It is about two weeks since Barbadians were forced to take cover from the La Soufriere volcano ash fall located in St. Vincent. Many of us were not around to witness a similar event in 1902, however, many recall vividly or vaguely depending on ones age 1979. As the 2021 hurricane season approaches, Barbadians through the years have been spared serious fallout from ‘Acts of God’ and an understandable complacent attitude has taken root. The seriousness of the ongoing La Soufriere event may help to change the attitude.

This morning the blogmaster threw open a window and smiled at the sight of a less grey environs. In fact there was a gratifying sense that the effect of the ash fall had become less of an issue as Barbadians – despite the prevailing economic and COVID 19 related challenges – are getting on with the business of managing respective households the best way they know how.

This morning like many mornings gone the blogmaster scanned the international and regional newsfeeds and smiled a wry smile at the involuntary sigh of satisfaction – the blogmaster would not trade places with any other soul living elsewhere at this moment.


415 responses to “I Love You Barbados”

  1. Duck

    Davie old chap. De 2 queens at war. Don’t get involved. Big Things gun come out n blow de shit wide open..

  2. De Bajan men said “since Covid-19 it’s been a pokey famine”.

    De Bajan bullers said “ Everyday feels like Christmas”.

    Duck Davie Duck. Da pelting rocks at people.

  3. this is just sad

    “Article by
    Anesta HenryPublished on
    April 22, 2021
    Marleen Knight is struggling to understand how in just under one year a United States jury has found former police officer Derek Chauvin, 45, guilty of murdering African-American George Floyd in Minneapolis last year, but she is yet to get justice for her husband Selwyn “Blues” Knight who was shot to death six years ago.

    Hours after the US verdict, a grieving Knight told Barbados TODAY that her family felt insulted that though Police Constable Everton Gittens, who is now on bail was charged for murdering her husband on March 15, 2015, the case is still lingering in the District “A” Magistrates’ Court.

    The widow said she is now hoping and praying that the local judicial system moves with similar haste to expedite such cases in Barbados.

    “I should never be in court for six years and the case can’t get out of the lower court to go to the high court. You imagine leaving court at 4 and 3 o’clock on evenings and all you could hear is adjourned.”

  4. “Switch to Barbados. Majority black country, majority black judiciary, majority black police force and it’s been six years since Constable Gittens [allegedly] shot and killed Selwyn “Blues” Knight and injured his son and the case is yet to start. Yet we stand ready to criticize the largely white-controlled American police and justice system for the treatment of black people,” Wickham’s Facebook post read.”

    this lady obviously don’t know the scum in the taxpayer funded judiciary….it was brought to my attention that the judges have their taxpayer funded mercedes, plus paid driver, so darkly tinted so no one can speak to them about anything, they have reserved decisions sitting there for YEARS and REFUSE TO answer attorrney’s queries…or official letters sent to them via the Registrar who don’t acknowledge receiving letters either…..and as a lawyer said many years ago … ALL THEY DO IS LOOK FOR BRIBES from insurance companies and anyone willing to pay them to sabotage Black people’s cases….

    .it’s a really dirty situation at the court, so from the magistrate’s court to the supreme court the battle for justice for Black people will only get bigger and last longer…ya dealing with black trash….that’s why when the small minded frauds talk shite about white countries i immediately put them in their place, because they themselves can’t get any justice in Barbados with their black skins either but are always ready to jump out to defend these evil, corrupt practices and human rights violations……



    Did you do comprehension at any school?

    I said made a way for me? when i left barbados to return to the USA both my parents were resting in peace.

    The land for the mortgage free house was paid for by mom and dad and i am not shame about it. If they had paid for the house i would not be shame about it either – the rich folkes does take care of their own why couldn’t my parent ? You fool!

    And again – i raised my kids in barbados for a reason. i left barbados again to prepare for my kids return to study and earn 3degrees just like you – and without joining the military and being the white man bitch like you were. Also without burdening themselves with student loans.

    Hopefully after they finish they can return to the 2×3 that they love and make a contribution to the country they love instead being just a braying jackass like you

  6. Corrupt government ministers handpick corrupt judges who were once corrrupt registrars/lawyers stealing land and estates from the elderly and their benefiiciaries,by forging wills and probate documents………they believe no one knows about them….and they don’t think someone is going TO PUT THEM OUT THERE and embarrass them because they think they can continue making money and enriching themselves off other Black people’s pain and suffering and they are empowered to believe they are untouchable….they chose the right one this time….evil negros…yall will be very famous by the time all this is done…


    Los Angeles Lakers (not publicly traded) $4.6M $4.4B
    AutoNation $80M $3B
    Shake Shack $10M $1.7B
    Accelerate Diagnostics, Inc. $4.7M $564M
    DMC Global $6.7M $405M
    Wave Life Sciences $7.2M $286M
    MannKind $4.9M $273M
    Lindblad Expeditions $6.6M $264M
    Chembio Diangnostics, Inc. $2.9M $257M
    Nathan’s Famous $1.2M $252M


    if the companies were under financial strain then they could get the bailout. ALL THE AIRLINES – IF NOT MOST GOT BAILED OUT. THAT IS WHAT THE STIMULUS was for – so that they could keep on as many workers etc.


    You claimed that you business was so successful and doing even better under covid then why did you need the stimulus / bailout money??? You are either a liar or a fraud. i see you as both JACKASS!

    yes YOU really really need to GTFOH and go look for some real reality! rabbit!

  8. “Enhancing lives through sporting and community empowerment activities is one of the main purposes for the creation of a new pavilion and multipurpose facility at The Glebe, St. George.” #Bigworks#wahloss#i❤rileup

  9. Are the people in St. George getting any water…at one time some did not have water for 5 MONTHS…that was just last year, but they were expected to pay water bills.

  10. “The Ministry of the Public Service is moving with alacrity to roll out the Flexible Work Arrangement Policy in the Barbados Public Service.” #moreprogress

  11. John 2 do not let aka three degrees raise your blood pressure.It is clear this jackass is an ex Minister of the last dems government who still vex as hell he got redwash.In my view he is a fraud and a liar who blogs under different names.As for the mad ass bitch Waru who just copy and paste articles about Africa to appear intelligent.Why you don, t go live in africa and leave us to hell alone.These africans i am told did not wish to associate with those west indians who migrated to the UK back in the the 60, s and 70,s.I wonder if this jackass know of this? Anyway enough of these two nuisances i gone.

  12. WW is that a typo? there is no time last year that the people in st george north didnt have water for 5 months. NO WAY –

  13. “As part of the consultants’ preparatory work, they identified 16 possible ocean energy project scenarios. Of that number, six were selected and ranked in order of priority. In the end, the fixed and floating offshore wind turbine systems located off the north of the island were the preferred options.” #netzero#decarbonisation

  14. look out! early elections !!

  15. John2
    WURA de salemite knows of a time portal the enslaved used to teleport to the 1850’s to lay water pipes. So maybe she teleported to St.George.😭

  16. Well at least the world sees why the corruption in Barbados will never end as long as negros are in charge, why there will always be violations of Black human rights by negros with fake titles, why the Slaves are still so IGNORANT they don’t even know who they are and if asked which tribe they came from will promptly and without hesitation say DBLP…

    John2…people were without water in parts of St. George for months last year….nothing can be covered up anymore…yall got away with that wickedness for decades..

    .Lorenza the Slave no self-respecting African would talk to a total illiterate like you, nothing you say makes any are an embarrassment to blackness..Africans reach out to people who actually have knowledge and useful information, people who can contribute to the advancement of Africa and the African family…yardfowls and Slaves don’t qualify….

  17. It’s not that yall don’t want to connect with Africa…YOU CAN’T …you are DAMAGED GOODS….the spirtuality was KNOCKED completely out of you and ya can’t reconnect…ya are in a no man’s ya are better off where ya are, as yardfowls and Slaves to a dead system…led by the corrupt….ya can’t understand anything about your ancestral lands… would never make sense to you…

    it comes easily to others….yall are outcasts…

  18. WW

    I think you mean that the people did not have running water 24/7 over a period of months.
    sometimes BWA turn off the pipes to let the golden ridge to fill up to help out the st joseph/thomas areas.
    Never is st george without water for one week farless months/ 5 months. There are too many water in and around st george for it to go without for so long.

    Name one village that without for one week last year.

  19. in st George the only time the pipe is turned off is overnights during the dry seasons ( the reason i mentioned above already).

  20. Mari – i got carried away.

    “Don’t get me wrong my window shades are red
    I love Barbados too warts and all”

    You started down the wrong road this morning but i love that quote above

  21. I know people personally who had NO WATER in their taps…for 5 MONTHS….am not talking about intermittent turn offs….the thieves at BWA love to torment these people…

    ah wonder if the fowl Slaves know that John King is sucking up to the Paramount Chiefs in Jamaica because they got direct inroads to Africa….ah guess they did not invite yall to the Zoom meeting…

  22. name the village

  23. your parents had to leave Barbados to survive, they made a place for you and you in turn made a way for your children, so they won’t have to experience what others are experiencing on the island and you feel you can give me talk, i know all about you demons already, but this is another going down…

    and the people are licensed carriers…so you do not ever, ever want to think ya can intimidate, yall had a very long run.

    i say a lot of things and don’t have to answer to anyone, you should be more concerned about the Zoom meeting, but it won’t impact ya, just remember 2032 is soon here though.

  24. Stupes!!!!

    Typical you. made outlandish / lying statement and cannot back it up.

    Why on gods earth would BWA a government entity want to torment the people of SGN – a government stronghold – by denying them water for five months? Makes no sense at all.
    And in 2020? you cant even claim it was because of them not paying the water bill because government told BWA to stop that because of covid and the need to sanitize.

    All the long talk and you cannot name the village the person that you know if from because you know you will be proved wrong with a phone call

  25. your parents had to leave Barbados to survive, they made a place for you and you in turn made a way for your children, so they won’t have to experience what others are experiencing on the island and you feel you can give me talk,


    How did you know my parents left the island to survive?
    I told you all aready – it is easier to “survive” in Barbados than in the USA. There are more opportunities in the USA which is obvious – but tell me who parents wouldnt like to see better for their children. Mr parents werent the first or last to do it and you all can keep throwing your shades, you all cant shame me.

    Why do you think brought my family back to Barbados? so that they dont have to experience what other are experiencing on the island???????? for christ sake they are are living and grew up on the island !!

    Talk some sense and stop making yourself look like the idiot you is because you cannot prove your outlandish/lying statement

  26. i was ranking you above the jackass when it come to sense but i like i made a big mistake

  27. Name the village in SGN, I will make a call and verify, you correct i will come back on BU and write you a big apology.

    You will never do it because you know you wrong/lie.

    You know a lot about me but one thing you dont remember is that i am from SGN and the same kids the “i dont want to experience” barbados spent every one of the 365 days in 2020 there.
    You know someone that live there i know many people that live there.

  28. i was ranking you above the jackass when it come to sense but i like i made a big mistake






  29. ” I will make a call and verify,”

    go make your call….cause yall think ya can intimidate everyone, ya can even go from house to house asking…

    yall had a WHOLE BLOG to yaselves yesterday…everyone watched to see what yall can teach them…and all ya succeeded in doing is EMBARRASSING yaselves, the blog and showing the whole world…how damaged and mentally broken ya are…damaged goods…nothing useful came from that exercise except that we now know you are outcasts and can never function as anything else….that’s what ya get for being yardfowls to corrupt self-serving politicans for over 50 years…and think ya can lure thinking people into ya corrupt go nowhere cult of clowns.

    the years and decades of the frauds in the parliament with their slave titles that DON’T BELONG TO THEM….and the corrupt in the judiciary who believe that people are still afraid of htem because they control the court and corrupted it beyond recognition by selling out Black lives to insurance companies and everyone else… are going to make international news…soon come…those days are over…some of those judges should remember that they were born in UK….won’t it be a thing when they find out how corrupt they are in Barbados and walking through airports with passports that clearly say they are judges…but believe they can sellout black lives for bribe money indefinitely..

    don’t worry, since they want me around so badly ALL the information i have on them will be sent out….tiktok.

    yall took bribe money to sellout the water for DECADES….that’s how lowcrawling ya are, ya will sell out the very thing that gives ya LIFE not caring how it impacts the next person……what use are any of you to anyone anywhere…ya certainly no use to anyone in Africa…castaways…

  30. Amazing that the mentally broken believe that a mortgage is a sign of success…when they got to pay it for 25 or 30 years…it’s never their own, sometimes not even when it’s paid off because the bank somehow ALWAYS lose the originat title deeds, but a back breaking mortgage which there are no gaurantees that it will ever be paid off is a sign of success on the 2×3….that is the limit to the intelligence from boasters…..who know not that they are still Slaves….and want to drag everyone else along with them…

    but yall on ya own…

  31. Yall really believe anyone need the likes of you anywhere near our Motherland to poison it. Look who Africa needs, neither Fowl nor Slaves. Ya too toxic. Many left in droves already, even Stevie Wonder the blind man who could see.

  32. I must be a prophet speaker of truth as I said that the internet brings out the worst in bajans and lo and behold it has come to pass

    Coach David must be tearing his hair out now another positive thread has gone downhill again quick fast due to fighting self implosion of his team

    The killing of Blacks by Police in America is a legacy of slavery that still continues

    Afro Effex Be Yourself
    Older Bajans will not be returning to Africa as they are products of their environment
    The African movement is for the next Generation to ponder

  33. There is a video circulating that i posted to other forums but will not post here, Martin Luther King called this 40 years ago as told by Harry Belafonte….ancestors before they left us have been warning and warning for YEARS….this info am posting is not for yardfowls or Slaves, but for the young who view the blog on a daily basis so they can fully understand their circumstances….the older generation are mostly irretrieveably lost…the video is trending on other forums so the young can find i said, everyone on the island has to FIX one can fix you..

    “The disempowerment of Afrikan consciousness occurred when it ceased to be Afrikan, to be Afrikan-centered; when it was set adrift from its Afrikan moorings based on a basic knowledge and practice of Afrikan history and culture. The disempowerment of Afrikan consciousness and of Afrikan peoples will continue as long as they deny their inherent Afrikaness, that they are Afrikan human beings, not just abstract, identity-less human beings; as long as they are utterly dependent on other peoples for self-definition, self-perception, for their bread of life; as long as they cannot make themselves believe that they have it within themselves, within their culture to do for themselves and to equal or subdue the power of any other people; as long as they believe the fantasy that they shall be accepted as equals by Whites, shall be integrated into some mythical raceless, classless society in the near future or believe that they are hopelessly left behind the leading races of humankind; as long as they do not take responsibility for the creation of their own consciousness.”
    -Amos N. Wilson

  34. @ David

    This thread, similarly to many others lately, reminds me of Queen’s 1980 hit song, ……… ‘Another one bites the dust.’

    And, it seems as though each one is being deliberately ‘sidetracked’ from its substantive topic, by particular individuals, and refocused to specific issues they want to ‘force down people’s throats.’ Not participating in the ‘discussion,’ means you’re ‘mentally enslaved and hate all things African.’
    Reminds me of one guy who believed BU should discuss only the topics he wants to discuss and not complying means we’re ‘appallingly ignorant buffoons.’

    I’m amazed at how two people who exhibit ‘strikingly similar’ characteristics, were ‘diametrically opposed’ to each other. Every ‘discussion’ has to about THEM and how much ‘intellectually gifted’ and ‘all knowing’ they are, more so than the any other BU contributor.

    The forum’s TOXICITY continues.

    However, I agree with those contributors who have expressed concern for people experiencing difficulties associated with prolonged water scarcity. I also acknowledge the fact corruption, racism, classism, exploitation and poverty exist in Barbados. I’ve mentioned, on several occasions, about people being able to have charges dropped, passports issued the same day applications were made and duties waived by bribe taking police, immigration and custom officers respectively. Some officers are involved in sex trafficking and associate with known criminals. These are facts.

    Our ‘African ancestors’ would also confirm the fact that corruption, racism, classism, exploitation and poverty ALSO exist in Africa. I’m sure you’ve heard about the ‘4-1-9’ fraud scams, corrupt politicians, police, judiciary, lawyers, doctors, civil servants, etc, in Nigeria and several other African states.
    But, while some people are ‘painting a gloomy picture’ of Barbados, by always highlighting the negative, perhaps as an excuse to HATE the island, they are encouraging us to LOVE and embrace Africa.

    I also have to agree with Frank, even if he/she is Frank Sinatra. This thread is about ‘I LOVE BARBADOS.’

    Why can’t we, for a change, discuss all the things we LOVE about Barbados on THIS PARTICULAR BLOG?

    Doing so does not mean we’re ‘sweeping the negatives under the rug.’

  35. Well, another beautiful day in Barbados and the happy slave is going out to work in the Englishman’s Garden of Peace.

    I thank the Englishman for allowing me to live here for so many years. I believe my family has had the use of the land for approximately 100 years!

    Aren’t the English generous!

  36. Artax,

    Brilliantly said!

  37. I love Barbados

    However, I am not there in Barbados at this time, and can only imagined the discomfort many are experiencing with the Ash, but I lived through the 1979 eruption and fell a sense of excitement at the sight of the dark skies and the falling Ash of the previous morning.
    And lastly, the current epidemic and the falling ash is a testament to the fact that they is a great Force than man that operates in our Cosmo, and whether we elected to call it God or Nature, the fact remains that this Force is beyond the control of man.

  38. I love Barbados

    Good morning David BU there is breaking news Scantelbury will speak
    When are you going to open up the Leroy Scantelbury Thread
    There is breaking news on the horizon

  39. I love Barbados but hates the politics of Barbados
    Like the ash falling from the darken skies and the smell of the stinking sulphur
    Barbados stinks on that level
    Give me back the ole fashion Barbados when there was hardly any crime
    People were well mannered and
    parents taught there children morals and gave them a good upbringing no matter how poor
    Today i see a Barbados drowning in social decay and self importance
    Thank God for beaches and sunshine the only hope and reminder that This is Barbados

  40. Artax
    The man of African extraction in the Caribbean could never claim an authenticity with respect to his African heritage because the only things which links him to the Mother-land are the tonality of his skin and his DNA, but to identify with the Native African he cannot because his linguistics is European and his culinary arts has some remanence of the Mother-land, but most are quietly his, and finally, his religious worldview is that of his enslaver.

  41. Artax,

    I do think we need to reclaim the part of our heritage that was beaten out of us and replaced with a fake Eurocentric world view. But there is, was and ever shall be good and bad in every culture.

    No culture has all the right answers. But African culture is the right culture for us simply because it was the culture of our ancestors.

    Barbados needs to get going in that direction for self-respect’s sake. We need something that is our own. I believe it will help us to be all that we can be.

  42. Ex Factor (A Simple Mix)
    I used to love Barbados, a long time ago we had a couple of one night stands a couple of times which were good memories, but we stopped seeing each other regularly and just sometimes communicate on the internet to stay in touch.

  43. “The man of African extraction in the Caribbean could never claim an authenticity with respect to his African heritage because the only things which links him to the Mother-land are the tonality of his skin and his DNA, but to identify with the Native African he cannot because his linguistics is European and his culinary arts has some remanence of the Mother-land, but most are quietly his, and finally, his religious worldview is that of his enslaver.”

    People are adaptable and can live anywhere and live in any culture, your own cultural perspective should be left aside though when trying to understand people in a different culture when you go there

    Black people were designed for Sun and not the European Winter

  44. 7:25 a.m. Appears that this will be a next great day for me. Yep, it’s a beautiful world.

    “And whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life, keep peace in your soul. With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy”

  45. Yesterday morning when I read the original post I wondered how this post would develop.

    One thing I have realized is that most of us travel with our own ‘agenda’. Closing two other lively posts means that we will bring our ‘agendas’ here. Will be here watching. Have a great day.

  46. WW

    White Hill., Parks road etc are not in St George. Now if you tell me that some place like White Hill was without water for a few week and maybe months it would have been easier to believe you. But St George???? makes no sense at all. As i mentioned before, there is too much water in or surrounding st georgr fo me to believe someone was without water for more than a few days farless for 5 months.

    Sweet Vale, applewaites, Golden ridge, Bowmanston, Hampton, Belle.

    If any place in St George goes with water for 5 months then the people in St Joseph etc would have been a lot worse.

    Keep pinning me to a political party. if i was involved in/with one i would be scared of anything you say. you have already proven that to fake thing that you claim you know – then when ask for proof all you does is run to back and forth to africa talking shite to cover up your ignorance

  47. Jackass

    Who nipples Cow, Maloney, Bynoe, Mia, Thompson, Owen, your Father suck?

    I would prefer to “suck on my mother” nipples for what i have than to lie in trenches with white men and be their bitch to get my “step up” ( what did you suck beside nipple?).

    My unsuccessful business did not have to apply for / fraud the USA government for no bailout

    You or the like of you cannot pull me down so keep on trying.

  48. @ Donna

    ‘Don’t get me wrong.’ I’m NOT suggesting we SHOULDN’T RECLAIM our African heritage, or that “African culture is the (NOT) right culture for us.” Far from it, my friend.

    But, I know people in this forum have a penchant for always taking comments out of context and create their own ‘boogie man’ to respond to something that wasn’t ‘said’ or implied.

    However, I prefer to examine issues objectively and rationally. Africans, especially the younger generation, have been slowly and steadily moving away from the “culture of their ancestors,” to embrace and adopt the ‘hip hop culture’ of the USA. It is evident in their music, fashion and language.

    And, it may surprise you that Jamaican dancehall has ‘taken root’ and is very popular in Nigeria and Ghana….. and has influenced several of those states’ leading entertainers. Several African artistes have fused that genre with African rhythms, creating African reggae dancehall music. Additionally, there has also been a fusion of Afro beats with US ‘hip-hop’ and ‘rhythm and blues.’

    But, to believe because people aren’t posting information about Africa, doesn’t mean they’re unaware of their African heritage or cultures…… or that they hold a “fake Eurocentric world view,” is nonsense.
    It’s similar to one ‘BU regular’ who complained about contributors hiding their identities by writing under pseudonyms, yet, on another occasion he ‘said’ those anonymous people……… people he DOES NOT KNOW…….. haven’t achieved ‘anything in life.’

    I believe we should have a holistic discussion, rather than the one-sided, narrow perspective people are bringing to the forum.

  49. Mari

    You love the politics, you does make topic on BU into politics every day,
    You mean you dont like likt the politics when the red flag not flying .

  50. @ Dompey April 24, 2021 6:50 AM

    I don’t necessarily agree with you. It’s similarly to saying since you’re currently residing in USA, in 2221, 200 years in the future, your off-spring living in the USA “could never claim an authenticity with respect to their Barbadian heritage because the only things which link them to Barbados are the tonality of their skin and their DNA.”

The blogmaster invites you to join the discussion.


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