Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Please see the attached video taped conversation on REPARATIONS between Dr. PEDRO  WELCH, the chairman of the Barbados National Task Force on Reparations, and DAVID  COMISSIONG in his role as host of the University of the West Indies REGION  TALK television programme.

1,349 responses to “Reparation Talk With Dr.Pedro Welch and David Comissiong”

  1. Vincent Haynes Avatar

    David July 19, 2017 at 6:30 AM #

    The reparation argument needs to be removed from the emotional to the factual….

    My posts on this subject over time have shown the following:

    …..Some of the tribes of western Europe and those of the Niger delta in Africa colluded to create the heinous transatlantic slave trade in order to satisfy their respective agendas.

    …..Presently the regions responsible for this crime against humanity are lacking in wealth.

    …..One can identify about 1% of the worlds population who have wealth and if one extrapolates from ancestral wealth it can be shown that a few individuals were the benificiaries of this crime.

    …..The progeny of mans inhumanity to man presently occupy some strategic geographical areas of the world.

    Based on the above my pragmatic thinking is that we utilise what we have in order to become the world leader in areas that would make us indispensable to the rest of the world and by virtue of that allows us to dictate to rest of the world.

    To my mind we would achieve far more this way than the begging bowl mendicant attitude being preached by others who are happy to receive the crumbs from the table of their masters thereby maintaining their accepted subservience unto all future generations.

  2. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger

    we have to get you up to date Vincent, so you wont keep making the same mistake of helping the cycle of viciousness, by doing their jobs for them, protecting white criminality while demonizing and trying to criminalize black efforts to combat and eradicate those centuries old practices and behaviors in their midst and from around their people.

    the slave minded politicians/ministers are corrupt because that is what they CHOOSE to learn from their masters, when there are so many better things to learn from enslaver jurisdictions….

    small island corruption is what they learned from the lowlife types, Bizzy, Cow, Bjerkham and their lackeys, Maloney, et al….

    still no excuse for being slave minded and weak, hence the reason they are all being appropriately exposed in punishment so deservedly….progress.

  3. Five richest Kings in Africa!!

  4. …..Some of the tribes of western Europe and those of the Niger delta in Africa colluded to create the heinous transatlantic slave trade in order to satisfy their respective agendas.


    Maybe you could elaborate on your mind blowing epiphany and justify how that makes the 2 faced white bitches any less responsible for the brutality they inflicted, did they explain their sickness beforehand

  5. White people still blame blacks for the crimes they commit

    Check Sopranos and other TV

  6. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger

    the wealthiest African countries with unlimited natural wealth and resources have always had kings, queens and royalty for thousands of years, they did not copy it from anyone and now because of unlimited oil and other resources, more and more African counties are becoming infested with black millionaires and billionaires…

    though they need to educate themselves about priorities, they are still learning and maturing mentally after the colonial blight.

    that unlimited natural wealth and resources would kill the envious and jealous John et al cause they cant get their greedy, greasy hands on it……lol

    in the 12th century the riches king on earth was in the African country of Mali, whites were yet to learn of this because they were never blessed with unlimited natural resources, they learned shortly after how to tief it..

    couple centuries later UK, Spain and Portugal copied the king/queen thing with their fraudlent version of royalty and stolen riches and stolen labor while to this day, they dictate and oversee the miserable poverty stricken, pay check to pay check, debt ridden existence of 90 percent of their own people and others ….while living large with fake titles, fake status and a fake existence….

    their stolen existence did not get them further than 5 or 6 centuries…they would have to get back into Africa, but with present sentiment, likely to lose their heads, since they are recognized as known thieves.

    John must be proud…cud dear, he knows no

  7. You got to be white to understand power of money and selling your soul to the devil in the name of jesus but the cowrie shells and manila are pretty and the whisky is fire water

    Work It

  8. wipe thy stain thyself
    oh mighty men
    playing smart
    but not being clever
    working out of ‘quity
    to achieve vanity

    if you are the big tree
    we are the small axe
    sharpened to cut you down
    ready to cut you down

  9. wipe thy stain thyself
    oh mighty men
    playing smart
    but not being clever
    working out of ‘quity
    to achieve vanity
    if you are the big tree
    we are the small axe
    sharpened to cut you down
    ready to cut you down

  10. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger

    keep them out of Africa….

  11. ww,
    n the 12th century the riches king on earth was in the African country of Mali, whites were yet to learn of this because they were never blessed with unlimited natural resources, they learned shortly after how to tief it..

    couple centuries later UK, Spain and Portugal copied the king/queen thing with their fraudlent version of royalty and stolen riches and stolen labor while to this day, they dictate and oversee the miserable poverty stricken, pay check to pay check, debt ridden existence of 90 percent of their own people and others ….while living large with fake titles, fake status and a fake existence….

    Really? So King Arthur was not known as a King? King Herod? Too much medicine in the US/ Europe got people turn stupid, I now know that Zombie Apocalypse real.

  12. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger


    King Arthur is a myth, just recently they were still searching high and low for any existence of that fairytale.

    King Herod was a real Palestinian king, those middle eastern people are from thousands year old civilizations who have proof they existed…just like Africa..iran and iraq persian empires and kingdoms……you must be so jealous.

    you really want to come here and compare your fraud arthur and walking dead fairytales with those realities and proven truths…lol

    BTW…i tried to watch a walking dead episode, lasted 5 minutes, utter make believe rubbish as is usual.

  13. 555,wrote
    There is still racism, such as wars against muslims in olden days would be called white wars against blacks and browns. Talk about muslims selling Africans into slavery is missing the fact that the slaves were muslims and slave traders were Christians and Jews.

    Absolute BS! Muslims were trading African slaves hundreds of years before Christians. Dont forget the African Chiefs and Elders selling Africans into Slavery. Should not be a surprise just look at how the “leaders” treat ordinary Bajans today(same for African leaders)

    Africans raided Europe and took Slaves not just in the Med but as far north as Iceland, btw they were NthAf Muslims.. When do we get paid for that? Send my cheque to RBC acct # 3976435. Also tell to rich white bitches in UK send a cheque for abusing my family like the 8 yr olds sent down in coal mines, stark born naked and who died due to black lung disease before age 25. Big cheque fah dat!

  14. WW, King William? King Edward? 1066 before the period U quoted—try a lil harder next time.

  15. Vincent Haynes Avatar
    Vincent Haynes


    Your last sentence above made me google the views of the slave progeny in the USA and the majority of them are consistent with the venomous views spewed out on this post by some with the appropiate supporting justification.

    I wish to make it abundantly clear that I am a Caribbean Pelau who is not interested in reparations for the Caribbean for all of the above reasons given by me.

    I will further state that I have no pronouncements to make on the reparations argument of the USA as that is not part of my socialisation and as such they are entitled to pursue their desires to whatever extent.

    My final point is that irregardless of the brainwashed views of many,colour was never the origin of groups but individuals of like experiences bonding together to start a tribe.

    ….ones skin tone does not make you a member of any group due to a similarity of skin tone….or otherwise stated…no homogeneity exists by virtue of the amount of melanin contained in ones skin.

  16. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger

    MoneyB…fake kings, for a people who so efficiently documented every evil atrocity they committed before during and after the slave trade against African ancestors and their descandants now scattered across North, South, Central Americas, the Caribbean and Europe…to gloat and boast about their evil handywork….

    not including the blacks who were already in all those regions from thousands of years before….

    …one would think they would keep better records and proof of their kingdoms and empires in Europe..from thousands of years before..which of course never existed…lol

    ya forgot the fake king Richard, they are still looking for a skeleton, ah think there was a Norman too…lol ..

    ya cant make none of this fraud up, it is real.

  17. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger

    Vincent…ya still beating that dead horse to protect white criminality…

    the last person who wont stop protecting criminals…well let`s just say a joke was made yesterday, which was quite appropriate to say the least, which if he could, he wont find funny, but who cares, it was his peers made the joke…lol

  18. WW,

    The Vikings made us do it?

    NB Normans are Vikings ie Norsemen.

    Those bastards came down from the north like a dose of salts from like 800AD went throughout Europe killing and pillaging like the Jihadist Muslims today. It like the Steel Donkey coming down when the people get good and ready for the latter.

    Like all humans we can blame evabody but ourselves.

  19. Absolute BS! Muslims were trading African slaves hundreds of years before Christians. Dont forget the African Chiefs and Elders selling Africans into Slavery. Should not be a surprise just look at how the “leaders” treat ordinary Bajans today(same for African leaders)

    the Moniker “White Trash Alt Right Boy” suits you sir

    I wish I did not have to engage with ignorant white scum arguing like a pussy hole like you

    Africans did not mistreat blacks same way the white perverts did

    they rewarded their slaves for loyalty, their slaves were more like servants

    they did not industrialise slavery and carry 14,000,000 free people across borders and call them slaves


    Every single black woman and black man and black child down here is a captive

    Every black man and black woman and black child in the western hemisphere is a captive

  20. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger

    MoneyB…what have i been saying since yesterday…the tiefing thing in all yuh DNA, starting with the vikings raping and pillaging from the mountains of Russia, to western europe to Africa, the americas and the Caribbean which culminated in a fraud empire built on crimes and thefts…which is currently on it`s last gasp….dead. long did that take 800 years, give or take.

    if yall step foot back in Africa to repeat, the Divine will strike you down.

    KARMA has her broom, just like mine.

  21. the gentiles blind your eyes with material toys

    to make you be a partaker of their crime

    to kill one another

    when they should teach you of wadada wadada

    they gave you guns to kill one another

    blood dunza

    gun runners and slave peddlers

    (john hawkins)

    put you in confusion

    to build up their illusion

    ego trip and ginalship

    first mate and captain for the slave ship

    the western world is a fraud

    it never originate from yard

    they’re always fighting against another black

    they’re always fighting against the king of kings

  22. Don’t forget King Olaf the Barefoot!!

    I came across an individual who has linked his genealogy right back to him.

    He is also tracked his ancestors to Barbados … Quakers wouldn’t you know!!

    … also … King Harald Bluetooth whose nickname may have had origins in a conspicuous dead tooth.

    That’s the origin of Bluetooth technology!

  23. in the 12th century the riches king on earth was in the African country of Mali, whites were yet to learn of this because they were never blessed with unlimited natural resources, they learned shortly after how to tief it..

    I guess he got his riches from the sale of slaves to the Muslim traders operating the Trans Sahara slave trade.

    … oil wasn’t traded back then …. so I guess the unlimited natural resources must have been his subjects who he traded for riches.

  24. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger

    John…..stop guessing and google Mansa Musa, not everyone believes they have to rely on enslaving others, rape, murder, lies, fraud and stealing to survive on for centuries.

    all those made up fraud kings…were just that…rapists and pillagers who had no wealth or natural resources to work with…a bunch of broke ass frauds…lol

  25. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger

    ah know all yuh will be too jealous and envious to post this, so i will do it for you…dont die of jealousy…lol

    Musa Keita I came into power in 1312. When he was crowned, he was given the name Mansa, meaning king. At the time, much of Europe was famished and in the middle of civil wars, but many African kingdoms were thriving.

  26. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger

    …full proof of how FRAUDULENT the western system is, irrefutable proof.

  27. 555, (the year U stopped learning),

    the Moniker “White Trash Alt Right Boy” suits you sir

    I wish I did not have to engage with ignorant white scum arguing like a pussy hole like you

    Africans did not mistreat blacks same way the white perverts did

    they rewarded their slaves for loyalty, their slaves were more like servants

    they did not industrialise slavery and carry 14,000,000 free people across borders and call them slaves.

    555, U stated that Africans did not have Slaves. Now U change your mind so quick. Think U could ever talk crap here and get way with that like how U confuse your stupid followers. Naturally, U should never “engage” with me because U will be beaten savagely every time like now so! Your naked Racist statements and beliefs are going to cost U seriously one day.
    Notice that I regularly suggest how the poor, uneducated people could be assisted but never say that ALL Afrocentric people are anything negative.

    People like U will bask in your stubborn ignorance/ beliefs for a very long time without progressing. However, U will perpetuate the negatives and encourage the youth to have negative thoughts which will lead them to lifelong failure.

  28. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger

    ya see MoneyB…no one can rewrite any of that, or continue to hide it, there are stronger forces at play in this here century and going forward.

  29. WW,
    I known about Musa for a long time.
    He gave away plenty Gold, was very rich indeed.

  30. Who told you that I said Africans did not have slaves
    You can’t lie your way out of your biased white boy boy ignorance with your made up white boy false slurs

    Blacks did not treat blacks like sub-human animals like the pervert white slave owners who got their kicks shitting on blacks (literally) and bucking young blacks (anally raping) them in front of family and friends as a lesson

    Note I only call YOU scum and cunt and for justifiable reasons

    parasites like you should be blanked out, I would never bother talking to you face to face offline either once I clocked you are an insincere big headed shallow boor

  31. Talking Loud Saying Nothing Avatar
    Talking Loud Saying Nothing

    @ Vincent Haynes,

    You may be interested in the website below, unlike MB.

  32. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger

    that is what i was trying to tell John…not everyone in Africa enslaved others…

    ……the Arab muslims have been slave traders for thousands of years, they still are, never stopped…never will.

    many African kingdoms flourished for centuries , very few black kings traded slaves or were self absorbed and selfish…the myth and lies were spread by those who went into Africa to steal and justify their criminality for centuries.

    and as KARMA makes sure to always strike a balance, Africa is even wealthier in riches and natural resources now, but blood will run like a river if anyone tries to exploit her again and lie to do so …the chinese are not having the easiest time there.

    Africa`s kingdoms are about to rise again.

  33. Talking Loud,
    Interesting because it proves my point that NthAfrican Muslims enslaved West Africans first.

  34. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger

    all of this should be taught in Caribbean schools on a daily basis, instead of the bullshit european lies approved by black governments and education ministries with their slave negropean mentalities.

    this is taught in European and North American schools and the descendant survivors and their children in the Caribbean are clueless about the existence of this information.

  35. Like I said the internet is controlled by white people for white peoples agenda.

    That is why Extreme Right Wing nuts are getting their hard on.

    GCHQ NSA are on the case with disinformation to portray their slavery as innocent to dodge culpability for reparations. Only mugs will buy their crap.

    UK Government is trying to shut down Leigh Day the solicitors representing CARICOM in reparations.

  36. Vincent Haynes Avatar
    Vincent Haynes

    Chuckle….this post has been hijacked by alt-facts posse…..not really worth having an attempt at an intelligent discussion..

    Talking Loud

    Thanks as MB stated it shows how long the ownership and abuse of fellow human beings has existed…..should not be a surprise that it originated in Africa,the birthplace of humanity.

  37. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Lol…Vincent.., you with this pelau nonsense keep moving further and further away from reality.

    One genetic test and we will all know if we are..

    10% middle eastern
    20% european
    40% african, subsaharan or otherwise
    5% Asian
    8 % South East Asian…etc

    It does not matter …..

    ….when generations of groups of different bloodlines were maliciously and deliberately socialized to practice race hate, skin color hate, immigration hate and any negative hatred that would enrich the perpetrators. … it was not black people created that degree and level of hate and social differences.

    Put the blame where it belongs.

    Ah bet you dont have the balls to blame anyone else but blacks..

    That is the major problem that needs to be wiped off the face of the earth.

  38. Vincent

    Your logic is always too quick off the trigger to reject reparations and blame blacks.

    Self defeating and self loathing or possibly stockholm syndrome is not intelligent discussion.

    Do you know MB personally you suck up to him his money and wack brain.

    If you don’t want reparations you don’t have to take them, but you should respect those that do.

  39. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Lol…and I ain’t even get started yet.

    Vincent…ya are moving further and further away from reality, I dont agree with money as reparations, but respect who do.

    You will not have the final say anyway…or any say at all for that matter, this is way above and beyond you all stuck in ya fantasy pelau world….lol

  40. Deja Vu

    several years back..

    When Mansa Musa was pointed out as an example how Europe was starving and Timbaktu in Africa was more civilised than London before the French colonised and destroyed it

    … the racist right used it as an excuse to justify their own slavery

    White people (and Vincent) will always view facts through white centric goggles perverting facts in their favour and ignoring facts incriminating them

  41. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Their own racism has to destroy them all and their slave negropeans right along with them.

    It is not natural.

  42. Vincent seems to be one of those Africans who sold out Africans to the mendacious with their bible in one hand and gun in the other one
    cash in hand to buy youthman

  43. So, who wanted the gold from Mali that made Mansa Musa so rich?

    Where did it go?

    Trans Saharan trade route, principal commodities Salt, Gold and …… Slaves!!!

    The gold was used as coinage.

    Not a bad guess that Mansa Musa was involved in the Trans Saharan Trade … bound to have been … simple logic!!

    Gold, like Sugar and Cotton needs a market to have value!!

    If you google the Trans Saharan Slave Trade you will find that the estimates of the numbers of slaves taken out of Africa are the same as the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade!!

    Here is the big difference.

    The slaves going to the New World were needed for agriculture … both male and female with males more highly valued.

    The slaves going across the Sahara were not for agriculture. Females were more highly valued than males.

    Here is an article worth reading and worth thinking about.


    Two issues were not given prominence by the participants: women slaves and male castration.

    The perpetuation of African slaves was fundamentally assured by women slaves who were indiscriminately coupled to men without their consent.

    Castration of numbers of male slaves by Arab merchants was a prominent feature of the trans-Saharan slave trade.

    Castrated male slaves were purchased by rich Arab kings and princes and employed as security agents to protect harems where their wives and concubines were caged. The castration process described in Tidiane N’Diaye’s book is inhumane.”

    This one is worth a read too.

    “The Arab slave trade, much like its western counterpart, was a brutal institution that affected millions of people. One of the most infamous and prolific aspects of this slave trade was the castration of men. This was done for many reasons but one of the most common was that men would guard women in a prolific home and hindering their hormonal development was a way to ensure compliance.[xxii] This is a large difference from the trans-Atlantic slave trade since by and large castration did not occur, at least not on this scale. Of course there are isolated incidents but it was not widely done, as it was in the Arab slave trade. It has been estimated that 1 in 4 slaves died due to castration in the Ottoman Empire.[xxiii] This shows that more than just being a brutal practice by modern standards it had a high death rate. Unlike the trans-Atlantic slave trade which had a higher amount of male slaves, the Arab slave trade generally had higher number of female slaves.[xxiv] These female slaves were commonly used as house servants and concubines. Given the higher number of women one can see how important the position of concubine was in Islamic society during this vast time period. In many respects, like the trans-Atlantic slave trade, the Arab slave trade was a harsh institution but one should avoid painting with a single brush, clearly the experience of slaves differed greatly.

    Mansa Musa got his riches by supplying the need for Gold ….. and slaves.

    Thus, the trade in Human Beings was well established long before the Europeans entered the market for slaves.

  44. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Poor John…keep justifýing until all your descendants are put in shackles and chains again in the future, then you will have every reason in the world to justify your fraud ancestors participation in enslaving, stealing, raping and murdering to pretend they had an empire…but you will no longer be around to see it…pity.

    They would not be able to deny participation since theirs was so meticulously documented.

  45. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    From my mind to the Divine’s ears, the frauds of Hollyweird are trying to recreate confederate slavery as still existing, there are those on facebook calling for NO BLACKS to play the part of slaves, let whites play the slave roles…it is more futuristic.,

    “With Game of Thrones about to wrap up, the next project from its showrunners, David Benioff and D.B. Weiss, has been set at HBO. It will be a new original series called, Confederate.

    According to its official description, the series “chronicles the events leading to the Third American Civil War. The series takes place in an alternate timeline, where the southern states have successfully seceded from the Union, giving rise to a nation in which slavery remains legal and has evolved into a modern institution. The story follows a broad swath of characters on both sides of the Mason-Dixon Demilitarized Zone — freedom fighters, slave hunters, politicians, abolitionists, journalists, the executives of a slave-holding conglomerate and the families of people in their thrall.”

  46. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Let’s hear Vincent and John protecting and justifying this white racist animal and the blight and curse of the social racial hatred he represents.

    St. Petersburg mayoral candidate goes on racial diatribe
    NEW YORK DAILY NEWS Wednesday, July 19, 2017, 7:11 PM

    “Paul Congemi, a Republican candidate for mayor in St. Petersburg, Florida attacked supporters of fellow candidate Jesse Nevel, telling them to “go back to Africa”.

    Paul Congemi, a Republican candidate for mayor in St. Petersburg, Florida attacked supporters of fellow candidate Jesse Nevel, telling them to “go back to Africa”. (@EVANAXELBANK / FOX 13 VIA TWITTER)
    St. Petersburg mayoral candidate Paul Congemi went on a racial tirade Tuesday when he told members of the Uhuru Solidarity Movement and backers of rival candidate Jesse Nevel’s campaign to “go back to Africa.”

    Nevel, 27, the national chair of the movement, announced his candidacy in March saying he would run on a platform of reparations to the African community.

    Congemi unleashed on Nevel during a mayoral debate Wednesday.

    “Mr. Nevel, you and your people you talk about reparations. The reparations that you talk about, Mr. Nevel, your people already got your reparations. Your reparations came in the form of a man named Barack Obama,” the Republican said.

    King: Obama doesn’t back reparations, so don’t blast Sanders
    Uproar ensued and a woman in the audience could be heard yelling, “get out of here, get out of here,” at Congemi.

    It didn’t stop his diatribe, though.

    “My advice to you if you don’t like it here in America, planes leave every hour from from Tampa Airport, go back to Africa,” he told Nevel supporters.

    “Go back to Africa. Go back to Africa. Go back!” he said.

    Deaf, autistic man dressed as Superman attacked on street corner
    The Uhuru chairman, who is white, replied to the rant calling Congemi a “non-factor” in the race.

    Instead, he called his opponent Rick Baker the “real enemy.”

    Baker responded to Congemi’s remarks, saying, “I first have to specifically reject the comments Mr. Congemi just made. I just think in 2017 in St. Petersburg, Florida, I never would have dreamed we would have heard comments like that at a mayoral debate.”

    Congemi was previously arrested for neglecting his 87-year-old mother. (ST. PETERSBURG POLICE)

    On Wednesday, Congemi clarified his remarks, saying that his advice was meant only for Nevel’s group of supporters. “Not all African Americans. Just those that Nevel represents,” Congemi wrote in a statement sent to the Tampa Bay Times.

    The Uhuru Solidarity Movement organizes white people to join Africans in their struggle to “reclaim their land, labor, resources, and self-determination,” according to its website.

    It fights for reparations to redress systemic discrimination against black people.

    Nevel is running against Rick Kriseman, Rick Backer, Anthony Cates and Paul Congemi.

    In January, Congemi was charged with felony abuse for neglecting his 87-year-old mother, who suffered from bed sores.

    The primary election is scheduled for Aug. 29″

  47. John

    Europe was starving and Africa was more developed before Colonialism is the pertinent facts that white trash have omitted.

    White trash are pushing the idea that they are not responsible for their slavery and blame muslims.

    The Alt-Right UK US and Israel Government is in full effect with that meme so they don’t pay their dues for reparation.

    Scum white trash (and Vincent) are mendacious

  48. Reparations case is about crimes whites committed in Americas with Atlantic Slave Trade.

    Whites can not be exonerated for their crimes with what-aboutery.

    White logic and bias is still as bent as their crooked ancestors.

  49. It wasn’t muslims or the chinese or Africans that discriminated against blacks slaves in the New World Colonies Americas.

    Even in South America whites and blacks mix.

    Europe and USA are responsible for their insidious racism of white supremacy.

    Once there is a will there is a way but now there is a bill they got to pay that they got to pay.

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