During the sitting of the Senate of 25 March 2021, Senator Rev. Dr. John A. Rogers delivered an interesting presentation. He referred to the heinous event history recorded as the Atlantic Slave Trade and its relevance to Barbados formulating fit for purpose policy to protect our future well-being in a volatile global space. The blogmaster recommends those interested in pursuing serious discussion to take the time to listen to Roger’s presentation from around 30 minutes of the video.

…it revealed that the top one percent of households globally own 43 percent of all personal wealth, while the bottom 50 percent own only one percent. That top-tier one percent amounts to 52 million people who are all millionaires in net wealth (after debt).

Top 1 percent of households own 43 percent of global wealth

In a related event this week President Joe Biden had reason to say in response to Georgia’s new suppression law that it is antithetical to who Americans aspire to be. The issue of race is not a Barbados condition, it is a human condition, a condition that has created an US versus THEM condition. It is also a zero sum condition that benefits the capitalists. When we we learn.

The Senate – Thursday 25 March 2021

The blogmaster has been around the block long enough to know the divide and conquer mentality of imperfect humans based on gender, class AND race will be with us until the end of time. However, as a people we will be forced to co-opt creative approaches to mask and contain the prejudice, bigotry and yes- racism of many who will walk beside us because the establishment is vested in the system.

468 responses to “Race Issue: Barbados and Everywhere Else”

  1. The above video consists of several……it’s inspiring to check out the total self-confidence the Djembe drummers have in their abilities in the Paris subway…..

  2. Oops…put this the wrong place..

    ” Let’s kill all the lawyers ” is a line from William Shakespeare ‘s Henry VI, Part 2, Act IV, Scene 2. The full quote is “The first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers”. It is among Shakespeare’s most famous lines, as well as one of his most controversial.

  3. “Our elected representatives being in the public eye are looked upon by citizens (most importantly our youth) to set the country’s ethical standards. Unfortunately, many of our politicians from all political parties have failed in this duty over the years.

    In my experience, many Barbadians tend to resignedly accept that this is expected and normal behaviour of those in power and this to my mind is regrettable.”

    NORMALIZED…because it’s ALWAYS HAPPENED…there was/is never a time when it hasn’t/doesn’t.

    “I would like to ask the PM and all Barbadians this question: “Is it now alright for anyone with whom the police force attempt to carry out what they consider lawful enforcement of Barbados’ laws, to call the PM, an MP or anyone with some authority and then that person in authority questions the police officer(s) regarding their actions while they are actively carrying out their duty? To my mind, there is only one answer to this question.”

    this is so ugly, people who live on the island don’t even know what’s really happening so no one expects those who live in other jurisdictions to know.

  4. Check out the very beautiful Tanzania.


  5. I could never see the logic behind the DISCRIMINATION and BACKWARDNESS…especially coming from TAXPAYER FUNDED ENTITIES like the SUPREME COURT/REGISTRY etc….I witnessed one day a lady had just the top button in the back of her neck undone, nothing was showing or out of place and this $5.00 an hour security guard had the nerve to tell the lady her back was showing and she could not go in the court like that….the woman rightfully said, wish they were so observant when the elderly are being robbed and their human rights violated in the supreme court, or the people with personal injury cases could get them finished as quickly as they can tell people about NOT wearing this and that and stupid shit….ignorance kills people and can get the wicked locked up….i see it as DOWNRIGHT wickedness and misdirection coming from the fools in parliament and the supreme court…and pure hypocrisy….given the alleged crimes of which THEY ARE ALL ACCUSED…and no, it does not happen everywhere….the backwardness is a trademark found in Barbados.


    “Pray tell me, how does it help or hinder this democratic country, if a man or woman seeking entry to these facilities to do business wears slippers, sandals, or “boots and stockings”? How does a sleeveless shirt, blouse or pencil straps adversely affect the quality, efficiency or consistency of the service being sought? And why should a woman’s cleavage disrupt the professionalism of service providers? There is a line in a song penned by the Draytons Two which reads “Ah come hey to drink milk, I in come hey to count cow”.

  6. I placed this elsewhere but here is a great place for this……
    Racism, religious nuts and this

  7. Hopefully, government’s in the Caribbean do not let this develop into a situation where sex slaves, sex tourism, exploitation or any nasty shit thrives.

  8. You mean more than usual, then they will definitely have to go to prison, because that’s all they same to know.

  9. “That was how Terry Ince, founder of the Cedaw Committee, felt about Antigua and Barbuda Prime Minister Gaston Browne’s statement about sending pretty young St Vincent women to his country.

    In a Facebook comment, Browne said he “jokingly” told St Vincent and the Grenadines Prime Minister Ralph Gonsalves to send only young and attractive Vincentian women.”

    like they don’t have enuff problems for the last 60 years with Vincy rapists…the negro has no respect..that’s why small islands always have financial problems, the leaders are too focused on their sex lives.

  10. wasnt that you a few posts ago wanting to bring a big pussy to the island to change it.

  11. I expected Lawson to contribute but not understanding his last post. We can see his mind began to wander as he begin to speculate about size…. Over time you will see “a wasted mind” at work….

    It would not surprise me if he changes his destination to Antigua and start bragging about his buddy Gaston.

  12. drinking too many negronis…warped his mind, now he is pure Bajan..

  13. Always up to NO GOOD. Always LYING.


  14. started a fire ??? kill an elephant ??? do you think he was ordered to do that ??? get real see what he meant and how it came about.
    Theo you are one stupid fuck
    Waru you are right about the negronis a horrible tasting drink that you can become accustomed to, last year 400 white people were
    shot by police in states 5 unarmed 200 black people 3 unarmed over 50 cops were murdered please explain how you are being hunted down by police

  15. 🙂 Lawson 🙂
    Will wait for you to get your confidence back and resume bowling.

  16. Lawson…stop drinking those negronis..

    of course you will read the dailywire..

  17. Felicia Doughtz Avatar
    Felicia Doughtz

  18. Felicia Doughtz Avatar
    Felicia Doughtz


    HBCU=Historically BLACK Colleges & Universities

  19. This is one of the reasons i can tell the snake oil salesmen/women from the Slave churches/cult houses that they are ALL FRAUDS…..they are merely creatures and creations of the colonial slave system.


    By Dalian Adofo – Spirit is Eternal (book excerpt)

    The anthropomorphic conceptions of the Creator/’God’ amongst Africans have never been solely confined to the human form, hence it is quite common to have more than the one title of reference with varying meanings within the same community of people that each encapsulates an aspect or function of this Divine source.

    The many titles of reference given and their meanings reflect the broad approaches utilised by Africans in conceptualising the penultimate source of all things.

    So, for instance, the name might mean ‘the provider’- indicating the community’s understanding that all sustenance comes from this source, or it can mean ‘the all-powerful rock’, a reference to the Creator being a source of strength/support for adherents and so on.

    The Kikuyu (Kenya, East Africa) name for the Supreme, ‘Ngai’, means Creator, a reference to a function, whereas ‘Akongo’ means ‘the beginner and the unending Almighty and inexplicable’ for the Ngombe of Congo (Central Africa), a reference to the power and greatness of this source.

    The various titles show quite clearly that Africans sought not to personalise the concept of ‘God’ into a human being,

    “It does not make God in its image but tries to see itself in God’s image. So, if God is every and all things at once and we the human being, the bumblebee, the butterfly, the grass, the tree, the callaloo, the corn, we are all different expressions of that singular essence having our peculiar experiences, which all interdependent on one another for survival.” (Small, 2013)

    Mainstream religious attributions of God such as being Omnipotent (all powerful), Omnipresent (everywhere at every time) and Omniscient (all knowing) are also explicit in these African references to their Creator.

    The Creator/ ‘God’ as Nature

    Sobonfu Some (2013) encapsulates the importance of nature in African societies across all sectors of societies including its spiritual knowledge systems in the statement; ‘In Africa, nature is everything’.

    The reference to Nature is not just limited to the vegetation and soil, but also animals and the earth itself, including the four elemental sources- air, water, fire and minerals/rocks.

    This by no means excludes the planetary bodies and universe at large and the constellations within it, many of which also inform particular ritual ceremonies as evident in full moon rituals or the appearance of interstellar objects such as comets or meteorites visible in the earth’s atmosphere.

    The Omnipresence (ever present) of Nature is evident the world over. It is all encompassing and enduring. Even where vegetation is absent or gradually erodes, it assumes the form of sand (deserts), and even in such environs, we find whole ecosystems of life forms still striving and being sustained.

    The Omnipotence (all-powerful) of Nature is explicit in the destruction wrought by tsunamis, tornadoes, whirlwinds, earthquakes, fires and the like. In these ‘natural disasters’, we witness an awesome power that even all the technological advancements of humanity has yet to surpass or even curtail.

    Its incredible power is further gleaned in its ability to sustain life in some way, shape or form even in the harshest conditions. Often its power to destroy is complementary to that of its power to create, as is observed with new growth and fertile soil after a bush fire for example- again we see reflected in this the notion of balance as covered earlier.

    The Omniscience (all knowing) of nature is witnessed in the changing of seasons at prescribed times, just as the day ‘knows’ when to become night.

    In the same vein, the planets revolve in alignment, with their phenomenal effects on earth evident for all to see- whether it’s the female menstrual cycle or the tidal effects at sea and on other water bodies.

    There is an innate creative intelligence that spurs on a harmonious dynamic interchange that is well beyond human comprehension.

    Nature also meets many existential needs for humans. It is a source of plentiful and varied food types; plants and animals with different vitamins and nutritional qualities. It is also a source of housing materials to meet sheltering needs, medications to help cure various ailments and so on- the list is endless regarding nature knowingly providing for our needs.
    It is thus not surprising that it is conceived of as Divine and worthy of veneration across the continent and its legacy in Diasporic communities that has carried on the traditions. It also explains why we find different formations within nature being respected as sacred.

    The Masai (Kenya, East Africa) refer to Mountain Kilimanjaro as ngaje ngai, “the house of God”, whilst Matabele mountain in Kuruman, South Africa is revered amongst the Zulus and Xhosa.

    Trees such as the Sycamore of ancient Kemet, Baobab, Iroko and Nyame Dua in West Africa and rivers as well as vast water bodies such as Lake Bosumtwi in Ghana or Lake Bambline in Cameroun and so on.

    Excerpt from Spirit is Eternal (book)

    By Dalian Adofo “

  20. Concept of Religion in Bukongo #2


  21. WURA,

    My concept of God – the Creator who set things in motion. We have only to live in harmony with the creation of which we are a part. Everything has been provided.

  22. pretty much….it’s NOTHING like we were INDOCTRINATED TO BELIEVE.

  23. someone told me recently they were in the Middle East and a doctor told him how much he hated black women and he became a doctor just to kill them because they will populate the world.., they make too many babies the piece of useless shit and waste of oxygen said…he also said that Covid is to repopulate the world from Black people…the person was not even surprised that i was not surprised..

    ..these stinking cave beast and savages must be watched very closely. Black people are at high risk of being genocided…. and being very nonchalant about it and believe all the useless crap fed to them….by dirty black misleaders, frauds from the slave churches/cult houses and everywhere else…

  24. “”Kawaida is essentially an on-going synthesis of the best of Black Nationalist, Pan-Africanist and socialist thought and practice.

    Kawaida defines nationalism as the concept and conviction that we are a distinctive people with a distinct historical personality and that, therefore, we should unite in order to gain the structural capacity to define, defend and develop our interests as a people. Moreover, as: social theory, it becomes analysis and strategy. And as social practice, nationalism expresses as three basic activities:

    redefinition of reality, i.e., redefining the world in our own image and interests as a people. In a word, thinking and acting from an Afro-centric perspective;
    social corrective – building alternative structures that house our aspirations and define, defend and develop our interests as a people;
    collective vocation of nation-building – the Fifth Principle, Nia, to make our collective vocation the building and developing of our community in order to restore our people to their traditional greatness. To make African presence both powerful and permanent thruout the world.”
    -Maulana Karenga, Kawaida: An Introduction”

  25. From my memory alone I KNEW Lawson’s statistics were off! Where did he get them?

    It appears that Police Departments are not all mandated to keep proper statistics and the FBI undercounts as well. Not much co-ordination.

    Best stats come through media tracking. I checked!

    But even taking that into consideration, Lawson’s figures are ridiculous!

    What else would we expect?

    He would have said the same thing in 1721, 1821 and 1921.

    “White man means you no harm, n**ger!”

  26. John Knox is equally ridiculous. He would have us believe that of all the moments George Floyd could have died of heart disease and drug overdose, it somehow happened while he was suffering compression to the neck. Not any of the moments before, but after suffering compression to the neck for 9 minutes and 29 seconds.

    Racists and racism are never logical. They always ask you to believe something other than what you see and hear twisting themselves like ugly pretzels in the process.

  27. “”Kawaida defines Pan-Africanism as the totality of theories and practices designed to. define, defend and develop the interests and image of African peoples thruout the world. There are essentially two kinds of Pan-Africanism defined by focus: global and continental. Kawaida draws from and stands most definitively for global Pan-Africanism which is in the tradition of Garvey, DuBois, Blyden, Crummell and others with a worldview of and world [approach to the question of power and place, for African people.”
    -Maulana Karenga, Kawaida: A Introduction”

  28. Who don’t hear will feel the WRATH of our ANCESTORS.


  29. Donna put out your figures…..how many unarmed black men were killed by police in USA last year 10000, 20000 put out the number you think it is about check out wapo or dept of justice or statista or something before you do try being honest.

  30. Did you not see where I said there was no proper data collection by the authorities????

    Check the media for the stats! They follow up. Come back and tell me what you find! Let’s see if YOU can be honest now that Trump has faded to into the background!

  31. I would bet anything that Black people on the island don’t know this, including the frauds now pretending to be conscious and think they are fooling someone. The same John King who was adamant that he was not removing the racist despicable nelson statue….because he wanted to keep the racism alive to please white/minority thieves and criminals…FRAUDS.


  32. Barbados name always crops up when the history of race is discussed or written about. Why should we be surprised with the remnants of racism that remains embedded in Barbados society.


  33. Notice how the white man thinks he can order me to do his bidding.

    Google the thing and see what you find! Try the Washington Post! They have been tracking them but cannot guarantee that they have caught them all.

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