to send out remittances…to ease the financial and social burdens on the population on the island that’s created by the corrupt in the parliament and the minority social partnership of parasites and thieves…

  10. they can get away with all types of backward shite going into archives scavenging believing they are getting some kinda upperhand and in their grand illusions and delusions thinking they can stop something they don’t even understand…..but this is one they will NEVER GET AWAY WITH.

    ….the audacity and downright stupidity is incalculable….if they had spent any time in UK except for their disturbing childhood that still shines through, they would have much more appreciation for what Caribbean nationals experience in metropolis countries.. the Windrush debacle alone which the whole world knows about should give anyone pause…but the intellect lacking has no mental avenue for anything like that to register.

  11. DonnaOctober 5, 2021 12:26 AM

    Uh oh! Here comes Talking Loud and Still Saying Nothing!

    Not only do some stay-at-home Bajans share my view but also some prominent overseas Bajans whose opinions were published in the Sunday Sun two editions ago.

    This is apparently a thing. And I am having my say. I thought that was my right.

    My bad!

    U need to quit exposing your anti bajan national diatribe
    You have done enough damage to yourself to be branded a hating bajan national
    What u don’t understand are the many economic struggles that bajans faced forcing them to leave 166sq
    Ask any returning Barbadian what would there preference between immigrating and leaving the islands
    I remember very father having to make that choice and it was not easy
    However he had a family to.take care of and the job he had applied for only was accepting white people even though he was FULLY qualified
    Hence he chose higher ground and greener pastures
    Nevertheless his overseas earnings came to Barbados as his family remained here
    There are times when people have to make hard choices for the better which does not include hatred or resentment
    However what I have observed that the returning bajan is met with some level of hostility and resentment which begs for asking
    For what ?

  12. That’s the toxic poison this DAMAGED clown has been spreading on the blog for a very long time and managed to reel in the mentally weak, all this time she claimed to be on BU, longer than my 9 YEARS, and i never even noticed her until recently and that’s the best she could do..

  13. I repeat tell us what id happening in the USA, Canada, and the UK where you noise makers come from.You are in no position to be pulling down Barbados.We have our problems with covid 19 like most countries worldwide.What we do not need is persons with agendas like AC, Skinner, Gazzerts, Tlsn or the mad woman Waru trying to inflence us as to who to vote for.It will not work, as we have to live here not you.As to remittances nobody forced any one to send back to their relatives but it was and still is important.Bajans are thankful for this but it does not give you the right to call no shots from overseas.I gone.

  14. What kind of psychotic behavior would seek to DIVIDE local Black people from Black people who reside and work in industrialized countries….that is setting up deliberate divisiveness…I always felt there was an ulterior motive since she contributes very little to the blog outside of this clear destruction to any cohesiveness between both groups….it took me a while to realize that there is indeed something else at play…..and would have understood it sooner if i was paying more attention to the damn IDIOT….

  15. We have national issues of serious import and what some of you anonymous people that should know better do- turn every blog into online bashing. What credibility is gained from engaging in the very behaviour you rail about? Today is delete day.

  16. The little Slave is so confused he does not even know what he is saying…hope the bizzys and maloneys suck up ya pension and leave ya ass destitute and living on the streets as so many Black people are experiencing presently and have for decades….for your nuisance stupidity….you deserve no less.

  17. So Blogmaster…you don’t think it’s important to address a blogger DELIBERATELY setting out to divide Black people from those in the diaspora who have DONE NOTHING but try to help the country INCLUDING donating TIRELESSLY to the island INCLUDING to the LONE HOSPITAL so that patients would not be DEPRIVED…

  18. William Skinner Avatar

    Direct question again: Where did William Skinner write or say anything about Barbadians overseas voting ?
    Why can’t you just answer the question?
    Like I said at least three or four times: I ain’t getting into the voting ting.

  19. William…ya done know the little Slaves can’t help themselves, everything is about D and B…only letters in the alphabet they know, ask them which tribe they came from and listen to the answer, make sure to record it..

  20. I want a lot of them to remember that Rihanna also lives and works in the diaspora….and she is not at anytime stingy with her funds when it comes to helping the island….within reason.

  21. What we do not need is persons with agendas like AC, Skinner, Gazzerts, Tlsn or the mad woman Waru trying to inflence us as to who to vote for.It will not work, as we have to live here not you
    Any body here mad is you and loaded with hysteria having a self serving agenda to create social and political division

    .As to remittances nobody forced any one to send back to their
    The above comment stinks of UNGRATEFULNESS

  22. Ooops! Caught another whale! A witchy one. My early childhood was far from disturbing. Now suppose I had been disturbed because of my early childhood, would a mature, intelligent person throw that in my face?

    But you simply could not resist!

    Not so enlightened up in Canada, are we?

    However, enough fun for today! David is the blogmaster.

  23. William Skinner Avatar

    @ WURA
    This attitude is baffling because the Bees voted for a government that went into a bogus agreement with a man it accused of literally causing the death of a citizen. The same man ( Mark Maloney) was involved in a scam/ scheme , involving the government, that could have probably resulted in the importation of counterfeit vaccines. Now the vote did not stop the volte face that occurred.
    On the other side (DLP) they voted for a bogus deal with some outfit named Cahill.
    So in many ways, their votes have always benefitted the country or cause it grief. And that’s so all over the world.
    But, clear thinking people , know that having the ability to vote does not mean , you are guaranteed good governance regardless of the party involved. And again that’s all over the world.
    Now, I ain’t getting in this voting thing but I am here asking myself what do they really vote for and like people all over the world the ability to vote maybe just that.
    Like Maurice Bishop noted : It’s five minutes in a voted booth every five years. It does not really guarantee much more than saying one had a say in whom was elected. It never guarantees on how you will be governed.
    Because I have as spoken to dozens of my countrymen and women who voted and not one told me they voted for the possibility of ending up being injected with counterfeit vaccines. And dozens had also told me that never voted for piles of garbage, shortage of buses and Cahill.
    So , like I said I am not getting into this voting thing.
    I prefer to o talk about transparency accountability and looking after the poor black people who catch their arse regardless of who vote.
    And the usual caveat: That’s so all over the world.

  24. But another lie I must point out. I never claimed to be on BU longer than you. I think when I came you were known as Well Well.

    You cannot help lying about the slightest thing!

    Donald Trump!

    And I do not have to divide overseas Bajans from stay-at-home Bajans. The words you and some others use to describe us show how much you set yourselves above us.

  25. “all the talk fraud Enuff had yesterday, he disappeared off the scene”

    Salemite, unlike you I have a life (including employment) and it’s not centred in or on BU. Unlike you, no one can conclude from my BU activity that I am lonely, bitter or embittered. Unlike you, I am not seeking to fulfill my Maslow’s psychological needs on BU. Unlike you, I understand when less is more. Unlike you, I am not competing for any of BU prizes, including ‘Most Comments’. Unlike you, I don’t lie, regurgitate, repeat, duplicate, plagiarise and cut+paste as a hobby. I may be mentally challenged but something as simple as knowing the difference between an MP and a candidate does not elude my peabrain.

  26. This back and forth has enveloped into toxicity
    Rather not give no further input into the
    The island needs healing from anger … hate and agression
    But this I would Say God bless Barbados and barbadians at home and living overseas

  27. Mark Maloney lawyers can get a court order directed to the lawyers of the scam artist to release full information as to their identity
    This case would proceed home Mia got her ducks in order to face the fall outv

  28. The good that has come out of this is that ALL their DANGEROUSLY divisive comments are there for EVERYONE in the diapora to read and THEY, not anyone else, archived the whole collage themselves..

  29. “no one can conclude from my BU activity that I am lonely, bitter or embittered.


    “Unlike you, I don’t lie”

    YOU whose LIES were REPOSTED from the ar chives on MORE THAN ONE OCCASION…..tek dat…

    “something as simple as knowing the difference between an MP and a candidate does not elude my peabrain.”


  30. when this PLAGIARIST got caught TIEFING my archived comments…SHE said she was on BU longer than 9 YEARS…..she said….i don’t go dumpster DIVING or i would retrieve that from the blog that i caught you tiefing my content on that same thread……..because I believe Blogmaster had posted an old link where a Donna had commented…..doesn’t matter either way…ya have NEVER contributed SHIT WORTHWHILE at anytime…and now ya got ya JUST DESSERTS…

  31. “This attitude is baffling because the Bees voted for a government that went into a bogus agreement with a man it accused of literally causing the death of a citizen.”

    both DBLP are toxic and DANGEROUS…it was not just any child but one from the Black majority population that they ALL ROB ON THE REGULAR….

    maloney should have been arrested under the previous government but all of them are afraid of what he can say UNDER AN INTERNATIONAL INVESTIGATION…

    “Now, I ain’t getting in this voting thing but I am here asking myself what do they really vote for and like people all over the world the ability to vote maybe just that.”

    the vote for a dangerously racist Slave system and for the CRUMBS falling off from what others STEAL FROM THEM..

    “Like Maurice Bishop noted : It’s five minutes in a voted booth every five years. It does not really guarantee much more than saying one had a say in whom was elected. It never guarantees on how you will be governed.”

    Maurice was regrettably so right..

  32. And the FOUL damaged goods is still trying to make mischief….too late….yall will be shocked how many thousands of diasporans read this blog…

    Fraud Enuff….ya do know if i spend an hour on BU…i have completed 2 or 3 hours WORTH OF WORK somewhere else, it’s called multitasking….a foreign concept to limited in scope like you, but it does exist….ok…example..recently i literally had one hand tied behind my back with work, when you came up with your 3 word salad and GOT DEMOLISHED….Donna came up with her small time, limited iintellect shit and she is still trying and reaching, and i had ONE HIAND TIED BEHIND MY BACK with work FOR 2 and half months…straight…

    yall will never learn…

  33. I got my just desserts???? Pray tell, what did I get? A cussing from nonentities such as yourself?

    “Wuh I doan rice at you!”

    Neither do I ice-cream at you. I heh eating some maple almond from Bico.

    My just desserts!




  35. William…it has all come to a head…we don’t have much longer to wait for the crash…they are on cruise control and are no longer in control…they never thought they would see this day when everything hey touch turns to shit…and still…just like the few empty heads on BU…they learn nothing..

    we can record it all for prosperty and as a learning curve.

  36. Skinner let me try to clarify for you.I never spoke about overseas voting.I stated quite clearlyDO NOT LET THESE OVERSEAS BAJANS WITH THEIR AGENDAS INFLUENCE LOCAL BAJANS ABOUT WHO TO VOTE FOR. Therefore, i never said anything about overseas voting.I think like Gazzerts you rush into respond without understanding what is stated before.It was Donna i believe who spoke of overseas voting and i agree with her.As for Waru i am not depending on no pension to survive.As usual you just spouting off a lot of shite since you fo not know me from adam.It will be useful if you kook for something to do instead of polluting the blog with the same nonsense of fowl slave, crooked politicians, minorities bullshit every day.You sound like a stuck record. Regardless of the subject whether it is heath education , sport, the economy the same boring warm over soup.Take a hike nuisance.

  37. Loser Slave…ya will soon have to find a new hobby when ya are put out to pasture…the electorate WANT NONE OF YOU…

  38. William Skinner Avatar

    @ Lorenzo
    Did you not in that reply admit that you agreed with @ Donna about “ overseas” Bajans voting .
    I simply asked have you read me say anything about Bajans overseas voting. In other words I made it clear I was not a part of that discussion , so therefore I should not be included in such a response from you.
    Thanks for your attempt to clarify that you perhaps did not realise what I was saying to you.
    In other words, not only should they vote or not or should or should not influence others how to vote , was. never a part of my posts. Like I said the voting ting. Voting or influencing has nothing to do with me, so don’t lump me into any group implying that I am a involved in something of which I am not. You do it all the time.
    Next time only respond to what I write.
    I was no part of any voting or influencing by “overseas” Bajans.
    Here is what you wrote and maliciously included my name:

    “What we do not need is persons with agendas like AC, Skinner, Gazzerts, Tlsn or the mad woman Waru trying to inflence us as to who to vote for.It will not work, as we have to live here not you”

    My question was: Where did William Skinner write or say anything about Barbadians overseas voting ?
    I never did in relation to voting or influencing others how to vote.

    Thanks for your response.
    As always you are an asset to BU . Keep up the good work.

  39. “I think like Gazzerts you rush into respond without understanding what is stated before.”

    😃 I see that you have revived a phrase from Enuff
    Gonna feed ya🌽

  40. It was supposed to be for two weeks. Started out well but got too busy to manage it. New diets and recipes are time consuming. Took a break. New start date soon.

    In the meantime, I am enjoying my just desserts and walking it off with the stray dog around the cliffs.

  41. @ David

    Seems as though former DLP candidate for the City, Henderson Williams, is now a ‘card carrying’ member of the BLP.

    Perhaps he’s hoping to fill the void that will be left when Bostic ‘calls it quits.’

  42. @ David

    I hope you noticed how effortlessly he transitioned from the DEMS’ environment to that of the BEES, and adapted to those conditions accordingly.

  43. Have no time for political opportunist Artax.

  44. Like moving from Scotiabank to CIBC or RBC.

  45. William Skinner Avatar

    @ Artax
    @ David
    It’s impossible to transition from the Dees to Bees or Bees to Dees.

  46. @ Mr. Skinner

    I disagree.

    I’m sure you will agree, George Street and Roebuck Street are two different households, hence, two different environments.

    By leaving the DEMS to reside with the BEES, Williams has essentially changed from one position to another.

  47. Vaccine hunt continues


    GOVERNMENT HAS ALLOCATED more than $14.6 million for the purchase of COVID-19 vaccines, including millions of dollars still to be spent by the Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QEH).
    Despite the controversy that has broken out over its procurement arrangement with Radical Investments Ltd., Government says it “will continue to use multiple sources to procure vaccines” – partly in anticipation of the need for booster shots. That is what Director of Finance and Economic Affairs Ian Carrington has outlined in a twopage Parliamentary Statement On The National Vaccination Fund And Barbados’ Acquisition Of Vaccines.
    The senior Ministry of Finance official said the National Vaccination Fund was established on March 1 this year and that by September 24 it had received $10 898 514.01 from 87 donors. Of this amount, $7 358 647.69 was transferred to the Consolidated Fund on March 30, 2021, ahead of the 2021-2022 financial year’s start on April 1. The statement explained that of the remaining $3 539 866.32 in the fund, $1 235 995.81 was used to acquire 44 040 COVID-19 vaccines ($689 245.81 for 14 040 Pfizer doses and $546 750 for 30 000 Sinopharm doses), leaving a balance of $2 303 870.51.
    However, vaccine monies allocated to the QEH are yet to be used.
    “At the end of the financial year 2020-2021, along with the $7 358 647.69, a further $7 263 602.31, for an overall total of $14 622 250, was transferred from the Consolidated Fund to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital for the sole purpose of sourcing and purchasing vaccines. To date, it has not been necessary to utilise any of this amount,” Carrington said.
    He asserted that Barbados “will continue to use multiple sources to procure vaccines in the best interest of the population and to protect the lives and livelihood of Barbadians”.
    Carrington’s statement to Parliament was made after news of the Radical Investments Ltd. controversy, including an ongoing lawsuit in the United States, came to light.
    “As soon as it was known that vaccines were available, the Government of Barbados began significant efforts to source the vaccines. These efforts resulted in Barbados being one of the first countries in CARICOM to obtain a donation of 100 000 vaccines from the Republic of India. Some of those doses were shared with our CARICOM neighbours,” he said.
    Carrington added that “being well aware of the profound impact that constant shutdowns would have on the Barbadian economy and the impact on lives and livelihoods, the Government of Barbados continued to search for more vaccines.”
    He noted that Barbados “was able to make purchases
    from the COVAX Facility along with contributions from the COVID-19 Relief And Recovery Charity. Donations of vaccines were also received from the People’s Republic of China, the United States of America and Canada.”
    However, Carrington explained that “recognising the ongoing need for vaccines, especially as approvals were given for 12- to 17-year-olds to be vaccinated, and that in the future boosters would need to be administered, the Government of Barbados continued its search for both donations and to make purchases of vaccines”.
    “. . . The Government of Barbados was approached by one of the directors of Radical Investments Ltd, who indicated his willingness to assist with the sourcing of vaccines for Barbados and other countries in the region, given the minimum order quantity of one million doses,” he said.
    Carrington added: “It was agreed that the Government of Barbados’ resources would not be provided for the purchase of the vaccines up front but once the vaccines landed in Barbados and were approved by the Barbados Drug Service, the Government . . . would purchase the vaccines. Barbados did not enter into an agreement with Radical Investments Ltd.”
    Questions have been raised about the Ministry of Health And Wellness’ involvement in this vaccine procurement venture, but Carrington said in his statement that “as was the case from the onset of the pandemic, the Prime Minister has led a team to source vaccines for Barbados”.
    “It was felt that this was the best approach, given the significant workload of the Minister and staff of the Ministry of Health and Wellness. Once arrangements were settled, the Ministry of Health and Wellness would be involved in the actual processes for the vaccines to arrive on island,” he explained.
    “Since this point was never reached with respect to the source of the vaccines by Radical Investments Ltd, the Ministry of Health and Wellness’ involvement was limited.”
    Carrington added: “It should be noted that the Government of Barbados has taken care with regard to its sourcing of vaccines. With another supplier, to which some advance payment was made when it was recognised that the delivery date was likely to be missed, and vaccines had become available from other sources, the return of the funds was requested and the company complied.”

    Source: Nation

  48. Talking a lot and saying nothing.

    Govt must lobby US to remove advisory, says Sealy

    FORMER MINISTER OF Tourism Richard Sealy says the Mia Mottley-led administration should lobby to have the Level 4 Travel Advisory against the island lifted. Sealy was speaking yesterday after the United States Government on Monday issued the highest level travel advisory for any country as a result of the COVID-19 virus.
    “I hope that at some stage [the advisory] can be reviewed, but experience tells me that [officials] have to be patient because the State Department historically has been a lot less yielding than, for example, the Foreign Commonwealth in the [United Kingdom] or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Canada. The advisories coming out of the USA tend to be more ironclad than those coming out of the UK or Canada. You can talk to the Canadians and the Brits, but the Americans tend to be not as yielding on these matters,” Sealy said.
    He noted that from his experience, it had been difficult to get the US government to change its mind on anything, but he was hopeful if the Government made the request, it would be heard.
    “I would think, I assume, the lobby is on . . . because I have no knowledge in terms of what is happening on the Government’s side.
    . . . The lobby should be on, but I know it is going to be very difficult. For example, when we were dealing with the airline passenger duty issue in the UK, we actually successfully got the UK government to change its position on the Caribbean. “You don’t get the Americans to change its position on anything that easily, but that was my experience.
    . . . I know the new administration up there, under President [Joe] Biden has reached out to the Caribbean in some tangible way, and we should lobby to have
    that repealed, for sure,” Sealy said.
    The statement issued by the United States State Department read: “The Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has issued a Level 4 Travel Health Notice for Barbados due to COVID-19 indicating a very high level of COVID-19 in the country. Your risk of contracting COVID-19 and developing severe symptoms may be lower if you are fully vaccinated with an FDA authorised vaccine.
    “Before planning any international travel, please review the CDC’s specific recommendations for vaccinated and unvaccinated travellers,” the notice read.

    Source: Nation

  49. Theo de clown
    You’re still trying to decipher my use of “less is more”? Here’s an example, for every one post I make the Salemite in attempting to attack me makes 4 or 5. Individually and collectively all still fail.

  50. “Barbados did not enter into an agreement with Radical Investments Ltd.”
    Questions have been raised about the Ministry of Health And Wellness’ involvement in this vaccine procurement venture, but Carrington said in his statement that “as was the case from the onset of the pandemic, the Prime Minister has led a team to source vaccines for Barbados”

    AND ….who said he was an AGENT sourcing vaccines on behalf of the Barbados government…in the same LAWSUIT…so HOW MUCH was he going to be paid for COUNTERFEIT VACCINES when it could be accessed @ $US3 a dose from AstraZeneca through government once on a waiting list..

    so all the vaccines procured and paid for so far HAS BEEN DONE THROUGH LEGAL CHANNELS, for Pfizer and Sinopharm ….and still no explaination on WHY was maloney who has no experience in any damn vaccine procurement is INVOLVED in illegal vaccine procurement…..waiting for the countersuit..

    yall aint fooling a fella…except the Foul Slaves…

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