The electorate of Barbados decided to give the Barbados Labour Party (BLP) an overwhelming and unprecedented mandate on the 24 May 2018. The result was a repudiation of a hapless Democratic Labour Party (DLP) administration led by Freundel Stuart, as it was a belief by Barbadians in red bag-promises from Mia Mottley. We know the proclivity of human beings to want to believe in something, anything if it means being blinded to facts. Barbadians have shown themselves to be no different.

As we prepare – how time flies even when not having fun – to enter the early phase of another election cycle, the question being discussed quietly in some circles – is it possible the Mottley government could become a one term government? It harrows the mind of the blogmaster that after a 30-0 drubbing of the DLP three years ago some are open to the possibility of the incumbent suffering the ignominy of an Alan Chastanet in St. Lucia. 

The pandemic is proving to be an x-factor driving unpredictable human behaviour, beleaguered electorates suffering from economic fatigue has seen governments of SIDs struggle to govern. An absurdity tossed up sometimes by political talking heads is that some elections are good to lose. Is it possible this is the case for Verla Depeiza and her unready team? A scan of the DLP’s ‘newly minted’ website suggest the party is a work in progress.

Barbadians accept that the DLP represents the only option as the credible opposition party going into the next general election (The blogmaster was unable to find a website of the official opposition party led by Joe Atherley). We are therefore vested in a competent DLP being equipped to share alternative, progressive programs and to present a competent team to implement same to move the country forward. Based on what we have seen can we say – are we there yet?

The honeymoon period has disappeared for the Mottley government and much of its post-2018 political capital. Although the blogmaster is not convinced at this point Mia Mottley will suffer the fate of Alan Chastanet at the next poll, there is a level of apprehension in some quarters driven by the hostile environment governments of SIDs are presently negotiating. Making it more difficult for the experienced Mottley are rookie mistakes made so far, helping to reaffirm a perception that six of one, half dozen the other. 

It is unfortunate given the level of political apathy shown by the electorate, it has not given rise to a vibrant, credible and alternative political movement. One must conclude there are serious underlying issues preventing Barbadians of integrity and the other prerequisite characteristics to offer themselves for public service. The result has been successive governments who lacked the ability to sustain Barbados’ position on the socioeconomic ladder.

Now that Vela Depeiza has shown her mettle to win against internal combatants George Pilgrim from old guard and upstart outsider Guy Hewitt, is Verla battle harden enough to take on Mia Mottley?

472 responses to “One Term Government?”

  1. @David
    Would appreciate your moving my comment from “moderation”

  2. Then the dumb cnut comes out……the government should get money from Africa to help the economy….no dumb cunt, everyone except you know that the criminal minorities will raid the treasury and TIEF IT AS THEY ALWAYS DO…and it equals maintaining the same slave society that is still alive and welll……Afrika ain’t stupid, they already heard about all the BILLIONS OF DOLLARS MISSING…

  3. William Skinner Avatar

    @ WURA
    Not getting into the voting thing but you are certainly correct that Barbadians living overseas were asked to come home to the gathering and continue to look into buying homes and so on. Unfortunately it was interrupted, like most things , by COVID.
    2. The Crop Over Festival generates millions of much needed foreign exchange, that actually remains on the island , and is of great value to hundreds of small black owned businesses : car rentals, food establishments, entertainers etc. I think it’s generally accepted that Barbadians living overseas make this an annual pilgrimage. And they are proud to extend invitations to non- Barbadians such as Neighbour’s and friends. That’s free promotion. Many young adults who have Barbadian parents now make up a notable percentage of those coming.
    I hope after COVID that the government revisits the Gathering.
    But, I ain’t getting into the voting ting ……….

  4. William Skinner Avatar

    @ WURA et al
    I personally do not subscribe that the Gathering I personally do not subscribe to the Gathering as a “ scam”. However it is true that Barbadians living overseas were invited home as a boost to the economy.

  5. WURA-War-on-U October 4, 2021 4:39 AM

    My friend,

    …….. you’re the REAL CLOWN here!!!!

    I can’t ‘speak’ for Donna, but, seems as though you believe saying we’re “too dumb,” “ignorant,” or calling us ‘clowns,’ will eventually become TRUE, if you repeatedly mention it.

    However, Donna and I will not only CONTINUE to ‘say’ you’re APPALLINGLY IGNORANT…………….

    …………… but, will PROVIDE the forum with NUMEROUS EXAMPLES to PROVE it is TRUE…… as I have DONE on SEVERAL PREVIOUS OCCASIONS………. and that you’re a LIAR as well.

    And, I did NOT have to LIE or “MAKE UP THINGS just to make things interesting,” or FORGED someone’s email address………… because YOUR CONTRIBUTIONS provided me with an ACCURATE SOURCE of information.

    Perhaps that’s the reason why the SAME BU ARCHIVES you invited people to peruse, has suddenly become a ‘step down’ for you.

    YES………. I know you’ll OBVIOUSLY “feel too embarrassed to even answer these days…’s goddamn scary.”

    So, I can understand why “it’s really embarrassing.”

    RE: ‘and i feel like am lowering myself more and more to be seen back and forthing with those two payasos.”

    My friend, you’ve ALREADY LOWERED YOURSELF, even to an ‘ALL TIME LOW.’

    Recall when you were VEHMENTLY ARGUING Rolerick Hinds was the duly elected representative for the constituency of St. Thomas, based solely on the fact a BILLBOARD bearing his photograph was erected in the Warren’s area.

    You “were seen back and forthing with those” contributors who provided you with the necessary information to prove OTHERWISE……. to REMAIN ADAMANT he was.

    And, then ‘said’ people living in the constituency told you so, and you believed them.

  6. Mia came up with the “We Gathering” crap, not Donna!

    But I say again, when wunnuh vote in say a government that mek we smell hell, while wunnuh up dere not feeling de effects, what would you then do for us???

    Will you pause your life, catch plane and agitate for the removal of the government you voted in?

    Come home, if you want to vote! Heck, we might even mek yuh a senator!

    All you are thinking about is your rights but not the rights of those who live here to choose who can determine if we get a bed at the hospital to save OUR LIVES AND NOT YOURS!

    If you really cared about your country, you would not be talking about how much money you are contributing and demanding something in return.

    When I gave my life to this country’s children, all I cared about is watching them blossom. I spent my money, lots of it. My grandmother quarrelled. My mother quarrelled……and yet I spent and spent.

    No damn strings attached.

    That is love!

  7. “I think it’s generally accepted that Barbadians living overseas make this an annual pilgrimage. And they are proud to extend invitations to non- Barbadians such as Neighbour’s and friends. That’s free promotion.”.

    After living in NYC i know personally h w people in the diaspora go out of their way to PROMOTE THE ISLAND so they will always be a cash flow since opportunities are very limited ..THAT IS WHY THEY LEFT THE ISLAND IN THE FIRST PLACE and they know the stinking corrupt minorities TIEF EVERYTHING…

    what i don’t like is UNGRATEFUL UNEDUCATED NIGAS …acting like they have some say and downplaying the contributions of those in the diaspora….whose billions of dollars in remittances have saved their ignorant asses on many occasions…but they would love nothing better than the government getting free money so they can sit on their useless asses as comfor,table ESCLAVES while criminal minorites TIEF the bulk of the money borrowed in the people’s names……

  8. Donna

    You know about me because i put that In the blog You dont know what the other own/ have / travel back and forth etc Unless they say so

    Over seas voting only increases the number of votes. There is a possibility that the votes for both b and d cancel Out each other. Or that the votes Are consistent with the vite from the island
    For example the overseas votes for 2018 would have been indentical to those on the island In voting Out the dems and voting In the bees

    Its a birth right and should be each bajan choice exercise or not

    Why dent other their rights because of a few idiots?

  9. Like most topics where the emotions are strong, it may be best to agree to disagree.

    On my part, I cannot see why purchasing a ticket should deprive a person of his or her right to vote. When do we start to remove this right 1, 2, 3 or more years.

  10. They are so intellectually STUNTED and LAZY that the opportunity IS RIGHT IN FRONT OF THEM to stop the dependency on tourism, on minority PARASITES and on useless corrupt governments AND STILL THEY CAN’T SEE IT….

    waste of space, energy and oxygen.

  11. yet the dummy want free money from Afrika…look, go wash ya old ass do, no one owes anything.

  12. Personal note:
    I have not voted or attempted to vote after leaving Barbados. As a St Lucy man I first voted for the DLP because of EWB’s legacy and then for Roy Brathwaite (BLP).

    However, I have always considered myself as first and foremost as a Barbadian and would expect the same right of a Barbadian anywhere in the world.

  13. I don’t think the vituperation is necessary. Also, I have a healthy respect for the brain power of most here.

  14. And as for the other excercise in sheer ignorance weighing a few tonnes…..ya got 9 YEARS worth of my comments to wade through while i post more, so ya better get to it…

  15. John 2,

    A few things.

    I was born in England. I do not think I should have the right to vote in England.

    I am not referring to specific persons on BU. I am referring to overseas Bajans in general.

    Nobody should be making such monumental decisions the consequences of which they will not have to live with and over-rule the decisions of those who do.

    And if your life is not and never again will be in Barbados, what do you have to gain by voting?

    You want vote? Come home! We may even make you a senator! Or you could form a party and win the government.

    Those are your rights.

  16. Cash for votes! I send my money; I want my vote!

    Wunnuh want my money? Wunnuh begging fuh my money?

    Barbados raised wunnuh asses and educated wunnuh asses! Barbados kept you healthy until you left to offer your time, energy and talent elsewhere.

    Consider it payback!

  17. At least there is hope, whole groups have embarked on a drive to plant their own food become self sufficient and take it from there…the day the Black population SHUT DOWN those criminal minorities and the parliament traitors PERMANENTLY’s the day they will SEE LIGHT…..amidst all the darkness generated by these fly by night criminals..

  18. A previous St. Kitts government has had to manage the issue of overseas Kitians recruited by political operatives to come home by the plane loads to vote and disappear the day after. Is this what we are talking about?

    A big part of the problem is that we are unable to debate most issues in a civil manner. How will it ever improve.

  19. Yall immerse yaselves IN COLONIAL CREATED POLITICS…..which was DESIGNED TO BE CORRUPT…yall talk and argue about it incessantly and ENJOY it although it has NEVER offered the Black population anything positive…, so don’t complain when it BREEDS vote buying….and plane loads of people …ya don’t want to remove yaselves from the TOXIC CONSTRUCT….that has since acquired an additional COAT that none of you know about…


  20. I remember, prior to the 2008 general elections and for some time thereafter, David and Barbados Underground were similarly accused by the BEES, of being biased towards the DLP……. or ‘leaning towards one side.’

    Ironically, the SAME INDIVIDUALS who are NOW castigating David……… were STOUTLY DEFENDING him and the forum, at that time.

  21. “Ungrateful niga”? What do I have to be grateful to you for?”

    You want me to kiss your ass for paying back Barbados?


  22. @ Dr. GP

    To be FAIR, “too many unsavoury comments are made here on BU about” ‘stay at home Bajans’ as well.

    And, perhaps it’s what initiated the distasteful ‘tit for tat’ in the first place.

  23. David,

    These people refuse to look at the consequences.

    Say, for instance, I have made my life in Antigua and plan to stay there, would I make decisions based on what’s good for Barbados or Antigua?

    Only those who have skin in the game should be allowed to vote. And I don’t mean the navel string that is dead and buried. Mine WAS in England. Should I have demanded a vote in Brexit?

  24. And if your life is not and never again will be in Barbados, what do you have to gain by voting?

    On this point, we can agree.

    Where we disagree is on the “out of town, out of a vote” knife that you are wielding.

    And if I am out of town for decades and then return is my voting rights automatically restored or do I have to wait a period. I think you need to say more.

    Voting is one right that should not be tampered with.

  25. Do you have to be in the island to have skin in the game?
    Are land taxes considered as skin?
    Is family considered as skin?

  26. TheO,

    The devil is in the details.

    One question- why is one encouraged to vote in the constituency in which one lives?

  27. @ David October 4, 2021 11:36 AM

    It is obvious that the right to vote for Windrushers encourages abuse. Many of them still believe that Barrow is alive and presiding over the DLP. They know nothing at all of the economic crimes of the lost decade.

    In any case, it would be appropriate to allow only those citizens to vote who have economic expertise. One could conceivably make the right to vote dependent on land ownership, property tax or running a great business. Something like this already proved its worth in the 19th century, the century of progress and social evolution.

    The right to vote for recipients of food stamps and impoverished civil servants, on the other hand, is responsible for the bloated welfare state. People do not vote for what is best for the common good, but for where the most handouts fall.

  28. Land taxes? So, if land taxes are the criterion, then foreigners who have summer houses in Barbados should vote?

    Most land tax demands for the average Bajan are a few hundred dollars per year. You think that is skin in the game?

    That could be debated.

    Family? Yuh mean wife and dependents? I would argue that your life is really in Barbados.

    Other than that, if your family members have a vote, then theirs should be enough.

    The devil is in the details. It cannot be a blanket decision.

    But in general, one should vote where one’s life is.

  29. Oh, and if you are out of town for decades and return to make your life here, your voting rights should be returned immediately.

  30. I keep telling people, i have voted ONLY once in my life, because of my intense dislike for politics…..not only is it NOT NATURAL…it’s CORRUPT and always will be, the vote was generated only because of the area in which we then resided…….and that person is now sitting in a federal penitentiary…..which PROVED that no one should vote for another human….it’s unnatural…

    will never vote again, still dislike politics immensely….and understand even better that it should not be a significant part of anyone’s life…. it’s a choice people are free to make, but then complain after when their fantasies and hopes are DASHED by corrupt politicians..

  31. Donna

    If u can vote In england and chose not to that is ur right

    You also have a right to ur opinions

    As theO said. What difference does a plane ticket makes?

    U hve ur rights and choose to exercize them how you please so should it be for it others

    What if it a snap elections?

    Why bout the bajans like those on the farm labor and other overseas programs that may not be allowed the time off from their Jobs or Are finicially able to run Home and back?

    Ur option is going to add up to only the ‘ rich’ overseas bajans can vote/ have a say while the poor cannot

    I can not support that

  32. What a childish debate
    All we Barbadians take it or leave
    And all we barbadians have a Constitutional right to speak on things barbadians
    Here or abroad
    Funny enough the same ones that throwing shade and dissing overseas barbadians mout always up in everything happening in Americka
    What does that say about them ?

  33. and Pacha will tell ya straight up, ya getting rid of Elizabeth, “the white woman as head of state” but the system is HERS and so is the POLITICS….yall got nothing to call ya own…

  34. So… government. Even small tribes have a government.

  35. Did somebody say you are not supposed to air yuh fowl mout?

    You drop fowl shit. I label it.


  36. Well see England saying come once you fully vaccinated no test. Even we buddy Browne in Antigua say on the midday news today all the checking and testing and quarantine done from end of this year. He say once you fully vaccinated bring the certificate and come just stroll through immigration and customs and go spend you money. Wuhloss Sandals must be rubbing them hands up there and smiling.

    So what is we plan and wunna know the season starting Dec 15th right?

    Now here basically we doing the same thing for the last few weeks, we ain’t got plans for no mandatory vaccination and we too frighten to implement a law saying that effective such and such all business places will have the right to demand proof of vaccination for entry, so what exactly is we plan?

  37. When yall finally create something OF YOUR OWN….check back with me.

  38. As long as u have a Barbados passport or ur passport states that you Are a Barbados national. You should always have the right to exercize ur right to vote In any elections on the rock. Birthrights

  39. When I said come home, I meant to stay. Don’t understand how that differentiates between rich and poor. You live here, you vote here.

    Those who are working on contracts should be facilitated.

  40. @John A

    So far the BWU is threatening to call out workings for bullying.

    Time is certainly running out for Barbadians ON island.

  41. There is nothing new under the sun. Cultures mix up, mix up, mix up!

    Everybody borrows and TIEFS (murdaaaaah) from everybody else. Cultures build on knowledge and systems from other cultures.

    But yes, we should look at our system. This one is not working well.

  42. Let it all come out like vomit!

    Let the people die from covid and the economy collapse!

    Maybe then we will understand our rights versus our responsibilities.

  43. Mia / simebody.

    Please put a lottery the all at risk persons that Get vaccinated by the end of the month will have a chance to win $ 500k or u can sprit it so u can have more winners

    50+ and underlying conditions

  44. And I mean ALL of us – politicians, employers, employees, ALL actors in this system.

    We are all dependent on each other. We will succeed or fail together.

    I believe Mia wanted to stride on the world stage as a successful and beloved leader.

    But she could not do it without us.

    It is all falling apart.

    And there is none to replace her!

    Not Verla. Not Atherley. And thank God Grenville gone!

    Wuh de rest name again?

    This is our time of reckoning!

  45. NorthernObserver Avatar

    Maybe I have thick skin, but have no issue with your opinion on voting.
    It has been around for eons, and is enabled by “dual citizenship”.
    To besides, you are fully entitled to your opinion.
    “We who live here have to live with the consequences of depressed economic activity, not you.
    He who feels it, knows it.
    That is why I say it is madness for you who live up there to want to vote down here and choose who will govern us and not you”
    Seemingly, there is some link in your opinion, between who gets elected (voting) and the economy? A static event legally required once every 1825 days, to a dynamic economy which is present for every one of those 1825 days.
    A little secret. The ‘depressed economy’ you reference is the result of BAD MANAGEMENT, though it is convenient to blame it on external factors over which nobody in Barbados has control. It is not the result of a VOTE, but how those whom you elect are managed and the level of accountability you demand from them, between one voting event and the next one.
    It would nice if I could hire a CEO and sit back and do nothing? But if it is MY business, I require weekly updates on topics I CHOOSE, not whatever they wish to share. AND if they do not perform, I have the right to recall (dismiss them) [that is for Pacha lol]
    There is little difference between B or D, rather is depends on how they are MANAGED. I submit, Barbadians are failing at the management of their elected officials, irrespective of which party is elected.(the vote)

  46. There are those with delusions of grandeur who believe they have say, but if wishes were horses all beggars would ride….lol

    don’t know why they should be any bullying, people are already EXHAUSTED from being in one place for 2 years, as soon as everything relaxes they will want to travel, and know they should be vaccinated to do so…..many people are waiting for closer to the time they are ready to move to get vaccinated, it’s the idiots with too much time on their hands believe they can dictate what others do when ya can still be infected if ya careless…..

  47. First of all Barbados’ depressed economy comes from CORRUPTION AND THEFTS from the treasury and pension fund…..if yall would get off ya asses and hold the corrupt ministers responsible and put pressure on them to do something about the THIEVES in the minority community/business sector or whatever they call themselves these days….it would go a long way toward reducing the unstable economy…if ya dumbass ministers would DIVERSIFY the economy, it would go a LONG LONG WAY toward creating MORE OPPORTUNITIES for everyone….instead of the few…but the dumb can’t see those things….so blame it on those who live in the diaspora…

    not pulling punches today so suck it up…yall are an embarrassment…

    not even the mean spirited outside market pressures are responsible for what happens with the wholese raiding of the treasury in Barbados…that is local and comes from the parliament and the private sector…

    the people TOO MUST TAKE SOME RESPONSIBILITY..they do not ask any questions and take minister’s lies at face value and don’t call out the white, indian and syrian thieves…but got a lot of lip for each other on the blogs…

  48. And that’s another thing, there are people who live in Barbados and are not dependent on Barbados for anything…who is dependent want to be dependent..

  49. Does Verla Depeiza and team represent a credible alternative political party when the bell is rung to elect the next government?
    Yes22 votes29.33%
    No53 votes70.67%
    75 total votes
    As of this time and date we can see we still have 29.33% people still willing to support the other side of crime, and maybe 70.67% willing to keep the dirty crime boss? Best do another with the other parties instead of these two joke parties under international investigations, the next poll done both may not be free to walk the streets as Interpol and others will expose this dirty tub drain!

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