[Barbados Underground]  Yes Jeff, Charles Herbert faces a monumental task, not least because he has already been convicted in the court of public opinion. The social meaning of the case has become about the history of race relations in Barbados, so although the court case is supposed to consider the evidence dispassionately, I am not certain that a jury will lack bias

1,362 responses to “Chairman of Goddards Enterprises Asserts His Innocence”

  1. I mean do you really want a fella handling his doggie and then without washing his hands with warm water and soap handling the weed destned for your teacup of goodnight brew?


  2. I prefer to hear the opinion of Professor Jeff but my layman’s opinion is that the yacht is owned by Goddards

    and the company Chairman and a Director were on board.

    They should be asked to prove their innocence in court.

    If the two of them were on a private plane owned by the company the same logic would apply.

    They are innocent until proven guilty in a court of law

  3. ” Did he go the media or the media came to him?” What kind of stupid ass bajan hair splitting is this? Hell, if some ass came all the way to my house as long as I engaged him, fool, I went to him. As for Americanization of Barbados, until many more white, black, rich and well connected are brought before the courts then one can make the comparison. In the meantime, I’m forced to look my doors and look over my shoulders because only the schmucks on the so called block are being arrested when they who are the masterminds and importers are allowed to walk free and live high on the hogs .

  4. Horace Rollins Avatar
    Horace Rollins

    what like happened is that Herbert was quite possibly a willing suspect and in trying to prove his innocence he sat down to be fully interviewed, answered all of the investigators’ questions and allowed them to search his house and to see his banking records. having done so he is convinced that showed he is not connected with the controlled drug that appeared to be in his constructive or actual possession, depending on the circumstances.

    such suspects are likely to be treated kindly by investigators

    on completion investigators probably told him and quite rightly so that the matter of whether he goes to court or not rests with the prosecutors.

    however on presenting their file to the DPP the person responsible for such matters decided that they all face the courts for the courts to decide. that may happen where the evidence is 50/50, and the interest of justice (given all the racial hype) persuades the DPP that it is the better course of action.

    imagine if the DPP had decided at this stage there was no case

  5. I don’t know if this is still the case but before a jury is convened in the High Court, a magistrate has to hear the case.

    The magistrate then decides if to send the matter to the high court and at that time, a jury is convened.

    In my personal experience, a crime that took place in 2012 is yet to reach the High Court.

    … it doesn’t help that the High Court has been shut down for mold!!

    By the time this matter reaches a jury, if indeed it does, everybody may have forgotten about it …. or …. the evidence seen by the Magistrate will have ended it!!

  6. I am glad that commenters are debunking the nonsense being pushed by the blog owner that people pushing the race card.

    People are discussing the reality of life here in Barbados – a place where money,race,class and politics intersect.

    Draw a Venn diagram to get the picture if you care too.

  7. @Well, Well July 27, 2018 5:23 PM “…or they were observed loading the boat..but someone knew hence the tip off.”

    maybe the very same french Coast Guard the intercepted our Montreal based friends.

    The tipster does not have to be from inside.

    Maybe we spend too much time on land, but we do know don’t we that the french, British, American, Dutch authorities etc. patrol this Caribbean Sea and this Atlantic Ocean, always on the lookout for the boats and planes carrying the funny stuff, and that those American and European officials share information with regional officials.

    I believe that this is exactly how it happened.

  8. The Dullard’s last comment on this fiasco.

    At this point it is fairly clear that the two ‘prominent businessmen’ expect to – and will likely – escape with slaps on the wrist, if that.

    What I found utterly distasteful was the hubris with which ACH spoke about local law enforcement.

    Barbados is joke of a place.

  9. Herbert came out with a piece of yellow paper with his points written down.

    He came prepared to speak to the media – the media did not have to go to him.

  10. You are one of a minority who do not appreciate that race, politics and perceived status are not an elements stoking public commentary in this matter. Not surprising given where the DLP now languishes. Your modus oparandi and mindset was discovered on the 25 May on BU.

  11. @John July 27, 2018 5:50 PM “By the time this matter reaches a jury, if indeed it does, everybody may have forgotten about it”

    In which case we don’t have to worry about jury bias, because it is likely that the jury will be chosen from among my grands and his friends, none of whom have yet learned how to read and so cannot possibly be biased by the present discussions.

  12. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    The sailing vessel Ecstasy is owned by Goddards Enterprises Ltd. Charles Herbert was recruited to the Board as Vice Chairman around 2012 based on his reputation as an entrepreneur that built a multi-million dollar actuarial consultancy and the fact that he is married to a Goddard. He has never been an employee of Goddards. I do not know who the “captain” of the vessel was on this trip, or if indeed any of the three me aboard were designated captain. Rodgers is an accomplished helmsman, Herbert is less experienced, and Prescod’s profession is listed by the police as a “seaman.”

  13. So Mariposa says Herbert is a BLP supporter, many Bajans were in the last election may I remind her. Then she says that government surveillance is linked to DEA. So Herbert only came underbtge radar post 24 May, and isn’t Mia the PM and responsible for national security, hence “surveillance”? I tell wunna jokes.🤣🤣

    Good posts by PLT and TheoGaz. David it once again shows BT’s opposition to anything/one seen as supportive of the BLP. Even in that nation clip, I believe the reporter with the “non-national” accent was from BT.

  14. This is the problem with you black ass bajans, you don’t ever come out and present this same bull shit when some poor black boy is shot, shot at or beating within an inch of his life for a tin of corned beef by the cops. Now here we have the house niggers and uncle toms talking shit. #fuckingexslaves.

  15. @whitHill

    Do you recall how Black Barbadians reacted to the beating Goodrige gave the Black boy in Highgate Gardens a few years ago? Do not spout nonsense.

  16. @ Dullard

    Re your post at 5:55 p.m. I am not sure if its Hubris or bravado – or the decision to take an attacking position but I too found his comments and in supination and seeking to divide and conquer with the police and DPP to be very,very distasteful.

  17. So two people were having a conversation about this case and one asked…so who paid for the drugs in Grenada or St. Vincent, still can’t get the origin right, there is no way the Goddard employee had that type of money…wuh look he aint even post bail yet…they said.

    I don’t know but am told ya gotta pay these drug pins up front door such large quantities.

    Told yall people are looking at this in practical terms.

  18. Dentistry Whisperer (M. Pharm. D) LinkedIN Avatar
    Dentistry Whisperer (M. Pharm. D) LinkedIN

    I wonder if anyone will remember when Bradshaw & Co. (opposite the cathedral) was the only place where one could buy guns and ammunition in Barbados and he owned the the “Inch Marlow’ property where we used to shoot clay pigeons and Canadian geese. Next door, Guiler sold Bay rum for arthritis and J.N Goddard owned the Ice house and Captain Fergusson would sail to Newfoundland (Canada) with rum from the Distilleries and bring back ice and salted cod fish for J.N Goddard. Goddard’s son was the captain of the W.I. cricket team and only white people could play at Wanderers Cricket Club. Now Goddard is associated with the drug haul.  Mia will have to walk a thin line because Rugged Mottley (Vestry political era) owned Cheapside. I am sure things will work out eventually and white people will evade being known as drug lords. Stuart never talked much so we will never know the real truth about the “haul” which on the real market is worth less than $ U.S.75.000. In the tropics the half life of marijuana is very rapid.Haynes Darlington (M. Pharm. D)  

  19. I don’t know but am told ya gotta pay these drug pins up front for such large quantities.

    Don’t know what gets into auto correct sometimes.

  20. Two Barbadoses. Charles Herbert is contemptuous and arrogant as hell. I believe he knows the stupidity of many Bajan Blacks and is pandering to that stupidity. This white allegedly criminal has been charged for a criminal act and instead of keeping his white ass quiet this white fool is seeking to berate the work of the DPP office.
    Unfortunately I do not hold out much hope justice will prevail in this case. I foresee a very long and drawn out
    case with many adjournments that may and will drag this case on for the next two or three years with the eventual and inevitable dismissal of the charges.
    After all this is Barbados where Erroll Barrow had to assure the white Englishmen that whites in Barbados will not suffer if the foolishness that we have as independence is granted.
    White people in Barbados are NOT supposed to be humiliated in this white man island.

  21. You prefer that he holds a towel over his head, avoid the press and allow social media and the general public to pummel his reputation? We are witnessing an unprecedented event here. Herbert is the Chairman of a large successful company in this region. There is reputation and other risk to be managed. You need to lift your game. This has nothing to do with if guilty or not. If we presume innocence, the man has a right to management his messaging in the public space if he is of the view it will assist his cause. Something Stuart et al would have done well to do.

  22. @lawson July 27, 2018 5:23 PM “What does a chaiman make or director make?”

    Clearly not enough lawson, clearly not enough.

    Recently a certain wuk-fa-wuk suggested that parliamentary salaries be raised. Maybe director’s salaries need to be raised too. Maybe the salaries of politicians and directors should be doubled.

    We the people have no business making our boys live in poverty.

  23. Mr. BU, call it what you like; that Highgate incident was a one of and a long time ago. look how many other situations occurring begging the bloody bajans to stand up and be heard. Look here, I’m not only just speaking of cops and robbers either so don’t go patting yourself on the back just yet.

  24. Simple…me too.

  25. Simple Simon
    July 27, 2018 5:55 PM

    @John July 27, 2018 5:50 PM “By the time this matter reaches a jury, if indeed it does, everybody may have forgotten about it”
    In which case we don’t have to worry about jury bias, because it is likely that the jury will be chosen from among my grands and his friends, none of whom have yet learned how to read and so cannot possibly be biased by the present discussions.

    … assuming the Magistrate doesn’t throw out the charges against Charles Herbert and Chris Rogers.

    Look at what happened with Philip Nicholls, a well connected individual like these two are, charged with Money laundering.

    Eventually, it got thrown out for lack of prosecution without the evidence being heard!!

    Pretty clear to me Philip Nicholls was a threat to someone and the process was being used to screw him up!!!!

    Read his book, published before the case was dismissed!!

    That’s one of the reasons I am a bit leery about the circumstances here.

    Things don’t add up!!

    Deja Vu!!

    The difference between Philip Nicholls’ case and this case is that Philip Nicholls was impecunious and an easy target, these two are not.

    Still, he knocked it out … but not till it had messed up his reputation!!

  26. sorry – insinuations * @ 5:59 post

  27. @David July 27, 2018 5:34 PM “And your comment is predicated on the assumption Prescod is guilty?”

    Not at all David. I have not had any opportunity to review any evidence, so therefore all of the gentlemen enjoy the presumption of innocence.

  28. @Peter Lawrence Thompson and Theogazerts; It seems as if the two you believe the best thing for equal justice, or at least the appearance of equal justice, would be to send Herbert to jail whether he is guilty or not. In other words, make him a symbolic sacrifice to appease those who want to see a white man go down.
    Check under your bed tonight peter; there are white supremacists everywhere.

  29. Horace Rollins Avatar
    Horace Rollins

    so many conspiracy theories so little time

  30. Negroman, David has a point, however, your summation speaks to the heart of life in a country with a majority black population.

  31. “The weed producers have to put their name, address, telephone number, email address and website on the packages of weed. You think dem first world people easy!!!”

    That is why it should be grown in Barbados under sanitary conditions and not imported…international standards are very high for growing and selling Cannabis.

  32. @T.Inniss July 27, 2018 5:27 PM “get the money to buy that drug.”

    I dunno.

    Maybe the drug was “trusted’?

    Like how the res’ ‘o we does trust a roll of congoleum or a plastic laundry basket for the South Asian descended itinerant vendor?

  33. @peterlawrencethompson July 27, 2018 5:27 PM “the public clamour for his blood. It will damage public confidence in the judicial system even further and it will inflame racial and class resentments to dangerous levels. ”

    None of that will happen.

    Nobody is clamoring for Herbert’s literal or metaphorical blood. White people are not in any danger in Barbados. Although they seem to think so since all of the white men seem to own guns.

    And none of the black women do.

  34. David of BU if me a break with your bullshit. Because he is the chairman of a large and successful Barbados business company that that give him the right to malign and ridicule our law enforcement officers and agencies.
    Some prominent Black,Asian & other white business people where also charged in Barbados for a variety of crimes. I cannot ever remembered those persons vilifying our law enforcement officers and agencies like how this common white criminal has done today.
    He needs his white ass lock to f–k up

  35. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn

    Mr. Charles Herbert did you give instructions to hire Mr. Prescod, over the objections of HR, even though it was known that he has a criminal past? I would like you to clarify since that is the information that was passed to me and I really want to believe you.

  36. @Horace Rollins July 27, 2018 5:49 PM “what like happened is that Herbert was quite possibly a willing suspect and in trying to prove his innocence he sat down to be fully interviewed, answered all of the investigators’ questions and allowed them to search his house and to see his banking records.”

    The police would be foolish to permit themselves to be “allowed” to search a suspect. If the police searched, and I hope that they did, commonsense would dictate that they did so with the full authority of the courts, and that they searched homes, properties, and financial records here and abroad.

    The police are not boys in the yard, who need permission from a suspect before carrying out a search. Such allowance/permission should rightly come from the courts and only from the courts.

    If the police are doing things right, and if they had a “tip-off” about the boat and the suspects they should have gone to court and got “permission” from the courts to search the suspects’ bank and telephone records “BEFORE” their face-to-face with the suspects.

  37. Some people in NY want to know why Herbert sounds so entitled, like…”how dare you arrest and charge me”

    I doubt he would have been charged by the police without cause, the police are not stupid, they have done this before. .

  38. Negroman has a point . The take away from the press briefing was what an arrogant sod this Charles Herbert guy is. He swung wildly at several targets in his bombastic remarks. The media, the DPP, social media, political system etc. he mentioned all of them. Was he saying that the people really want the blood of the Dems and a few unscrupulous businessmen who ‘screwed’ them and he is innocently caught up in the vendetta? Why bring in the Dems or politics in a straight forward criminal matter. The blog master posits in his every post that the people already took their revenge 30-0.

    This man was caught by the police with thousands of dollars of illegal drugs on a boat he was sailing. It so happened he is a major captain of industry. It could have been a lout from Silver Hill. The public has a right to demand that the police investigate the matter and charge the culprits responsible. What does that have to do with politics. If he is innocent he will get his day in court. If he is not then welcome to Dodds. A poster correctly said he should shut up and go about planning his defense. His belligerence was sickening and created more enemies for himself.

  39. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn


    In the earlier post that dealt with this matter, I pointed out that Mr. Arthur Holder, as a practicing lawyer was ethically bound to represent Prescod. I was castigated by “Piece of the Rock” even though he did not know what he was talking about. He suggested that there was a conflict of interests but he did not specify.

    For the information of commenters who don’t know it all, my comment was based on Rule 12 of the Legal Profession Code of Ethics, which state:

    An attorney-at-law is obliged to act, either as adviser or advocate in the field in which he proposes to practise, for every person who may wish to become his client on payment of the proper professional fee charged in accordance with rule 68. Special circumstances such as a conflict of interest or the possession of relevant and confidential information may justify his refusal to accept a particular employment.

    Where is Holder’s conflict of interests?

  40. Unna DEAF! ACH stated very lucidly that the Police and Drug Squad conducted themselves very professionally and thoroughly. How does that sound completely different to unna. He made it equally clear that someone higher up the chain thought it best to charge him, which no innocent man on Earth would or should accept easily. Intelligent people appreciate that given the very tone here on BU it would make sense to appease those wanting white blood and bend over backwards to ensure that certain people are placated.

  41. Georgie Porgie Avatar
    Georgie Porgie

    RE In the tropics the half life of marijuana is very rapid.Haynes Darlington (M. Pharm. D)


  42. @Senator

    Some are questioning the optics rather than the rule. As far as the rule is conceded, ministers are prevented from carrying on work outside of minister responsibility.

  43. Pieceuhderockyeahright Avatar

  44. Any bets that the case will be adjourned on November 6, 2018?

    On another note, what is the status of the Rodney Wilkinson case? It is note worthy that Wilkinson’s lawyer is before the court on an assault matter. One cannot make this stuff up!

  45. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn

    Arthur Holder is not a minister: he is the Speaker and as we know the Speaker can continue to work, ask Mr. Griffiths😁

    Sent from my iPad

  46. Negro Charles Herbert you need to step down as Head of the Private Sector it is the right and decent thing to do if you have a decent bone left in you.
    You have become a disgrace to the whole body of the Private Sector and stepping down would be the correct thing to do. No one should even have to ask you
    Btw no one wants to hear your swan song outside the courtroom . Too little too late
    Save it when you received your day in court which will be not too long and coming

  47. If negroman is right please post the names of the stupid people he is talking about… inquiring telemarketers want to know.Let the court system play out and justice will be served. But this schadenfreude bajan style reveling that some white men may be in trouble is pathetic.

  48. @Senator

    Fair enough, the blogmaster must pose the question to you for the record – you do not feel constrained to defend Arthur Holder because he attended the university of waterford?

  49. Flyonthewall, I think you are being harsh on PLT without strong enough evidence. PLT has concerns regarding WS in Bim and elsewhere and certainly it is not some fantasy but a reality to some degree. I have always held PLT in high regard, although we may debate occasionally, I respect him immensely.

  50. Caswell Franklyn Avatar
    Caswell Franklyn


    I knew that was coming. I am not defending Arthur Holder, I am merely trying to educate bloggers. He does not need a defence.

    Sent from my iPad

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