“Up to now you can’t say why the man is not deserving. In a small country how do you escape proximity to “power/decision-making”?”

Once I see you heading down this road, I know things bad.
No, No, No.
The onus is upon those conferring the honour to highlight the contributions, which are being recognized. Period.
Is Barbados, the country conferring the knighthood, doing so for work in Bermuda, Belize, Caymans, Turks and a little in Barbados too. Or for the leverage used in the BLP leadership battles.
Seems like another Marston Gibson were a Bajan leaves home and spends much of their career working elsewhere, only to return home and be knighted.
To me, if the PM had an ounce of moral decency, she would avoid selecting her father at all costs, especially in the first few opportunities she gets to bestow such an honour. What’s the rush? Is the man ill? – Northern Observer

To be honest the blogmaster does not pay too much attention to the New Year Honours list. The selection appears to be less than transparent and more importantly we are not enthused by a system that awards titles that is anchored to an irrelevant colonial past.

The New Year Honours List for 2019 released by the Government Information Service is as follows [blogmaster’s emphasis]:-

The Queen has been graciously pleased to approve the following awards in the 2019 New Year Honours:


  • Assad John HALOUTE for services to the hospitality industry and philanthropy


  • Elliott Deighton MOTTLEY for services to the legal profession, diplomatic service and the community



  • Dr. Frances Louise CHANDLER, OBE for services to agriculture and sustainable development


  • Ms. Cynthia Joan WILLIAMS for services to nursing and the community


  • Reverend Hughson Carlos INNISS for services to youth empowerment and the fight against HIV/AIDS
  • John Wayne Anderson WATTS for services to environmental health

The decision to award Elliott Mottley a knighthood has attracted robust and muscular public comment across the length and breath of Barbados, notwithstanding the din generated by the holiday season. There is no need to be prolix with this matter. A repost of the blogmaster’s too brief comment to Northern Observer is enough.

Agree with this comment, the optics are bad and the brazenness of doing it in the first year of term is a foreboding act.

The opinion of the blogmaster is not meant to ignore Elliott’s Mottley’s contribution in his field of work. However, if the Prime Minister is serious about being a change agent she must avoid decisions that will distract and deepen citizen apathy. The herculean task to turn the country around is bigger than the aggrandisement of any family member. Even if that family member is her father. In fact some will suggest with good reason that the controversial waiver of the tax and penalties (NOT TAX DUE) in the amount of $1,051,872.28 to Elliott Mottley which came out of an audit of Mottley’s accounts is reward enough.

A word to the Prime Minister should be sufficient.


625 responses to “Prime Minister Mottley’s Father Awarded Knighthood”

  1. @ the Honourable Blogmaster

    Your assistance please with an item of drivel here for T. Inniss which echoes Donna’s Prime Minister of Mugabe Shite Island.

    And yes De ole man guesses that the warfare against these people has begun in earnest for 2019.

    May the Patriots of Barbados Arise and Wipe these tyrants off the face of our Island

  2. @Donna
    Poor Mia! Poor Elliot!
    Esteemed Mia! Esteemed Elliot! Poor Barbados!

    There, I’ve fixed that for you

  3. In the Name of Common Sense Avatar
    In the Name of Common Sense

    Whenever I read this sh*thole blog, it makes me sick to my stomach. But nothing can outdo the comments posted by many (Donna, WARU, pieceuhderock et al). I am a stickler for grammar and spelling and such like, so often reading their comments crawl my skin. But I am able to ignore their horrible command of our language (someone please explain to Donna the meaning of the word “benight”), because I am overcome by ‘bad feels’ whenever I read the absolute and complete contemptible crap that these people post in the comments.

    It doesn’t even make sense arguing with these fools. How are you going to explain to an ignoramus like Donna that while the South Coast still has a relatively pungent odour, sewage no longer flows on the streets as it once did. How can we expect Donna’s obviously limited intellectual capacity to comprehend that the number of buses in Barbados has increased exponentially and plans for the bus terminals are being rolled out but the Gov’t is constrained by limited financing because of the criminal mismanagement of country. Poor Donna can’t even understand that Government is trying to buy more trucks to collect the garbage but they can only work with the funds available. I really pity these people who can’t even understand these most basic things. I wonder how Donna runs her household if she can’t even figure this out.

    But what is more repulsive is that these folks are so full of unfounded hatred for the Mottleys that they are blind to simple facts. Sir Elliot Mottley has done myriad service for Barbados and the Caribbean (and in case pieceuhderock didn’t know, we are working toward regional integration, so services rendered to other Caribbean territories, are services rendered to Barbados). I ask why do you all hate Mia Mottley so viscerally?

    But the simple fact of the matter is that we have so much more important things to discuss in this country, but these people make me waste my time commenting on a non-issue. How do knighthoods affect your lives? Many of you prefaced your comments by saying that you don’t care for the honours system anyway, so why are you taking the time to slander outstanding citizens in this vile manner?

    You all are traitors. No patriot spends their time slandering so baselessly another citizen. It is depraved and unpatriotic. You all need to try and help your country when we need it most, recognizing all that it did for you, and shut up and do what needs to be done. You all on this chatroom repulse me (not everyone obviously; some folks are decent, respectable people).

    I know that you all are going to lambaste and abuse me for this, but quite frankly I don’t care. When you’ve lost an argument all you all can do is mudsling and curse. To answer in advance, I am not a BLP yardfowl. I am a patriotic Bajan with common sense, at least enough to commend people when they do the right thing, criticize when necessary, and shut up when I have nothing productive to contribute (which you all so often don’t).

    I done for now, so when you’ve finished cursing me and slandering me, think about what I said. No one deserves to be treated in the way you all treat certain public figures in this chat. I know you all are going to come and write about all the gossip you heard about what Mia does do or her grandfather or any other “big up” in Barbados. But regardless of who they are in society or what you heard they do, no one deserves to be treated this way, public figure or not. Public figures have children and grandchildren and parents too. So think on these things. I hope that by doing that you all can start on the road to becoming better people.

  4. “But I am able to ignore their horrible command of our language”

    Where did you get a language from you ignoramus?

    you know NOTHING ABOUT THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE…and WHERE it originated…if you spoke more than one language..you would and would NOT spew that nonsense..

    your efforts to DISTRACT…will be rightfully IGNORED.

  5. @In the Name of Common Sense

    Enuff is that you?

  6. There is nothing called patriotism…ya mimicking ignoramuses just like yaself …is that all yall are capable of mimicking AND PARROTING RACISTS…..cause none of you came up with the PATRIOTISM SCAM…yall are NOT INTELLIGENT ENOUGH..

  7. @ Sargeant,

    Depends on how you look at it. Seems to me these folks are suffering from a terrible malady They are possessed! Addicted to fake power, excess money and shite titles. They are empty vessels trying to fill up with the wrong fuel. They.will not be satisfied. Addicts never are for long.

    So, to quote Mr.T. – “I pity the fool[s]”

  8. Carry ya BACKWARD SELF off the people’s Blog…no one wants useless idiots manipulated by crooked, corrupt government ministers around them..

  9. In the Name of Common Sense Avatar
    In the Name of Common Sense


    Thank you for proving my point that all you all do is read to respond but not to understand. You obviously ignored the last paragraph of my comment, as I expected.

    At any rate, I am happy that you have such a great command of the English Language to be able to write “you would and would NOT spew that nonsense” – I suppose you mean just would not, can’t tell with your kind. And no, how would anyone on earth know anything about linguistics. Unheard of! Who could know the history of the English Language?!

  10. @ In the name of common sense,

    Far be it from me to take up someone else’s battles, but with respect your post is sewage itself. Let us take first the matter of grammar: the role of grammar, in any language, is to communicate effectively. That you understand what is being said suggests you understand.
    Please explain to BU how a baby/toddler learns a language. Do they take out books on grammar and learn about verbs and nouns and subjects and objects? I have long learned that those who like to talk about their confidence with English grammar – and Bajans in particular – know least about the language.
    I| will challenge one other point you made, the award of a knighthood to the prime minister’s father. I am not sure of the procedure for making such awards, what I do know is that before the recipient receives the award s/he is first notified in confidence and asked if they would accept. It is at that point that those who are not interested decline the offer.
    In the case of the prime minister’s father, whatever the procedure and whatever his contribution to the legal profession and public life in Barbados and the wider Caribbean, the perception of something not bring right is real.
    Either the prime minister, or moreso her father (the more mature person) should have been brave enough to decline this time round, six months after becoming prime minister and at the first opportunity, part from Independence.
    Although I do not agree with some of the robust language used in condemning the award, in principle it is right. You sir/madam, are wrong.

  11. In the Name of Common Sense Avatar
    In the Name of Common Sense


    I guess you hate Barbados if you’re not patriotic. Just a question. If so, get the hell out!

  12. Benighted – in a state of moral or intellectual ignorance; overtaken by darkness (archaic)

    I said what I meant IGNORAMUS!.

    You have failed in comprehension as well. Try reading again and maybe you’ll get my point!

  13. In the name of common SHITE would be a better name for you.

  14. In the Name of Common Sense Avatar
    In the Name of Common Sense

    @ Hal Austin

    While I don’t agree with your sentiments at all, I respect you. You were able to communicate them in a pretty non-offensive way (except the sewage part) without having to resort to cursing and mudslinging (see Donna and WARU). I respect that a lot. So we can agree to disagree. On the other hand I have no respect for Donna WARU et al who don’t use the English Language to communicate but the Language of Obscenity and Slander, which is so sad when one considers the beauty of our language.

  15. @ |n the name of common sense,

    I guess you hate Barbados if you’re not patriotic. Just a question. If so, get the hell out!(Quote)

    The above is ungrammatical. It is not a question or a statement. Further, plse define patriotism.

  16. A.Dullard
    Not me! I don’t subscribe to using multiple pseudonyms. I leave that for folks who are looking to mislead the blog. Neither is it my writing style. Moreover, I doan comment on contributors’ grammar or spelling, I focus on accuracy i.e. rattling Waru/Abigail the Salemite now a member of the intelligentsia.😂🤐

  17. In the Name of Common Sense Avatar
    In the Name of Common Sense

    @ Hal Austin

    They are three statements. I really thought that you were better than this. I am not engaging in a grammatical debate with you or anyone in here.

    @ Donna

    Stop trying to cover yourself. I am well aware of that definition of the word and I suspect I knew it long before you looked it up five minutes ago. The context that you used it in does not make sense with the actual definition but rather was thinking about “beknighting” which is not a word, and based on what you wrote before and after, I hazarded an educated guess, that you would not have the intellectual capacity to know such an obscure word, as your vocab only extends to profanity and slander.

  18. As for hating the Mottleys – I voted BLP for the first time ever. I am just holding her to account. Also, if Elliot could not see that this was a stupid thing to do so early in his daughter’s term before she had built up some political capital by fixing our major problems as promised or if he wanted it so terribly that he could not refuse, then he is indeed Sir Shitey of Shitetown.

    PS. Don’t bother criticizing my long sentence! I once counted sixty words in a Mia sentence.

  19. The only point you PROVED is how unintelligent the CROOKS in parliament are.

    ….EVERY CATCH PHRASE DEVELOPED BY RACISTS…yall mimic and parrot..cause ya do not have the intellect..to DEVELOP YA OWN…

    yardfowls are CONTROLLED BY government ministers..all yall need is WINDING UP and putting on the blog…with ya heads filled with SHITE…..and ya immediately stat spewing…

    ya have no clue how or when the English language was …developed…or what WORDS…you use on a daily BASIS…that is not dialect…..and that are NOT ENGLISH words…..ya will go to ya grave clueless.

    when ya see another ENUFF…hit the blogs…ya done know that the STENCH OF DESPEATION IS IN THE AIR…ah can smell it..

    Mia should NOT HAVE had SIR COCAINE TRAFFICKER…modeling his well known nighthood…

    giving heR father a shitehood shows how dumb she really is…..just as I have been hinting, she is not a quarter as intelligent as she pretends to be….and I was one of the people giving her the benefit of the doubt post election..but I am not a yardfowl or a sheeple, so I can RESCIND…my BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT AT ANY TIME THAT PLEASES ME…

    yardfowls have no such choices…they are yardfowls for life…even when theyelectorate THROWS the whole government out on their asses…….tick, tock.

  20. In the Name of Common Sense Avatar
    In the Name of Common Sense

    @ Donna

    What are you holding Mia to account for exactly? Recommending to Her Majesty that she bestow an honour to a deserving Barbadian?

  21. when ya see another ENUFF…hit the blogs…ya done know that the STENCH OF DESPERATION IS IN THE AIR…ah can smell it..

  22. WARU/Abigail now part of the intelligentsia

    I hope when the people drag you before the Court yuh got court clothes?

    David – Who liable in the event of a libel case?

  23. In the Name of Common Sense Avatar
    In the Name of Common Sense

    You all keep mentioning it a lot, so just wondering. You all actually think I am a BLP yardfowl? That just goes to show how sick you all are; everything has to be put in boxes. I can’t just be a Bajan and a human being, I have to be a yardfowl for. That is a sad commentary on Barbados.

  24. Defender of the Right Avatar
    Defender of the Right

    @ in the name of common sense i agree with you these black people are so closed minded this shows why blacks were not ready for independence. many of them, waru donna,all of dem have not matured intellectually

  25. BUT really…who wants any respect from some nameless, faceless yardfowl…who does not know where, when or how the English language originated…..AND speaking words they know nothing about…..but actually BELIEVE they can mindwash grown ass people on a blog..

    …..ya need a real job…as I. have been saying for over 6 years…yardfowling is NOT A REAL JOB..

  26. In the Name of Common Sense Avatar
    In the Name of Common Sense

    @ Defender of the Right

    You are a sick person. I do not support that kind of racist drivel. These few idiots are not representative of the People of Barbados. They represent the problem, that’s all. So go back to your KKK meeting place and stay there.


    Where does an ignoramus like you get off telling someone about the English Language which you so clumsily butcher whenever you type. Bring the evidence of my supposed lack of knowledge of linguistic history.

    @Patriots of Barbados

    Save yourself and stop reading this chat and giving these jackasses credence by engaging in conversation with these lowlifes.

  27. I guess you hate Barbados if you’re not patriotic. Just a question. If so, get the hell out!(Quote)

    Plse point out the three statements. “I guess you hate Barbados if you’re not patriotic” is neither a grammatical statement nor a statement of philosophical fact.
    “Just a question”, is not a grammatical statement nor grammatically logical.
    And, “If so, get the hell out.” is not a grammatical statement. It is an angry shout.

    Like most things, we have debated this issue of grammar before on BU. I remember saying on that occasion that we should be cautious of correcting people. Read the riveting debate between Simon Heffer (Strictly English) and Oliver Kamm (Accidence Will Happen) and the continuing discussion in their respective blogs..

  28. Enuff in WONDERLAND…so how is that going to STOP the ELECTORATE FROM THROWING a CORRUPT GOVERNMENT OUT….of parliament..

    have yall leaned NOTHING….remember LASHLEY had someone arrested for saying on Facebook that some men in St, Philip beat him……they went to parliament in the middle of the night to legislate that crap instead of legislating FOIA …integrity legislation…etc. things that are MOST IMPORTANT TO THE PEOPLE WHO ELECTED THEM….so where is HE AND THEM (DLP) NOW..

    but time is LONGER THAN TWINE…tick, tock.

    AND THE PEOPLE ARE JUST WAITING…ya have no idea..

  29. These people help to create the bubble that these BENIGHTED “elites” live in where they escape the reality that they are living among people who see them as the lowest of the low.

    Benighted – morally or intellectually ignorant; overtaken by darkness

    Explain to me how that does not fit????

    You are correct in one thing – I did just look it up AGAIN. What you don’t know is I also looked it up BEFORE i used it to make sure I had it right.

    PS I meant it as a kind of pun. Even a fool could have figured that out.
    But let’s get back to the topic at hand!


  30. “Save yourself and stop reading this chat and giving these jackasses credence by engaging in conversation with these lowlifes.”

    Not going to happen…yall are too CORRUPT, yall TIEF too much and the offshore accounts are PROOF POSITIVE…how ya gonna sue anyone when at any time yall can get hauled off by FBI etc…lol

    ……the CORRUPT ..complete with ALL yall names and criminal DEEDS have been exposed for months…all the wicked shite yall did and are STILL doing is on every social media from Maine to Port of Spain and BEYOND…

    ya cannot change that REALITY…so sue that…when ya get a REAL COURT…


    have yall LEARNED NOTHING…..???

  32. WARU girl, nice to know they are reading the blog!

    The fools think they can come here trying to sound all intellectually superior and frighten us into silence. LOL!

    Try again! Better luck next time!!!!!!!!!!!

    PS. I am yet to understand what was so intellectual about the discussion that one would need a doctorate to speak on the issue at at hand.

    This was not a smart thing to do at this time if Mia wants the people to believe in her utterances. One does not bestow titles on oneself and one should not be in such haste to bestow them on one’s father.

    In Bajan parlance – IT DOAN LOOK GOOD!!!!!!!

  33. Leave them Donna …the US GOT ENOUGH ANKLE MONITORS..to fit ALL OF THEM..

    when they coming with this sue talk…they always forget…that we are the ones going to CHEER THE US ON..when they lock ALL THEIR WICKED, CORRUPT ASSES UP…

    ah know well enuff when NOT TO DERIDE the US for certain things…

  34. WARU

    If the government is voted out by the electorate for corruption, bad governance etc that would be democracy and deserving. If you shoot of your mouth and is served with papers and can’t back it up in court that would be justice and deserving.

  35. yeah, yeah…and when FBI catch another one or 5 of yall and the FEDS prosecute…that will MAKE HISTORY…and be MORE THAN DESERVING…the JUSTICE that Barbados people HAVE NEVER SEEN BEFORE…

    So when will the supreme court start working again it has been closed for damn nearly a year, more than 6 months for sure…do we need to contact the UN…people are still waiting to get their cases heard, personal injury cases closed…etc…

  36. Silly fool does not know that I write simply so everyone can understand. Recently read Dr. Faustus by Christopher Marlowe and he wants to speak vocabulary.

    PS. Who does cuss more, drink more and whore more than the “elites?” Spare me your hypocrisy!

  37. Ya see Donna..they are NOT INTERESTED IN ANYTHING THAT BENEFITS THE PEOPLE….they are only interested in CRUSHING DISSENT..while ROBBING THE PEOPLE, VIOLATING HUMAN RIGHTS….committing crimes AGAINST the people while collecting a monthly salary from them…along with bribes from corrupt minorities in the business community and whatever else can INFLATE those existing offshore accounts..

    we have travelled this road before when they were ALL SO DESPERATE TO SHUT DOWN THE BLOGS for their tiefing minority masters..TO ROB THE TREASURY AND PENSION FUND IN PEACE….but this time…this time….that is all I will say…

    But we know what to do with ya corrupt asses, ya want to legislate corruption into law and practice it in peace…but we know what to do with DESPOTS…the WORLD knows what to about DESPOTS and TYRANTS…….

    but this time…

  38. “along with bribes from corrupt minorities in the business community and whatever else can INFLATE those existing offshore accounts..”

    yall see THAT RIGHT THERE…..keep READING IT……lol

  39. @ In the name of commonsense

    Dont worry yourself with these disgruntled dems……to think that we have four and a half years more to endure this moaning and groaning. They will never get over the fact that the people of Barbados kicked their arses to the curve big time.

  40. Security from the Port Authority has told the public service vehicle operators to vacate the property.


    The new Constitution River Terminal is like a ghost town.

    A NATION team at the scene said only one minibus and one route taxi were in the line.


  41. Wusses are easy to handle Donna…they are yellow bellied COWARDS..lol

  42. Waru

    Yipee……The taxpayers do not have to pay not one single DEM as a MP so what is your problem with them paying the 30 MP’s they elected………..it is a wise thing to let them work for the money they are being paid.

    The DLP LOST……get over it!


    “Home News Passengers…
    Passengers stranded, some PSVs off the road


  44. Prodigal…really?…by now you should know me much better than that…grow the hell up and try to rein in ya yardfowl tendencies…and MISPLACED glee..

    …yall have no idea..just like the previous fowls…can you even remember how that ENDED FOR THEM…history has a way of REPEATING itself when the modus and the same people NEVER CHANGED….but were MERELY EXCHANGED.

  45. “The new Constitution River Terminal is like a ghost town.

    A NATION team at the scene said only one minibus and one route taxi were in the line.”

    “I got this…gimme de vote and watch muh”

    lol, lol, ha, ha, ha, ha….MURDAHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!

  46. “JUST GIMME DE VOTE AND WATCH ME NUH”…lol, lol, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha,!!!!!!!!

    “Scores of passengers have been left stranded because some drivers refuse to work.

    They had threatened to strike in protest against new regulations set to take effect this year, but if was felt an hours-long meeting with the Minister of Transport, Works and Maintenance, Dr William Duguid, and the Transport Authority on Monday had averted that action.

    It appears not to be so.”

  47. Enuff/In the Name of Common Shite like he get flushed.

  48. Donna
    Have I ever mentioned you in any comment? Why would I turn up this good day and cuss you? Y’all take wunna selves too seriously.

  49. Prodigal,

    I voted BLP. Tell me how I could be an angry Dee. Do you not understand that we are sick of them BOTH! What the hell is wrong with you, man????!!!

  50. @WARU

    “Thank you for proving my point that all you all do is read to respond but not to understand.”

    Now where have I heard that before? Hmmmmmmm

    SOMEBODY took me quite seriously. I don’t know who.

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