During the sitting of the Senate of 25 March 2021, Senator Rev. Dr. John A. Rogers delivered an interesting presentation. He referred to the heinous event history recorded as the Atlantic Slave Trade and its relevance to Barbados formulating fit for purpose policy to protect our future well-being in a volatile global space. The blogmaster recommends those interested in pursuing serious discussion to take the time to listen to Roger’s presentation from around 30 minutes of the video.

…it revealed that the top one percent of households globally own 43 percent of all personal wealth, while the bottom 50 percent own only one percent. That top-tier one percent amounts to 52 million people who are all millionaires in net wealth (after debt).

Top 1 percent of households own 43 percent of global wealth

In a related event this week President Joe Biden had reason to say in response to Georgia’s new suppression law that it is antithetical to who Americans aspire to be. The issue of race is not a Barbados condition, it is a human condition, a condition that has created an US versus THEM condition. It is also a zero sum condition that benefits the capitalists. When we we learn.

The Senate – Thursday 25 March 2021

The blogmaster has been around the block long enough to know the divide and conquer mentality of imperfect humans based on gender, class AND race will be with us until the end of time. However, as a people we will be forced to co-opt creative approaches to mask and contain the prejudice, bigotry and yes- racism of many who will walk beside us because the establishment is vested in the system.

468 responses to “Race Issue: Barbados and Everywhere Else”

  1. Wura,

    Great anaysis and conclusion re world population.

    The nerve of these people!

  2. “The State of the African Diaspora (SOAD) is glad to announce the launching of the Panafrican Caucus of Journalists, that took place on April 6th 2021. The organisation is led by Elisée Héribert-Label Adjovi, a Roving Ambassador of SOAD, and who is also the CEO of a great newspaper, Le Label Diplomatique, diffused all over Africa in French and in English.

    More than 100 journalists and medias directors have already joined the Caucus. They are coming from more than 20 countries, from Benin to Kenya, from Nigeria to Madagascar, from United States to Brazil, from France to Germany, and they are all united in their diversity, to promote Panafrican values, and to make sure that voices from Africa and the Diaspora can make themselves heard. This was the agenda of the meeting :

    -Presentation of the State of the African Diaspora, and its recents achievements, such as the creation of the Diaspora ID, the creation of the Lumi currency, the vote of a resolution in the EU Parliament for restitution and reparation, 13 500 scholarships for Panafrican students, the Panafrican Bicycle Tour, etc.

    – Presentation of the 4 Caucuses of SOAD : the Panafrican Caucus of Political Leaders (launched in february), the Panafrican Caucus of Lawyers (launched in March), the Panafrican Caucus of spiritual Leaders (that will be launched in April) and of course the Panafrican Caucus of Journalists, that is now in existence.

    – Presentation of the Panafrican Caucus of Journalists : there will be different colleges, one for media CEOs, another one for individual journalists. There will be also national coordinators in all the countries involved to reinforce and develop the Caucus.

    -Committments : the Caucus will help Panafrican medias to speaker louder with a unified voice. When there are important events like the Africa-France summits, or the China-Africa summits, for example, the members of the medias will be able to publish common materials to give more visibility to their position. The Caucus will be a lobbying force for Africa and Diaspora.

            Dr Louis-Georges Tin, Prime Minister of SOAD, made a statement :

    « I am very glad to launch this initiative today with Elisée Héribert-Label Adjovi, who is a great journalist, and also a great leader. Medias are crucial : so many fake news are diffused, especially when it is about Africa. We cannot allow other people to be the ones telling our story. We need to change the narrative and be the ones telling our own vision. This is what the Panafrican Caucus of Journalists is all about ».

             Elisée Héribert-Label Adjovi, President of the Caucus added :

    « Our mission, as the fourth estate, will be to take initiatives and carry out actions likely to reinforce the State of the African Diaspora in its vision. We want to build an Africa resolutely committed to taking its full place in the Concert of Nations as the Cradle of humanity. »”

  3. “The nerve of these people!”

    girl…imagine how some of us who carry their bloodlines feel, you don’t get any closer to anyone than by carrying their ancestral spirit and bloodline, in saying that, it can be very useful, so in looking at the bright side, it all comes in very handy in very positive ways..

  4. “Paris, March 23rd, 2021
    Press Release
    The Lumi, national currency of the State of the African Diaspora (SOAD) has now an anthem : the track was produced by Flatline Music and Dilaman Watts is the best executive producer. The story is pretty amazing. During the first Business and Lumi Summit that was organised by Vice Prime Minister, Keturah Amoako, Chief Timothy McPherson launched a competition : the first person to create a digital wallet would receive a 100 Lumi award.

    The winner was Dilaman Watts. The young man introduced himself. He said he was an artist, creating and producing music especially in rap, but other music as well. Then Dr Louis-Georges Tin told him : « I would like to make a prophecy. I know how your next piece of music will be called. Its name will be : Lumi ! ». Dilaman Watts answered : « In fact, it is already done. I have already created a piece of music, and it is called Lumi. »

    The Prime Minister of SOAD was totally astonished. He had never met Dilaman Watts before, and had never heard about him. And this prophecy he was making, as a kind of game or joke, became an immediate reality. In fact, the prophecy turned out to be a miracle ! Mr Watts is coming from London and South African and his music is inspired by reggae, which embodies the connections between Africa and Diaspora. Then, the Prime Minister said, we have found « the Lumi Anthem ! »

    Chorus of the Lumi Anthem

    I’m spending lumi’s
    But I ain’t aluminati
    But I’m aluminized

    Feeling so Godly”


    perhaps you need to reread the whole sentence for context which says teach the African Spirituality that she does not know

    a daily internal practise to draw on spiritual energies all around develops a deeper understanding

    and much better than cutting and pasting information in the public domain

    and arguing mindlessly like a troll with too much hyperbole like acute diarrhea

  6. See now kiki and Crusoe, no colonial black governments need lift a finger to screw it up, Africa got this..

    “Tell the people to come home. Here their race originated and here it can be lifted to its highest plane of usefulness and honor.
    Assure them of the cordiality with which I invite them back to the homeland, particularly those qualified to help solve our big problem.”

    (Message from His Highness Ras Tafari, 1922 Convention in Hill, 1985, p.1006)

    To organize repatriation is one of the main missions of the State Of the African Diaspora (SOAD). That is why the first Vice Prime Minister, in charge of reparation and repatriation, has launched the Decade of Great Return (2020-2030). In that context SOAD is builiding many smart cities, our Lumi Cities, that will be financed by our Lumi currency. In these cities, returnees and local people will live together, in a perspective of sustainable development. So far, we have started to work on 34 cities, from Mauritania to Zambia, through Liberia and DRC.


    Many carnivals in the world are based on a Panafrican culture. But most of the time, this aspect remains rather ignored, or to the least underestimated. That is why the State of the African Diaspora (SOAD) has decided to create the World Panafrican Carnival, as we need to claim and to promote our Panafrican legacy. The concret objectives of this initiative are :

    -to create a World Coalition of all these Panafrican Carnivals (the structure).

    -to create Panafrican Events coordinated by this Coalition (the content), like elections of Kings and Queens of carnival, and competition of Panafrican Drums.”

  7. My ancestry is PREDOMINANTLY AFRICAN>….am well connected to ancestors at all levels….you don’t teach that…again….cause you still CAN’T GET IT…everyone has to spiritually connect, there are groups teaching the fundamentals, but they cannot teach you how to actually connect yourself, it has to be done INDIVIDUALLY and PERSONALLY..at a higher vibration than what thieves and racists can ever understand………

    AND it’s not information to share with idiots…..that is what has always STUMPED RACISTS and always will….lost in space…

  8. yeah kiki …ya little mission failed, ya can GET BACK/STAY BACK/STAND BACK and stand down now..there is nothing else here for you to TRY to learn, and the sellouts don’t have the information ya looking for, Slaves/yardfowls have nothing to offer…they don’t even know that they are indigenous to the earth nor that they were born in the Americas….lol….so they know nothing else…

    “More than 100 journalists and medias directors have already joined the Caucus. They are coming from more than 20 countries, from Benin to Kenya, from Nigeria to Madagascar, from United States to Brazil, from France to Germany, and they are all united in their diversity, to promote Panafrican values, and to make sure that voices from Africa and the Diaspora can make themselves heard. This was the agenda of the meeting :”

  9. I am not black people’s enemy and black people are not my enemy that is just your perception,
    maybe you should explain what my mission is as you make no sense with any of your conception.

  10. Life is good, everything is moving as it should..we can overlook the little hiccups, nothing is perfect and we survived much worse..

    Donna…i always look on the bright side and embrace every ancestor, no matter who they were/are.

  11. Not all Africans are docile especially not the youth.


  12. Michigan’s Covid-19 crisis could be a sign of what’s to come for the US, expert says


  13. DavidApril 12, 2021 1:27 PM

    Michigan’s Covid-19 crisis could be a sign of what’s to come for the US, expert says



    Flint is in Michigan.

    Flint has a water problem.

    COVID spreads by water!!!

    What do you expect?!!

    Where does Detroit say get its water?

    “The Detroit Water and Sewerage Department is a sprawling network covering 1,079 square-miles,[1][3] servicing more than 40 percent of the U.S. state of Michigan’s population,[1] and employing nearly 2,000 people.[4] The DWSD is one of the most extensive and largest water and sewage systems in the United States.[1] Along with serving the entire city of Detroit, it also serves the counties of Genesee, Oakland, Macomb, Washtenaw, Wayne, St. Clair, Lapeer and Monroe.[1] In 2000, the network comprised 11,000 miles of water mains and a storage capacity of 363 million gallons.[5]

    In 2000, the DWSD provided water for around four million customers in Detroit and its metropolitan area.[5] At this time, the department utilized five water treatment plants that were fed from three raw water intakes, two of which were sourced from the Detroit River and one of which was sourced from Lake Huron.[5] The water treatment plants used the technologies of “pre-chlorination, rapid mix, flocculation, sedimentation, filtration and chlorine disinfection”.[5] At this time, the five water treatment plants were Waterworks Park, Springwells, Northeast, Southwest and Lake Huron.[5]

    In a 1992 survey, “nine of the 119 water purveyors that receive DWSD water indicated that considerable amounts of unlined cast-iron pipe were in place”, and that “two-thirds of the eighteen survey respondents also indicated that red/rusty water occurrences were the most common cause of customer complaints”.[5] This was associated with the occurrence of iron uptake in the pipes.[5]”

    Same principle as India!!

  14. The water treatment plants used the technologies of “pre-chlorination, rapid mix, flocculation, sedimentation, filtration and chlorine disinfection”.[5]


    Where is the UV?

  15. Meanwhile, over in Ohio with the 9th most COVID deaths in the US before Michigan at #10 we see the same issues with water.

    What is amazing is that no so called expert has figured it out up to now!!


  16. This is really simple logic.

  17. Steupse!

  18. Donna…check out who our GREATEST ENEMIES ARE….

    “”I was convicted and sent to prison not because I defrauded anyone, but because of the wicked enemies of my own race. I would not blame the few whites that contributed to my conviction, neither will I blame the Government. I blame the malicious and jealous Negros , who for the sake of money will sell their own mothers. My own Black people lied on me and I was sent to jail for 5 years. Our people are so wicked to themselves, and they are not satisfied until they are telling the enemies something about themselves.”

    Mhenga Marcus Garvey”

  19. Illinois is #6.

    From where does it get its water?

    I’ll leave you to guess.

    All that is happening I believe is that sewage, with the virus, is getting into the water source.

    The treatment plants have never had to deal with this type of problem.


    “”We suffer today because they broke our loyalty system. This breakage caused the creation of a cleavage between the field Black and the house Black…Now you can understand why in South America and in the Caribbean, many slave revolts were planned and executed by house servants, while in the United States, many of them were betrayed by house servants. By breaking our culture continuity, they broke the line of loyalty-one to the other.”

    Master Teacher John Henrik Clarke
    “Christopher Columbus and the Afrikan Holocaust.”
    Chapter 11: When Will We Memorialize The Victims Of Our Holocaust.”
    Page 101″

  21. “Freedom from external domination, that is, self-determination, is the essence of liberation. When a people have lived under external domination for centuries, the nature of their existence calls for solidarity if they are to extricate themselves. In a society where status is ascribed on the basis of physical characteristics, individualism among the oppressed is a luxury which the group can ill afford. And individual instances of social mobility become a major method of cooptation.

    Unity, therefore, is a necessary precondition for liberation. It is not sufficient, for a unified people are not necessarily free from outside control, but without unity is is unlikely that liberation can be achieved.”

    Alphonso Pinkney
    Red, Black and Green: Black Nationalism in the United States [1979]

  22. “”First are the spirits that have become disconnected from the physical bodies at the time of death, Ndichie (Ancestors). Some of them have reached their destination and lay in the spiritual space of good spirits. Others, in contrast, who have failed to do so sometimes make incursions into the physical world and cause misfortunes among the living. The second set of entities is personal spirits, Chi (Guardian). The Igbo believe that every human has been endowed with a Chi at the time of their birth. The Chi is responsible for the source of life and destiny of the individual.”
    -Ibo Changa, “Igbo”, from The Encyclopedia of African Religion”

  23. wuhloss murder, read again, kiki the nobody out in the cold, that big brain scam to tief Black/African reparations money under the guise of faux investment….just got blown out the window…….🤣..can’t be a good feeling, hanging around a blog that long to end up with 0…don’t worry ya got enuff company.

    “-Presentation of the State of the African Diaspora, and its recents achievements, such as the creation of the Diaspora ID, the creation of the Lumi currency, the vote of a resolution in the EU Parliament for restitution and reparation, 13 500 scholarships for Panafrican students, the Panafrican Bicycle Tour, etc.”

  24. BU 4 Blacks only. There are racists on net but why bother wasting time to fight racism blacks like waru can do it themselves now
    SoAD cities sounds like glorified plans for new developments presumably people will have to pay upfront to build homes as they are not free for 140,000,000 in the diaspora, probably less than 1 million will go and poor won’t be able.

  25. kiki nobody, none of that has anything to do with you…not your money, ya were just looking to rip of BLACK people’s REPARATIONS MONEY…….by BOTTOMFEEDING…


    Old Slaves have MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES. Like a Vacuum Cleaner that is not connected there is no Power to their Brain.
    Which explains a lot really.

    Shut the Fuck up War UUU you are just nasty I imagine your are well ugly and well fat too but who cares.
    I am off on a 40 day sadhana practise to get fitter stronger and grounded in gratitude
    without looping into a story
    gratitude grounds
    me joy awakens me

  27. “Njëlbéen du dara, muj gu rafet rekka mata ñaan.
    “It is not a good start which is important but rather it is a good finish that we should pray for.”
    -Wolof proverb”

  28. https://linktr.ee/RRCOnlineLibrary

    enjoy ya sadhana whatever, seeing as you will have to do so WITHOUT TIEFING…Black people’s reparations money……ya can always beg or sell ya ass….same difference.

  29. A happy and wonderful day to all.
    I see you are still digging.

  30. A Sadhana is a 40 day practise which means “methodical discipline to attain desired knowledge or goal”.
    A Sadhana is also done for attaining detachment from worldly things and nasty people with ugly faces and bad minds and weak hearts who won’t shut up with their same old boring old crap day in day out like a nagging vexatious woman with zero logic.

    A 40 day practise creates a permanent rewiring of the brain synapses with expanded intelligence of the mind.
    Here is a special 40 day Sadhana wellness practise playlist for old goats like UUU who need therapy called

    Mental Health Reboot
    so stick to it and say “I am strong”

    As mentioned before bitches shut up with your bitching as replying to same old bitches engaging is a big big drag

    Goodbye BU 42 day Global Sadhana 12/4/21-23/5/21

  31. That will do NOTHING FOR FRAUDS….even if ya took 84 days off BU….

  32. The Silly Rabbit is digging and sweating, acting out his loony toons, singing his loony tunes while we all change channels in search of something sane or at the very least, more amusing.


    I am still here but busy cleaning volcanic ash.

    The archives will work for me.

  33. The information will still be there, everyone is consumed by ash cleaning and pets..

  34. “the vote of a resolution in the EU Parliament for restitution and reparation”

    ‘Tuppenny ha’penny’ was a British way of suggesting that something was not worth very much. FYI UK is not in EU like USA which means Barbados still get dicked, but, there is always hope just don’t hold your breath. I can chuck you 10p to call someone who cares. I stopped caring when you opened your big fat gob whining away last year

  35. sour grapes, can’t get to TIEF IT….so try to reduce it…..too bad for you ya aint got no power…..you watched 50 billion dollars in dreams go up in smoke right before ya very eyes, you and many more who were salivating for what’s not yours, ya should form a group of WEEPERS…..who can’t rob our ancestors.

  36. So yall still want to play games with twisted and warped racists and the evil they are quite capable of concocting…


  37. “sour grapes, can’t get to TIEF IT….so try to reduce it…..too bad for you ya aint got no power…..you watched 50 billion dollars in dreams go up in smoke right before ya very eyes, you and many more who were salivating for what’s not yours, ya should form a group of WEEPERS…..who can’t rob our ancestors.”

    I was an advocate for reparations long time and estimated UK should pay £500 billion and USA $1.5 trillion in line with QE they printed for Global Financial Crises. I never had any claim or desire for any money at all, that was just you and your twisted mind.

    Back in 2015 when Cameron denied reparations to Jamaicans I argued that Slave trade wealth generated resulted in financing all of UK’s subsequent accumulative wealth in Global capitalism, Colonialism, Industrial Revolution, City of London Industries, Factories, Railways, Shipping, Insurance, Banking etc. Reparations paid to slave owners funded altruistic spending on universities, museums, cities etc.

    2 Bajan negroes on BU called John Knox who self identified as white / quaker and Vincent Haynes who self identified as mixed race / Pelau rice spent 3 months arguing with me about whether reparations should be paid.

    You taught me not to give a fuck about helping the cause for righting wrongs perpetrated against 140,000,000 black African slave descendants for slavery and perpetuated with system of institutional global white supremacy racism in western hemisphere and British and European colonies on principle of morality, equal rights and human rights and truth and rights.

  38. My name is Kunta Kinte, son of Omoro Kinte, I’m a Mandinka warrior from Juffure”
    Waru is getting in touch with her ancestors as part of her African spirituality thing, but she ain’t never heard of reincarnation and past lives. It ain’t gonna hurt nobody to get on down ♩♫. Big shout out to Kunte Kinte He rejected the name imposed upon him by his owners and refused to speak to others. After being recaptured during the last of his four escape attempts, the slave catchers gave him a choice: he would be castrated or have his right foot cut off. He chose to have his foot cut off, and the men cut off the front half of his right foot.

  39. blah, blah, blah…u are part of the problem…no one needs u,

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