During the sitting of the Senate of 25 March 2021, Senator Rev. Dr. John A. Rogers delivered an interesting presentation. He referred to the heinous event history recorded as the Atlantic Slave Trade and its relevance to Barbados formulating fit for purpose policy to protect our future well-being in a volatile global space. The blogmaster recommends those interested in pursuing serious discussion to take the time to listen to Roger’s presentation from around 30 minutes of the video.

…it revealed that the top one percent of households globally own 43 percent of all personal wealth, while the bottom 50 percent own only one percent. That top-tier one percent amounts to 52 million people who are all millionaires in net wealth (after debt).

Top 1 percent of households own 43 percent of global wealth

In a related event this week President Joe Biden had reason to say in response to Georgia’s new suppression law that it is antithetical to who Americans aspire to be. The issue of race is not a Barbados condition, it is a human condition, a condition that has created an US versus THEM condition. It is also a zero sum condition that benefits the capitalists. When we we learn.

The Senate – Thursday 25 March 2021

The blogmaster has been around the block long enough to know the divide and conquer mentality of imperfect humans based on gender, class AND race will be with us until the end of time. However, as a people we will be forced to co-opt creative approaches to mask and contain the prejudice, bigotry and yes- racism of many who will walk beside us because the establishment is vested in the system.

468 responses to “Race Issue: Barbados and Everywhere Else”

  1. Lawson…ya been missing from the blog for quite some time, hope this wasn’t you……made up as an indian. ya should see how white dudes make up themselves like Black people and commit endless crimes…


  2. Battling globalized greed.


  3. Disfunction Junction
    the big put down smack down
    BU is not a place to come to speak it is full of nasty bitches who do not wish to speak
    as DK said “This topic seems to have run its course. Some of you do not know when to stop.”
    the so called internet tek info wars became about races and places putting maces in faces

  4. Look Lawson..don’t forget the worshipping gig…


  5. Soulful Resect. Back on Decks. Music like Dirt.
    Every Friday there are brand new releases of top DJ edits remixes of remixes of old hit tunes
    Dancehalls may be closed for a while but the music never stops with the sounds from the underground
    Change my pitch up and smack my bitch up. Afrohouse it goes a little something like this.


  6. WURA-War-on-UApril 15, 2021 7:57 AM

    The problem WARU, is that not all white people, Indian, Chinese, are bad, nor are all good. The same way that not all black people are good, nor all bad.

    The vast majority of people are good, but there are some, of every race, who are bad, or just plain evil.

    That is why I cannot support you in your widespread hatred of people, whether white, Indian or Chinese.

    Pick people for who they are, not for the color of their skin or their creed.

    A brotherhood / sisterhood should be based on moral beliefs, not creed.

    Most of those people who use race, religion or creed as a way of attacking others, use it ONLY for power and to destroy. Most of them also have no regard for their own race or religion, it is just a means to an end, for them. They will skin their teeth and drink with their own, but just as they treat other races and creeds, they are being snakes to their own too.

    Evil has no color or creed.

    THAT is the issue.

  7. Ms. Mitchell,
    I will take the opportunity to have my say off the back of Crusoe’s Satsang (Sat means “truth” means “community”) which the literal meaning is “finding the truth together” meditation practise, and try to squash the beef that you have built up with me.

    Reaching almost a year ago when George Floyd was murdered and youths started protesting as part of the BLM movement in USA, UK and other countries. UK started looking at it’s legacy of slavery and companies started talking about reparations, albeit limited to looking at UCL database of reparations paid to slave owners for emancipation to cover their “Loss of income”.
    This falls way short of the collateral wealth and income they had accrued over 20 generations of slavery, were girls were forced to breed from age of 14 up to 15 children and slaves were forced to work for free, this was the foundation of the British Empire.
    The Crown was responsible for the heinous slave trade at national and international level, and all colonies were forced to pay tax to the Crown as were all industries that profited such as banking shipping insurance factories for manufacturing products from raw materials for sale in Global markets of International Trade and all small businesses where slaves became tradesmen such as carpenters, blacksmiths, stone masons, builders and their owners charged people for their services.
    I suggested a fund set up for Barbados and other nations to make a legal claim for recompense for all descendants in African diaspora which offended you and you started a never ending grudge against me for speaking about anything at all. After patiently trying to inform you you were deluded and mistaken you still did not stop. So using the analogy if someone is going to wrongly criticise you with false claims based on ignorant stereotyping, you may as well act like it and cuss them back the same way and spank them in the ass until their flesh bleeds and if they want to fight back after that you hit them in the face with a bat yes I know this approach may seem violent but it keeps suckers silent always talking what they can do so you just hit them with a heavy beat.
    So stop your warring and stop your fussing and fighting, after war comes peace and after the storm there must be a calm and some sunshine.
    Barbados should put a claim against GB Crown’s assets in the same way that Jeffrey Epstein’s victims are claiming against his estate. The Queen has massive wealth from ill gotten gains of robbery piracy slavery colonialism such as Diamonds Gold Art Monies Properties Antiques and UK business own resources such as Oil and minerals from other peoples lands.
    I’m not sure if you know about brainwashing techniques, but sexual and physical abuse is one way to change rewiring of peoples minds and force them into submission and likewise people need to be desensitised to commit acts of brutality which is also achieved by dehumanising people and saying they are sub human animals. Nazis did this with jews and their own soldiers and prison guards, the SS their special forces were trained with sexual perversions.
    So call a truce I am not your enemy and just want justice and racism to be killed dead so it cannot spread.


  8. As the earth’s indigenous people we have ti know what our weaknesses are, confront them and turn them into strengths.


  9. “The problem WARU, is that not all white people, Indian, Chinese, are bad, nor are all good. The same way that not all black people are good, nor all bad.

    The vast majority of people are good, but there are some, of every race, who are bad, or just plain evil.

    That is why I cannot support you in your widespread hatred of people, whether white, Indian or Chinese.”

    Really? So show just ONE post i made in the last 8 YEARS…that saud i hated any if the above JUST ONE…ALL my post are ARCHIVED…i specifically said i walk around with 25% slave master bloodline, my family is RAINBOW including Chinese….and not one of you say a word when am saying the same ABOUT BLACK PEOPLE…so ENUFF THE HYPOCRISY….and do and say something about whichever TOXIC group you are in and believing you are protecting
    …my narrative WILL NEVER CHANGE until they do and that also goes for BLACK PEOPLE…

  10. I REPEAT UNDER CORRECTION…for those coming with the same lame bullshit excuse over and over…

    Really? So show just ONE post i made in the last 8 YEARS…that SAID i hated any OF the above JUST ONE,…ALL my posts are ARCHIVED…i specifically said i walk around with 25% slave master bloodline, my family is RAINBOW including Chinese….and not one of you say a word when am saying the same things ABOUT BLACK PEOPLE…so ENUFF THE HYPOCRISY….and do and say something about whichever TOXIC group you are in and believing you are protecting
    …my narrative WILL NEVER CHANGE until they do and that also goes for BLACK PEOPLE…

    i await the archived posts that say i hated anyone…don’t take too long…

    AGAIN…hate is not part of vocabulary or personality..

  11. Yall just dont like to see ya nasty shit spread around…but…TOO LATE, IT’S EVERYWHERE NOW…..it’s been covered up for CENTURIES…especially in the lasy 60 years…but NO MORE, it’s done, so sit ya ass down.

  12. Yep MFs…SUCK IT UP…the same way yall sat on ya asses for 60 years GLEEFUL at the disenfranchisment, demoralization and OUTRIGHT THEFTS from the Black/African population and every generation born and UNBORN…AND SAID NOTHING, because most of you benefitted and even tried to blame the mental and social TYRANNY on the Black population……

    so enjoy the show…

    the question is not how many people know…it’s HOW MANY DON’T KNOW…trust me, from coast to coast and continent to continent….IT’S OUT THERE what you FRAUDS and LOWLIFES have done, so make it all about me, see if it helps…

  13. Donna ….check this out, a TREASURE TROVE.


  14. AGAIN…hate is not part of MY vocabulary or personality..

  15. wannabe slave masters

    btw Crusoe…all that has been posted on here regarding the same subject by myself and others was INVESTIGATED OVER TIME and found to be TRUE…so not only does NO ONE BELIEVE YALL…ya succeeded in EXPOSING YA OWN SELVES AS ENABLERS of crimes AGAINST black humanity……can’t blame me for that one….🤣😂

  16. Archiving all my posts LOL nice spin you and I know black rock has been saving your posts for a psychiatric audit.

  17. So did someone else get served..asking for a friend.

    “TO: The Honourable Mia Amor Mottley, Q.C., M.P.
    Prime Minister
    Government of Barbados
    Minister of Finance, Economic Affairs and Investment
    Minister of National Security and the Civil Service
    Emergency Injunction Immediately halting all “COVID VACCINATIONS” [GENETIC
    BIOWARFARE] in your Jurisdiction as Genocide and Crimes against Humanity.”

  18. Lawson..how much was your bail…

  19. Which time
    I was drinking negronis and thinking of each time I am on the island , I am introduced to someone white or black with a nickname . It seems everyone has one. I was thinking of a caring mother with two teenage sons asking……. fannose why does your brother tripod seem to have more girlfriends than you.

  20. lol am drinking negronis

  21. NorthernObserver Avatar

    Ahh a campari martini, trying to leave a bitter taste in everyone’s mouth?

  22. is it not ironic Lawson…negronis

  23. NO yes as I look at my life some of my best memories was leaving a bitter taste in some ones mouth lol

  24. waru as NO said a campari martini I didnt name it but its just a name just like all this other crap that people are getting torqued over today Black mail, black death, black arts etc just names doesnt mean anything just a way of describing something ..I dont think you are able to put a curse on me …not like I married ya lol

  25. Like ya had one too many negronis.


  26. These Africans never stopped practicing their ancestral culture, i saw them showcased on Sesame Street about 2 decades ago.

    “”New World Slavery
    During the West African Enslavement Holocaust, a million or more Igbos were captured by warring rival groups who handed them over to enslavers of humans, who forcibly sold them into an unthinkable nightmare when the hate boat arrived in the Western Hemisphere. An oral legend has passed down through time that a group of Igbos was taken to St. Simons Island, Georgia, which linked to the Gullah/Geechee Sea Lands culture, which runs parallel with the South Carolina and down to the Florida coastlines.”
    -Ibo Changa, “Igbo”, from The Encyclopedia of African Religion”

  27. Spirituality is just a way of living as is culture.
    Barbados culture means it should become a Slave Trade theme park.


  28. An enslavers theme park would be better,TO HIGHLIGHT for thousands of years into the future who ENSLAVERS are and how the WORLD is in danger because of their LINEAGE…Africans and everyone else must be warned of the risks involved via exhibitions etc, the statues of ALL slavers from the 13th century and EARLY and their countries should be ON PERMANENT DISPLAY…


  29. A prime example and proof positive of when ya don’t know what the hell ya talking about.

  30. Africans and everyone else must be warned of the risks involved via exhibitions etc, the statues of ALL slavers from the 13th century and EARLIER and their countries should be PUT ON PERMANENT DISPLAY…

  31. Many of us carry Yoruba ancestry among others.


  32. A BU commentator, recently, expressed slight antipathy towards another BU commentator’s supposed racism towards other races.

    The black race should never lower his/her shield towards other races. Our history informs us to be on alert as we have always been in a state of war vis-a-vis other racial groups.

    We as a people should always be reminded of this. Let’s never be complacent.


  33. Aw Snap! Mrs Mitchell is spiralling again. Did someone say Well Well was not feeling Well and must have woke up on wrong side of bed again. Slowly sipping a tall glass of water followed by some deep breathing meditation is good for emotional balance and feeling hydrated and oxygenated in every cell of the body.
    Continuing running with the theme of Theme Parks… There could be an African Theme Park World (Phase II) plus an African Diaspora Theme Park World (Phase III) specialising in Black Music and Arts and Crafts and double heavy Earth Rocker Lightning and Thunder Sound System Clash.
    2 Decades of Rebellion
    Rebels of 2000 Vs Rebelz of 2021


  34. Nobody on BU really hates all white people, Chinese or Indians. What they hate is THEIR HATRED OF US. And more specifically, the systems they have set up against us.

    Individual white people, Chinese, Indians who treat us with respect are treated likewise.

    But we would be foolish not to be aware of how they have most likely been raised to think of us and keep our guard up.

    The IPL is currently being played. Even a decent, level-headed guy like Darren Sammy recently discovered that the name he was being called by teammates was a derogatory racist one.

    They smiled in his face while mocking him with their secret joke!

    For couple of months every year they got away with it!

    “Every skin teet en a laugh!”

  35. That pesky “reverse racism” invention of the white man strikes again!

  36. @Donna

    So true. We will precipitate change by embracing the approach we are fighting against. Where is the victory in such an approach?

  37. FYI “Reverse Racism” means giving opportunities to people have been racially discriminated against aka anti-discrimination / equal opportunity / equal rights / fair hiring / affirmative action / colour conscious programs for redressing racial inequality

  38. “A BU commentator, recently, expressed slight antipathy towards another BU commentator’s supposed racism towards other races.”

    don’t pay much attention to the FRAUDS on BU…they seek a platform to DISPLAY THEIR IGNORANCE…

    Donna…at least you are giving the clowns a logical explanation…i won’t even enlighten them, let them continue and be EXPOSED as the evil enablers and ignoramuses that they are…let the world see them…in all their glory.

  39. What they don’t know is that no one needs their racist input about theme parks to highlight slaves for racist tourists to swell up their hate filled chests at…. or anything else….BLACK/AFRICAN GENIUS MINDS are DECADES AHEAD OF THAT…

  40. “That pesky “.”reverse racism” invention of the white man strikes again.”

    they got a brand new one introduced on the island by Mia claiming the Black police are discriminating when she knows SHE IS LYING, while i watched for months as others formulated the most evil of all….claiming Black men are racists……flipping the script.

  41. The complacent yardfowls/SLAVES will die…but that’s their choice..let them continue to coddle, embrace, tolerate and enable racists. even the half-assed wannabe slavemasters on slave society islands are at HIGH RISK…and as for the black face corrupt, sellout mothafuckas in the slave parliaments….PRISON AWAITS THEM…

    The thieves are gearing up.

    “The Economist

    A new hypothesis
    The French armed forces are planning for high-intensity war
    After a decade of counter-insurgency, plans are changing

    Apr 3rd 2021 edition
    Mar 31st 2021

    In the forests and plains of the Champagne-Ardenne region, where once the great powers went into battle, the French armed forces are beginning to prepare for the return of a major conflict. Planned for 2023, Exercise Orion is a full-scale divisional exercise that will last several days, based probably out of camps at Suippes, Mailly and Mourmelon. It will involve the full range of French military capacity on a scale not tested for decades. The drill will include command-post exercises, hybrid scenarios, simulation and live-fire drills. Around 10,000 soldiers could take part, as well as the air force and, in a separate maritime sequence, the navy. Belgian, British and American forces may join in.

    There are other signs that the French armed forces are in the midst of a generational transformation. In January the general staff quietly established ten working groups to examine the country’s readiness for high-intensity war. French generals reckon that they have a decade or so to prepare for it. The groups cover everything from munition shortages to the resilience of society, including whether citizens are “ready to accept the level of casualties we have never seen since world war two”, says one participant. The spectre of high-end war is now so widespread in French military thinking that the scenario has its own acronym: hem, or hypothèse d’engagement majeur (hypothesis of major engagement). The presumed opponents are unnamed, but analysts point not only to Russia, but also Turkey or a North African country.”

  42. What they don’t know is that no one needs their racist input about theme parks to highlight slaves for racist tourists to swell up their hate filled chests at…. or anything else….BLACK/AFRICAN GENIUS MINDS are DECADES AHEAD OF THAT…

    Are you saying that a Slave Park would be like a horror movie like Antebellum*
    translating ghetto speak


  43. Am saying you need to stop using BU to SHOWCASE your INHERENT IGNORANCE..

  44. nCrusoe need to stop using the blog to enable racist, thieving, money laundering, gunrunning, drug trafficking minorities to continue their human rights abuses and THEFTS AGAINST THE BLACK MAJORITY…..they need to stop MOOCHING off the Black populaiton and living generationally on the backs of BLACK LIVES..

  45. FYI ” reverse racism” is now being used as a term to beat black people over the head with when they seek to point out racism and racist systems.


    Did you read my entire post?

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