The electorate of Barbados decided to give the Barbados Labour Party (BLP) an overwhelming and unprecedented mandate on the 24 May 2018. The result was a repudiation of a hapless Democratic Labour Party (DLP) administration led by Freundel Stuart, as it was a belief by Barbadians in red bag-promises from Mia Mottley. We know the proclivity of human beings to want to believe in something, anything if it means being blinded to facts. Barbadians have shown themselves to be no different.

As we prepare – how time flies even when not having fun – to enter the early phase of another election cycle, the question being discussed quietly in some circles – is it possible the Mottley government could become a one term government? It harrows the mind of the blogmaster that after a 30-0 drubbing of the DLP three years ago some are open to the possibility of the incumbent suffering the ignominy of an Alan Chastanet in St. Lucia. 

The pandemic is proving to be an x-factor driving unpredictable human behaviour, beleaguered electorates suffering from economic fatigue has seen governments of SIDs struggle to govern. An absurdity tossed up sometimes by political talking heads is that some elections are good to lose. Is it possible this is the case for Verla Depeiza and her unready team? A scan of the DLP’s ‘newly minted’ website suggest the party is a work in progress.

Barbadians accept that the DLP represents the only option as the credible opposition party going into the next general election (The blogmaster was unable to find a website of the official opposition party led by Joe Atherley). We are therefore vested in a competent DLP being equipped to share alternative, progressive programs and to present a competent team to implement same to move the country forward. Based on what we have seen can we say – are we there yet?

The honeymoon period has disappeared for the Mottley government and much of its post-2018 political capital. Although the blogmaster is not convinced at this point Mia Mottley will suffer the fate of Alan Chastanet at the next poll, there is a level of apprehension in some quarters driven by the hostile environment governments of SIDs are presently negotiating. Making it more difficult for the experienced Mottley are rookie mistakes made so far, helping to reaffirm a perception that six of one, half dozen the other. 

It is unfortunate given the level of political apathy shown by the electorate, it has not given rise to a vibrant, credible and alternative political movement. One must conclude there are serious underlying issues preventing Barbadians of integrity and the other prerequisite characteristics to offer themselves for public service. The result has been successive governments who lacked the ability to sustain Barbados’ position on the socioeconomic ladder.

Now that Vela Depeiza has shown her mettle to win against internal combatants George Pilgrim from old guard and upstart outsider Guy Hewitt, is Verla battle harden enough to take on Mia Mottley?

472 responses to “One Term Government?”

  1. @ John A

    So, you’ve now realised that ‘government’ does not have any short or long term post and pre COVID-19 policies.

    And, we haven’t heard any alternative COVID policies from the official Opposition, PdD, or the self appointed Opposition, DLP.
    But, we’re bragging that “Richard Sealy was a shining light in his presentation yesterday,” which was DEVOID of any clear articulation of a tourism policy……… and he’s supposed to be the DEMS’ ‘shadow minister of tourism.

    Unfortunately, tourist are still being allowed to enter the island, with some self-quarantining themselves in the hotels at which they’re staying.

    Some public sector employees have chosen not to comply with Gaston Browne’s mandatory vaccination policies, preferring instead to resign from the service.

  2. Haven’t there been leaks like this before?

    Not this big.

    The documents include information on more than 29,000 ‘beneficial owners’ — those are the ultimate owners of offshore assets.

    That figure’s more than twice the number found five years ago in the Panama Papers investigation, which was based on a leak from a single law firm.

    This time there are 14 offshore service providers that operate from Anguilla, Belize, Singapore, Switzerland, Panama, Barbados, Cyprus, the United Arab Emirates, the Bahamas, the British Virgin Islands, the Seychelles and Vietnam.
    As Bajan Free Party Keeps posting of the crooks, liars and scumbags of the Barbados BBDLP and its dirty lawyers now the World can smell the burning pot

  3. JohnA
    So what is we plan and wunna know the season starting Dec 15th right?
    We have no plan to have plans

    The US has said all foreign nationals arriving in the US will have to show proof of being fully vaccinated, something tells me that more than a few Bajans who are refusing to be vaccinated will do so if it is part of entry requirements to the US. “John” admitted he hasn’t been vaccinated but will do so if it is a condition of his travel……….

  4. @ Donna October 4, 2021 12:39 PM

    “Land taxes? So, if land taxes are the criterion, then foreigners who have summer houses in Barbados should vote?”

    Regardless of nationality, we should only allow those people to vote who have their centre of life in our country. It is not acceptable that you live in Canada for 11 months a year, but then bring some government to us in the South. Winrushers and globalists who only live part-time on our island are thus to be excluded from the right to vote.

    “Most land tax demands for the average Bajan are a few hundred dollars per year. You think that is skin in the game?”

    Of course we do not want a new apartheid. Locals with a small chattel house enjoy FULL voting rights. Those who own property have some financial literacy. That is what matters. An oligarchy of rich villa owners would end in chaos just like the rule of the landless poor.

  5. The Pandora Papers is a little too rich and scandalous for my taste….i like to keep things very simple….🤣🤣🤣🤣

  6. @ angela cox October 4, 2021 12:55 PM
    What a childish debate
    All we Barbadians take it or leave
    And all we barbadians have a Constitutional right to speak on things barbadians
    Here or abroad
    Funny enough the same ones that throwing shade and dissing overseas barbadians mout always up in everything happening in Americka
    What does that say about them ? (Unquote).

    What an excellent contribution by speaking Truth to power of the BU bullies!

    Angela girl you are “Spot ON”.

    Not even the defensive batter who was born in England but despises the Queen can play that ball.

    That should put those ‘anti-overseas’ Bajans in their rightful place especially those born in England but have fervently acquired the Bajan Condition about which the man from the Back of the Ivy used to speak so fervently.

    Without those remittances -making up a significant source of forex for the economy- along with the annual hundreds of barrels of food and household items from overseas Bajans many ‘local’ Bajans might just find themselves in dire straights and on the brink of starvation reminiscent of the 1930’s especially in these trying Covid times with the economy of Bim up a shitty creek without a paddle.

    Why not erect a monument (to replace Nelson) to honour the memory of the thousands of Bajans who left the little island over the years to make Barbados a more habitable place for blacks?

  7. @ John A October 4, 2021 1:05 PM

    Lifting the quarantine for fully vaccinated persons entering the country is sine qua non for our economic recovery. Unvaccinated persons, on the other hand, should be banned from entering the country.

    Our current Corona policy is contradictory. Far too lax on vaccination and far too strict on entry for fully vaccinated. No doctor can explain to you how fully vaccinated persons who have a negative test on entry could amplify our infection scenario in the slightest. Our Corona policy is unfortunately stuck in the spring of 2021 and is far too friendly to unvaccinated troublemakers.

    If we don’t move soon, we will once again be the economic taillight in the Caribbean. I don’t think the IMF should help us then because we are entirely to blame for the misery. I really wonder what Persaud and Greendidge are up to all these days. Sleeping, swimming?

    Our Supreme Leader should finally listen to the voices of reason. We only ask for what is obviously the simplest and best.

  8. “Why not erect a monument (to replace Nelson) to honour the memory of the thousands of Bajans who left the little island over the years to make Barbados a more habitable place for blacks?”

    they would NEVER want to recognize their Black brothers and sisters in the diaspora for keeping their heads above water. all these decades by sending remittances etc, but it exposes their anti-black indoctrination and socialization, but they would easily give credit and recognition to the THIEVES in the minority community who have robbed them for decades…and ARE STILL ROBBING THEM of everything…and attack us when we expose it…

    their own people is an easier target for them…..that is an UNCURABLE MENTAL SICKNESS…that needs EXPOSING for the world to see.

  9. NorthernObserver Avatar

    “The Pandora Papers is a little too rich and scandalous for my taste….i like to keep things very simple….🤣🤣🤣🤣”

    You won’t be able to resist the calling of your keyboard. Wait til you read the responses coming forth from the accused. Your keyboard may catch fire lol

  10. NorthernObserver Avatar

    “the thousands of Bajans who left the little island….”
    “they would NEVER want to recognize their Black brothers and sisters in the diaspora…..”
    and I thought he was referring to the many minorities who left!!!!!
    Ask Bushtea he used to document them and the reasons.

  11. The problem with the human experience, is that, people feel that the nation state government owe them something. I got news for you, life in general don’t owe you nothing. As a nation develop, the more that self-entitlement grow. Nation building is no walk in the park, it is a work in progress that can take hundred of years to reach a certain level of sophistication and maturity.

  12. This blog is too funny.🤣🤣🤣

  13. Like Waru, I have voted once in my life. I am not a fan of our western adversarial political system, hence I abstain from the system. But what gets me scracting my head are the people who are perpetually disheartened every election cycle…doing the same thing over and over and expecting different result.

  14. “That should put those ‘anti-overseas’ Bajans in their rightful place especially those born in England but have fervently acquired the Bajan Condition about which the man from the Back of the Ivy used to speak so fervently.”

    it’s repulsive, and is obviously part of the social problems that has the Black population…PINNED DOWN and unable to move…those decayed, wicked mindsets filled with NEGATIVITY….cancels out any forward or UPWARD movement…. a social plague.

  15. “doing the same thing over and over and expecting different result.”

    damn skippy…like they NEVER LEARN ANYTHING…and that unbreakable cycle to nowhere is what their children and grandchildren are watching and emulating……there must be a break to that vicious cycle or it will never end…

  16. “I thought he was referring to the many minorities who left”

    nah…this is an all Black problem…Donna is a prime example of the dislike and disdain shown to Black people who leave Barbados to seek better because they HAVE NO CHOICE and are PUSHED OUT by a useless anti-social order of wickedness oozing from the parliament….then don’t care how much or what those diasporans do to help the island…they are never appreciated and when they return most have to run right back, they are robbed, ridiculed and mistreated…

  17. Out comes the Little Pee Pee as he does with every barb directed at me.

    Little Pee Pee, did you not see my reply?

    Nobody trying to stop wunnuh asses from dropping shite. All I do is label it.

    P.S. I have not attempted to vote in the USA. Does talk = vote?

  18. David

    Yes22 votes29.33%
    No53 votes70.67%
    75 total votes

    Are these number true?🤭

  19. Now see, many of you come back expecting us to kiss your asses and you get disappointed.

    Of course, there is the other kind who fit in very well.

    Neither you or anybody else on BU can put me in any place.

    Fact is that when you register to vote, you have to give an address that fits into a constituency.

    There is a reason for that.

  20. Why you asking enuff?

  21. @ Miller October 4, 2021 3:11 PM

    To: angela cox aka mariposa:

    You should note the miller said “dire straights” instead of ‘straits’. Things are going to get very dread in Bim very soon.

    Just you wait and see.

    Maybe the same UK-resident “overseas Bajans” will have to step up to plate to steer the coming republic of Barbadoes through the contracting ‘Straights’ of the UK travel market to recover its former share of the UK long-haul travel / tourism market.

    There are many in the other islands still under the British monarchy (like ANU, SLU and SKN) just waiting to grab their share of Barbados’s loss.

    Without that ‘vital’ share of the UK travel market the Bajan economy could as well smoke the crapaud pipe as the Mighty Chalkdust predicted.

  22. And that’s the reason so many people are against diasporans helping the island except for their close family and friends…and those who would show appreciation…

    too many stupid, backward people exist and that is what HAS SUNK THE ISLAND…in combination with all the corruption and thefts.

  23. David
    Because it’s funny.

  24. With all of that…they GLADLY kiss the asses of every minority who rob them and practice thefts, racism and oppression against them….

    good luck to their asses when things REALLY START TO FALL APART., they can kiss their own asses GOODBYE…

  25. @ Artax
    @ Tron

    I agree with both of you on this issue. Right now the Caribbean islands that come out the covid box of rules first will reap the early winter bookings, no doubt at all about that. I also find the delay here in government stepping up to the plate in any form shameful. Look every visitor out the UK and Europe, which are our biggest markets by far when combined, are accustom of showing proof of vaxx to enter anywhere in the home except maybe dem own toilet. To implement proof of vaxx for entry into restaurants and businesses will not offend them in the least. So one can only assume that the boss lady then got to be scared of offending the voters. Well cuddear if we ain’t offending the visitors who dem is left to offend but the voters? LOL

    So having concluded that where dat left we? Well she don’t want to implement mandatory vaxxing and she don’t want to implement the right for businesses to request proof of vaxx on entry, so what’s left? What left is exactly the same old crap we been doing for weeks dat ain’t working. In the meantime we competitors like Antigua smiling all the way to the bank. I going bet wunna the following will be right behind Antigua. Dem will be Grenada, Jamaica, St Lucia and the Bahamas. Now you going say how this clown get the Bahamas In there? Well let me tell you cause I did work in Nassau for a while. The bulk of them money on tourism is sun seekers and gamblers. What they use to call the weekend gambler junkets. Don’t ask me how it get that name don’t know. Anyhow with Biden now letting the fully vaccinated fly as dem like you feel the Bahamas ain’t planing packages all like now to hold them? Watch the $99 airfares and the $499 specials including airfare and accomation start popping up there in the next few weeks mark my words.

    Anyhow we here going keep doing what we been doing for weeks while looking at the stars at night for divine guidance. Now on a personal note I sorry to see the colonel go. But to be the whipping horse for covid, while being trapped in a government plagued with inertia can’t be easy for sure. So colonel we know the reason and we don’t blame you, cause a military man can’t just sit and do nothing while politicians pontificate on the electoral fall out. So sir thank you for your service and I sorry to see you go.

    Fully vaxxed shopkeeper in de Bush.

  26. Wunnuh want a statue? Why not? Start the petition! I will sign.

    Whoever said you don’t deserve one?

    I am speaking about voting.

  27. Hoping for some Maloney news.
    Out of the covid business
    Out of the voting business
    Out of the one term business
    Out of the poetry business
    Only doing enuff, Lorenzo, 🐇, MM1 and MM2 business.

  28. Never fear cause the Overseas Posse is here! Their remittances will replace the tourism gig!

    Or they will come into covid ravished Barbados in person!

    We gatherin’.

  29. @ Sarge

    I feel starting Friday night chefette and kentucky should start demanding proof of vaxx at their drive through! Then in the car park set up vax tents and offered discount coupons for the fully vaxxed. Watch Mia run out of vaxes by 9.01 Sunday night. Lol

  30. Paying land tax is not a right to vote

    Where you were borned is a right to vote In that country

    All overseas bajan that really wanted to vote can easily provide an address

    The problem then will be getting home on voting day. Still favor the rich

  31. EnuffOctober 4, 2021 3:55 PM

    This blog is too funny
    Nuttin here funny
    More like Ungrateful
    Covid got wunna economy in a tail spin
    Instead of RH cussing bajans who year after year summer and winter pack themselves like loyal citizens on Jet Blue and American airlines
    Instead of causing them wuuna should be thanking them for the years of loyal service for taking all their American and other overseas remittances by way of pension funds and social security and dumping plenty of these funds into the economy of Barbados
    But No!
    If Covid should have taught wanna know it all bajans any thing it should have taught wanna gratefulness and don’t bite the hand that feed wanna
    Wanna think that only the white tourist come here wid pockets full of money
    Would bet my last dime that the oversees bajan contributed more to the local economy than the Lilly white tourist
    When I speak of local I mean that the small business person get much of the financial benefits from the overseas bajan
    Not only should a statue be erected but govt should be kissing the bottom of their feet for leaving destitute and coming home with pocket loaded with money to feed Barbados economy down and out economy
    Some of wanna up in here are nastier than house negros
    Cause house nig…gers don’t like them own
    But the ones here can be categorized as Ungrateful SOB
    Wanna full uh

  32. TheOGazertsOctober 4, 2021 4:39 PM

    Hoping for some Maloney news.
    Out of the covid business
    Out of the voting business
    Out of the one term business
    Out of the poetry business
    Only doing enuff, Lorenzo, 🐇, MM1 and MM2 business
    Don’t hold yuh breath
    Mia might have place a lock down on that story by way of local media
    Yuh might getting a better chance of knowing what is happening via other small island news like St. Lucia cause now that govt has changed new govt like high wind knows where old house live
    Old house being Chastenet and new govt going forced him to tell where all the skeletons are hiding

  33. @ John A October 4, 2021 4:36 PM

    Apparently, the wild, violent mob with its August riots has made a lasting impression on our government. We are currently witnessing certain forces sacrificing our economic future for wild-eyed natives who believe in voodoo or in losing their manhood through vaccination.

  34. We peaking later this week/ early next week.

  35. We had two unvaccinated dead again today. I guess we need at least 10 such victims per day to increase the vaccination rate noticeably.

    Sounds cynical, of course, I know this, but given the policy of discriminating against vaccinated people, a higher casualty rate amoungst no-vaxxers would certainly be very helpful in stabilising our economy for the winter season.

  36. Lol we peaking next week. You ain’t start to see cases yet! Wait till all them Brits that could leave UK without testing once dem vaccinate start landing here and test covid positive, same for the Americans that can now do the same and you going know what numbers is! Wunna don’t seem to release that we is an insignificant cog in the wheel of covid and we will have the decisions made for us not by us. Why you think Brown say doors open regardless come year end? Them coming now anyhow, so dem could as well come Antigua is his plan. So as Brown tell them take the shot or go home and some went home by choice. Well salt cheap in Antigua so when wunna got to suck it if you brek, you could still buy a dollar worth.

    It amazes me how we leaders can’t see what is unfolding in front them, but feel them could rewrite the book for 275,000 pun a brek tail rock that hungry for the tourist dollar!

  37. TronOctober 4, 2021 6:14 PM

    We had two unvaccinated dead again today. I guess we need at least 10 such victims per day to increase the vaccination rate noticeably
    And they more
    Fact govt does not have the necessary resources to treat so many infected
    Govt is now turning to home isolation to take the pressure of the health centers
    That application can be considered a band aid over a gapping hole

  38. I will be sure to let my family and friends know that it’s time to REDIRECT their money, it’s not like they don’t have tons of options and they are sure as hell NOT DEPENDENT…

  39. The economic powers realise they can not continue with this lockdown and curfew approach and life must go on. So they have decided look if all get vaccinate, the cases and hospital beds will drop. But we still going protect we people by giving the businesses the right to ask for proof of vax at the door. You see Biden and Boris know if you make life difficult enough for the unvaxx dem will get them tail vaxx or stand home. But here they could enter the same restaurant as me and sit next to me too, while the unvaxx waiter serve both we!

    How the hell we leaders can’t see how this foolishness we doing going pan out if dem don’t step up? All the rest of we competitors will simply take the big slices off the tourism cake this winter and we by time we decide, will get to lick the empty platter.

  40. How the hell did we end up in this cul-de-sac?Are the views of the instigator of this firestorm shared by her fellow Bajans? I hope not.

    This manufactured attack on members of the diaspora is as dumb as it gets.

    This government and previous ones have been the gate keepers of all that is corrupt on the island aided and abetted by a fickle local population who over the decades have appeared indifferent to this practise.

    The minority groups who run the island will be emboldened with this post. In direct contrast to the majority black population who are ilikely to become trapped in perpetual poverty irrespective of their high levels of education.

    As Barbados black majority population migrates to become members of the diaspora they will be replaced with wealthier foreigners, who in turn, will bring in their own to cater for their needs.

    For those of you who want a snapshot of the conditions encountered by many from the Windrush generation and this does not include racial, educational, religious and law and order issues then take a peek at life in inner city Nottingham, in a district called St Anne’s, which was a popular location for West Indian the UK. The year in question is 1969..


  41. Why would people go into restaurants and public spaces during a pandemic, begging to be infected….people are still not getting it in their heads that the VACCINATED are infecting….and carry and SPREAD the virus..

    nothing changes when you are vaccinated, unless ya want to die or be hospitalized….it is protocols, protocols, protocols…

    i believe people are waiting to hear the outcome of the vaccine scam case and if there is a countersuit….Mia can only control the wimps and wusses in Barbados..

  42. ,@ Blogmaster,
    Please check your spam.

  43. The Bajan national is the least respected individual..returning to Barbados be it for vacation or coming back
    If one shoveled through the suitcase after the visit to Barbados
    The contents.would be made up of all things Barbadian including food stuff from fish cakes to coconut bread u name it
    A check of the white tourist bag that is if they bring one cause them.mosylynyravellrfvwitu a cell phone and notebook
    Another observation would be that of the national treatment at the airport when compared to the white tourist one of bothersome to wuh yuh got in that bag
    While the tourist zips by with drugs hiding in their hats

  44. @Tron. Losing their manhood through vaccination is the least of their worries. These are some of the same people who have no qualms of sleeping around with all manner of people with STDs. Some of them are a walking petrid dish of STD microbes.

  45. Looks as if you will get your wish
    Level 4 issued.

    I have always felt that the ratings issued by the US were nothing more than hypocritical as covid was also ravaging the US. This time, I do not know what to think .
    Possibly justified.

  46. @ angela cox October 4, 2021 6:22 PM

    You obviously didn’t understand my reasoning.

    According to the logic of our government policy, every unvaccinated Corona death is not bad luck, but a stroke of luck, because in the absence of compulsory vaccination, this is the only way to drive the unvaccinated sheep to the syringe.

    If I have calculated correctly, we still need a hundred victims to achieve a vaccination rate of 70 per cent and 500 victims for a rate of 80 per cent.

  47. angelacox
    I don’t know wuh u talking bout. But
    why you duz call my name? You ain’t realised I don’t score you? #pearlsbefore🐖🐖🐖

  48. EnuffOctober 4, 2021 7:55 PM

    I don’t know wuh u talking bout. But
    why you duz call my name?
    I call.yours when uh duz talking

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