During the sitting of the Senate of 25 March 2021, Senator Rev. Dr. John A. Rogers delivered an interesting presentation. He referred to the heinous event history recorded as the Atlantic Slave Trade and its relevance to Barbados formulating fit for purpose policy to protect our future well-being in a volatile global space. The blogmaster recommends those interested in pursuing serious discussion to take the time to listen to Roger’s presentation from around 30 minutes of the video.

…it revealed that the top one percent of households globally own 43 percent of all personal wealth, while the bottom 50 percent own only one percent. That top-tier one percent amounts to 52 million people who are all millionaires in net wealth (after debt).

Top 1 percent of households own 43 percent of global wealth

In a related event this week President Joe Biden had reason to say in response to Georgia’s new suppression law that it is antithetical to who Americans aspire to be. The issue of race is not a Barbados condition, it is a human condition, a condition that has created an US versus THEM condition. It is also a zero sum condition that benefits the capitalists. When we we learn.

The Senate – Thursday 25 March 2021

The blogmaster has been around the block long enough to know the divide and conquer mentality of imperfect humans based on gender, class AND race will be with us until the end of time. However, as a people we will be forced to co-opt creative approaches to mask and contain the prejudice, bigotry and yes- racism of many who will walk beside us because the establishment is vested in the system.

468 responses to “Race Issue: Barbados and Everywhere Else”

  1. If God Was One Of Us

    The Heart Chakra is the energy gateway between yin / feminine / earthly chakras and yang / masculine / spiritual / chakras
    which need to be cleared out to manifest the powers within above and below

  2. @555
    Fastest 40 days ever recorded.
    Is the sadhana over?

  3. Meanwhile, in Australia….why is this not surprising?


  4. Crusoe…just like Barbados, another bunch of UK REJECTS squatting on indigenous land stolen 400 years ago, STILL practicing racism….that tells us everything we need to know about colonial rejects…

  5. Black people worldwide need to cut a lot of manmade poisons out of theirs and their family’s diets, but it’s a personal choice.


  6. Anyone who followed cricket over the years would know that most Australians are nasty racist crooks and cheats.

    No-one likes them.

    New Zealanders are changing. Their new brand of cricket first alerted me to the change. When they elected their current prime minister it confirmed their continuing evolution. The last atrocious racially motivated mass murders in New Zealand were committed by a damn Australian subhuman creature.

    Hopefully more Australians will soon see the merits of evolving like their NEIGHBOURS into homo sapiens.

    I think the descendants of Barbadian fellow rejects from the UK see Australia as a preferred place for immigration, for obvious reasons.

    I seem to recall some Hoads who went that route.

  7. Theo…you actually paying attention to 555…too much bacchanal on BU to miss.

    those racist rejects have to be identified, isolated and EXPOSED EVERYWHERE…so they are well known to everyone..

  8. The O
    day 3 of sadhana is still coming on strong, when you repeat comfortably challenging routines you get deeper into the practise and your body adjusts and it becomes easier. You build up stamina to do more in one chunk with less spliff breaks and can mix up hard and soft exercise to push yourself and then relax a bit.
    Diary of a Mad Black Woman. Waru don’t like being ghosted on BU and her action provokes for reaction she’s a wannabe leader in school playground telling you who to blank.

  9. Racist, insulting, disrespectful and evilminded…


  10. Same nasty shit kiki the nobody tries on BU..although he sees it CANNOT WORK ON ME….

    ….cousins Boris and William said that there is NO RACISM IN UK….. WHY is there racism in Barbados and 3 GENERATIONS OF AFRICAN/BLACK PEOPLE were born into it…..THEY DID NOT CREATE IT…the lowlife black colonial governments, encouraged, enabled and condoned it for over 60 YEARS…

    .so i expect to see AND hear about NO MORE RACISM in Barbados…aka “little england” OR i will be making sure all the minoritiey RACISTS are exposed and NAMED EVERYWHERE…

    for those not understanding what is happening, this is the new scam, it’s not the fraud of “reverse racism” anymore…it’s PIN WHITE RACISM ON BLACK/AFRICAN PEOPLE everywhere….if yall were not noticing, i was watching that fraud 555 for MONTHS now trying to pin it on me, but i don’t give two shits…that’s the mistake he made…


  11. Black people hating on Asians is what some Bajans do.

    It’s obvious a nasty ass bitch like you is fucking racist scum

  12. You give Bajans / Blacks / Women / Old People a Bad Name..

  13. temper, temper….lashing out AFTER getting EXPOSED will get you nowhere FAST…

    no change in narrative……you FAILED…

    the world is on to you demons….

    now all we gotta to do is watch the sellout nigas….they are the BIGGEST PROBLEM…you are kiki nothing.

  14. You need to take a trip to the continent….check out all the docile, smiling Africans….see which one of them you can rob.


  15. now all we gotta to do is watch the sellout nigas…

    said the stupid nigga

  16. You are a head case

    you should stop watching videos that turn you into an extreme nutter even more

  17. says the fraud who POSTS VIDEOS…24/7…i always said yardfowls have short memories, but it appears nobodies also suffer from short memory syndrome too….🤣🤣

    “”The Supreme Being in Igbo mythology is addressed as Chukwu or Chineke. Chukwu is a compound word from Chi (“personal guiding spirit†) and ukwu (“big†), which can be translated as “the big or great Chi.†Chineke is also a compound word from Chi (“personal guiding spirit†), na (“who†), and eke (“to share out†), which can be translated as “supreme being who shares.†The Igbo traditional and ancient religious system is centered around the belief that there is a single, unique, and individual spiritual being who is the foremost provider and on whom, as a result, all living things are ultimately dependent for guidance, blessings, love, protection, support, and so on. Chukwu is not categorized as either a male or female spiritual entity.

    This, in turn, allows inclusive spiritual space for both genders, especially for women, who are excluded from the highest pantheon of spiritual force(s) in other religious expressions. Actually, all living entities, known and unknown, seen and unseen, are connected to and are from the same spiritual force. Nothing and no one is given priority or special consideration based solely on superficiality or physical characteristics from the Supreme Being, only those who are positive and perform good deeds that add to the forward progress of humanity.”
    -Ibo Changa, “Igbo”, from The Encyclopedia of African Religion”

  18. “”In his quest for gold, Columbus had the hands cut off of any Arawak who did not bring in his or her quota of gold. In a short 40 years, the entire race of people in Haiti, a half million native Americans, were wiped off the face of the earth by Columbus and the Spaniards that followed him….The destruction of the Caribs and Arawaks in the Caribbean Islands through disease, rape of their women and sometimes out-and-out murder, destroyed the labor supply on these islands and made it a necessity for the Spaniards and other Europeans to create a rationale for the enslavement of the Africans….from 12 to 25 million Indigenous Americans were killed on the islands in the Caribbean….I still think there will be a need for Columbus Day but it will be a justifiable day of mourning for the millions of Africans and so-called ‘Indians” who died to accommodate the spread of European control over the Americas and Caribbean Islands.”

    John Henrik Clarke
    Christopher Columbus & the Afrikan Holocaust

  19. Couple of healing meditations

    The light scans your body searching for something it is so beautiful the rays of light that stretch out and reach your body are warm and gentle and you understand that they are individual points of consciousness small particles of healing without words the light communicates with you that it is searching for areas of cellular imbalance disease and any part of you that is in need of health and healing the centre of the light is as bright as the sun the light is attracted to the area of your body which most needs balancing and restoration the light fills this area of your body and on its rays travel the words of the mantra it is as if you sudden;y speak an ancient language or perhaps are remembering a forgotten language which you spoke a very long time ago for you understand what is being sung

    Journey into Stillness: Guided Meditations with Kundalini Mantra
    Journey to the Golden Temple

    The Body Temple: Guided Meditations for Radical Self-Love
    Guided Meditation: Journey to the Body Temple

  20. “…you are kiki nothing.”

    Nobody is a Nobody Mrs. Mitchell

  21. This topic seems to have run its course. Some of you do not know when to stop.

  22. Still a lot of information to be archived.

    “This provides an interesting analysis of how ancient Afrikans viewed homosexuality as unacceptable. Our ancestors were close to Nature and knew 2 individuals of the same sex could not procreate. Thus, homosexuality was not a part of Nature.
    Baba Olatunji Mwamba uses The Contendings of Set and Heru :The Lettuce Incident as one example. He also uses quotes from Dr. John Henrik Clarke and Herodotus to further prove his points. Last year, I ordered this from his organization Raising Awareness Group.”

  23. This is the reason black-on-black self-hate was introduced to African population socieites and leave them as slaves societies with wicked, ignorant, slave title wearing negros keeping the people in a state of flux..

    “Four things ATRs emphasize that have nothing to do with manifestation

    Let me first start by saying that I am extremely happy to see such a large number of people, especially millennials, interested in returning to ancestral traditions that have been, for far too long, demonized and ridiculed. As African spiritual content floods social media, I can’t help but notice an overemphasis on manifestation.

    Let’s define manifestation as the practice of using spirit to bring one’s thoughts or desires into reality. This can include rituals aimed at bringing love into one’s life, finding

    a new job, becoming successful in business or anything else one desires.

    While “manifestation” is a major part of many ATRs (African Traditional Religion), focusing on manifestation solely, leaves out some of the most essential and powerful components of these traditions.

    Here’s a short list of other important aspects of ATRs to consider:

    1 Character

    It’s impossible to separate ATRs from the cultures that birthed them. Anything having to do with Òrìṣà comes from Yorùbá culture. Yorùbá culture, like the parent cultures of most of the ATRs we are familiar with, has clear definitions for what it means to operate with good character. Yorùbá culture emphasizes humility, respect, patience, honesty etc. As a tradition Ifá speaks extensively about good character. While we focus on using Yorùbá spiritual technology to “manifest” the things we want we should also focus on the Yorùbá cultural understanding of righteous character. These teachings can help to guide our lives in a very useful way.

    2 Destiny

    While manifestation is a part of many ATRs, it is not an isolated component that stands on its own. Most of the ATRs I’ve studied share the idea that we all come here with a unique destiny. The explanation of how we receive or choose this destiny varies from tradition to tradition. For example the Yorùbá believe that we choose our uniquely shaped Orí (head) before coming to earth while the Akan believe that we meet with Onyame (the creator) to choose our destiny. This is important because as ATR devotees most of the spiritual work we do to manifest things must take into account what aligns with our destiny.

    3 Our two-way relationship with spirit

    Another core tenet of ATRs is the idea that our connection with spirit (ancestors, Ifá, Òrìṣà, Ẹgbẹ́, Abosum, Lwa etc.) is strong in both directions. We pay homage to our guiding spirits, feed them and communicate with them constantly even when it has nothing to do with a request or petition. In the Yorùbá spiritual practice we have a calendar which directs us to feed our shrines on specific days. We also perform divination regularly. In the Akan spiritual tradition we feed our shrines regardless of what’s going on and we regularly drum, dance and sing for them as well. When we focus too much on manifestation we ignore the fact that we have a “relationship” with spirit and that relationships work BOTH ways.

    4 Family and community

    It is extremely hard to practice ATRs in isolation for several reasons: (1) Family and lineage are key parts of the ritual work that we do. (2) Interdependence is enforced at many levels. In ATR communities around the world (Nigeria, Cuba, Haiti etc.), families are connected through an intergenerational web of student-teacher relationships. (3) There are so many unique roles that go into the spiritual rituals that need to be done. One person can’t possibly play the role of drummer, dancer, singer, hunter, herbalist and priest/priestess of every single deity. We have to get along with each other and rely on each other to get things done spiritually. Community building and maintenance are core components of most African spiritual traditions.

    It’s good to embrace the power of African spiritual technologies and their usefulness in manifesting the things we desire in life, however we must also embrace other important aspects of these traditions as well. Learn how to work with the ancestors to get that new job you want but also take time to study what African spiritual traditions have to say about good character, family and community.”

  24. “”Certainly, Ourstory and History must be studied and studied as thoroughly as possible, so that the ways of thinking and patterns of behavior of friend and foe can be ascertained and thoroughly comprehended. But how much knowledge of self and enemies is required in order for a potential warrior to feel compelled to act on our behalf?” Mwalimu Baruti”

  25. You have to admit that it is a much more peaceful place now.

    I am missing the string of invectives by HA and the exchanges on SSS. All I have left is John and without the stable genius for ideas, he makes up nonsense.

    Let’s get this place rocking again
    “Free the BU 3”
    “No SSS, no peace”

  26. Comment number 333
    Prince Jazzbo Vs I Roy

  27. Theo…that’s the problem with the slaveminded and yardfowls….it don’t take long for them to reveal themselves and their wicked intent against Black/African populations……then when they RUN OUT OF THEIR pretend intellectual status they resort to yardfowlism…we know the drill….but no one counted on the VOLUMES AND VOLUMES of information for the INTELLIGENT TO DISSEMINATE and DIGEST…they never knew it existed but now here it is in all it’s glory…

    this level of organization ..can’t be beat and is unstoppable.

  28. The tainted bloodlines of cave beast spawn is back.


  29. World of racism against Black Africans.


  30. Waru shoudnt you be sweeping or something

  31. Even those of us here in Barbados have to take a break from sweeping.

    My Rasta cousin has finally arrived!

  32. Why would i be sweeping when there is water to wash down….btw..where you been..

  33. Evil written all over this demon….she murdered that kid in cold blood.


  34. Cave beast spawn….these are the same stinking little racist wretches will be crawling into Africa to rob it. Africa has to prepare for them..


  35. One SELLOUT of Black/Africans down…many more to go.


  36. What would you label yourself as

  37. What a world we have become.

  38. General question.. if your son ran into both Mrs Jones and Maggie would you call it abuse?
    Let the boy have his fun

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