Submitted by DAVID  COMISSIONG, Citizen of Barbados
So, the highly anticipated Super Bowl 2019 championship game is over, and New England Patriots quarterback, Tom Brady, is being widely hailed as a “hero” for winning an unprecedented 6th Super Bowl title. But, as far as I am concerned, the real  hero of Super Bowl 2019 is not Tom Brady. Rather, it is Barbados’ cultural Ambassador, Robyn “Rihanna” Fenty !
Rihanna is “the” Super Bowl hero simply because it was her highly  principled and courageous stance of standing in solidarity with black activist footballer, Colin Kaepernick, and rejecting the National Football League’s offer to be the featured performer at the highly prestigious Super Bowl half time show that will be forever remembered as the distinguishing heroic act of Super Bowl 2019 !
Let us recall that during the 2016 to 2017 American Football season, Colin Kaepernick — the black quarterback of the San Francisco 49’ers football team — took to protesting against systemic US anti-Black racism in general and white racist Police killings of African-Americans in particular, by publicly kneeling (rather than standing at attention) during the playing of the US national anthem.
At the time, Kaepernick explained his stance as follows:-
“I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of colour. To me, this is bigger than football……..There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder.”
Needless-to-say, Colin Kaepernick was punished by the powers that be for his bold, principled, and positively disruptive gesture of protest. Not only did United States President Donald Trump publicly call for him to be fired, but not one single National Football League (NFL) club would hire the highly talented Kaepernick for the 2018 to 2019 football season !
It is against this background that our Rihanna stepped forward and stood up for Colin Kaepernick and– by extension for the cause of Black freedom and justice that Kaepernick so superbly represents and symbolizes.
In turning down the NFL’s offer to perform at the Super Bowl half time show, Rihanna was turning down an opportunity to perform before a massive global audience of in excess of 100 Million persons, as well as turning down the opportunity to benefit from a host of future lucrative Super Bowl related commercial endorsements.
But, just as Colin Kaepernick was clear that some things are “bigger than football”, Rihanna was demonstrating that she too was clear that some things are bigger than entertainment spectacles and financial benefits !
And so, we Barbadians would be failing in our duty if we do not publicly acknowledge and record that our Rihanna performed a truly significant and heroic act when she stood up  not merely for Colin Kaepernick, but for all people of colour, and for the sacred principles of freedom and justice.


201 responses to “RIHANNA’S HEROIC ACT”

  1. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    @Hal Austin February 7, 2019 11:06 AM “A population density of 1.710 is not the same as one of 1710. (1.710×1000=1710). I am not a mathematician, but was taught well by Mr Bynoe at St Giles.”

    Dear Hal: Please be assured that I do understand the huge difference between 1.710 and 1,710. Please be assured that the period was a typo. I was rushing to complete my house cleaning, and that of another.

  2. SirSimple

    A man has this thing that is called testosterone which causes him to wreak havoc on society … Testosterone… drives man’s aggression and his libido…

  3. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    “But ‘wait’, look how out of a fit of anti “D C” anger the “Donks Gripe and Josh” consortium of liars has gone and let the forex cat out of the money bag!”


  4. WARU

    There has been no accountability. No reason for the BLP to learn anything different, up close and personal.

    We cannot be serious if a party, any party, could do so much shiiiite, as did the DLP, in private, never taking the people into their confidence, and then expect the political culture to teach the BLP something different.

    If we presume so, we are really lost.

  5. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    Pacha…I now have complete fate in the Barbados electorate to see it just as you do.

  6. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    @Piece “JayZ was the architect of what she is today. ”

    Not discounting the work of JayZ, but you do know don’y you that architect’s don’t build a damn thing, and I should know.

    Architect’s can design all they want but if builders don’t get their bodies to the site, the site will remain just that a site.

    Architects design.

    Builders build. Builder’s not architects built the pyramids in Egypt and in the “New World”, the great wall of China, the Twin Towers, our Parliament buildings, the Eiffel Tower, my house and yours etc. etc.

    If the architects sat in their offices and designed and did not have builders to build the whole world would be a giant forests, savannas etc..

    My dad was a builder.

    Let us not forget the builders. Let us not disrespect the builders. Without the builders, there would be no built heritage.

    Rihanna is a builder.

  7. lexicon ….testosterone is that that stuff that makes don lemon so aggressive in a paddy cake contest with anderson or shep


    Four Reynold Weekes Primary School students have captured national attention for their good deed.

  9. @Pacha

    The duopoly system is in dangerwof being punctured, this is a good thing? If a credible third party does not come to the fore the BLP will be the default option if we extrapolate from the current state of the party machinery.

  10. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    @lawson February 7, 2019 2:28 PM “LOL SS so you guys have been breeding like rats…”

    Canada’s birth rate is: 1.6

    Barbados’ birthrate is: 1.8

    I would hardly call that breeding like rats?

    You do know that Barbados was deliberately over populated during the 211 years of TransAtlantic slavery, since your British cousins wanted unpaid labour/slavery.

    Don’t you have some snow that needs to be shoveled from your sidewalk? If your don’t spend the next few winter months reading in your public library.

  11. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    @lawson February 7, 2019 2:28 PM “…how we must help Venezuala rather than you a stones throw away.”

    Colombia, with a population density of 105 per square mile can help out too. Between Canada and Colombia, if they took in every single Venezuelan still would not approach anything near the population density of Barbados. But a lot of the people suffering in Venezuela right now are indigenous people, and we know how Canada treats Canadian indigenous people.

    Hate to think how they would treat the indigenous people of Venezuela.

  12. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    No point wunna Canadians trying to duck your responsibility.

  13. Lawson

    If You think testosterone causes aggression in Don Lemon …then you should see what lower levels does Rush Limbaugh backbone?

    No disrespect to the women here, but have you every wonder why women grow facial hair in their middle-age? Well during the menopausal stage women estrogen levels drop as their testosterone levels start increase… so that is why you see the excess increased in facial hair during middle-age…

  14. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    @David February 7, 2019 3:25 PM “Will the DLP learn from the 30-0 result?”

    Sadly David. Probably not. And I feel bad for the DLP. I used to be a good steady DLP voter.

    But I don’t like how ac and others on this blog have cursed those of us who are not DLP hardliners.

    We actually want to see the DLP recover. I pray that the DLP is not dead, only presently in a coma.

  15. Lawson

    Are you aware of the fact that Watertown NY is 45 minutes away from the Canadian border … and yet we hear very little about Canada in America…Why…? Because Canada is the poorer version of America?

  16. Simple Simon,

    His intent is as always to denigrate the black man so we are “breeding like rats”.. No sense his going to the library. If he read any book that did not agree with him he’d pretend not to understand.

  17. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    And this testosterone costs ALL of us a lot of money. All the security systems in the world from nuclear weapons, to police constables on the beat is designed to protect men from other men, and to protect women and children from men.

    “Security” that is making the places where we live moderately safe cost trillions of dollars.

    Think about it.

  18. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    I very much fear that one of these days one of the testosterone charged will hit the wrong button and blow us off this wonderful blue marble.

  19. Well I hope they are dead AND buried. Too many bad memories.

  20. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    @Lexicon February 7, 2019 6:18 PM “Lawson we hear very little about Canada in America.”

    That’s because wunna Americans insular as hell.

  21. SirSimple

    Without testosterone who going to protect the woman when there is knot on the door in the late hours of the night?

    So testosterone has its place … because without testosterone there is no need of estrogen… the sexual ying and yang..

  22. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    “so that is why you see the excess increased in facial hair during middle-age…”

    …not all women, passed middle age a good distance ago and I have no moustache, beard or chest hair…that is probably mostly genetic combined with the drop in oestrogen.

  23. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    @Lexicon February 7, 2019 6:18 PM “Because Canada is the poorer version of America?”

    So what wunna doing with all that money? Keeping ya testosterone charged nuclear arsenal topped up, instead of paying for decent health care for all?

    Why is Canada’s life expectancy 82.03 years?

    While that of the United States is 78.69?

  24. SirSimple

    On a more serious note… you would be surprise to see the decreased in aggression and libido when the testes are removed from the stallion and it becomes a gelding…I saw it during the years at the Mounted Police …paddock at District A…

  25. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    @Lexicon “so that is why you see the excess increased in facial hair during middle-age…”

    @WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog February 7, 2019 6:29 PM “…not all women, passed middle age a good distance ago and I have no moustache, beard or chest hair>”

    Hairy grannies are good. I tell the grans that they can call me Santa Claus, because along with the beard, chest hair and moustache, I treat them as though I am Jolly Old St. Nick. Lolll!!!

  26. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    @Lexicon February 7, 2019 6:36 PM

    Thanks lexicon.

    I always geld my pets. Not seriously planning to geld the men of BU. You are right it does significantly decrease aggression, as well as prevents them from straying, keeps them in good health and prolongs their life. The last pet that died was 75 in human years. Healthy, happy and long lived. You, Piece, and Whitehill are all safe from me. You are not dogs or cats or horses, or pigs.

    But still looking for a solution to violence.


    Victims of Socialism in Venezuela Warn U.S.: ‘Don’t Fall for It,’ ‘People are Eating from Trash Bags’

    Venezuela Freedom Rally attendee in Washington, D.C. warns against socialism.

    Victims of Venezuelan socialism who have come to America recently attended a Venezuela Freedom Rally in Washington, D.C., where Campus Reform asked them for their message to Americans who support socialism.

    “Bernie Sanders is your enemy. Do not ever, ever get involved with this individual or any of the other socialists,” one man who escaped Venezuelan socialism warned. “People are eating from trash bags in the streets,” one woman said. “In Venezuela, there is no food, no medicine, education. No, nothing, nothing,” another woman added.

    Others warned Americans not to fall for socialism’s false promises, and to beware its gradual usurpation of citizens’ freedoms:

    • “It is not a game, it is not the route to go, it is not possible, it is not feasible, don’t fall for it.”
    • “It doesn’t work the way the book says…socialism is too good to be true.”
    • “It’s a gradual process, over time, little by little, power is taken away from the people.”
    • “People always talk about the Nazis and stuff like that, but nobody talks about socialism and communism.”
    • “For me, it’s kind of an insult to the Venezuelan people, who have been protesting for years.”

    One former Venezuelan summed up their comments, declaring that America became the best country on Earth by rejecting all things socialist:

    “This is a beautiful country, it’s the best in the world, it’s the most powerful – and we didn’t get there with socialism or anything close to that.”

  28. Observe how simple minded these bloggers have become so that “testosterone in men is being blamed for crime and war” and, on the converse “estrogen and menstrual periods and tampons and 30? day cycles in women” are being blamed for batty women, and marital stress and work place disharmony.

    So now we have proponents recommending, WITH GREAT SERIOUSNESS, cutting off men’s balls and opponents countering that “removing the wombs of our women” should be actively considered.


  29. “Then there was the finger printing issue were once again Barbadians were used as stool pigeons to fight his cause….”


    What rubbish!!!!!………..How were Barbadians used as stool pigeons to fight his (Commisiong’s) cause?”

    Don’t you think it’s amazing that Commisiong’s argument against your former DLP administration’s proposed finger printing policy was upheld by the Court……

    …….. and the former AG Adriel Brathwaite, former PM Freundel Stuart, Michael Carrington, Michael Lashley, Stephen Lashley, Verla Depeiza, Guyson Mayers and the DLP hierarchy, (who are also lawyers), were collectively UNABLE to convince the Court otherwise?

    Why did Adriel Brathwaite not appeal to the Supreme Court or the CCJ?

    Rather than blame Commisiong wrongfully, why don’t you admit the method by which your party sought to implement the policy was “legally flawed.”

  30. Piece

    If you do not believe that testosterone is responsible for the aggression in men … then tell me what part of the brain is affected in sociopath and psychopath which caused them to lack empathy for their victims?

    And stop misconstruing people words because no one here has claimed that testosterone is purported to be responsible for male criminality…

  31. Piece

    Testosterone is responsible for male aggression and libido … now show me evidence to the contrary old man …

  32. The Certificate of Character demands submission of ones finger prints (considered personal data). The legality of this is yet to be addressed.

    What roll are the corporate (employment) bodies playing in this exercise?

  33. “A cause which saw Commissiong agreeing with opening the flood gates for Haitians to enter without having to go through a process of complete immigration procedure resulting with Haitians becoming “wards” of barbados Social system…


    If anyone else had written such shiite, they would have been accused of “learning by rote, appallingly ignorance” or “using Google too much.”

    How have Haitians become “wards of Barbados social system?”

    In 1997, Heads of Government agreed to admit Haiti as a member of the Caribbean Community and Common Market subject to agreement on the terms and conditions as required by Article 29 (2) of the Treaty of Chaguaramas.

    In 1999 the Government of Haiti formally accepted the agreement setting out the terms and conditions of its entry and by July 2002 had completed the necessary legal requirements.

    At the 23rd meeting of Heads of Government of the Community in Georgetown in July 2002, Haiti was formally admitted as the 15th member of the Caribbean Community and Common Market.

    “The Haitian delegation walked away from the 39th Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Heads of Government Summit last Friday overjoyed and with a firmer sense of belonging after member states accepted a legal opinion that nationals from the French-speaking territory have the right to an automatic six-month stay in a CARICOM territory.” [The Gleaner, Sunday July 8, 2018]

    CARICOM’s Office of the General Counsel has produced two legal opinions defending the right of Haitians to move freely within CARICOM.

    According to the Office of the General Counsel: “Based on the law set out in (Shanique) Myrie v The State of Barbados, and on the fact that the Republic of Haiti is a party to the Revised Treaty, and in the absence of a reservation by Haiti excluding participation in the CARICOM Single Market and Economy (CSME), it was advised that Haitian nationals, as Community nationals, are entitled to an automatic stay of six months.”

    Haiti is entitled to all the benefits as a member state of CARICOM……..and this is the general consensus among other member states, as they agreed that CARICOM’s visa requirement policy for Haiti is discriminatory.

    Despite how we may feel about Commisiong or disagree with his opinions……. we must extend some level of FAIRNESS to the goodly gentleman…….and be mature enough to admit when he is correct.

    Commisiong did not make any unilateral or arbitrary decision as it relates to Haiti…….. on behalf of CARICOM or its member states…… and to imply such is being disingenuous and dishonest.

  34. So what if the court agree
    Have u not heard
    The law can be an and may i add can make holes out of many
    Exhibit A Commisiong and his followers

  35. I hate to play the part of Simple Simon, but I will.

    I doubt very much that Rihanna contributed money to the IRA. I suspect she paid more to the IRS,.

  36. Mariposa, dura lex sid lex …the law is harsh, but it is the law ..

  37. Yes Lexicon
    Tell that to Rosa Parks

  38. Mariposa

    No need for the personal attacks … let us keep it constructive and decent … remember cogito ergo sum …

  39. “The law can be an and may i add can make holes out of many…”


    Ahhhh…. never mind……too easy.

  40. No apologies Lexicon
    The fact that u can make such a wild outrageous statement is evident that you have forgotten your history.
    Now i suggest you dust off your old history books on black history events and maybe u might come to a righteous understanding that the law can be an and make a ss holes out of many believers

  41. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife February 7, 2019 6:41 PM
    “Thanks lexicon.
    I always geld my pets. Not seriously planning to geld the men of BU. You are right it does significantly decrease aggression, as well as prevents them from straying, keeps them in good health and prolongs their life. The last pet that died was 75 in human years. Healthy, happy and long lived. You, Piece, and Whitehill are all safe from me. You are not dogs or cats or horses, or pigs.
    But still looking for a solution to violence.”

    Dear SSS for ‘life’, since you are recommending gelding the male animals (human dogs) between 2 to 82, how about spaying the females?
    Then there would be no bitches to fight over.

    Here you have a situation where the Public Health Authorities (in the male form (?) of the CMO) are expressing grave concern over the fast declining level of population sustainability while you, the archangel of the anti-breeding society, are calling for a total decimation of sperm donors.

    Why aren’t you beseeching the well-educated and working females between the ages of 25 to 35 to visit the sperm bank much more often to make the necessary withdrawals in order to save the country from a fate similar to Japan?

    The only problem with such a clarion call to females to do their Bajan nation-saving duty is that there would be very few, if any depositors, given your highly recommended solution to the violence plaguing Bulbados.

    You, the simple SS, ought to think before running your mouth while talking your anti-man “shavinnnnng cream”.

    For behind every ‘violently wutless’ boy or man you will find a ‘decent virgin’ woman crying her belly out in the Bajan courtyard.

  42. David Comissiong Avatar
    David Comissiong

    Piece, what an ignoramus you are! You think I sat down and spent my time writing this article in order to benefit myself????

    If you had any intelligence you would understand that the purpose of writing this article is my hope that it would come to the attention of some of the young people of Barbados– particularly those who look up to Rihanna– and that it would help them to understand that supporting and sacrificing for the noble cause of Black Liberation is something that they should embrace.

    On the assumption that you are a Black person– if you had any intelligence you would be helping to disseminate this article to young Barbadians rather than indulging in your usual insipid drivel.

  43. David Commisiong

    Not piece

    But yes Mariposa belives and sees enough evidence to say most of what you have written and done has been beneficial to yourself
    Btw can you tell BU audience how much income you have garnished every time you took govt to court on behalf of the people
    Yes it is the peoples business to know how much you earned since you have associated the name of the “people” of barbados as those you were defending against govt actions

  44. “Btw can you tell BU audience how much income you have garnished every time you took govt to court on behalf of the people…”

    Thine ignorance knoweth no bounds.

  45. Ok blp fowl you made your point now fly safely back to your place on the fence until your name is called
    Lawd have merci muh belly

  46. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    Garnish means: decorate, adorn, trim, dress, ornament, embellish, enhance, grace, beautify, prettify, brighten up

    Garnered means: gather or collect

  47. Simple Simon. Whatever
    Now fly back quickly and find your place on the fence before the other blp yardfowl Artax takes two places
    Dont see the need to stick your botsie in other peoples business
    Who called your name. Never knew you were Commissiong
    Now sue me

  48. Yes it is the peoples business to know how much you earned since you have associated the name of the “people” of barbados as those you were defending against govt actions (Quote)

    @ Mariposa

    You are one DLP yardfowl that’s a disgrace to your party. Why don’t you do proper research or let one of your George Street colleagues advise you before writing nonsense to embarrass the DLP.

    Who would have paid Commisiong any money after he won those civil suits he filed in the interest of Barbadians, against the government?

  49. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ the Honourable Blogmaster your assistance please with an item here

    For the writer with the definition abot garnish you missed garnish as it relates to compulsory reduction of wages.

    And i think you used the verb incorrectly at any rate


    Commie Sing a Song would have been paid by his cousin Mugabe and is still bein paid now

  50. All u Commissiong pooch lickers bring it on
    Taxpayers monies were used from the govt coffers to pay Commissiong and that being the case since he filed a case upon which he acted as a defense on behalf of the people
    There is an inherent right and a moral duty binding to accountabilty and transparency for the people to know what Commisiong was paid

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