[Barbados Underground] Walter Blackman responded to BU commenter TheOGazerts on the observation that Barbadians are engaged in the Charles Herbert, a rich Bajan Actuary that contrast starkly with Walter, a Bajan Actuary who is Black and forced to return to the USA to make a living – David, blogmaster


TheOGazerts, Barbados, our idyllic island home, will continue to vomit up its shocking contrasts.

It is only after listening to people on BU describing how “bright” a certain white man is to have completed a degree in actuarial science, then to have gone on to complete the tough actuarial professional exams, then to have gone on to develop a multi-million dollar actuarial company in Barbados, that I found myself making some comparisons. We both demonstrated at the university and professional exams level that we possess the intellectual capacity needed to become fully qualified pension actuaries. However, the demonstration of brain power is where the similarity abruptly ends.



Now for the contrast. He is a bright, rich, white man. I am simply a black man.


In Barbados, this is a huge, huge deal and it naturally and invariably translates into a situation where a universe of opportunities are opened to him, whilst all doors are closed to me.

So whereas someone can boast on this white man’s behalf, that he made millions from selling an actuarial company which he developed in Barbados (not sure if this is correct), I am left to inform BU readers that I was awarded an OAS Fellowship to study actuarial science at the masters degree level with the expressed intention of providing actuarial services to the National Insurance Scheme of Barbados. Alas, I completed my studies but, on my return to Barbados, was never allowed to work at the NIS. I applied for the vacant position of Supervisor of Insurance, which was advertised by the Erskine Sandiford administration. After a series of interviews, the final two candidates were Walter Blackman and Joycelyn Hinds. I attended the final interview and have heard nothing since. I discovered later that Wismar Greaves was placed in the post. Could it be that this was the point at which CLICO was being prepared for its “great” journey?


Attempts to work at ICB amounted to a mere exercise in futility.

More recently, the Government of Barbados, for the first time, advertised the position of CEO of the Financial Services Commission. I knew something was afoot so I made sure that I applied. As expected, I never even got an acknowledgement. However, Sir Frank Alleyne told Barbadians that the FSC had searched the whole world and could find no one but Mr, Randy Graham to fill the position.


What has allowed me to remain mentally strong and steadfast is my firm belief that no one selected Walter Blackman to “unfair” or destroy. This “square pegs in round holes” problem is systemic and thousands of progressive-minded Barbadians, if given the chance, can easily recount incidents of being similarly “unfaired” and discriminated against.

There is some purpose to this madness.

Back in the early to mid-1980’s, a grand designer decided to “corner” and control government’s financial services market. Individuals were handpicked to head major government revenue agencies and to follow certain career tracks (e.g. Supervisor of Insurance, NIS dept, PS/Director of Finance).


For example, Sabina Walcott was made Commissioner of Inland revenue. Grantley Smith was Director of NIS, before moving on to the PS/Director of Finance role. William Layne was Financial Controller of NIS, Supervisor of Insurance, and then PS/Director of Finance. Ian Carrington was Supervisor of Insurance, Director of NIS, and has now moved into a PS/Director of finance role.


Any person or agency wishing to investigate the nature and state of the government’s finances from 1985-2015 is well-advised to start by questioning and interviewing these four individuals along with Erskine Griffith, a former PS/Director of finance, who was ultimately “rewarded” with a minister of agriculture’s salary. These persons were in the best position to know how come government’s financial rules could be violated so easily, and how come the problems raised by the Auditor General for so long could be so contemptuously disregarded with no repercussions or consequences.




With respect to the FSC, every Barbadian watched in disbelief as the organization did little or nothing to protect the rights and benefits of CLICO’s policyholders, or to punish the guilty persons responsible for the scandalous raid on the insurance company. However, when it was discovered that the Judicial Manager was about to publish a report which proved beyond the shadow of a doubt that David Thompson initiated the steps which led to the CLICO raid, the FSC sprang into action and tried to block the publication of the report. Was this the reason why the nephew of David Thompson was put in the CEO post? Was it sheer coincidence that he left the post after all attempts to block the publication of the JM report failed?



We castigate, shun, and in some cases, jail uneducated black Barbadians for their acts of ignorance. At the other extreme, we block well-educated black Barbadians.from taking up positions commensurate with their experience and training, and from participating meaningfully in public life. Participation in public life is now being characterized by corruption, malfeasance, and deceit. Instinct tells me that a social backlash cannot be very far away…

320 responses to “Walter the Actuary a BLACK man | Charles the Actuary a White man”

  1. Some of you are uncomfortable when the matter of race is placed on the agenda. Walter has voiced a relevant concern. He was trained for a job, he was one of the Black actuaries trained at an early stage and has been ignored by the establishment. We want to know why.

  2. Still accepting that a man is innocent until proven guilty, let Mr Herbert’s guilt or innocence be decided by the courts. But on the question of actuarial practice it is another matter.
    It is not too late to review the legacy assets of the Barbados Mutual; what about the scheme actuary for Clico? Does the supervisor of insurance office employ an actuary? Is there a government actuary? Has the NIS got a staff actuary? If so, is s/he a specialist pensions actuary, an investment actuary or a generalist?

  3. If you want to know Why ask Walter? The only reason for your response is because the Nail was hit directly on de head!

    You trying to make it a Race thing when it has to do with the employ-ability of the employee because Black Organizations did not hire him! So it has nothing to do with Race it has to do with employ-ability!!


  4. My MD who saw my potential in 1980 said ” U have to join The Lodge and one of the top Cricket Clubs if U want to go to the top.”
    Student was late in applying for an internship at a major CA firm and was refused, BUT her grandfather was very well connected at The Lodge so he made one phone call and solved it immediately.

    Walter has always come across as a very clever chap BUT political excrement in Bim runs much deeper than the worst times in Rendezvous by Massey dey so! This has nothing to do with Racism, WB is a victim of politics. I doubt CH ever applied for Govt posts so no way to compare.

    Walter, I trust you will be the VICTOR in spite of the political games but at least you know that you must protect yourself, your interests.

  5. If you want to have a conversation about Race have it but don’t have one that is DECEPTIVE!


  6. Merit has nothing to do with lodge or connections. After 50 years of independence, we have shown we cannot govern ourselves. We are a failed state.

  7. You always know everything. Here is a promise to you, race matters will be discussed on BU.

  8. @David

    “Not following your wily mind eZpay is a payment system. How are you connecting to debt default decision?”

    If I’m not mistaken the eZpay system is domiciled offshore(in another country), therefore eZpay transactions are conducted initially in a foreign currency and then remitted to Barbados as forgien currency and changed by Barbados Central Bank back to Mickey Mouse dollars. Wily also believes all incoming and outgoing forgien currency transactions are cleared through Scotia bank in Barbados which coordinates with Barbados Centran Bank.

    Wily is open to hearing input from anyone with knowledge of exactly how forgien transactions are presently being handled now Barbados has declared Sovergien Default.

  9. Maybe you conveniently missed this July 30, 2018 10:45 AM

    I”f you want to have a conversation about Race have it but don’t have one that is DECEPTIVE!”

  10. Those who believe they can change the narrative to prevent a permanent change in the social and political landscape on the island ..despite being abject failures at the distraction for months on end, all in a bid to keep the majority population in a permanent state of stagnant decay…should be much more concerned about their own children and grandchildren..who are known persons of interest..

  11. Wily recently came across this little tid bit which he thinks every Bajan should read and TRY TO UNDERSTAND.

    An economics professor at a local college made a statement that he had never failed a single student before, but had recently failed an entire class. That class had insisted that socialism worked and that no one would be poor and no one would be rich, a great equalizer.

    The professor then said, “OK, we will have an experiment in this class on this plan”. All grades will be averaged and everyone will receive the same grade so no one will fail and no one will receive an A…. (substituting grades for dollars – something closer to home and more readily understood by all as socialism).

    After the first test, the grades were averaged and everyone got a B. The students who studied hard were upset and the students who studied little were happy. As the second test rolled around, the students who studied little had studied even less and the ones who studied hard decided they wanted a free ride too so they studied little.

    The second test average was a D! No one was happy. When the 3rd test rolled around, the average was an F.

    As the tests proceeded, the scores never increased as bickering, blame and name-calling all resulted in hard feelings and no one would study for the benefit of anyone else.

    To their great surprise, ALL FAILED and the professor told them that socialism would also ultimately fail because when the reward is great, the effort to succeed is great, but when government takes all the reward away, no one will try or want to succeed.
    These are possibly the 5 best sentences you’ll ever read and all applicable to this experiment:

    You cannot legislate the poor into prosperity by legislating the wealthy out of prosperity.
    What one person receives without working for, another person must work for without receiving.
    The government cannot give to anybody anything that the government does not first take from somebody else.
    You cannot multiply wealth by dividing it!
    When half of the people get the idea that they do not have to work because the other half is going to take care of them, and when the other half gets the idea that it does no good to work because somebody else is going to get what they work for, that is the beginning of the end of any nation.

    Can you think of a reason for not sharing this?
    Neither could I.

  12. Walter Blackman Avatar
    Walter Blackman

    TheOGazerts July 30, 2018 5:20 AM

    Let me begin by saying that I wish you well.

    ….. Some will not know the man, but will try to punish you for your association with the other party. Identify and ignore. If you cannot, keep your head on in answering these folks as BU comments is their paper trail.

    Some will seek to engage you in constructive dialogue and I look forward to your always reasoned response to them.

    Stay sensible. I wish you well.”

    Thanks for your well wishes, and the same to you.
    I also very much appreciate your repeated words of caution. I promise you that I will try to do my best.

  13. The bottom line is as long as that system of capitalist greed continues to work for the 1% of the world who control everything and believe they should continue to do so from their graves while programming majority populations to believe that they and generations of their children MUST remain in poverty so that a few can be rich and flaunt their obscene greed and that there is no other way…which is a load of crap….nothing will change…

    UNLESS ya get intelligent, less corrupt small island government ministers to make their own changes and stop drinking the big countries koolaid telling them they can’t.

  14. Hal Austin
    July 30, 2018 10:45 AM

    Merit has nothing to do with lodge or connections. After 50 years of independence, we have shown we cannot govern ourselves. We are a failed state.


    Did Lodges exist prior to Independence or were they around when Barbados could actually govern itself?

    The answer is that credit for the introduction of Freemasonry to Barbados is usually given to Alexander Irvine who was interred in a vault at the Cathedral almost 300 years ago!!


    Incidentally, this vault like the Chase Vault at Christ Church and Williams Vault in St. Thomas has stories of moving coffins associated with it!!

  15. @wily coyote

    and yet there are political systems in countries like Finland, Sweden and Denmark

  16. So, if Freemasonry worked for 250 odd years and the country was governed effectively, then it follows that unless Freemasonry went through some radical transformation over the last 50 years, that there has to be another reason and we can’t look to the Lodges for the cause.

  17. BTW, I am not a member of any lodge although I was once approached to become one!!

  18. @James Green

    Yes I agree, tell me now what the FUNDEMENTAL DIFFERENCE is between these Scandaivian countries and Barbados and you have your answer. If you cannot ascertain the answer you’ve answered the question.


  19. horace rollins Avatar

    @ wily coyote

    not much black people in those countries?

  20. @ Wily Coyote

    I would guess that corruption is probably not a huge factor in Scandinavia or at least not to the extent like it is in Bim if what is reported here is anything to go by

  21. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ John July 30, 2018 12:22 PM
    “BTW, I am not a member of any lodge although I was once approached to become one!!”

    So what would you call the Quakers? A cult?

    Don’t the Quakers and Freemasons share and promote similar aims and pursuits in the “Christian’ brotherhood for the spiritual and physical upliftment of mankind?

  22. Blacks are recruited to do dog work. Whites are streamlined for promotions (on back of blacks works)

    Slavemasters / Bossman mindsets of whites want to deal with whites especially at the top of the pile of shit.

    Black women are preferred to Black men in workplace to meet diversity requirements

    In Africa you have Black Leaders Pilots Doctors in Black Power

  23. Walter Blackman Avatar
    Walter Blackman

    Walter Blackman July 29, 2018 8:14 PM

    “The professional credentials and consulting actuarial skills I bring to the table ARE IN SHORT SUPPLY GLOBALLY………

    lawson July 30, 2018 5:43 AM

    “Lets see you didnt get a job here.. but were able to go to another country and take one away from one of their citizens there who probably feels the same way as you do as he has to move to a different state because people from abroad took his job. mmmmmm.”

    Lets see. Apparently, you were not able to get the point the first time around. Just re-read and reflect, and it may come to you. I am not hinting in any way that you are “slow” or “special”, but I want to stress the importance of you understanding this simple concept. I am very patient and will wait until you catch up before proceeding. No need to hurry. Take your time.

  24. Scandanavians, including Icelanders have the power to recall governments and ministers via referendum, in Switzerland only 1,000 signatures are needed from the public to recall a government…it is not as easy for business people to practice bribery corruption or collude with corrupt, bribtaking government ministers as one would find in the Caribbean….the level of education and intelligence found in Nordic countries transcends the small island selfishness and lack of vision…found among these stagnant small governments.

  25. “I am not hinting in any way that you are “slow” or “special”,

    Yes he is…a regular Canadian dummy..lol

  26. The issue of two Barbadoses serviced today and to the credit of Ellis he agreed. To be fair it is not separated by race alone.

  27. Just googled “Sabina Walcott barbados” and up popped this article: http://www.nationnews.com/nationnews/news/98522/pay

    Big pay, no work
    MARIA BRADSHAW, mariabradshaw@nationnews.com
    Added 09 July 2017

    The two had been sent on special leave, but continued to earn their salaries.
    GOVERNMENT HAS PAID more than $1 million to two senior public officers who did not drive a stroke for up to seven years.

    In what a trade unionist has described as “a coward’s way out” of dealing with matters head-on, the Freundel Stuart administration has paid former Commissioner of Inland Revenue, Sabina Walcott-Denny, her annual salary, excluding allowances, of $135 024, or a total of $540 096 over the four years she has not worked.

    Former acting Supervisor of Insurance, Vernese Brathwaite, who has been on leave for seven years, is being paid her annual salary of $98 087, or $686 609. (MB)

    Gives quite a bit of weight to Mr Blackman’s arguments above…

  28. Walter Blackman Avatar
    Walter Blackman

    lawson July 30, 2018 5:43 AM

    “Just because you can kick a ball doesnt mean you can play for manchester united,”

    That is true. Just because you can write words doesn’t mean that you can think.
    The discussion so far was focused on highlighting the superlative skills and gifts needed to be an actuary. One white person with the requisite education and training was being “spun”, to use soccer terminology, as an international goal scorer, a soccer maestro extraordinaire. As in real life, a black person turns up with similar attributes and skill, and he is swiftly denounced and categorized as merely a ball-kicker..He needs to be chased off the club’s grounds.

  29. NorthernObserver Avatar

    “Now for the contrast. He is a bright, rich, white man. I am simply a black man.”
    You are intentionally putting yourself down? Why?
    Isn’t this the essence of positioning, the axis upon which the wheel rotates.

    The difference between you and I, is that you would actually apply for those local positions. Skipper, I am light toned, no way in this world or the next I even have a 50-1 shot. And depending upon which side of the Cliff my ancestors are from, I could also cross off a bunch of private employers. The only viable option is to do it alone? And preferably in a more neutral environment. “More neutral” because while Bim is largely a one trick pony, other places have their bias too, you just have to learn that and avoid where possible. And due to size, avoidance is possible. One cannot avoid much on 166 sq m.

    You didn’t watch the media? This boat upon which they traveled, must have, during its maintenance period in Grenada, been significantly upgraded. For what was a bare boned, old wooden sail boat with few amenities is now a “luxury yacht”. A mistake? Do you think the authorities gave the media a tour of the boat post seizure? If they did, more than one of the journalists are blind, or live a tree, such that even a small chattel house is luxury.

    And why are we at this junction and specific comparison/contrast? You went and sat on the wrong side of the church, believing it didn’t matter? CH went and spoke out against the path of the last administration believing it didn’t matter? Given you both have exceptional mathematical minds, you both should be better poker players?

  30. So what would you call the Quakers?

    A society of friends!!

  31. Education is just a foundation to get a foot in the door to make a first step.
    Work Experience is more important but is dependant on the work you are given to do.
    It is easy to go from being over qualified to under qualified real quick. Works Gaps in Resume/ CV means you are unemployable.
    Nowadays Computers search for key words on top page of CV and reject 80% automatically.

  32. Walter Blackman Avatar
    Walter Blackman

    lawson July 30, 2018 5:43 AM

    “Stop it”

    You are using the verb in its imperative form. Put differently, you are ordering or commanding someone.
    In historical terms, if only yesterday (185 years ago) you had issued that command to me, I would have been forced to say “Yes, sir. i will stop right away, sir. Please don’t whip me, sir.
    Today, things are different.
    I can now look at you straight in the eye and let you know that you cannot order me to do anything.
    I do not plan to “stop it”.
    What do you you plan to do about it?.

  33. 80% of jobs are unadvertised and are taken up by internal networks and recommendations

    Each one teach one

  34. Walter you could have followed a path like the one Stephen Alleyne took? Hang out in the clubhouse with the old boy network, shut your mouth on the people airwaves?

    A different finish perhaps?

  35. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    “So what would you call the Quakers?
    A society of friends!!”

    So too is the Mafia (Cosa Nostra)!

    Since your society of friends do not have a registered official meeting house like the closed brethren, where did you guys meet to pray to Yahweh?

    In a lodge at the back of the plantation next to ‘ni*****ger yard’ to save the lost black souls?

  36. Walter man stop complaining and earn yuh yankees do. You’re fortunate to be marketable. Some of the same personalities busy wiping your tears, supported and still support Thompson’s actions in 2008. Those that suffered then are Bajans too.

  37. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ David July 30, 2018 2:01 PM

    And pay a similar price to Stephen?

    Like Senator Caswell, it is not in the DNA of motor-mouth Walter to worship at the altar of feigned hypocrisy and die young from a whammy of double standards.

    The outspoken Wally could have ridden on the back and side of Duprey and Greenverbs but the poor honest man of a neighbour to Ilaro Court refused to drop his pants that contained his highly-prized standards.

    He should have played the game according to the rules of Erskine G instead of May and he would have found himself, like Flynn, in the good books of OSA.

  38. Things did not end well for poor Stephen…stay away from the blighted and cursed politicians, no good can come from hanging around them, just check what happens to those who do, their reputations are in tatters.

  39. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    @ Caswell

    “As succinctly as I can I will tell you why you have been disadvantaged by both parties when they form the Government. You tried to be a DEM with a conscience, without realising that no such creature exists in this fair land. When you are a DEM, you are expected to be blindly loyal and rabid. You have failed to live down to that standard and as a result, you were not trusted by your party. Put simply, they knew that they could not trust you to do the wrong thing when required by the party. You were considered to be not loyal enough.

    As for the Bees, they hated you because you identified as a DEM. Man you were between a wolf and a cliff facing certain death however you swing.”

    Are you actually saying when yuh is ah Bee dey expeck yuh to do the rite ting ?

    What you said above is exactly the same in two parties. Stop trying to split hairs man.

    @ Walter

    I always say that when we barely touch white bajans, they don’t have to say a word because the Blacks will come to their defence. Its sad but true. Blacks will cuss blacks but we dare not cuss whites. Many blacks are already declaring that Herbert is innocent because Herbert say so. Massa day far from dun. On the other hand we want to lock up Leroy Parris and he aint get charge with nothing yet . Now I aint defending Parris but ah just trying to make a little point………

  40. Black people never listen until it is too late for them anyway, the slave minded blacks/house negros need to be exterminated, they drag the race down and are a major part of the problem world wide..


  41. millertheanunnaki
    July 30, 2018 2:10 PM

    “So what would you call the Quakers?
    A society of friends!!”
    So too is the Mafia (Cosa Nostra)!
    Since your society of friends do not have a registered official meeting house like the closed brethren, where did you guys meet to pray to Yahweh?
    In a lodge at the back of the plantation next to ‘ni*****ger yard’ to save the lost black souls?


    When you find another society of friends that ended slavery let me know!!

  42. Based on Walter’s account the NIS was the springboard to greater responsibility, the conduit through which all blessings flow, if one was able to handle that file it was “do not pass go” but assume the role of PS. So, riddle me this if these individuals were so competent why is the NIS one of the millstones around Barbados’ neck? The last long term Director in one of the most challenging periods in the history of the NIS was recently elevated to PS, are these people prime examples of the “Peter Principle” at work or does the state of the NIS lie at the feet of politicians?

  43. David

    Two Barbadoses is manifested in a myriad of ways, including: “CJ orders 60% cement tariff restored.”

  44. @enuff

    Your reply to Walter does not help. A qualified son of the soil should not be misled by the system to the extent he has shared. To commit to the actuarial discipline would have called for a huge personal sacrifice not to trivialize any personal desire to pursue this training. To have his expectation dashed because of a level of incompetence in the way we do things which is endemic and the cause of a pervasive rot should concern all civic minded Barbadians.

  45. “Blacks will cuss blacks but we dare not cuss whites.”

    Mr. Skinner

    Yes, blacks cuss whites……when in closed forums such as BU or during private sessions. However, when in an open environment, it’s a different story.

    And that’s the reason why only ONE man attended the protest against Bizzy Williams’ hardware store, where a white manager assulted a black customer.

    That’s why Halloute can brag about opening 16 Chefettes in Barbados. Knowing how black people operate, I’m sure Children Barn won’t get pass 7.

    That’s why after talking about the involvement of Indians in the drug trade and the Adam boy being held with $2M in cocaine……. scores of black Barbadians can be seen patronizing S. Y Adam & Son stores on a daily basis.

    Rather than support Savings Plus, Carlton & A1, Trimart, Channel, Popular or Cherish……they prefer to shop at Massy and complain. It’s a “status thing.”

    Have you ever noticed that whenever a black man encounters a white man, he automatically changes his accent?

    Black Barbadians will cuss white people, Indians, Pakistani, Chinese and Arabs……..but will find all types of excuses to continue shopping at their businesses.

    I recall a former employee of Adrian Loveridge’s hotel telling a group of us about certain questionable arrangements as it related to whom that hotel was to be sold and effects of the sale on employees.

    I posed a few questions to Loveridge’s, which he did not answer…..and was encouraged not to answer by a number of contributors, including David BU.

    I was cussed and it was even suggested that the employees may have been disgruntled.

    Since then, Loveridge would respond to any comments on his articles, except mine.

    That’s life!!!!

  46. @Artax

    You need to remind the blogmaster context. Did it have something to do with discussing a private financial transaction in a public space that could have prejudice the the deal? Do not recall.

  47. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @David Mr Blogmaster, I ain’t trying to get into nah fight between maguffy men but yet I cant but interject re your :

    “Walter you could have followed a path like the one Stephen Alleyne took? Hang out in the clubhouse with the old boy network, shut your mouth on the people airwaves? A different finish perhaps?”

    Quite a loaded gun you pointed there 🤣.

    One fella went Waterford U and the other Crumpton St U. One played cricket for his school competently it seemed, the other is not remembered as a school cricketer but may have been yet as avid about the sport as the other.
    One had a long family history at a cricket club according to media reports. The other unknown.

    Soooo…. when you say that Walter could have followed the path of the cricket playing, long term family entrenched Empire club other guy who also studied actuarial science i just wondered how literal you intended to be 🤣

    Seems to me Walter did join a club but opted to corral and posibly coopt that old boys network to form his new network with his vocal presence. He from his own words did not get the success he planned in that arena but has succceeded awesomly otherwise.

    The other fella is now long deceased so he is not here to defend his successful coopting of the family connections and old boys network …

  48. @enuff

    A good one-off!

    Did Maloney get wind of the decision? Timing was perfect given the report of the last landed shipment, 13,000 tonnes?

  49. NorthernObserver Avatar

    the ‘public persona’ you reference is very relevant.
    CH was a relative unknown. When he became Deputy Chairman of GEL, the heir apparent, many were asking who is this person? What does an actuary know about guiding a complex business. Most knew nothing about him. WB would, because they share the same professional space. That is a small fraternity.
    When the same CH hired Ali as top dog, some of questions were louder. Someone from ‘outside the company’ and someone of colour; (I dare not say black, because once I did and was told “he is of Indian extraction”) were both firsts.
    Yet the WATERSHED moment, and you know I have harped on this continuously (‘a copy of the letter’) was the ex PM’s speech the day prior to the ‘March” some 16 months ago. Like or support FJS, or not, the man is no fool. And he has been around politics for a long time. And he is a solid story teller. Go back and listen, You can even read the words in the DLP convention handbook. The PM never said “CH threatened me and the people with social unrest”. But that was the spin which exited. It was masterfully delivered and worded.
    If CH had a dart board on his persona before, he exited that speech with only the bulls eye. FJS had played the Ace of Race, cleverly disguised as the Ace of Disrespect. In poker terms, he had tripled down.
    In the same FJS story, he also related that CH had already gone away, because the events of which he spoke that day, occurred well before. In other words, “if” CH had something to add he would have. FJS was clear. WE control policy decisions and direction, nobody else. WE are in charge. Whether they would admit it or not, nobody is happy about opposition. This event had the opportunity to alter things. And FJS knew that. He needed to change the channel.
    CH had a choice, call the triple down bet, increase the bet or fold. In the same risk analysis for which he is trained, he chose to fold and wait for another hand to be dealt. He couldn’t afford to venture into a dogfight, which he may win in factual terms, but not only lose in the public court, also potentially aid the channel change (with an election looming). Focus on fiscal , governance and management, on those, he held the winning hand. Short of somebody donating a few hundred million in greenbacks to the public good, those in control had a very weak hand and they knew that.
    When one ventures into the ‘public space’ one has to be very careful.

  50. NorthernObserver Avatar

    ps “this event” refers to the March.

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