The COVID 19 virus is wrecking havoc on the Barbados landscape based on the number of infections experienced in recent days. Our worse fears are being realised with 92 reported infections listed in the recent dashboard. During a press conference yesterday authorities advised current trajectory if left unchecked could see 500 cases of Covid 19 infections daily starting as early from next week.

Another interesting revelation from the authorities is that unvaccinated persons AND children are showing high on the infected trendline.

Source: Barbados Government Covid 19 Unit

Here is a simple bit of advice to Barbadians, unvaccinated AND vaccinated people – follow the rh Covid 19 protocols – wear your mask properly (not under your neck or with nose exposed), practice good hygiene by washing your hands and avoid rubbing eyes and nose, and keep your distance (in other words, assume the person standing next to you has the virus, especially if they do not belong to your household bubble).

A look at the Covid 19 charts compiled by BU resource Lyall Small and updated to BU Sidebar to the right of the BU Homepage – the data paints the worrying trend. Unlike all the many armchair experts the BU blogmaster cannot offer definitive advice EXCEPT to follow the guidance of the medical fraternity.

The blogmaster will resist being prolix because of all the writing posted about COVID 19. In summary, our rate of COVID 19 infections is spiking, we need to arrest it because our fragile economy does not have the capacity to withstand the sustain shock given the demands on it. Kudos to the government for building capacity in the healthcare system to manage a large numbers of Covid 19 infected people. We have the Cuban and Ghanaian nurses who will have the opportunity to earn pay.

The fear of the blogmaster is with a general election approaching political rhetoric from all sides will not help to guide the thoughts of a local population caused by COVID 19 and flailing economic fatigue.

Relevant Link: Government Information Service

366 responses to “Covid 19 and Economy Fatigue ‘Virus’ Spike”

  1. Yet, Taiwan overcame it.


  2. What are we doing wrong?

    What is Dominica doing right?

  3. Sorry … TAIWAN … Freudian slip!!

  4. Did you know it was the Alpha variant, not the Delta Variant that caused Taiwan so much grief?

    The first Delta variant case was recorded on June 26.

    Delta does not seem to be very contagious in Taiwan!!

  5. … while over in China we see the Delta outbreak was eliminated in 35 days flat.

    “Wang Guangfa, a respiratory expert at Peking University First Hospital, told the Global Times on Monday that China’s precise zero-tolerance epidemic strategy has guarded the country against epidemic flare-ups one more time, despite the highly-transmissible Delta variant and larger areas affected, further proving the effectiveness of China’s epidemic coping model which stresses “Four-Early” measures – early detection, early reporting, early quarantine, and early treatment of COVID-19 cases.

    A Beijing-based immunologist told the Global Times on condition of anonymity that with this zero tolerance model of fighting the virus, China was able to stamp out the epidemic surge in 35 days. In the future, China’s response could be faster and more precise as the country is ready to tweak it anytime in the face of more emerging mutations and the pandemic situation.”

    What is so magical about the number 35?????????????????

  6. The typhoid Mary reference is ridiculous.

  7. Theo…..from decidedly bad, to decidedly worse. Traveling has definitely made it even worse.

    “A coronavirus variant first detected in South Africa ‘could be more infectious’ than other mutations and have the potential to ‘evade vaccines’, scientists have said.

    The C.1.2 strain, which is linked to ‘increased transmissibility’, is more mutations away from the original virus seen in Wuhan, experts at South Africa’s National Institute for Communicable Diseases and the KwaZulu-Natal Research Innovation and Sequencing Platform said.

    The virus was first identified by scientists in South Africa in May and has since been found in England, China, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Mauritius, New Zealand, Portugal and Switzerland.

    In their study scientists found the strain, which descends from the C.1 strain that was first spotted amid the first wave of the pandemic, has a mutation rate of about 41.8 mutations per year.”

  8. Africa and other regions will now have no choice but to develop their own vaccines.

  9. Everywhere on the island is the same story EXCEPT for a few cleaner hotels like the Crane, it’s the duseased tourists spreading the variants and the nasty hoteliers enabling. Black people HAVE to stop working in those Covid PITS for hitelsand shut them down or the WHOLE ISLAND will become infected. Ya lying FRAUD government will NEVER tell ya the truth…the tourism pimps and hoes will cover it all up until everyone including their useless corrupt selves get sick and or die…public nuisances.

    “Naked. I hope u had great Sunday. Naked I worked for a west coast hotel that at this time it’s up and down 50%to 75% occupancy with the British. Naked the tourist although they say they are vascinated they are infected with Delta and not adhering protocols and management would not do or say anything but allowing them spread the Delta to staff and by extension their are threaten with dismissal if we gossip about leakage. Naked last year the Company give us these paper dresses to put on over our clothes and they called them hazmat suits , Naked we have been using these one time wear disposable dresses from the interception of COVID-19 and the company don’t see it fit to give new ones. We the house keeping staff are not to come in to direct contact with the guest but we are still ask to, we have to clean rooms when they are out but the maintenance staff have to enter rooms daily with contaminated guest that how staff is picking up the virus. Guest are not adhering and walking around the property with out guest told a staff they know ways around getting paperwork showing PCR test ,it’s nothing to doubt .Some of the staff including me have been calling the hotline and nothing they just take.Now regarding quarantining , staff who have been suspected to have come in contact with an infectious person, yes are send home to quarantine while management stay in hotel until the all clear is given or positive results. Now I listened to these Covid conference and in my opinion it’s nonsense these briefing don’t add up , I remember we had a family of nine all tested positive and that week back then it Never showed on the Covid chart board.i can say too that the beginning of the summer season we haven’t gone a week with out an infected persons. Last week was my last week.

    Sign fed up worker.”

  10. NZ woman dies after receiving Pfizer vaccine

    New Zealand has reported what it believes to be its first death linked to the Pfizer Covid-19 vaccine.

    An independent vaccine safety monitoring board said the woman’s death was “probably” due to myocarditis or inflammation of the heart muscle, a rare side effect of the jab.

    It also noted there were other medical issues which could have “influenced the outcome following vaccination”.

    The official cause of death has not yet been determined.

    However, the Covid-19 Vaccine Independent Safety Monitoring Board said the myocarditis was “probably due to vaccination”.

    “This is the first case in New Zealand where a death in the days following vaccination has been linked to the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine. While the Centre for Adverse Reactions Monitoring has received other reports of deaths in someone recently vaccinated, none are considered related to vaccination,” it said in a statement.

    The woman’s death is being investigated further and a coroner is due to rule on the case. Officials have not released any further details, including the woman’s age.

    Myocarditis is a “very rare” side effect of the Covid vaccines made by Pfizer and Moderna, according to regulators in Europe.

  11. Shut down the nasty hotels in Barbados permanently, it’s only a few who actually adher to protocols when it comes to diseased tourists…stop working for them completely…and spread the word….keep as much of the next generation out of that FRAUD INDUSTRY of slavery…

  12. @Pacha

    18 months on the virus continues to be a challenge this cannot be refuted.

  13. Churches feel ‘targeted’

    Some see latest Covid-19 protocols as ‘Peter pay for Paul’

    SOME CHURCH LEADERS are concerned that Government may be using a “Peter pay for Paul” approach in trying to contain COVID-19 clusters that have popped up at a few places of worship.
    At least three church elders told the DAILY NATION yesterday they were worried that faith based organisations were being treated differently to other institutions as the country grapples with the ongoing pandemic.
    Their sentiments come in the wake of the new COVID-19 health protocols that took effect from yesterday, which includes a limit of 25 people for inhouse worship regardless of the church’s size.
    On Saturday, Attorney General Dale Marshall announced Government’s plans for a meeting with the heads of faith-based organisations.
    “It is an interesting time right now with the restrictions and the church especially as sometimes we feel the brunt of them,” said Apostle Stephen Holford of New Dimension Ministries.
    “On social media there are people that are saying all churches should be shut down which I don’t agree with. When a business has issues with the virus you don’t hear talk that all the businesses should close down.
    “I think if there is a church that has an issue, deal with that church. As you do with businesses, you close the church and you do the sanitisation procedures. So all the churches don’t have to close down, it should be on a case by case basis.”
    Holford said he felt
    as though faith-based organisations were being singled out or targeted in some way and “when there is a cluster, it seems as if it is highlighted more and stressed on”.
    “But church people don’t live in the church, they live in communities, they work and it is not necessarily a case where the cluster started in the church. It may have affected the church because people who contract the virus would have come to church not knowing because they may be asymptomatic.”
    Bishop Dr Marlon Husbands, pastor of Sanctuary Empowerment Centre, also said he was concerned about the handling of churches.
    “I don’t believe the Government is trying to be vindictive. I think they are trying to grapple with the realistic nature of what we are confronted with. But if a business has an outbreak they are isolated and dealt with individually. Unfortunately, I don’t feel that is the case with the church.
    “With the church (it appears that it is) Peter pays for Paul and I believe that must be relooked,” he said.
    Head of the Barbados Christian Council, Reverend Dr Cicely Athill-Horsford said there were church leaders within the council who felt as if they were being punished.
    She said: “One of the main concerns is why all the churches are being punished for the churches that have the clusters. Our churches have been following the protocols to the T and we have defended the church, saying it is not the problem; but now it’s like we don’t have a foot to stand on and with that we are concerned. We have been part of the social partnership meetings and our contributions have been used to shape policies.
    “So we want to know how we can help Government to help get back on track and help the churches that had the outbreaks.”
    Athill-Horsford said she is going to meet with the elders that make up the ten denominations of the council and discuss their other concerns and suggestions they may have for the upcoming meeting with Government.
    Both Holford and Husbands said they wanted to discuss the limit of church attendees as the current limit did not take into consideration the capacity of large and medium-sized churches.
    In July, Kingdom Culture International Church in Fontabelle St Michael, was closed for a few weeks due to a COVID-19 cluster of 33 positive cases that eventually increased.
    Similarly, World Harvest Church in Speightstown St Peter was the centre of media attention when a cluster was reported there in April. Nine of the 12 cases identified among 576 tests conducted on Thursday April 15 were directly or indirectly connected to that church.
    Last Friday Minister of Health Jeffrey Bostic said that 13 of the 48 new cases announced that day were from a church.

    Source: Nation

  14. Warning against forced vaccination

    HEAD OF THE STEERING COMMITTEE of the Barbados Concerned Citizens Against Mandated and Coerced Vaccinations, Winston Clarke is demanding Government warn employers against “forcing” employees to take the COVID-19 vaccine.
    “I am very upset about the discrimination being meted out to employees in particular. The Government has not come out and said anything strongly to suggest that they do not condone what the employers are doing.
    “I haven’t heard anything that will make me change my mind that they have taken a stance. They told me they don’t condone it, but I need them to come out in the media and state it emphatically; that any employer who is in contravention of the Employment Rights Act will face the fullest brunt of the law,” he told the DAILY NATION.
    Clarke said last week he met with Prime Minister Mia Mottley, Attorney General Dale Marshall, Minister of Home Affairs Wilfred Abrahams, Minister of Labour Colin Jordan and Minister of Education Santia Bradshaw via Zoom.
    Clarke, who recently staged a march from Pelican Village to Independence Square, The City protesting mandatory vaccination, said even though Pfizer had been approved by the FDA and for use in children over 12, there had been reports of children with myocarditis.
    “As far as the children are concerned, they are telling me children with exemptions will not have to take it. But I don’t know how they can classify this COVID-19 vaccine to the MMR (measles, mumps and rubella) vaccine which is something children were taking before going into school.
    He said Government should have gone to the parents instead of the Parent Teacher Associations and paediatricians to inquire of them how they felt.
    “They should stop allowing the employers to intimidate these people with testing,” Clarke said, adding that children under a certain age should not be made to undergo PCR tests, but instead have saliva tests done.
    Lumumba Batson, member of the Rastafari Progressive
    Movement, said they would not be waning from their stance of pro-choice.
    “They keep bringing up these numbers and this variant and it is not a pandemic. People are still going around Barbados like normal, so I don’t really understand it,” he said.
    Regarding children being vaccinated, Batson said no one seemed to know the threshold to determine if a child was COVID-19 positive or not.
    “Just because you want to vaccinate children, all of a sudden, we are hearing about children. When they wanted to vaccinate old people we were hearing about old people. Every time they pick an age, they always pick somebody to die in that age group or be critical and say this is it,” he said.
    Meantime Clarke vehemently refuted claims that his recent march was in any part responsible for the current spike in COVID-19 positive cases.
    “This is more than three weeks since that march. We have not had one cluster affiliated with the march. Not one sick person, and I have the database. The Minister of Health said he has no evidence of that. [Prime Minister] Mia Mottley even admitted to that and said she would not go there,” he said. (RA)

    Source: Nation

  15. “An independent vaccine safety monitoring board said the woman’s death was “probably” due to myocarditis or inflammation of the heart muscle, a rare side effect of the jab.”

    a rare side effect in women, happens more in young males who take Pfizer and happening more and more…..that’s why people believe that young men should be given Astrazenaca instead, switch it around….
    .am sure they are busy researching as we type…

    ..some people’s bodies just CANNOT handle any of the vaccines…and don’t let any MEDICAL LIAR tell ya otherwise, there are many cases…a percentage…that says otherwise….but compared to the devastation of long haul covid or severe symptoms causing deaths… it’s still smaller…

    there is no winning here, we can only hope it leaves on its own…no matter how unlikely that looks at this point…

  16. I Don’t Mind, Live Good Today

    I don’t know if the sun will rise
    I don’t know if I’ll be around tomorrow
    Ooh I don’t know

    If I’m around then I’ll try to do
    All the good things that a man should want to do
    Ooh ooh yeah

    Will this mind of mine think what is good to think
    Yes my mind would
    I’d be good and kind to all my fellow men
    Ooh oh yeah

    I would smile at all things that should make me frown
    Yes I would
    If I could only see tomorrow

    Oh yeah

    But, I don’t know if the sun will rise
    How do I know if I’m going to see tomorrow
    No I don’t know I say

    If I do I should try to do
    all the good things that a man should want to do
    Ooh-ooh yeah
    Oh yeah

    Now today has gone and leave
    It’s why I live
    and tomorrow is coming down

    Listen to the music
    as it carefully rolls along

    I don’t know if the sun will rise
    How do I know if I’m going to see tomorrow
    If I do I will try to do
    all the good things that a man should want to do
    Ooh-ooh yeah
    I’ll say today has gone and leave

    I don’t know if the sun will rise
    How do I know if I’m going to see tomorrow
    Ooh how could I know

    Bird In Hand, Milte Hi Ankhen, Happy Roots,

  17. Bird In Hand, Milte Hi Ankhen, Happy Roots,

    The lyrics, translated, go something like this:

    Milte hi aankhein dil hua deewana kissi ka (x 2)
    Afsana mera ban gaya afsana kissi ka
    Puchho na mohabbat ka asar, haay na puchho
    Dam bhara mein koyi ho gaya, parwaana kisika
    Afsaana mera ban gaya, afsaana kisika

    As soon as eyes met, somebody’s heart went mad
    My tale has happened, somebody’s tale
    Don’t ask me love’s effect, Oh! don’t ask
    I took a breath and somebody happened, somebody’s lover.

  18. “They told me they don’t condone it, but I need them to come out in the media and state it emphatically; that any employer who is in contravention of the Employment Rights Act will face the fullest brunt of the law,” he told the DAILY NATION.

    Clarke said last week he met with Prime Minister Mia Mottley, Attorney General Dale Marshall, Minister of Home Affairs Wilfred Abrahams, Minister of Labour Colin Jordan and Minister of Education Santia Bradshaw via Zoom.”

    all frauds and liars.

    corrupt governments do not lock up corrupt CRIMINAL employers…the people have to take A MUCH STRONGER STANCE…and SHUT DOWN the economy….Guyanese have the dirty racist government SCRAMBLING…

    i have not heard of one person in that march contracting Covid, and some did not wear masks….these liars will come up with anything to save their sorry Judas asses….none of which will work this time around…..infections are coming DIRECTLY from the hotels via ports of entry…

    only yardfowls/Slaves are paying attention to them….cause they are just like them…corrupt in mind, thoughts and deeds.

  19. DavidAugust 30, 2021 5:02 AM


    18 months on the virus continues to be a challenge this cannot be refuted.


    If you do the same thing over and over again and it does not work it is time to rethink what you are doing.

    The virus will forever be a challenge and I suspect getting worse in the longer term if we continue as we are going.

    Yet, there is a way of eradicating it.

    All we have to do different is shut down one (or more) pumping stations for the 60 day period and see if we get a different result.

    We need to know in which distribution area most of the cases are occurring.

    Deliberately hiding it from the people who are berated every 60 days for not following the protocols not only perpetuates the challenge but also creates bigger challenges.

    Messing with people’s lives and livelihoods is fraught with danger.

  20. What changed in Taiwan to cause a 200 day streak of zero cases to become a spike?

  21. Johnny
    Where do you derive the propensity to present this crazy water theory without a scintilla of evidence?

  22. “Wed, Jan 27, 2021 page12
    Wells, desalination plant to tackle water shortage
    BUILT IN ADVANCE: The emergency wells would contribute 336,000 tonnes of water daily and the desalination plant 200,000 tonnes, the economics minister said
    By Angelica Oung / Staff reporter

    The Ministry of Economic Affairs has deployed 159 emergency wells and created an emergency desalinization plant to tackle a difficult water shortage the nation is facing, Deputy Minister of Economic Affairs Tseng Wen-sheng (曾文生) said yesterday.

    The two resources would together contribute more than half a million tonnes of water to the nation’s daily supply, Tseng said after a meeting at the Central Emergency Operation Center focusing on the water situation in the nation.

    By early next month, the emergency wells would be contributing 336,000 tonnes of water daily and the emergency desalinization plant in Hsinchu County would be contributing 200,000 tonnes, he said.”

    For water …..

    One metric tonne = 1 Cubic Metres.

    1/2 million metric tonnes = 1/2 million cubic metres

    One Cubic metre ~ 265 gallons.

    So that’s about 132.5 million gallons per day if the math is right.

    In Barbados, we consume around 40 million gallons per day.

  23. How are the cases distributed across Barbados?

    Are they clustered in water distribution areas?

    A simple diagram like this one for Taiwan will tell us all we need to know!!

  24. Having SARS-CoV-2 once confers much greater immunity than a vaccine—but no infection parties, please
    By Meredith WadmanAug. 26, 2021 , 8:00 PM

    The natural immune protection that develops after a SARS-CoV-2 infection offers considerably more of a shield against the Delta variant of the pandemic coronavirus than two doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine, according to a large Israeli study that some scientists wish came with a “Don’t try this at home” label. The newly released data show people who once had a SARS-CoV-2 infection were much less likely than never-infected, vaccinated people to get Delta, develop symptoms from it, or become hospitalized with serious COVID-19.
    Get more great content like this delivered right to you!

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    The study demonstrates the power of the human immune system, but infectious disease experts emphasized that this vaccine and others for COVID-19 nonetheless remain highly protective against severe disease and death. And they caution that intentional infection among unvaccinated people would be extremely risky. “What we don’t want people to say is: ‘All right, I should go out and get infected, I should have an infection party.’” says Michel Nussenzweig, an immunologist at Rockefeller University who researches the immune response to SARS-CoV-2 and was not involved in the study. “Because somebody could die.”

    The researchers also found that people who had SARS-CoV-2 previously and received one dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccine were more highly protected against reinfection than those who once had the virus and were still unvaccinated. The new work could inform discussion of whether previously infected people need to receive both doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine or the similar mRNA vaccine from Moderna. Vaccine mandates don’t necessarily exempt those who had a SARS-CoV-2 infection already and the current U.S. recommendation is that they be fully vaccinated, which means two mRNA doses or one of the J&J adenovirus-based vaccine. Yet one mRNA dose might be enough, some scientists argue. And other countries including Germany, France, Italy, and Israel administer just one vaccine dose to previously infected people.

  25. David
    We are very suspicious about this “Donna Monkey” character.

    We trust it is not a perceived enemy of maDonna or Diana – The Godness.

  26. @Green Monkey

    So we tell people do not worry, become infected because it confers greater immunity. What about the risk while the body is working to develop that immunity? Is this not the reason we use vaccines to mitigate that risk?

  27. @ David August 30, 2021 5:10 AM

    It is a fact that many participants of the protest did not wear masks. Why isn’t Clarke in prison by now? Our judiciary and police expose themselves to the charge of racism when they sentence tourists to heavy fines for breaking Corona protocol, but not Clarke and others.

    There must be no false privilege in the Corona fight! Lock Clarke and all politicians of the opposition up who speak out against Corona vaccination and who support protests without mask.

  28. Totally unlikely when people are becoming infected 2 and 3 times and still not vaccinated…like the football player…immunity don’t stand a chance with MUTATING variants, just like vaccines don’t

    ….Israel screwed up already, they are not exactly the best source of science to follow at this time…until they can get their raging high rates of infections in the VACCINATED controlled….they just stopped vaccinated people from entering the country, don’t know if they lifted the ban yet…

  29. What we know is as the number of caronavirus infections rise employers will push harder in the name of protecting the workplace for employees to vaccinate. The obligation it seems is for employers to offer an equitable option to employees who refuse. We will see.

  30. This is the type of information available in Taiwan.

  31. PachamamaAugust 30, 2021 6:46 AM

    We are very suspicious about this “Donna Monkey” character.


    Possibly a Freudian slip.

  32. Barbados’ corrupt criminal minorities can go to hell and take their house nigas with them..

    the people can START making other arrangements to secure their HEALTH, SURVIVAL and FUTURE and i dare any of the abovementioned CRIMINALS to try to stop them…

  33. Johnny
    Only that Frued himself was a fraud.

  34. Johnny

    And in one spiritual way of being The Monkey is deified.

    However, it is your kind who are want to associate African peoples with this monkey talk, derisively. As thought we are not your Mother and that we all did not evolve from single celled organisms. You being last, of course.

  35. DavidAugust 30, 2021 6:47 AM

    @Green Monkey

    So we tell people do not worry, become infected because it confers greater immunity. What about the risk while the body is working to develop that immunity? Is this not the reason we use vaccines to mitigate that risk?


    Valid points except it is more likely that a decision to purposely seek infection would be a personal one.

    Maybe that is why cases are on the rise as vaccinations rise.

    Whether the vaccinated are Typhoid Marys or the unvaccinated seek to infect themselves the result should be the same, herd immunity.

    I however doubt that anyone would tempt fate.

  36. 🎵I’d rather be a monkey than an ass
    Full of gas
    Like you always pass
    Thank God for masks!

    I am as immune to the monkey reference as I am to the “N” word.

    No damage done!

  37. Rebranding on BU. Donna Monkey is possibly Donna switching to his Green Monkey moniker but making an error revealing his petticoat which is a problem when using multiple IDs which I have not done for more than 60 moons and use my residential address instead… or it could be John Knox who used to allegedly be Jack Bowman the most caustic biting bigger troll of Barbados impersonating Donna and Green Monkey or it could even be someone else lurking in the shadows of the Underground

    But, Who cares..

    We should stick to the plan
    that we started from

    which is the original style

    Rockers Music

    It dread in a Jamdown
    it kind of dread in a Trenchtown

    it kind of dread in a America
    it kind of dread all over

    A natty dub it in a Jamdown
    A natty dub it in a Trenchtown

    A natty dub it in a America
    A natty dub it all over

    For natty music dread
    They call it rockers yo

    We dub it a ghetto
    A so we dub it all over

    Natty dub it in a party
    to some dread kind of rockers

    we build up in a corner
    A natty dread feel high

    for natty music dread
    they call it rockers yah

    we dub it in a ghetto
    and then we dub it all over

  38. Black Star
    I saw a star up there
    the star of sufferation
    but it is the sufferation
    of my people

    We should all channel the Spirit of Scratch
    the Spirit of Scratch lives on in us
    inside the right hemisphere of out our brain
    the creative side
    the hempishere

    Natty Dread in a Babylon
    Super Ape

  39. But when the unvaccinated get infected the hospitals are over-run. Because…. they get sicker!

    And the morgues are over-run also!

    And too besides, the delta variant is more contagious but no more deadly than the other viruses.

    What would be the point of deliberately catching another variant to acquire immunity to delta??????

    🎵There was an old woman who swallowed a fly
    I don’t know why she swallowed a fly
    Perhaps she’ll die.

    There was an old woman who swallowed a spider
    That wriggled and wriggled right down inside her
    She swallowed the spider to catch the fly
    But I don’t no why she swallowed a fly
    Perhaps she’ll die.

    There was an old woman who swallowed a bird
    How absurd! She swallowed a bird
    She swallowed the bird to catch the spider
    That wriggled and wriggled right down inside her
    She swallowed the spider to catch the fly
    But I don’t know why she swallowed a fly
    Perhaps she’ll die.

    Oh lordie! Getting more absurd by the day!

    Cowpox is not deadly like covid. Smallpox strategy makes no sense.

  40. “Oh lordie! Getting more absurd by the day!”

    I must exit the Covid business again.
    The degree of nonsense is increasing. We are supposed to learn as time passes but some are just dragging sh*t into the discussion. It’s ridiculous.

  41. The lesson to be learnt from the Taiwan experience appears to be all the protocols prior to January 27 when the Taiwan Government added the water sources made no difference.

    Before, they are peanuts and their effect on what is a minor problem is in the two small circles.

    Once the virus is in the water the protocols are a waste of time.

  42. …and now Taiwan is on its way to receiving rain.

  43. Theo…look at it as a DEADLY DISTRACTION…that is NOT WORKING…only the numb in mind cannot see what is really in play….keep abreast but NEVER GET DISTRACTED…

  44. John son of Marjorie Knox ex-owner of plantation land
    says over and over again..
    “The lesson to be learnt from the .. blah blah blah..
    blah blah blah.. blah blah blah blah.. “

    But, he should practice Isha Kriya
    detachment of the body and mind
    meditation for 49 days
    to be in tune with his body mind and soul
    it is a very strong and powerful practice

  45. Numbers are light as people don’t go to doctors or get tested unless they are really really sick
    i.e. when they are losing the game and covid is winning the battle

    my resistance is getting stronger

  46. 555,

    You should quit the detective business.

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