If the blogmaster were Prime Minister of Barbados the following edict would be issued as at 6PM today:

  1. Effective 15 October 2021 all persons entering banks and supermarkets will be required to show proof of being vaccinated for COVID 19 as well as adhering to existing COVID 19 protocols.
  2. Effective 1 November 2021 all medical personnel must be vaccinated as well as to adhere to existing COVID 19 protocols.

The blogmaster is aware the legislative framework will have to be tweaked to support. To manage a public health crisis prioritizing an amendment to existing legislation should command unanimous support in parliament.

It is obvious to all Barbadians community spread of the coronavirus is out of control in Barbados, confirmed by key medical personnel on the frontline. The virus is exerting extreme pressure on healthcare services in Barbados. The mouthings of a seldom seen or heard Minister of Labour should be punished in the context of the ongoing public health crisis on a trajectory to get worse. This is no time for rh political games.

It is times like now real leaders must stand-up for the good of country..

358 responses to “Time for Barbados Government to Issue Mandatory Vaccination Directive”

  1. Rights are about balance.

    EVERYTHING is about balance.

    If you think individual rights are all that count then you give up your right to community or society.


  2. “Why did you not also say that 92% dying due to underlying co-morbidities? “

    “NCDs in Barbados and in the Black population generally is a problem that will take years to turn around if at all because of the addiction to a complementary lifestyle “
    “Employers wanting to become tin horn dictators must be stop at the cash register “
    Black people are genetically thick set from field work of their foreparents
    but due to physical inactivity and modern living they have become fat which can set in as serious health conditions such as edema (water retention puffiness in joints), poor blood circulation, heart conditions etc which makes them prime targets for serious respiratory issues with a Covid virus
    Americans are too fat too and are suffering with Covid Health conditions and over 2,000 deaths per day
    The relationship between Employers and Employees is
    Employers are shot callers and make their rules
    Employees are as disposable as a used tissue
    cutting staff during Covid cuts costs and is ideal excuse

    WordPress.com / Gravatar.com credentials can be used.

  3. Imagine I take up my money and start a business. I don’t like black people and I don’t like women. But the government determines that I must not only let them in but I must also hire them.

    I have the right to allow only who I like on my premises.

    Nooooo??? Why not? It is MY place. I bought it.

    In the interest of society??????

    What kind of stupid idea is that?

  4. NCDs/comorbidities have always been identified as the problem driving infection, hospitalizations and death, even in the vaccinated..and that’s from the VERY BEGINNING……it’s people don’t want it to sink into their hard skulls because they have their narrow agendas…that others will pay for with their lives…ya can’t be cavalier on an island with a population riddled with NCDs.

  5. Disgusting Lies & Propaganda TV Avatar
    Disgusting Lies & Propaganda TV

    Re: – John October 2, 2021 4:06 AM

    Oh John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt. Well, I hope you mean those that have caught COVID-19 and recovered which has been so for 8 out 10 cases on average globally. These persons do not need the vaccine for a particular variant. They are essentially the same as (fully) vaccinated persons as they both have acquired an immunity. You are insinuating that those person with “naturally immunity” are a unique and special group, unless you really mean NATURAL ACQUIRED IMMUNITY.

  6. @ WURA-War-on-U October 2, 2021 9:40 AM

    We should not gloss over this again with the whiny and ridiculous reference to slavery. Our population is only fat and sick because they eat too much fast food, prefer soft drinks and only drive cars.

    Our masses and their political leaders should really take the Williams brothers as a model for once. They are slim and correspond completely to the African archetype. In contrast to our masses, who now correspond to the fat European type.

  7. There was a PM who lived at Ilaro,
    She had so many ministers she forgot what to do.

    So she leaned on maloney who was bare baloney.

    Ok I give up. Shoulda gone to University to learn to write mo betta.

  8. Tron, you are sooooo right about the driving.

    Years ago when I bought my first car, every time I walked to the mini-mart less than ten minutes away, the people used to ask me if my car “brek down”.

    Every damn time! It was sooooo annoying.

  9. Hants


    Humour is essential, especially in these times.

    TheO gave a good one that makes me smile every time I remember it. Which is often.

    The story of his son, the slippers and the parasol at the beach was well told. The image is stuck in my brain. I am actually laughing right now.

  10. @ Donna

    I’ve had similar experiences.

    I live within walking distance of my son’s former primary school and when people saw me walking towards the school to meet him or the village shop in the ‘next gap,’ they would ask me, ‘Wait, de car brek down?’

    However, if I visited the shop or school on my way home, some brilliant person would say, “Wait, you got gas to waste. You just live in the next gap and drive out hay when you cudduh walk?’

  11. To repeat what I’ve mentioned in previous contributions, this current Mia Mottley BLP administration, will continue to create history, from being the first to win all the seats in Parliament, with her becoming the first female Prime Minister………. and resulting in the first ‘one term government.’

    During the past three (3) years, we’ve witnessed blunder after blunder, whether on policies or a simple tourism slogan. And now they’re embroiled in a vaccine procurement scandal, for which they have refused to offer Barbadians any explanation.

    Mia Mottley was involved in politics from an early age, first ‘running’ for political office in the 1991 general elections. She entered House of Assembly in 1994, held the portfolios of Minister of Education Youth Affairs and Culture; Attorney General and Minister of Home Affairs; Minister of Economic Affairs and Development’ as well as being appointed Deputy Prime Minister of Barbados.

    Taking her experience into consideration, one would’ve expected Motlley to perform exceptionally in the of role as Prime Minister. So far, this has not been the case.

    It ‘harrows me with fear and wonder’ that the only option other than returning the BLP ‘to office,’ is to consider the DLP and its three (3) time loser president, Verla DePeiza and some of the inept DEMS who lost their seats and deposits in the 2018 general elections.
    Approximately three years and five months after, the DEMS are still fighting among themselves and have not presented Barbadians with any clear vision or socioeconomic policies. I have to remind their operatives criticizing vaccines or mandatory vaccinations…….. is NOT an ARTICULATION of policy initiatives.

    The political climate in Barbados provides an ideal opportunity for the emergence of a new political party, not with politicians from the BLP or DLP……. and people who are ‘jumping from party to party,’ such as Paul Gibson………

    ……. but with proud, patriotic men and women who are prepared to revolutionize the current political system in Barbados, as well as present their vision and progressive socioeconomic policies for the future development of the island.

  12. So is this true…i have been self isolating for nearly 2 years to protect self, family and others so fcuk off with ya shackling enslavement shit…yall evil bitches give accused murderers bail and no ankle bracelets..and very little monitoring.

    “So, bajans can “home quarantine” once they allow the cctv to be set up, wear the anklet, and have security posted outside their house…. MURDERERS and criminals on bail don’t have these measures.”

  13. @Hants
    🙂 I see the poetry 🙂
    There once was a Bajan who lived at Ilaro,
    Who often to the UN would go
    The speeches waxed lyrical
    But the results were hysterical
    As if in debate
    Punching above her weight
    But like the old lady with the shoe
    She had all the talk but nothing of the do
    So she leaned on maloney who was bare baloney.
    To invent plans that were all phony
    Their greatest of schemes
    Was to procure vaccines
    Making an outrageous profit
    And put it all in their pocket
    A scheme kept so close to their chest
    Set up to look beneficial but outright theft
    An so the inhabitant of Ilaro
    In 2023, you have to go
    🙂 You failed to do this.
    Copyrighted by Theo’s Poetry division 2/10/2020 🙂

  14. Are we not supposed to be praying this weekend?

    Then…let us pray!

    Oh Great Grim Reaper God,

    We come here this morning to give you thanks and praise for all the wonderful blessings you have bestowed on us.

    We know that you have been our guide for past three hundred years and with you still on the people’s side, we have no doubts nor fears.

    I know that we are not supposed to question you, Father but what am I supposed to do if I got questions?

    I figure the best way to get the right answer is to ask the One who has all the answers.

    So, begging your pardon, Father but I would like to know – if you have been the people’s guide, why are our backsides sinking in quicksand?

    I am beginning to have doubts and fears, Father, cause I hear that everything that happens is a part of your plan. So then, what should I be praying except- THY WILL BE DONE?

    Why all the combinations and permutations, vaccinations, dispensations and disputations?

    As Paul Mc Cartney said, “Let it be!”

    Open up the country,
    And let God save the nation!

    If it be His will, that is!

    Wait, Father, I fuhget I was talking to you!

    In the name of Jesus Christ without whom was nothing made that was made so I guess the virus originated therefrom.


  15. Wait, bosie! My prayer in moderation!

  16. :-)That was draft1 but I copyrighting my drafts.
    My lawyers are on speed-dial…. 🙂
    Forgive me, but I cannot take all that is written here as serious

  17. @ Disgusting Lies & Propaganda TV

    It is you that are dead wrong and I thought I responded to your crap already
    You most certainly have not responded to my crap already. All you have done is restated your blind belief and made some general comments about vaccines. But blind belief, no matter how strong you hold it, does not make something true. First, there is a difference between sterilising vaccines like those for small pox and non-sterilising vaccines like those for Covid 19. Since you claim that those vaccinated against covid are less of a hazard for spreading covid, please send me the research articles which state this. I’m not interested in video clips. Just research articles that have investigated the impact of vaccines on covid transmission. Since you are so certain that covid vaccines make the vaccinated less hazardous for the spread of the disease, can you explain why practically every research article I have read make it clear that scientists are not sure and even the FDA acknowlegde this. For example, Salo et al (2021) in their article “The indirect effect of mRNA-based Covid-19 vaccination on unvaccinated household members” state clearly, “it remains unclear how effectively Covid-19 vaccines prevent people from becoming infected and spreading the virus to their close contacts”. How is it that all the scientists and even the FDA say the situation is unclear but you claim that it is clear? Are you qualified in this area? Or maybe because their evidence based opinions differ from your blind belief, they are also talking crap. Life is very simple with the certainty of blind belief.

  18. The discussion of Covid-19 has been ongoing for quite some time.
    By now, everyone has an opinion/position.
    I cannot see how A will convince B to change or vice versa.

  19. So is this trur because if it is it seems yo be more in line with CAUSING BLACK DEATHS and not with saving Black lives.

    “Anything else, even the trash fast food is allowed to be delivered, but no fruits, they say they don’t want to have a rodent problem. Fruit juice is allowed or fruit flavored vitamins but no fruits”

  20. Rand Paul saying the exact same thing on the floor of the Senate!!

  21. Why do loser Bajans have aversions to vaccinations it seems like a prime example of Apophenia the tendency to perceive meaningful connections between unrelated things defined as “unmotivated seeing of connections [accompanied by] a specific feeling of abnormal meaningfulness”

  22. John
    Rand Paul’s words have no meaning except to a few like you. His are “coloured” by White supremacist thinking.

  23. Today we are getting new low potency vaccine from China, but the expiry date of the high potency British vaccine is running out because our Aborigines don’t want to get vaccinated. At the same time, our Labour Minister is cracking down on companies that are concerned about the vaccination status of their employees.

    Equally confusing are the signals to our tourists. On the one hand, our government allowed the mob to march through Bridgetown last year during the Nelson riots, threatening white businessmen in Nazi fashion. Similarly, all tourists must be quarantined, even if they are fully vaccinated and can do no harm at all given the Delta variant on the island. Clearly xenophobic signals are being sent here: We want to keep to ourselves. At the same time, our Ministers of International Business and Tourism wants to attract more foreign investors and tourists to Bridgetown.

    Somehow, all this no longer fits together at all. It is obvious that our government has reached almost the same level of dysfunctionality as the last one.

    If it is not the court jester whispering this truism in the ear of our Supreme Leader, who is? True loyalty to the Supreme Leader is characterised by the fact that we call for leadership and enlightened dictatorship when it is actually necessary.

    Mia, you can’t please everyone. You have to decide very soon whether this cacophony among your ministers will continue endlessly or whether it is better to fire those who are not in line.


    re Rand Paul saying the exact same thing on the floor of the Senate!!

  25. Like a Pavlovian dog you are a reliable defender of Whiteness. Can only bark when this most dear to you is ……

  26. Ellis/MOH/PM need to Get Out into the community with vaccinators and ‘run some shoulders’ especially those with underlying conditions


    RE My cousin went to the doctor with a physical ailment. The doctor “guessed” she had given up red meat.

    She had. He told her to eat a little of it from time to time. She now does so and is much better. It is all about balance.







  28. @John2October 2, 2021 8:11 PM

    First of all, our PM must fire the Minister of Labour and the radical Chief Labour Officer.

    It is totally insane that our Most Honourable Prime Minister, our Honourable Minister of Health and others are fighting against Corona, while the Minister of Labour and his assistant are openly on the side of the radical anti-vaccinationists.

  29. New U.S. COVID-19 Rules for International Travelers Will Start in November


  30. Research is saying immunity is minimal after 8 months without a booster.

  31. @John2

    The US policy will trigger all kinds of reactions that will comeback to mandatory vaccination policies having to be considered at different levels of society.

  32. Then the vaccinated will have to get boosters as we do for other vaccines.

  33. @John2October 2, 2021 9:05 PM

    I told you so!

    More and more countries require adults to be fully vaccinated when entering the country. Not only the USA, but also Canada, Guyana and T&T, if I am correctly informed. Many CARICOM members have enforced compulsory vaccination for civil servants or proof of vaccination to use public facilities. In Europe, France and Spain have enforced mandatory vaccination for large segments of the population.

    And what is our government doing??? Parts are siding with radical anti-vaxxers. Like the Chief Labour Officer.

  34. I’m in the process of updating the data to present it in a smaller format that will complement the other available stats or charts on the incidence of Covid-19 in Barbados. So this is an interim submission. These charts for the last week suggest a relatively gradual increase in the incidence of the disease and a better take up of the vaccinations than was evident in previous weeks. Indeed, today’s (Saturday 2) data is the best news for the past month and a half as it showed a substantial reduction in incidence of positive cases. However, we will have to wait until we plateau out and then get into decreasing incidence to get a better idea of where we stand in the overall progress of the disease. Vaccinations can get us out but they must be buttressed by the masking, physical distancing and washing of hands that are essential to overcoming this Variant wave. Of serious note is that the first death of an individual who was fully vaccinated occurred in Barbados this last week – Source: Lyall Small
    See: Covid 19 Update @caribbeansignal.com – BU Covid Updates page

  35. JackOctober 2, 2021 9:24 PM

    Research is saying immunity is minimal after 8 months without a booster.


    Back in January 2021 ..

  36. What did deSantis do in Florida to get COVID cases and deaths to fall to the extent that the mainstream media doesn’t cover it?

  37. Possibly good news for Barbados.

    Looks like cases may plateau and what normally follows a plateau is a fall.

    My guess is no one will know why if it turns out that this happens.

    Sure we’ll hear Bajans raised their guard once again … same as usual, until the next time!!

    So, what can we learn from the experience?

    How many more times do we need to experience it before the penny finally drops?


  38. DavidOctober 2, 2021 9:27 PM

    Then the vaccinated will have to get boosters as we do for other vaccines.


    When was the last time you got a booster for small pox, or MMR?

  39. Another thought provoking exposition from Garth Patterson. Good to see different players coming to the fore of public discussion.

    Transparency vital
    By Garth Patterson

    I am not a politician. I have no political aspirations, have never been a member of or affiliated with any political party, and have never voted. But, like every other global citizen, I have a vested interest in the successful implementation of the COVID-19 vaccination programme, whatever form it takes.
    In a paper published in May 2021 and entitled Enhancing Public Trust In COVID-19 Vaccination: The Role Of Governments, the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) said: “Trust in vaccination, and in the ability of governments to communicate, and to successfully deliver a vaccination programme, is critically dependent on:
    • the extent to which the Government can instil and maintain public confidence in the effectiveness and safety of the vaccines;
    • the competence and reliability of the institutions that deliver them; and
    • the principles and processes that guide government decisions and actions in vaccine procurement, distribution, prioritisation, and administration . . .”.
    The success or failure of the Barbados Government’s stated objective of promoting confidence in the available COVID-19 vaccines, and breaking the back of vaccine hesitancy, by an aggressive public relations and information drive, will largely depend on the extent to which it adheres to these sound principles. It has set itself the ambitious goal of converting 50 000 reluctant souls over the course of five weeks, by education, information and moral suasion, in preference to the more direct, albeit less popular, route of mandatory vaccination.
    Government’s efforts
    This is laudable and the public health imperatives dictate that we dramatically increase the ranks of the vaccinated by whatever means are deemed effective, appropriate and necessary. We should, all of us, be deeply invested in the success of the Government’s efforts, since the pandemic continues to have a deathgrip on every member of our society, regardless of vaccination status.
    Having said that, the Government (and, necessarily, the Opposition) must be careful not to undermine its own efforts by allowing politics to distort its messaging. Doubtless, in its zeal to rapidly procure vaccines for the island, the Government has had to consider all its options, some less savoury than others, having regard to the volatile market forces of demand and supply within the context of new, emerging and scarce vaccine technology.
    Undeveloped and small-island nations, like Barbados, were always going to be ignominiously relegated to competing among themselves for the vaccine scraps remaining after the needs of the developed countries had been satiated. It was always going to be a struggle for survival, countries in the region being left to fend for themselves or else to depend on the charity of developed nations or the benevolence of global health organisations and the initiatives led by them, such as the COVAX initiative for equitable global access to COVID-19 vaccines.
    In the early months following the development and approval of the vaccines, and with limited options for immediate supply through official channels, many small developing countries, including Barbados, turned to unofficial sources for the procurement of vaccines. The resort to those sources sometimes involved the jettisoning of regular procurement policies, such as due diligence, a public competitive bidding or tender process and selection by a tenders committee, and the adoption, instead, of private back-channel discussions and direct awards.
    This approach, naturally, carried with it obvious financial and reputational risks, created the opportunities for abuse and corruption and had the tendency to erode public confidence in the integrity of the process and the vaccine product. Regarding those practices, which were not unique to Caribbean countries, the OECD observed of its member governments:
    Clear documentation
    “While these rapid procurement activities secured unprecedented volumes of essential supplies, the use of direct awards meant absence of competition in procurement, which is a crucial aspect in maintaining citizens’ and business’ trust in these processes. Without competition in the procurement process, in order to maintain the integrity of the purchasing activities, public buyers need to provide clear documentation on how they have considered and managed potential conflicts of interest or bias in their procurement decisions and actions, publish their contract awards and contracts in a timely manner, and document due diligence checks carried out on suppliers and associated parties.”
    The current confusion surrounding the efforts of Barbados, St Lucia and The Bahamas to procure 1 000 000 doses of AstraZeneca vaccines in April this year through Radical Investments Ltd, a private company with no known previous track record in procurement of pharmaceuticals, and Good Vibrations Entertainment LLC, an entertainment company, is a perfect illustration of what could possibly go wrong when governments depart from official channels and procedures.
    The Barbados Government’s defence that, unlike St Lucia, it “has not paid a cent” to Radical Investments, entirely misses the point. The real point is that the transaction could have (or possibly has) exposed the Government
    to serious financial risk; and the mere revelation that vaccines were being sourced through irregular channels and were, therefore, of questionable provenance has the potential to cause (or arguably has caused) irreparable damage to the public’s trust of or confidence in the COVID-19 vaccines generally and, by extension, the Government’s vaccination programme.
    Natural disinfectant
    Full transparency is a natural disinfectant and would go a long way in restoring public confidence and trust. Speaking to this point, the OECD said: “It is also important to ensure that government actions are open to public scrutiny, and that public institutions engage with the population by:
    • Proactively releasing timely information on vaccination strategies, modalities and accomplishments in disaggregated, user-friendly and open source formats;
    • Enhancing transparent and coherent public communication to address misinformation and the “infodemic”; and
    • Engaging the public when developing vaccination strategies, and in the form and content of key communications.”
    According to the OECD, proactively releasing up-to-date, reliable and easy to understand information about procurement and funding of vaccines is also “crucial for people outside Government to have confidence in the effectiveness of Government vaccination strategies and policies”.
    This is too important an issue to be tainted by the colour of political allegiances or buried in the rhetoric of political debate. It should not be about assigning blame or scoring political points, whatever one’s political stripes. There is a legitimate case for the Government to make full disclosure of all the arrangements that it had entered into with Radical Investments and provide full clarity about the arrangements between Radical Investments and Good Vibrations. These were not mere private matters, from which the Government might comfortably distance itself.
    For example, it was reported in the press that the Barbados Government had “committed to pay US$24 per dose for 300 000 vaccines”, which would have represented a mark-up of up to 700 per cent on the price of between US$3 and US$5, the range of prices at which AstraZeneca has committed to sell its vaccine to developing countries. If true, this would have resulted in a tremendous windfall to the middlemen suppliers to the Government (Radical and Good Vibrations), which begs full explanation.
    No lesser expectation
    It was not too long ago that the procurement practices of the previous administration were called into question; the Barbados public was asked by those seeking election to reject the notion that any individual was entitled to preferential consideration in the award of public contracts or should be exempt from participation in a competitive tender process. We should have no lesser expectation of the current administration.
    The exigencies of the pandemic undoubtedly required a nimble response, but not at the expense of sound or transparent Government. The current administration has, to date, made transparency the hallmark of its Government and should not stop now. The Prime Minister must be commended for the fresh oxygen that she has infused in the political realm, for her candour and for the much-needed clarification that she has provided on this Radical procurement issue. She has properly accepted full responsibility for the decision to go off the regular path and has offered a plausible account of the emergent conditions that precipitated the ill-fated plan. But the public does deserve to know the full details of what transpired, and the Government should lay its cards face up, if only for the purpose of restoring trust and confidence in the vaccination procurement and distribution process and enhancing the chances of defeating the menace of vaccine hesitancy and the COVID scourge itself. And to the extent that there are legitimate, unanswered questions, the Government should encourage and embrace continued open, constructive dialogue and let the proverbial chips, if any, fall where they may.

    Garth Patterson QC is a partner at the law firm Lex Caribbean. This article was submitted as a guest column.

    Source: Nation

  40. Authorities and trust

    Do you remember Marijuana Smoker Steve? This was a character from a local antimarijuana radio ad. In the ad, Marijuana Smoker Steve, who sounds a bit like Chong from the Cheech and Chong movies of the 1970s, was asked to justify his marijuana use.
    He attempts to say what marijuana is good for but falters seconds later as he forgets the question. The ad is presumably meant to warn Bajans away from marijuana use by suggesting that marijuana use will turn you into an ignoramus.
    This ad was a bad idea. The thousands of Barbadians who had experience of marijuana, either through personal use or through a friend or family member who was – a user, would see it for what it was simplistic and exaggerated. By resorting to such a transparently outlandish caricature, anti-marijuana authorities would have lost credibility. Marijuana use appears to have blown up in the years following that ad. Has anyone learned anything from this failure?
    Barbadian authorities have a habit of treating Bajans like ignoramuses. They often employ communication strategies that insult national intelligence, often treating complex issues as if they were simple open and shut cases. Our authorities too often fail to understand and engage meaningfully with contrary opinions and positions. They may have been able to get away with this in the days when the local authorities were the only or primary source of information, once upon a time when local authorities actually had robust credibility with the people.
    Hypocrisy and abuse
    But too many public service announcements like Marijuana Smoker Steve and too many stories of hypocrisy and abuse of authority have left the public sceptical. Add to that the fact that in the Internet age we are not as dependent on the authorities for information and it becomes clearer why Barbadians may ignore the advice coming from on high.
    Around 40 per cent of Bajans are fully jabbed. The authorities have apparently failed to address the concerns of the other 60 per cent.
    They may not have to though. Fear due to rising numbers of reported deaths may lead to increased jab numbers. Pressure from employers and threatening livelihoods may do the trick. Incentives like those offered by one department store may as well. But a man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still. The gap between the stance of the authorities and the public sentiment remains a great divide.
    Around the late 1990s, I happened to attend a lecture by a woman, a United States citizen, who was one of a handful of people who sued the United States government to use marijuana to treat their medical conditions. She won the right to use marijuana to treat her glaucoma. The only thing
    that seemed to help was ganja. As part of her legal victory, the US government was ordered to send her marijuana in the mail from the official government stash.
    This blew my mind. I came from an island where radio talk show producers would cut you off in one for daring to suggest that there were benefits to ganja.
    And yet, I come from an island where so many have come up singing along with and partying to Peter Tosh as he chanted, “Legalise it! I will advertise it!
    It good for glaucoma. It good for asthma.” And yet conversation around the very topic was taboo.
    Censorship of divergent opinions and positions was a strategy in the war against marijuana. It failed.
    Public trust took a hit in that war.
    And now again in the war against COVID.
    As we move towards removing the Queen as head of state, we are asked to consider what kind of Barbados we want to be and become. It would be good if we were to mature into a Barbados that did not so easily default to oversimplifications and avoidance of complexity. It would be good if we were to become a Barbados which was more willing to engage in difficult conversations and consider nuance and alternative opinions. But maybe neither the authorities nor the people are fully ready for that.

    Adrian Green is a communications specialist.

    Source: Nation


    By Colville Mounsey colvillemounsey@nationnews.com

    With COVID-19 cases reaching unprecedented levels, resulting in 27 deaths in Barbados from the deadly disease in the last month alone, Government is planning for the contingency of booster shots.
    This was disclosed by Minister of Health and Wellness Lieutenant Colonel Jeffrey Bostic, who told the Sunday Sun that while his ministry’s first priority was getting the country to 70 to 80 per cent herd immunity, planning had already begun for people whose inoculations may wane after time.
    Presently, 39.4 per cent of the population has been vaccinated.
    “We are definitely contemplating booster shots; we have to because this thing is not going anywhere in a hurry. So, we are contemplating and we are planning for booster shots. The reality is that we have to prioritise the unvaccinated, to get to that 75 to 80 per cent herd immunity target that we are seeking. Once we have achieved that, while we will still try to get more people to get first doses, we will then concentrate on our booster shots. Based on my understanding, after ten months to a year or so, booster shots will definitely be in order,” said Bostic.
    United States drug regulators have approved Pfizer booster vaccines for people over 65 if they had their last shot at least six months ago. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has also authorised adults at higher risk of severe illness and who work in front-line jobs to get the booster jab. It means tens of millions of Americans are now eligible for their third shot.
    The United Kingdom (UK) medicines regulator has approved the use of Pfizer and AstraZeneca as COVID-19 booster vaccines, paving the way for a rollout ahead of the winter. But the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI), the UK vaccine advisory body, has not decided if they are needed, and who should be eligible. The JCVI has said a third dose should be offered to people with severely weakened immune systems.
    Bostic explained that the time frame of booster shots in Barbados would also depend on the availability
    of vaccines to be purchased. Additionally, he said that close attention has to be paid to science with regard to the issue of a third dose, noting that even though the country was making plans for the contingency, guidance must come from agencies such as the World Health Organisation.
    He added: “We are trying to tap the very same pipelines that we have been using to try to get to herd immunity. We are expecting some from the African Medical Platform because we have not gotten any of those as yet and the ones from the Americans will help us out a lot. We have to source those additional vaccines, we don’t know if the COVAX facility will accommodate that process, so we have to wait and see but we will keep trying.”
    Regarding the issue of vaccine hesitancy, which has been one of the major stumbling blocks to the rate of inoculations in Barbados, the minister said he did not believe this would present a challenge with the booster shots. Bostic pointed out that unlike what transpired in the initial phase of the vaccine rollout, the vast majority of people who received their first dose were returning for the second. Thus, he said, there would not likely be an opposition to a third, as Barbadians were beginning to get the message regarding the gravity of the situation.
    “I am confident that those persons who are fully vaccinated will definitely welcome having the booster shot. The mere fact that the vast majority of people are turning up for the second shot, even though the hype was raised by the anti-vaxxers, I have no doubt that people will come back for a booster when that time comes,” he stressed.

    Source: Nation

  42. Suppose those scammed Malonely had successfully delivered fake vaccines among the stock what would it have done to Barbados. The simplest and most cost effective way to rid the world of covid is strict protocol adherence with severe penalties for breaches, lest we want to be on perpetual vaccines every 6 months. which will lead to overvaccination fall out. We never had any vaccines against ebola, swine flu,bird flu or mers. Geopolitics is leading governments response down the road of dependency and financial ruin.

  43. Blogmaster, what are your thoughts on the following and let me say I am vaccinated but we ought to be concerned about over vaccinations and the mix signals from experts. My daughter who is premed shared these two articles with me https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1114674/

  44. David BrowneOctober 3, 2021 6:07 AM

    Blogmaster, what are your thoughts on the following and let me say I am vaccinated but we ought to be concerned about over vaccinations and the mix signals from experts.
    The fact that you are vaccinated and being concerned about overvaccinated
    Is a sign that at some point and time vaccine fatigue would set in taking everyone back to square one in fighting the virus
    If our immune systems is being attacked by the virus
    It past time those in the scientific field of medicine along with those in the field of Nutrition explore avenues which would give people an alternative for healthy eating habits to boost their immune system whereby helping to fight off the virus
    It is inevitable vaccine fatigue would step in

  45. “And yet, I come from an island where so many have come up singing along with and partying to Peter Tosh as he chanted, “Legalise it! I will advertise it!
    It good for glaucoma. It good for asthma.” And yet conversation around the very topic was taboo.
    Censorship of divergent opinions and positions was a strategy in the war against marijuana. It failed”

    hypocrisy, most of the legislaturers named have been called in smoking it, always have, and many of their names have been called in selling it along with their family members and minority friends….while legislating against and locking up Black people for it….evil hypocrisy…..all of them are said to always have a stash..

  46. Full transparency is a natural disinfectant and would go a long way in restoring public confidence and trust. Speaking to this point, the OECD said: “It is also important to ensure that government actions are open to public scrutiny, and that public institutions engage with the population by:
    • Proactively releasing timely information on vaccination strategies, modalities and accomplishments in disaggregated, user-friendly and open source formats;
    • Enhancing transparent and coherent public communication to address misinformation and the “infodemic”; and
    • Engaging the public when developing vaccination strategies, and in the form and content of key communications.”


    Long ago the GOB should have been releasing geographical information on the incidence of the COVID-19 cases.

    Instead the information was withheld and the withholding of that information became stated GOB policy.

    That to my mind is where any distrust that exists emanated.

    The only way of tackling a problem is head on with all the facts laid bare..

    You cannot withhold information as basic as this and then complain of lack of trust.

    Somebody in the know would have pointed out the anomalies in the incidences of cases and asked the appropriate questions.

  47. WURA-WAR-on-UOctober 3, 2021 6:28 AM

    ya fraud governments love to depend, keep depending..



    So much for Sir Hilary and his reparations claptrap.

  48. The only way of tackling a problem is head on with all the facts laid bare..


    In legal circles it is called full disclosure.

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