Chris Rogers (l) Walter Prescod (c) Charles Herbert (r)


The news that approximately 3 million dollars worth of illegal drugs was discovered on a boat owned by Goddards Enterprises – a successful and respected international company domiciled in Barbados – continues to be the talk of the town. A few high profile names are reported to be assisting the police force read Charles Herbert the Chairman of Goddards Enterprises and Chris Rogers a non executive member who were reported to be on the boat when the interdiction was made by Barbados Customs Officers.

Information coming from the police about the progress of investigation has been slow as one would expect when prominent individuals are involved. Then add high profile lawyer Andrew Pilgrim to the mix. The blogmaster joins many expressing an interest in who will be charged and incarcerated for the crime. The tangential story is that there is an intense lobby with the charge in government to legalize marijuana for medicinal purposes.

The blogmaster ask commenters to be smart when posting comments. On behalf of the BU household we appeal to all those out there to continue to tip off the authorities so that we can arrest the scourge of drugs, guns and other illegal activity pouring into our little island. Feel free to email BU also with tips by completing the Contact List that will be forwarded confidentially to the blogmaster.

BU’s Featured image is Charles Herbert, Chairman of Goddards (l) and Chris Rogers, non executive board member (r).


778 responses to “Goddard’s Yacht Ecstasy Busted!”

  1. Georgie Porgie Avatar

    @ MoneyBrain July 27, 2018 12:47 PM

    Dullard, None of this effects my family BUT it does effect poor Bajans who have to live in a country obviously dominated by so called “leaders” rotten to the core.





  2. Precod would have to be one jackass of a black man to take 2 falls for white drug traffickers since it appears to be known by the police that he took a fall already.

  3. Moneybra

    “it does effect poor Bajans” –> Cmon, you care nothing about “poor Bajans”.
    “Duterte would be acting on my side if he managed Bim.” —> Are you sure? .

    “Regret to inform you that you have overestimated your low limitations.”—> Hehehe. That’s the best you can do? Rather than sophomoric put downs attempts I prefer to shine the light on your hypocrisy. Watch you contort with lies. This is way more fun.

    A. Dullard!!!

  4. @peterlawrencethompson July 27, 2018 10:10 AM “I am personally quite sure that Herbert is not guilty.

    As we all know there is a legal presumption of “innocent until proven guilty”. So when Omar from Cat’s Castle is found in the vicinity of where a few ziploc five bags have just been discarded, Omar too is presumed to be innocent.

    But NONE OF US can be “personally quite sure” of anything until we have had an opportunity to see and hear the EVIDENCE in court.

    You have not seen nor heard the evidence Peter. And neither have I, so at this point none of us can be “personally quite sure” of anything.

    Have a little chat with a divorce lawyer–not a criminal lawyer–it will greatly increase your understanding of the complexity of human behaviour.

    I have a lawyer friend who stopped dealing with divorces because he could not deal with human deviousness. The practice of criminal law is actually much easier than practising divorce law.

    We can NEVER EVER fully KNOW another human being, not even our spouses…

    or especially, not even our spouses.


    P.S. A schoolmate you have not spent much time with in the past 40+ years? Weren’t you living in Canada while he was living in Barbados? Stupssseee!!! You know virtually nothing about him.

  5. @Fearplay

    “How many contributors here be willing to take the risk of accompanying half million dollars in drugs through an official port of entry?
    I wouldn’t but those 3 apparently did, no?

    And to those of you saying “I would”, how much are you worth compared to the two businessmen now charged.
    I am A. Dullard, only worth about $3.51 but yet I am not the one charged, n’est-ce pas?

    One further question, how many here have a public profile and reputation approaching those of the accused? Would you still take the risk of personally accompanying half-million dollars in drugs?
    I am A. Dullard, with no profile no reputation yet those with “a public profile and reputation” have “personally accompanied half-million dollars in drugs” and are now “charged”, verdad?

    A. Dullard

  6. NorthernObserver Avatar

    No elaboration.

  7. Dullard wrote,
    Rather than sophomoric put downs attempts I prefer to shine the light on your hypocrisy.

    The lumen level of your shinning is even lower than your IQ. You have not made any point yet that would require me to contort in any fashion. Please try harder to say something worthy of serious response.

  8. Bail??? Oh please.

  9. Moneybrain,

    I wish we had a Rodrigo Duterte right about now.

  10. For Heavens sake, the three men faced the same charges. What is wrong with Barbados. @ William Skinner, Barbados is a failed nation.

  11. The researches in Barbados need to stay on top of this and don’t make up in crap…UK is the biggest exporter of medical cannabis..these people remain hypocrites to their dying days, ya can only export Cannabis if ya grow it…and/or have a huge supply and suppliers.

    “Doctors will be allowed to prescribe medicinal cannabis within months after home secretary Sajid Javid was advised by the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs that it has therapeutic benefits.

    It follows several high-profile campaigns which captured widespread media attention and evoked deep public sympathy.

    Campaigners had questioned how severely epileptic children could be prevented from accessing medicines that significantly improved their condition while the UK remained the world’s largest exporter of medicinal cannabis.

    Medicinal cannabis to be available on prescription in UK
    The UK’s move to legalise medicinal cannabis products will bring the country’s policy closer to that in countries such as Canada, Holland, Portugal and the majority of US states.

    Medical cannabis was outlawed almost five decades ago in 1971 amid fears that the substance served as a gateway to more dangerous drugs, with the US spearheading a return to the so-called ‘reefer madness’ era.

    Now, however, as emerging clinical data and volumes of anecdotal evidence amasses, suggesting cannabis can help patients living with epilepsy, MS, cancer and other serious conditions, modern medicine in the UK could be primed for serious change.”

  12. @ Well Well and Consequences

    You said and I quote “…Now if the customs can confiscate a few more of those yachts with marijuana…”

    While that is desirable and would show that the law is doing its job, it WILL NOT HAPPEN

    For two reasons

    (1) that overzealous team WILL NOT BE ALLOWED ANYWHERE NEAR INTERDICTION ENVIRONMENTS by the current administration

    (2) The current administration has received its instructions from the king pins so no one will be touched until next year other than the footsoldiers who are selling a few spliffs or “cars that are driving suspiciously” according to Carl Moore.

    So we can continue to expect remonstrations from Fearplay and John the Quaker and the dynamic duo for daring to even speak or in their words speculate on things that we know nothing about.

  13. Jeff Cumberbatch Avatar
    Jeff Cumberbatch

    Bail??? Oh please.

    Bail is primarily to secure the presence of the accused at his or her trial. It should not be used as a form of punishment, and suitable conditions may be imposed.They will probably be bailed.

  14. Jeff,

    I know what bail is for. Remanding someone in custody is the best way of making sure they attend the committal hearing. Remanding someone in custody is also necessary if there is concern that they may tamper with evidence or witnesses. A a neutral person, this would be my concern. How about the variation in bail?

  15. @ Mariposa

    Commendations to you for sticking to this topic and keeping it in the limelight even though another in another blog topic

    @ the Honourable Blogmaster

    Whichever of the three of you it was you are to be commended to have taken this topic from its obscurity and bringing it to the fore.

    I am sure that the *** administration is cursing one of you real bad but that one of you loves Barbados and is committed to the George Linnaeus Banks cause (the other two are learning and will hopefully one day walk in your shoes)

  16. Piece…the BU enablers can remonstrate all they want, they have been charged.

  17. Dullard wrote,

    I wish we had a Rodrigo Duterte right about now.

    We agree 1000%.

  18. horace rollins Avatar
    horace rollins

    re Bail

    you must start from the presumption that everyone should be bailed unless … and there is a list of factors and circumstances that will be presented for the Court to consider inter alia- the gravity of the offence, likelihood to re-offend, whether there is fear that the accused will abscond, likelihood of interfering with witnesses or evidence, etc. and each of these can be addressed by the Court or the defence by presenting passports to the courts, a like surety and an order from the Court to stay away from witnesses etc.

  19. Jeff Cumberbatch Avatar
    Jeff Cumberbatch

    Remanding someone in custody is the best way of making sure they attend the committal hearing. Remanding someone in custody is also necessary if there is concern that they may tamper with evidence or witnesses.

    This presumption should be established on evidence and not by mere assertion. The liberty of the subject is paramount and not to be lightly trifled with!

    *How about the variation in bail?&

    An unnecessary and provocative appearance of discriminatory treatment

  20. Maybe if they did not like to jump in front to hog everything, own everything, suck up all the financial opportunities so the majority population can gain nothing, access nothing, can’t move forward because of all the corruption these blights generate in their lives…we would not now be watching all this play out.

  21. n the meantime, Prescod, who is known to the court, was offered bail in the amount of $450,000, but up to the time of publication, he was awaiting a surety to post his bail to which conditions are also to be applied.

    He is represented by attorneys-at-law Arthur Holder and Shadia Simpson.

  22. Jeff,
    It is common sense. That is the only evidence you need. If someone is in custody, unless something unusual happens – ie illness or death – they are available to appear in court.

  23. Two directors in Goddard Enterprises Limited were each released today on $400, 000 bail with two sureties following Monday’s drug bust at the Bridgetown Port.

  24. Georgie Porgie Avatar
    Georgie Porgie

    why do you think there should be no bail?
    the bails were removed when these men brought in a bale of drugs………so bail LOL

  25. Charles Herbert of Redlands plantation.

    Wasn’t there a case about 3 years ago, of one of Herbert’s black managers (from the said Redland Plantation) being held with drugs and ammunition off St Lucy in a boat registered in a company belonging to the manager.

    It would be interesting to find out if this black fella who has been charged – Prescod – whose profession is given as – sailor – if he was hired directly by Herbert.

    So this would be the second employee belonging to Companies Herbert is associated with who has been charged with drugs.

    Why this man so unlucky though?

    Is it that the manager now charged cannot do the pick ups anymore for him so he had to resort to direct drops?

    Enquiring minds want to know.

  26. There is a history of blacks working for this man on his plantation with direct drug ties to him…I would check out all his properties, all the land he has cultivated. to see what he is growing.

  27. At least 2 of the 3 can sleep in their own beds this weekend, not sure of the fisherman turned sailor who is awaiting his surety. Holder is named as one of the lawyers for Prescod, if Holder wanted to pursue his career as a criminal lawyer he should have asked Mia to keep him on the back bench and spare us the charade of Mottley and Atherley dragging an “unwilling” Speaker to his chair.

    BTW Caswell mentioned ethics and Barbadian lawyers, surely, he knows that is a combustible mixture.

  28. Peter Maxwell Avatar

    Well, Well tantalizes us on July 27, 2018 at 1:55 PM:

    “There is a history of blacks working for this man on his plantation with direct drug ties to him…I would check out all his properties …”.

    And your evidence for this is… what?

  29. @ Those of Us who really Give a Damn

    Here is a perspective for consideration.

    Given that the principals to the crime recognised that they could not let go these 3 of the 6 people that were on the vessel.

    Given that they said that they would be tarnishing the reputations of specific people with certain standing elsewhere.

    What the parties and their administrative collaborators decided was this…

    “…We going cut them off at the pass…”

    Who we gots under our finger in the courts?

    SO fellers what we going do is we going have to get a feller let them go so we going pick…?

    Watch carefully who going get pick

    Now let me revert to the carefully chosen points of Horace Rollins who is also thinking ahead like Are We There Yet

    @ Horace Rollins

    You said and i quote “and there is a list of factors and circumstances that will be presented for the Court to consider inter alia…

    (a) the gravity of the offence, (now lessened because the value of the drugs has gone from $3million to 1/2 million

    (b) likelihood to re-offend, (a serious consideration that the Human Resources Department of the great Goddards Enterprises Limited with its numerous governance Committes ignored)

    (c) whether there is fear that the accused will abscond, (imagine that we happen to have a man who has a private yacht in a country with an expansive coast line not wanting to abscond?)

    (d) likelihood of interfering with witnesses (whuloss dem cant be serious? whu dem already interferring with the witnesses AND THE THREE OTHER SUSPECTS who have mysteriously disappeared)

    (e) or evidence, etc. (whuloss you mean that the drugs already decreased to 1/2 million dollars already)

    But Mr Rollins you do see where the ole man disagrees with your with your suggestions or is that subliminal thought projections for the benefit of judicial reviewers that “by presenting passports to the courts, coupled with a like surety” that these fellers will be released on bail?

    Ahh haaaa this is why the amount of the drugs was decreased from $3 million to 1/2 million!

    Wunna really thinking ahead!

    So de ole man going predict that all three suspects going be offered bail the amount of which we have yet to see AND DE OLE MAN GOING PROJECT DAT IT GOING BE BOUT $100K for each of dem INCLUDING DE RE-OFFENDER PRESCOD!

    Steupseee but a feller wid two spliffs up in Dodds awaiting a trial date for over a year

  30. I love being petty, so I will ask a foolish question. We have heard from David the blogmaster that “Goddards Enterprises [is] a successful and respected international company.”

    We have heard from PLT on July 25 at 9:20 a.m. that one of the accused is “as rich as Croesus”

    I am wondering if the company has a pension plan for all of its employees, a medical plan, a dental plan?
    I know, I know one cannot force one’s employees to go to the dentist.

    But why on earth does the black employee have a hanging incisor/eye tooth that makes him look like a lion?

    Any good dentist in Barbados could fix that for a few thousand dollars.

    Successful well respected companies, and Chairmen who are “as rich as Croesus” should let a lot of that money GUSH, not trickle, they should let a lot of that money GUSH down even to the lowest ranked employees.

  31. Smoke and mirrors.

    Rich get bail and out walking in the sunshine. Andrew “Johnny Cochrane” Pilgrim will be getting a liftime supply of macaroni pie. lol

    Poor Prescod get jail for now.

  32. @T.Inniss July 27, 2018 1:47 PM “Why this man so unlucky though?”

    I feel that you T.Inniss work obeah on him.


  33. @ Simple Simon

    Lollll. Huh?

  34. @Well, Well July 27, 2018 1:55 PM “There is a history of blacks working for this man on his plantation with direct drug ties to him…I would check out all his properties, all the land he has cultivated. to see what he is growing.”

    You ain’t hear what PLT told us. His schoolmate grows lettuce.

    I grow ground provisions and vegetables, lettuce too, but alas I am not as rich as Croesus.

    Right now 23 cents in one account, and 56 cents in the other.

  35. lol..lettuce huh!!

    exyardfowl must be in heaven, her enemy Herbert took a hard fall…Karma had no time to waste.

  36. @Hants July 27, 2018 2:12 PM “Poor Prescod get jail for now.”

    Wait!!! Prescod int got no white friends who could sign bail fa he?

  37. Regret that I can’t sign it either, since my worth right now is 79 cents.

    That is 79 cents BDS, not U.S.D.

  38. “Successful well respected companies, and Chairmen who are “as rich as Croesus” should let a lot of that money GUSH, not trickle, they should let a lot of that money GUSH down even to the lowest ranked employees.”

    They are greedy, selfish and avaricious, they believe they are the only ones who should be wealthy and everyone else who is not their kith and s(kin) should be paid a pittance and suffer.

  39. I reckon more employers will do deeper background checks on their employees … and prospective employees.

    Wouldn’t be surprised to see mandatory drug testing become a condition of employment given the apparent demand for drugs in Barbados.

    So how much exactly are the drugs worth?

    What was the press value up till the charge specified the value?

    Why the huge difference?

  40. Listening here to the griots Adonijah and Classic? singing respectively “Two Barbadoses” and Classic? singing “In Bed Together”

  41. It has now become difficult to avoid charging and prosecuting politicians!!

  42. John,

    It is nothing to do with background checks on employees. Stop your deceptive nonsense.

  43. “And your evidence for this is… what?”

    Ask the concern is the files disappearing before trial..I would love them to screw up in that way, everyone will is watching this case.

  44. And the young RPB (1985) singing “Me Hands Tied”

  45. “Wait!!! Prescod int got no white friends who could sign bail fa he?”

    Those negros better stop that shit if ya are going to get locked up for drugs, man sure it’s your own.

  46. Simple,
    Charles is Chairman of the Board and NOT an operating officer at the organisation on a daily basis.

  47. Hal

    We just watched an asset of a major Private Sector company and employer of over 6500 being used to bring its name into disrepute.

    You really think employers will not take action to prevent being the next one?

  48. Hants,

    Who are the sureties for the two GEL men? Why could that person(s) not stand surety for Prescod? In any case, anyone accused of a serious indictable offence should be remanded in custody. It is a fallacy that the court can guarantee an appearance if someone is given bail. Remember the retired priest who was remanded in custody by that fretful woman?
    There is no condition, unless they are handcuffed to their front doors, of guaranteeing a remanded person appearing in court. It is a middle class myth.
    Regular reports to the local police station, handing in travel documents. In this case, there is a private yacht involved and it is almost certain the two business people, although honest as the day is bright, have friends with access to private planes and other yachts.All three should have been remanded in custody.
    The DPP should go to a judge in chambers to get the magistrate’s decision over-ruled. Then again, neither of them is Ninja man. Barbados is a failed state.

  49. Simple Simon
    July 27, 2018 2:27 PM

    Regret that I can’t sign it either, since my worth right now is 79 cents.
    That is 79 cents BDS, not U.S.D.


    I got the impression from your contributions that you were a major marijuana farmer, well versed in the destruction of evidence to avoid prosecution!!

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