Submitted by DAVID  COMISSIONG, Citizen of Barbados
So, the highly anticipated Super Bowl 2019 championship game is over, and New England Patriots quarterback, Tom Brady, is being widely hailed as a “hero” for winning an unprecedented 6th Super Bowl title. But, as far as I am concerned, the real  hero of Super Bowl 2019 is not Tom Brady. Rather, it is Barbados’ cultural Ambassador, Robyn “Rihanna” Fenty !
Rihanna is “the” Super Bowl hero simply because it was her highly  principled and courageous stance of standing in solidarity with black activist footballer, Colin Kaepernick, and rejecting the National Football League’s offer to be the featured performer at the highly prestigious Super Bowl half time show that will be forever remembered as the distinguishing heroic act of Super Bowl 2019 !
Let us recall that during the 2016 to 2017 American Football season, Colin Kaepernick — the black quarterback of the San Francisco 49’ers football team — took to protesting against systemic US anti-Black racism in general and white racist Police killings of African-Americans in particular, by publicly kneeling (rather than standing at attention) during the playing of the US national anthem.
At the time, Kaepernick explained his stance as follows:-
“I am not going to stand up to show pride in a flag for a country that oppresses black people and people of colour. To me, this is bigger than football……..There are bodies in the street and people getting paid leave and getting away with murder.”
Needless-to-say, Colin Kaepernick was punished by the powers that be for his bold, principled, and positively disruptive gesture of protest. Not only did United States President Donald Trump publicly call for him to be fired, but not one single National Football League (NFL) club would hire the highly talented Kaepernick for the 2018 to 2019 football season !
It is against this background that our Rihanna stepped forward and stood up for Colin Kaepernick and– by extension for the cause of Black freedom and justice that Kaepernick so superbly represents and symbolizes.
In turning down the NFL’s offer to perform at the Super Bowl half time show, Rihanna was turning down an opportunity to perform before a massive global audience of in excess of 100 Million persons, as well as turning down the opportunity to benefit from a host of future lucrative Super Bowl related commercial endorsements.
But, just as Colin Kaepernick was clear that some things are “bigger than football”, Rihanna was demonstrating that she too was clear that some things are bigger than entertainment spectacles and financial benefits !
And so, we Barbadians would be failing in our duty if we do not publicly acknowledge and record that our Rihanna performed a truly significant and heroic act when she stood up  not merely for Colin Kaepernick, but for all people of colour, and for the sacred principles of freedom and justice.


201 responses to “RIHANNA’S HEROIC ACT”

  1. Every time Comissiong opens mouth he looks for a stool pigeon in assisting with his causes
    Many bajan stool pigeons were used in his execution of the Hyatt to the detriment of those living in close proxmity to where the Hotel would have been building
    The remains of delipidated buildings stands as a testimony to his fight against the Hyatt
    Then there was the finger printing issue were once again Barbadians were used as stool pigeons to fight his cause
    A cause which saw Commissiong agreeing with opening the flood gates for Haitians to enter without having to go through a process of complete immigration procedure resulting with Haitians becoming “wards” of barbados Social system
    Now once again he leaps forward using Rhianna freedoms as a movement to remind Barbadians about America’s short comings however when compared to Venezuela under the leadership of Maduro Venezuela stands out as a failed state having a president who has all but abandoned its people

  2. Lexicon
    February 7, 2019 8:44 AM

    In America freedom of Speech doesn’t matter because you can invoke your Fifth Amendment right at anytime again self -incrimination ….


    One flew out of the cuckoos nest!!

  3. Hi David Commissiong, I have noticed that you have not not shared your position publicly on the intimidation by the Venezuelan Armed Forces of the Guyana. Can you explain Caricom`s silence as for me to claim its Oil Money hypocrisy would be unjust!

  4. Pachama February 7, 2019 6:59 AM

    “Don’t get it twisted there is only one typology of racism.”

    “We sent you something else two days ago”

    February 7, 2019 7:45 AM

    Found it, next rotation.

    David since it is Obvious that you give a say to Out Right Communist Like Commie Sing Song and Pachamama who admits to having a Team of Writers as in “We sent you something else two days ago”.

    Commie Sing Song uses emotion rhetoric like Racism to Stir Di Pot of Division the same as Pachamama knowing full well that Division breaks down a Society and its end result is to create Tribalism that there is Never Peace and Stability.

    Society does not walk back from Tribalism. Look around in the world today and every society that has created Division and Tribalism Kills Itself and what we are witnessing is Commie Sing Song and Pachamama using their team of writers to CONSPIRE to Create Tribalism, not Unity, not Education.

    What about a Balanced Playing Field by Articles by more Conservatives, will my Article be featured that was Submitted to BU a Few Days ago?



    Submitted by Freedom Crier

  5. Kammie Holder

    The Cooperative Republic of Guyana has not been an innocent party to this latent conflict, in this a Caribbean as ‘a zone of peace’ as some contend. wrongly.

    Guyana, is a member of the Lima Group. A breakaway OAS faction aimed at the destabilization you now see in Venezuela.

    Guyana has sold explorations rights to Exxon and Haliburton to lands still ‘contested’ by Venezuela.

    We have been talking about the ways Guyana has been assisting the Americans to prepare for war but nobody else seemed to have noticed.

    All of this in a ‘Caribbean as a zone of peace’

  6. AC-DC

    When are you going to get over the death-licks that the BLP, aided by Comissiong, put in you. All of your aimless cussing cannot give life to the dead, the dead DLP.

  7. Piece

    From the time Rihanna came on the scene there has always been these kinds of narratives.

    We remember 10 or more years ago OSA, Hilary Beckles and others pimping Rihanna in the same kinds of ways that Comissiong and maybe this government will continue to.

    It is as if Rihanna was to be the whore who was to grant absolution for all of our failings. We always though something was wrong with that picture.

    You see Piece, we have had a well-established tradition of personalities who have been so destroyed, the list is too long to recall.

    We should re-think the unbearable pressures we constantly exert on this woman. The irony is that the people so engaged seem to have no idea what they do, or don’t care. Or maybe they think that they are doing something good.

  8. Rihana exists in a completely different world! It is a world that very few of us understands.
    Those who try to “pimp” her will fail.

  9. @Piece of the rock, go on, give that silly Simon hell. Men worked hard as Rass holes to bring this nation to where it is, including providing the many opportunities that these nappy head women enjoy. Now that they have arrived, what is their solution to every problems…Men. Cut our balls off. What is most disgusting, even more than the women and their solutions to rid the world of us is the pooch sniffing men in Barbados who are content to let these bastards talk shit to us. Listen men, pokey was there when I screwed in high school then as it is now as I celebrate my 60th birthday. You bajan men got to stop sniffing women’s ass and stand up for yourselves. I really don’t get it how you men continuously let these broke ass, many children from different men women turn your old asses out like some punk ass school boys.

  10. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    Whitehill…ah take it ya had a rough night..

  11. Piece

    Boring you with my comments about America huuum…? I am guessing that your cognitive insufficiency has somehow caused you to commingled the terms boring with informing?

  12. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    We all do have freedom to express ourselves as we like…thus it’s fair, one assumes, for one Bajan to call another luminous Bajan an airhead simply because she embraces a cause he does not like. That’s ridiculous!

    To personally attack the woman for her conviction (real or not) is true airheaded, petty nonsense and should be beneath the poise of a person with any real character and class. Ridiculous!

    The woman has indeed survived a vicious, dog eat dog industry so despite her discovery and boosting by that producer married to a Bajan and then by Jay-Z et al she HAD to be GOOD at her craft and SAVVY to reach these heights …so @Pieces lets agree that media do always exaggerate the “heroic” word when some public figure gets engaged in populace activism BUT lets ALSO agree that the lady is worthy of acclaim as a successful entertainer.

    She has her flaws as we all do but she also is either very well advised or has an innate ability to hoist herself up from adversity. More power to her!

  13. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    “Rihanna is black, female, young, bright, beautiful and rich.”

    Go Rihanna!!!!

  14. The Smoke & Mirror Tactics of Commie Sing Song and Ilk while Usurping the Populace using the Adversary’s Fondest Tool of Racism…All the While Deflecting The Reality!!

    45 seconds that explain why Venezuelans ask for Freedom…

    Dozens of Military Chavistas against one woman!!!

    God we need Humanitarian aid to Arrive Fast our children are Dying 😔😔

    Venezuelan military block the bridge where the help must pass. A Tanker, a container and a convoy of the armed force of Venezuela block the border bridge of small in cúcuta, where it must pass the humanitarian aid of the United States managed by Juan Guaidó.

    The denial of access of civilians, especially children, humanitarian aid and attacks on workers providing assistance to children are prohibited under the fourth Geneva Convention and their additional protocols and can constitute a crime against humanity And a war crime. In addition, access to humanitarian aid is a principle of customary international law.

  15. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    @pieceuhderockyeahright February 7, 2019 8:46 AM “You simple Simon are really simple. David Commie Sing a Song IS NOT the Montevideo Mechanism!!! You have no idea as to who the players were who proposed the Mechanism but suddenly, BECAUSE COMMIE SING A SONG is part of the attendee list, HE IS THE PROPOSER. That, dufus, is like saying the negroes who served the food at the Signing of the Declaration of Independence were responsible for its content. You have no effing reasoning skills at all.”

    Dear Piece: Why don’t you stop telling lies. As my dear aunt used to say “whenyou tell lies,people lose all respect for you. At no time did I say that David C is the Montevideo mechanism. At n time did I say that David C. proposed the Mechanism. And how do you know that I have no idea you proposed the Mechanism. Do you live you n my head? Actually at all times my reasoning skills are consistently superior to yours. I don’t have to tell lies to push some perverse agenda.

    And that is the TRUTH.

  16. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    “Somehow the bajan mindset cant stand those comparisons”

    ..they better start learning fast, it is coming right at them…fast..

    Lexicon…the kind of racism when black bajans go to the US or wherever, most times under brutal weather conditions to study or work in mostly racists countries …qualify…sometimes cum laude…then return to Barbados to work, offer their services to bring the island out of the shithole 1950’s …and what do they encounter with all their high qualifications…that some ashole from UK, US or Canada, a white ashole no less…and are racist to boot…in a majority black country ….weilding their evil bullshit.

    ….that does not even begin to describe the various shades of racism given the green light by black leaders in a black majority country..

  17. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    @Lawson February 7, 2019 8:29 AM “how many people Caricom are going to take in to help.”

    Canada has 10.2 people per square mile.

    Barbados has 1.710 people per square mile.

    Let Canada take in Venezuelan refugees until Canada has a population density of 1710 per square mile.

    But if I was an indigenous Venezuelan I would be scared to go live in Canada, as Canada has a long and nasty history of treating the indigenous people of this hemisphere really, really badly.

  18. Jeff Cumberbatch Avatar

    The 14th Amendment: all person Born or NATURALIZED in the United States and Subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of United States and the state wherein they reside …no states shall make or enforce any law which abridged the privileges or immunities of the citizen of the United States, and the state wherein they reside

    Well put, Lexicon, I was wondering where this was heading….…

  19. Donks Gripe and Josh Avatar
    Donks Gripe and Josh

    If Rihanna is one of the best things ever happened to Barbados he is one of the worst. Fcuking up foreign direct investment that would have made a difference to the lives of many poor blacks is his legacy.

    The white parasites behind the venture would also benefit the reality is its their financial impulse that lured the investors. The less heard from him the better. Mottley listens to him too much .

    Anybody knows what the Foreign Minister’s thoughts are he never speaks he is like a mannequin at important gatherings while his line officers have loads of time to spill shiite on a dumb message board.

  20. A population density of 1.710 is not the same as one of 1710. (1.710×1000=1710). I am not a mathematician, but was taught well by Mr Bynoe at St Giles.

  21. What foreign investment? Do you know where the financing was going to come?

    Did the courts of Barbados agree with the filing from Comissiong?

    The Duty waived on the Mercedes given to the stillborn Hyatt was purchased with USD or BBD?

  22. Thanks Jeff … I appreciate it Sir …

  23. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    @ De Ingrunt Word

    Here we effing go again.


    Let me be pellucidly clear (that is bad English since pellucid means clear)

    I said that what the Honourable Blogmaster said WAS WRONG

    He said and I quote

    “…Could it be Rihanna’s willingness to share an opinion on something she feels passionate gives an insight to how she has been able to build a global brand?”



    The genesis of what she is was JayZ but as the Honourable Blogmaster backtrotted to say “she continued to expand on the opportunities that she was given.”

    And she is to be highly commended for that.

    This is a very simple concept. We all accept that she was “given a prebuilt house but then she added rooms to that house.”

    To insist otherwise, as the clown, and we all know who I am referring to here is, is to seek to negate the fact that JayZ was the architect of what she is today. Her input notwithstanding.

    Secondly, of all persons who comment on this young lady, let it be noted, EVEN BY THE ORIGINAL BLOGMASTER, THAT DE OLE MAN IS among those who have “promoted” her as a superlative national choice.

    And unlike the talkers, of whom there are many here, I can show that support, in effing writing

    Thirdly, to the substantive point that John the Quaker said, “Tyson was a brilliant boxer but he was not a Da Vinci”. Do not commingle the two things, talent and brilliance.

    Mugabe Mottley does talk pretty but SHE IS NOT BRILLIANT.

    Fourthly, to answer the ignorant question asked by the Honourable Blogmaster, the answer is NO!!

    HOW CAN RIHANNA’S WLLINGNESS TO SHARE AN OPINION convert to “solidarity” with Kapernick? And for those idiots reading this article, that is Commie Sing a Song’s point.

    “Sharing an opinion” is not, and I repeat, NOT the effing same thing as “effecting solidarity”!

    And how can that solidarity concept migrate, rather transmogrify into “her global brand?”

    This sector of the BU BORG is talking shy$e, with all due respect.

    David King is not on duty now. LOOK at the sentence structure shortly after 9 am this morning and you note the difference.

    IF RIHANNA FENTY HAD NOT BEEN ENABLED BY JAYZ, she would be in Westbury today.

    However which way wunna want to cut this.

    I take nothing away from who she is, her skill nor her determination BUT PLEASE BE HONEST HERE.

    The sentence by the Blogmaster was not a sentence from the Original David of BU

    You may have the last word

  24. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    “Mugabe Mottley does talk pretty but SHE IS NOT BRILLIANT.”

    As is becoming more evident. she needs guidance from people who don’t have such self-serving skin in the game..

  25. pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

    There are 3 bloggers on Barbados Underground whose write in 3 different styles.

    That is stating an obviousness.

    Mr Jeff Cumberbatch, who I respectfully call the Luminary, in providing a title ALWAYS IS ABLE TO GIVE CONTEXT & CONTENT TO CONCATENATE THE CAPTION


    And Commie Come Sing a Song devoid as he is of meaningful CONTENT accustomed to PURPOSED CONFLATIONS as a man whose actions are seldom CONSCIENTIOUSLY CENTRED, AND USUALLY CONTAMINATED BY HIS COUSINLY RELATIONS and other CONFLICTS OF INTEREST does write alot of CHVUNT.

    Just like I just did

    This is one of Commies Chunt Compositions where he trying to keep up with Jeff but…

  26. What does having the last word mean, apart from the literal meaning?

  27. Vincent Codrington Avatar
    Vincent Codrington

    @ PUDRYR at 12:12 PM

    Piece, you have very many ‘Cs’ in this submission? Are you sending me a message or what? Lol!!!

  28. Harrison “Ford” Collidge Avatar
    Harrison “Ford” Collidge

    Pachamama enlightens the world on February 7, 2019 at 6:59 in the AM with a blistering inssight.

    Here’s the fool among the many subliterates who, like “Pachy”, haven’t read a single book since they left school.

    “Don’t get it twisted there is only one typology of racism.”

    David. Also, wunna.

  29. Commie Sing Song should resist from using his Crab Back Tactics. It’s Clear for those with Eyes to See that it is his Intent to Deceive others by his Conjured up, Tangled and Misleading Rhetoric.

    Commie is Employed by the Government and therefore should refrain from using the Term ‘DAVID COMISSIONG, Citizen of Barbados’…It is much more Appropriate to use the Title “Commie Sing Song Communist Ambassador to CARICOM!!

  30. Piece

    It is like 10000 spoons when all you need is a knife…

  31. John
    The point I intended to make was that Rihanna in refusing the offer to perform at the Super Bowl expressed solidarity with Colin Kaepernick and his larger Statement against Racism and Police Brutality especially against Blacks whom they set out to kill first,ask questions afterwards,and the second point Rihanna was making and which is relevant to a President using tax dollars to fly all over the USA to play golf,address rallies and entertain for a fee at his Maro Lago private members only spread in Florida,the point that 3 such trips recently was estimated to cost the treasury over 13 million of her tax dollars.

  32. Harrison Ford Collidge

    Anybody with such a name has to a slave or a slave master or the descendant of either.

    We can prove that you are the ‘subliterate’ ‘idiot’ with just another response.

    If you can adumbrate all the typologies of racism?

  33. Ignore Pacha, this is Jack Boreman reincarnated.

  34. David


  35. @ Commie Sing Song, Pachamama and those who may support these Unconscionable Duo!!

    These are our Neighbours and this is what they Envision for Barbados by Supporting the Maduro Regime…

    “We as Venezuelans have lost it all, dignity, pride, children, mothers, brothers, sisters…Whatever your mind can think of has been taking from us…But here we stand those of us that are left wounded in body and soul. We stand together even though we are scattered all over the world and listen to some that say I’m glad and we listen to those with words of kindness. We have been betrayed by the troops that swore to protect us and money has become the coin of which our worth has become”….

    Venezuela: Mothers giving away babies

    Oil-rich Venezuela is facing one of the world’s worst humanitarian crises, according to the United Nations. Extreme poverty has jumped 40%, deaths related to child malnutrition are on the rise, and millions have fled the country in the past two years. Many inside and outside Venezuela blame the policies of the Dictator Nicolas Maduro.

    As you go through your day think of this……If we continue to Listen to these Communist wannabe dictators it would not be too far distant that we find ourselves in Barbados in a Similar Situation.

    May God Preserve us from such Evil Doings, and Let their Conspiring against what is Right and Good be Exposed.

  36. LOL SS so you guys have been breeding like rats and now because we are more reserved in canada you feel you should be able to dictate how we must help venezuala rather than you a stones throw away.

  37. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Donks Gripe and Josh February 7, 2019 11:04 AM
    “If Rihanna is one of the best things ever happened to Barbados he is one of the worst. Fcuking up foreign direct investment that would have made a difference to the lives of many poor blacks is his legacy.”

    But ‘wait’, look how out of a fit of anti “D C” anger the “Donks Gripe and Josh” consortium of liars has gone and let the forex cat out of the money bag!

    So the Hyatt behemoth was being built from FDI?

    Do you know how long the BU household was wanting and ‘waiting’ to hear this Hyatt funding gospel?

    If only one year ago you and your Maloney fan club had given the public this long hidden- but now conveniently secreted information- your DLP pals would have at least one seat representing the very constituency where the Bajan Parliament is located.

    Even the Governor of the Central Bank, when asked, could not confirm that it was an FDI-funded project.

    Is that the reason he has dropped it from his forex earning bag of tricks to stave off Devaluation?

    But you, the boss liar called “Bajanfuhlife”, continue to fool yourself along with your baloney friends T. Inniss and the many pussies ac.

    Why do you persist in riding on the back of a dead donkey called ‘Hyatt Erectus’?

    Why do you continue to crucify the son of the soil baptized ‘David the Commie’ after you have already hanged, drawn and quartered ‘Him’ in front of that Bay Street tabernacle’s graveyard where the poor chap’s father is Resting in Pieces of silver?

  38. Will the DLP learn from the 30-0 result?

  39. We DO ignore your bosom buddy, the terror supporting asshole Pachamoron, what a pity you don’t David.

  40. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    @whiteHill February 7, 2019 10:26 AM “bastards”

    At the time of my birth, my parents had been married (to each other) for decades.

    Da fa lick yh!!!

  41. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    @pieceuhderockyeahright February 7, 2019 8:46 AM “…you show how disingenuous you are to conflate this non topic by the obsequious Ambassador with the Montevideo Mechanism.”

    No wonder some people think that you wear a tinfoil hat.

    Not me though. I wonder if you haven’t had too much sun snining on the top of your balding? head.

    I wasn’t trying to conflate anything. Both you and Hal had asked about CARICOM’s position on Venezuela, and as I was reading the Nation online and I though I was being helpful to post the article for you and for Hal and for all of the BU users who might be curious.

    I am not and I have never been a relative, friend, associate of Grantley, Errol, Tom, Bree, Owen, Freundel, Mia nor David. I don’t even know any Davids. I am completely non-political.

    I agree when I feel like it.

    i disagree when I feel like it.

    None of the people mentioned have ever put rice on my table. You nor whitehill neider.

    i still happily work the land that my father and his mother left to me. As long as it rains I can eat.

    Politicians come and politicians go.

    I will still be here when most of those mentioned have gone the way of ALL flesh.

    Next time you go outside please put on a hat.

  42. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    @Mariposa February 7, 2019 9:12 AM “Then there was the finger printing issue were once again Barbadians were used as stool pigeons to fight his cause.”

    My only question to the authorities was and still is ‘if you fingerprint a Bajan coming and discover that she/he had been a murderer who had already served his sentence, what were you going to do to him/her?

    Have the plane circle forever?

    Deport a Bajan?

    Refuse a Bajan entry?

    I pointed out that “home is the place where when you go THEY HAVE TO TAKE YOU IN”, even if you are a mass murderer.

  43. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    pieceuhderockyeahright February 7, 2019 8:21 AM “The Rihanna Fenty Phenomenon was NOT CREATED BY RIHANNA she is a crafted product of JayZ.”

    So tell me, how come JayZ did not craft pieceoftherock too? Wouldn’t that have been just as easy?

  44. Whitehill,

    Simple Simon is really not serious about the castration. She just means that men need to think with the head that contains the brain. So your opinion and her opinion are not really that far apart.

  45. Piece,

    At the risk of getting cuss too – don’t you think you are overdoing it just a little?

  46. David

    That is the wrong question.

    The right question is about accountability for the crimes against humanity perpetrated by them (Dems).

    We suggest the guillotine and no pensions.

  47. Pacha,

    My heart would suggest the guillotine but my head tells me that violence begets violence. There must be a better way.

  48. SirSimpleSimonPresidentForLife Avatar

    All over the world [except for Ethiopia] men are the majority of parliamentarian/congresspeople, the majority of police, the majority of soldiers, the majority of judges, the majority of prison officials. Men make the laws. Men arrest men. Men judge men. Men imprison men. Men execute men. I’ve never heard of a female executioner, have you?

    I did not invent the data.

    I love good behaved men.

    I don’t like bad behaved men.

    I don’t like bad male behaviour.

    Can anybody assure me that what is going on in Venezuela right now has nothing to do with male bad behaviour? Or as the sociologist call it toxic masculinity. Can anyone assure me that there is no toxic masculinity in the White House?

    Piece and whitehill can check below their belts right now and assure themselves that their most important treasure is still firmly in place.

  49. Piece

    Perhaps you can help me with this question which has been perplexing me for quite sometime … but I was wondering since you are as nosie as the fly on the wall… if you by any chance happen to know whether or not Mark Fenty is related to Rihanna Fenty since both Rihanna Fenty and Mark Fenty families originated in Belleplaine St Andrew?

  50. WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog Avatar
    WARU, Crazy & Unstable, Hogging the Blog

    “Will the DLP learn from the 30-0 result?”

    More importantly…will BLP learn, the rumblings have already started ..ah hope they are not still too giddy from May 25 to hear them.

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