Dear Brothers and Sisters,
Please see the attached video taped conversation on REPARATIONS between Dr. PEDRO  WELCH, the chairman of the Barbados National Task Force on Reparations, and DAVID  COMISSIONG in his role as host of the University of the West Indies REGION  TALK television programme.

1,349 responses to “Reparation Talk With Dr.Pedro Welch and David Comissiong”

  1. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    John….I did say if you and Vincent knew any better you would both be very embarrassed…but you dont know any better so you can both be linkened to dumb slaves.

  2. John Boy

    Strange how you think European Slavery happened too long ago to be considered for its crimes

    but Muslim slavery preceding it should be blamed for Europeans crimes

    Seems Europeans plagiarised everything from religion to slavery and placed themselves as the centre of the universe that the world spins around

  3. You can watch how Islam spread through North Africa and understand why Mansa Musa was a Muslim.

    Europe reacted to the invasion through the Crusades and then later in Spain.

    Africa did nothing to prevent the spread.

    Slaves from Europe underwent the same brutal treatment as slaves from Africa.

  4. Vincent Haynes Avatar
    Vincent Haynes

    Chuckle……..The more I read these contributions,the more and more I understand the misguided thinking of the KKK’ers and all fundamentalist groupings.

    They suffer from “a little knowledge is dangerous” syndrome,the amount of misconstrued Alt-facts on this post is fascinating as it is mind boggling.

    I am getting closer to the belief that these spewers of Alt-Facts are actually Kluxers sent to invade this post as no rational thinking person could be spewing this amount of garbage.

    One has to wonder if their really is a “white” agenda and why would the Kluxers fight for reparations……..hmmmmm…….I will put my sources on it and get back anon.

  5. John Boy

    you seem to be struggling to get your head around your nonsense

    When Caricom files their case against UK and EU

    your muslim excuse will be out of scope and irrelevant in the Court remit.


    If EU wanted to file a claim against Islam for reparations they will also lose that case as Europe also committed the same crimes


    Buying and selling stolen children from other parties is no excuse either as it is still ilegal


    Whites saying Blacks were inferior sub-human animals as justification for brutality worked with whites in South Africa until they got their faces smashed in

  6. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    555….that is exactly what they did, copiers and thieves, but even worse, they had the weapons and the means to eradicate muslim extremists, their favorite whipping boy…..AND the arab slave traders who they only mention when it suits them…. and never did…

    ….cause they are either too busy accepting their money, their opium, their oil, and never put it past them to be still smuggling slaves on the sly….they got 30 million modern day slaves…in UK alone…..

    …..and just a few years ago the filthy french were still kidnapping black children from Africa to use as forced labor in France, so you never know who else they are still kidnapping out of Africa…

    And John got the never to come here whining about Africa did nothing about muslims….when the colonizers had all the powers to do something, but were and still are too greedy, to do anything…. oil, weapons sale etc…takes precedent.

    John…make that dumb slaves…with no black blood.

  7. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Ah want to see Europe or US and other enslaver countries filing any slavery claims against anyone, now or in the future or even 100 years from now, when they so meticulously documented their own slavery crimes against blacks…for over 400 years……..because they saw nothing wrong with what they were doing, then or now.. ..and they never will.

  8. Vincent Haynes

    will you are investigating whether the KKK are posting arguments about reparations

    could you check if Israel and USA created Isis to wipe out muslims

    Isis flags were found buried in Israel which most probably were false flags

    also check out if USA and UK were responsible for rebel uprisings in Egypt, Syria and Libya as they supported regime changes

    Ghadaffi mentioned rebels were doing cocaine and CIA are worlds biggest Coke dealers

  9. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ John July 20, 2017 at 4:30 PM
    ““Therefore, the Negro nations are, as a rule, submissive to slavery, because (Negroes) have little (that is essentially) human and have attributes that are quite similar to those of dumb animals, as we have stated.137””.

    Dear Pontiff John, do you accept the above as a relatively valid assessment of the ‘Negro’ condition known in KKK circles and the white man’s burden?

    If this is a view shared among the followers of the three branches of the Abrahamic faith then it serves the Negroes right to be treated the way they are looked upon by those possessed with Yahweh-endowed human attributes.

    How can these three incestuous religions (including your splinter Quakers) believe in the Adam & Eve fairy tale as the bedrock of their faith in a god who created humans but made blacks as lower animals, no more than the gorilla or chimpanzee in the Garden of Eden ‘making love thereby making poor Adam & Eve two horny lustful humans with basic animal instincts.

    Serves Negroes right for turning their faces away from their true creator and for kissing the backsides of Bushie’s albino-centric abusers!

  10. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Brainwash education…the negropean slave leaders were the fools, and they still are….hundreds of years later…brainwash education.

    “The beginnings of this miseducation go back to the beginnings of the exploration of the African coast by Europeans who had been hemmed in by Arabic power for six hundred years.

    In 1481, when the Portuguese arrived at the Congo-Ngola area, they initiated the process of miseducation of blacks as an instrument of exploitation. The Portuguese invaders persuaded the royal and noble families of the area to send their sons to Portugal for a European education. When these sons returned with Christian names, they began directing African society in the interest of the Portuguese.

    The physical slavery which the Portuguese started was facilitated by the mental slavery of the African leaders who had been educated by the Europeans. This model has endured for five hundred years as the most successful method by which Europeans defeat, control, exploit, and annihilate Africans.” Jacob H. Carruthers”

  11. Victim blaming by rapists is par for the course

  12. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    555…Vincent is lost, his little fantasy, fraud world is falling apart, dont be surprised if he calls in

    Reality is real, not many people can handle real.

  13. Vincent Haynes Avatar
    Vincent Haynes


    Chuckle….you too with this albino-centric rubbish?

    All things came out of Africa,that includes the human species as we know it today.

    One point that John made earlier may have merit North African tribes conquered and ruled southern Europe for 800 years,presently the progeny of northern europeans have held sway for 700 years during which time they tried and failed to erase the greatness of many African empires as well as to dominate them,commit atrocities etc,etc….worth thinking on……which is why begging for crumbs off that table as opposed to taking them would be the final humiliation.

  14. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    It was definitely well executed by Portugal, the beginning of Negropean slave miseducation, it still exists in great abundance today….

    …..and that is all the miseducated Negropean fools want to know…

    ……anything else confuses them, look at Vincent, he dont know if to come, go or stay..

    lol, hahaha, lol, lol.

  15. John

    Keep digging in your quest for truth and/or false justification, leave no stone unturned

    As you think so deeply could you review and revert back with the following burning questions

    Did Africans who sold other Africans to Europeans have any choice and given option to say no.

    I heard that the Europeans promised to look after the little children and they would be better off.

    Did the Africans who sold other Africans to Europeans realise the extent of the wickedness and web of deceit that the whites weaved and knew that their children would be abused for fun.

    Did these Europeans tell the Africans they planned to breed the slaves to make more slaves

    Did the Africans get fair value for the sale of humans or were they scammed with worthless baubles.

    Did the Africans know that the whites were devious devils, wolves in sheep clothing and heathen who had perverted Christianity with a Slave Bible telling blacks that they would go to heaven if they were good slaves who served their masters well.

  16. which is why begging for crumbs off that table as opposed to taking them would be the final humiliation.

    people go to court all the time for legal remedy

    sometimes it is easier to change the law by getting active than get justice from bent courts

    you must be whipped real bad to think blacks filing for reparations against the crown is begging

  17. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    “Did the Africans know that the whites were devious devils, wolves in sheep clothing and heathen who had perverted Christianity with a Slave Bible telling blacks that they would go to heaven if they were good slaves who served their masters well.”

    And still are demons, never to be trusted or believed unless you have proof…..will be demons for thousands of years to come, until there are no more of them left. That is their nature.

    The ones who are not demons are in the minority.

  18. they are pussies who turn beetroot when challenged

  19. Another theory of why whites were so brutal is the heat made them cranky and angry

  20. The point is that the Trans Sahara Slave Trade pre dated and post dated the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade.

    The Europeans came and found a thriving trade in human beings in progress.

    It had been going on for centuries.

    It was brutal.

    Slavery and the brutality it engendered was the norm in Africa.

    Should the Europeans have joined in … of course not … but history shows they did.

    To their credit they figured out it was wrong and that is how countless millions of Africans and their descendants gained their freedom.

    Also to their credit they did not take part in the genocide created by the forced castration of males as occurred in the Trans Saharan Slave Trade with the Arabs.

  21. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Vincent Haynes July 20, 2017 at 5:54 PM

    Even Bushie’s albinos came out of Mother Africa, many of whom are still there as prized ingredients for religious rituals.

    The point I am reinforcing is that the descendants of sub-Saharan blacks ‘transported’ to the Americas, especially to Bim, must stop accepting other people’s gods before they can be truly liberated to stop the begging for crumbs off that (the white man’s) table”.

    A Spiritual bath is what is required before any major advancement can be made by the black race.

    “Our (Black people) relationship with the Creator was established long before the names of Jesus, Mohammed or even Buddha where ever uttered.”~ From the book the Black Matrix by Franklin Jones.

  22. Miller

    The origin area Eritrea,the lost tribe of Isreal found in Ethiopia,a wandering group of many tribes claiming to be the chosen ones arrived in todays Isreal from wherelse but the area occupied by Eritrea and Ethiopia……so even the book of myths speaks to the African origin of man……ponder on these things.

  23. Also to their credit they did not take part in the genocide created by the forced castration of males as occurred in the Trans Saharan Slave Trade with the Arabs.
    google castration of slaves and check whether it reports the castrations and lynching of innocent blacks

    Emmett Till was 14 and was lynched for whistling at a white women*

    Poor boy of 14 did not know his place in life as a black bast*rd and was not supposed to even look at her skin. That was 1955 in backward hypocritical AmeriKKKa, within our lifetime-ish.

    If you think the pigs should not pay reparations then fuc you too

    (*) whites have complexes about their dick size and protected their women from black dicks

  24. Michael Gove trying to wipe out the word slavery is similar to when jolly old Brits “stopped slavery”
    where they still kept their slaves
    and had them doing the same slave work in their slave plantations
    slave business as usual

    Around same time of Gove’s white lies time people were also calling DWP workfare slavery
    where people were mandated to “volunteer” for free work when unemployed to receive benefits

    (many companies only employed free workers)

    More white hippos >>

    America freed their slaves in 1863 and black men had the right to vote in 1870, but they were still fighting to be allowed to execute that right 100 years later

  25. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger

    lying John…slaves fought for their freedom…europeans only let go when it was no longer profitable and too expensive to maintain.

    i will not let you steal credit from ancestors…you thief.

    europeans deserve no credit.

  26. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger

    that lying white skank admitted she lied on Emmett Till and got him killed…she is still alive today, still in hiding.

    John…is trying to steal credit from ancestors who fought for their freedom, he has no shame.

    `Emmett Till was 14 and was lynched for whistling at a white women*

    Poor boy of 14 did not know his place in life as a black bast*rd and was not supposed to even look at her skin. That was 1955 in backward hypocritical AmeriKKKa, within our lifetime-ish.`

  27. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger

    John is on the blog purely to spread propaganda and keep lies, misinformation and miseducation alive…but he cant win this one, they do not have the power to stop the accounting for their crimes against black people.

    they do not even understand what is going on.

  28. Those jolly nice Yuropean Honkies only too ±300 years to grant freedom to their slave property. way to go.
    That was good manners from the gentlemen to let those fuzzy wuzzy’s free and do what they wanted.

  29. As those lilly whites are as cold as ice refusing reparations

    and they work on the basis that they will chat any mindless excuse until them bloodsucker vampires can think of a better excuse to chat mindlessly and cover their brethren’s asses

    they could be mandated to undertake 6 months slavery to feel some empathy for the black slaves who suffered their whole lives day in day out day in day out day in day out.

    they could be whipped a little bit lighter as they have delicate transparent skin unlike blacks who must be whipped hard to teach a lesson to the other slaves about fear

    whites treat their dogs well

  30. I see today is the 6 month anniversary of the swearing in of Donald Trump as president.

    May God guide him.

  31. I think Vincent must be getting paid by the UK Government to support their cause.

    As Courts often fail to provide justice, the reparations case should be accompanied with mass protests in the streets to bless it with godspeed.

  32. Vincent,
    Your history of Jaja is incomplete and inadequate. I am very familiar with KING JAJA. SORRY YOU COULD NOT HAVE SEEN THE PRODUCTION OF “JAJA KING OF OPOBO”, PRODUCED BY THE UWI, WRITTEN BY ALVIN CUMMINS, DIRECTED BY ROBERT LEYSHON, In celebration of the fiftieth Humanities festival. It was a success (not my words alone). Jaja was a man of principle; when other African leaders were prepared to sign the Berlin Treaty, which divided Africa among the European leaders; (German, French, British, Belgian, etc), he resisted and refused to sign. and they were not in the business of selling slaves. The Annie Peeple tribe traded in Palm Oil; the English wanted to corner the Palm oil trade, but he stopped them. They resorted to subterfuge to kidnap him; threatening to destroy his people and town if he did not agree to go into exile. The were to take him to Ghana, but changed their mind and exiled him to the Caribbean; Grenada and St. Vincent and later Barbados where he spent some time, living on Two Mile Hill, opposite IIlaro Court, Because of the pressure put on the British
    Government by his own people, the British were forced to send him back. On the way back home he died in Teneriffe. His body was shipped back to Opobo. A statue was erected by his people in his memory.

    My next book will soon be finished, and it should be of great interest to all of you, especially now that the discussion of reparations is apparently pertinent at this time.

  33. However you look at it, the credit side outweighs the debit side.

    We only exist today because our male African ancestors escaped going east across the Sahara and were able to keep their jewels … and their penis.

    Their descendants gained freedom and became inheritors of the countries they helped build.

    … and … the Gospel was made available to them and their descendants.

    There are no descendants of the male slaves who went east out of Africa.

    …. noone alive to even have the debate about reparations … just silence.

  34. John

    Have you got children

    are they slave minded like you

    do you tell them that their penises are their family jewels

    and the white man gave you their white god

  35. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    Lol….the way Karma operates, John’s descendants dont stand a chance.

    He backs losers.

    trump is about to be imoeached and thrown in prison and John is asking a nonexistent white gid to bless a demon….lol

    Vincent is questionable, I knew his pelau crap was outta control and meant to confuse black people, but he could not contain himself when the real real truth was revealed on the blog, he completely lost it…

    what about the half that’s never been told, I wonder how the misfits will react to that 555… will unhinge them even more.

  36. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    John is an idiot….nearly half of the 1 billion Africans are males and over the last 5 centuries, all of them and their ancestors still had their penises…

    ….the blacks in Namibia East Africa, not murdered and mutilated by the savage Germans, still have descendants today in East Africa….and so do the savage Germans, villages of mixed race descended from german savagery, their legacy of raping black women, children and men, still there….

    Vincent lost his credibility. …the pressure was too much.

  37. Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well & Consequences Observing Blogger

    555…in their heads, accountability means only paying reparation in dead leaves, paper money that they print…they are incapable of thinking at a higher level… accountability means much more than that….and can be extracted regardless.

    There is so much they dont know, John in all his years pn earth never heard about genetic memory before, will never know how to extract it no matter how much longer he lives…

    that skill and power belongs only to the blessed. ..not the cursed and blighted savages of the white bloodline, remember, they are not a race, no white race exists….

    …there are skills and powers they never had and never will.

    I gotta add lol…I always wondered why Bushman was never 100% comfortable with Vincent, now I

  38. genetic memory??? how come that never seems to lead to a job

  39. Perhaps John’s Genetic Memory is why his mind is screwed up and wants to be servile.

    Or maybe he is a troll like Money C— or is Money C— in disguise.

  40. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger

    Lawson…with genetic memory, no job, just over broke, is needed.

    with the lack of genetic memory..a job, just over broke….is mandatory.

    remember, that trick of riding on the coat tails of your ancestors criminality and on black peoples back for centuries is OVER.

    555..whichever way, it is pathetic and pitiful….lol

    Vincent he just went full blown nuclear, hahaha

  41. John is the Chokin’ Kind

  42. Barbados is on the eve of a general strike and in this august forum we are obsessing over who can be the most racist. Who can be surprised that the nation is going down the sink?

  43. Vincent Haynes Avatar
    Vincent Haynes


    The kingdoms of the Niger delta were in the slave trade prior to the palm oil trade.

    The Kingdoms were paid an annual recompense by King of England for the lost revenue from the slave trade.

    Jaja was complicit in the trade of human beings as slaves irregardless as to what occurred after.

  44. White Man’s Wicked Conception

    New World Colonies allowed the slave men to keep their penises as they bred slaves like animals for 20 generations to save shipping charges as their master plan

  45. Vincent Haynes Avatar
    Vincent Haynes


    All is well in hand….a stubborn govt has met head on with a so far stubborn Union…….hopefully elections will come sooner rather than later and whoever wins the govt will get on with the business of turning the country around.

    Both sides are aware of the remedy and all that is hampering its application is this govts/PMs desire to get another term.

  46. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger

    it`s more like they are CHOKING on their own kind.

    Hal…there is an existing blog for that, the Blogmaster provided it, why arent you over there contributing something useful…..

    and why are you popping up so ever often to contribute nonsense here…and seeing as you lived for decades under the bastion and in the vipers nest of racism and evil, why are you so incapable of contributing something useful to drive change.

    you know you dont want me to answer that for you.

    what has you so unsettled and miserable.

    you dont want me to answer that for you either.

  47. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger

    …the key to breaking the back of the negropean miseducation started by Portugal in Africa in the 14th century, is reeducation of every black child, particularly in the Caribbean….going forward for thousands of years, that will effectively reverse and destroy european lies, fraud, deceit, cancerous spread of poisonious philosophies and destruction of black minds in black societies.

    the older generation of blacks, most of them, are useless, brain dead, mentally unconscious and are the vehicles still being used to spread european poison, as proven on this forum.

    dont even let`s start on the negropean slaves of parliament lost in their pathetic 50 year wilderness of pretend independence.

  48. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger

    the older generation of blacks, most of them, are useless, brain dead, mentally unconscious and are the vehicles still being used to spread european poison, as proven on this forum……and are therefore NOT of any use to future generation of blacks.

    their brainwash and miseducation is total and destructive and are only good for taking to their graves with them…removed from the earth.@@@@@

  49. Every black person who feels they are victims of slavery and its legacy of racism should register as shareholders in a Reparations Trust and should also mass protest in streets of their respective country wearing black shirts as a symbolic gesture to pressure the corrupted countries they live in. Hundreds of thousands of blacks in the streets protesting at historic sites complicit in the trade is the white mans worst nightmare. When Reparations are gained money could be invested and down the line the shareholders will receive dividends in honour of their relations who survived horrors and the ones that died along the way.

  50. Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger Avatar
    Well Well @ Consequences Observing Blogger

    Bushman….Vincent`s inability to hear his ancestors was a big clue for me.

    when your ancestors abandon you, you are lost…you have new masters who are useless and your ancestors refuse to share the same space.

    welcome to a higher level of consciousness.

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