Thanks to Kammie Holder the blogmaster highlights the following reminder to Barbadians. Let us all do our part to keep the virus contained – David Blogmaster

AG (Dale Marshall) stated – ALL businesses with a few exceptions are closed from Saturday March 28th at 8pm until April 15th to reduce human interaction and compel social distancing.
The businesses permitted to operate during the day with social distancing are:
1) Supermarkets
2) Pharmacies
3) Abatoirs, butcher shops, fish markets
4) Bakeries
5) Farms
6) Pharmaceutical, food processors, drink manufacturers
7) Banks and Credit Unions (not insurance companies)
8) Cleaning services (companies)
9) Restaurants – only drive thru and take away permitted (11am-5pm)
10) Fuel manufacturers, fuel storage, fuel distribution
11) Gas stations (7am-7pm)
12) Delivery services for food groceries and pharmaceuticals ( 8am-6pm)
13) Hotels and Villas can operate for the full 24 hr – however gaming rooms, spas, gyms, tennis courts, squash and any other ancillary recreational services provided in hotels are prohibited included dine in restaurants
14) Portvale sugar family
15) veterinary services for animals in distress
An exemption has been granted for the completed construction of Harrison’s Point. NO OTHER CONSTRUCTION MUST TAKE PLACE
Weddings – only bride, bridegroom, official witnesses and marriage officer are permitted to attend.
Funerals – no more than 10 mourners, the funeral director, necessary staff and the officiant
No person shall host or attend a private party, sporting event, meetings of social clubs, civic organization etc.
Public Service
Some services will be open but with skeleton staff (9am-2pm)
1) Office of AG
2) Registrar of Supreme Court
3) National Assistance Board
4)Govt laboratories
7)Central Bank
8) Central Purchasing
9) BRA
10) Commerce Dept
11) Post Office
12) Cabinet Office
13) Min of Public Service
14) Min of Foreign Affairs (not Foreign Trade)
15) Meteorological Services
Min of Public Service is finalising a work from home programme for civil servants where possible
Essential Services for whom the curfew does not apply are:
1) Medical profession
2) Para medical profession
3)Hospital/pharmacy workers
4) Caregivers/homehelp (not maids)
5) Police
6) BDF
7) Customs
8) Security services
9) Firefighting
10) Disaster management services
11) Electricity, telecommunications and media services
12) Transportation services
13) Airport and seaport including
14) Water services
15) Collection, treatment storage of refuge
16) Businesses dealing with deceased persons
*Penalty for breach:
$50 000 fine or 12 months imprisonment or both*

454 responses to “Remember the CURFEW Barbadians”

  1. Mariposa,

    China may be your role model, after you, as a former minister, along with all the other blue grandees, signed numerous contracts with China. For example, an agreement on the uncontrolled entry of Chinese people. In January, many Chinese arrived in Barbados without visas and may have infected people here on our island.

    It is therefore time to terminate these agreements and take a critical look at the DLP’s cooperation with the Chinese Communist Party.

  2. @John A


  3. Mari
    Have u heard most Airlines stop flying to Barbados

    And f anyone come into Barbados it 14 day quartine?

    Who going to be flying now????

  4. I think fishermen are still allowed to fish and farmers to farm at normal times. Aren’t they considered essential?

  5. @ David.

    Any how word is the AG is reviewing the exempted business today so he may well add hardwares to the list of business that can open. However as of 3.30pm they can not.

    I believe we will hear more from him by tomorrow or so. We got to remember there is no manual for what we are dealing with now so we must cut him some slack.

  6. What about insurance companies? What happens if they are not open to issue policies or take premiums? I spoke to my agent on Friday who thought they would be open but for shorter hours. Hope she was not wrong. My home insurance is due for renewal on April 15. If the shutdown is extended what happens then?

  7. Ah well! There is always Brasstacks. Back to chillin’.

  8. John2March 28, 2020 3:26 PM

    Have u heard most Airlines stop flying to Barbados

    And f anyone come into Barbados it 14 day quartine?

    Who going to be flyingschedule??


    You are wrong American Airlines still have an on going two day per week schedule to barbados
    Also Miami International is still opened and there are many barbadians that reside there
    If what u say is true then what purpose would it serve barbados to keep their airport open

  9. “Any how word is the AG is reviewing the exempted business today so he may well add hardwares to the list of business that can open.”

    That’s exactly the point. It is a living list and will evolve over time.

    I cannot understand the expectation that in matters like this, we would get a perfect list on the ‘first’ try.

  10. @ Mariposa March 28, 2020 2:49 PM

    I would suggest that you take what China is saying with pinch of salt. Up to now, the true figures for the number of dead from the “Great Leap Forward” that resulted in millions of deaths are not known. The 1988 square clamped down, the figures have yet to be made public knowledge. Do you really think a country that is so secretive is going to present the facts? the same crap happened with the Soviets With the escape of Small Pox, the Soviets have yet to admit that they were messing around with virus and they have also refused to give the number of dead..Do you think that suddenly over night a Saul on the Damascus road event happened?

  11. Gazzerts
    Glad u not head of govt if not everyday would be designated as flip flop day
    All understands no one is perfect but govt had more than 3 mths to come up with a plan of action one that is not confusing and need to be put across social media to pin point glaring mistakes
    Bro u need to sit this issue out because you are sounding like u need fine tuning of the brain
    Imagine a cabinet with a supposedly intellectuals and not one could bring a list which is resolute and not complicated to understand

  12. @john
    Reliable source told me that jet blue not long landed at Grantley Adams Airport

  13. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @Mr Blogmaster, I’ll label the “hardware store must be on the list” as standard blog ole talk.

    WHY, must it be an oversight? The list also did NOT include plumbers and/or electricians as essential either!

    For all practical purposes within a Bajan community of principally single family houses, small to very mid-sized housing condo/apt complexes I don’t see this as an oversight in the least.

    But moreover if someone did have a burst pipe and were so irresponsible that they knew not where to find the turn-off valve then that would likely rise to the level of an emergency (flooding, mosquito harbouring etc etc) and as surely would demand intervention and exemption for action?

    The point about hardware stores is absolutely not of significant value in this our Bim community…if the authorities do increase their list to include them then so be it…If they don’t… then no big freaking deal… problems would be managed.

    And I am a bit bemused… I am not a perfectioinst by any stretch of the imagination but why shouldn’t this, or any properly prepared govt plan/list NOT be right first time out!

    These are experienced practioners at the wheel (Marshall and Mia over 10 years as ministers, Bostic over 25 years in logistic and ‘war planning’ etc etc) why should simple errors (not saying there is) be excused!

    We expect a doctor to be RIGHT FIRST TIME and wryly joke that when they make errors that they BURY their mistakes… but with other seasoned professionals we seem to expect no such standard of excellence …so in turn it must be a joke to say they will simply unearth more info! SMH!

    If hardware stores should be open then electricians and plumbers should be ‘essential service providers’ too.

  14. @Donna
    Perhaps this is an opportunity to become an advocate.

    Push your insurance company to accept online payments through credit cards or your checking account and or a number that you can call and make payments

  15. @Dee Word

    What if one of the essential services spring a leak?


  16. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    “What if one of the essential services spring a leak?”

    Well then there is really only one option: Call out the fix a leak, emergency management services! They are right now very much on the list!

    😂 All copecetate bro!

  17. Robert lucas
    Not easily inclined to believe China on facts driven by data

  18. The plague will eventually go away. But not the fact that we have to expect another 10 percent slump in GDP this year. There is no recovery in sight in the coming years.

    So we have to ask ourselves what sacrifices the local masses will have to make to clean up public finances. First and foremost, we need the most brutal cut possible in public service. We must finally cast off the superfluous human ballast that has weighed on us for so long.

    It is simply perverse and obscene that some retired bureaucrats get $9000 or more in pensions. Or think of all the DLP ministers, especially Chris Sinckler. His mere existence is a heavy burden for the taxpayer in the coming dark years. The government must do something to get rid of all these useless and harmful boarders.

  19. Boy Dribbler yuh full.of jokes
    No kidding.

  20. Mari

    Do you know the meaning to ………. most?

    I am well aware of the aa schedule

    Find out from your reliable source how many people came in on the JETblue

    Even domestic travel here in the USA is dead dead. Very few people are flying.
    The planes are parked

    You really need to stop with you alarms

  21. “Politics makes for strange bedfellows”. How on earth did I end up in the same bed as Lorenzo. Even though it is not my first choice I find myself defending the current administration.

    Sadly, we have reached the stage where if “hardware” was on the list, some here would rack their brains to find a missing item.

    I would prefer a government that reacts and adjust to a situation to one that commits to a course of action and is unable to reassess the situation and try to make necessary changes.

    The list is a solid and good list, and given the fact that the hindsight crowd and nitpickers pulling full duty it will not./never satisfy all.

    Go Dale.

  22. Waittttt TheO you cross the flow no solution done with? :))

  23. Flöör

  24. Mari

    You dont think it is my birth to come home to Barbados anytime i want?

    I have a wife and two kids there and paid all my Taxes on time

  25. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    Alright den, I see that hardware store dem electricians and plumbers too and I raise ….

    *”Having access to tools of self-protection, hunting and for keeping your property safe and secure is always essential. It’s even more essential for access during times of uncertainty and emergency,” * …so the gun store must be an essential service and stay open!

    You gots a problem wid dat!..Yep, I didnt think so! 🤣

    Only in US!

  26. John it is alright to admit when yuh wrong
    It is also alright to back peddle
    Your comment earlier said that airplanes were not flying
    This was your retort when i made mention of the airport being opened

    John2March 28, 2020 3:26 PM

    Have u heard most Airlines stop flying to Barbados

  27. It’s not crossing the floor 🙂

    You have provide me with an opportunity to share a few jabs.

    The old BLP/DLP divisions remain. The old issues are still there. I still want integrity legislation, information on White Hoax, port scammers, a divorce from those who corrupt etc., but the current administration is fighting a battle on a new front.

    I see some are trying to make this battle as a B versus D thing. It is not; it is a problem for all of Barbados and I see that Mia and company are making the best of a very bad situation. I cannot criticize them just for the sake of it.

    I am disappointed that GP2 ‘withdrew from the fray’. Now is a time that he should be posting simple and inspirational articles. Of course, his articles would draw fire, but some of us learnt to scroll past /ignore those comments.

    Thanks for allowing me to go back into character.

  28. @ Mariposa March 28, 2020 6:06 PM

    Tell me, what ethical right do former DLP ministers have to continue to live at the taxpayers’ expense? The island is going through its darkest hour and will fall into a dark hole economically for the years to come. And what are the DLP grandees doing? They collect monstrous pensions.

    We can no longer afford human ballast, which the taxpayer has to feed like pets.

  29. “I am disappointed that GP2 ‘withdrew from the fray’.”

    Am still hoping Dr. GP did not compare this deadly virus to the annual flu.

  30. NorthernObserver Avatar

    As we approach 8pm remember it is now time to remove your day pajamas and put on your night pajamas. They should be orange or bold stripes as dictated by new laws. Camouflage remains banned.

  31. @ Northern

    The curfew don’t bother me cause I not sure if my car lights still work! Lol

  32. Inspirational????? Lol.

  33. Everybody in??????

  34. 1978 Alexandra’s and Dudley’s Disco. Thanks for reminding me Donna. lol

  35. fortyacresandamule Avatar

    @Mariposa. Something tells me even if BIM had miraculously escaped this pandemic, you would still find something to complain about. Even before we had our first case, you were itching for it to happen. Now it is a reality, you are having your prophetic ” I told you so ” moment. I may be wrong here, but I get the feeling, deep down, you are very happy that COVID-19 have reached our shores. This then gives you relevancy and ammunition to tear down the government.

    But then again, I don’t blame you. The BLP loyalists would have done the same thing. Politics for the loyalist is war. And in times of war, everthing is fair game.

  36. Where is Sir Baloney Knight of the NIS.?
    Isnt it time to do the right patriotic thing & give back some $$ to the less fortunate citizens sufffering through an unprecedented crisis.
    All the high rollers need to step up and show their patriotic love for this island, start by setting up food banks in every parish.

  37. fortyacresandamule Avatar

    @Lawson. The USA Federal government at this time don’t need the chinese or whomever to buy their bonds when they can easily monetised such debt by using the central bank. The central bank ”printing press” is working overtime since last week.The fed’s have about six massive liquidity programmes running right now.

  38. forty acres and a mule

    you are wrong you are speaking from an emotion of your feelings about my comments
    This is not a time for any one to be gloating but from my vantage point i have clearly stated the the decision made by govt in regards to dealing with this issue lacked a principle of moral and ethical moorings towards the people of barbados
    A decision in part which put the economy first and the health of the people of barbados secondary
    i would defend my comments as being fair and not politically bent i also would say that yes my comments were geared specifically and un-apologetically to condemn govt actions for not closing the borders
    Gloating NO … Condemning YES

  39. Have I missed it…. or has FLOW/DIGICEL stepped-up and offered their customers any concessions yet??? With the curfew and everyone staying at home, they stand tol make a ‘killing’ with increased usage by ‘bored’ customers…….. just saying…..

  40. fortyacresandamule Avatar

    The federal reserve money printing is unprecedented. Over a trillion US$ per day just for repo agreement only. The only thing left for the federal reserve to do now is to start buying stocks directly from the market, like the Bank of Japan did in the past. When this is all over, a large swathe of the USA private financial assets will be on the books of the government. Talk about nationalisation of financial markets. That is basically what the USA central bank is doing right now.

  41. It feels like an eternity ago, but the world only became aware of the coronavirus in December.

    Despite incredible efforts by scientists around the world, there is still much we do not understand, and we are all now part of a planet-wide experiment trying to find answers.

    Here are some of the big outstanding questions.

    How many people have been infected.
    It is one of the most basic questions, but also one of the most crucial.

    There have been hundreds of thousands of confirmed cases around the world, but this is only a fraction of the total number of infections. And the figures are further confused by an unknown number of asymptomatic cases – people who have the virus but don’t feel ill.

    Developing an antibody test will allow researchers to see whether anyone has had the virus. Only then will we understand how far or how easily the coronavirus is spreading.

    How deadly it really is.
    Until we know how many cases there have been, it is impossible to be certain of the death rate. At the moment the estimate is that around 1% of people infected with the virus die. But if there are large numbers of asymptomatic patients, the death rate could be lower.
    The full range of symptoms.
    The main symptoms of coronavirus are a fever and a dry cough – these are the ones you should be on the look out for.

    A sore throat, headache and diarrhoea have also been reported in some cases and there is mounting speculation that a loss of sense of smell may affect some.

    But the most important question is whether mild, cold-like symptoms, such as a runny nose or sneezing, are present in some patients.

    Studies have suggested this is a possibility and that people could potentially be infectious without knowing they are carrying the virus.

  42. Dear Santia Bradshaw

    The role children play in spreading it.

    Children can definitely catch coronavirus. However, they mostly develop mild symptoms and there are relatively few deaths among children compared with other age groups.

    Children are normally super-spreaders of disease, partly because they mix with lots of people (often in the playground), but with this virus, it is not clear to what extent they help spread it.

    Where exactly it came from.
    The virus emerged in Wuhan, China, at the end of 2019, where there was a cluster of cases at an animal market.

    The coronavirus, officially called Sars-CoV-2, is closely related to viruses that infect bats, however it is thought the virus was passed from bats to a mystery animal species that then passed it on to people.

    That “missing link” remains unknown, and could be a source of further infections.

    Whether there will be fewer cases in summer.
    Colds and flu are more common in the winter months than in the summer, but it is not yet known whether the warmer weather will alter the spread of the virus.

    The UK government’s scientific advisers have warned it is unclear whether there will be a seasonal effect. If there is one, they think it is likely to be smaller than that for colds and flu.

    If there is a major dip in coronavirus over the summer, there is a danger that cases will spike in winter, when hospitals are also having to deal with an influx of patients with the usual winter bugs.

    Why some people get much more severe symptoms.
    Covid-19 is a mild infection for most. However around 20% go on to develop more severe disease, but why?

    The state of a person’s immune system seems to be part of the issue, and there may be some genetic factor too. Understanding this could lead to ways of preventing people from needing intensive care.

    How long immunity lasts, and whether you can get it twice.
    There has been much speculation but little evidence on how durable any immunity to the virus is.

    Patients must have built up an immune response, if they successfully fight off the virus. But as the disease has been around for only a few months there is a lack of long-term data. Rumours of patients being infected twice may be down to tests incorrectly saying they were free of the virus.

    The question of immunity is vital for understanding what will happen in the long term.

    Whether the virus will mutate.
    Viruses mutate all the time, but most alterations to their genetic code do not make a significant difference.

    As a general rule, you expect viruses to evolve to be less deadly in the long run, but this is not guaranteed.

    The concern is that if the virus mutates, then the immune system no longer recognises it and a specific vaccine no longer works (as happens with flu).

  43. Mariposa
    March 28, 2020 6:57 PM

    John it is alright to admit when yuh wrong
    It is also alright to back peddle
    Your comment earlier said that airplanes were not flying
    This was your retort when i made mention of the airport being opened
    John2March 28, 2020 3:26 PM
    Have u heard most Airlines stop flying to Barbados






  45. @TheOGazerts March 28, 2020 10:05 AM “This seem to be a list that was given a great deal of thought. I must now wait and Maripos et (H)al to show me the weaknesses. It should be “et al” but I could not resist the (H)”


    My pension [not NIS] is handled by an insurance company. I am due to receive it on the 1 April. If the insurance company can’t work [I don’t know if they have the work from home capacity] it means that I may not get my pension until mid-month or later. And I use this pension to pay student Little Susie’s rent in the great white north.

    So the landlady over and away might get juck. But she has received the rent on time for 31 consecutive months. I hope that she will forgive this lateness come April 1.

    I take it that a landlady can’t evict for a single late payment.

  46. Very few governments were prepared for a public health crisis of this magnitude.

    As the coronavirus swept through Asia, Europe and the US, Zimbabwe has watched from the sidelines as advanced economies with better developed health care systems have buckled under the strain.

    The shortage of hospital beds, of protective clothing and life-saving equipment, such as ventilators, is a global problem.

    ‘World needs to know what happened’
    The difference is that many of these countries were overwhelmed by hundreds and then thousands of patients. Zimbabwe, it seems, was overwhelmed by one.

    “The world needs to know what happened to Zororo,” his brother Tawanda told the BBC in a brief phone conversation.

    Zororo Makamba had returned from New York with flu-like symptoms and was told by his doctor that it was a regular flu, the family says.

    But on Friday 20 March his condition deteriorated and he was tested for coronavirus. The positive result did not come through until the early hours of Saturday morning, but his admission to the isolation facility was delayed because “they were not ready to admit him”, according to his family.

  47. THEO

    Gp2 can still post as a columnist but IMO he should forget about the play play politics.

  48. Hants,

    That is the general idea. We need to think about something other than this crazy situation we are in for just a little while and feel something other than anxiety. Timeouts are essential for our mental health.

    Sweet dreams!

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