Chris Rogers (l) Walter Prescod (c) Charles Herbert (r)


The news that approximately 3 million dollars worth of illegal drugs was discovered on a boat owned by Goddards Enterprises – a successful and respected international company domiciled in Barbados – continues to be the talk of the town. A few high profile names are reported to be assisting the police force read Charles Herbert the Chairman of Goddards Enterprises and Chris Rogers a non executive member who were reported to be on the boat when the interdiction was made by Barbados Customs Officers.

Information coming from the police about the progress of investigation has been slow as one would expect when prominent individuals are involved. Then add high profile lawyer Andrew Pilgrim to the mix. The blogmaster joins many expressing an interest in who will be charged and incarcerated for the crime. The tangential story is that there is an intense lobby with the charge in government to legalize marijuana for medicinal purposes.

The blogmaster ask commenters to be smart when posting comments. On behalf of the BU household we appeal to all those out there to continue to tip off the authorities so that we can arrest the scourge of drugs, guns and other illegal activity pouring into our little island. Feel free to email BU also with tips by completing the Contact List that will be forwarded confidentially to the blogmaster.

BU’s Featured image is Charles Herbert, Chairman of Goddards (l) and Chris Rogers, non executive board member (r).


778 responses to “Goddard’s Yacht Ecstasy Busted!”

  1. Jeff Cumberbatch Avatar
    Jeff Cumberbatch

    Prescod, of course, I do not type well quickly!

  2. Herbert, Rogers and Prescod have been charged a moment ago.

  3. Jeff Cumberbatch Avatar
    Jeff Cumberbatch

    I am personally quite sure that Herbert is not guilty, but I am equally sure that all three persons on the boat, including Herbert, will face charges.

    Agreed, Peter, so it might be best to go before the Magistrate, but the charge may be laid by the Police indictably.

  4. All three individuals held in the drug bust have been charged.

  5. NorthernObserver Avatar

    Seems, irrespective of who actually owned the drugs, all had to be charged?

  6. Still wondering why marijuana is being imported into Barbados when it is so easy to grow your own. Marijuana is a tropical crop and is as easy to grow as cassava. I have found some growing “wild” on my property. It was taller than me. I chopped it down with my handy Collins and frigged it down the nearest well, so if your water seemed “special” at some time I was the one to blame.


    I’ve never used the stuff myself. Never had any interest in doing so.

  7. Buncha old, old men charged.

    “While we asking how the youth get so?”

  8. Jeff Cumberbatch Avatar
    Jeff Cumberbatch

    Seems, irrespective of who actually owned the drugs, all had to be charged?

    @ NO, They were all presumed to be acting collectively. See my post from last night.

  9. Another Bajan saying “the higher the monkey climb, the more ya see he tail”

  10. Mariposa, I’m you’ll be happy to know that your favorite person, Akanni McDowell, has been redeemed.

  11. heheheheheheheheh

    John the Quaker is singing LOUDLY for his supper every day in this Ecstasy Choir.

    Let’s say that the Police are in possession of other information that suggests that this is not the first time for the parties involved in this fiasco to have been involved elsewhere before

    Lets say that because of a changing of the guard, both figuratively and literally, new workers were assigned to a task that they normally would not have had any dealings with

    Let’s say that BECAUSE OF THE ALLEGIANCES OF THESE PERSONS that they continued through on a matter that they would not have normally been involved in

    Let’s say that the Powers that be in this administration HAVING HAD THE INCIDENT GO VIRAL are at a loss as to how to get out of this veritable cluster badword?

    Let’s say that certain assurances have been given to the principals that the shipment would be here for August has not been realized

    Let’s say further that the Holders’ and the persons who are involved DID NOT THINK THIS OVER TOO DEEPLY because they are not deep thinkers but quasi drug lords?

    Let’s say further that while the previous DLP did not buy the drugs and plat them AS YOU AND OTHERS HERE HAVE BEEN SUGGESTING IN YOUR “STING BY DEPOSED FUMBLE” story that it is in the interest of the DLP to run certain “interference” in this matter

    Let’s say that as per the current configuration their proxies are on the tip of the spear AND THEY ARE NOT BACKING DOWN FROM THIS ONE….

    Let’s say that it does not matter all the changing of the stories as to 4 to 5 to 6 or 7 people that you have been instructed to throw into the mix, dat dem ent going leh he go?

    Lets say that de marijuana/cocaine interchange and two vessels now merged as one stories ent really cutting it?

    Lets say that the other kingpins see it in their interests to mek and example of Herbert and his perceived and purported interloping?

    Let’s ask you a hypothetical question John the Quaker

    Suppose the grandson was to just say, do a Stoopid Cartoon that ONLY STATED the existing facts that Are We There Yet stated at 8.55 am and appended the current development of these men being now charged DO YOU THINK THAT BU would let me publish that lumen of factoids here?

    Lets say that I seriously doubt it…

  12. Looks like all the chips done fall.

    Ya can do as much as you want, without being held accountable, but not for as long as ya like.

  13. @Hal Austin July 27, 2018 5:26 AM “GEL gave Mr Prescod a job.”

    I am currently not employed and I’d be glad for a job at GEL, or at any of the other big “white” companies. I do NOT have any criminal convictions. I have NEVER used marijuana or any other illegal drug. I have never mis-used prescription drugs. I have never taken more than 2 alcoholic drinks in any 24 hour period. I have never been fired. In more than 40 years i took less than 40 days of sick leave.

    Where do I apply? And can somebody “put in a good word for me?”

  14. I have found some growing “wild” on my property. It was taller than me.


    Could the Police nab you and charge you?

    I guess so, it was on your property and you are responsible!!

  15. NorthernObserver Avatar

    A single prediction in all of this, GEL will relocate its HO. The pressure was on, this will tip the scales, irrespective of the outcome of this event.

  16. All three charged



    FINGER.Prints and DNA will do most of the talking
    Bye Charles Herbert you now have been downgraded from being Head of the Private sector to scum of the earth
    How dare you place Barbados reputation in the gutter along with drug dealers
    Good Riddance you scum bag

  17. @John July 27, 2018 2:57 AM “Looks like GEL gave Mr. Prescod a second chance given his record.”


    Second chance guys are supposed to weed the roads for MTW (no disrespect to the genuine gentlemen and ladies who also work for MTW)

    I want a second chance too, to go sailing on a luxury ship up and down the sunny Carribean.

    That would be such a nice part time pick.


  18. No one in their right mind would take a 20year prison term for anyone, not when it’s so easy and cheaper to kill them in prison than pay them a million or two…everyone is going down…’s over.

    Personnel at the Police Drug Squad have today arrested and charged

    • Walter Oneal Prescod, 55, a sailor, of #107 Emerald Park East, St Philip
    • Christopher Glenn Rodgers, 56, a company director, of #27 York Road, Navy Gardens, Christ Church
    • Arthur Charles Herbert, 62, a company chairman, of Redland Plantation, St George.

    The three were jointly charged with the following offences which occurred on Monday, July 23, at the Bridgetown Port, St Michael.
    • possession of cannabis
    • possession with intent to supply cannabis
    • trafficking of cannabis
    • importation of cannabis
    The weight of the cannabis is 267 lbs (121.4 kilogrammes) with an estimated street value of $534 160.
    The three are set to appear in the District ‘A’ Magistrate’s Court later today.

  19. Georgie Porgie Avatar

    Q Where are our fearless journalists……..AS ASKED ABOVE.

  20. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    Fascinating that the value is now put at one sixth of the previous figures cited.

  21. Just one second though.

    What happen between $534,160 and $3,000,000?

    Doan tell de ole man dat Chris Stinkliar got people wukking at the Police Drug Investigation Department?

    Almost 5/6ths of the drugs dun disappear in the space of 7 days before the 3 “are set to appear” in the courtroom!

    Is it that de feller agree that we still got to have drugs pun de island for Kadooment Day?

    Say it ent so!

  22. Hahahahahahahaha

    Peter lawrence Thompson I was typing the very same thing that you posted lololol

    Or is that heheheheheheheh.

    I ent know but I am confused but I send de information to de grandson to see whu he can do bout clarifying the information in pictures

  23. Georgie Porgie Avatar



  24. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    pieceuhderockyeahright July 27, 2018 12:07 PM
    “Almost 5/6ths of the drugs dun disappear”
    The drugs didn’t disappear, the media reported nonsense in the first place about the value of the contraband. It’s not all their fault though: the RBPF gives out all sorts of contradictory numbers about the value of their drug interdiction to make themselves look good. For example they recently valued 466 pounds of cannabis at $1.8 million, but now this 267 pounds is firstly $3 million then revalued to $534,160. No matter how you do the math it cannot be reconciled.

  25. All I know is that as long as the file don’t disappear between now and the start of the case…I got to apologize to the mock police on BU when those 3 are

  26. MB
    @DULLARD, your moniker says it ALL! aka DUNCEY!

    Yes I am a a Dullard. The difference between me and you is that I admit my limitations!

    What say you now that charges brought against your (s)kin folk? You should be glad that we are not in the Philippines

  27. peterlawrencethompson Avatar

    Jeff Cumberbatch July 27, 2018 11:24 AM
    “so it might be best to go before the Magistrate, but the charge may be laid by the Police indictably.”
    Can we tell from the available information Jeff, whether the police have laid the charges indictably?

  28. Are-we-there-yet Avatar


    re. my 8:55 am post.

    I said then “Could there be some legal input now going on that strongly argues that the black detainee is not the sole culprit?”.

    The latest developments re. the charging of all three detainees strongly suggests that it is not business as usual. I don’t know what Arthur Holder’s role in the current outcome was, but, could it have been partially influential in the atypical charging of not just his erstwhile client but the two white detainees as well? If so, might he suffer some backlash?

    Despite the much lower valuation of the Contraband as compared with previous estimates. It seems evident that this case is and will be “one for the books”. You have indicated several factors that might be of importance in the current outcome but I suspect there might be some you omitted. eg. the possibility of external as well as internal informers; the low key yet
    implicit posture of the current government which seems to run counter to previous ones in this regard.

    PUDRYR, Your lumen of factoids are, as usual, impressive.

  29. @NO
    A single prediction in all of this, GEL will relocate its HO. The pressure was on, this will tip the scales, irrespective of the outcome of this event.

    Do you care to elaborate?

  30. Jeff Cumberbatch Avatar
    Jeff Cumberbatch

    Fascinating that the value is now put at one sixth of the previous figures cited.

    The United States Drug Enforcement Agency puts a $1,000 price tag on one pound of marijuana, but according to Michigan state police Lt. Garth Burnside, who heads the Narcotics Enforcement Team in Washtenaw County, this figure doesn’t account for the range of qualities – or prices – in the marijuana market.

    Who said $3million?

  31. If the value is now valued at only $500,000 all the more reason to ask yourself, why would two supposedly intelligent businessmen risk everything they own and value, especially their reputations on a mere $500,000 job. Rediculous!

  32. @Fear

    “If the value is now valued at only $500,000 all the more reason to ask yourself, why would two supposedly intelligent businessmen risk everything they own and value, especially their reputations on a mere $500,000 job. Rediculous!”

    C’mon. You believe that there was only half mil in contraband? Lol
    What happened to the cocaine that was initially reported?

  33. Annakani is tainted goods. In the meanwhile while Roslyn will use him in pretense as bridge towards a facade of unity
    The bridge will soon collapse as the reality of the IMF measures force a rift among the rank and membership and govt
    Annankani would have to go

  34. Annakani is tainted goods. In the meanwhile while Roslyn will use him in pretense as bridge towards a facade of unity
    The bridge will soon collapse as the reality of the IMF measures force a rift among the rank and membership and govt
    Annankani would have to go

  35. @Dullard, it would appear that we are all speculating, charging and convicting without adequate and accurate information. This reminds me of that old Southern saying “Give them a fair trial and then hang them”.

  36. PLT,

    Your limited knowledge is once more showing. You cannot be sure that Charles Herbert is innocent. What you can say is that you believe he is innocent. This is why we have due process. Let the courts decide.
    Th first test is are they going to be remanded in custody, or get bail?

  37. Georgie Porgie Avatar


  38. Georgie Porgie Avatar


  39. Greed is the biggest motivator for taking high risk
    Also the ability to take high risk and never get caught increases the motivator even more into a false sense of security that they are too smart to ever get caught
    Watching the wheels of justice turn in this case would be interesting as barbados agreement to fight the war on drugs is placed on financial aid from the USA a risk which would have been to high to take in letting Charles Herbert go free

  40. “Is it that de feller agree that we still got to have drugs pun de island for Kadooment Day?”

    If it is marijuana, it is a good haul for government to fill those medical Cannabis prescriptions for those people still waiting for treatment..

  41. If ACH was innocent because $3 M was too small a temptation, is he even more innocent now….

  42. Georgie Porgie Avatar

    RE Hal Austin July 27, 2018 12:40 PM

    PLT, Your limited knowledge is once more showing. You cannot be sure that Charles Herbert is innocent.


  43. Dullard, None of this effects my family BUT it does effect poor Bajans who have to live in a country obviously dominated by so called “leaders” rotten to the core. Duterte would be acting on my side if he managed Bim. Regret to inform you that you have overestimated your low limitations.

  44. I won’t worry about the amoun being reportedt, I am sure the other yachts that have been making their weekly or biweekly runs for years got through just fine that same week, the Herbert gang were not that lucky, happens in a high stakes business all the time.

    Now if the customs can confiscate a few more of those yachts with marijuana…the supply for the medical prescription can quadruple in no time, take some load and pressure off QEH and the drug service.

  45. Maxium sentence for Charles Herbert 20 years wouldnt be surprise if his presence has shown up else where on vidoes dealing with drug dealers
    All those who think he is such a nice guy would be surprised at the evidence when presented having Charles situtated in meetings dealing with drug dealers where big ups are present

  46. @Fearplay

    @Dullard, it would appear that we are all speculating, charging and convicting without adequate and accurate information. This reminds me of that old Southern saying “Give them a fair trial and then hang them”.

    Not at all. When Ras gets found with a spliff he gets implicated in the court system. Why should this be any different?
    What more information do you need?. The exact weight of the illicit cargo in ounces? The colour of the packages they were wrapped in?

    If this were 3 fishermen from Consett Bay or Scarborough no one would bat an eyelid at charges or jail time . But because we now have the plantocracy and “prominent businessmen” everybody is “looking for more information”. Stupse.

    You all are a bunch of hypocrits.

  47. How many contributors here be willing to take the risk of accompanying half million dollars in drugs through an official port of entry? And to those of you saying “I would”, how much are you worth compared to the two businessmen now charged. One further question, how many here have a public profile and reputation approaching those of the accused? Would you still take the risk of personally accompanying half-million dollars in drugs? I think not.

  48. @Caswell Franklyn July 27, 2018 5:54 AM “… Prescod, would take the fall for the bossman.”

    Black MAN the white man, ain’t your friend.

    When will you learn this?

  49. Ah wonder how good that weed is though, gotta be top of the line..if it’s weed cause the discrepancies from media and police are a thing..

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