If the blogmaster were Prime Minister of Barbados the following edict would be issued as at 6PM today:

  1. Effective 15 October 2021 all persons entering banks and supermarkets will be required to show proof of being vaccinated for COVID 19 as well as adhering to existing COVID 19 protocols.
  2. Effective 1 November 2021 all medical personnel must be vaccinated as well as to adhere to existing COVID 19 protocols.

The blogmaster is aware the legislative framework will have to be tweaked to support. To manage a public health crisis prioritizing an amendment to existing legislation should command unanimous support in parliament.

It is obvious to all Barbadians community spread of the coronavirus is out of control in Barbados, confirmed by key medical personnel on the frontline. The virus is exerting extreme pressure on healthcare services in Barbados. The mouthings of a seldom seen or heard Minister of Labour should be punished in the context of the ongoing public health crisis on a trajectory to get worse. This is no time for rh political games.

It is times like now real leaders must stand-up for the good of country..

358 responses to “Time for Barbados Government to Issue Mandatory Vaccination Directive”

  1. Why would you want to go to mandatory vaccination when you don’t even know who has natural immunity and who doesn’t?

  2. The latest report from your site suggest the unvaccinated feeding the spikes.

    US surpasses 700,000 Covid-19 deaths


  3. Truth is the answer probably lies somewhere between Pacha and David’s approach. Thing is though can we as a nation and an economy bank on John public doing the right thing? Based on all that I have seen to now my answer at this stage is no.

    Yes we have a strong group who are in favour and who came forward for their vaxx. Thing is though they only made up about 35% of the population. Then we came to the fence sitters and at the most they may be another say 25% of the population. So if the other 45% don’t come forward what do we do? This island needs a half decent winter season this year more than it has done since independence, so do we roll the dice and bet the pot on swaying the last 45% or do we take measures to ensure it?

    Is David’s and others approach perfect? No probably not, but neither is doing nothing. If the PM does not wish to mandate vaccinations no problem, then give business places the legal right to ask for proof of vaccination. If a booster shot is required every 6 months no problem. We simply state on the certificate date of vaccination and date of expiry. It’s one more line on the certificate and all the nurse has to do is add six months to the given date. The vaccine card can have 6 or 8 lines for entry, meaning each card is good for 4 years if this dam thing sticks around that is.

  4. Has Skinner’s post been made to disappear.

    ‘These days are funny nights”

  5. Why do tourists have to be tested for Corona twice in quick succession and quarantined when entering the country, despite being fully vaccinated? Why then does our Labour Minister say that workers do not have to get vaccinated or even tested?

    Tourists start to ask me if there is a black privilege in Barbados. It is becoming increasingly clear that the over-strict treatment of arrivals on the one hand and the lax treatment of local workers on the other has deep-rooted racist motives against whites.

  6. @John A

    While the specter of a another gloomy economic performance for the rest of the year is with us the government is committed to paying the salaries of our army of occupation guaranteed a salary.

  7. RE Encroaching on a person’s right to refuse any medical procedure is a dangerous path to follow.


  8. OSA from his grave has been proven right about Mia Mottley

    Mia Mottley is indeed a despot.

    Like Goebels was to Hitler, another despot

    So is David to Mottley as he flies a kite for the despotic dictator.

  9. Why do tourists have to be tested for Corona twice in quick succession and quarantined when entering the country, despite being fully vaccinated?
    Then they are transported to their hotel by an unvaccinated taxi driver

  10. If the blogmaster were Prime Minister of Barbados the following edict would be issued as at 6PM today:

    Assuming the blogmaster is not the PM and no edicts were issued at 6pm Caribbean time, then this exercise is a thought experiment for discussion for capture on https://barbadosunderground.net/

    a mandate for mandating vaccines (covid specific) in banks shops and medical staff in principle is good and may be possibly enforceable and legal-ish as a step wise approach
    but taking it one step further and mandating vaccines compulsory for all would be more contentious and raises question how it can be enforced
    Criminal Records
    Jail Terms
    Injections by Restraint and Force
    May work, but would be objectionable
  11. Disgusting Lies & Propaganda TV Avatar
    Disgusting Lies & Propaganda TV

    We are now truly understanding what a public health emergency is
    @DavidBU like you I think the time has come for an ultimatum to be made to end this public health emergency. The death of a fully vaccinated person indicates spread as so pervasive to not be ignored anymore. In this pandemic, such a death is a first for Barbados, a relative rarity in the worldwide pandemic but definitely not unprecedented .

    However I will reiterated MY POSITION that the ultimatum should be to show either proof of vaccination or a recent negative test for anyone working or patronizing indoor spaces. Any mandatory mandate would extended to the usual sectors…i.e. medical, educational, paramilitary and police forces etc. I will also use your same timeline. In a proverbial sense, Bajans must get their “house in order” and “decide what their waan” do. There is too much “lapsing”. I think the govt can be accused of lapsing in not fully mobilizing the vaccination drive when we first got the vaccines in March. I never fully believed the appointment system was adequate enough

    I haven’t studied the legalities but I believe any ultimatum either way can be accommodated under the Emergency Management Directives. It can be maintained until the herd immunity is reach or the emergency considered ended

  12. Disgusting Lies & Propaganda TV Avatar
    Disgusting Lies & Propaganda TV

    PachamamaOctober 1, 2021 8:02 PM
    The GoB seems willing to go to war with Bajans given yours and Patterson’s renderings

    There is the concept of govt doing what is best for the PUBLIC GOOD and taking REASONABLE STEPS to mitigate a public health emergency. If there is any war it would be against the virus. Vaccine mandates are far from unprecedented. The objective is to save as many lives as practical and to prevent any burden to the health system. It is clear that the current measures and moral suasion is not going to be enough

    Someone wanted to equate any vaccine mandate as discrimination against the unvaxx. In my mind it can be considered (for lack of a better term) filtering with the aim of ending a public health emergency. We must remember how and why we have gotten to this point. Previous measures employed worked for some time, the enemy has evolved\mutated to undermine them and now new pervasive measures need to be taken.

    Filtering happens all the time in society & ironically some involve implementing MANDATORY public health\safety measures. To operate a food establishment you need to have a health certificate and other permits, the staff need a food handling certificate and the operation is visited on occasions by a health inspector. To legally drive a vehicle you have to be licensed AND wear a seatbelt. To have that vehicle on the road it has to be insured and registered. To ride a motorcycle\bicycle on the highway wearing a helmet is MANDATORY. Even though the system is not 100% perfect the same principle applies here. The science states that if you are vaccinated, have recovered from Covid-19 or have recent proof that you do not Covid-19 then you are less of a “hazard” in indoor spaces. It is indoor\ enclosed poorly ventilated spaces that are considered prime conditions to promote the spread of the Sars-COV2 virus.

  13. Disgusting Lies & Propaganda TV Avatar
    Disgusting Lies & Propaganda TV

  14. DavidOctober 1, 2021 9:23 PM

    The latest report from your site suggest the unvaccinated feeding the spikes.

    US surpasses 700,000 Covid-19 deaths



    In Singapore with 82 % vaccinated, the split in hospital is approximately 50/50.

    As the rate increases, a larger and larger percentage in Hospital will be vaccinated.

    True True fact.

    It might surprise some on here to know that if 100% of the population is vaccinated and only 1 person is in hospital, the percentage vaccinated in hospital will be 100%.

    … and believe it or not if only one person dies from COVID, then in a scenario where 100% of the population is vaccinated then 100% of the deaths will be vaccinated.

    True true fact, this maffemeatics cannot be refuted!!

  15. … in which case the pandemic will become one fueled by the vaccinated.

  16. Vaccinated vs unvaccinated, who spreads most COVID?

    … what about the third group, those who have natural immunity …. like GP for example, the GOLD STANDARD.

    Would you like to be in a room with a vaccinated person, an unvaccinated person or a person with natural immunity?

    I would choose someone with NATURAL IMMUNITY.

  17. Director warned: Pull memo

    Director of Lionel C. Hill Supermarket and Hill Milling Co. Ltd., Richard Ashby, has been warned to withdraw a vaccination directive issued to staff.
    The caution has come from Chief Labour Officer Claudette Hope-Greenidge following Ashby’s memo that only employees who presented a certificate of vaccination would be allowed to work at the two establishments from yesterday.
    Ashby had told the Weekend Nation that the action was to maintain the health and safety of staff and those with whom the company did business. He noted staff at Hill Milling were 100 per cent vaccinated and 98 per cent at the supermarket. He said those unvaccinated would not be allowed to work without a vaccination certificate, and they might return on pay day for any monies due and their termination letters.
    Their choice
    In a letter addressed to Ashby, dated September 30, Hope-Greenidge advised that employees determined whether or not they wanted to be vaccinated or not, and were not to be discriminated against or treated unfairly because they remained unvaccinated.
    “Under the provisions of the Employment (Prevention of Discrimination) Act, 2020, an employee, as he or she chooses, may bring a claim for discrimination in employment, arising from the content of your correspondence.
    “You are further strongly advised that in any instance of the termination of an employment, the provisions of the Employment Rights Act, 2012, must be strongly followed . . . . The Labour Department of the Ministry of Labour and Social Partnership Relations advises that your correspondence be withdrawn immediately. It is expected that you will comply with statute and also honour the stance of the Social Partnership,”
    Hope-Greenidge cautioned.
    Meanwhile, Minister of Labour Colin Jordan noted employers were prohibited from requiring someone to be tested for a medical condition either as a precondition for entering into a contract of employment or as a condition for continuing employment.
    “This prohibition is subject to if the test or knowledge of a medical condition is required by reason of a genuine occupational qualification . . . . It would be for an employer to prove that the vaccination or test is absolutely necessary in order for the worker to function in the particular capacity, or in order to allow the employer to maintain a safe and healthy environment. It cannot just be an employer’s preference,” he said, while noting that Government strongly encouraged people to be vaccinated against the virus.
    On July 29, Ashby sent a memo to staff indicating they should be vaccinated by August 31 under the guidelines outlined in the Safety and Health At Work Act. They were also given the alternative, if they chose not to be vaccinated, of submitting a negative PCR test every two weeks at their cost. Staff were also given an incentive of $300 each to be inoculated. The memo further noted that staff who had recently tested positive for COVID-19 were exempted until September 30. (RA)


  18. Editorial
    We need to work as one in this fight

    It was a soul-searching and rational plea from Dr Corey Forde that should resonate with every soul, heighten cooperation and stir collective national action that saves lives.
    “I would advise Barbadians to work with us. Don’t work against us, work with us,” urged Forde, a committed public servant who heads the COVID-19 isolation facilities.
    With coronavirus infections going through the roof, quarantine beds everywhere filled almost to capacity, galloping hospitalisations a grave concern and COVID-19 deaths an almost daily occurrence, Forde didn’t stop there as he spoke about the excellent work being done at Harrison Point and other places to limit the spread of the highly infectious and deadly Delta variant that is wreaking havoc around the world.
    Sensibly, he focused attention on the mindset of far too many people when it comes to the nightmare of poor health and death confronting the nation.
    “It’s unbelievable that people, with all that’s going on, will not even wear a mask,” he complained. “I understand it’s difficult and know people are tired of COVID, but the other end is us. There’re many people who’ve worked 24-hour shifts. They don’t have to do it, but they do it . . . to protect or help people. There’re many nights I have not slept because I am worried about this or that, worried about this patient, and thinking about what is to come tomorrow.”
    Facts and figures tell a frightening story and justify the concerns of Forde, Minister of Health Jeffrey Bostic, former private sector leader Edward Clarke; and a long list of other noble citizens and foreign-born in our midst.
    For instance, the number of COVID-19 cases in September averaged more than 100 a day, women were increasingly
    diagnosed with the virus, scores under the age of 18 years were impacted, at one point more than 1 000 people were in isolation facilities, and deaths have risen beyond 75. Yet, in a country which has consistently made the list of the world’s freest nations for 50-plus years, people are unwisely citing protection of fundamental rights as a reason to remain unvaccinated with safe and effective medicine. And tens of thousands have needlessly exposed their families and neighbours to the deadly disease by failing to follow protocols.
    Just recently, Chief Medical Officer Dr Kenneth George chided Barbadians for not behaving in a responsible manner.
    Clearly, the Mottley administration must continue to inform and educate the public about COVID-19, provide effective health care and other social services so that people can cope with the virus, ease space problems at isolation centres by turning to privately owned properties and to individuals for assistance, and make a pressing decision about targeted mandatory vaccination of employees.
    Forde warned: “People always believe it [trouble] can’t happen here, it can’t be us, but it starts somewhere and it starts slowly.” It’s already a fact of life and death in Barbados.

    Source: Nation

  19. The leader of BAMP is qualified to speak. Reading her words does not inspire confidence. So far BAMP’s predictions have been on target.


    BAMP: Technology way forward for contact tracing

    By Colville Mounsey colvillemounsey@nationnews.com

    With rising cases of COVID-19, president of the Barbados Association of Medical Practitioners (BAMP), Dr Lynda Williams, says the country is at a point where mitigation tools such as contact tracing and shutdowns have practically been rendered moot.
    She said while it is still important that contact tracers do their best to identify as many primary contacts as possible, the disease, which is now bolstered by the more virulent Delta variant, has long outstripped human capabilities to track or keep pace with.
    Her comments came after head of isolation facilities, Dr Corey Forde, warned on Wednesday that Barbados was in a storm with the rising number of infections and isolation facilities bursting at the seams.
    “The human resources that are required to contact trace these sorts of numbers are far beyond us right now. You still have to try to do as much as you can, but the reality is that from the time we went up over 100 cases per day, which each on average making at least four contacts per day for several days before they may even be found to be positive, it is going to be incredibly difficult for any team to trace that unless you have a limitless number of contact tracers. This is why we were pushing from the very beginning for a technological solution for contact tracing,” said Williams.
    “It is the same pattern that we see all over the world. Once you get ahead of your human resources, your physical resources, as well as your ability to successfully test, trace, quarantine and isolate, then you have serious problems. This is an issue in developed countries, which have far more resources than we have. Their health care systems have been stretched to the point where capacity is exceeded. At this point we are on the verge of tipping over; we have not fallen over the cliff, but we are certainly standing at the edge.”
    Horse bolted
    Concerning calls from some sections of the public
    to shut down the country again, the BAMP head said that apart from the economic and psychological backlash from such a move, medically it was tantamount to the proverbial locking of the stable doors long after the horse had bolted.
    “The truth of the matter is that this level of infection was predicted once Delta came into the society. Shutdowns are most effective based on the timing of them, so you can’t shut the stable door when the horse has already left and gone down the road. The effectiveness now of a shutdown, when we have so much Delta spreading, is going to be significantly less. I am not going to say that it is too late to have an effect, and we can do more, but the effectiveness will not be as great as if we had done it at an earlier point,” she said.
    Williams, an epidemiologist, also fully endorsed Government’s plans to begin home quarantine and isolation, stressing it was simply untenable to continue to house the projected numbers on taxpayers’ money.
    She noted that authorities were going to struggle to control the wave unless they were clear on variants present on the island or if Barbados had developed its own variant.
    “How do you identify when you have something new happening or even what proportion of your population is being affected by a variant if you don’t have any community surveillance? What can happen, as can happen anywhere in the world, is that you can get a new variant and you would not be able to tell. Variants don’t only show up in big countries; they can show up anywhere,” she said.

    Source: Nation

  20. Minister of labour speaks with clarity on the issue of employers making up their own law on vaccinated and for the unvaccinated employee
    These jac.asses called employers the likes of Ashby needs to be taught hard lessons with the same might and zeal they want to place on the shoulders of their employees
    It is unfortunate that at a time when the country is undergoing the realities of socio-economic dislocation and high unemployment that imbeciles like Ashby would want to impose more hardship on the people’s lives and use a battering ram of draconian policies in decision making against the employee
    Glad the minister of labour spoke out against such policies which he said were bullying tactics and are not included in the Employment Right Acts

  21. “So is David to Mottley as he flies a kite for the despotic dictator.”

    am glad Blogmaster saw the letter from labor, these wannabe Slave masters in Barbados will be in for a RUDE AWAKENING….they believe Black people are cattle and they all WANT SHUTTING DOWN…saw the letter since yesterday, but some gotta see it for themselves…

    this is not the time to be thinking about a CORRUPT ECONOMY that does not serve the majority…..not with people getting sick and dying….they can take their financial problems and STUFF IT, they are the ones created them BLACK PEOPLE OWE THEM NOTHING and must now make that assertion VERY CLEAR..
    ….people are in the fight for their lives and trying to not only survive Covid but the evil that’s all around them in the form of the criminal..who have been draining Black lives for over half century..

    don’t know what Blogmaster is thinking BUT THE PEOPLE GOT THIS….Pacha was trying to warn him yesterday…but he says he is tired, but that should not be enough reason to fold.

  22. Don’t know when people started taking the word of sleazy lawyers as gospel..

  23. DavidOctober 1, 2021 12:51 PM

    Allow the blogmaster to be very clear. The evidence in Barbados and internationally confirms that more unvaccinated people are burdening the healthcare system. Comments which challenge data from trusted sources will be deleted. This is no time for people who have nothing to do to infect the environment with uncertainty for too many gullible people. Who do not like this policy can go elsewhere and post
    You posted a firebrand article making it clear what should govt and business imposed on the lives of the people
    Such an article speaks clearly as the type of person u are and if power was in your hands would resort to.iron fist strategies to bring people under your control
    In your above comment you set out on a tirade to silent opposite opinion
    Stating that the power on controlling what is said on the blog is in your hands hence deleting is the best method
    Not surprisingly that Covid has uncovered the true self of many like the David’s of this world
    As the Bible rightly says what does it profit a man to gain power and lose his or her own soul
    Yes power corrupts absolutely
    Take yuh time David walk slowly
    Today for me tomorrow you might be next

  24. Pacha….all of us have been on BU a long time and should have gained some legal savvy along the way, eve if small….going forward, unless it’s Jeff or the few credible lawyers that can still be found…NO ONE SHOULD LISTEN TO ANY LAWYERS who wade in the cesspit of parliament..


  25. It’s been happening and not peculiar to anywhere…confront it or yall will have a lot of dead vaccinated people on ya hands….and it’s not the first one for the island but we will let that pass……again, you are fully vaccinated and STILL can catch and spread the virus, ya may even test negative because of low viral loads but STILL HAVE AND SPREAD THE VIRUS….this has been understood for months…and can very well be hospitalized and DIE…


    “After months of detailing each COVID- 19 death to be an unvaccinated case, health authorities reported Thursday the first known fully inoculated patient to die from the disease.”

    Pacha…stay safe, because those booster shots are not 100% either. in certain cases.

  26. Dear me! I thought about hungry bellies and forgot the more potent alarm clock – THE RATIONING OF CARE.

    Seems the Government has shot itself in the foot!

    It has prepared too many critical care beds and sourced too much oxygen!

    Bajans are new to right wing looneyism. Let one person die while waiting outside the facility or gasping for non-existent oxygen; let one body stink inside a funeral home vehicle and all the RIGHTS will give way to RESPONSIBILITIES!

  27. If I had a business I would close the damn thing down. You think you could make a law to make me keep it open?

    I have a right to close my business. Go and make your own work!

    You have no absolute right to work at my place!

  28. Grenada established an Ethics committee, in case.

    Note to self- why do commenters post links if the full articles were posted?

  29. @Disgusting Lies & Propaganda TV
    The science states that if you are vaccinated, have recovered from Covid-19 or have recent proof that you do not Covid-19 then you are less of a “hazard” in indoor spaces.

    This statement is false and repeating it time and again won’t make it true. The ‘science’ most certainly does not state that if you are vaccinated, you are less of hazard for spreading Covid 19. I don’t pay much attention to statements from politicians. Instead I read the scientific research literature so that I have a clear picture of what is actually known rather than what some politician wants me to believe is known. You may remember Colin Powell and his vial of ‘incontrevertible proof’ of Iraqi weapons of mass destruction.

    If you take the time to do this, you’ll find that none of the clinical trials for the Covid vaccines actually tested for their impact on virus transmission, that it is only since the mass vaccination campaign that scientists are trying to find out what effects, if any, the vaccines have on virus transmission, that so far the picture is unclear with some studies finding and impact and others none and that most of the studies have looked at transmission in households and very few have investigated transmission in workplaces which have very different human interaction patterns from households. Even the FDA in the USA acknowledges this. The extract below is taken from the FDA’s FAQs on the Pfizer vaccine:

    Q: If a person has received the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine, will the vaccine protect against transmission of SARS-CoV-2 from individuals who are infected despite vaccination?

    A: Most vaccines that protect from viral illnesses also reduce transmission of the virus that causes the disease by those who are vaccinated. While it is hoped this will be the case, the scientific community does not yet know if the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine will reduce such transmission.


    Given that the ‘science’ does not support the claim that the unvaccinated represent a greater hazard for virus transmission, what justification is there for bringing in draconian and dictatorial measures against them?

  30. @David, how will the time validity of the vaccination be determined? I think you are recommending disaster and fueling false hope in Bim a tourist country.

  31. @David, you are not stating the truth. Why did you not also say that 92% dying due to underlying co-morbidities? You like most are not tackling the underlining poor lifestyles.

  32. Who are unvaccinated.

  33. Jack
    Because Bajans want to believe and hold fast to some right to eat shiiite foods, it’s paramount.

    More important than a right not to be mandatorily vaccinated.

    Even OSA told Eliott that the deferential between his sweet food and Douglin’s diet was only five years. And Owen was never going to reverse comorbidities by giving up his socalled sweet food. Poor fella what ignorance – vegans eat best.

  34. @Pacha

    What are you saying, to legislate what people eat?


  35. “If you take the time to do this, you’ll find that none of the clinical trials for the Covid vaccines actually tested for their impact on virus transmission, that it is only since the mass vaccination campaign that scientists are trying to find out what effects, if any, the vaccines have on virus transmission, that so far the picture is unclear with some studies finding and impact and others none and that most of the studies have looked at transmission in households and very few have investigated transmission in workplaces which have very different human interaction patterns from households. Even the FDA in the USA acknowledges this.”

    they just did not have the time needed for clinical trials to ascertain everything related to the virus or the vaccine…and that is why there should be no DELIBERATE divisions between the vaxxed and unvaxxed to cause more social disruptions….clowns who have no clue but jumping out as experts and giving the population false hope is part of the problem and that is exactly what the government has done without reading up all the scientific literature….or even if they did, understood NONE OF IT..

  36. As I said earlier in this blog let’s see who going come out and threaten to put Hill in court. Didn’t. Take long did it?

    That is why the PM must now step up to the plate as you have everybody pulling in different directions and representing their own personal interest and agenda. In the meantime without a stated policy the country continues to fall apart. We need leadership on this NOW and it must start with a clearly defined policy from the top.

    In light of this I await your press conference where it will be presented.

  37. David

    Please don’t put words in our mouths. None of these underlying diseases have to happen so pervasively.

    You, Bushie and others have long discussed this. The bottom line is that our country will never be able to support the current model it so slavishly follows running down behind big pharma companies, having a lifestyle which suborns high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease and cancers in large numbers. These things can be prevented or reversed. And weeee know how to do this with an enlightened approach to wellness, public health. An approach that would sustainably reduce health care costs to a fraction. But Bajans are never going to go for it. So it does not matter, exist.

  38. @Pacha

    NCDs in Barbados and in the Black population generally is a problem that will take years to turn around if at all because of the addiction to a complementary lifestyle.

  39. In a study dealt with by John Campbell way back in January of this year it was shown the there are no reinfections in working age people who caught COVID in the first wave in GB.

    ZERO BREAKTHROUGH INFECTIONS over a six month period!!

    News is even better now that a year has passed!!

  40. I got out of the covid talk as we were mainly going in circles.

    Wondering if emphasis should be placed on just obtaining the one-shot vaccine.

  41. How many times must it be posted that small islands securing vaccines is very difficult for SIDs?


  42. These RH employers who are quick at the draw to make up.laws should be taught a lesson in economics
    Hope that the people stand vanguard against these ruthless policies by employers
    Moreover there are protocols still in place that can rectify such issues
    Less these employers forget that in the earlier days and months when the virus was rampant protocols include employers mandated to test employees on the job by different means recommend by WHO such as temperature checks as the employee entered the building these protocols are still being used by companies worldwide towards the unvaccinated
    Ashby has stated that only two employees are not vaccinated how hard is management not.to use those earlier protocols as protection
    Employers wanting to become tin horn dictators must be stop at the cash register

  43. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ David BU at 8:44 AM

    It is not the number of postings. It is the credibility of the postings that is the problem.

  44. Disgusting Lies & Propaganda TV Avatar
    Disgusting Lies & Propaganda TV

    Re:- Tee White October 2, 2021 6:53 AM
    It is you that are dead wrong and I thought I responded to your crap already. Depending in the virus and vaccine, it will reduce transmission in some way. Also it was made public, from the clinical trials, that the initial aim is to REDUCE DISEASE I.E. SEVERE ILLNESS. Like the flu, that MULTIPLIES & MUTATES rapidly, substantially reducing transmission of such respiratory(droplet) virus is a challenge. The other viruses that have been “eliminated” via vaccines e.g. smallpox do not mutate so rapidly in comparison. As I already stated transmission is a lesser issue if the AVERAGE IMMUNE SYSTEM can clear out the virus unaided. It is the length of time it takes and the level of contagiousness of a person while person gain the natural acquired immunity. Vaccines shorten that length of time.
    It is the same with Sars-COV2. The Delta variant is a more transmissible variant of an already contagious virus. more so than the flu. I do not listen to politicians for scientific data, it is the scientists and technocrats that advise politicians.


  45. All I would dictate is my own actions. I would close down for a while and see who blinks first.

  46. @ John A October 2, 2021 7:54 AM

    It is now all too obvious that the government is split between rational vaccination supporters and radical vaccination opponents. Our radical Labour Minister is now openly stabbing those who oppose the epidemic in the back. He is on the side of the anti-vaccinationists who spread the disease across the island from Bridgetown in August.

    Our Supreme Leader remains silent. Our government is headless and leaderless. We are spinning faster and faster towards the abyss.

    We don’t need any more grand TV speeches now. Our Supreme Leader must finally fire the Minister of Labour as an open opponent of vaccination and enact emergency laws ordering partial compulsory vaccination or something similar.

  47. @VC
    It is not the number of postings. It is the credibility of the postings that is the problem
    Who determines whether the content of a posting is credible?

    Here is what has been reported through official Gov’t media, the various facilities hosting COVID 19 patients are bursting at the seams, the vast majority of those who are dying from the virus are those who are unvaccinated, the hospitals have not been overrun by those who are suffering from the effects of vaccines and there are no reports of people dying from taking the vaccine.

    The “experts” here can weigh in on the legality of Gov’t/Business enforcing a vaccine mandate and they can weigh in on the economic impact on a small rock in the Atlantic with the vast majority of its citizens unvaccinated, and how do they can acquire natural immunity.
    Let me know how their crystal balls are working with respect to the last paragraph.

  48. My cousin went to the doctor with a physical ailment. The doctor “guessed” she had given up red meat.

    She had.

    He told her to eat a little of it from time to time.

    She now does so and is much better.

    It is all about balance.

  49. We are now experiencing what it means when a government has no leader. Chief Labour Officer Claudette Hope-Greenidge is openly siding with the radical anti-vaccinationists who are dragging our country down. Is it her personal conviction? Does she want to harm the people and the country? Is she a DLP supporter who wants to personally harm Mia Mottley?

    Mia Mottley must stop this attack on public health immediately and fire Hope-Greenidge for disloyalty to leader, state and party.

The blogmaster invites you to join the discussion.


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