The unemployment situation in St George North is dreadful.  Disappointing voters with false promises is not an option in this by-election.  Candidates must offer workable plans, to effectively address the mass unemployment problems in St George North.

There are six candidates seeking to work for the people of St George North, for the next 30 months.   It is important that none of us follow the bad examples of those who have gone before us.

Candidates who plan to use the desperate unemployed people of St George North as pawns, just to secure a seat in the House of Assembly for their party, are doing the unconscionable.  They are ensuring that the people continue to suffer, during these exceptionally difficult times.  The present suffering is compounded by an unnecessary IMF austerity program, and a global COVID-19 pandemic.

Candidates who make promises that they know they cannot keep, are deceiving voters’ families.  Candidates who know that they have no capacity to implement their party’s plans, push that deceit beyond tolerable levels.

Career politicians have repeatedly broken their promises to previous generations of voters.  Those voters had the patience to tolerate and forgive those, who repeatedly deceived them with empty promises.
The current generation of young voters are different – they will not forgive that type of deceit.  Candidates without any workable economic plans for the families of St George North, are playing with fire.

Audio Version

Grenville Phillips II is a Chartered Structural Engineer, and the Solutions Barbados’ candidate for St George North.  He can be reached at

545 responses to “Solutions Barbados – Playing With Fire”

  1. I never said she should resign
    I said she should delay it

  2. I never said she should not resign.

  3. Donna you are saying that you should do right and not lool for excuses to dpo wrong but on the kemar Stuart isdue you have said Mr Stuart should NOT BE FINED..Mr Stuart has allegedly broken the law and rather than say so you look for excuses and add he should not be fined.This is my problem with you the double standards.If Mr Stuart has broken the law say so and i do

    not want to hear about small quantity or the law is about to change blah blah.

  4. Carson C Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C Cadogan

    ”CDC tells US travellers to ‘avoid’ Barbados

    Barbados is not on the United States Centre for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) list of countries deemed safe for its citizens to travel

    The CDC has so far deemed five Eastern Caribbean countries safe. These countries that have no travel notice issued against them are Anguilla, Grenada, Montserrat, Saint Kitts and Nevis and St. Lucia.

    The CDC said the COVID-19 risk in these countries is ‘very low’.

    Back on the CDC front, Antigua & Barbuda, Barbados, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Puerto Rico, Saint Martin, Sint Maarten, Trinidad and Tobago, Turks & Caicos Islands, and the US Virgin Islands also fall on the list of Level 3 “high risk” countries.”

    I guess the Govt. in AMERICA is not drinking any of the Barbados Labour Party Govt. Kool aid. That is left for Barbadians to drink.

  5. Steupse


    An audio recording of the main argument against Barbados becoming a Republic is attached.

    Submitted by Grenville Phillips.

  7. John 2,

    I realised you would take that the wrong way immediately after I posted.

    I understand what you were saying.

    My example here is a repeat of my initial argument, what I meant in our first interaction. It is by way of explanation not of continuing an argument.

    Moving on….

    “If me no ifs” meant that for example, we should not call in sick and say IF were ill, they would have to do without us. So that if Glyne Clarke had resigned on his own we would have no choice but to pay his pension AND pay another MP’s salary. But that does not mean we should seek to increase our wages bill unnecessarily at a time of financial stress.


    I do not normally answer you politely but here goes.

    Point me to where I said that Kemar Stuart should not be fined.

    What I said was that NO-ONE should be fined. I said that my attitude to marijuana use had changed over time. Therefore I was happy that the law would soon be changed to give users a chance to avoid jail time. Others pointed out that the fine was nonsensical and non-payment would still result in jail time. All this was said BEFORE WE KNEW ANYTHING ABOUT KEMAR STUART BEING CHARGED. IT IS RECORDED ON A BLOG ON THE SAME DAY OF THE THRONE SPEECH.

    I also said that the law had not been changed as yet to reflect society’s change in attitude and so he should step aside from his post of General Secretary.

    You have a bad habit of seeing what you want to see instead of what is there. Or of distorting what somebody says to fit your agenda. Or, to be generous, you have a serious comprehension problem.

    Okay, so not so politely.

  8. Man, the risk of getting COVID in Barbados is less than it is for getting it in the US of A unless they bring it and give it to us first. Every frigging plane from the US brings a dose. I would not be getting on a plane to the USA if they paid me a million. Maybe for a billion though, if I had full PPE to last for the duration because then I could use the money to do some real good bout heh. Well worth the risk for a billion US!

    This US government does not its head from its shitty backside.

    #laughing stock

  9. David,

    An argument from whom?

  10. @Donna

    What are you referring to in this comment?

  11. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    The Barbados Govt. has a habit of dropping charges on WHITE BAJANS AND INDIANS who bring into LARGE amounts of dope.

    But BLACK PEPOLE with a ”roach’ have the legal book thrown at them.

    I am waiting the see the two Barbadoses at work.

  12. David,

    An argument against Barbados becoming a republic from whom.

  13. Oh, that was a submission from Grenville Phillips.

  14. Grenville Phillips II is delusional and talks a heap ah RH! But there are too many on this blog who pretend to be interested in progress and change and as such allow GPII to get away with nonsense. GPII had one of these “I will make you a successful business guru in 6-weeks” session at Combermere School just before the 2018 election too. Now he’s back with it. What were the results? How many people turned up? How many have been successful? In this iteration of his “I will save you” plan, GPII is touting projects that he is adamant government assistance is not required. Fine, but after losing his deposit in the 2018 election in SGN why didn’t he start the programmes between then and now? Why wait on a by-election? The people are not foolish!

  15. Another $250 for the treasury.🤣🤣

  16. Donna

    i cannot break it down for you much right now because i am just on a break from work.

    With clarke ur issue = 2.5 years of pension. i dont know how much is a minister/mp pension BUT i think it woould be chicken feed if you compare everything over all.
    OA had a few picks under MM since he passed what he was making could probably make up for the 2.5 years of clarkes pension.

    I dont have an issue with clarke moving on etc. I think it was a good political move. i cannot agree with you on this one.

    .i had asked you to remove clarke from the equation and look at at as if it was someone else that had resigned but you refused.

  17. Thats my personal view and it would have been the same if the Ds were the ones doing it. You branded me a b yardfowl so everythin i say that is agreement /support the Bs will be onesided to you

  18. THE Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation has a new chairman and two new directors.

  19. John 2,

    Look, I think we two should stop communicating because we speak different languages. I have taught three year olds without this much trouble. I am not getting paid for this.

    I am done. You may continue eating up your fine clothes from now until the cows come home.

  20. A submission from Grenville? Wasn’t that already posted here???????

  21. donna
    Those poor kids must have be wacked by age 5.

    I am sure most of the “senior citizens” on this blog understans what i said

  22. Those kids used to spot me coming up the gap, run to me and hang on to my arms and legs until I could not even walk properly. Same thing at lunch time.

  23. that dont meant that they were/are not shot out

  24. If that thought gets you through the night, dream on!

  25. There was a discussion earlier about politicians and damn lies.

  26. NorthernObserver Avatar

    re changes at CBC…..the former Chair, Sharon Christie, she is the eldest of the Hoad sisters, is she the one you love from your Squeens College daze?

  27. Carson C Cadogan Avatar

    ”A referendum, to measure the public’s support for a Republic, same-sex unions, and moving the statue of Nelson.
    An end to the corrupting no-bid public contracts, where the public must pay up to five times the cost of products, through increased taxes.
    Better managed public services to an international standard, where customer feedback is valued, instead of the current ‘like it or lump it’ management method.
    A rearranged secondary school curriculum, so that graduates leave school with marketable skills, and the confidence to succeed in life.
    An improved justice system, where victims are properly compensated.
    The removal of all taxes on healthy foods.
    The abolition of taxing land, for which our enslaved fore-parents already paid for with their lives’ work. The Government can find something else to tax, but not our land.”

    These are the best ideas out there to help the people of SGN.

  28. “the former Chair, Sharon Christie, she is the eldest of the Hoad sisters”

    the workers at CBC were happy to see the back of that ugly witch….what do you except coming from a racist family….that is what the stink black trash in the parliament love to promote and elevate on the island, overlooking their own people…..their sick, psychotic love for racists, that’s all they live for, that’s all they ever do, they exchanged one racist for another at the same CBC, we will soon hear the confusion kick off again..

  29. Carson C Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C Cadogan

    I don’t know if I missed him or not but I didn’t see Grenville Phillips II on the front page of 16-10-2020 news paper of the Nation???
    I wonder why???

  30. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    “” Guysuco continues to flood lands to force squatters off

    The Guyana Sugar Corporation continued the flooding of its lands at Success on the East Coast of Demerara this morning in its efforts to force squatters off.

    Despite many of the squatters pleading with a state-owned company, thousands of gallons of water was released on the lands this morning to destroy the small shacks that were built by the squatters.

    Some were able to save their personal belong nowhere to move to higher ground, but others said they had no where else to go and will now be left homeless.””

    News Source Guyana

  31. He was on the front page this week. And to be fair to the traditional media he has been getting reasonable coverage understanding that he has not been mounting political meetings to compare with the DLP and BLP.

  32. Any Govt that would flood land to get people off govt property should be handcuffed and hauled to the world court
    Actions such as those can described as criminal actions regulated and designed to harm and hurt its people
    Acts deemed as violence against humanity

  33. ”A referendum, to measure the public’s support for a Republic, same-sex unions, and moving the statue of Nelson.
    An end to the corrupting no-bid public contracts, where the public must pay up to five times the cost of products, through increased taxes.
    Better managed public services to an international standard, where customer feedback is valued, instead of the current ‘like it or lump it’ management method.
    A rearranged secondary school curriculum, so that graduates leave school with marketable skills, and the confidence to succeed in life.
    An improved justice system, where victims are properly compensated.
    The removal of all taxes on healthy foods.
    The abolition of taxing land, for which our enslaved fore-parents already paid for with their lives’ work. The Government can find something else to tax, but not our land.”

    These are the best ideas out there to help the people of SGN.



    these are thing to be implemented by a government not by a representative of a constituency

  34. Carson C Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C Cadogan


  35. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    So an individual cant make any difference???

    Isn’t the Govt. made up of individuals?????

  36. Here is the million dollar problem for Solutions to solve
    Farmers needing help from thieves

    Read ePaper Barbados Today
    Home / Top Featured Article / Thieves stealing thousands of dollars worth of stock from farmers

    Thieves stealing thousands of dollars worth of stock from farmers

  37. Carson C Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C Cadogan

    Farmers looking for a reward then finding their produce stolen is very heart wrenching indeed.
    But and there is always a but, farmers knowing the situation with theft in Barbados MUST immediate take steps to safeguard their interest. No body have your interest like you.

    And it can be done over a period of time. Install fences, buy a dog or two, patrol your farm at night, set up cameras, set up lights, buy alarms, don’t sit back and wait for the Police to do everything. It is farmers interests at stake. And calling in the press after the fact is laziness. Call in the press BEFORE the fact and show them what you are doing. This will deter thieves.

    We always think that somebody else must come to our rescue. These things can be done over time by farmers. Instead of belly aching.

    It makes no sense closing the door after the horse has bolted so to speak.

  38. government made up of individuals withing the party that get the most votes. not by opposition parties/independents.

    Tell joe to try to implement any of those policies for his constituency or the island and see how far he will get.

  39. New Independent Senator to be sworn in today.

  40. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    Joe is not interested in anything so. He is interested in his FAT SALARY.

    Where is constituency??? The people are saying they don’t want to see him again.

  41. Carson C Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C Cadogan

    I am wondering who yardfowl Senator that is ??????

    Because the last ”Independent” Senator was a member of the Barbados Labour Party and supported the Party all the time.

  42. The story told by the farmer today paints a picture of a person who have invested thousands of dollars in security which even was stolen along with a refrigerator the farmer used for storing his personnel food
    Outside putting electrical barbed wire fencing
    There is little the farmers can do to protect their livelihood

  43. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    What kind of ”Security” was that????

    Was that bogus ”Security”????

    I have a friend who is a farmer in Ruby, St. Phillip, and he suffered the same crop theft and over time he set up REAL SECURITY measures including the use of Dogs and he hasn’t had a problem since.

  44. @Carson

    Be careful with these arguments about theft from farmers. Theft is wrong and the offenders should be punished. But there are people in Barbados who believe that all huskers sell stolen produce. This is a hidden attack on the poorest of the poor.
    When in Barbados I only buy from supermarkets what I cannot get from huskers. Last time I was there a friend told me in all sincerity how those produce are stolen.
    Be careful of the consequences of these arguments. Two wrongs do not make a right.

  45. Oh hell, no! That ugly, old looking woman was Sharon Hoad???? I did not even recognize her! (kissing my black skin.)

    It was one of her sisters who berated me for turning my back on the Queen of England in 1975 when they stacked us along Constitution Rd to wave at the royal motorcade.

    She thought my black ass was not suitably “respectful” to the white mistress and even after two years of sitting in a class with me the fool didn’t get that I did not give a rat’s botsy what she thought. She figured she could “reprimand” me and I’d wilt. When I finished with her she didn’t even dare report what I had done.

    WTH were they doing sending one of that tribe to lord it over black people?

    Why is Mia seeking to bring back massa day?

  46. I belived the farmer put up what security is affordable to his pocket
    However theft is theft
    I agree that a couple well trained pit bulls would help

  47. Cameras cameras cameras! visable and hidden

  48. It’s time for the young generation in Barbados and the Caribbean take back their islands from sell outs.

  49. Carson C Cadogan Avatar


    I never said that that stealing from farmers is right and proper. I said it ”is very heart wrenching indeed.” Don’t get me wrong.

    I do a little farming at home for my home.

    I said that farmers have to take their own measures to safe guard them selves do not rely on the Police exclusively to come to their rescue. The Police are overwork and understaff. They are doing the best with the tiny resources they have.

    Theft from farmers affect us all. It gives the WHITE BAJANS the excuse they need to import things that we can grow here.

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