It is about two weeks since Barbadians were forced to take cover from the La Soufriere volcano ash fall located in St. Vincent. Many of us were not around to witness a similar event in 1902, however, many recall vividly or vaguely depending on ones age 1979. As the 2021 hurricane season approaches, Barbadians through the years have been spared serious fallout from ‘Acts of God’ and an understandable complacent attitude has taken root. The seriousness of the ongoing La Soufriere event may help to change the attitude.

This morning the blogmaster threw open a window and smiled at the sight of a less grey environs. In fact there was a gratifying sense that the effect of the ash fall had become less of an issue as Barbadians – despite the prevailing economic and COVID 19 related challenges – are getting on with the business of managing respective households the best way they know how.

This morning like many mornings gone the blogmaster scanned the international and regional newsfeeds and smiled a wry smile at the involuntary sigh of satisfaction – the blogmaster would not trade places with any other soul living elsewhere at this moment.


415 responses to “I Love You Barbados”

  1. Fact: the Ganges River in India was named in honour of the Black Ethiopian Pharoah Ganges…… who ruled India …. and today there is still a lot of similarities between Indian and Ethiopian food….

  2. I am yet to understand what does it means or entails reconnecting to our African History, since Africa is a vast and diverse continent with little or no Homogeneity. Now Barbadian History indicates that the majority of the slave population brought to Barbados, came from the Biafra of Nigerian and Akan Nation of Ghana, so how are we to determine which of the two groups we belong- since there is no authentic records to point us in that direction?

  3. “I don’t care what anyone says, but I’ve long held the view that you’re an idiot.”

    Efffffffffff! And a boldfaced liar tuh.

  4. There is tendency among West Indian people to think of African History in a homogeneous way, but there is no one unifying culture or language on the African continent.

  5. Enuff, to whom are you speaking?

  6. Fowl Slave Enuff…am not the one with a DAMAGED MIND and low intellect….a yardfowl….don’t know who i am and have no identity….ya ass will soon get thrown out of the US….take time Barney…you and John2 will soon have to scotch on the 2×3…ah hope he went knocking doors in St. George and got a hard punch or kick…nasty yardfowls…yall got a special mention…

  7. wuhloss Miller…check out the BILLION DOLLAR PROJECTS MANAGER…..fowl Slave Enuff…

    only problem…the St. Lucy Project is a BUST…they now have to look for a slave master…no 50 billion dollars to TIEF FROM the descendants of the enslaved to prop up dirty racist minorities….

    keep forgetting i know how to get my hands on that document….damaged goods…

  8. I love Barbados
    But David what on earth are u thinking when u post an article today on the Scantlebury thread taken from Barbados today
    Then close the blog making it impossible for other views to be posted
    David you have fallen into a dangerous trap which is causing u to trip all.over yourself
    A trap of denying free speech and also a trap of being judge and executioner of free speech
    Shame on u

  9. Intellect low but know the enslaved could not have laid the pipes in 1850.🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😭😭

  10. I cannot see a possible unification between the West Indian Blacks, African Americans and Native Africans because our differences are far to great, and added to that, I have tried to learn all I could about the Ghanaian culture, language and way of life, and I still did not felt akin to the Ghanaian people, whom I have known and interacted with for more than thirty years.

  11. I love Barbados

    Puddin and souse
    Cou coo and flying fish
    Roast breadfruit
    Sea egg and white rice
    Fish melts
    Sweet bread
    Salt bread and fish cakes
    Sugar cakes
    Hog plums
    Peas and rice
    Bake poor
    Oh a good ole fashioned rum and coke
    Now what did I forget

  12. you are too IGNORANT to know that though slavery was abolished…it continued WAY PAST 1850 in EVERY SLAVE COUNTRY and there are still REMNANTS of it in Barbados today…’s a SLAVE SOCIETY…short memory syndrome, it’s been merely MONTHS that Prof Shillary was asking EU to end it….

    hope this is starting to SINK IN because am not in the spoonfeeding business……every group mentioned below can PRACTICE their ancestral history, education, cultural traditions, spiritual leaning .//\..they can even HOMESCHOOL their children without problems from the ministry of MISEDUCATION… b ut up to couple years ago, Black parents were arrested for doing the same…

    .everyone can practice their ancestral identities EXCEPT for the Black/African populaiton on the island, who were FORBIDDEN…..ya should ask ya EVIL, CONNIVING, deceitful black face leaders WHY….

    not knowing you ancestral history, education, culture and traditions should be a crime….EVERY GROUP ON EARTH KNOW THEIR ANCESTRY…every group except those in Barbados who call themselves Bajans….maybe yall should ask the Rasta Community to teach yall about yours… least the basics and MOST OF THE INFORMATION IS ONLINE… know more ya have to RECONNECT TO THE CONTINENT…directly to the SOURCE..

    whites know theirs regardless of the circumstance surrounding it

    asians/chinese know theirs

    indians/natives to the Americas etc know theirs

    the first people’s of the Caribbean know theirs

    arabs know theirs…


  13. hope this is starting to SINK IN because am not in the spoonfeeding business……every group mentioned below can PRACTICE their ancestral history, education, cultural traditions, spiritual leaning, ANCESTRAL LANGUAGES .//..they can even HOMESCHOOL their children without problems from the ministry of MISEDUCATION… but up to couple years ago, Black parents were arrested for doing the same…

    even forgot to mention that SLAVE LAWS and SLAVE CODES still remain on Barbados’ statute book because the sellout nigas are determined to keep Black/Africans as slaves in Barbados, they want JAILING….

  14. Do tell of the slavery that continued.

  15. I didnt lie fowl Slave i had the Paramount chiefs from Jamaica in my head when i posted it….they too are playing a big part for REPATRIATION…they wont want anti-African fowl Slave Lorenza though…..did Mia and John King tell the Black population about this.

    “To: Senator, the Hon Mr. Jerome Walcott, Minister of Foreign Affairs & Foreign Trade, (MFAFT);
    Cc: Hon Mia Amor Mottley, Prime Minister of Barbados;
    Hon John King, Minister in the Prime Minister’s Office with responsibility for Culture & The NDC;
    Senator, the Rev’d Dr John Rogers;
    Most Honourable, Dr Anthony Gabby Carter;
    Ian Carrington, Director of Finance & Economic Affairs;
    Simone Rudder, Permanent Secretary, (MFAFT);
    Jehu Wiltshire, Permanent Secretary, Ministry with responsibility for Culture & The NDC in the PM’s Office;
    Emmanuel Frimpong, Ghana Tourism Federation, (GHATOF);
    Kevin Farmer, Deputy Director, Barbados Museum & Historical Society;
    Jewel Forde, Executive Producer, The Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation;

    Date: April 23, 2021

    Subject: Inaugural Meeting of Paramount Chiefs of Ghana

    Facilitator: Phil Phillips, Commercial Attaché (Designate), Barbados High Commission, Ghana & West Africa

    I am filled with excitement when I hear our brothers and sisters are coming back home. I can’t wait to meet and receive you; I can’t wait any longer. The words of The Acting House of Chief of Anomabo Traditional Area and Mawerehene of Akuapem Area Nana Obrenpong Kesse (VIII) who delivered these remarks during an exploratory session hosted today designed to test the temperature of some of Ghana’s most influential regional leaders. Paramount Chiefs are always the chief (prince) of the capital of a traditional area and by his primacy is the chairman of the traditional council of the sixteen (16) regions of Ghana. The Chiefs have been involved in the socio-economic development of Ghana through precolonial times. They are also leaders in dispute settlement; codification of customary law and the arrangement of ceremonies and festivals. During the visit by Queen Elizabeth to Ghana in 1961, Ghanaian Kings and Chiefs offered the Royal family opulent gifts of gold.

    Emmanuel Frimpong, Executive Secretary of the Ghana Tourism Federation graciously coordinated and co-chaired today’s session with the following delegation from Ghana:

    1) Nana Obrempong Oboadze Kesse (VIII);* Acting President of Anomabo Traditional Council and Mawerehene of Akuapem Traditional Area;

    3) Nana Konadu Yiadom Kumanin (IV), Ruler of Kona Traditional Area;

    4) Nana Adwoa Enyinfuaa (III) Queen Mother;

    5) Frankj Bekoe, Consul to Nana Konadu Yiadom;

    6) Owusu Adu Boahen, CEO Athena Solutions;

    7) Nancy Gyasi, Travel Facilitations Manager

    Dr Deryck Murray of the Centre for Hybrid Studies traced the ancestral linkages between Ghana and Barbados and cited the plots of 1675 and 1692 led by Cuffee and Hammon respectively along with the revolt of 1816 led by Bussa. He reminded the session enslaved Africans were Warriors, Chiefs and Kings. There was an interesting correlation between the Newton Slave Burial Grounds where 570 slaves were buried and the current responsibility of The Barbados Museum & Historical Society as shared by its Deputy Director Kevin Farmer which now holds responsibility for the maintenance of these grounds. The Deputy Director expressed an interest in a potential Virtual Summit of the sixteen (16) Paramount Chiefs of Ghana and the Barbados High Commission, Ghana which could be staged on Emancipation Day, August 1st, 2021 to formalize a new role under the concept of ancestral diplomacy designed to leverage more than the counting of dollars and cents between the two nations.

    Nana Obrenpong Kesse has promised 250 acres of land to any Barbadian returning to Ghana to build sustainable farming opportunities and of course where produce from these farms could be shipped to Barbados as part of the country’s food security initiative.

    Osusu Adu-Boahem, suggested the relationship with the Chiefs of Ghana should be predicated on the desire to position the citizens of Barbados towards greater economic independence through various models including farming and Ghana’s ability to scale. He has pledged his support towards incorporating the full complement of the sixteen (16) Paramount Chiefs towards the potential summit for August 1st, 2021 and has agreed to stage bi-monthly meetings towards this goal.

    Next Steps:
    a) Presentation paper on methodologies to leverage this unique relationship with the Paramount Chiefs of Ghana to the Minister of Foreign Affairs & Foreign Trade;
    b) Four (4) exploratory virtual meetings with remaining Paramount Chiefs proposed for May 7th; May 14th, May 21st and June 4th;
    c) Final project paper on the virtual summit to be submitted to Minister of Foreign Affairs & Foreign Trade by June 15th;


    a) Nana Obrenpong Kesse was so moved post today’s session he has promised to participate in the potential Summit of Chiefs on Emancipation Day 2021 and is also keen to be in Barbados as the country becomes a Republic nation. He will leverage his influence to seek to achieve the participation of the complement of Paramount Chiefs to both of these milestones as a demonstration of his commitment to Barbados. Nana has already built a Heroes Park in Anomado to welcome our brothers and sisters of the Diaspora to Ghana
    b) The Queen Mother now also seeks to work to build synergies between Barbadian and Ghanaian educational institutions.


  16. yall little 2-bit negros are so DISRESPECTFUL of what ya ancestors experienced form the 1400s right up until until 1970s….that ya are in for a RUDE AWAKENING…

    why dont you tell me how good life was for Black people in Barbados in 1850…ya piece of uneducated shit…

  17. Correct me if I am wrong, but we got our Emancipation between 1834-1838, and the East Indian Indenture started shortly there after in 1838 and ended in 1914.

  18. Here comes the gymnastics.! Lady I don’t know why I wasted my time with you. Now it is about the quality of life. Uh huh…low intellect, uneducated, duncey, low-life, fowl slave; but I know the enslaved could not have laid pipes in 1850.😭🤣

  19. Perhaps, I am wrong here, but I thought the Apprenticeship program started just after Emancipation of 1834 and ended at the commencement of the Indian and Chinese Indenture round about 1838.

  20. The quality of life was NEVER GOOD FOR SLAVES at anytime…that is why there was the 1937 RIOT…they were not getting any wages that could feed them and their families IT’S CALLED SLAVERY …which STILL GOES ON IN Barbados….paying people $ 3US slavery ….$4US….an hour in 2021…is not much different…can’t wait for them to kick ya uppity asses out of US let ya go and work the land, then ya will understand what ya ancestors experienced…i don’t have to do gymnastics for yardfowls or fowl Slaves…am good as gold…

    btw..ya should contact the Paramount Chiefs in Jamaica and LEARN SOMETHING NEW…shed the Slave mind…

  21. Can we have a civil conversation here please….

  22. Yes ……after Emancipation the ex-slaves in Barbados and throughout the English speaking Caribbean wanted a better way to making a living, so they refused to go back to the plantation to work, and this presented a vacuum for the planters, whom opted to going to India and China to filled that labour vacuum. Also many of the ex-slaves protested the Apprenticeship Program because in their minds it amounted to nothing more than the institution which they were chained to.

  23. Any body still eat chicken feet
    I hear when boil they are good for asthma
    That could be fake news also but that story goes wake back before the word fake news came to be a household word and perfected by govt

  24. I love barbados

    Pastor to tell all
    The religious leader whose church in the north has become a COVID-19 cluster, has promised to put his case fully to the public in the coming days.
    Lynroy Scantlebury, the Senior Apostle of World Harvest Ministries International in Speightstown, St Peter said Friday he will explain “what this is all about” while contending that “there is nothing conclusive” to justify blaming his church for the outbreak identified by health authorities.
    Apostle Scantlebury’s church has been under heavy fire from Government authorities and some members of the general public as being responsible for more than 20 COVID-19 cases in recent weeks.
    The outspoken religious leader and his wife are currently in quarantine at a Government-owned facility. Last year, while making an argument for churches to be opened, he noted that the coronavirus would go away when Christians of faith and action tell it to, arguing that instead, they were waiting for it to run its course.
    On Thursday evening, Minister of Health and Wellness Lieutenant Colonel Jeffrey Bostic linked that church to another cluster among security officers at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital where at least 11 positive cases have been identified. Three people connected to a day nursery have also been linked to the church cluster.
    Minister Bostic had also said that some church members who may possibly have been infected were refusing to present themselves to be tested thereby putting others in the country at risk.
    In fact, he called the behaviour “irresponsible” and “reckless”.
    But days after again appealing to the members to come forward and be tested, he thanked them for eventually heeding the call.
    Apostle Scantlebury, who has been presiding over the World Harvest Ministries International for the past 24 years, also unsuccessfully contested the 2018 general election in St Peter when his New Barbados Kingdom Party (NBKP) merged with the Barbados Integrity Movement (BIM) of Neil Holder.
    In April 2020, Scantlebury was also at the centre of controversy in relation to the COVID restrictions.
    As Barbados approached its first Easter without public church services since the first place of worship was erected 392 years ago, he pleaded with Government to permit churches to accommodate a maximum of 20 people on Easter Sunday.
    He was adamant that Easter Sunday, which is celebrated by Christians as the resurrection day of Jesus Christ, is the most critical aspect of the church’s faith and ministry.
    Apostle Scantlebury’s call came as a national curfew took effect including the closure of all “non-essential services” including all churches, mosques, synagogues and temples – as health authorities tried to stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus which at that time had resulted in 66 confirmed cases and three deaths.
    The church leader earlier contended that Christians cannot afford to miss out on coming together at those places consecrated for the purpose of corporate worship in order to reflect and pray bearing in mind the significance of the Scripture which says that if Christ has not risen, preaching and faith are in vain.
    But he was quick to point out that his call for church doors to open is directed at those believers whose faith was particularly strong to confront the COVID- 19 virus rather than run away from it. (

  25. Angela Cox,
    how yah mean if people still eatin chicken foot …. Gal yah meking sport ……gal looka hare …… daa is aa everyda ting with de Jamaicans up hare in de in aa de Big White North gal.

  26. Yall better start paying HOMAGE to and showing MORE RESPECT for your African ANCESTORS…..

    …nothing pisses me off more than ancestral disrespect…and no other group does it to theirs BUT BLACK PEOPLE…ya better be showing appreciation and humbling yaselves and GIVING thanks…that they existed at all.

  27. Never had any fears of catching covid even before I received my two shots of Moderna- which I must admit I did not have any kind of reaction from the first and second shot. However, the second shot of Moderna is known to give the recipient flu like systems,lethargy, swelling of the lymps glands under the armpit, and a system soreness of the body.

  28. Wura
    The only Black leader that has my total respect is Marcus Garvey because his rhetoric matched his actions, but all other Black leaders before and after Garvey were full of lip-service.

  29. bunch of crooks and snake oil sales men and women in their colonial mold…..sidewinder snakes….

    Garvey, King etc were the real deal…the REAL PROPHETS, VISIONARIES…etc…there are many that can still be found in and around the Caribbean, but they want nothing to do with the colonial system and many have already moved to the Continent…and are doing just fine..

  30. Waru
    I am quite sure you have read that Stephen Biko and Nelson Mandela philosophy regarding the (ANC) African National Congress collided because Mendela preached a philosophy of inclusiveness for the Movement, but Biko was suspicious of colors, Whites and East Indians, so he preached an exclusively Black philosophy for the Movement.

  31. When Biko took controlled of the ANC, he had a lot of reservations about non-Blacks in the Movement because he wanted an exclusively Black Movement.

  32. Hope Mia tells the people that the land offered by the Paramount Chiefs is FOR THE BLACK POPULATION OF BARBADOS…and NOT HER LAND…..whoever accepts, they will be working THEIR OWN LAND and not for HER…these snakes are dirty and will NEVER RENOUNCE lying to Black people and keeping them in whatever form of BONDAGE their evil minds envision…

    anytime Barbados’ DECEITFUL CONNIVING government tells ya they have work for you in Africa…tell them GO TO HELL….that is not how it works…

  33. I think Nelson Mandela had a myopic vision for the South African people, and one of the worse mistakes I think Mandela committed was to introduced Guerrilla tactics in his quest to tear down the walls of racial apartheid in South Africa, but that is just my opinion.

  34. Yall famous enuff…ya dirt and filth is being exposed everywhere…human rights violations tend to attract international agencies…..the way they act they don’t act like civil servants but like GANGSTERS and an organized criminal syndicate..they create the bottleneck because they know why, bottlenecks don’t happen by themselves…

    …told yall ya know what to do if ya want me to stop, am not unfair, but neither am i a push over, but will push you over, if ya don’t stop…

    The narrative really is about ppl consistently and continuously speaking out about situations concerning the modus operandi of our judicial system, yet, nothing is seriously being done about it. Yes there is a bottleneck in the system, but there are also judges and other court officers who love the glam which comes with the position, but whose performance and output is way below par in many areas, whose appointments are highly questionable and smack of croneyism, etc. There is a dire need for an independent, non political body to oversee and monitor our legal officers (who after all are civil servants) engaging performance assessments, quotas and such like. Then the tax payer will get what they are paying for and not have a bunch of civil servant ppl who presumably are “untouchable or unquestionable”.

  35. Wura

    Don’t to think that before we declare war on the White man, we must first get our house in order? The Black race as it stands today is in a big mess, and a lot of the blame must be levelled at the feet of our leaders both past and present. Because we have crop of Blacks males in the inner-cities of America, and the ghettos of the Caribbean, who have the slightest idea as to what constitutes social decorum and being a productive citizen, among many others evils.

  36. That’s a whole nother problem because of culturization.

    Miller….wuh lookie here….aren’t i the surprised one…..Africa is rocking some serious marijuana and can foment global supply….the young will have good opportunities as suppliers to the world…..yes..

    “A company in Lesotho has become the first in Africa to receive a licence to sell medical cannabis to the EU.

    The country’s top medical cannabis producer, MG Health, announced it had met the EU’s good manufacturing practice (GMP) standards, allowing it to export cannabis flower, oil and extracts as an active pharmaceutical ingredient.

    It will export its first batch to Germany later this year.

    The GMP guidelines are the minimum requirements a manufacturer or producer must meet to ensure products are safe and of a consistent high quality. They are used to control the licensing for sale of food and pharmaceutical and medical products.

    Nigeria launches ‘biggest job creation scheme’ in its history after long delay

    The company had hoped to receive accreditation last year, but Covid-19 restrictions prevented inspectors from travelling to Lesotho in June.

    The company is optimistic accreditation will open doors to business with more EU countries and other international markets. It has already received inquiries from France, the UK and Australia.”

  37. I love Barbados, like me she is imperfect, but sweet.

    I love the feel and smell of the Atlantic breeze blowing over my face as I fall asleep each night.

    Pure joy.

  38. Cuddear…the island is not the problem…the BLACK TRAITORS ARE…..

    Karma and retribution are too sweet…they refused to let go the marijuana because they don’t want Black peoole getting their hands on control their own future and destiny…..want to continue criminalizing Blacks only and have them work on slimy little marijuana plantations controlled by racists in Barbados….and not seeing anything but slave wages…

    Africa will go GLOBAL with their high grade UNSTOPPABLE marijuana……one by one all the countries are going legalization and FULL PEOPLE PARTICIPATION……they will soon iron out all the wrinkles…

    Mia’s little corrupt, dishonest, disrespectful marijuana trade won’t even register as a blip anywhere..let them keep it…

    ..the African population, especially the young, would do well to stay FAR AWAY from the wannabe slavemasters in the Slave parliament on the island …or they will not see advancement and progress….they now have MANY OPTIONS…..don’t let the fraudulent sellouts take them away……let the evil traitors COLLAPSE…

    ..LOOK to the East to your ancestral BIRTHRIGHT…stay away from dirty government ministers…with their mouths FILLED WITH LIES…and keeping information from the Black populaiton….they are SELLING THEIR PROPERTIES in Barbados to invest in Africa themselves…..then claiming they got opportunites to keep Black people in BONDAGE, even in ya own Motherland…. that’s the intent……don’t get involved with any of it..

    .you are African you do not need colonial negros in your Motherland….ya can go to AFRICA ON YA OWN…..and get all the help ya need, stay away from their corrupt embassies, leave that for yardfowls/fowl Slaves and frauds….they will get theirs on the continent.


  39. Waru blames Barbados Government for Slave Trade and gives UK a bligh

    US Slave
    This site is for educational purposes. Slavery in the new world from Africa to the Americas.
    The site was blocked because it matched the following categories:
    Weapons, Violence, Gore and Hate

    The reason why GB stopped their Slave Trade with a Bill in 1807 was due to US Independence after Revolutionary War 1775–83

  40. If ya want info on the progress of the Marijuana trade on the Continent, ya can sign up for newsletters…..that’s how i get my info…

  41. I love Barbados

    Cora Eastmond is facing another obstacle as she struggles to raise her six grandchildren, who range from five to 12 years.
    None of them can log on to the virtual classroom because the house lacks electricity.
    Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and classes being shifted online, Eastmond, who is 61 and unemployed, said she had now reached the stage where there was a desperate need for the utilities. She started to get the house wired for electricity but did not have the money to complete the process even though she had some of the fittings stored. (Video by Sandy Pitt) #MeAndMyNation #YourNewsYourTimeYourWay #ILoveMyNation246 #NationBarbados #Nation246 #Barbados

  42. @ Cuhdear Bajan April 24, 2021 11:34 PM

    Thanks for reminding us what the substantive topic is about.

    How I feel about Barbados is best described in RPB’s cleverly written 1984 calypso ‘BIM,’ in which he sings about the ‘social ills’ confronting this society, while emphasizing his love for the island.

    And, it also reminds me a bit of ‘tit for tats’ between who some contributors describe as the ‘overseas’ and ‘stay at home’ Bajans.

    BIM, I love you, BIM, I am proud of you.
    Many left your shores to live in big cities,
    But that’s not the case with me.
    Some call you bad and cry you down.
    Certainly not me, of this soil I am a true son.

  43. People all over the world leave their countries of birth to live in big cities
    Those Barbadian who choose to do so left because the options were few by which they could have provided a decent livelihood for themselves and their families
    Many who left did not forget their homeland but sent thousands of dollars back to island for their families monies which were spent into the Barbados economy
    I can tell stories of my father after many years of being a merchant seaman wanting to live in Barbados became certified to work in the hotel industry
    Applied for a job at the Hilton and was denied
    His other option was to leave Barbados and seek greener pastures elsewhere
    This ridiculous notion and blasphemous attempt to cry down those who had no other option to leave Barbados is a lower grade of insult as close to attitudes that border lines and rubs against hatred and divisive words against your brothers and sisters
    It is shameful and should be stop

  44. @ angela cox April 25, 2021 6:46 AM

    How on earth could you interpret RPB’s song to mean he or anyone who has referenced it, are criticizing Barbadians who have chosen to live abroad?

    This is also a clear indication you’ve not LISTENED to the song and, if you did, you DO NOT understand its meaning.

    You’ve proven once again, beyond any reasonable doubt, that you’re an idiot.

  45. One Step=First Step
    The best way to proceed forward is for blacks and mixes to self identify as Africans in Barbados,
    African Americans are one step ahead in that respect.

    Have a Blessed Gospel Soul Sun Day

  46. Barbados Name Game Karoake Version Excursion

    barbados far bay does baba anxious youth cantankerous mama papa wuhloss

  47. Amm

    My comment was in reference to the constant bashing of overseas barbadians on BU especially giving by David .

    Xxxcccccc. Artax
    You urgency to lash out at every comment I post is mind boggling
    Most of the time your interpretations are far off from what I meant
    Relax have a good day

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