“Up to now you can’t say why the man is not deserving. In a small country how do you escape proximity to “power/decision-making”?”

Once I see you heading down this road, I know things bad.
No, No, No.
The onus is upon those conferring the honour to highlight the contributions, which are being recognized. Period.
Is Barbados, the country conferring the knighthood, doing so for work in Bermuda, Belize, Caymans, Turks and a little in Barbados too. Or for the leverage used in the BLP leadership battles.
Seems like another Marston Gibson were a Bajan leaves home and spends much of their career working elsewhere, only to return home and be knighted.
To me, if the PM had an ounce of moral decency, she would avoid selecting her father at all costs, especially in the first few opportunities she gets to bestow such an honour. What’s the rush? Is the man ill? – Northern Observer

To be honest the blogmaster does not pay too much attention to the New Year Honours list. The selection appears to be less than transparent and more importantly we are not enthused by a system that awards titles that is anchored to an irrelevant colonial past.

The New Year Honours List for 2019 released by the Government Information Service is as follows [blogmaster’s emphasis]:-

The Queen has been graciously pleased to approve the following awards in the 2019 New Year Honours:


  • Assad John HALOUTE for services to the hospitality industry and philanthropy


  • Elliott Deighton MOTTLEY for services to the legal profession, diplomatic service and the community



  • Dr. Frances Louise CHANDLER, OBE for services to agriculture and sustainable development


  • Ms. Cynthia Joan WILLIAMS for services to nursing and the community


  • Reverend Hughson Carlos INNISS for services to youth empowerment and the fight against HIV/AIDS
  • John Wayne Anderson WATTS for services to environmental health

The decision to award Elliott Mottley a knighthood has attracted robust and muscular public comment across the length and breath of Barbados, notwithstanding the din generated by the holiday season. There is no need to be prolix with this matter. A repost of the blogmaster’s too brief comment to Northern Observer is enough.

Agree with this comment, the optics are bad and the brazenness of doing it in the first year of term is a foreboding act.

The opinion of the blogmaster is not meant to ignore Elliott’s Mottley’s contribution in his field of work. However, if the Prime Minister is serious about being a change agent she must avoid decisions that will distract and deepen citizen apathy. The herculean task to turn the country around is bigger than the aggrandisement of any family member. Even if that family member is her father. In fact some will suggest with good reason that the controversial waiver of the tax and penalties (NOT TAX DUE) in the amount of $1,051,872.28 to Elliott Mottley which came out of an audit of Mottley’s accounts is reward enough.

A word to the Prime Minister should be sufficient.


625 responses to “Prime Minister Mottley’s Father Awarded Knighthood”

  1. Happy New Year Caswell..

  2. Sir SimpleSimon Avatar

    @T.Inniss January 1, 2019 2:27 PM “Any subject – pick one – yuh mean yuh only capable of being a sniper?”

    Why do you make it seem as though there is something wrong with being a sniper?

  3. “by constantly talking about me like you know me. Had Roleric Hinds put your ass in court he would have won some $$$ easily ”

    In your CONCEIT..ya actually think this is about..YOU …sorry, honey, yardfowls don’t count…but Happy New Year anyway…

    Problem with that…Roleric knows something you DON’T.

    Don’t worry about Roleric, he is all good now…yall are the ones with the MASSIVE PROBLEMS..

  4. Stupse! Let me repeat, I gine send you mad on BU from my lil hole and tge government gine got you spinning. You don’t even register pon the scale. Stop telling lies on people.

  5. Sir SimpleSimon Avatar

    @Hal Austin January 1, 2019 2:29 PM

    I was not speaking of British universities, which which I am only slightly familiar.

    That said if parents have raised a young person for 18 years and that 18 year old can scarcely boil water, then those parents have failed massively, and should not release that “child” into the world.

    Mine could stuff and bake chickens, make pudding and souse, bake cakes and earn excellent grades long before the age of 18.

    We must teach our children that they can walk and chew gum. Can ride bicycles, drive cars, swim, cook good meals, clean up after themselves, use a sewing machine and a needle, AND earn good grades. None of these tasks should be too difficult for the average 18 year old.

    If 18 year olds can go to war, why they is it an unreasonable expectation that they should also be able to look after themselves?

    If we continue to baby young ADULTS, it will end in tears.

  6. Sounds like you are the one going mad…just look at ALL THE SCANDALS..none of which have MY NAME attached to not a one of them…..but you on the other hand…have to jump out to defend each and every scandal…without even knowing what is approaching like a freight train…


  7. It is all pellucidly clear that the Democratic Labour Party must never ever again be elected to represent anybody in this country of Barbados.It attracts riff raff for candidates today when compared with the quality well heeled folk they had of the 50’s to the 70’s.Their badge of honour nowadays is being dizhonest,lying,vindictive,selfish,manipulative,untrustworthy,untruthful,immature,
    and hypocritical to quote a contributor to BU.The likes of the man lowe and sinckler are the two lowlifes which come to mind immediately.Deazz lowe thought he had morality sewn up and sinkliar the most dangerous of those liars should be both in Glandairy keeping Japter and Darcy the quisling company.

  8. WARU
    What scandals dear?

  9. Barbados Underground Whistleblower Avatar
    Barbados Underground Whistleblower

    It is all pellucidly clear that BOTH the Democratic Labour Party and Barbados Labour Party must never ever again be elected to represent anybody in this country of Barbados. They BOTH attracts riff raff for candidates today.

  10. Everybody here claims tonkniw who is ac.
    Some say she is associated to different alias some say she is Mariposa
    Some say she has a weave . idunno

    Ok Artax just admit that when you go on your hunting expedition to find truth or use attached comments as reference to any mention by different aliases suggested to be me
    Just admit yuh dunnno

    Maloney could not have solely made agreements to student accomadation usless such agreements where not comphrensively agreed (to) by all parties involved on behalf of the students whuch would include Govt Maloney and Ross
    Ross in my opinion is a cross between a side winder and a rattle snake and Mia is the one helping to pull off the dirty work

  11. @ Simple Simon,

    I am sure your children are special. But I firmly believe that beneath your sniping and cynicism is a reasonable person waiting to escape. First, you tried to suggest you were not talking about UK universities, in a conversation that did not mention geography, then you go on to a discussion about parenting. This is the Bajan cultural disease which I always reference – talk first and think after..
    Let us make 2019 a year of change.

  12. David and the other cackling geese of the blp machine might need to buy plenty oil to keep the machine in top order
    I suggest they buy now that oil is again at low prices
    Justseven months into an election and the slime is floating to the top
    Talk about free jaw dropping give away of tax payers money and the garbage piling up which govt said they could fix and the Sewer quick fix according to Mia own words in the video
    Wuh loss talk about a govt melting down faster than a snowcone in hell.
    Most honourable and deceitful mention goes to Elliot Mottley who does not understand the meaning of the word Hell No

  13. “Ok Artax just admit that when you go on your hunting expedition to find truth or use attached comments as reference to any mention by different aliases suggested to be me…Just admit yuh dunnno…”

    Again…..whatever the above meant……at least you tried.

  14. We recall a young green wet-behind-the-ear David Thompson in 1987 age 26 holding up a sheet of paper at a public meeting at Mt Tabor saying” hear me,hear me,kind generous folk of St John.Errol gone but left me a message to tell you elect me because he left me his plans for the development of St John and these are those plans which I have here in me hand.Gimme the X and the rest will be a history you and I will live to enjoy for the rest of our lives”.
    And that dear friends of BU,was the beginning of the lying deception of which the Dems have become notorious.When the grim reaper visited Mapps,David pointed at Mara and Trix the liar.”She is to run in my place and he is to lie in my place”.And so the beginning of the end in June 1987 saw the lies flowing left,right and centre until all the cows came home on May 24th fully fed but not a seat for either fowl or fiend.

  15. It was Stuart who gave the public the information that there was a waiver of taxes and OSA ran with it until the matter was clarified and confirmed in the press briefing held by Elliot with Roger Forde.

  16. Barbados Underground Whistleblower Avatar
    Barbados Underground Whistleblower


    It is all pellucidly clear that BOTH the Democratic Labour Party and Barbados Labour Party must never ever again be elected to represent anybody in this country of Barbados.

    They BOTH attracts riff raff for candidates today.

  17. Gabriel
    David Thompson dead yuh dunno

  18. Whistler
    Your English!!!!
    It should be recalled that Stuart barefacedly lied to the people of Barbados when he claimed to have no knowledge of the Cahill matter only for BU to expose his rear end with a copy of a letter dated March the year before, written to Cahill giving them all kind of guarantees and promises in the name of the sovereign state and unknown to the sovereign people.

  19. William Skinner Avatar

    @ David
    “Never encourage your dog to suck your neighbour’s eggs because anytime your neighbour has no eggs, your own dog will suck yours”

  20. @ The Sage Annunaki

    To you I also wish long life WITH HEALTH AND WISDOM and youth

    You know Sage there is a thing about “remembrance” that the ole man always chants about, IT GETS ALL OF THEM REALLY ANGRY TO BRING UP A SUBJECT THAT SHOWS BOTH THEM TO BE DISHONEST LIARS & INCOMPETENTS.

    The thing about people like T. Inniss as he seeks to propose the DLP as an alternative in 2023 is that, IRRESPECTIVE OF THE POINTS HE BRINGS TO SHOW THE TYRANNY OF MUGABE, he cannot erase the gross incompetence of the DLP.

    And every time anyone here reminds them of that INCOMPETENCE, they run scampering for the shadows like the mice, anonymice that they are, as are we. heheheheheheh

    They disappear for about 7 posts and then, being the shameless skunks that they are, they re-emerge from the garbage and try to climb to the height of the shyte pile with some condemnation of the BLP.

    Especially T. Inniss, he is on this INTEGRITY IN PUBLIC LIFE PILGRIMAGE which is extremely flawed, not because of his love of the DLP, that is a natural thing for a man or woman to align themselves with a cause, but because he refuses not admit that the DLP has been part of the ACCURSED PROBLEM for years.

    Both of these entities have to be dismantled by any means necessary

    The DLP is no longer a threat @ today but the BLP IS A CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER and therefore it must go


    This is not against MUGABE, she WILL FALL, she is inconsequential, this is against the bigger threat of OUR COUNTRY DYING as it continues to be dismantled by this duopoly.

    We come here and fight, against each other, most of the time, but the bigger threat and that which is capable and is now engaged to destroy ALL OF BARBADOS IS MIA MUGABE MOTTLEY.

    And dear patriots of Barbados ,FOR MOST OF YOU ARE PATRIOTS, this is what you have to devote your energies to, going forward in 2019, ACQUAINTING ALL OF BARBADOS AS TO THE TYRANNY OF MIA MOTTLEY and our collective need to destroy this Despotism in the making.

    Use the tools at your desposal to let people know whether silently or overtly.



  21. This Video exposes the hypocrisy of Mia as she accused the past govt of malfeasance lies and decietful practices….. now bats on a sticky wicket which she all but laid out for herself

    Very Interesting video almost like looking in mirror and seen a reflection of herself

    All the disparaging remarks she made about past govt is coming back to bite her in the a.sss lol

  22. @William

    A lie is a lie, a liar is a liar.

  23. Piece
    Make sure you stack up pon tin foil. Murdaaa🤣🤣🤣

  24. Barbados Underground Whistleblower Avatar
    Barbados Underground Whistleblower

    @ Mr. Gabriel

    Your English!!!!

    I was using your original words and made slight additions to update everyone with REALITY on the island of Barbados.

  25. Why do you make it seem as though there is something wrong with being a sniper?


    In war, if you happened to be a sniper and got caught it was an automatic death sentence … to hell with the Geneva Convention!!

  26. I am happy to see the Blogmaster calling out lies, liars, misinformation and misinformers. The basis of any good argument starts with facts/truth.

  27. Overseas Observer Avatar
    Overseas Observer

    @ Enuff

    I am happy to see the Blogmaster calling out lies, liars, misinformation and misinformers. The basis of any good argument starts with facts/truth.


  28. Here we go.

  29. Mariposa,you are now claiming you are not ac,well well.From my memory when ac disappeared sudden so Mariposa appeared co incidence?Maybe the blogmaster can clarify.Now that Artax has posted one of your many speeches supporting the Dems you trying to claim you are not ac,since it shows you to be a liar,well now I have heard everything,all this hyprocritcal feelings for poor people all of a sudden,well well.As for the joker T Inniss saying that the ex PM was ethical ,the evidence does not support this as stated before ,Mr Stuart claimed he knew nothing of Cahill only to be shown the document with his signature to it,and I do not remember any apology for misleading the house.In addition all these contracts which were signed by Ministers,like the one with Innotech as leader,he in my view should be aware of these.How can you who is so critical of this Government call this behaviour ethical unless you are the hyprocrite you are.However like I said you are a lightweight,and clearly out of your league.specializing in innuendo and half truths,as if you believe most bajans want to see the Dems again in under 20 years.Therefore you keep up your daily drivel in cohots with the other J/A Mariposa along with Pacha who now catch back himself after the redwashand the know all Hal Austin.My prediction under this Government the country will rebound,despite certain persons wishing the worst for Barbados for political reasons.

  30. John

    “to hell with the Geneva Convention”

    Were you in the military?
    And have you ever been in a war Theater?
    And do you know anything at about the rules of engagement?

  31. Barbados Underground Whistleblower Avatar
    Barbados Underground Whistleblower

    @ Lorenzo

    as if you believe most bajans want to see the Dems again in under 20 years.

    If most Bajans have common sense in 2019 and beyond they will stop drinking the poisoned Koolaid shared by both DLP and BLP Parties.

  32. John

    Charles Taylor of Liberia thought the same of the Geneva Convention as well, but where is he now?

  33. Lexicon
    January 1, 2019 5:26 PM

    “to hell with the Geneva Convention”
    Were you in the military?
    And have you ever been in a war Theater?
    And do you know anything at about the rules of engagement?


    … and if you were any good as a sniper, you got a bounty put on your head!!

  34. Enuff

    Keep ringing that bell bout Corey Layne Mitigation Unit shyte – as if he got some point.

    Vincent I am still following your good advice – but just gimme a lil pass here.

    Corey layne’s answer which was carried in the press and also his comments on radio – never confirmed nor denied anything.His answer was along the lines of ‘He does not have any contract like that right now etc etc.Just Paraphasing not giving a direct quote.

    Put that down to something similar ( though not exactly the same) to the online tax – which is forever being touted and given a date of implementation – but never comes to fruition.

    You discuss something – it isn’t finalized – and then its pulled.

    Wuh so big bout dat dey.

    Enuff and his associates are so disingenuous.

    This is who Mia has as her circle of advisers?

  35. Lexicon
    January 1, 2019 5:31 PM

    Charles Taylor of Liberia thought the same of the Geneva Convention as well, but where is he now?


    Was he a sniper too?

  36. John

    The Rules of Engagement is a piece paper they give to every soldier who deploys in a combat Zone, which tells him what he can and cannot do, and if he does do what is impermissible he will subject to UCMJ actions.

  37. John

    Show me the directive which says that if a sniper is caught he gets the firing squad? You obviously do not know what you are talking about … or are you talking about John Allen Muhammad the DC sniper … yes he was executed?

  38. Caswell

    Happy New year to you and yours.

    Your voice is missing on some of these important debates.

  39. John

    A sniper has a job to do like the ordinary foot soldier with a M16, and anyone who
    Executes a sniper on the spot will have to answer to the International Criminal Court…

  40. Can anyone tell me if they have heard the Prime Minister addressing the Nation on the issue of crime.

    Can anyone remember the number of times she demanded something similar from Freundel ?

    Up to last night the brave men and women of the RBPF were confronted with bullets as they chased 3 occupants who were commiting a burglary.

    Every single day there is gun violence – Barbadians have become almost numb to it.

    We had an 83 old pensioner gunned down while he was harmlessly socializing.

    Shouldn’t this warrant the prime minister speaking to us on this serious matter.

    Also too,the issue with the rise in Haitians arriving our shores,incident of a few escaping immigration custody,some walking bout with no where to stay and nothing to eat – that is why Jamaica was clamping down on them in that country..

    Mia as Prime Minister is the one who at the CARICOM Heads – agreed to remove the visa requirement – it is her policy – so she should be the one addressing the Nation on this – as to how she intends to control this problem in the future – not Commisung talking in the press – wuh nobody ain’t elect him- he is only a so-called advisor to the P.M. on CARICOM matters.

    Or is it Mia only want the positive press like the the photo -op of the students arriving from Ross University.

    Is that public relations stunt the kind of communication that some bajans are praising ?

  41. “What scandals dear?”


  42. It seems like the only thing Mia appears with the A.G.Dale Marshall – is when they come in front the media with a pile of files and talk about corruption and locking them up.

    Photo ops again.

    Charles Jong wukkin fuh he money real hard.

  43. the only time Mia appears – correction

  44. Sir SimpleSimon Avatar

    @T.Inniss January 1, 2019 6:23 PM “Shouldn’t this warrant the prime minister speaking to us on this serious matter?”


    But even more important it behoves us to speak to our children, from the day they step out of the womb, to the day they step away from our homes to experience the world without us.

    The political class cannot raise our children for us.

    Sadly some of them cannot or would not or have not even raised their own children

    Who the cap fits…

  45. Lexicon
    January 1, 2019 6:10 PM

    A sniper has a job to do like the ordinary foot soldier with a M16, and anyone who Executes a sniper on the spot will have to answer to the International Criminal Court…


    Difference … A sniper hides and shoots!!

  46. Sir SimpleSimon Avatar

    @John January 1, 2019 4:58 PM “In war, if you happened to be a sniper and got caught it was an automatic death sentence …to hell with the Geneva Convention!!”

    No I would not say to hell with the Geneva convention.

    And even if it is as you say that snipers when caught receive an automatic death sentence, you know as well as I do, that snipers on the “good” side when not caught, are showered with honours by the “winning” side.

  47. Sir SimpleSimon Avatar

    @pieceuhderockyeahright January 1, 2019 4:39 PM “Adolph Hitler?”

    You are being excessive.

  48. WWII

  49. Overseas Observer
    And now you start with lies and misinformation. Point out where I post lies or wrong info. Stupse. Read to understand not to respond.

The blogmaster invites you to join the discussion.


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