It is about two weeks since Barbadians were forced to take cover from the La Soufriere volcano ash fall located in St. Vincent. Many of us were not around to witness a similar event in 1902, however, many recall vividly or vaguely depending on ones age 1979. As the 2021 hurricane season approaches, Barbadians through the years have been spared serious fallout from ‘Acts of God’ and an understandable complacent attitude has taken root. The seriousness of the ongoing La Soufriere event may help to change the attitude.

This morning the blogmaster threw open a window and smiled at the sight of a less grey environs. In fact there was a gratifying sense that the effect of the ash fall had become less of an issue as Barbadians – despite the prevailing economic and COVID 19 related challenges – are getting on with the business of managing respective households the best way they know how.

This morning like many mornings gone the blogmaster scanned the international and regional newsfeeds and smiled a wry smile at the involuntary sigh of satisfaction – the blogmaster would not trade places with any other soul living elsewhere at this moment.


415 responses to “I Love You Barbados”

  1. Barbados continues to do a good job to pull back the number of infections.

    Attached are the 3 charts for the week ending 23rd April.  Data, as usual was from Worldometer.  There have been only relatively minor changes this week. Active cases in Jamaica, T&T and Guyana are still increasing significantly.  Barbados’ incidence data seems to be flattening out, seemingly at a relatively higher than expected level which is probably to be expected, given the current active clusters that the Officials have been hinting at over the last couple of weeks – Lyall Small

  2. “Africans, especially the younger generation, have been slowly and steadily moving away from the “culture of their ancestors,” to embrace and adopt the ‘hip hop culture’ of the USA. It is evident in their music, fashion and language.

    And, it may surprise you that Jamaican dancehall has ‘taken root’ and is very popular in Nigeria and Ghana….. and has influenced several of those states’ leading entertainers. Several African artistes have fused that genre with African rhythms, creating African reggae dancehall music. Additionally, there has also been a fusion of Afro beats with US ‘hip-hop’ and ‘rhythm and blues.’”

    but they are still Africans with their own distinct style of music, in fact all black music in USA Jamaica South America UK etc has African roots drumbeats and rhythms, some of the most interesting electronic digital music of today has African beats from Africans

    Tyler ICU – Banyana (Official Audio) feat. Kabza De Small, Sir Trill, Daliwonga & DJ Maphorisa

  3. Artax
    “The younger generation of Africans youth have been moving away from their culture”

    There is no Homogeneity in the African culture, so to say that the younger generation of African youths are moving away from their culture, is to speak as though there is or was a homogeneity in the African culture; just because the younger generation of African youths are being influenced by the Jamaican Dancehall, and American Hip Hop music.

  4. @Hants
    When I view these webcams, I get usually are not showing any movement. Makes me wonder if they are live.

    Tired of being at homr. I spend lots of time wondering how quickly can I get in and out of Barbados. I now have my two vaccinations and I am an apostle or alcolyte of none – just want to run in and say hi and bye.

    Can someone help me figure out the fastest way to get in and out. Trinidad is also on the travel list.

  5. DavidApril 24, 2021 8:43 AM

    Barbados continues to do a good job to pull back the number of infections

    Is this the politics of a reality
    Or a make believe reality of the politics

  6. Come now and follow me down the Afrikan music rabbit hole

  7. A love letter to Mariposa
    How do you prefer to be called?
    Angel? Angel of pain/no mercy to some.
    Angie – sheer anguish and frustration as you mount the good horse Lazarus?
    Annie – like Annie Oakley, but shooting wildly into the lobby.
    Tell me, so I can whisper it gently into the wind …..

    That is as negative as I can get today.

  8. West Indians of African extraction in the Caribbean, most acknowledge the fact that we could never be African in the authentic etymology of the word, even though we carry some of the African blood in our genes. Because we were not born and socialized on the African continent and do prescribed to the African cultural ethos, even though we are of the same shade of the Native African.

  9. “Recently the prosecutor informed Justice Worrell that it would cost the church an estimated BDS$51,180 to repair and replace the windows.”

    Repair and replace 19 windows.

    Mr Blogmaster gi de man my phone numbah. I know a man who could do de job for a fraction of that quote.. I know you iz a honest man, but you could get a thousand or two if interested. We believe is spreading de grease.

  10. With all the talk i bet the KNOW IT ALLS can’t name NOT ONE young African not even the ones who live in the diaspora…. that moved away from their African culture…just one, if you don’t even know WHAT African culture is,how do you know when someone has moved away from it……damaged goods..

    but i can PERSONALLY name SEVERAL young Africans on the continent that can tell you that you don’t know what the hell ya talking about…

  11. @ TheOGazerts,

    I have no problem streaming the live webcams.

  12. This is an unarmed fact: No historian can write the history of the AFRICAN people with any accuracy, for not one section in the entire continent of AFRICA is homogeneous either in CULTURE or INHABITANTS.

  13. @ Artax
    I got to ask the scholar Artax this question: what are the common cultural characteristics which Unites the East African Ugandan and the West African Nigerian?
    In other words: what connects these two individuals, either than the fact that the both of them were born on the African continent?

  14. Let me be honest and serious for once.
    Here is not where I would come to learn about Africa, US politics or covid-19.

    We have some sensible and serious bloggers, but a few come with devious nonsense and distractions. Scrolling by or filtering becomes a task. It would be better to ignore and do your own research.

  15. Artax question?
    What in your mind determines our Africanness?
    1) The African beliefs and attitudes?
    2) The African philosophy?
    3) The African values
    4) The African ideals?
    5) The Tonality of the African skin?
    6) The African customs?

  16. Artax
    Or our African DNA?
    We cannot claim tonality of skin as basis for our Africanness because the Sand people of Southern Africa are of brown complexion with Mongoloid features, and the Northern Africans are close to Caucasian than they are to West Africans.

  17. Every black child that comes out of his/her mother’s pussy hole is born an African, the culture he/she is raised in is just a way of life, but the African still remains in him/her. Bajans that go to Africa will be taking their way of life with them.

  18. TheoGazert
    Your intellectual arrogance is an affront to the persons who traverse, and I suggest you take it else where because no one has the time and energy to entertain your elitist snobbery.

  19. Here is the same issue in India, except a great deal larger.

    Forget the numbers.

    Look at the shape.

  20. Father in heaven!
    What did I do to deserve this?
    You promised me no more than I can bear
    But Dompey must be more than my share
    I am glad you have confidence in me
    But Dear God, I begging, no more Dompey

    The blog is already a heavy load
    A long, winding and torturous road
    I struggle and try to travel still
    But adding Dompey makes it all seem uphill.
    I am glad you have confidence in me
    But Dear God, I begging, no more Dompey
    I am escening into negativity

  21. Now that Dompey has returned from his sabbatical it should get better

    Did I say that

    Sitting in the gallery thinking how far east is west

    Can’t get any better
    Gudd day

  22. India reached 345K plus new cases yesterday

    The sky is the limit.

    I say it comes from not properly addressing the paths sewage has to get into the water.

    Now I will leave you to look at Singapore, New Zealand and Australia “Daily New Cases” to see what the difference is.

    It is simple!

    Either empty the reservoir or be faced with another wave in the future.

    It can be emptied, these three countries show that.

  23. @Dompey
    You can’t touch me

  24. @555dubstreet

    Why? And why not Chinese if he or she comes from Black mother and a Chinese father, but has the physical appearance of a Chinese? Your thinking is indicative of the old racist worldview that is synonymous to the One Drop Law … which says if you have one drop of Black blood running through your veins that you are still Black, even though you blood maybe 99% Chinese.

  25. @ BAJE de three fish in a can eater.

    Mr. 2×3

    I’m inclined to believe the stipulation in your will “Ashes must be spread 12 miles off the Barbados coast”

    That puts you in de International maritime zone. You will probably meet Simon Peter.

    You bloody KIPPER.

  26. “Why? And why not Chinese if he or she comes from Black mother and a Chinese father”

    the bulk of DNA comes from the Mother’s side… but you are correct Africans are already a diverse mix with Asians Europeans and different World Cultures and have been for thousands of years and come in all shades from pink to red to yellow to brown to black

  27. 555dubstreet
    The Actress Lena Horne, said in her autobiography that for many years she lived as a White woman in America because it was easy at the time to do so due to the racism of her day, but later on in her life, she started to identify which her African American heritage, even those both of her parents were of African American and European descent, but she was still labeled an African American even though she had passed for a White American woman. Now we can see evidence of the One Drop Law in the case of Lena Horne because she obviously had the features of a Caucasian woman, but with that one drop of inferior blood, was labeled Black.

  28. That is from a white supremacy racism perspective where an African heritage could still lead to a throwback black child down the line, skin colour used to be insignificant before.

  29. 555dubstreet

    There is this notion of rediscovering our African roots, but in order to do so, we must find out what our roots are- given the cultural and linguistic diversity of the African continent. Now I know that as a Black man of African extraction in the Caribbean, that I cannot look at the cultures of Djibouti and Ethiopian as a starting point to regain my African identity- because the people of Djibouti and Ethiopia- were not brought from Africa to the Caribbean to work on the sugar plantations.

  30. ” but with that one drop of inferior blood”

  31. 555dubstreet

    The Native African is the prototype and the man of African extraction in the Caribbean is a spin off of that prototype, so in essence, the man of African extraction in the Caribbean constitutes the new cultural paradigm and orthodoxy of the African prototype.
    So our quest for African authenticity would never be realized, given the dynamics of our history as Black people of African extraction in the Caribbean.

  32. 555dubstreet

    The One Drop Law is an unwritten law Instituted during the Jim Crow era, in the 15 southern slave States.

  33. @ Dompey

    I am not scholar and neither have I promoted myself as one.

    Please note, I specifically used Donna’s comment re, “the culture of their ancestors.”

    However, with all due respect, I am not going to engage you in this discussion any further.


    It’s a good thing the resident lunatic and self promoted expert on African affairs and every other topic you could think of, no longer read my contributions.

  34. “Now I know that as a Black man of African extraction in the Caribbean, that I cannot look at the cultures of Djibouti and Ethiopian as a starting point to regain my African identity”

    “The Native African is the prototype and the man of African extraction in the Caribbean is a spin off of that prototype, so in essence, the man of African extraction in the Caribbean constitutes the new cultural paradigm and orthodoxy of the African prototype.”

    “The One Drop Law is an unwritten law Instituted during the Jim Crow era, in the 15 southern slave States.”

    You are only thinking of the branches leaves and fruits of the tree of life but the roots of the tree spread much deeper and wider

    Snapshots of history are just blinks of an eye compared to the beginning of the universe when the first humans and animals started living

    Africa is part of earth with resources open land and will become more developed and advanced than the west and can house people of all races and nations. The African continent has a land area of 30.37 million sq km (11.7 million sq mi) — enough to fit in the U.S., China, India, Japan, Mexico, and many European nations, combined.

  35. WURA-War-on-U April 24, 2021 9:26 AM

    I don’t care what anyone says, but I’ve long held the view that you’re an idiot.

    You troll other blogs and social media sites for information and try to pass it off on BU as though you are an authority on or have first hand knowledge of the specific subject.

    There isn’t anything that’s discussed on BU that YOU DON”T KNOW about. You know everything about everything.

  36. Europeans settled in Africa North South and Middle America Caribbean Australia New Zealand India China Middle East and all over the world, this is what enabled them to build up their wealth and industry.

    Black people can settle anywhere they want too, including Africa, there is a school of thought that they will be appreciated more by people who look like them than the racists in Western hemisphere and all it’s colonies.

    Blacks in America think the are different to those in Caribbean and those in Barbados think they are different to those in Jamaica, some may live in French colonies and others Spanish and speak different languages, but are all the same but different.

    Nowadays everyone around the world can speak English and people can learn new languages easily with Computer Aided Training, online or offline classes, mingling with others or making love. Kids pick up languages quick in a couple of years.

  37. 555dubstreet,

    And what is wrong with Blacks in Jamaica thinking that they are different than Blacks in Barbados? And they are right because Blacks in Jamaica do not see race as the Blacks in Barbados do because regardless of race, jamaicans identify themselves as Jamaicans first, unlike Blacks in Barbados.

  38. 555dubstreet

    Jamaicans are Nationalistic …..
    meaning that a Chinese or Germany would not refer to himself or herself as Chinese or Germany Jamaican, but just Jamaican, and this one thing I truly admire about the Jamaican people.

  39. 555dubstreet

    Let me put it to you in anyway ……… there is no such thing as a Subculture in Jamaica….

  40. 555dubstreet

    And what shocked me the most about the Jamaican culture is the way in which the East Indian has been socialized in Jamaica ….. fundamentally different from those of Guyana and Trinidad ….

  41. I love butterflies don’t see them as much any longer in Barbados
    However fire flies aplenty still making their presence known at night in Barbados
    How about them pesky crickets I love to listen to their chirping sounds

  42. I have my indigenous African identity, i know who i am, i know what i need to know about my ancestral culture, education, traditions….SPIRITUALITY and learning more every day….clearly proving am not a brain damaged indoctriniated nobody with no identity and know nothing about my ancestral land….that label is attributed to castaways and outcasts….

    not knowing you ancestral history, education, culture and traditions should be a crime….EVERY GROUP ON EARTH KNOW THEIR ANCESTRY…every group except those in Barbados who call themselves Bajans….maybe yall should ask the Rasta Community to teach yall about yours… least the basics and MOST OF THE INFORMATION IS ONLINE… know more ya have to RECONNECT TO THE CONTINENT…directly to the SOURCE..

    whites know theirs regardless of the circumstance surrounding it

    asians/chinese know theirs

    indians/natives to the Americas etc know theirs

    the first people’s of the Caribbean know theirs

    arabs know theirs…


  43. Got plenty of butterflies up here on the Englishman’s land!

  44. Waru-war-onyou
    Do we really understand our African History? How many are aware of the fact that Native Africans practiced a form of slavery before the advent of the White man to the Africa continent?

  45. How many are cognizant of the fact that Native Africans practiced Christianity in the 1st century …. Some 14 centuries before transatlantic slave trade?

  46. oh and those bits and pieces of Syrians etc yall got on the island doing as they like, they ALL know their ancestral history, cultures, education and traditions passed down from hundreds of years…ya should ask ya repulsive disrespectful go nowhere frauds for leaders WHY YALL DON’T KNOW YA OWN and have NO IDENTITY outside of the colonial SLAVE construct..

  47. How many are aware of the fact that the Mali Empire transported Islam to the western part of Africa, as well as Islamic Slavery?

  48. Gimme the arrogant and insulting Englishman over this mind numbing BS. Hal you were a pain, but not boring

    Never knew I was suicidal until today. Father in Heaven do something
    You must have an ‘in moderation’ thingamajig

    Where do I put these posts?
    T O’s Hall of Fame – 0 votes
    T O’s Hall of Shame – 15 votes
    Trashcan – 12 votes

  49. Fact: in a book called: The Black man, the Father of Civilization by Reverend I.M. Webb, it had been shown that biblical history maintained that Ancient Egypt, Abyssinia, Carthage, Phoenicia, Arabia, Morocco, Sudan, and all of the Northern African countries were originally the land of the Ethiopians or Black race.

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