Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Please see the attached video taped conversation on REPARATIONS between Dr. PEDRO  WELCH, the chairman of the Barbados National Task Force on Reparations, and DAVID  COMISSIONG in his role as host of the University of the West Indies REGION  TALK television programme.

1,349 responses to “Reparation Talk With Dr.Pedro Welch and David Comissiong”

  1. 555,
    Have U figured out the relevance of the Lee Kwan Yue Singapore info?

    Singapore has been many times more successful than the ex Cbean Colonies, yet people like U cant learn from them. Singaporeans never wited on Reparations that will never come but worked their plans to overtake the per capita wealth of the former coloniser, the UK.

    Yes an island just a little larger than Bdos. Jamaica is 15 X larger than Singapore and what progress has been made in a longer post independence period??????????? Singapore has no resources besides the key one People who were willing to learn and work.

  2. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger

    you have to isolate people to bring about change..

    `Boycott had to leave the island in disgrace and his name became a synonym for the concept of isolating someone in order to bring about change.”

  3. Deficit financing is the business of exposing your ass to perverts-with-money (the dangerous kind)
    One has to be EXTREMELY careful, …cause if you slip, it slide……
    …and not always vaseline assisted.

    Bushie is not that way inclined, so the Bushman believes that by the sweat of a man’s brow shall he eat bread …. not by loans (or dancing lessons) from bulla men.

    When the situation calls for capital investments like a mortgage, the cooperative principle where like minded people get together an (like the good old meeting turn) make that assistance available to each other as it is needed – is the ideal approach.

    Deficit (Devil) financing is the albino-centric bait that is used to capture brass bowl foolish fish…

  4. @ Money B
    Get a life nuh!!
    You are no ordinary albino-centric…. you have the capacity to THINK beyond the hype…

    So YES! …the Singaporeans have managed to accumulate more desks and chairs among themselves than has the brass bowl Bajans and other West Indians…

    So WHAT does that gain them?
    More comfortable seating in class…. (where did that get the Africans back in the 13th century?)
    More bragging rights? More distractions from the lessons being thought?

    Are they any closer to ‘graduating with honours’ than are the brass bowls without a single desk to their name?

    About time you got over this “money thin” boss…. you are better than that…

    How about starting to pay attention in class? and listen to the great teacher?
    Do you even know the syllabus? Are you familiar with the reason for being in school?

    You get and mind Vincent….. a lost cause that… 🙂

  5. Money I-don’t-know what-to-call-him

    it is a waste of time listening to you

    You’re not half as smart as you think you are there is nothing you can teach me

  6. 555,
    Run out of names?

    U are correct there is nothing anyone can teach U!

    Your head made outta Diamond, industrial diamond hard but not a precious stone!

  7. Didn’t I show you the way to glory
    Didn’t I teach you the way to love

    Now you learned call me teacher

    teacher teacher
    teach us to dance to rockers

    I’m all around teaching music
    Now you learned call me teacher

  8. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger

    Money Brain July 20, 2017 at 11:06 AM #
    Beware being overly arrogant.
    The Chinese dont like that!

    MoneyB…ya just jealous of the chinese, they have not gone into Africa like wild animals pillaging, raping, kidnapping people and putting them on boats to china, they act like gentlemen, if the people have a grievance with their presence, they address it….they are not common class thieves, they know they are guests in Africa and they act like it, they know the wealth and riches are not theirs to hog.

    both sides got annoyed with each other recently because chinese males were marrying African women and starting families in record numbers, the African men got jealous and complained, but it appears they ironed it all out, of course with African men, it would be their own fault for being neglectful and perpetual saga boys.

    in comparing the way whites went into Africa with their savagery raping everyone in sight…yall are savages, the chinese are more civil….and yall cant fight them for Africa either…cause dude, there are over a billion of them….ya will know what for if ya try any crap with ya thieving selves….the African population is also 1 billion now.

    the new generation of African will be part Asian, as it was thousands of years ago.

    yall european savages could learn some skills from them on how to act civil in Africa…but no one wants yall there anymore….too savage.

  9. this rockers are no crackers
    morning teacher
    long time I reach you
    I read up my scripture
    I taught them to read
    and me taught them to write
    I never taught them to fight
    don’t bother with no fuss no fight
    come let us all unite
    I went up to fly my baby kite
    here came a parasite
    to make off with my kite
    let go of my kite parasite
    war is not the answer

  10. WW,
    U are comparing 2 vastly different eras.
    The Chinese were far ahead of the West in 1400 but poor arrogant leadership led them to cede the advantage–tough.

    I am still pleased to learn of your grands abilities. Too many Americans are real stupid it will cost them.

  11. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger

    Bushman…it`s killing MoneyB that the world has moved on from European savagery and black people are more enlightened, he and his ilk can no longer use blacks to compensate for their own short comings.

    he has reached an aha moment and it`s…got them all unbalanced.

    have you seen the litany of nonsense John and Vincent posted….if they knew any better, they would be so embarrassed…lol

  12. Vincent Haynes Avatar
    Vincent Haynes


    Chuckle…..what do you now….yuh mussee call muh tuh gie yuh a cut ass….ah ain gine boder…..yet.

    You must appreciate that MB would attempt to use similar argument with the KKK and other fundamentalists….he has not realised as yet the old adage……”where ignorance is bliss ’tiss folly to be wise”…….he has to let it be and accept that one can only reason with reasonable people.

    As far as Singapore is concerned an excellent case for it was made eons ago by EWB a firm believer in our ability to reach those heady hights.

    Finally not all of us can go around whacking and having discussions with BBE….some of us even in old age still like to make things,fix things,invent things,talk to peeps,idiots or otherwise… order to do that we need some blenza for parts,equipment etc,etc and that comes by the sweat of ones brain or brawn……enjoy.

  13. WW,
    U really dont understand do U?

    The future and present is about Technology not human labour. Be careful that the Elite dont cull the population, they need less than 2bn to achieve their objectives, the balance of 5bn+ are excess poor people and only likely to pollute the planet and use precious resources, in the Elites opinion.

    These Elites are your real enemy, the history of slavery is irrelevant now.

  14. WW@COB

    Now their game is up the old colonialists want to trade fairly with the 3rd world in our 1 world

    but it is too late they burned their bridges already last time when they exploited their colonies without helping them or trading fairly

  15. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger

    MoneyB….that same arrogance you talked about, that is what is and will cost America….riding on the criminal coat tails of ancestors and being arrogant, brutal, rude, obnoxious and continually criminal against the survivors for 240 years…..they took themselves down with dumbness and stupidity, greed and arrogance.

    UK….same thing, but they been parasitic and criminal for 200 years longer….more than a lot more crimes to account for….dont be surprised if that island sinks into the ocean for the crimes they committed….and takes Hal with them..lo

    Canada only has to account for overt racism and nasty practices and crimes against native indigenous within Canada….not worldwide criminality like the other enslaver nations.

    i been observing them all for years…waiting for the bubble to burst, it has…lol

  16. Artificial Intelligence, which btw is centred in Toronto, means the world is rapidly changing.


    The culture of Arab supremacy and the legitimacy of enslaving Africans was so entrenched by the fourteenth century that the great North African polymath and sociologist, Abd al-Rahman ibn Khaldun (d. 1406) could assert without fear of controversy that “the Negro nations are, as a rule, submissive to slavery, because [Negroes] have little [that is essentially] human and have attributes that are quite similar to those of dumb animals, as we have stated” (Ibn Khaldun, The Muqaddimah). This level of dehumanization was not uncommon in medieval Arab culture (despite the clearly egalitarian teachings of Islam which explicitly condemns racism). In many ways, the legacy of the trans-Saharan slave trade (which had various economic and political contexts) and the culture of racism has persisted into the modern period with negative stereotypes of dark-skinned people, the stigmatization of “black” features, and the derogatory references to Africans in general throughout the Arab world. This is to say nothing of the vestiges of the institution of slavery, which can still be seen from Mauritania ( to Qatar (, in which thousands, if not millions of people are forced to serve under a system which is unjust and dehumanizing.

  18. I will huff and puff and blow your house in
    said the big bad wolf

    Not by the hair of our chinny chin chin
    we will not let you in

  19. I will huff and I will puff
    and I will blow your house in
    said the big bad wolf

    No we will not let you in
    not by the hair of our chinny chinny chin

  20. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger

    555…….dont be fooled,they do not have it in them to trade fairly…they are merely massaging and soothing, looking for an advantage…and you see that band of negropean slaves in parliaments who have no negotiation skills to benefit the people….those dudes and gals will not have to work hard to defraud those idiots.

    look what Butch Stewart got from them, 40 years of concessions…and he is ready to croak and he still got one over on them…so imagine.

    The future and present is about Technology not human labour. Be careful that the Elite dont cull the population, they need less than 2bn to achieve their objectives, the balance of 5bn+ are excess poor people and only likely to pollute the planet and use precious resources, in the Elites opinion.

    the only people polluting the planet are the elite MoneyB….you will be shocked to see it turned the other way around.

    there are greater powers at play than these self proclaimed paper gods.

    have no fear of atomic energy….or technology

    cause none of them can stop the time

    remember Rockefeller….a demon if there ever was one, left the earth recently as one old big rotten stink cancer, he could not stay, none of them can.

  21. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger

    AI…still has a way to go, maybe by 2040…2060…MoneyB

    it`s nowhere near perfected, neither are quantum computers….

    ..europe will likely go totally broke before all of that.

  22. some youths are going to the west
    some youths are going to the north
    some youths is going south
    some youths are going to the far east

    stop your war foolish fighting
    it’s much more that we can start lasting
    we got to fight for our right
    we got to see the light

    don’t shed no blood my brothers
    and love each and every one

  23. Vincent Haynes Avatar
    Vincent Haynes

    OSWALD SPENGLER: The Rise and Fall of Cultures Sohail ……/oswald_spengler_in_macrohistory_and_macrohistorians_5_2...
    by S Inayatullah – ‎Related articles
    Cultures are organisms and world history is their collective biography. …Every … rather, it was a text that laid bare the truth of history, the rise and fall of cultures.

  24. Vincent Haynes Avatar
    Vincent Haynes

    The Decline of the West – Wikipedia
    The Decline of the West or The Downfall of the Occident, is a two-volume work by Oswald … The final stage of each culture is, in his word use, a “civilization”. ….. Ibn Khaldun: wrote in his magnum opus, Muqaddimah, about the rise and fall of …

  25. Cultures are just ways of life

    if you try to view other cultures from your own cultural perspective then you have no insight or understanding

  26. Vincent Haynes Avatar
    Vincent Haynes

    We do like to make life harder than it is…..all civilisations will fall…..a simple fact of being……the great known civilisations of Africa,China and to a lesser extent Rome all came tumbling down with their many tribal vassals left to recover on their own.

    What are we really fighting up about………man has such little time on earth…..we are all born to die.

  27. Africa and China were colonised by usual suspects which causes those cultures to fail
    and recovery is slow
    but they will recover

    China has 1.4 billion
    Africa has a young population over half under 25
    China is helping develop Africa

  28. Ibn Khaldun: wrote in his magnum opus, Muqaddimah ………………….

  29. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    And when ya had a centuries old culture of deliberate brutality and savagery without good reason, being a different era ìs no excuse…

    ….then turn around for centuries after and further demean, degrade, demoralize, disenfranchise and disrespect the survivors of that uncalled for savagery and brutality.., and claim, all is good. ….., they are still superior and in control…oh hell no….

    ….what are ya stupid…did ya get dropped on ya heads…

    Ya setting yaself up to be victimized by the same, but just different generation of european savages all over again…this time 20 times worse.

  30. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Kiki….they got this little fart, this little tw*t in UK called Michael Gove, at one time he headed the UK ministry of education…..well a couple years ago this little albino decided he did not like how black history was written, so he was going to see it was rewritten to exclude the African slave trade, pretend it never happened…and claim that black people left Africa of their own volition, travelled, in his mind, to Caribbean, UK, US and everywhere else, to be interns……….so I am still wondering why Africans will want to do that…..when the wird intern did nit exist back then and for hundreds of years after.

    That was really too high for the bullshit meter.

    Then like a disease it caught on, because a bigger bunch of twa*s in Texas, just as nasty a bunch of racists as Gove….decided that what slimy Gove said made perfect sense, so they were going to rewrite all black history and exclude any mention of the wird slavery…could you believe these lowlife scum of the earth…

    well the hollering became too much fir all of them and the abandoned the idea…another piece of shit white will probably come along in another 50 years and try the same scam….better refined.

    How can anyone think these savage animals can be reasonable, fair or civil.

    That is what happens when you are so weak, you allow others to be believe they have a right to rewrite your history, give you whatever dumb shit pops into their minds and sounds good for them but not for you and decide your fate, destiny and those of your future generations.

    There are those blacks around who would still tolerate this disrespect to their history.

  31. Ibn Khaldun: wrote in his magnum opus, Muqaddimah ………………….

    …………….. “Therefore, the Negro nation are, as a rule, submissive to slavery, because [Negroes] have little [that is essentially] human and have attributes that are quite similar to those of dumb animals, as we have stated.”

    …………. written before Europeans got to Africa!!

    Western European Christian thinking of the Reformation period, 1517-1648 could not originate this sentiment.

    This sentiment was based in the 1400’s on centuries of enslavement of African peoples and atrocities … castration, genital mutilation etc .. committed against them at a time when Europe and Europeans were “broke”!!

    It is uninformed thinking that has simplified everything to black and white that has confused supposed educated and brilliant people.

    It is almost as if the devil is at work!!!!!

  32. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Ah bet anything they are those on here that would wholeheartedly support Gove and his gang of Texas racists….

    …..rewrite that African slave trade history, pretend it never happened, so they can live in a white fantasy world, a dream world, a fraud world…lol.

  33. John

    Europeans continued with that same crap

    and are Guilty as charged

    Robbing people calling them your slaves and brutalising them can not be excused by saying “they” did it first

    Your morals have disappeared up your arse

  34. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    So John…you know if Gove and his racists say the slave trade never happened, you been lying all along about everything right….lol

    And to show what true savages yall are in claiming that blacks in Africa were enslaved and brutalized anyway……so it could not be any worse for them with you… biggie. ..

    … came and did even worse, devoid of humanity…raped man, woman and child and said, so what, it would have happened anyway.

    Now that is ugly.

    Yall gotta be blighted and cursed for all eternity…..can never be cleansed, that is why the earth is responding accordingly.

  35. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Michael Gove must have wanted to rewrite black history around same time Caricom were talking about reparations.

    Fact finding truth mission is part and parcel of reparations case establishing the unblemished truth that needs to be logged into history so it cannot be corrupted.

    biting truth on internet is like ephemera, which can be moth-bollocked if deemed too radical,
    disappearing forever unless copies have been saved.

    A case for reparations filed more than 10 20 30 years ago would have been treated like racism was rife and apartheid was condoned back then, laughed out of court, legal arguments would be along lines that whites are superior that’s the way it is.

    Caricom case could well have started false flag wars and disinformation of muslim slavery, by USA UK Israel following their own agenda.

    UK wanted to fob off Mau Mau saying it was out of statute of limitations, they pushed their case to High Court, but settled with £20,000,000 between 5,000 claimants giving £4,000 each.
    They did not have financial resources to fight and £4,000 is a lot of money in Kenya.

  36. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    555…it’s bad I never knew how bad until this topic came up, there are those on here who would gleefully help rewrite black history to exclude slavery, if they could, but they cant….

    They documented their own crimes too well and for centuries, from coast to coast, with complete and utter arrogance.

    As someone was saying recently, they are sure there can still be found shrunken heads of black people in attics across Europe, North America and all enslaver countries, taken as trophies to gloat and boast, hidden now hoping they will disapper….

    …cant boast and gloat anymore, the shit has turned real.

  37. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    “A case for reparations filed more than 10 20 30 years ago would have been treated like racism was rife and apartheid was condoned back then, laughed out of court, legal arguments would be along lines that whites are superior that’s the way it is.”

    That was the “white is right” syndrome they all enjoyed for centuries, which still exists in the Caribbean, particularly Barbados and needs to be completely destroyed,…that is what still fuels the likes of John….to talk such shit.

  38. The dilemma is if they tried to use unfair tactics of old and dodge accountability
    they will be exposed as still being the same and lose credibility and standing in the world
    shallow insincere people apologising saying words like it was heinous abhorrent repugnant it not good enough, too little too late

    what about the half that has never been told
    look how long it has been kept a big secret
    look how long it has been hidden away
    its got to revealed to mankind
    we got to know the truth

  39. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    555……..they dont know how to stop being dirty, how to stop victimizing black people how to stop lying, stealing, being pretensive and fraudulent., it works out to, if they had stopped their crimes at least 50 years ago…clean up their acts, be civil, seek penance and forgiveness openly for all their crimes against black people…

    ..,all the crap they talk about in their book of lies, but never practice, their fraud bible…we wont be here today expounding on this, but they think themselves too superior, like that fraud Cameron, they had centuries to decades, to years to show humility, humble themselves and apologize.., that slug went down in Jamaica and should arrogance instead….”get over it”….he said.

    Until it was found shirtly after in Panama Paoer Leaks that his father was just your garden variety money launderer and he had to resign, useless cursed and blighted with the proceeds from brutal slavery…let him get over that, it will follow him and his for centuries to come….they will eventually change their names when the stench of criminality keeps clinging decade after decade…..many of them changed their names decades ago..

  40. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Lol….that is the dilemma. …there is no way to escape accountability. …not even a thousand years later….Karma does not work like that.

  41. ww, wrote:

    Yall gotta be blighted and cursed for all eternity…..can never be cleansed, that is why the earth is responding accordingly.

    Who yall? John, a man that claims to have some Slave blood? Come Sing a Song who dont know which side of the family the reparations should be paid or received. Vinni, who has the pelau mix?

    Not MB, I never mistreat anyone unless they attack me first and even then I would still help them, after scourging them first, of course.

    WW, I would like to rewrite White history as I am ashamed that Nth Africans enslaved over One Million whiteys. lol

    Now those Radicals are been ushered into Europe by Moronic Merkel. Some Whiteys chupid bad! Standby for the Civil War there starting soon.

  42. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    MoneyB…..European whites were compensated many times over by Arab muslims for enslaving whites…eons ago…do you really see whites, who never let go grudges, always seeking revenge, not being compensated one way or the next…the next being endless wars in middle east for another thousand years,…oh please, dont fprget to whom you are speaking, it’s only yall believe black people should forget white atrocities committed against them.

    just say you did not get anything because your relatives were Barbadosed and would not qualify even if your ancestors were enslaved by Arabs….but dont say none was paid…because it was, say you dont know.

    The thing about engineering civil war in middle east…it comes with consequences, maybe Europe and North America and Russia should consider stop supplying armaments and chemical weapons to all sides, making it easier for war to continue. ..those dudes are too lazy for arm to arm combat indefinitely, if they have no weapons.

    John aint got no damn slave blood,no black blood, not sure he got blood…. he is lying now things look shaky…he never wanted to be identified with anything black unless it was a slave….the fraud.

    Commissiong needs to realize that cash money will not work…if they cant decide on who should get paid.

    Vincent needs to stop the pelau crap and focus on ridding the island of the socialized racism, disenfranchisement and finanicial imbalance, read, the thieving minority racist frauds….then he will be doing something.

  43. The proverbial
    what is hidden from the wise and foolish shall be revealed to babes and sucklings
    shall reveal the shit of the west

    24% of the world are muslim
    don’t hate muslims because whites tell you
    hate the haters who plot and spin the hate

  44. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    555….it’s the younger generation who will make sure these atrocities are not repeated, they will have a different genetic memory.

  45. WTF is a genetic memory?!!

  46. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Bushman…..John is claiming to have 19% black blood…yeah, the same John who has been saying for years on BU, and am sure years before I arrived, that blacks are better off as slaves…

    Now he is claiming black blood…

    Yeah Bushman…that same fraud.

    Same John who told me a couple months back that the same specialized DNA/genetic testing I mentioned in a blog does not exist…yeah….that fraud.

  47. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    John….what you will never have…lol

  48. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Because you are cursed and blighted….

    “In psychology, genetic memory is a memory present at birth that exists in the absence of sensory experience, and is incorporated into the genome over long spans of time.”

  49. “23. A nation that has been defeated and come under the rule of another nation will quickly perish.

    The 136 reason for this may possibly lie in the apathy that comes over people when they lose control of their own affairs and, through enslavement, become the instrument of others and dependent upon them. Hope diminishes and weakens.

    Now, propagation and an increase in civilization (population) take place only as the result of strong hope and of the energy that hope creates in the animal powers (of man). When hope and the things it stimulates are gone through apathy, and when group feeling has disappeared under the impact of defeat, civilization decreases and business and other activities stop.

    With their strength dwindling under the impact of defeat, people become unable to defend themselves. They become the victims of anyone who tries to dominate them, and a prey to anyone who has the appetite. It makes no difference whether they have already reached the limit of their royal authority or not.

    Here, we possibly learn another secret, namely, that man is a natural leader by virtue of the fact that he has been made a representative (of God on earth). When a leader is deprived of his leadership and prevented from exercising all his powers, he becomes apathetic, even down to such matters as food and drink. This is in the human character.

    A similar observation may be made with regard to beasts of prey. They do not cohabit when they are in human captivity. The group that has lost control of its own affairs thus continues to weaken and to disintegrate until it perishes. Duration be longs to God alone.

    This may be illustrated by the Persian nation. In the past, the Persians filled the world with their great numbers. When their military force was annihilated in the days of the Arabs, they were still very numerous. It is said that Sa’d (b. Abi Waqqas) counted (the population) beyond Ctesiphon. It numbered 137,000 (individuals), with 37,000 heads of families. But when the Persians came under the rule of the Arabs and were made subject to (oppression by) force, they lasted only a short while and were wiped out as if they had never been. One should not think that this was the result of some (specific) persecution or aggression perpetrated against them.

    The rule of Islam is known for its justice. Such (disintegration as befell the Persians) is in human nature. It happens when people lose control of their own affairs and become the instrument of someone else.

    Therefore, the Negro nations are, as a rule, submissive to slavery, because (Negroes) have little (that is essentially) human and have attributes that are quite similar to those of dumb animals, as we have stated.137

    Or,138 there are those who by accepting slavery hope to obtain high rank or to get money or power. This was the case with the Turks in the East, and with the Galician infidels and European Christians in Spain. Such people are customarily claimed by the dynasty for itself. Thus, they are not ashamed to be slaves, because they hope to be chosen for high position by the dynasty. And God knows better.”

  50. The book is written in the 1400’s, Moors are in control of Spain.

    By the end of the 1400’s, the Spanish Christians had defeated the Moors.

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