The COVID 19 virus is wrecking havoc on the Barbados landscape based on the number of infections experienced in recent days. Our worse fears are being realised with 92 reported infections listed in the recent dashboard. During a press conference yesterday authorities advised current trajectory if left unchecked could see 500 cases of Covid 19 infections daily starting as early from next week.

Another interesting revelation from the authorities is that unvaccinated persons AND children are showing high on the infected trendline.

Source: Barbados Government Covid 19 Unit

Here is a simple bit of advice to Barbadians, unvaccinated AND vaccinated people – follow the rh Covid 19 protocols – wear your mask properly (not under your neck or with nose exposed), practice good hygiene by washing your hands and avoid rubbing eyes and nose, and keep your distance (in other words, assume the person standing next to you has the virus, especially if they do not belong to your household bubble).

A look at the Covid 19 charts compiled by BU resource Lyall Small and updated to BU Sidebar to the right of the BU Homepage – the data paints the worrying trend. Unlike all the many armchair experts the BU blogmaster cannot offer definitive advice EXCEPT to follow the guidance of the medical fraternity.

The blogmaster will resist being prolix because of all the writing posted about COVID 19. In summary, our rate of COVID 19 infections is spiking, we need to arrest it because our fragile economy does not have the capacity to withstand the sustain shock given the demands on it. Kudos to the government for building capacity in the healthcare system to manage a large numbers of Covid 19 infected people. We have the Cuban and Ghanaian nurses who will have the opportunity to earn pay.

The fear of the blogmaster is with a general election approaching political rhetoric from all sides will not help to guide the thoughts of a local population caused by COVID 19 and flailing economic fatigue.

Relevant Link: Government Information Service

366 responses to “Covid 19 and Economy Fatigue ‘Virus’ Spike”

  1. @ de xmas 🥮

    Masey Green said “ TheO sharpening he tool getting all ready for Xmas in September”

    What is she talking about???

  2. Our Supreme Leader must now finally show strength and not exercise false political considerations. We need a total ban on churches, mosques in persona as well as a total ban on any protest because the plague is obviously transmitted there.

    I also wonder why our judiciary has not yet sentenced any participants in the anti-vacc demonstration. If our judiciary continues to sleep and let offenders go, citizens will have to take the law into their own hands. We obviously have a state of ultra-emergency. If the judiciary refuses to act because it may want to protect relatives and friends who participated in the anti-vacc-protest, it is even a citizen’s DUTY under the present emergency laws to act on their own.

  3. Critical Analyzer Avatar
    Critical Analyzer

    @Tron August 29, 2021 10:29 AM

    The COVID people confirmed there were no cases from the protest so stop spreading you agenda.

    Outdoor events don’t spread COVID. Indoor places with poor air circulation is where spread occurs but you want to pick on the people who can’t defend themselves instead of forcing people to fix their sick rooms and bad air conditioning.

  4. “We have an important event scheduled in 2023. This is the most important thing influencing decisions by local politicians and leaders.”

    (Right…) It’s halftime
    (Right…) Aiyyo, it’s halftime
    (Right…) It’s halftime
    (Right…) Yeah, it’s about halftime
    This is how it feel, check it out, how it feel

  5. @TheoG
    I knew it was not going to last. The eager anticipation of Michele Russell column has dissipated.
    You are a week late but better late than never, last week she equated the position of those who are vaccine “hesitant” with those who refuse to take their medication for HBP and/or diabetes.

  6. It is always a challenge to find something worthwhile to write about every week.


    Jamaica – 3910
    (pop approx 2,961,000)

    Trinidad – 1334
    (pop approx 1,399,000)

    St Lucia – 758
    (pop approx 183,600)

    Guyana – 631
    (pop approx 786,000)

    Barbados – 329
    (pop approx 287,000)

    Dominica – 315
    (pop approx 72,000)

    Extracted from Twitter

  8. 邱慧芳傳授太極基本「八法五步」

    Can anyone here or there in this online forum do the Ba Fa Wu Bu

    Qiu Huifang explains Ba Fa Wu Bu (Eight Methods, Five Steps) details

  9. De people for the people’s

    “It is always a challenge to find something worthwhile .”
    That’s dedication… 🙌🏿

  10. DavidAugust 29, 2021 11:04 AM


    Jamaica – 3910
    (pop approx 2,961,000)

    Trinidad – 1334
    (pop approx 1,399,000)

    St Lucia – 758
    (pop approx 183,600)

    Guyana – 631
    (pop approx 786,000)

    Barbados – 329
    (pop approx 287,000)

    Dominica – 315
    (pop approx 72,000)


    Taiwan exemplary then had a problem ….. fixed it!!

    Dominica was exemplary. Spike in last 2 weeks but seems to be returning to normal.

    Barbados …. every 60 days the same shite!!

    … and de cases rising.

  11. Will be interesting to watch how cases in Louisiana respond to the dowsing it is expected to get.

    Expected rainfall is 20 inches, could almost say it will get a purging!!

    Here’s what cases look like now.

    Seem to have reached a peak and are falling.

  12. Our honourable government should publish who exactly is infected with Corona, also where and where the infected live. That would help a lot to avoid these people. As far as I know, only the masses are currently infected anyway, but not the gentry on the heights. One should therefore avoid contact with the population and consume the champagne at one’s own swimming pool.

    For the rest, if we do not get the problem under control during the winter season and our people once again drive the tourism industry to the wall as they did last December with the sex orgy on the so-called “bus crawl”, our government should pay reparations to our businessmen and to the tourism industry. We could counter-finance this by increasing VAT on basic foodstuffs.

  13. FROM BB Today: “She also indicated that statistics are showing that the majority of infected people are unvaccinated, and explained that 95 per cent of those who tested positive on August 25 were unvaccinated. Eighty-five per cent of the persons who tested positive on August 26 were unvaccinated.”

    Given this clear picture, those who still support the anti-vaccination movement – like the opposition, especially the DLP, the outspoken senator (he speaks out against compulsory vaccination) and some nefarious QCs – must be punished. I call for long prison sentences for the above-mentioned persons, and in particular for the lawyers of the anti-vaccinationists to be disbarred. Our government must act quickly now!

  14. Why is it that the more persons who are vaccinated in Barbados the more cases are found?

  15. When everybody is vaccinated and the cases keep rising who will be left to berate?

  16. A grim warning from Israel: Vaccination blunts, but does not defeat Delta

    “Now is a critical time,” Israeli Minister of Health Nitzan Horowitz said as the 56-year-old got a COVID-19 booster shot on 13 August, the day his country became the first nation to offer a third dose of vaccine to people as young as age 50. “We’re in a race against the pandemic.”

    His message was meant for his fellow Israelis, but it is a warning to the world. Israel has among the world’s highest levels of vaccination for COVID-19, with 78% of those 12 and older fully vaccinated, the vast majority with the Pfizer vaccine. Yet the country is now logging one of the world’s highest infection rates, with nearly 650 new cases daily per million people. More than half are in fully vaccinated people, underscoring the extraordinary transmissibility of the Delta variant and stoking concerns that the benefits of vaccination ebb over time.

  17. @ John August 29, 2021 5:27pm

    “When everybody is vaccinated and the cases keep rising who will be left to berate?”

    De biopharmaceuticals.

  18. Critical Analyzer Avatar
    Critical Analyzer

    @John August 29, 2021 5:26 PM

    Why is it that the more persons who are vaccinated in Barbados the more cases are found?

    Simple answer: The vaccinated people helping to spread it.

    Explanation:When an infected vaccinated person can still carry the same viral load as an infected unvaccinated person; vaccinated persons can still catch and more importantly transmit COVID while displaying less symptoms and severe disease than the unvaccinated,

    Each vaccinated individual has potentially been turned into a Typhoid Mary putting the unvaccinated at risk.

  19. Choices.

    De business community in BDS can assist with de PPE protocols.
    No mask, no enter.

  20. @ CA

    “ Each vaccinated individual has potentially been turned into a Typhoid Mary putting the unvaccinated at risk.”

    I’m no way near your caliber of expertise. However, can you direct me to your source.

  21. @ CA


    My source for “D” is dirt and “E” represents earth.

    Does that make sense to you??

  22. “Typhoid Mary” oh dear me!

    Tell me how I have become a Typhoid Mary!

    I wear my mask. I physical distance. No known cases in the three places that I visit every two weeks. No call from the one place that takes my contact info.

    The truth is that the cases are up because of a more contagious variant but the hospitalisation and deaths of the vaccinated are negligable.

    I have made my choice to protect myself from serious illness. You have made your choice.

    You are not the only one with the right to make a choice.

  23. Q1: Why is it that the more persons who are vaccinated in Barbados the more cases are found?
    A1: The answer lies in another more pertinent question..

    Q2: If these people were not vaccinated would the cases be higher or lower than they are now
    (You can chose not to answer like Bajans do when they know they are wrong)
    (but we all know you are wrong)
    (when you are wrong you are really really wrong)
    (if you want good your nose have to run)
    (300 is still low)

  24. 555,

    You are still laughing? Have you not heard that Lee “Scratch” Perry is dead?

  25. @CA

    Does the caronavirus mutate in vaccinated persons?

  26. Critical Analyzer Avatar
    Critical Analyzer

    @Dirt Farmer

    Instead of asking me for a study to support my ‘potential’ Typhoid Mary reasoning, go look at super highly vaccinated Israel’s COVID graphs.

    Why don’t you ask the medical and public health experts for the studies that prove the vaccines will provide herd immunity at whatever increasingly higher percentage they keep spouting every week. Last I heard was 90%.

    More importantly, ask for the study showing the risk of your child having blood clots or permanent heart damage from the vaccine versus the risk of severe illness or death in normal healthy children.

  27. Donna

    I did not know that
    Thanks for telling me

    Life is a flower
    Life is gone easy

    RIP £$P

  28. @CA
    More importantly, ask for the study showing the risk of your child having blood clots or permanent heart damage from the vaccine versus the risk of severe illness or death in normal healthy children
    How about your study showing that the hospitals are full of children suffering from the side effects of the vaccine.

  29. @CA

    In de future, attached your documented references. Im not privy to your timely data.

  30. It is more accurate to ascertain how many people die normally from blog clots.

  31. Critical Analyzer Avatar
    Critical Analyzer

    @David August 29, 2021 8:41 PM

    It mutates in some minor way whenever it passes from one person to another. Mutations happen when the virus replicates in your cells. The replication process is not perfect so that is where the mutation takes place. Th vast majority are insignificant but dangerous mutations give you the variants of concern like Delta.

    That is why the weak vaccines we have that do not stop or significantly reduce the chance of transmission are never going to stop the pandemic and why vaccinated people are being asked to maintain the same mask, etc. protocols as the unvaccinated.

    Viral replication and mutation will continue unabated sooner or later resulting in a variant that totally escapes the vaccine. It is inevitable unless the transmission chain can be reliably broken.

  32. You do not agree vaccines have suppressed the possibility of getting seriously or dying?

  33. Critical Analyzer Avatar
    Critical Analyzer

    @Sargeant August 29, 2021 8:58 PM
    The hospitals are neither full of children with COVID nor vaccine injury. However, there have been reported cases of blood clots, myocarditis/perocarditis which damage the heart muscle, damaged heart muscle does not repair itself.

    Before you tell me I have to vaccinate my child to attend school with something that has a miniscle chance to disable my child vs a miniscle chance of sever illness/death from COVID, show me the studies you looked at comparing the risks associated with the two choices.

  34. Most COVID-19 Patients at Israel Hospital Fully Vaccinated, Doctor Calls Mandates ‘Diabolic’

    The majority of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) patients in an Israeli hospital are fully vaccinated, including those with severe disease, according to one of the hospital’s doctors.

    On Aug. 5, Dr. Kobi Haviv, medical director of Herzog Hospital in Jerusalem, said in a Channel 13 TV News interview, “95% of the severe patients are vaccinated.” Furthermore, “85-90% of the hospitalizations are in fully vaccinated people” and the hospital is “opening more and more COVID wards.”

    The influx of vaccinated patients has led him to conclude that “the effectiveness of the vaccine is waning/fading out.” The hospital’s website states that the center is “Israel’s foremost center for geriatric, respiratory, mental health and psychotrauma care, treatment and research. With 330 beds, Herzog Hospital is the third largest hospital in Jerusalem.”

    Of the 72 hospitalized COVID-19 patients, 25 patients were in “critical condition,” 38 were in “moderate” condition, and 9 were in “mild” condition. There were 2 deaths reported at the time of the interview.

    According to data from the Israeli Minister of Health released on July 22, the effectiveness of the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine at preventing COVID-19 has plummeted from 90 percent to only 39 percent, coinciding with the spread of the Delta variant in the country.

  35. Critical Analyzer Avatar
    Critical Analyzer

    @David August 29, 2021 9:16 PM

    Yes, it greatly reduces serious illness and death for now but who says it will remain that way with some future variants.

    The vaccines are failing at their primary job and that is to achieve herd immunity by stopping transmission.

    We need early treatment drug protocols. i.e. take these prescription/over the counter drugs and 1 week’s sick leave, to permanently end this pandemic.

  36. @CA

    Have you read Jamaica hospitals are out of oxygen?

  37. Critical Analyzer Avatar
    Critical Analyzer

    @David August 29, 2021 9:39 PM

    And there are treatments where if done properly, people will not need oxygen in the first place. Dr. Chetty’s treatment is one such treatment that after a doctor friend of his implemented that same protocol at his hospital, his wards emptied and he was left with too much oxygen.

    The problem is our hospital doctors’ dependence on standard protocols they see are not working and not properly analyse options and apply logic.


  39. Taiwan is an interesting study.

    Here is an expert’s logic for the rise in COVID cases earlier this year, PREVENTION FATIGE.

    It goes like this, sure we have heard it all before.

    ‘Prevention fatigue’ driving sudden COVID surge in Taiwan: Expert
    After months without cases, initial response was a ‘disaster’, island’s former health minister tells Al Jazeera.

    I choose Taiwan because we can see the effect of actions taken to reduce cases.


    Q Have you read Jamaica hospitals are out of oxygen?


  41. Dropping of the guard and all that which we hear from every country as the politicians who are out of their depths berate their populace for somehow purposely not being careful and inflicting COVID on their countries.

    Did this work in Taiwan?

    Why there and everywhere else it did not?

    Are the Taiwanese more skillful in wearing a mask, or social distancing or sanitizing their hands?

    Are Taiwanese lockdowns better than lockdowns the world over?

    Should we be seeking to get a Taiwanese expert over here to instruct us on how to do these simple things?

  42. David
    There seems to be an emerging concensus that this virus cannot be controlled. That variants like Delta will proliferate. Countries like Mexico have vowed not to shut down tourism regardless of Covid numbers. More generally, several other countries seem intent, given fatique, that business per usual should fully restart irrespective of increasing numbers.

  43. Taipei, Taiwan – After 18 months of successfully keeping COVID-19 at bay, Taiwan is now facing a surge in cases after an outbreak was discovered in mid-May.

    From just 1,200 cases and a handful of deaths among the island’s population of 23 million, the number of confirmed cases had reached more than 11,000 by Tuesday and the death toll had risen to 308.

  44. @Critical Analyzer August 29, 2021 9:25 PM “Before you tell me I have to vaccinate my child…”

    Maybe it is not your child.


    So what are you worried about?

  45. “The COVID-19 situation in Taiwan has suddenly become very serious. What do you think went wrong?
    Dating back to April, we started to have this British variant B117 imported from other countries and as you know B117 is a highly infectious virus. The second important characteristic is it causes a lot of asymptomatic and mild cases.

    It started from China Airlines and Novotel employees, then transmitted to New Taipei City and the Lions Clubs, and then transmitted to Yilan and it finally got to Wanhua’s adult entertainment venues, the so-called “tea houses”.

    On May 15, before our Central Epidemic Command Centre (CECC) announced the Level 3 (semi-lockdown) alert, President Tsai Ing-wen called a meeting and invited me. (I said) thousands and thousands of people will be infected this time.

    How do you think the current epidemic procedures are going?
    In the first week of May 15, every day we had around 500 to 600 people infected and my former boss asked me: Is that good enough? I said I cannot say if that’s the peak. But fortunately for the first seven days, it’s 500-600 cases, and the second week is 400 to 500, and then 300 to 400. Now it’s 200 to 300.”

The blogmaster invites you to join the discussion.


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