“Up to now you can’t say why the man is not deserving. In a small country how do you escape proximity to “power/decision-making”?”

Once I see you heading down this road, I know things bad.
No, No, No.
The onus is upon those conferring the honour to highlight the contributions, which are being recognized. Period.
Is Barbados, the country conferring the knighthood, doing so for work in Bermuda, Belize, Caymans, Turks and a little in Barbados too. Or for the leverage used in the BLP leadership battles.
Seems like another Marston Gibson were a Bajan leaves home and spends much of their career working elsewhere, only to return home and be knighted.
To me, if the PM had an ounce of moral decency, she would avoid selecting her father at all costs, especially in the first few opportunities she gets to bestow such an honour. What’s the rush? Is the man ill? – Northern Observer

To be honest the blogmaster does not pay too much attention to the New Year Honours list. The selection appears to be less than transparent and more importantly we are not enthused by a system that awards titles that is anchored to an irrelevant colonial past.

The New Year Honours List for 2019 released by the Government Information Service is as follows [blogmaster’s emphasis]:-

The Queen has been graciously pleased to approve the following awards in the 2019 New Year Honours:


  • Assad John HALOUTE for services to the hospitality industry and philanthropy


  • Elliott Deighton MOTTLEY for services to the legal profession, diplomatic service and the community



  • Dr. Frances Louise CHANDLER, OBE for services to agriculture and sustainable development


  • Ms. Cynthia Joan WILLIAMS for services to nursing and the community


  • Reverend Hughson Carlos INNISS for services to youth empowerment and the fight against HIV/AIDS
  • John Wayne Anderson WATTS for services to environmental health

The decision to award Elliott Mottley a knighthood has attracted robust and muscular public comment across the length and breath of Barbados, notwithstanding the din generated by the holiday season. There is no need to be prolix with this matter. A repost of the blogmaster’s too brief comment to Northern Observer is enough.

Agree with this comment, the optics are bad and the brazenness of doing it in the first year of term is a foreboding act.

The opinion of the blogmaster is not meant to ignore Elliott’s Mottley’s contribution in his field of work. However, if the Prime Minister is serious about being a change agent she must avoid decisions that will distract and deepen citizen apathy. The herculean task to turn the country around is bigger than the aggrandisement of any family member. Even if that family member is her father. In fact some will suggest with good reason that the controversial waiver of the tax and penalties (NOT TAX DUE) in the amount of $1,051,872.28 to Elliott Mottley which came out of an audit of Mottley’s accounts is reward enough.

A word to the Prime Minister should be sufficient.


625 responses to “Prime Minister Mottley’s Father Awarded Knighthood”

  1. TInniss
    It is called misinformation. Your problem is that you read or listen to respond, in line with your narrative, not to understand. Advise Mia? Boss I operate and work at a totally different level, it has nothing to do with the PM, government or Bdos. My comments are based on what I read. All yuh got Redwashed 30-0 and though not perfect the current administration is superior to the previous one. Their performance over the past 7 months is testament. They make mistakes, they correct them. There is no lie in this statement. You appeared post 24 May 2018 as Paul, previously you were happy being Saul and with life in Bdos. This also is not a lie. This is my last response to you. I shall sit back and watch the government do their wuk and kill you because your largesse over. #partydun.🖐🏾

  2. Two lawyers one Eliott Mottley and the other Roger had a press conference to feed spoon their version of the tax waivers given to Mottley all should accept these two lawyers explanation
    Uh dont think so! when the matter as to who gave permission for the tax waivers is still an issue to be clarify since legally only the then PM. OSA could have given permission ..an action which he denied
    Therefore if not OSA then who? and by whose authority was his daughter to make such a decision which in itself becomes a directive wrapped in deceptive practices which borders on being illegal

  3. John

    What is your point?
    Had is been a foot soldier in the foxhole with a M16, the British would still be in the right for shooting the him, because they were engaged in actual combat when he was shot the sniper.

  4. Red wash..blah blah blah
    But when the truth and the makings of what happened to make that red wash happen yuh gonna get belly hurt
    There is a lot to be told about that Red wash that is gonna mek eyes red

  5. Enuff and Lorenzo

    Happy New Year!

    I really admire you two to still be taking on these disgruntled dems day in and day out……….the REDWASH is still killing them……

    These same said dems sat back and defended the immoral, inept, incompetent DLP for ten years and now have the audacity to be constantly criticising the BLP government of 7 months who are trying to correct the ship of state which their party literally destroyed.

    I have decided to just read BU daily and post now and then but I just cannot deal with the nonsense.

    To be honest, knowing how petty the dems are where I the PM I would have waited a bit to nominate Elliot for an honour…….can you imagine if it were a Barbadian honour at Independence? All hell would have broken loose but these same dems had no problem with …..”I am not a thief” Warrick Franklin getting a knighthood.


  6. Inniss @6.23 pm
    Quoth he with a straight face “We had an 83. Year old pensioner gunned down while he was harmlessly socializing”
    Another side of this story is that this “harmlessly socializing pensioner”, who Bree would call a stinking Dem,and which appears on the surface to be a fack(Bree again)given the big speech made on Brasstacks by the senior DLP warrior the dishonoured Astor Watts who told Stuart go fly a kite after he disgraced the party with a 30 love defeat, was nothing but a foot soldier for the DLP’s candidate for St Michael Northwest and was given money to dispense among other foot soldiers who worked on the ground serving the big man of ‘hampers cyan done’ Sinkliar.The story goes that the pensioner held on to the money and refused to “come forward” and one guy was ordered to go not to Coleridge St but to Marhill St as judge and jury and put not 1 bullet but 6 bullets in the socializing pensioner.
    Inniss,what is the real truth my man.You calling Sandals to speak to the big guy?

  7. @Gabriel
    I got it, but it took two or three readings.

  8. Sir SimpleSimon Avatar

    @Hal Austin January 1, 2019 4:05 PM “Simple Simon, I am sure your children are special.”

    Not really you know. They are ordinarily competent, ordinarily intelligent human beings, but very hard working.

    @Hal Austin January 1, 2019 4:05 PM “First, you tried to suggest you were not talking about UK universities, in a conversation that did not mention geography.”

    The conversation was about Ross university, an American university and its move from Dominica to Barbados. I infer plenty of geography in the terms America, Dominica and Barbados.

    I said truthfully that I am not too familiar with the U.K systems of higher education. Like many Bajans I have had relatives/friends/neighbours/acquaintances study in the U.K. But I have not spent time in the system nor spent any time studying the system

    I am more intimately familiar with the American and Canadian systems, and to the best of my knowledge typically students are not required to live on campus, although it may be highly recommended especially for first year students, and universities in North America do tend to give first year students preference when it comes to housing.

    I would be very surprised if housekeeping services will be provided as part of the deal, but again truthfully I am not privy to the details. The Lloyd Erskine Center building does have institutional kitchens, so I expect that most meals will be cooked and served there.

  9. I thought that the election of May 24 which resulted in the famous 30-0 REDWASH put to rest the tax waiver issue.

    It was clear that it was a hit job by the DLP which backfired big time……..resulting in the eventual firing of the editor of BT.

    The dems set the stage with the lies…….MAM was education minister and as a junior minister never acted as PM. The editor as she was wont to do got OSA to comment and as usual he thought it sensational to bash MAM without even thinking……next thing you know…..editor gone……law suit slapped in the tails of BT and OSA.

    …………and to top it off Elliot is now Sir Elliot…….he sure did get the “Oscar” as per the
    Stinkliar’s pitiful performance in Oistins!

  10. Sir SimpleSimon Avatar

    @Gabriel January 1, 2019 8:01 PM “go not to Coleridge St but to Marhill St as judge and jury [and executioner?] and put not 1 bullet but 6 bullets in the socializing pensioner.”

    Oh dear!!!

    What does it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul, and what does man give in exchange for his soul?
    The Gospel according to St. Mark, Chapter 8, verse 36.

  11. Sir SimpleSimon Avatar

    What a wonderful thing it would have been, if Barbados had ever been, or was now a Christian society.

  12. Sir SimpleSimon Avatar

    Love God, and love your neighbour as yourself.

    Has Barbados ever been that?

  13. Gabriel
    Bruggadung……wahloss. I hope that’s just hearsay.

  14. Enuff

    My answer is clear – the person involved never denied or confirmed a contract offer – so how could you – who come here and pretend like Prodi -gal that you are not up in the middle of the BLP circles – come and say he was never made an offer – if the gentleman himself never used those words.

    Look you too dishonest Enuff – and we have had enuff of your dishonesty.

    But tell you what fella talk about Mia’s lies , for example :

    Mia saying she would never print money – and then that was the first thing she did;

    Talk about her lies when she said she would get buses here and Sanitation trucks in 3 months and now 7 months have gone – people waiting 3 – 4 hours to get home – plus garbage piling up stink,stink all over the island

    No collection for up to 3 -4 weeks – yet no one can say when Sanitation trucks coming;

    Talk about the lie Mia told the public – that she got the highest quota that countries like Barbados could get – only to be debunked by information produced and printed in Albert brandford’s column that she did not get the highest quota and other countries borrowed up to 3 fifths of their quota – and got that money over 3 years.

    Talk about the lie that she told about fixing the sewage system in short order – and implementing a number of plans within 1 week of getting into office

    Talk about the lie she told about closing down temporarily the Food business on the South Coast and paying the workers.

    Talk about the lie that Albert Brandford exposed against Mia in his article on 2nd December this year that she ” informed barbadians that she was being coerced by the rich nations into dismantling our tax system – and she was doing this because she had to honour the commitment of the previous government’.


    A legal opinion on the matter was sought from the then Attorney General – Mia’s cousin – David Simmons – and one was given in 1998 – Mia was a minister and part of the Cabinet then.

    Look there is sooooooooooooooooooooooo much lies Mia told and has been telling that the basin in the Carenage might be too small to hold those lies.

    Wunna BLPites are too dishonest and duplicitous.

    And you talking about misinformation.

    Instead of Mia giving Delisle Bradshaw a Champion Award – she should give you a Champion Award for spreading misinformation on behalf of the BLP.

    Or is it that you waiting on your Shitehood too ?

  15. Sir SimpleSimon
    January 1, 2019 8:26 PM

    What a wonderful thing it would have been, if Barbados had ever been, or was now a Christian society.


    Founded as such by Puritans.

    In the era of the Quakers it was known as the Cradle of Truth!!

  16. Gabriel

    Very little – if anything you say – has credibility as far as I am concerned.

    I know what is shocking you BLP yardfowls on this site -is for the first time in a very long time – you are getting serious push back from all the mischief, propoganda and lies you have been peddling on this site for years.

  17. Is someone speaking?🤔

  18. Gabriel

    Go and talk to Typee Griffith because you like you have all the information.

    I hear that the old man had friends in the Bees and dems – though he was a staunch dem.

    I also hear they are looking at someone in the Bees circle.

    Wuh yuh think ?

  19. Why did you not criticise your party the DLP for not buying buses or garbage trucks during the ten years it mismanaged this country?

    You dont think that it is a burning shame that a government could sit down and never buy a bus or a truck while its people suffer for the services?

    Just shut to hell up for some time….you hypocrite!

  20. Enuff

    My response like it lick off yuh stumps – that yuh head kerfuffle – yuh asking – is someone talking.lollllllllll Murdah.

  21. “Or is it that you waiting on your Shitehood too.”

    lol, lol, murdahhh!!!

  22. Prodigal

    If I were you I would really keep quiet because my taxpayers dollars paying you for that new job Mia gave you.

  23. T Inniss you ain,t tired getting licks the whole day bowling a lot of long hops and full tosses.Go back to George Street for talking points and instructions for you just rambling all over the place.I notice you haven,t touch the Cahill matter with the exPM I guess because it is factual and there is no spin youu can put on it.You should do like CCC who fled the scene before the the redwash and retire hurt,or the Dems need to recall both Mariposa and yourself asap.As I stated before we on this blog got your agenda covered,and it ain,t working.

  24. T Inniss…… what job do l have that your taxes are paying me?

    You are so hard ears……l told you that I am happily retired….. enjoying my life to the fullest….. travelling when l want…. doing only what brings me pleasure.

    I want nothing from the government…. only for them to turn this country around and bring back prosperity back to Barbados…… good roads which your party refused to do….. Acquire garbage trucks and buses for the poor people of this country….. some thing your party refused to do yet it had time to give away taxpayers money to Innotech and Jada and whoever.

    ,…… and you can’t seem to shut up. The BLP did not create the problems this country faced….. your incompetent lying corrupt party did this to Barbados.

    Have you no shame?

  25. Prodigal forgive me ,welcome backand a happy new year to you ,Enuff ,Artax,Gabriel and most of the BU family.I was wondering where you had gone to not having seen any posts from for a while.It,s great that you are retired and travelling and enjoying your self,hope to reach that stage myself in terms of retirement.However I was sidetracked by this newly arrived joker T Inniss with his daily drivel.He does not seem to understand nothing is perfect as it was far from perfect pre May 24th ,and although much better post May 24th,still a lot of work to be done to undo the total mess left by his Dem Government.It will take time but I believe we will rise again.

  26. Rise to WHAT though…

    Too many CURRENT and FORMER minister’s names are being called in thefts from EVERYONE, particularly FROM THE PEOPLE who pay their salaries and also accused of RUNAWAY corruption…offshore accounts, bribery, REWARDING COCAINE TRAFFICKERS with shitehoods…etc…none of that is GOING AWAY….so RISE TO WHAT???

  27. Wuhloss everyone has strayed so far from this “knighthood” issue that I thought I was on de wrong thread……

    When is the new list of QC’s coming? Yuh only need a pulse to be a QC the title doesn’t mean that one possesses any legal acumen. About this knighthood business I think we should go one step further and create some hereditary titles so that the word “Lord” in the Caribbean context is not reserved for calypsonians. If we had hereditary titles there would be no argument over Mottley as Deighton would have passed on the title to him ah mean Deighton was “Lord Mayor of Bridgetown” we could have made the “Lord” permanent. Here are a few other suggestions the member for St. Andrew and his descendants could be called “Lord Scotland” to signal their hegemony over the area; someone from St. Peter could be called “Baron Teneriffe” which honours their attachment to the Parish; ditto for someone from St. George who could be called “Duke of Sweetbottom” but that might generate conflict from some other people. A person could be called “Earl of Garrison” which could mean they love the ponies or the ladies …..

    I have a whole list of titles to bestow……

  28. Parroting the trump bullshit…using DEBT…is just that…bullshit.

    Look how well it is working out for the WH retard…

    TALK IS CHEAP…especially when the only thing you KNOW TO DO is BORROW.

  29. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ Sargeant

    Yes you would wonder would you as we sheeple cannt seem to keep an idea in our heads for more than 9 seconds or as long as a goldfish stares at a finger outside its bowl.

    The Earl of Sweetbottom title would have to be split between Jerome and WeJonesing heheheheh

    But here is a bit of information about Sir Mugabe the most recent night

    “…Acting Assistant Police Commissioner Victor Richmond who headed the investigation into the murder of the 17-year-old Canadian said both former Attorney General (AG) Elliott Mottley and Mr. Tokunbo were central to the decisions taken.

    Director of Public Prosecutions Khamisi Tokunbo was yesterday publicly named as being at the centre of a plea bargaining fiasco that saw a suspect in the Rebecca Middleton case evade a murder charge.

    After both Mundy and Justis Smith were arrested in connection with the slaying of Rebecca, detectives held a meeting with top prosecutors.

    There, he said, members of the AG’s chambers, including Mr. Tokunbo, who was Senior Crown counsel at the time, wanted to offer Mundy a deal whereby he be offered a lesser sentence in return for information.

    Mr. Richmond, who was detective superintendent at the time of Rebecca’s death, also revealed how both Mundy and Smith were charged before any DNA test results had been returned.

    Mr. Richmond said Police officers did not have the power to strike deals with suspects, but instead it was down to prosecutors or the Attorney General to discuss them with defendants and their lawyers.

    He said, as a result of the meeting, agreements were reached on the charges. The senior officer said although nobody had ever been convicted of Rebecca’s murder, in his mind, the two people responsible had been found…”



  30. Prodi- Gal

    I respect the blog moderator’s desire that anonymity be allowed and so I will let you have the last word as you go about your retirement and ensure that the affairs of the public are directed appropriately.

    One gentle suggestion to you,your blp colleagues who come on this site and elsewhere and the leadership of your party – try to remember that you have won the elections – and go about governing for all the people.Wunna like yuh still on de campaign trail .

    Stop with the BLP modus operandi of spite – especially in the way you have been dealing with public servants in the on-going lay-offs.

    Please stop with the lies,the propaganda and the shadiness.

    Tell your leader that 27 ministers are too much for this country to carry when there are larger countries than ours right here in the Caribbean and internationally – who don’t have so many ministers – and most of your 27 ministers don’t even see 2 files when the day comes .Remind her that she was constantly criticisng the last P.M. about his 17 member cabinet – and was berating them for taking back their 10 % salary after giving it up for more than 2 years.

    By the way did your MPs ever give up their 10 % salary back then ? (nobody seems to know for sure) – did it ever go to Charity ? – which Charity though ?

    Look just let your leader know that there is a record of all she has said and done and the people will not forget when she tries to do an about face.

    The people thought they were voting for change as was sold to them by Mia – but it seems all they got was exchange.

    People are fed up to the hilt with both Bee and Dlp politics – and what you have started off with is sickening to most of us.

    A change is gonna come – some way some how – and not your sort of exchange.

  31. @T.Inniss

    A reasonable comment.

  32. I have heard Enuff……not the yardfowl……in few last couple days to know that the FREIGHT TRAIN has arrived…

  33. Thank you David.

    Reminded of the Church Hymn – ” Let there be peace among us,let there be peace in our hearts ………… and let it begin with me.

  34. @ T. Inniss

    There are those here who, prior to you appearance at May the 24th, IN FACT YEARS BEFORE YOU CAME ON THE SCENE, have been crying that chant of “…People are fed up to the hilt with both Bee and Dlp politics – and what you have started off with is sickening to most of us…”

    Some have been lukewarm like Grenville Phillips and have AND WILL BE REJECTED AT THE POLLS but some, of which you do not yet truly number, seriously want a change from this Fumbles and Mottley poop!

    Here is the thing Inniss that all of thse who want change need to ask themselves questions about.

    How can we effect change in Barbados?

    Change that will affect that big long list that you typed here recently.

    Police, Social Services, the Judiciary, Education, our infrastructure, Crime, Druglord Immunity, Criminals in Parliament, Tyrants and Despots.

    How can that be changed?

    By the Gun or by the Ballot Box?

    And though many would say that the number of killings in Barbados suggests that it is happening by the gun, WE THE PEOPLE, intermingles with the sheeple, want it to be legal and democratically effected.

    SO, here is what we are faced with and what we the people HAVE TO ADDRESS.

    How MUST THIS CHANGE BE EFFECTED, in what is obviously a dictatorship?

    It has to start by (MIS)INFORMATION.

    Now you will pobably wonder why de ole man used both forms of that “information” coin but the thing that you need to understand is that we are dealing with PEOPLE & SHEEPLE.

    And the same way MUGABE HAS HIRED CHARLES ME LOVE YOU LONG TIME to effect her disinformation campaign, WE THE PATRIOTS, of whom you pretend to be one, have to be prepared to fight this campaign to inform the people and misinform the sheeple.

    There are a few windows of oppostunity that will present themselves soon.

    The By-Elections

    & in the longer term 2023

    So in order to fight Mugabe what do we do?

    She has to be fought in every domain possible.

    In your churches, in your schools, in the social media, whatsapp, youtube, www. ***, Facebook a la Cambridge Analytica style which she is doing now with her BLP website and with the GIS government websites.

    Now I know that the Margaret Brito Phds will rise and say that invoking the racist Churchill’s defining speech is unpatriotic so de ole man shall not say “….we shall fight on the beaches,
    we shall fight on the INTERNET [landing grounds],we shall fight in the CLASSROOMS [fields and in the CHURCHES [streets], we shall fight in the BU CORRIDORS AND FACEBOOK AND THE WWW. [hills]; we shall never surrender…”

    No sireee for that would be selling out to the white people dem and we cannot have that…

  35. Abigail

    Salemites always “hearing”, hahaaaaaaa.

  36. John
    January 1, 2019 8:34 PM

    Sir SimpleSimon
    January 1, 2019 8:26 PM
    What a wonderful thing it would have been, if Barbados had ever been, or was now a Christian society.
    Founded as such by Puritans.
    In the era of the Quakers it was known as the Cradle of Truth!!


    Here is a way you can think of it.

    In 1627, Barbados was founded by the persecuted Church … Puritans fleeing England for New England.

    The Puritans came out of the Reformation and sought to purify the Church of England from the influences of the Church in Rome.

    In 1648 the Puritans won the English Civil War and took control of the Church of England.

    This is when the Quakers came on the scene.

    The Quakers took the place of the Puritans as a persecuted Church.

    The Quakers built the Sugar Industry in Barbados.

    The Church of England had a name from the period of the Reformation.

    At a time when there were two distinct groups in Barbados, Christians and Negroes (non Christians), the Quakers became a Missionary Church and sought to share the Word with the no Christian Negroes.

    By the mid 1670’s, laws were enacted by the legislature of Barbados banning the appearance of Negroes at Quaker meetings.

    In 1681, the King of England gave William Penn Sylvania in America as a place of refuge.

    Many Quakers from Barbados went there to settle.

    Philadelphia was founded.

    The Church at Philadelphia opened Pennsylvania to all persecuted Churches …. Amish, Mennonites, Moravians and later Methodists.

    The Word spread.

    Did you know there was a Church of Philadelphia in Revelation?

    It was one of seven.


    I also came across a Philadelphia in Barbados on an old map!!!

    The origins of Barbados are undeniably Christian.

    If you read about the seven Churches you will see that being a Christian varies from person to person, Church to Church.

    Within any Church, people die and are born and the World diverts believers.

    Where is the Church at Philadelphia?

  37. Hearing the right things FROM THE RIGHT people…yardfowls are NEVER WELCOMED..in such groups of intelligentsia.

    yall have to wait until things happen…no one will tell you anything.. ..your job is to DEFEND CRIMINALS..yall are useless for anything else..

  38. Abigail

    I will not be your Tituba. No thanks.

  39. ya are not even that intelligent anyway…look up the word intelligentsia..

  40. @ John,

    Simple Simon is at best being disingenuous, at worst being economical with the truth. A Christin culture does not men everybody goes in to church every Sunday. It means in the wider world, if not in narrow, inward-looking Barbados, a society whose values are rooted in Christianity.
    Her other claim about student accommodation shows she either did not read the contribution properly is again being deceptive. It is the Bajan disease.

  41. Abigail

    A woman who cuts and pastes daily and did not know the difference between the MP and the former candidate for St.Thomas is part of an intelligentsia? Wahlossssssss!!

  42. Sick and tired of hearing the same ole tired voices chanting the same ole song” sick snd tired of bees and dees”
    If wunna so sick and tired then jump into the ring of political fire and start wunna own party
    Others have done so..What is there to be afraid of

  43. Aren’t we all!

  44. your head is so hard..the intelligentsia…are never concerned with the inane that holds yardfowls 15 second attention spans and short memories so well….just admit it nuh…in a few SHORT years ya will be doing the same on BU that Mariposa is doing now,..

    the blighted plight.. of the cackling yardfowl..lol

    ah told yall already..you will only have..what I deem that you should have and nothing more….I am running this show, not clueless you and definitely not any snake out of the parliament….

  45. Jesus Christ what is the other alternative. If you have one put it on the table
    Do something !so look what happen May 24th there was a sweeping change for a new govt
    Never mind several alternatives were put to the people for a different way which the people rejected
    And what was the result from one party to another
    Now all that i am saying is those sitting outside the political ring of fire step inside and make a difference
    All this long talk coming from within the hidden quarters of those needing to capsized the entire political systems can only be accomplished by intervening both physically and vocally

  46. Abigail/WARU

    Really now? Not according to your posts. Haha.

  47. Frankly, I don’t give a damn who gets knighted because I stopped paying attention to “honours” many years ago. None of these people impress me in the least. As a matter of fact if I were to meet them they would be surprised to see my nose looking like I smell something stink. Maybe if we did that they would stop walking about with their heads in the air thinking that we hold them in high esteem. But too many people still bow and scrape in front of their faces while cussing them stink behind their backs. These people help to create the bubble that these BENIGHTED “elites” live in where they escape the reality that they are living among people who see them as the lowest of the low.

    But perhaps I am wrong. Maybe they enjoy watching the people bow and scrape despite the fact that they are detested. Maybe that gives them a feeling of power. Maybe they prefer fear to love. Poor empty souls! I pity the fools.

    This knighthood seems to me to be a window into MIa’s soul. It allows us to see what is most important to her. This was SO IMPORTANT to her that she had to disregard what she HAD TO KNOW would be bad optics so early in her term.The south coast is still stink with sewage, the bus terminal is still a ghost town, the island is still a rat’s buffet of garbage but her father has received his meaningless knighthood. Poor Mia! Poor Elliot!

    All hail the Prime Minister of Shite Island and Sir Shitey of Shitetown!

    P.S. Doesn’t Mottley look ridiculous in his wig?! How is one supposed to take him seriously in that get up???????


  48. “As a matter of fact if I were to meet them they would be surprised to see my nose looking like I smell something stink.”

    because that is all they are..PILES OF STINK STEAMING SHIT….in human form..

  49. “All hail the Prime Minister of Shite Island and Sir Shitey of Shitetown!”

    could not have said it any better meself..lol, lol, murrdahhhh!!!

    don’t forget Sir Cocaine Trafficker…..lol

  50. @ T. Inniss and Mariposa

    You are seeking to arrive at the end point WITHOUT STARTING AT THE BEGIN POINT.


    De ole man will tell all of you something about the finest *** in the world.

    @ today that US entity is AT WAR, with RUSSIA in Crimea and Syria, NORTHERN KOREA with the Rocket Man, with CHINA with its Taiwan Reunification Bid & THE UNITED STATES with its traitor to the mightiest country in the world.

    It reiterate that it is at WAR with itself because of the idiocy of electing Trunk but i will not expand on that much longer because you would not understand and if de ole man were to have to tell you more then heheheheheh

    But there is a division that is devoted to PsychoWarfare which has most recently started its OUTREACH against Trunk and if you aere to look carefully you would understand what it is doing

    So let me see how de ole man is going to show you how PsychoWarfare is fought over time.

    As opposed to your predisposition to just think that wunna going come heah from May 24th and get people pun wunna bandwagon.

    This is a LONNNNNNGGGGGGGGG effort which is not for the faint of heart nor for the idiotica of the society, and wunna gots to raise your game instead of this parroting the ole same ole shyte.

    I do not expect you Mariposa to be able to up your game much because after all you are mostly an idjit but here is what i will suggest that you do, even in your likkle corner.

    Use the nation and the advocate for your material sources and LEVERAGE those articles.

    For example, Minister “Oblong Head” working pun de water taxi idea which is bare shyte. You have to show how stupid this minister Chewbacca is by (i) finding out the cost of running a boat (ii) the licensing fees (iii) the insurance (iv) the time for the trip (v) the passengers who can pay for the trip (vi) seasickness issues (vii) picking up passengers (you plan to swim to the boat?) things like that

    You need to show the idiocy and puerile diversification of Mugabe’s Ministers you understanding de ole man? Brek it down so that people see them to be as incompetent as the DLP.

    THis one is for you T. Inniss, more to come


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