During the sitting of the Senate of 25 March 2021, Senator Rev. Dr. John A. Rogers delivered an interesting presentation. He referred to the heinous event history recorded as the Atlantic Slave Trade and its relevance to Barbados formulating fit for purpose policy to protect our future well-being in a volatile global space. The blogmaster recommends those interested in pursuing serious discussion to take the time to listen to Roger’s presentation from around 30 minutes of the video.

…it revealed that the top one percent of households globally own 43 percent of all personal wealth, while the bottom 50 percent own only one percent. That top-tier one percent amounts to 52 million people who are all millionaires in net wealth (after debt).

Top 1 percent of households own 43 percent of global wealth

In a related event this week President Joe Biden had reason to say in response to Georgia’s new suppression law that it is antithetical to who Americans aspire to be. The issue of race is not a Barbados condition, it is a human condition, a condition that has created an US versus THEM condition. It is also a zero sum condition that benefits the capitalists. When we we learn.

The Senate – Thursday 25 March 2021

The blogmaster has been around the block long enough to know the divide and conquer mentality of imperfect humans based on gender, class AND race will be with us until the end of time. However, as a people we will be forced to co-opt creative approaches to mask and contain the prejudice, bigotry and yes- racism of many who will walk beside us because the establishment is vested in the system.

468 responses to “Race Issue: Barbados and Everywhere Else”

  1. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    It’s over forty years that progressive thinkers have asked for African studies to be introduced throughout the educational system. Not one single government( BLPDLP) has even pretended to make it a priority.
    I could tell a story of what I encountered by a high ranking person in the ministry of education about thirty years ago. Believe me, these jokers are not interested in anything so. In order to replant the land , it must be first cleared of the bush and garbage.
    Once we clear the land, we win. In many ways we like it so. Sometimes , I ask myself how can any self respecting black person , be so totally blown over by the little progress made since Independence in 1966.
    Even with clear evidence , that there are people working for less than $250 per week, they still come here parading so much nonsense that one is forced to ask , if some of them, would be happier if they were still in actual chains.
    It’s a long road to travel and a rough , rough way to go( Jimmy Cliff). We are fighting the enemy within ( Marcus Garvey)
    Just yesterday I read where these criminals refused to install electricity to an old lady’s house , who is 97 years old and I was told or asked if some “process” was to be followed.
    Imagine the lady was living in filth and a neighbor gave the government agency a piece of land;the agency built a little house and then refused to install electricity because they said she could do it herself because she had a pension. These vagabonds who by the stroke of a pen wrote of millions of taxes and just found $300 million to assist hoteliers , refused to install and pay an electric bill for a 97 year old lady and left her in the same filth while grass and bush took over the new house, that the taxpayers build.
    I read they gine pay it now because they were exposed in the Nation newspaper.
    That’s where we are in 2021.
    May they all burn in hell along with those who daily prop them up.

  2. David April 11, 2021 3:02 AM #: ” The job of education Caribbean people about their African heritage must continue but the reality is the life Caribbean people have adopted they will probably never fully embrace Africa.”

    @ David

    When you closely observe the African entertainment industry, you’ll realise Africans are slowly moving away from embracing Africa, preferring instead to embrace stereotypical representations of African-Americans, Jamaicans and Europeans in their music, movies and culture.

    The mere fact Nollywood and Ghallywood movies have become extremely popular and successful, is indicative of a satisfied target market.

    It’s ironic that while were on BU discussing ’embracing Africa,’ Africans seem to be moving in the opposite direction.

  3. There are lots of Igbo bloodlines in the diaspora…these people hold their African culture as sacred…

    “”Traditionally, Igbos have placed a great emphasis on land and farming, and this, coupled with their will to work hard, helped shape their mental and spiritual frame of reference, to this day. In this culture, working the land and tilling the soil is seen as making a person closer to the good Earth and nearer to the generous God. It can be said that the Igbos have developed, through time, an effective religious system that sustains them. This entry looks at their belief system and at their experience during the time of slavery.
    Religious Beliefs
    The Igbo religious way of life promotes a personal and positive connection with their family and people, nature, water, the Earth, the sun, the universe, fire, and God/Goddess. According to Igbo cosmology, two worlds exist—spiritual and physical. The two worlds are distinct, although also deeply interrelated and interdependent. The spirit world is inhabited by at least four distinguishable sets of entities.”
    -Ibo Changa, “Igbo”, from The Encyclopedia of African Religion”

  4. I always dismissed Karl Marx as irrelevant and all his Black students in the diaspora turned out to be psuedo-panafricanists who are just as irrelevant and useless, they have done NOTHING worthing praising or recognizing…pretend panafricanists while selling out…

    “Clearly, no person who “loves black people” (R.L. Stephens’ claim, in Black Agenda Report), no matter how often they professed to, would respect the ideas of Karl Marx, who dismisses Afrika, her history and civilization as “primitive.” Marx’s analysis is limited and cannot be used to construct the guidelines for the “Afrikan World Revolution” called for by Nana John Henrik Clarke. Marx was an avowed white supremacist whether the name was applied to him in the 19th century or not. He very often referred to Afrikans with the “n-word” in his writings and disparaged our physical characteristics and mental abilities.

    “It is now quite clear to me that, as his cranial structure and hair type prove, Lassalle is descended from the Negroes who joined Moses’ flight from Egypt. That is, assuming his mother, or his paternal grandmother, did not cross with a nigger. Now this union of Jewry and Germanism with the negro-like basic substance must necessarily result in a remarkable product. The officiousness of the fellow is also nigger-like. (Karl Marx from a letter to Friedrich Engels, 1862).

    Marx was incapable of critiquing the European world view, or of putting racism/white supremacy in its proper context. He was just another yurugu with despiritualized ideas about the acquisition and distribution of material objects to be manipulated.

    Dr. Welsing focused on the need for the development of collective self-confidence and self-respect as a prerequisite for overcoming Black fear. Her passing is a critical moment for us. Will we be true to what she has taught us, or will we be intimidated by those who criticize her? This is an opportunity for our people to move forward toward authentic Afrikan sovereignty. Let us remove the naysayers from the discussion. We have no time for academic bantering. This is not a “seminar.” Dr. Welsing’s work was to get us to think clearly in the interest of Black people. The Marxists are clearly powerless. They can only “talk.” The fact is that the white sexual ideologues are powerful at this time, but only within the system of white supremacy. They have financial backing. They are well-organized and have used mafia-type methods to co-opt entire industries. As an organized collective, they usurp valuable real estate from Afrikan elders. They intimidate through phobia-labels (perhaps because they are heterophobic). They constitute a powerful lobby within white supremacist electoral politics. The left has aligned itself with this power-base. So do those Black people who identify as part of this political cohort. The Marxists have been parasitic. They need Black power. So they get some of us to refer to ourselves as “the black left,” as though it were an authentic movement of Afrikan/Black people. They are being manipulative. (But we outgrew Marxism with our ancestors, Richard Wright, George Padmore, even W.E.B. Dubois and others.) Why not just “the left?” The answer is “because they need our energy.” They have none of their own. No popular movement can be sustained by rationalistic, academic discourse and semantic repartee alone. They construct “fronts” which feed off of our spiritual and cultural energy. There is apparently no “black left” that has not capitulated to the financial and political power of homosexual politics. Their agenda is not Black. It is not Afrikan. And we certainly do not need Marxian analysis in order to critique capitalism. We know that capitalism is anti-Afrikan and bad for Black people. (see Wobogo, ch. 6, and Armah, Remembering the Dismembered Continent, 2010, ch. 3 “On Marx and Masks”) The so-called “black left” cannot be trusted. Dr. Welsing knew that. She was clear. She spoke truth (Maat). She stayed the course and so must we.

    Everything is political. Every choice has political implications and issues from a political position. To choose one’s pattern of sexual behavior over Dr. Frances Cress Welsing is a choice made in fear. To listen to those who tell you that you have to make that choice in order to be “free” is to listen to the cacophony of confusion that she was able to expose as mere noise. Dr. Frances Cress Welsing is already sacred and iconic to the global Afrikan/Black Collective. Her detractors, choosing the time of her passing to come out of their closets, have effectively removed themselves from the discourse of a truly “Black agenda.” Dr. Welsing is the quintessential Afrikan; she is the “Brain of Black Power.” This is not a “defense” because she needs none. This is an announcement that any would-be critics at this special time, have made her all the more powerful among us and have exposed the opposition.

    As she would point out, the “left,” ironically, gets its power from white supremacy. Within Afrikan sovereignty, and an Afrikan power system, they have none. She has forced them to expose themselves. They messed with the wrong one. Their critique is an affirmation of her work. According to one critic “1000’s will be influenced by her ideas” (R.L. Stephens, published in Black Agenda Report, January 5, 2016) Absolutely! Thousands have been influenced by her ideas and thousands more will be, and your feeble attempts have done nothing so much as increased that number tenfold.

    The attack at this time in particular has another purpose. These confused Blacks and their yurugu teachers must seek to anger us. But our Champion taught us how to fight. And we should pay strict attention to the behavior that she modeled. She never seemed to be disoriented by anger, although anger was certainly justified. She always approached her opponents with poise, the queenly posture of confidence. And she always won. We must not be distracted from our ceremonies of praise and honor. We must not be caught off guard or lose our rhythm. Their cowardly behavior cannot detract from our outpouring of love, it should only make the outpouring more profuse. She consistently focused on exposing the only form of racism; that is white supremacy, and on expunging Black fear. Everything she did and said was a preparation for confrontation with that which seeks to destroy us. Let us not lose focus at this time.

    We must use our love for this brilliant and fearless Afrikan warrior to keep moving toward race victory. We are blessed because she belongs to us. She intimidated our enemies and those who may be used by our enemies, but she was never intimidated by them. She was never dissuaded. For over four decades she never lost focus, and neither should we. She did not waste time shadow-boxing. She taught us that we are in a race war, and the “real game” is the “power game.” And we love her because she is still teaching us how to win it!
    This is a praise song. She is my hero.

    Marimba Ani, February 9, 2016

    (all quotes from Dr. Welsing are taken from The Isis Papers)

    What people are saying
    4 thoughts on “A Praise Song for Dr. Frances Cress Welsing, Our Race Champion”
     Nzingha Shabaka says:
    February 22, 2016 at 7:16 pm
    Yes, my dear sister will be missed.

    Thank you for the praise song. I have had the Isis Papers over 20 years.
    Great book all blacks should read it as well as whites, they will learn a lot about themselves.”

  5. @Artax

    We have a generation who surf the Net, watch Netflix, love Pizza and aspire to travel to Orlando. Pick sense from where we are today.

  6. “It’s over forty years that progressive thinkers have asked for African studies to be introduced throughout the educational system. Not one single government( BLPDLP) has even pretended to make it a priority.
    I could tell a story of what I encountered by a high ranking person in the ministry of education about thirty years ago. Believe me, these jokers are not interested in anything so. In order to replant the land , it must be first cleared of the bush and garbage.
    Once we clear the land, we win. In many ways we like it so. Sometimes , I ask myself how can any self respecting black person , be so totally blown over by the little progress made since Independence in 1966.
    Even with clear evidence , that there are people working for less than $250 per week, they still come here parading so much nonsense that one is forced to ask , if some of them, would be happier if they were still in actual chains.
    It’s a long road to travel and a rough , rough way to go( Jimmy Cliff). We are fighting the enemy within ( Marcus Garvey).”

    William….we have come to the conclusion for many decades that they ARE FRAUDS….don’t care anything about the Black people who elected them until election time when they slither and crawl around the little villages and areas theywilfully and maliciouslly KEEP in a PAUPERIZED state begging for votes, so they can climb on the world stage and rub shoulders and show off colonial titles with nothing to show where they EMPOWERED the Black population financially, educationally or socially in 54 YEARS….that fact they can never hide….but love to BOAST about how many hundreds of millions of dollars they PICKED UP belonging to taxpayers and give away to minorities or how many billions they wrote off that was EMBEZZLED and STOLEN from the population…they have no shame…and are proud, walk with their chests all swollen when they violate Black human rights….i always have a problem watching them, it bothered and disturbed me, because it seemed that they are ON DISPLAY like trained monkeys, now i know why…..so let’s see if they ATTEMPT to continue those crimes against the people…and let’s see if the PEOPLE ALLOW THEM..

  7. 555…now you can add your two pennies on Nana Welsing…

  8. End of one deadly plot beginning of another.


  9. @ William Skinner April 11, 2021 9:57 AM

    Why not be a man and ‘say’ it was me who asked the question, rather then ‘dropping snide remarks?’

    You guys always come over as though you have a ‘chip on your shoulders.’

    We are all fools if we do not agree with your opinions, or embrace Africa as YOU guys perceive the country should be embraced. There is never any room for compromise. We must see things YOUR way or…. “agree to disagree.”

    Then, later you would use another blog as an opportunity to snidely restart the fight.

    And, please note, the word ‘YOU’ was used to refer to any person in general.

  10. “We are West Indians of mixed ancestry with greater Eurocentric influence.”

    Mixed race ancestry was probably due to British Planters who did not love the wenches but were just sperm donors ejaculations and come inside them and did not stick around to be Fathers to their Children. Bajans are a race of Black Bastards.

  11. “555…now you can add your two pennies on Nana Welsing…”

    I was going to say have you finished reading the book already that was quick and very impressive well done

    .. but then noticed you had cut and pasted other peoples comments from a facebook group above that comment

    imagine if you read the book yourself you could contribute to the facebook group with your own comments

    and could even channel the spirit of Welsing inside you when you manifested your full power beaming out of your third eye like Cyclops in the X-Men

  12. William Skinner Avatar

    @ WURA
    It is always that one is “ emotional” or “ have chips on their shoulders”. The truth is that once they fail to control the narrative, they bring in that old trick
    The debate about African studies in schools was never to coerce any back to Africa movement.
    It was simply to educate black students / children about their history. It’s the only way to inculcate a true sense of belonging. However, as is evident ,there are those who will never see that connection.
    These jokers will spend time discussing the Queen’s off spring but scorn the very thought of their own African ancestry.
    Like I said the struggle will be won by those not yet born.
    I honestly admire your tenacity, patience , resilience and endurance.

  13. “Bajans are a race of Black Bastards.”

    So you believe demoralizing African people because of what enslaving, thieving, poor ass, racist, murderous, envious white bastards did will accomplish something right?….the population has survived everything and can survive a jealous wannabe.

  14. Your comment is awaiting moderation.

    “@ WURA
    I notice an old divide and rule tactic coming into play on BU. Every time some cannot prove their point or counter someone else’s opinion, they introduce the word “ emotion”. It is a word used by whites and apologists to make one feel that their are really irrational. It is a tool used with devastating effect against Afro Americans.”

    First impressions might suggest that #WILLIAM SKINNER is another Hal Austin incarnation operating undercover like a dodgy snitch reporter who can not be trusted, due to his Modus Operandi of similar provocative shit stirring, double teaming, Anti-Government rhetoric and criticism, hatridge of Indians and praises and appreciation for his wannabe pseudo radical comrade in arms Hal which seems well suspicious and dubious setting off warning bells to put it mildly, but it appears that they are separate entities, although neither have been blessed by God in the good look charts and their ugh! faces on the outside may represent ugh! personalities on inside. Willy is a member of NDP who I have never heard of but seem to also exist in a parallel world in an alternate universe on the dark side of the moon.

  15. @Kiki

    Your comment is focused on the obvious biological connection. What we are the me more focused on is the sociological and psychological influence the environment that is created makes it difficult to balance how we identify with Mother Africa. This is the nuance the ideologues will never understand. To use an analogy, it is theory over the practical.

  16. “@ WURA
    It is always that one is “ emotional” or “ have chips on their shoulders”. The truth is that once they fail to control the narrative, they bring in that old trick.

    “yeah…they are being “emotional” and showing their lowcrawling covetous colors….they can’t help it..

    “These jokers will spend time discussing the Queen’s off spring but scorn the very thought of their own African ancestry.”

    who don’t even like them, it’s only one out of the whole lot that has some humanity…..

    “The debate about African studies in schools was never to coerce any back to Africa movement.”

    no it wasn’t, sellout Barrow criminalized it so he can live comfortable without having to worry, a slave to the end……it was a long con that worked perfectly with house negros leading the charge….waiting to see what they do know they have been kicked out in the cold with NO PROTECTION for the racism they maintain/sustain on the island to the detriment of the Black population. …they can’t blame a fella for that anymore, they got dumped because they refused to prepare and thought it would last forever….lol

    was alerted to something called a “Motherland Series” whatever that means….didn’t mention anything about AFRICAN CULTURE, EDUCATION, MUSIC, ANCESTRY nothing, but i hope they know ya can’t pretend to be African, they will see you coming a MILE AWAY…and will know if you HAVE NOT CONNECTED TO YOUR ANCESTORS OR THE CONTINENT…..yes it’s a REAL THING…

    that’s why i keep posting that no one is forcing anyone to do anything, the less damaged and degraded western mindsets to have to deal with the better for everyone..

  17. David

    Bajans are products of Barbados and are Climatised to that environment

    but it does not mean they cannot live in 2 or 3 continents including Africa

    as the world has got smaller and people travel by planes regularly

    their western influence can help Africa in their future

    Your comment is awaiting moderation.

    “@ WURA
    I notice an old divide and rule tactic coming into play on BU. Every time some cannot prove their point or counter someone else’s opinion, they introduce the word “ emotion”. It is a word used by whites and apologists to make one feel that their are really irrational. It is a tool used with devastating effect against Afro Americans.”

    First impressions might suggest that #WILLIAM SKINNER is another Hal Austin incarnation operating undercover like a dodgy snitch reporter who can not be trusted, due to his Modus Operandi of similar provocative shit stirring, double teaming, Anti-Government rhetoric and criticism, hatridge of Indians and praises and appreciation for his wannabe pseudo radical comrade in arms Hal which seems well suspicious and dubious setting off warning bells to put it mildly, but it appears that they are separate entities, although neither have been blessed by God in the good look charts and their ugly faces appearance on the outside may represent pure ugly personalities on inside. Willy Fore Skinner is a member of NDP who I have never heard of but seem to also exist in a parallel world in an alternate universe on the dark side of the moon.

  18. Your comment is awaiting moderation.


    Bajans are products of Barbados and are Climatised to that environment

    but it does not mean they cannot live in 2 or 3 continents including Africa

    as the world has got smaller and people travel by planes regularly

    their western influence can help Africa in their future

    Your comment is awaiting moderation

  19. @Kiki

    It does not and will not happen because we think or want it to. There are practical steps which have to be taken.

  20. “It does not and will not happen because we think or want it to. There are practical steps which have to be taken.”

    Yes I know, but is a pipeline dream and ideal situation to meditate on for some,
    whose worst situation to meditate on is living in Barbados or the West,
    but if they focus on their ideal situation and how it feels,
    and then focus on their worst situation and how it feels,
    then they will be able to cope with either situation

    The Barbados Government could set up links and projects with / in Africa and people could go out there and build networks of friends and a feel for the land before they decide to make a move they will know where they can go to live and what to expect

  21. Covid 19 many are hoping will serve as a tipping point because it forces SIDs like Barbados to discover new markets; to purchase and sell products and services. Forge alliances with non traditional countries etc. This has brought African countries into the equation. It was declining economics which ended slavery, it may be declining economics to bring balance how we act out our lineage.

  22. “but then noticed you had cut and pasted other peoples comments from a facebook group above that comment”

    i keep telling you that you have NO CLUE where i get my information from, i GO STRAIGHT TO THE SOURCE, Africa has everything we need including INFORMATION ON WESTERN DEEP THINKERS, SCHOLARS, ANCESTORS…….FB don’t have what i have……if you were so observant, you would notice i rarely give away my sources….or information that i don’t think is relevant to the blog…

    what you think you know is patently false and am not the one to enlighten you either…..anway, most things now are a need to know, and you don’t…. African descendants who are interested in pursuing their ancestry have all the tools, resources agencies etc they need available to them that small island governments don’t have and know nothing about…..this is a seek and ye shall find scenario now playing out for descendants……

  23. “and could even channel the spirit of Welsing inside you when you manifested your full power.”

    am more than a little pleased that you KNOW NOTHING about African spirituality…and the sellouts can’t enlighten you because they don’t know either…lol…unintended consequences….now that they need it more than ever…it’s gone, thanks to their own backward, wicked actions..

    “We spoke recently about African liberation with Ama Mizani of Afrocentricity International about the struggle in Brazil”.

    most things are on private radio these days, private being the operative word…

  24. Pacha would tell ya that these descendants of arab slave traders now claiming to find this and that and digging up our ancestors from their resting place are not the original descendants of Kemet, they are impostors….

  25. an old granny is acting like a child in a playground

    classified declassified
    methinks someones rebuttals are retarded mindless and pointless
    an old granny is acting like a child in a school playground


  26. Wow! Bajans are “black bastards”. “A Bajan trait cannot be a good thing.”

    Friends, Bajans, countrymen, lend me your ears! I come not to heal Bajans but to bury them under a load of insults.

  27. Same wicked racists and thieves robbing the continent. That is why they are being burnt out. They need pipelines of gasoline for those parasites.


  28. Racist and thieving, robbing the continent. Look what they caught them doing in Jamaica.


  29. am more than a little pleased that you KNOW NOTHING about African spirituality…and the sellouts can’t enlighten you because they don’t know either…and the yardfowls and Slaves don’t know either, they don’t even know that they are indigenous to the earth or that they are born in the Americas…..so ya really outta luck..🤣🤣😂😂….

  30. Even in Barbados, we have some who will curry a monkey and some who will not.
    No firm opinion about what is edible and what is not. However, there are some meats I will not try.

  31. “am more than a little pleased that you KNOW NOTHING about African spirituality…”

    shouldn’t the issue in the tissue be about your true essence
    there are many black people all over planet earth but you are the first unfriendly one I have ever met
    but it may just be a silly online competition with you

  32. The unfriendliness may be due to all those pints of European blood running through my veins…ah can’t help it…cave beast bloodline. Which am not complaining about by the way. I embrace my savage European ancestors.


  33. “The unfriendliness may be due to all those pints of European blood running through my veins”

    I recall a lil birdie saying you liked a lil bit of white in you in the bedroom

  34. I remember someone was speaking about that fraud Ghandi on here sometime, heard about his hypocrisy for quite a while..ya always have to watch out for the liars pretenders and frauds….they must be weeded out of history and present day..

    By LokMarg 10th October 2017

    Chukwuemeka B. Eze, the Executive Director of the West Africa Network for Peacebuilding (WANEP) recently advocated that the myth of Gandhi’s so-called non-violence be taught in West African schools. Do we want our children to be brought up on a diet of propaganda, half-truths, and outright lies? Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi alias Mahãtmã was able to deceive his way into the hearts of many, including notable Black men from Kwame Nkrumah, Martin Luther King, Jr., to Nelson Mandela by intentionally “hiding” the truth about who he really was using what we term “impropagandhi.”[i]

    It may surprise some that Gandhi – through his words and/or deeds – supported every war in his lifetime, including the Second Boer War (1899-1902), the Bambatha Rebellion (1906), World War I (1914-1918) and World War II (1939-1945).[ii]

    In this brief article, I will use nothing but the words of therealGandhi, an itinerant warmonger, to explode the pervasive myth of the non-violent Gandhi, focusing on his role in the British war against the amaZulu during the Bambatha Rebellion. On 18 November 1905, Gandhi wrote: If the Government only realised what reserve force is being wasted, they would make use of it and give Indians the opportunity of a thorough training for actual warfare.[iii]

    He would later bemoan not getting weapons with which Indians could join in the slaughter, writing: The pity of it is that the Government…have not taken the elementary precaution of giving the necessary discipline and instruction to the Indians. It is, therefore, a matter of physical impossibility to expect Indians to do any work with the rifle; or […] any work in connection with war with much efficiency.[iv][…] The substance of it is that the Indians are not able to go to the battle-field, but that they can assist the men at the front with the requisite amenities.[v]

    Later, Gandhi again agitated for weapons to join the fray in which 3,000-4,000 amaZulu were eventually massacred: The acceptance by the Government synchronizes with the amendment of the Fire-Arms Act, providing for the supply of arms to Indians[…]to give Indians an opportunity of taking their share in the defence of the Colony.[vi]
    Although relegated to being a stretcher-bearer of the British empire,[vii] Gandhi was nonetheless still thirsty for “Kaffir” blood ruefully remarking in a diary entry “[…] we finished the day’s journey,with no Kaffirs to fight.”[viii]

    Later in life, revisionist Gandhi would claim that in 1906, during the Bambatha rebellion, he had a so-called life-changing epiphany. Yet, in reality, the very year after in 1907 he was back on the warpath against the amaZulu once again, writing: There is again a rebellion of Kaffirs in Zululand. […] The Indian community must come forward at such a time without, however, thinking of securing any rights thereby. […]We assume that there are many Indians now who will welcome such work enthusiastically. Those who went to the front last year can do so again.[ix]

    Gandhi would later lie about all of this in his autobiography saying “my heart was with the Zulus” when his contemporaneous writings clearly expose that he really wanted firearms to assist the British in massacring them.[x] Later, during World War I (1914 – 1918), Gandhi gave a speech stating “full assistance should be given in order to overthrow the Germans.” He argued that “Home Rule without military power was useless.”[xi]

    Gandhi, supposedly wedded to non-violence since 1906, would write in 1918 that “we shall learn military discipline as we help the Empire, gain military experience and acquire the strength to defend ourselves. With that strength, we may even fight the Empire, should it play foul with us.”[xii][Emphasis added]

    He also wrote “To him who wants to learn the art of fighting, who would know how to kill, I would even teach the use of force.”[xiii] So much for Gandhi’s supposed vow of non-violence! In India, home of this supposed doyen of non-violence, Afrikan=Black people are mobbed, beaten and killed in broad daylight to this day.[xiv]

    To advocate the uncritical teaching Gandhi’s hypocritical brand of so-called non-violence in West African schools is to endeavor to teach West African children to be fork-tongued hypocrites and pathological liars, which will no doubt yield similar results. Despite relentless “impropagandhi” campaigns, Gandhi was rejected for the Nobel Peace Prize in 1937, 1938, 1939, 1947 and 1948. The Nobel Prize committee saw through Gandhi’s charade and so should we.”

  35. “I recall a lil birdie saying you liked a lil bit of white in you in the bedroom”

    wuh if it’s in my bloodline thanks to…

    “Mixed race ancestry was probably due to British Planters who did not love the wenches but were just sperm donors ejaculations and come inside them and did not stick around to be Fathers to their Children. ”

    so what’s wrong with having it in my bedroom…am toting around a good 25% of that bloodline…of varying European ancestry not brits alone..to understand it better….you will have to know a Black/African person’s ancestry makeup and no one in their right mind will tell you…

    ya sinking lower and lower, soon there will be no coming back for you……lost in space.

  36. it’s all about STEALING Africa’s resources, our birthright that can feed 10 Billion Africans OR MORE but the greedy and evil think they have some right, no they don’t…they will as usual end up destroying it…but only if allowed.

    “The Myth Of Africa Overpopulation
    By: Mawuna Remarque KOUTONIN
    Saturday, December 5th, 2015 at 11:30 am.

    — “Many in position of power think the world has become overpopulated recently, and Africa takes the center of attention because of the constant increase in populationâ€
    — “European countries are nowadays giving incentives to their women to give birth to more babies. Yet, an already underpopulated continent, Africa is crowded with Western ‘experts’ giving money to NGOs and governments to stop the population growthâ€

    — “The debate about the world overpopulation should not be about headcount, but about a single individual’s impact on the environment, and it is necessary to recalculate the ‘overpopulation factor’ based on those parametersâ€
    Last month in Paris, a conference gathered a panel of white people to think about more effective ways to reduce Black population in Africa.

    One of the conference organizers, a historian and Associate Professor of African history, Bernard Lugan, said: “Population growth in Africa is a threat to European civilization … I’m not recommending to drop a nuclear bomb on Africa, but we can’t wait to see that population growth next to Europe. It’s a danger we have to take seriously.â€
    Their plan is to syndicate more closely private and public organizations in Western countries to provide money and logistics for faster and more effective actions to curb the ‘frightening’ African population growth.
    This is just surreal, but let’s take a calmer road to answer the fundamental question behind such conferences and the numerous similar initiatives in Europe and the United States: is Africa overpopulated?

    First, what isoverpopulation?
    Overpopulation is an array of negative social and ecological impacts caused by increasing competition between individuals or groups due to the increasing scarcity of resources. The scarcity could be caused either by decreasing resources of water, food and other life necessities because of a growing population, or by overconsumption of those resources due to unhealthy lifestyle or economical ideology.
    Put simply, overpopulation is caused either by limited resources not enough to sustain the ever-growing population, or by overconsumption due to unhealthy lifestyle.

    The debate on the world overpopulation has been ongoing for over 150 years. Many in position of power think the world has become overpopulated recently, and Africa takes the center of attention because of the constant increase in population.
    Often, the people behind the Africa overpopulation debate would produce shiny graphics and complex MBA types of matrix that look very convincing, and indeed would trick people not familiar with the issues into agreeing with their points.
    Here is a flipped coin perspective you won’t see in the mainstream news outlets.

    In the 15th century, Africans represented 17% of the world population. At the beginning of the 20th century, Africans accounted only for a little bit more than 7%. What has happened during these four centuries of depopulation of Africa? You already have the answer. Today, Africans represent only 16% of the world population, less than five centuries ago, while Asians represent more than 60%.
    Keep in mind that India is more populated than Africa while Africa is nine times the size of India. Bangladesh with half the area of ​​Gabon has 125 million inhabitants, whereas Gabon has barely two million.
    Congo is 2,345,408 square kilometers, slightly greater than the combined areas of Spain, France, Germany, Sweden, and Norway. The population of Congo is only 68 million; yet, Germany’s is about 82 million; Spain, 47 million; France, 66 million; Sweden, ten million; Norway, five million. Now, think of the little island of Britain, three times smaller than Madagascar. If you take the population of South Africa, Zimbabwe, Swaziland and Lesotho, and probably throw in Namibia for good measure, that will bring us up to the population of the UK, if not just under.

    Africa is inhabited by 87 people per square kilometre, against 57 in the Americas, 246 in Asia, and 188 in Europe. It means that Europe is the most overpopulated continent in the world. Indeed, the most overpopulated countries per square kilometre are mostly in Europe, regardless of the fact that Europe had shipped over half a billion of its population surplus to two continents: America and Australia.
    Five centuries ago, there were no Europeans in America, Australia, or Africa.

    European countries are nowadays giving incentives to their women to give birth to more babies. Yet, an already underpopulated continent, Africa is crowded with Western ‘experts’ giving money to NGOs and governments to stop the population growth. In the meantime, China is abandoning its one-childpolicy to boost its populace.
    Here is another perspective that casts the concept of overpopulation as a fraud and a convenient ideology because it voluntary ignores the impact per capita (per one person) and focuses on simple numerical analysis.

    The problem with the world population is not that we are too ‘heavy’ for the Earth to carry, the problem with the world population is the impact of human consumption and activity on the environment and resources.
    The USA consumes 25% of world resources while its population is under 5%. And the West as a bloc represents less than 15% of the overall world population while consuming over half of world resources and being responsible for 80% of the world climate change factors.

    When it comes to carbon dioxide emission (‘carbon footprint’) per person on the global scale, one person in the US emitsabout 20 tons every year, one person in the European Union emits 11 tons, one person in China emit three tons, and one person in the sub-Saharan Africa emits a maximum of 300 kilograms. Which means the African carbon impact is 66 times less than American, and 36 times less than European.
    Put simply, the impact of a single American on the environment and his role in furthering the global warming effect is equivalent to that of almost 7,000 Africans. A single European threatens the environment with the ‘force’ of 4,000 Africans.
    The same goes for the consumption of vital resources like water, meat, etc. For example, the US, with a population around 300 million people,consume as much water per person as China or India which each have above one billion inhabitants. EU countries follow similar patterns.
    The whole African continent’s population is less than China’s alone, and a totalGDP the size of a small country like France (France’s 2013 GDP was 2.806 trillion USD vs Africa’s 2.6 trillion in 2013) which is five times smaller than Congo.
    Looking from that perspective, you can now see why it is convenient for some people to throw dubious numbers out there: attacking poor Africans is such a harmless exercise.

    The debate about the world overpopulation should not be about headcount, but about a single individual’s impact on the environment, and it is necessary to recalculate the ‘overpopulation factor’ based on those parameters.
    The world is overpopulated, let’s have less rich people should be the real agenda.

    There are too manyAmericans, too manyEuropeans, too manyAustralians, too manyJapanese, too manySingaporeans, and so on, because they are the people impacting our common planet in the worst way. Only, concerning Africa, we are talking about population reduction strategies funded by Western NGOs and governments.
    Is it because Africa does not have resources to feed two billion people? No. It is because other nations want those resources for their own people.

    If you live in Africa, and those Western overpopulation experts come to spread their dubious propaganda, ask them some tough questions and take them as the new christopher columbus. I hope you won’t bite on this new covert war on the poor and another distraction from the real culprits.
    Finally, let me say this to those who are conceiving the African continent to be, look, and consume like Europe and America: “You are going in the wrong direction. The future requires a different model”

  37. “ya sinking lower and lower, soon there will be no coming back for you……lost in space.”

    It is time to say farewell to the bajan underground

  38. So you can listen to Waron UUU teach you about the African Spirituality she does not know..

    or you can grow your locks ’till it reaches your toes..

    Jah know


    After a historic day, the international day for the fight against racial discrimination , we bequeath to you in deserved tribute to all people who fight against racism and in particular to African and Afro-descendant women, who face racism and patriarchy. , home in and home out.

    Women are at the center of the matrix of social inequalities on a world scale, but in the face of this we strengthen our daily struggles, giving birth to present and future. Consequently, together with the State of the African Diaspora ( SOAD ) , African and Afro-descendant women, we reiterate today our commitment to fight for peace and development , against racism.

    As part of the efforts of our State for the well-being of Afro-descendants, today we are publishing the results of the First call for the presentation of projects to the SOAD Fund for the development of African and Afro-descendant women .

    For the selection of these projects we have adhered to the main criteria for evaluating the proposals set out in the call. These are: p ertinencia and social impact, economic viability, geographic diversity and perspective of generalization.

    Was significant, which were presented projects in seven axes call with emphasis on food production s and the rescue of our history , as an expression of high social relevance of such projects. The presence of youth and women ‘s organizations africa n ace and African descent. The countries with the highest participation are located in Africa and in the Southern Cone Region of the State of the African Diaspora. Of the 50 proposals submitted, 1 6 were selected (Annex 1), whose authors we congratulate .

    We appreciate your interest in responding to our call and expect new proposals for the Second Convocation of the Development Fund of the Women sponsored by the State of the African Diaspora.

    Dr. Louis-Georges Tin
    Prime Minister Dr. Rosa Campoalegre Septien
    Minister of Gender Equality”

  40. kiki…the nobody, ya ignorance knows no bounds….ya claimed to have read Nana Welsing and yet ya not only LEARNED NOTHING… .. if ya had and UNDERSTOOD what was written….you would know that I CANNOT TEACH ANYONE SPIRITUALITY….as a Black/African everyone has to CONNECT ON THEIR OWN…

    ..i have said it here ad nauseum..i cannot connect anyone to their ancestral spritualual birthright, if you are truly an African..and not a pretender, the connection to ancestors COMES NATURALLY……

    the level of colonial mental damage though may be a deterrent for many, yall can have those, no one needs them anyway, so that is their personal journey, not my job to fix what the parliament negros/sellouts helped destroy…..they are on their own…i got other things to do..

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