Thanks to Kammie Holder the blogmaster highlights the following reminder to Barbadians. Let us all do our part to keep the virus contained – David Blogmaster

AG (Dale Marshall) stated – ALL businesses with a few exceptions are closed from Saturday March 28th at 8pm until April 15th to reduce human interaction and compel social distancing.
The businesses permitted to operate during the day with social distancing are:
1) Supermarkets
2) Pharmacies
3) Abatoirs, butcher shops, fish markets
4) Bakeries
5) Farms
6) Pharmaceutical, food processors, drink manufacturers
7) Banks and Credit Unions (not insurance companies)
8) Cleaning services (companies)
9) Restaurants – only drive thru and take away permitted (11am-5pm)
10) Fuel manufacturers, fuel storage, fuel distribution
11) Gas stations (7am-7pm)
12) Delivery services for food groceries and pharmaceuticals ( 8am-6pm)
13) Hotels and Villas can operate for the full 24 hr – however gaming rooms, spas, gyms, tennis courts, squash and any other ancillary recreational services provided in hotels are prohibited included dine in restaurants
14) Portvale sugar family
15) veterinary services for animals in distress
An exemption has been granted for the completed construction of Harrison’s Point. NO OTHER CONSTRUCTION MUST TAKE PLACE
Weddings – only bride, bridegroom, official witnesses and marriage officer are permitted to attend.
Funerals – no more than 10 mourners, the funeral director, necessary staff and the officiant
No person shall host or attend a private party, sporting event, meetings of social clubs, civic organization etc.
Public Service
Some services will be open but with skeleton staff (9am-2pm)
1) Office of AG
2) Registrar of Supreme Court
3) National Assistance Board
4)Govt laboratories
7)Central Bank
8) Central Purchasing
9) BRA
10) Commerce Dept
11) Post Office
12) Cabinet Office
13) Min of Public Service
14) Min of Foreign Affairs (not Foreign Trade)
15) Meteorological Services
Min of Public Service is finalising a work from home programme for civil servants where possible
Essential Services for whom the curfew does not apply are:
1) Medical profession
2) Para medical profession
3)Hospital/pharmacy workers
4) Caregivers/homehelp (not maids)
5) Police
6) BDF
7) Customs
8) Security services
9) Firefighting
10) Disaster management services
11) Electricity, telecommunications and media services
12) Transportation services
13) Airport and seaport including
14) Water services
15) Collection, treatment storage of refuge
16) Businesses dealing with deceased persons
*Penalty for breach:
$50 000 fine or 12 months imprisonment or both*

454 responses to “Remember the CURFEW Barbadians”

  1. @David March 28, 2020 2:03 PM @John A Does it matter for 20 hours? Hardware stores normally close by 8pm with the exception of the new kid on the block? Like Dee Word stated, turn off from the main and wait.”

    I’ve had the water pipe which brings the water in from the main rupture in the middle of the night. I was awakened by a loud “whooshing” sound. Yes i got up and turned off at the stop cock. No flooding problem as the water simply ran into the street.. Yes I had enough water stored to do the basics.

    But how many people have enough water stored to flush the toilets for a family for 2 weeks? My guess is hardy anybody.

    And noboy wants us doing our business in the backyard or in the bushes especially in an epidemic.

    So for emergencies only I’d say let customers/plumbers order on line or by phone, and pick up from a drive-thru window.

  2. I fully understand the need for a shutdown, but like Donna I am worried that insurance companies will mot be able
    to process pensions or accept payments for policies with a deadline before April 15.

  3. @Silly Woman, you need not worry as you can still call office numbers if you have a working phone. You worry too much. COVID-19 promotes work from home that many have resisted for years,

  4. I was glad to see that my corner shop has installed plexiglass shields around the cashiers to prevent customers from breathing directly into the cashier’s faces, and the cashiers are using sanitiser and giving the counters a regular wipe down with disinfectant and paper towels.

    My hardware store which had rather light security, glass doors, has installed heavy wooden doors outside of the glass doors so that the store is a bit more secure from intruders.

    I went out to buy some produce this morning. I deliberately went to small less crowded stores, and people were generally practicing social distancing.

    This for WARU: I saw one of the ZR guys from across the street. I asked him “how’s business?” He replied “so-so, but it won’t always be like this.” So he was pretty philosophical.

    Normally on Saturday nights I can hear the traffic as the partiers go back and forth. Very,, very quiet now.

  5. Silly Woman,

    I am not worrying. I am still in The Chill Room. I was just wondering. I am sure an accommodation will be made somehow.


    Some people don’t have checking accounts. How would cash payments be accepted? At least a cashier should be on hand. My Sagicor payments are accepted at Surepay but not my Massy home insurance.

  6. Rats swarm New Orleans’ streets as coronavirus precautions leave them empty

    Precautions put in place to slow the rise of coronavirus cases in New Orleans has inadvertently led to a rat problem for the Louisiana city. With restaurants closed save for take-out service, far less food waste is being discarded in the city’s alleyways, driving the local rodent population out into the open to search for scraps.

    New Orleans’ famous Mardi Gras celebration brought thousands of tourists to the city, and medical experts believe it might be a big factor in the city’s COVID-19 outbreak. Now with Bourbon Street’s famous bars all closed and people social distancing, videos show dozens of rats scurrying through the empty streets.

    “I turn the corner, there’s about 30 rats at the corner, feasting on something in the middle of the street,” one local restauranteur told CBS News’ Omar Villafranca. He said he had “never” seen anything like it before.

    To control the population, city crews started putting bait in the gutters and placing rat traps throughout the French Quarter neighborhood. New Orleans Mayor LaToya Cantrell said the rats were going “crazy.”

    Claudia Regal, head of the local pest control board, expressed concern about the possible infections the rat infestation could spread to the local homeless population.

    “There are pathogens in these rodents. Fortunately, we don’t see many of the health outcomes. We don’t have very many disease cases that are actually related to rodents. But the potential is there,” she said during a press conference.

    She called it a “difficult time to be a rat” due to the limited availability of food scraps.

  7. This is when the international community and the people have to keep their EYES WIDE OPEN FOR ABUSE OF POWER….these power trips never end well..

    “Yesterday [Friday] legislation was passed in the House of Assembly giving the Prime Minister sweeping powers, details of which were never enclosed in the circulated printed copy of the Bill,” De Peiza said in a media statement yesterday, while also noting that during the wrap up on the Emergency Management (Amendment) Bill 2020, the Attorney General proposed that the Bill be further amended “ . . . to allow Cabinet to delegate to the Prime Minister power to make such directives as may be required in the public’s interest”.

    She said the effect of the changes was that neither Cabinet, the House, the Senate nor the Governor General would have oversight or even the right of consultation on directives given by the Prime Minister.”

  8. Well there you have it, we have the figures, so don’t listen to fools like Atherley and go congregating anywhere.

    “Just one day after the U.S. surpassed 100,000 confirmed coronavirus cases, the nation witnessed another grim figure: More than 2,000 COVID-19 patients have died.

    Testing continues to expand across the nation, and the U.S. is seeing daily spikes in the number of reported cases. Nearly 500 coronavirus-related deaths were reported Saturday, up from 1,544 confirmed deaths 24 hours earlier, according to Johns Hopkins University’s data dashboard.

    The death toll was 2,010 Saturday shortly after 6 p.m. ET. That number is expected to rise steadily in the coming days and weeks, and health officials say the number of cases is likely higher due to lack of testing. Nearly 18,000 new cases were reported on both Wednesday and Thursday, according to Johns Hopkins.

    More than 120,000 cases have been reported in the U.S.

    Cases have been reported in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam and the U.S. Virgin Islands. New York has reported the most deaths, followed by Washington, New York and Louisiana, according to Johns Hopkins.

    The basics on the coronavirus:What you need to know

    Health care facilities are stretched thin, and states and cities across the country have instituted shelter-in-place and stay-at-home orders in an effort to curb the spread of COVID-19.

    Around the globe, more than 30,000 people have died, and more than 657,000 have been confirmed to have COVID-19. More than 200 countries, areas and territories have reported cases, according to the World Health Organization.”

  9. They did say laughter is the best medicine when ya went in all ya superior glory and got yaself infected with the virus…lol

    “And now that the prime minister, health secretary, chief medical officer, Dilyn the rescue dog and – according to Whitehall insiders – both of Chris Grayling’s brain cells are suspected or confirmed to have the coronavirus, it is suddenly obvious that the past two weeks have been a meticulously scripted warning of what happens if you ignore all of the government’s advice, precisely as the government has done.

    Don’t stay at home; just carry on as normal, swanking about Westminster because, you know, as long as the little people stop spreading the virus, surely you can do what you like, including going on television and bragging about going to a hospital and shaking coronavirus patients by the hand.

    Don’t “protect the NHS”, but spend a decade stripping it bare.

    And save lives if you like, but whatever you do, definitely don’t give even a nanoscopic toss about anyone’s but your own. Where does it end? Well, it ends with you testing positive for the coronavirus, I’m afraid.

    Woah woah woah woah, you might say – you’re not actually laughing at Boris Johnson getting the coronavirus, are you? Yes, I’m afraid to report, we are.

    One of humanity’s more curious traits in recent years is that the faster it approaches its entirely self-inflicted extinction, the more time it has to turn all jokes into morality-based quadratic equations. But the right and wrongs notwithstanding: is it okay to laugh at the guy who came up with the phrase “Operation Last Gasp” as a way to inject much-needed levity into the somewhat leaden reality that the UK has the worst prepared health service in the entire western hemisphere, now finding himself with a very mild case of the Covid-19s? Well, it’s Key Stage 3, at best.”

  10. I would be doing a disservice if i did not share the whole article, too sweet not to

  11. For the most part Barbadians have obeyed the curfew order from all reports although there are reports some youngsters challenged the curfew and posted to social media to prove it. Hopefully the authorities will arrest a couple to send a strong message. This is a good opportunity for the authorities to send a STRONG message!

  12. An article in local media stated concerns which Verla Depezia had made mention in connection to the Curfew Bill which was passed as law and put in place as to control the spread of the virus
    Her concern hinges on a notion that they were other laws not made transparent to the public which can trample on people rights
    My question to govt why be dishonest in your movement to use Corona in a mischievous and blatant dictatorial fashion to step on people Constitutional rights
    If What Verla Depezia said is true govt should come clean and disclosed to the public all relevant laws or impositions attached to that Curfew Bill
    David over to You
    Btw take off your yardfowl cloak and put away your dagger and try to rescue bajans against a freefall of malicious undercutting of laws (by this govt )which might bind them to a life which forever take away some of their Constitutional rights
    God help us law

  13. HomeNewsVerla: Too…
    Verla: Too much power for PM

  14. When PMs without any valid reason legislates absolute powers unto themselves…THEY MUST BE WATCHED BY Caswell said,, legislation is already in place to deal with curfews etc ….some are believing that this extreme power trip is nothing more than a power grab.

  15. @ Mariposa

    We have proved once again that the chairman is not a liberal democrat, he is keen on more power to the state. Youngsters should do as they are told. Ever so often he reveals more and more about himself.
    But, as @Verla has pointed out, governments throughout the liberal world has always used emergency powers to extend the power of the state.
    They sell the idea of emergency legislation on issues that the public support, and in the fine print force through some of the most repressive pieces of legislation. When the crisis is over, the repressive legislation remains on the statute books.
    I have my concerns about a Bds$50000 fine for disobeying the badly framed curfew legislation; so, as the authoritarian chairman has pointed out, if youths break the curfew, are they going to be fined $50000 on conviction? Is that angry, bitter magistrate going to send them to prison if they cannot pay the fine?
    In the UK, the fine on the spot is £60, £30 if paid within 14 days. And it is not a criminal offence. A civilised society does not try to penalise its citizens to show who is in charge, it tries to nudge those citizens in to doing what is right.

  16. Small and dishonest minds invariably attack people. There is a reason why totalitarian governments around the world for the most part have been able to ring fence and wrestle COVID 19 to a reasonable infection rate. These are not ordinary times. Let the armchair critics who for many cannot manage their households bray.

  17. Barrows Public Order Act is more than enough to control the people’s movement and make everyone safe , but when ya want to ordain yaself all powerful ya tend to paint a huge red bull’s mark on ya own self….and must be watched for seeking all of that attention.

  18. Some of you have not taken the time to read and understand what Verla is saying. In a nutshell the prime minister has too much powers under the amended Emergency Powers Act according to Verla. Tell Verla tell us something we do not no know about the power of prime ministers in our system of government. Albert Branford agrees with our beloved Senator Caswell the prime minister already has the power from the legislation on the book and that the government engaged in grand standing.

    See existing laws referenced:

    Emergency Management Act
    Emergency Powers (Amended) pdf

  19. Ezra E Alleyne
    13 hrs ·

    The Corona Virus ( Covid 19) and the Law. Some Basic Ideas

    One of the most fundamental principles of Human Rights Law is simply that there are no absolute freedoms.

    Every freedom can be deliberately restricted if it is reasonably requiired that that freedom be so restricted in the public interest.

    The power to deliberately restrict any freedom is usually exercised by those who occupy the constituional office called The Executive…in this case ..the Cabinet, which has responsibilty for the peace order and good governance of the country.

    Such a serious Cabinet decision will be supported by the passing or amendment of the appropriate law by those who occupy the other great office of the State..The Legislature.

    The action is then assented to by and finalised by a Proclamation of Her Excellency the Governor General and that sets the stage for the impositiion and enforcement of the restriction of the freedom by the law enforcement agencies which are then authorised by the actual law itself and by easy-to -make regulations to enforce obedience to the emergency law and regulations.

    Normally, what the revered legal philosopher John Austin refers to as the “habitual obedience” to the law will kick in and responsible citizens will obey the restrictions and accept the “temporary abridgement” of their freedoms.

    Sometimes the odd miscreant will disobey and suffer the prescribed penalties which are stiff enough to act as a primary deterrent to those contemplating breaking the law.. A kind of “dont even think about it” approach to enforcing the law

    Of course some indiividuals will “think about it and foolishly do it” If that happens the other great power of the State the Judicial power exercised by the Courts will take over and in a bad enough case HMP Dodds may have to find room for another temporary resident/occupant!

    The Emergency Amendment Measures announced by The Prime Minister and later amplified by the Hon Attorney General is a good example of restrictions on our freedom of movement and our freedom of association arguably and probably deemed by Cabinet on expert advice as reasonably necessary in the light of the threat to life and public health and welfare posed by the Corona virus…(Covid 19)

    The evidence both here and internationally speaks to the potency of this virus to cause devastation to health. That potency is fuelled by human to human contact which facilitates its proliferation and damage to health. Hence restrictions on movement and gatherings and the need for social distancing!.

    That factual base is a perfect platform from which a Government can argue the reasonableness of the restrictions especially given that there is as yet, no universally accepted vaccine capable of arresting this virus.

    In cases of public Emergency The law is most assuredly NOT an ass.

    (c) Ezra Alleyne 2020

    Watch this space for more comment later on the Law and the Corona Virus…..

  20. To make things even worse, people still flying into the island and asked to self-isolate are complaining that they are not being properly monitored by health authorities, even those from UK are complianing and calling it a joke, so tell us why is the Public Order Act not sufficient to use and who will this newly acquired absolute powers BE USED AGAINST…

  21. Actually, Barrow himself should have been arrested for legislating the Public Order Act, it was used to discriminate and destroy any growth, progress and disenfranchisment of the majority unless they accepted a system designed to keep them in a permanent slave society, we know it was just as destructive as he was and meant to keep the majority population permanently stagnated and it worked.

  22. it was used to discriminate and destroy any growth, progress and ENFRANCHISMENT of the majority …..

  23. This from the same assholes who did not want to shut down the island to begin with and exposed EVERYONE TO BE INFECTED WITH THE VIRUS.

  24. I hope that the operation that Mia went for was an addadicktomy, because she is gonna need it, when this virus really takes hold and it will. Some very tough decisions are going to have to be made. Having to haggle and fight over every decision is ludicrous extreme times call for extreme measures and I am very confident any extra powers ceded to her will be used for the health and benefit of the Bajan people.When this is all said and done this will be historic, this is where a politician will remembered like Churchill or forgotten like millard filmore . Give her chance let her do her job,follow the guidelines and lets get this thing behind us.

  25. Firstly i am not disputing law based on a Constitutional rights be it for the country and people best interest
    However what Verla points all and sundry is the direction and path by which govt has or can insitute laws which has not become transparent to the people
    Laws attached to the bill which can be a cause for direct questioning such be that some of these laws can be used against a backdrop per say when there is no crisis to trampled on individual rights
    As far as i am concerned the people right to know of these laws should be transparent

  26. The BLP won 30 to 0. They have the good fortune from them and their Prime Minister to ” do wha they like “.

    Covid 19 has created an opportunity for the government to give their leader the additional power some of you thinks she deserves.

    The ” Recovery” following the ” Covid created Recession ” will give the government another term in office with an absolute majority.

    Next elections there will be no corned beef and biscuits,,,,. It will be Macaroni pie and fried chicken.

    The road to the Republic of Barbados is being paved.


    buh doan mine me. I just writing sheyt cause I ent got nuffin betta to do right now cause I is 68 years old an got I staying home as much as possible.

  27. @ David BU

    I read in today’s Sunday Sun that some of the ‘sex workers’ it interviewed “are angry over the 8PM to 6AM curfew, saying it should have started at 12 midnight,” since they’re on the ‘job’ for 7:30PM.

    “Five of the women, all Barbadians, expressed anger at the curfew times.”

    “They should have come and talk to we, but them ain’t tell we nothing, a 25 year old woman charged. At the end of the day we still got to eat and thing.”

    A woman said it’s unfair, because she has bills to pay and children to feed.

    “Another said the same way ‘government’ gave the Fairchild Street vendors a stipend when they displaced by construction work in the area, sex workers should also be given money for disrupting their jobs.”

    “We should have gotten some king of money because we got we children to feed.”

    “However, they charged that Government should have considered giving them the necessary protection.”

    “People are saying we are this and we is that, but at the end of the day they don’t know how we got to come out here and struggle………you should got people coming out here giving us masks, hand sanitisers and gloves and thing ’cause this is real hard pon we.”

  28. “I hope that the operation that Mia went for was an addadicktomy, because she is gonna need it, when this virus really takes hold and it will. ”

    The only people to be BLAMED for this is the long face retard and his “Barbados is open for business, why don’t yall go on staycations in the hotels where many of the goddamn tourists have the virus and the rooms are infected”

    Then Ms. Fighting Imperalism with her stage 1, 2 and 3…that the virus could give two shits about…these are dangerous idiots who should never even be leading bats..

    Now they are telling themselves that they will criminalize the very same people they caused to be exposed to infection.

  29. @Artax

    Read the coverage given by the Nation and turned up Three Tenors set blaring in the blogmaster’s music room.

  30. And as for that one Atherley, since he is also a UK creation they can take him and house him in buckingham palace, ah heard it’s free these days, they can charge per hour to view him as a curiosity….him and cousin Boris.

  31. What next?
    For comic relief

    Meanwhile a nigh watchman was heard to protest the curfew hours. ” Those are my working hours. How on earth can they curfew people and letting them get a night rest when I have to work? I like to visit my sidechicjk around 1:00 a.m. They stop that too.”

    “Homosexuals, all Barbadians, expressed anger at the curfew times.”

    “They should have come and talk to we, but them ain’t tell we nothing” said a 25 year said. Barbados is a place that is cruel to homosexuals; we cannot move around in broad daylight like heterosexual do. We need the cover of the night”.

    The GOB is under intense power to change the curfew hours as many protest groups have emerged to challenge this imposition. This group is being coordinate by a group calling itself the “BU posse” and is led by a red-eye almost incoherent woman.

  32. This coronavirus situation provides room for bad intentions to pass as preventative measures.

    I am no lawyer and I do not fully understand the legislative process, but I am here wondering what secretive laws does the government needs to fight this virus. It seems to me that citizens should be knowledgeable of the law if that they shouldn’t break.

    These secret laws may be the first steps to tyranny

    “We received a reminder of the salience of secrecy in the twilight of the Bush administration. In 2007 the New York Times revealed that the Office of Legal Counsel had issued secret memoranda justifying “enhanced interrogation techniques,” waterboarding, sleep deprivation, and induced hypothermia, all of which would be considered consistent with US prohibitions on both torture and “cruel, inhuman, or degrading” treatment, even when combined. “

  33. Theo…it’s all in a big effort to cover up their massive COCKUP, amongst other things….including they heard how successful Grand Cayman has been because they were INTELLIGENT…to take early measures…these are now trying to play catch up using draconian absolute powers…that ya can guarantte they will leave in place after this is over, because they know why..

    ….not all of us were hoodwinked or even cared about the bullshit about medical procedure or some such…..we know exactly what to look for…

    crocodile tears and seeking sympathy to cover covert wickedness does not work on everyone.

  34. We continue to ask for transparency in government.

    We have applauded the slow and deliberate approach of Mia’s administration in combating the coronavirus. By being a step behind her critics when it comes to action, she has demonstrated sound leadership and has not panicked the country.

    But Mia’s sudden rush for secrecy has us perplexed. Are there facts that Mia is aware of, is unwilling to share bu which makes it necessary to take preemptive measures. What are these facts? What are the data? These secretive laws may be the canary in the coal mine.

    When the steady and deliberate hand has been removed and there is a rush to cation and secrecy then doubt must set in.

  35. How is it a rush to secrecy if as Sentor Caswell opined the exisiting legislation confers the authority from existing legislation?

  36. cation=action
    It’s not a B or D thing… It’s a Barbados thing.

  37. WARU

    “Whoever could have seen any of this coming, say, 16 days ago, when the health minister Nadine Dorries tested positive for the coronavirus and, within hours, 600 MPs crushed into the hot, sweaty, rodent-infested House of Commons to listen to a Budget that was rendered irrelevant about two hours later?”


    The two footed rats and four footed rats in the House of Commons together! Somebody ought to make a sitcom! Trump would then find out that rat infestation is not just a black people shit hole country kinda thing.

  38. There are multiple sources of information. We are at liberty to choose our sources.

    The paragraphs below have my spider senses tingling… Seem as if there is an element of secrecy and possibly future unknown changes,

    “Yesterday [Friday] legislation was passed in the House of Assembly giving the Prime Minister sweeping powers, details of which were never enclosed in the circulated printed copy of t he Bill,” De Peiza said in a media statement yesterday, while also noting that during the wrap up on the Emergency Management (Amendment) Bill 2020, the Attorney General proposed that the Bill be further amended “ . . . to allow Cabinet to delegate to the Prime Minister power to make such directives as may be required in the public’s interest”.

    She said the effect of the changes was that neither Cabinet, the House, the Senate nor the Governor General would have oversight or even the right of consultation on directives given by the Prime Minister.”

    It’s not a Mia thing. It’s a Barbados thing.

  39. Theo who is the “We ” of which u speak that applaud Mia miserable steps that have contaminated innocent people
    Waiting to see the results of your Poll or Data

    The end result of this legislation would be one which gives PM unlimited power
    Would not be surprise that any new laws attached would be stringent and imposed under the guise of fighting crime
    Barbadians look out a jest or any form of gesture might be sufficient to be arrested
    Unless govt make public these new laws all kinds of speculations would make way across social media

  40. DavidMarch 29, 2020 9:43 AM

    How is it a rush to secrecy if as Sentor Caswell opined the exisiting legislation confers the authority from existing legislation?

    How many times have all heard Caswell say that much of the legislations to be passed is handed to the opposition at the very last minute

    Verla Depezia is a qualified lawyer i belive she knows of what she speaks
    It is about time u take the clouded glasses off your eyes

  41. “The two footed rats and four footed rats in the House of Commons together!”

    seems like they are all running loose in most of the parliaments in big as well as small shitholes that they themselves created…

    Theo…she is acting like it’s all about her…that is why everyone now has to watch her since she wants to be the center of attention with all these “sweeping powers” while being fully aware…THAT SHE IS THE ONE CAUSED THE GROWING VIRUS INFECTION NOW SWEEPING THE ISLAND…

  42. “But Cayman’s Premier, the Honourable Alden McLaughlin, has a reason to be proud. With just 8 cases of COVID-19 and one death, there have been no confirmed instances of community transmission in the Cayman Islands— all positive cases have been connected to travellers.”

    And here is one reason, only one, there are many more, they are trying to play catch up. Caymans gets many more tourists than Barbados, but they shut shop early because they were intelligent enought to know that if the virus gets away in the population they will never be able to trace or control so there was no allowing thousands of cruise ship passangers and employees to roam around for weeks infecting everyone and everything…

  43. n@ Mariposa

    Yesterday [Friday] legislation was passed in the House of Assembly giving the Prime Minister sweeping powers, details of which were never enclosed in the circulated printed copy of t he Bill,” De Peiza said in a media statement yesterday, while also noting that during the wrap up on the Emergency Management (Amendment) Bill 2020, the Attorney General proposed that the Bill be further amended “ . . . to allow Cabinet to delegate to the Prime Minister power to make such directives as may be required in the public’s interest”….(Quote)

    This is not democratic law-making. This is what takes place in a dictatorship. In a democratic legislature, the demand will be for the Executive to r turn to parliament if it seeks any further powers. And even when granted, it will only be for a defined time. There must be a sunset clause on such emergency legislation.
    Everything I have said about this regime is now coming true: A 30/0 legislature, since reduced to a 29/1 one, of which 26 of the 29 members of the ruling party are members of the Cabinet.
    Further, it is a Cabinet of mostly weak members who are hypnotised by holding high office and would not dare oppose/challenge the president. Therefore, there are no checks and balances on the Cabinet.
    Then the make up of the Senate, the Upper Chamber, leaves the ruling party with a de facto majority. In the meantime, the president is handing out jobs and titles to any likely opposition, such as Owen Arthur, a once vocal opponent.
    The weak press has been compromised and the blogs too are mesmerised by their association with political power and so censor themselves.
    There is no real public debate, and what little there is, the president and her lackeys just ignore it. I have said that by the time of the next general election there will not be a Barbados worth fighting for. It looks as if we are punching above our weight, but not in the fight we thought we were in.
    @Mariposa, yours is one of the only voices of sanity on BU.

  44. This most sensible action i have read kudos to the govt of Cayman for putting the people interest before the economic interest of a few

    WURA-War-on-U March 29, 2020 10:08 AM

    “But Cayman’s Premier, the Honourable Alden McLaughlin, has a reason to be proud. With just 8 cases of COVID-19 and one death, there have been no confirmed instances of community transmission in the Cayman Islands— all positive cases have been connected to travellers.”

    And here is one reason, only one, there are many more, they are trying to play catch up. Caymans gets many more tourists than Barbados, but they shut shop early because they were intelligent enought to know that if the virus gets away in the population they will never be able to trace or control so there was no allowing thousands of cruise ship passangers and employees to roam around for weeks infecting everyone and everything…

  45. Kudos in order for Barbados government also, so far no COVID 19 reported deaths.

  46. “But as coronavirus trickled its way into the Americas, Cayman began what has come to be recognised as one of the most proactive and decisive disease containment strategies in the hemisphere— a policy regime that has put its people first—at the expense of everything else, including the highly influential cruise industry.”

    When we were telling them to be more proactive, they were too busy setting up dumb shit.

    Ya done know how the clowns for leaders with their slave mentality love to one up one another for the benefit of the bigger countries who dont even give 3 shits…but in this instance Cayman Islands is hard to beat because they put THEIR PEOPLE BEFORE TOURISM.

    Blogmaster…the debts are inevitable, the virus follows a pattern, deaths cannot be stopped. If they had not shut down the island and the tourist industry, there would have been many more deaths.

  47. And the discussion continues – how much of our liberty are we prepared to give up in exchange for immediate safety? How much power should a government have over our lives?

    It is a debate that is necessary and should never cease. We must keep our eyes open ALWAYS.

The blogmaster invites you to join the discussion.


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