The unemployment situation in St George North is dreadful.  Disappointing voters with false promises is not an option in this by-election.  Candidates must offer workable plans, to effectively address the mass unemployment problems in St George North.

There are six candidates seeking to work for the people of St George North, for the next 30 months.   It is important that none of us follow the bad examples of those who have gone before us.

Candidates who plan to use the desperate unemployed people of St George North as pawns, just to secure a seat in the House of Assembly for their party, are doing the unconscionable.  They are ensuring that the people continue to suffer, during these exceptionally difficult times.  The present suffering is compounded by an unnecessary IMF austerity program, and a global COVID-19 pandemic.

Candidates who make promises that they know they cannot keep, are deceiving voters’ families.  Candidates who know that they have no capacity to implement their party’s plans, push that deceit beyond tolerable levels.

Career politicians have repeatedly broken their promises to previous generations of voters.  Those voters had the patience to tolerate and forgive those, who repeatedly deceived them with empty promises.
The current generation of young voters are different – they will not forgive that type of deceit.  Candidates without any workable economic plans for the families of St George North, are playing with fire.

Audio Version

Grenville Phillips II is a Chartered Structural Engineer, and the Solutions Barbados’ candidate for St George North.  He can be reached at

545 responses to “Solutions Barbados – Playing With Fire”

  1. Candidates who plan to use the desperate unemployed people of St George North as pawns, just to secure a seat in the House of Assembly for their party, are doing the unconscionable. They are ensuring that the people continue to suffer, during these exceptionally difficult times. The present suffering is compounded by an unnecessary IMF austerity program, and a global COVID-19 pandemic.

    Candidates who make promises that they know they cannot keep, are deceiving voters’ families. Candidates who know that they have no capacity to implement their party’s plans, push that deceit beyond tolerable levels.




  2. There is a risk in offering workable plans
    The risk begins and ends with Mia who is on record as saying that nothing can be workable without her permission
    Also i would say anything offered by opposing candidates would be stolen as day becomes daylight
    Look how this govt walked every length and breadth of barbados opposing past govt plans and now have the nerve to think about implementing them
    My mind goes to WTE plant
    This is a govt without shame

  3. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    The BLP cursed HYATT and Maloney stink. Now their favorite boy is the same Maloney and Hyatt is supposed to be the savior of Barbados.

    These BLP members and their supporters are not to be trusted.


    SOLUTIONS BARBADOS’ party leader Grenville Phillips II has thrown his hat – and his money – into the St George North by-election race.
    Yesterday, he paid his $250 deposit into the Treasury.
    He contested the same riding in the May 2018 general election and lost to the Barbados Labour Party’s Gline Clarke. Clarke vacated the seat on September 30 after 26 years’ service.
    After payment and before heading back to the campaign trail, Phillips, a structural engineer, said that not only would he be mounting public meetings to discuss his proposals with constituents, but would participate in the proposed televised debates.
    So far, five other candidates are contesting the election.

  5. We are fairly sure that if a guillotine was erected at the entrance to SGN it will act as a guarantor of the absence of false promises.

    Maybe, that instrument of social transformation could have been used against this current regime for its own false promises a few years ago.

  6. I have always thought that levelling with the people would yield surprising results.

    I don’t know why politicians persist in false promises. Most voters believe that pie in the sky comes only after we die by and by.

    Has any politician ever considered that being honest about what is possible and presenting a plan on how it could be achieved together gradually could actually work and be more sustainable.

    Voters do tend to notice that their pie has not arrived.

  7. Carson C Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C Cadogan

    ”Regardless of how well or poorly students did at secondary school, we will train all willing St George North secondary school graduates (in six weeks) to be employable, and/or ready to start their own business. Training will be at no cost to St George North residents.

    Participants will learn to speak, write, listen, calculate, draw, and do tasks at an excellent level. We will teach them to become responsible adults, and model employees, and employers.”

    Looking after the people and community of SGN not enriching himself for 26 years.

  8. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    ”I am the 2014 winner of the National Innovation Competition. We will train people how to start and grow a profitable business, with no start-up money. The 8-week training will be at no cost to St George North residents.

    The aim is for each willing participant to have a viable Internet based business, by the end of the workshop. This should provide each household with a separate income stream.”

    And we could all use an internet based business. the whole World becomes our market. Not just 166 square miles. I am tired seeing how people from other countries making money hand over fist on their Internet Business while we BLACK PEPOPLE IN BARBADOS BEING kept down deliberately to provide CHEAP LABOUR FOR OTHERS.

  9. @Donna

    Where did such an approach land Bree?

  10. Carson C Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C Cadogan

    We MUST ALL remember that Grenville Phillips II is a product of this BLOG. A worthwhile contribution to Barbados.

  11. people like to be lied to, flattered, call it what you wish- especially in politics and relationships.

  12. He was an MP for how many years? And didn’t he end up as PM?

    Just because one fails once to succeed while using the right approach does not mean that it can never happen. Things change gradually, not overnight.

    My idea is that this crisis presents YET ANOTHER OPPORTUNITY TO RESET. There is nobody who does not understand the global environment we face at this time. NOBODY (except the politicians, it seems) could seriously be expecting free and easy pie. So far the average Bajan has been understanding. This was the time to create a new political culture.

    The problem is though, that if the politicians continue to feast on pie, we will notice how fat they are getting. I find that some of Mia’s latest politically motivated moves could wear the patience of the people thin. She may maintain the support of her fat cat insiders and lose the support of the people.

    That still translates into NO PRIME MINISTERSHIP for her. She needs to explain to the fat cats that if they take her down, they would likely go down with her. There is not one of them whom the people will see as a viable replacement. The people like MIA. The people voted for MIA.

    But I guess they see that there is no other party ready to take the reins.

    Almost makes me wish that GP 2 wins the by-election and puts a good scare in them.

  13. As you see, David, I am caught between the devil and the deep blue sea. FIGURATIVELY SPEAKING, of course……

    …..because St. George North does not have a coastline!


  14. @ Greene

    Your of all people should know better. It is now a criminal offence in England and Wales to tell lies in chatting up a partner.

  15. Donna,

    i thought about running for office but every time i think about having to flatter people, tell them a set of lies i shudder. i cant BS for too long so at some point i know i will have to tell them how i feel and think. that i am not paying any bills for anyone. i am not giving them a job when i know they cant do it. i am not giving them any job anyway. they have to go thru the process. that govt cant provide everything. that they have to do things for themselves most times. that CXCs are not the end all and that it may be best to get a trade or do something technical.

    so knowing myself i changed my mind. i dont lie to women and i wont lie to voters so it is best i dont run for office

  16. Greene,

    I prefer the truth in politics AND relationships. For instance, in my youth, a man who called me pretty would be entertained. A man who called me the most beautiful woman he has ever seen would not even have received an answer.

    And now in middle age, there are many who would slash 15 years off my age when I KNOW it is not quite so much when I look in the mirror.

    I find that irritating.

  17. @Hal,

    quote] Lying to a partner to convince them to have sex could soon be illegal under proposed laws.

    The New South Wales Law Reform Commission recommended that if a physical relationship eventuated after a person was dishonest about themselves, sexual assault charges should apply.

    The proposal contains a clause in regards to liars and people who ‘fraudulently induce’ others into sexual activity.[unquote

    quick reference lol

  18. I think some of us just accept that people prefer lies. I challenge that. When people are told the truth, initially they are surprised because they seldom encounter it and don’t know what to do with it. BUT….they warm up to it eventually. You just need to get over the rough patch.

    Or so I have found.

  19. quote] A man is challenging his conviction for raping a woman who willingly slept with him after he falsely claimed to have had a vasectomy. How can someone be guilty of rape if their partner has agreed to sex, and what implications does the case have?

    “I have a confession. I’m still fertile. Sorry xxx”

    Sally – not her real name – was distraught as she read the text message from Jason Lawrance, a man she had met through a dating website. “Are you serious?” she texted back. “You utter bastard. Why the hell would you do that to me?”

    Before Sally had sex with Lawrance he told her he’d had “the snip” and she consented to having sex without a condom, but would never have done so if she had known Lawrance was fertile. She also had no idea he was a serial rapist.

    Then 42 and already a mother, Sally did not want another child. She took the morning after pill but became pregnant, then went through the ordeal of having an abortion.[quote


    this is a very interesting area of law. one that i confess i am not too au fait with

  20. My, my! They are going to need many many more courts and judicial officers.

  21. ”I am the 2014 winner of the National Innovation Competition. We will train people how to start and grow a profitable business, with no start-up money. The 8-week training will be at no cost to St George North residents.

    The aim is for each willing participant to have a viable Internet based business, by the end of the workshop. This should provide each household with a separate income stream.”

    And we could all use an internet based business. the whole World becomes our market. Not just 166 square miles. I am tired seeing how people from other countries making money hand over fist on their Internet Business while we BLACK PEPOPLE IN BARBADOS BEING kept down deliberately to provide CHEAP LABOUR FOR OTHERS.


    Why could this be done over the last two years?

    Just asking for now. cam say a lot more and will (if i remember ) after the election.

  22. donna

    Something change overnight.

    Corvid wasnt overnight by its effects were suddenly /”overnight”

  23. Greene

    If you are serious about running “just do it”
    keep what you said here at the forefront of your campaigning and let the people decide.

  24. @ Greene

    The background to all this is the feminisation of the law. @Cammie is always rightly on about the abuse of the family courts and US daytime TV is full of partners, usually women, claiming child support under dubious circumstances.
    It is an issue that must be debated. I remember when the Child Support Agency was first created the government got it through parliament by suggesting that it was meant to deal with ‘those baby fathers’ with lots of children from different women, code for black.
    I remember saying at the time if they thought black fathers who did not support their children were going to bow to a new agency, they were living in cloud cuckoo land.
    It turned out exactly as I predicted. You may recall that the newspaper reports at the time were full of news about middle class professional men, usually divorcees, who were hounded by the agency. They were low hanging fruit. Middle class people would not entertain going to prison for child support.
    The boys on the block in Brixton, in the main, could not give two hoots. The lesson: pick your fights.

  25. donna


  26. The law has traditionally been masculine. Not many men complained about that. I would say that the law NEEDED some “feminisation”.

    But I believe too far east is west and benefits no-one, including women and so I prefer it to be balanced. Only fairness is sustainable and productive.

    John 2,

    Context, context!

    “Things” means human attitudes.

  27. @Hal, Donna

    how about introducing a law titled False Promises to Voters.

    any person standing for public office where voting by citizens is a requirement of such office, who makes promises in words, by mouth or any other means electronically or otherwise, to voters in order to attract their votes and in plurality wins such public office, commits an offence titled False Promises to Voters, if the person standing for public office knew or should have known that such promises in part or whole were unlikely to be fulfilled, and on conviction to be sentenced to 10 years imprisonment and a fine of $100,000.00

    It shall be no legal excuse for the person standing for public office to purport reliance on the word, written or verbal, of party colleagues, or that changing economic or political conditions militated against such promises being fulfilled.

    it shall be no legal requirement that voters partially or wholly considered such promises when voting in order to prove an offence under this section as long as such promises were made in words, by mouth or any other means electronically or otherwise, by the person standing for public office or by his agent or surrogate, or by party colleagues or their agents or surrogates

    that would be a v interesting concept.

  28. Don’t see the rational behind making that stuff sexual assault. I would think that should be a civil CASE for damages. Of course, that is no remedy when a defendant is broke.

    Solution – NO one night stands or always use protection. And for long term prospects – do your research, hire a PI or ask for proof.

    Lol. Living is risky. Ain’t no guarantees.

  29. Judge Judy say, ” The law is not meant to save you from your own stupidity!”

    I have learnt to live with the consequences of mine and move on.

  30. Greene,

    Don’t really see how that would work. The solution is the right to recall them or to vote them out.

  31. DONNA

    from here it looks like convenience to me with a wiff of hypocrisy .

    if it good for the goose then it should be good for…………

  32. Correction – rationale

    John 2,

    Hypocrisy on whose part exactly? And convenience for whom?

    Asking because I have not a clue what you are talking about.

  33. Barbadians love the theatre of politics, lies and all.

  34. IF NO IF
    (you said it not me )

    short or convenient memory?

  35. John 2

    Please quote to me my ifs and buts. We seem to speak in different languages.

  36. David,

    True for some. Not for all. What percentage of the electorate attends the free political theatre?

  37. The definition shouldn’t be done in a discrete way. One senses it is a cultural thing for the majority, even those who know better.

  38. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    Let me say again one more time.

    Everyone is saying that they are tired of the BLP , DLP scenario.
    But don’t you know with a plethora of other parties they are still voting the same way all the time. Nothing has changed. They still vote for the same people time and again. Although they are doing for them or their communities.

    When new Candidates with wonderful ideas present them to the voters, they don’t even get back their deposits. And that is a big source of mirth for people.

    Do we want a difference or do we want the same??????? If you do the same the same way don’t expect difference results.

    The WHITE BAJANS AND INDIANS are seeing this and are laughing at us.

  39. Carson C Cadogan Avatar

    should be ”nothing” on line 4 after 18th word.

  40. donna

    yes we seem to talk different languages this i hinted to you before today.

    in al fairness what does the following 2 mean? as i ihave never hear it said that way before and may have interpeted it the wrong way(

    if me no ifs
    and but me no buts

  41. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    Races in Barbados that don’t like us and who make up a mere 3% of our population will continue to exploit us.

  42. When new Candidates with wonderful ideas present them to the voters, they don’t even get back their deposits. And that is a big source of mirth for people.

    Do we want a difference or do we want the same??????? If you do the same the same way don’t expect difference results.

    The WHITE BAJANS AND INDIANS are seeing this and are laughing at us.



  43. John 2,

    The saying does not mean that we should never use the words if or but. In the context it meant you should not look for excuses. If you know what is right then don’t look for an excuse to do wrong.

    So for instance, if you believe it was right for Toni Moore to resign then do not look to excuse her not resigning.

  44. Carson C Cadogan Avatar

    I saw the other day in Barbados Today that Sir Hilary Beckles whose Son killed Khalil Campbell, who is the son of High Court judge, Lennox Campbell a JAMAICAN MAN and he got off.

    He wants $50billion dollars for slave reparation.

    He never did anything for our decedents in England who were treated in the most criminal way by the British people. He and MIA AMOR MOTTLEY interceded on the behalf of INDIAN PEOPLE in GUYANA and against BLACK PEOPLE in GUYANA. And all this in favor of WHITE BAJANS HERE IN BARBADOS. They have their sights set on GUYANA with the help of their party the BARBADOS LABOUR PARTY.

    People who were not in GUYANA on voting day still somehow managed to vote for the INDIANS, people who were DEAD and in the Cemetery manage to get up out of the Cemetery and went and vote for the INDIANS other irregularities were found but were ignored, but the call against the BLACK GOVT. was STRIDENT FROM OUR PRIME MINSTER AND HILLARY BECKLES.

    Now he is asking for $50billion for BLACK PEOPLE who were betrayed After having betrayed a BLACK GOVT, He and our Black Prime Minister supported THE INDIAN MEN who started to burn down Guyana.

    I hope that he doesn’t get a blind cent.

  45. As usual I note that I seem to move in different circles. The people in my sphere just steupse at all the hoop-la. We do not gossip.

    At my last workplace I was always the last to hear unsavoury gossip. Sometimes I would hear years after the fact by overhearing somebody else’s loud conversation. I guess it was because of my tendency to ask, “And how do you know that?”

    It was a real culture shock when I first started work there at the age of twenty- eight. I had never encountered that love of gossip before. Not at home. Not at school. Not at UWI. Not at the four other places I had worked.

    May be it was going on and I was just oblivious or maybe I have just been lucky.

  46. “He and our Black Prime Minister supported THE INDIAN MEN who started to burn down Guyana.”

    so wait, whatever happened to your love affair with the INDIAN Harrises…you loved them so much you were cussing people on BU for them, wuh happen, ya fell out of love or what??…..🤣😂🤣…

  47. David,

    I enjoyed the political theatre of Errol Barrow and Tom Adams in the House of Assembly. Licks were shared about policy, knowledge, competence and the like. I do not enjoy low down political meetings full of gossip and innuendo and no substance.

    And I don’t believe Bajans like to hear false promises. They are actually hoping against hope that they are true.

    There is a difference.

  48. “The WHITE BAJANS AND INDIANS are seeing this and are laughing at us.”

    😂🤣😂😂🤣..will wonders never cease…

    The people of St. George should suffered Enuff just like the people in St. John were FORCED to suffer under both evil, greedy, corrupt DBLP governments for 60 years, while being oppressed by their repulsive self serving representatives…they should know what they have to do, it cannot continue with another liar living like a parasite off their and their children’s backs…for decades..

    “We are fairly sure that if a guillotine was erected at the entrance to SGN it will act as a guarantor of the absence of false promises.”

    a lot of them want their lying heads CHOPPING OFF.

  49. Carson C. Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C. Cadogan

    There is a man on this Blog his name is Grenville Phillips II .

    And there are many members hoping and praying that he does not make a good showing in SGN. That he loses his deposit so that they can laugh and make mock sport at him. That is the kind of people a lot of us are. Egged on by the other Races who make up 3% of our population and do not look like us.

    Brilliant people , with brilliant ideas but we don’t like them because they come from third parties, yet we claimed we want newness but picking the same people from the same parties all the time.

    The people who are in THE WHITE BAJANS AND INDIANS pockets.

  50. And if me my if?

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