The unemployment situation in St George North is dreadful.  Disappointing voters with false promises is not an option in this by-election.  Candidates must offer workable plans, to effectively address the mass unemployment problems in St George North.

There are six candidates seeking to work for the people of St George North, for the next 30 months.   It is important that none of us follow the bad examples of those who have gone before us.

Candidates who plan to use the desperate unemployed people of St George North as pawns, just to secure a seat in the House of Assembly for their party, are doing the unconscionable.  They are ensuring that the people continue to suffer, during these exceptionally difficult times.  The present suffering is compounded by an unnecessary IMF austerity program, and a global COVID-19 pandemic.

Candidates who make promises that they know they cannot keep, are deceiving voters’ families.  Candidates who know that they have no capacity to implement their party’s plans, push that deceit beyond tolerable levels.

Career politicians have repeatedly broken their promises to previous generations of voters.  Those voters had the patience to tolerate and forgive those, who repeatedly deceived them with empty promises.
The current generation of young voters are different – they will not forgive that type of deceit.  Candidates without any workable economic plans for the families of St George North, are playing with fire.

Audio Version

Grenville Phillips II is a Chartered Structural Engineer, and the Solutions Barbados’ candidate for St George North.  He can be reached at

545 responses to “Solutions Barbados – Playing With Fire”

  1. Donna….i saw one half of the Morrison twin, the one the lawyer who got 4 years in prison the other day and am like robbed, what the hell is that, i remember when they were the toast of Barbados and the shitehounds in Barbados acted like they were gods on a rock, would not have recognized her if not for her name, bears no resemblance whatsover to the arrogant so and so when young….well the other one named Sharon too went to pot/ hell on drugs decades ago and looked like she got steam rolled over, those are the kind who do as they like in Barbados and the sell outs in the parliament and the police don’t touch them….so don’t be surprised that ya looking at bridezilla and don’t recognize her…lol

  2. I have been saying for years that these farmers have to get serious security. Government through the Ministry could offer duty free concessions for any purchases. Loans could be offered to serious farmers at low rates. It must be cheaper to spend the money in securing your livestock than it is to lose the livestock after you labour and spend money to raise them and then have to replace them after the theft.

    How could you expect to keep livestock in one place and live in another without serious security?

    Other businesses have security. Government does not provide it.

    Come on! Write security into your costs!

  3. …the one the lawyer who got 4 years in prison fpr robbing the other day and am …what the hell.

  4. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    DONNA 11.02AM

    Well said.

    No one is blaming the farmers but they have to learn to also help themselves. Like we have to do farmer or not. They is nothing wrong in my opinion to saying that.

  5. “Why is Mia seeking to bring back massa day?”

    That is all sell outs know, Barbados and the Caribbean has to RID THEMSELVES OF THEM they are a SCOURGE on the earth….main reason why neither DBLP governments should be (re)elected come 2023…and if they new parties do the same shite, as am sure Grenville will…..KICK THEM ALL OUT TOO…never to be reelected..

    they are BLIGHT and CURSE walking the earth and in Black/African people’s lives…i don’t use those words lightly..

    African countries are working overtime to get rid of them..

  6. Northern,

    Did not see your comment. It was Jennifer.

  7. CCC,

    I have often wondered why they don’t set up joint patrols as well. I know they work hard but they could take turns. Crops and livestock take a while to be lifted. There is time to catch the thieves in the act, not necessarily to confront them but to let them know that the authorities have been called. They would have to leave the stuff behind and run.

    I find we make things too hard.

  8. Wura,

    You are saying that Sharon had a substance abuse problem?

  9. Carson C Cadogan Avatar

    DONNA 11.21 am

    ”i we make things too hard”

    So true.

  10. “substance abuse problem?”

    speaking of the Morrison twins, there is a Sharon there too, don’t know if you know either of them.

  11. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    Another thing when MIA AMOR MOTTLEY was in opposition and on the campaign trail , she was on the rampage, she had ALL THE SOLUTIONS for every problem in Barbados .

    Barbados got all sorts of problems now and she is in office.


    We watching, but we don’t like we see.

    All she appear to be is a FIGUREHEAD for the WHITE BAJANS AND INDIANS.

  12. The end result of government sanctioned tourism DEPENDENCY……now they have all been ISOLATED…lol

    don’t want to see ya own Black people prosper, create wealth nor even have their own estates they work for to pass on to their beneficiaries. ….tek dah…

    “That’s it. They allowed private jets to make a fortune flying the ultra wealthy Americans to the Caribbean. They made it a well kept secret. Now the Caribbean is loaded with Covid19 … Now they issue travel guides to the Caribbean”

  13. These islands had no to low cases, i know what happened in Suriname, Brazilians crossed the border and they had opened their borders for election, that was enuff to cause a serious high infection rate…from no deaths and a few infections to.

    Suriname / COVID-19

    Active Cases

    but Bahamas just jumped.

    “BOONE, N.C., Oct. 15, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — At the request of the Bahamian Prime Minister, Samaritan’s Purse is deploying an Emergency Field Hospital to Nassau after an increase in COVID-19 cases has overwhelmed the local healthcare system. With more than 2,000 active cases across the islands, hospitals have been inundated with patients suffering from the coronavirus. Princess Margaret Hospital in Nassau is full, and they have shut down medical transfers from neighboring islands. Samaritan’s Purse is coming alongside Bahamian healthcare workers, providing additional support as they continue the fight against the devastating COVID-19 virus.”

  14. There are more than enuff valid toxic reasons and examples to REMOVE black face sell out leaders from among Black/African populations, out of the parliaments, out of the people’s finances, out of the people’s lives….rid the earth of their dangerous love FOR RACISTS AND WHITE SAVAGES…whom they promote above and in front of their own people…the world is fed up of black face sell outs calling themselves leaders…we should really check to see if they too are wearing black face masks or they are just in Black Skin, White Masks as Franz Fanon said.

  15. So now if Moore win “labour” got “two” voices in the senate and one in the house( or one and one) plus sit on the social partnership.
    that should add up to a greater voice to influence government decisions towards the workers.

  16. Ah wonder what Grenville’s partner in Atherley’s party Weatherhead is saying now that tourism is KAPUT….goddamn bunch of parasites and frauds in Black people’s lives, just waiting their turn to rob the treasury..

  17. Look what happens when ya too tourism dependent….other countries will get all the tourists….does not matter that it’s the same tourists will be flying in and waltzing around infecting everybody, the point is that yall are TOO DEPENDENT not to let them….so they will also infect other tourists…one horse economy….that is what happens when ya have ROBBED YOUR OWN PEOPLE OF THEIR RIGHT TO FREE ENTERPRISE FOR DECADES, stolen their land, money and estates, steal their taxes including VAT and penson money for DECADES…..stole their opportunities for white, indian and syrian crooks….this is your own private Karma….SUNK….

    “Six countries in the Eastern Caribbean have been deemed as safe for citizens of the United States to travel.

    According to the Centre for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC), the countries that have no travel notice issued against them are Anguilla, Dominica, Grenada, Montserrat, St. Kitts and Nevis and St. Lucia as the risk of contracting COVID-19 in these countries is ‘very low’.

    However, the CDC has listed as level 3 – the British Virgin Islands, Antigua & Barbuda, Barbados, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Puerto Rico, Saint Martin, Sint Maarten, Trinidad and Tobago, Turks & Caicos Islands, and the US Virgin Islands.

    The CDC says Level 3 means that the likelihood of contracting the virus is “high, very high”. Virtually all other Caribbean countries are also listed as level 3.

    For these countries, the CDC urges travellers to “avoid” and consider postponing non-essential travel.

    The US regularly issues travel warnings and alerts against countries because of widespread violence and natural disasters.

    But this doesn’t mean that persons are banned from visiting any country flagged by the US.

    Due to the pandemic, almost all countries have been placed on the CDC’s COVID-19 Travel Recommendations by Destination.”

  18. Carson C Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C Cadogan

    The workers have a lot of people speaking for them. But in reality the workers have no one speaking for them. They have so many issues it is not funny.

    No work, no money, mounting bills, getting thrown out onto the streets or being threatened to do so. And the Trade Unions they give their money to represent them are in bed with the Barbados Public Sector and could not give a damn as they drive around in their Mercedes Benz and BMW’s.

  19. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    Anyone else notice that the TRADE UNIONS OF BARBADOS have suddenly lost their voices or is it only me???? Taking the workers money but doing nothing for them.

  20. CCC you really amaze me after hiding in shame for over two years you sudfenly hear of a by election and you arise with the same stale talking points of black and white and lec nonsense that got you redwash in 2018
    .Your head hard you ain, t learn nothing from 2018.As for the trade unions i wonder where you were when both the BWU through Mr Morris, Mr Greaves and Sir Roy were members of the DLP along with persons like Mr Maloney and Mr Clarke of the NUPW and Mr Shepherd of the BUT who in my view were also aligned to the DLP. Where was your voice back then? You beleive bajans suffering with amnesia? You could really go back into hiding with your shite talk because most bajans ain, t buying what you selling.

  21. As for those POISONOUS yardfowls, they want neutralizing permanently…Sheman Lorenza learned nothing from what happened to Patrick King.

  22. Carson C Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C Cadogan


    Go and take your medication.

  23. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    Confucius says:

    ” “Think of tomorrow, the past can’t be mended.”

  24. Carson C Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C Cadogan

    News source Guyana:

    “‘State must negotiate settlement with Success squatters -Harmon

    Mr. Harmon called out the government for its treatment of the squatters and made it clear that the state must bear the responsibility for the way the squatters are being treated.

    Leader of the Opposition Joe Harmon led an Opposition Parliamentary team to the community of Success on the East Coast of Demerara this morning to meet with squatters who are being flooded off state lands by the Guyana Sugar Corporation (GUYSUCO).

    Mr. Harmon called out the government for its treatment of the squatters and made it clear that the state must bear the responsibility for the way the squatters are being treated.

    He told the squatters who gathered that “it is really our concern that the state must negotiate with you to find a settlement which allows for regularisation. Too many people here have spoken about the problems they have had with COVID-19 and that they have been thrown out of their jobs and homes and have therefore been left homeless”.

    The Opposition Leader said the government cannot run from its responsibility to citizens and ought not to treat citizens callously.

    He said the Opposition will see how it could assist those who have been affected and displaced by the Guysuco flooding. However, he noted that he intends to raise the concerns of the squatters at a higher level……………….”



  25. CCC that is the best you can do? I do not need meds you do as you still think you are in 2018.You still got that migraine from the 30 to 0 in your head poor fellow.Imagine in party of the late great Mr Errol Walton Barrow getting slaughtered 30 love in an election WINNING OMLY 2 BOXES IN THE WHOLE COUNTRY.Let that sink in 2 boxes in the whole country with a group of so called wild boys as refered to by Mr Arthur and who thought that instead of focusing on issues thought it was a good idea to cuss Ms Mottley all night led by your man Mr Blackett.Where are any of them today?As to ypur non point about Ms Moore supposedly selling out workers she ain , t doinhg any different to Mr Morris, Mr Greaves or Sir Roy ya hyprocrite and you cannot refute that.Let us see what Mr Reifer comes up with other than repeating himself along with the political nightwatchman.

  26. The govt not going to listen to Harmon
    Harmon should send letters to the UN and UNICEF

  27. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    Well, you know INDIANS don’t like BLACK PEOPLE unless they can use them to their own advantage, like MIA AMOR MOTTLEY and Sir Hillary Beckles.

  28. The blp never ceases to amaze
    In their quest to embarrass Reifer
    Once again drag out a minister whose words were insulting to the cricket fraternity as this clown proceeded with degrading utterance to call cricketers idiots
    Words to this effect can described him as an International Fool

  29. The blp never ceases to amaze
    In their quest to embarrass Reifer
    Once again drag out a minister whose words were insulting to the cricket fraternity as this clown proceeded with degrading utterance to call cricketers idiots
    Words to this effect can described him as an International Fool

  30. “The unemployment situation in St George North is dreadful.”

    Time to be less arrogant and lazy. Those who are unemployed are afraid of changing their location.

    There are enough jobs on the banana plantations in Costa Rica and the mines and whorehouses in Guyana.

  31. Is it libelous to say on a political platform that any idiot can be accused of murder and get away with it?

  32. I am always amazed how our education system has failed. An old politician speaks foolishness in 2020 and people will laugh like if he is not speaking about their families. Once you are not academia your are an idiot .In USA they tell Lebron to shut up and dribblle because he speaks about politics .He is a multi millionaire. Floyd Reifer is an idiot because he is a cricketer. I am told that one cricket tour to England in these modern times can bring in over over US100000.Well i would like to be an idiot in those situations.

  33. Seems like during this SGN campaign the bees would be going stark crazy with ignorant utterances hurling out of their mouths
    Worrell must be turning in his grave to hear the level of degrading insults the Bees are hurling at cricketers in general and the likes of cricket giants like himself
    Sir Garfield Sobers Wes Hall and those who helped place WI cricket on international stages worldwide
    Whenever the blp found him they out to send that minister back to the place of his abode called Jenkins

  34. So friggin embarrassing not withstanding that the blp clown uttered threatening words of violence against Reifer
    What kind of example is he setting at a time when crime and violence is out of control
    This minister got to be a madman

  35. He should know better because he as a politician had to overcome a horrible incidence of the Pele case murder. He switched from the BLP to the DLP and run in St.Michael South East against Hamilton Lashley who run for the BLP and talk the same foolishness about Hamilton Lashley who won by a large margin

  36. The blp so desperate Mia drag a lunatic out of Jenkins to take on Reifer and the international cricket world

  37. WTH????????????

    Is this man mad?????????

    Any idiot can play cricket???????

    He is coming after people to rip their throats out???????

    If he were my father I would disown him!

    What has Floyd Reifer done to him to deserve that?

    We shall see if he is allowed back on a platform again. That will be the litmus test for the Barbados Labour Party!

  38. It seems like any idiot can be a minister!

    My seventeen year old son wants to know if he isn’t supposed to be talking about policy. He thinks an apology should be issued.

    Bradshaw needs to crawl back under his rock. I actually thought he was dead. Seems like he is just brain dead.

  39. LMAO Reifer really needs help if that is what he got from Delisle Bradshaw’s speech. How does “any idiot could play cricket” be the same as “you could only be an idiot to play cricket”? He only proving the man right.🤣🤣🤣

  40. It is the silly season.

  41. Enuff
    Is this the best the blp having a 30-0 victory can do in putting up a fight for Moore
    Lawd have merci
    Jenkins for sure is missing a lunatic called Bradshaw
    Wunda what is Dale Marshall gonna do about these threats
    The evidence is on video

  42. Political wrass meetings in Barbados are for ejats to stand on a platform and denigrate their opponents.

    In the 70s I attended said wrass meetings to hook up in the shadows with females who did not want to be seen in public with me. lol

  43. David
    it is the silly season but remember this man is the consultant to the Minister of Education,Technological &Vocational Training. Just highlight Vocational

  44. Enuff
    I have heard Kenny Best make speeches as a Lawyer/politician and Gline Clarke as a Teacher/politician and both were pretty green sometimes .A person can attend public speaking courses to improve on their delivery but Barbadians are the most hypocritical persons in the world.

  45. Quite true that he did not say that you have to be an idiot to play cricket but still the connotation is that cricket does not require any brain power. Thus cricketers will feel insulted.

    I see you have not addressed the throat ripping imagery.

    May God help you partisans. NOBODY else can, it seems.

  46. Donna

    Context dear donna DESe donna

  47. It a rip ur through politicslly / on the plattform if there come after him

  48. A Nothing burger.

    Wha threat wha? Waste of police time

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