Submitted by Yardbroom

Mia Mottley, former leader of the Opposition

In making a political decision you “must” factor in what is the likely outcome and how you will respond to it, obviously to your advantage…..that is real politics.  We are where we are, therefore the present situation has got to be dealt with.  The euphoria – for some – in the recent successful change of leader in The Barbados Labour Party is almost a distant memory but the heat of the next general election has already started to warm the hands of a few; others can feel the chill of defeat.  In balancing the risk factors resulting from that change of leadership and how to turn them into a positive result, it will take the acumen of a keen actuarial brain coupled with tactical awareness; but so it should be for the prize is to be the next Prime Minister of Barbados.

Like him or loath him, Owen Arthur was able to persuade his parliamentary colleagues to support his bid for re-election as leader of the Party.  I will not concern myself here with the minutiae of that challenge germane as it is.  I am looking forward.

A section of the electorate – even here on BU – who are dedicated DLP supporters seek to praise Mia Mottley with a view to sow discord in the BLP ranks; not to be outdone a few BLP supporters are praising Chris Sinckler and even asking why he is not leader of the DLP, such activists – not always – seek to be mischievous and appeal to ego.

My track record in these things is fairly solid; so I will be up front once again.  The outcome of the next Barbados General Election will depend on decisions made in the BLP,  having made such a bold statement I must explain the reasoning which underpins it.

Owen Arthur has a difficult decision to make, the BLP will not win an outright victory – with a governing majority – unless Mia Mottley is on board.  Arthur has to decide how that feat will can be accomplished, politics is about practicalities and outcomes.  The best brains and ideas are useless unless you are in Government and in a position to implement policy…all politicians know that.

Mia Mottley has more power now to influence events than she did before, to compound that she is rock solid in her constituency, the bell is not tolling for Mia Motley.  Others might wish that were the case but it is not so.  In examining a political situation one must stand back from a stance based on personal likes or dislikes, a failure to do so ensures flawed thinking.

A political construct based on what has happened or is happening to a particular party in America, Canada, UK or other Caribbean islands does not take account of the peculiarities of Barbados politics, where positions are fashioned on a myriad of issues beguiling to an outsider.
The Barbados General Election campaign started some time ago, it is now the fine tuning which has to take place, for if the BLP fails to act – whatever the economy – the DLP will gallop away with a resounding victory.

You might have noticed there is no mention here of Prime Minister Freundel Stuart, neither have I sought to highlight the abilities or otherwise of Chris Sincker, my reasoning is that to do so at this juncture and in this submission would be to take my eye off the ball.  I have focused on where the “real action” is and the factor which will determine the outcome of the next general election in Barbados.  I have no wish list of any kind, just naked pragmatism.

Others might take  different views, those I will respect but they are theirs to give.

Can Owen Arthur offer anything to Mia Mottley and if he did would she accept his offer, or perhaps more pertinent should she accept, or are the wounds too fresh.  The clock is ticking and only they can decide but the words exchanged between them and the body language presented and perceived by the Barbados electorate will determine the future of Barbados for a decade or more.  Other issues are significant and will to some degree impact on the next Barbados general election, my omission of them does not mean they are trivial but I contend that the Mia Mottley Owen Arthur factor will determine the real prize…the next Prime Minister of Barbados.

  1. yes yardroom. the BLP is indeed between a rock and a hard place and the DLP will certainly gaLlop away with a victory by default because from conversing with oNe of the gang of five it seems that they are either ignorant or naive of THE DAMAGE OF- NOT WHAT THEY DID BUT HOW THEY WENT ABOUT GETTING RID OF MISS MOTTLEY- would IMPACT ON THE CRUCIAL 13% INDEPENDENT VOTE and possibility the credibility of the party for some time to come. i am on record on this forum of praising mr arthur for his management of the economy for the past 14 years his mistakes in some areas notwithstanding but the fact is that most barbadians enjoyed for 14 years a reasonable and successful standard od living which was the envy of some of our caribbean neighbours. most of all, he restored confidence to a battered and discredited economy.but having sid all that his behaviour in recent times and his seemingly destruction of an organisation which made his name a household word has diminished his status as a leader in my books.

  2. I can’t speak for the 13% of independent voters only for myself. I would say that I worry more about the ECONOMY than about the way “the gang of five” got rid of Miss Mottley.
    I don’t see that much of a difference in ideaology between the DLP and the BLP; more a difference in personalities. Economy was better under BLP, however, can’t blame DLP for the global economic crisis.
    What I’m really interested in, is finding out how the 2 parties differ in measures they think need to be taken to turn the economy around. That is what will make me decide which party to vote for. I am not interested in their internal infighting.

  3. Perlixin Pearlie Avatar

    My beloved David John Howard Thompson
    Ah loves yuh and miss yuh.
    Rest in peace and rise in glory!

  4. We may disagree about political decisions taken by parties when in power but decency is still one of the characteristics that most Barbadians hold fast to.

    I am not a supporter of Mia Mottley and certainly not Owen Arthur but when he used the University office to tell the world that Mia(opposition leader) must change her lifestyle and he did not say what she must change, to become a leader of Barbados then that would have hurt anyone to the core.

    Even if things said were rumours, he made people really start to believe what they were hearing.

    How would she feel when on this blog her party supporters who she may know support Owen says such nasty things about her and family. For example the person who goes by name of lemuel

    She may want her party to win but I do not feel she will support Owen in the next election.

    If Owen succeeds in getting Clyde Mascoll in a constituency that fits his profile (can someone explain that for me) there will be a lot of behind the scenes backstabbing.

  5. @Independent

    Your comment is interesting to whether it proves your point or not.

    This precedent setting.

  6. @ David
    What do you find interesting? That I don’t see that much difference between the Dems and the Bees (just look at the ease with which persons cross the floor for eg. personal grievances) or that economic measures will weigh heavily in my decision which party to vote for?
    Could you elaborate a little more on “This precedent setting”.

  7. I don’t think mia isthat mean and vindictive. i do believe she would ask herself what would be the risk to the country .if she really believes that Owen is the best person and far head and shoulders above Freundel in bringing the country out of the economic mess ,she would bit the bullet and back Owen. Inother words she would be willing to put the “best interest ” of the country above all else. I do believeher love of country supersedes her Love for herself and it shows. That is why the public totally support her. despite what others in the BLP would think. She holds the Keys as to wether or not the BLP wins .The public knows that as well as the party warriors.

  8. @Independent

    Nothing so indept. One would think your assertion that the economy should determine who wins the next election should be obvious.

    However the machinations taking place in the BLP with Arthur, Mottley, Payne and now the Eastmond matter threatens to subsume ever thing.

    How will this factor?

  9. @ David
    I don’t know how it will factor in. Mind you the DLP only benefits from all this ( BLP infighting), even if only because it detracts from more pressing issues.
    I would hope that the electorate would not be easily duped, but insist on issues being discussed and on politicians taking a clear stand on economic matters and on eg FOI legislation.
    Having said that, I’m getting depressed because we only have to think about the DLP manifesto /promises in the last election and what they have
    achieved thus far. And the DLP can’t use the economic crisis as a blanket excuse for not achieving what they promised.

    Minister Estwick made comments about BWA, so …..what exactly is going on there? How much did he say government is going to spend on a sugar fac

  10. factory?
    I thought I heard the sugar industry was a of time and money?

  11. @Independent

    It is unfortunate the government has had little wriggle room to engage in expansive and or developmental projects.

    We live in interesting times.

  12. better cn be done Avatar
    better cn be done

    People vote in their best interests. idont think that the DLP is in the best interests of the country.Whether Mia and Owen are on the best personal terms is not important to the way the country is governed. the DLP is hoping that their mistakes ,bleeps and blundeers are susdumed under the quarrels of Owen and Mia.. Let the Dems rule efficiently or go.this is a very poor government. The people wil judge them on their proformance and their proformance is poor pure and simple

  13. People vote for different reasons.

  14. I have found it passing strange that Mia after her initial statement on the day she was removed has never said why she was removed. Mia never reads from prepared scripts, that day she read from a prepared script. I thought that was strange.

    Mia and Mia alone can bring an end to this feud by letting the public know why she was removed. She should say whether she intends to leave the BLP and they will then able to move on. But by not doing this, she has held the party to ransom, her DLP friends continue to spew lies on how bad she was treated. If she thinks this will harm the BLP, so that she could get back the leadership, I think she is sadly mistaken.

    Right now, people are hurting, they have slowly come to the conclusion that the Dems dont have a clue how to fix the economy. Just listen to the Central Bank Governor and you would see that he does not inspire any confidence. When the PM is ready to call elections, Bajans will remember how they had prosperity under the Bees, and vote for their survival.

    Mia by this time would have to join the Dems if she does not want to fall in line!

    As a foot note, I detect from the Big Interview with Mara that she does not seem at all happy with her decision to become the MP. That’s just my take on a comment half way in the interview!

  15. Right now Barbados needs strong leadership and persons that know what they are doing. Persons strong enough to stand up to the Super Powers, the IMF and our unions to ensure that we get the best for Barbados and the people of Barbados.

    I only hope that after the next elections regardless as to which party wins that we have a more balanced Parliament and more balanced views, so that when bills etc. is not a forgone conclusion that it’s going to be passed.

    In regards to Mia Mottley, I think she is doing a lot right now to boost her popularity and to try to enhance her image. Ms Mottley still has a lot to offer Barbados.

  16. Perlixin Pearlie
    Waitttttttttttttt, dah is you? wah becum a you soul? I miss you like I miss my late PM.
    I was hay readin de Nation n believ me, afta a year, I still sheddin a tear. I miss he rale bad.
    I in a rale sombra mood taday.

    Hope ta hare ya soon again Perlixin. Miss ya jokes.

  17. Sargeant/Kiki
    Pull up dis chune fa ma fa ma late PM:

    “Gone” by Ferlin Husky.

    Tanks wunna-all.

  18. Mia is aloyalist and she is not going to let the party mugufaee throw her out of the party that her father was a big part of making and shaping. Why should she. Remember he who laughs first always laugh last.

    The life of the late David Thompson even though was shortened had accomplished sufficient that those who remember him would be joyful that his life was not in vain. “Even though he is dead “Yet does he live”

  19. ac- as far as i am aware mr thompson was an extremely intelligent individual and a skilful and articulatedebater who used his debating skills to capture the imagination of the public from an early age.he joined the political party to which his mother was affiliated from an early age spoke tellingly on political platforms. he was a loyal party member who was in the vanguard of the party’s political battles.he inherited a safe DLP seat in st john on mr barrow’s desath and he is not known to be a brilliant lawyer. to his discredit, he was the attorney for clico and must share some responsibility for the suffering policy holders now endure.HOWEVER, HE EARNED AND DESERVED EVERY ACCOLADE OBTAINED FROM THE PARTY TO WHICH HE GAVE HIS ALL.BEFORE HIS DEATH. BUT MR THOMPSON TO THE BEST OF MY ABILITY DID NOT DO ANYTHING FOR THE COUNTRY AND PEOPLE OF BARBADOS THAT DESERVES NATIONAL ACCLAIM. AC, IF YOU CAN, PLEASE INFORM ME. SOME WILL SAY THAT HIS UNTIMELY DEATH DID NOT AFFORD HIM THAT OPPORTUNITY BUT THAT WILL ALWAYS REMAIN SPECULATIVE.BY THE WAY, AC, MISS MOTTLEY’S FATHER DID NOT PLAY ANY PART BIG OR SMALL IN SHAPING THE BLP. MISS MOTTLEY’S GRANDFATHER SUPPORTED THE DLP IN THE 1961 ELECTIONS WHICH GAVE THE DLP THE GOVERNMENT.MIS MOTTLEY’S FATHER WAS THE REPRESENTATIVE FOR THE BLP IN THE CITY OF BRIDGETOWN. HE RELINQUISHED THE SEAT TO TAKE UP THE POST OF CONSUL-GENERAL IN NEW YORK AT MR BARROW’S URGING. I BELIEVE THAT MISS MOTTLEY AT ONE TIME WAS A MEMBER OF THE YOUNG DEMOCRATS.

  20. Another test which has assumed public interest is the unfolding saga in St. James North.

    Rawle Eastmond is seen as one of those politicians who is ‘different’, to oust him to allow Hinkson to continue may make less of a wave than if Mascoll is foisted on the constituency.

  21. @ balance. You know Some of see things and say ” why” others see and say “WHY NOT” that summarise Mr. Thompson. It is not much of what he merited out but the quality and the lives that he touched and made a difference. is not always about Politics but also about the induvidual and a legacy of compassion and understand that one gives.A compliment he earned and well deseringly so.Take off your political hat for a moment. and reminesce for an individual who had hopes and dreams for our country but unfortunately was not able to fulfill them .

    As for Mr . Mottley not old enough to remember but i do remember hearing my granmother speak highly of him and his valuable contribution to the party. Thanks however for your input i would remeber what i have gatehered and learn from it.

  22. If the DLP had nominated Austin Husbands to run in St. James North and the BLP ousted Rawle Eastnond, then that seat would be won by the DLP. However without Rawle (BLP) or Austin(DLP), that seat would be up for grabs

  23. The dLP needs to stop focussing on the ills of the BLP, if they want to win the next elections. The party has to start easing the pressure on the voting public, because promises will not win an election this time. The BLP can do the promising because they are in opposition and the voting public knows they delivered when they ousted the DLP. However, the DLP has not done much of they promises in the manifesto and now they have just over one year to put their house in order. There are big problems within the BLP but the DLP had similar problems close to the last elections and won the government becuse the BLP was NOT performing, history can well repeat itself this next general elections.

  24. @Prodigal Son……..Since when is the burden of proof the defendant’s? Mia does not owe an explanation to anyone.To the contrary those who level the charge are yet to offer substantiation. Perhaps they can begin by explaining how the very criteria that qualified her as deputy now poses a challenge to her ascension to leadership. Lifestyle we are told precludes the above. Lets talk about Betty’s son(his name escapes me right now) who ran bout with all of us in the village.His dad was the Prime Minister,and we have never had a first lady by the name of Betty.Lets talk about the bedroom that was flooded with a garden hose pushed through the broken louvers all because the side woman was having a fling with another man.This dastardly deed was done by a sitting Prime Minister. Does the chief judge,Mr. opposition leader have offspring born outside of wedlock? Good for the goose,but not for the gander?Or should it be the other way around?

  25. Perlixin Pearlie Avatar
    Perlixin Pearlie

    How you girl? I hope you still trussing in de Lord and you aint letting some a de vagabuns bout de place mek you sin yuh soul.
    I still hey, poor, peaceful and polite. I keepin a low profile cause de Lord give me some visions and den tell me tuh keep my big mout shut. I aint harty like one time, but I still hinging on. Wid de big lotta teefing and ting dese days I does keep my winda shut up tight tight tight

  26. BP

  27. Bonny I tought yuh frien Pearlie did get sick from skinning she behind at muh, ah tought she mighta catch a cold yuh knoe where. But ah glad tah see she pooping in hey evan dough she did buse muh lika fishwife. Pearlie ah hopes yuh doing fine.

  28. HH,

    You are not drawing me into people’s personal business. Suffice to say, Dems seem to know about everybody in the BLP bedroom business but overlook the children fathered by DLP MP’s outside of marriage, those who claim responsibility for the outside children to protect those in leadership positions, those who impregnate underage girls and those who lead a gay lifestyle.

    I disagree with you, Mia has to defend herself if she wants back the leadership. She has played her cards so badly (taking advice from Dems) that she has backed herself into a corner. To be leader again, she must have the support of the very same people whom she now refuses to be in their company. Pray tell me which of those MPs will vote for her to be leader over them. Was her dictatorial leadership style not the problem?

    I maintain that Mia believes that she has all the aces and can hold the BLP to ransom. I think she will find out that she has overplayed her hand. No one is bigger than the party.

  29. Sargeant
    mwahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, smoochhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, smoochhhhhhhhhh. I owe ya one. Jess tell ma when ya want um. LOLL
    Since ya bin sa kine, ya kin pull up dis chune from me ta yaself; “Heaven says hello’ by Sonny James.
    Tanks man.

    Lawdddddd, bless ma eyesite. Girl, as long as ya livin sumting gotta befall ya, so jess tek evva ting in stride n tank de Lord fa life. It coulda bin worsa. But ya kin still gih ma a shout-out evva now n den. Uh miss ya tu bad.

    LOLL. Perlixin is a hole comedy-fest in one. I tawt I did bad til I meet she. She mo badda dhan me any time bosey. Lord hah mercyyyyyyyyyy,

  30. It would be insightful to read a poll to see how Mia, Owen and Fruendel stake up nationally. There is a sense that despite everything which has flowed under the bridge Mia’s national profile has been climbing. The challenges which she faces is that has Prodigal Son commented, she will need the support of the current lot of her parliamentary colleagues.

  31. there is no doubt about it. miss mottley is probably the only politician in parliament outside of mr arthur despite his shortcomings that has a national following. in the present system of governance,she has proven herself as competent as anyone to lead this country.much has been made of miss mottley’s purported lesbian lifestyle everybody has some sort of skeleton in their closet and we must be carreful how we condemn. mr artur should be made to explain his volte-face about miss mottlet after singing her praises and castigating others for maligning her character. miss mottley has proven to be a skilful politician fully in command of her constituency, just as articulate a debater as mr thompson and cannot be faulted for the management of the ministries she commanded.

  32. ac nice try but a lot of the love garnered by mr thompson was to my mind as a result of the compassion and sympathy for a young brilliant individual and family man cut down in the prime of his life. it is not unusual to see such incidences here in this little island particularlt when a young person dies tragically far less a prime minister riding the crest of the wave. mr thompson was no more compassionate than anybody else, matter of fact he received more compassion than he gave. it would have been good if he had translated that ompassion to the poor suffering policy holders of clico like myself and not give all to mer parris. mr thompson lost three elections as leader of the dlp and ran from office notwithstanding his compassion adnd the lives you say he i indicated, any talk of what he might have done is only speculative because there were things he promised to do before his sickness that he did not do, so his track record in this regard would be somewhat skewed.

  33. It seems the Mia Mottley detractors are intimating there is ‘something’ which caused her to be ousted.

    If it is so bad why don’t they dropped the bomb and forget the insinuations?

    Wouldn’t it make Mottley go away and relieve the party of the distraction headed into a general election?

  34. BP

  35. Chaos in both parties!
    Peter Gilkes tell Tan Abed son to “f…off” a few days ago, because the young man refused to canvass with him and Harry Husbands
    Harry Husbands cuss carlton hinds in St John parish church immidiately after the service for the late PM, David Thompson…Seems like Carlton and Harry have a score to settle, since Carlton criticized the decision to replace his brother-in-law. Harry tek it “personal”.

  36. Dale Marshall you got to be a Prodigal Idiot if you really feel that Mia Mottley will have no influence over whether the BLP wins the next election. We ain’t buying what you selling.

    Face the facts man. The woman is popular right across the length and breadth of the country. She continues to espouse original ideas and solutions that people can understand and believe in. She is not on any witch hunt and she comes across as genuine and compassionate.

    I know you would probably not have attended Barney’s Branch Meeting so read what she said about the urgency of curbing spending on transfers and subsidies in today’s Nation. She is calling yet again for Parliament to look at this problem in a bi-partisan way because if the Government does not take immediate action to control spending we all going to Hell in a hand basket.

    If as her Deputy you had a problem with her leadership style did you raise it with her, or did you do what you do best – smile and say I backing you, till George pulled the strings. Remember one thing, your turn going come so don’t hold your breath waiting for Owen to live up to his part of the Prior Park deal. You going be out on your ass just like Mia. You can’t see he gone back to the old divide and rule tactics of praising up Mascoll. You think you going win that war? A promise is comfort to a fool, Dale. He going ditch you and George as soon as he no longer needs you.

    You back the wrong horse, ma boy. And remember this, if the BLP should win you going need at least 16 seats. You sure 8 possible winners going back Owen? Do you remember who became Prime Minister the morning after the 1961 Election? Was he the Party Leader on Election Day?

    You all so foolish you want your best asset to join the Dems, but then again maybe you feel that would clear the way for you. Ain’t gonna happen. You better try and win your seat and hope that George wins his too, or it going be awfully lonely for you.

    If I was Mia Mottley I wouldn’t want any of you around me and I don’t know why you craving her company now. You didn’t want it when you had it. You Dale, and the other three idiots going make my poor country have to suffer another five years of Fruendel and Chris. Lord help us all!

  37. I am very apprehensive about those politicians who apparently collaborate with and curry the favour of those persons alleged to be be gang leaders or drug barons. In Trinidad and Jamaica, much of the present problems those countries experience have their genesis in the misguided belief by politicians that the drug barons, dons and other ‘leaders’ of the informal and often illegal economy were acceptable (and controllable) conduits to the so called masses. This collaboration between the politicians and those who Patrick Manning in Trinidad termed “community leaders” has led to the havoc being experienced in Trinidad and Jamaica. At a time of economic depression when the formal economy and by extension the State is extremely vulnerable, it is unwise to amplify the economic and social influence of these ‘community leaders’. This will come back to haunt all of us in the future.

  38. Does anyone think that the legitimizing of Dudus Coke was not done in plain sight of ordinary Jamaicans? At his sentencing Coke used his record of philanthropy in the community as consideration for gaining reduced jail time.

    In a local football tournament which appears to be a big success, it is alleged by some that some questionable characters are involved. It is up to the citizens working in tandem with the authorities to expose wrongdoing if it exist.

  39. balance mr thompson term in office was short lived. unfortunately no one can say what he would have done to amend the policy holders. But i for one believes he would have done the right thing. As a matter of fact you are being speculutive yourself not knowing how thompson would have handled the Clico matter .May He Rest In Peace


  41. I totally agree that until Owen Arthur and his gang stop marginalising Mia Mottlet that the BLP will not win the next election even though the DLP don’t seem capable of running an effiecient Government.
    All now the DLP is in their reelection mode trying to keep David Thompson’s name alive. A man that promised so much and delivered so little. All I remember him for is his ability to drop little comments about this person and that person and all of this will come to an end with his election. He fooled us into believing the BLP was tired and didn’t know what it was doing and that the BLP was blaming the world situations for it not delivering to the people of Barbados but he have a team that can deliver to Barbados and show the BLP what to do. But as soon as he got into power all his promises went out through the window. He had achieved his life long goal and that was it. Not one promised fulfilled. I wish he was here now cause he have a lot to answer to us policy holders at Clico

  42. Yardbroom:

    I agree, Mia must take the floor for this ‘Party” to start. The music will play but the dancing cannot start – so Owen can dance all around the issue of his supporting Mia during his tenure as PM and now in Opposition giving the impression that she is not ‘fit’ for leadership. With the recent rains in Barbados any wool over our eyes was washed away.

    I said in an earlier post BLP has to tell the public the reason Mia was removed from leadership within her Party. No-one cares about Owen’s 14 years as PM today since his grand performance during the ailing and afterward death of Thompson. This is what is before us and he has to deal with it. He cannot start a political meeting without addressing this. People want to hear why he did what he did in 2010 taking his full support from Mia the then leader of the Opposition. He will have to state her inability to manage the position, and, her alleged ‘lifestyle’ is not going to be an acceptable answer, because, it is not proven that it inhibited her from performing her duties when she was the Oppostion Leader, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister with portfolios with Owen’s blessings.

    We are not Owen’s little children that he can come and say this discussion is not for you at this time. The electorate may remain silent and appreciate and accept certain activities as ‘politics’ like overthrowing A in support of B. However, when you say that you are taking a break and come back to say you will lead because of a person’s ‘lifestyle’ you are insulting the electorate.

    Owen can shout, scream, shake, bend, turn … but, until he states the reason for the change of leadership within his party dancing will not happen. Owen said that David Thompson was not fit to lead Barbados. For years that was the music and the dance of the BLP – just imagery. He cannot do it with Mia without stating fact because he gave her his ‘full’ support. His usual comment ‘forgive me, I am only human’ will not suffice now either.

  43. Does anyone know when the next Cadres Poll will be whether sponsored by the Nation newspaper or privately sponsored?

  44. Home
    I also think Mia Mottley needs to come clean and tell the people why she THINKS that she was removed. This would put Owen on the defensive and he would have to come with his reasoning. My feeling is that neither Mia nor Owen wants to talk about it. She needs to eat some humble pie and get her act together, she’s still on track to become Barbados’ first female P.M ; it’s now up to her.

  45. Logic 101 says that if something occurred which necessitated the removal of Mia by Arthur, Payne and cohorts and both sides are silent then it becomes obvious. The reason why has implications for the party and possibly others within the party.

  46. millertheanunnaki Avatar


    Please find below a few pointers on integrity that should help you deal with the challenges that are eating away at your moral body fabric and bothering your conscience:

    Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it. ~Buddha

    To speak ill of others is a dishonest way of praising ourselves. ~Will Durant

    As soon as you concern yourself with the “good” and “bad” of your fellows, you create an opening in your heart for maliciousness to enter. ~Morihei Ueshiba

    Sin lies only in hurting other people unnecessarily. All other “sins” are invented nonsense. (Hurting yourself is not a sin – just stupid.) ~Robert A. Heinlein

    To know what is right and not do it is the worst cowardice. ~Confucius


    Saying that I made a massive error in judgment is not beyond you. After all, you did take blame for everything that went “wrong” under your watch and, by deduction, asked the Barbadian public to accept your frailty as a human being. Being humble, remorseful and asking for forgiveness are not signs of weakness but those of greatness that would help you overcome the demons still inside of you. Unless you put an end to this festering scandalous affair by letting the voting public know the basis for your actions or by re-engaging with MAM in an openly contrite and genuine manner, the sweetness of power might attend you with an incurable dose of political diabetes.

  47. millertheanunnaki
    We are just speculating, maybe it is something neither one of them wants to expose to the voting public. While it may seem wrong to the administrative body of the party, Mia might see nothing wrong with it, yet neither is willing to talk. Since it seems bad enough to bring the party into disrepute, I think it is on Mia to declare her hand or just eat humble pie and fall in line; the party has to be very careful of their mouthings since without clear evidence, they can be sued, and one of the parties involved is famous for that. What is sure NO MAN/WOMAN IS BIGGER THAN EITHER OF THE PARTIES.

  48. tHE NEXT GENERAL ELECTIONS WILL BE A TOSS-UP BETWEEN THE TWO MAJOR PARTIES Either one is capable of winning, but at this moment the DLP has its nose in front. However, a day in politics is a long time and things can change overnight, once the BLP can regroup the DLP would have a stiff challenge. However, whichever party is succesful, it would be in the country’s best interest that a strong opposition be formed to keep the ruling government in check

  49. millertheanunnaki Avatar

    @ Scout:
    Do you accept that in our neck of the democratic woods a person is innocent until proven guilty? It is OSA and his brigade that brought charges of “questionable lifestyle and unsuitability for high office” against MAM in the public.
    It is disingenuous of you to expect a person to appear in the court of public opinion to admit to and confess to actions that are not laid out in the prosecutors’ charge sheets.

    I totally disagree that the onus lies with MAM to initiate the process of rapprochement. She is NOT the one that initiated the breakdown of the political marriage and created the hiatus than will lead to political dismissal at the soon coming general elections if not patched up by her accusers by dropping the unfounded, unsubstantiated charges.
    Read again the quotes on integrity of character and see if your position remains the same.

  50. Scout:

    I notice that Mia distance herself from commenting in every forum including Branch meetings. She has not once said that she will address or attempt to address the actions of Owen at her Branch meetings. And, i agree with you that she needs to state her opinion as to why her colleagues including the Deputy she would have trusted and supported, agreed to remove her from office.

    Owen can ask for forgiveness again and again, that does not state why he did what he did to someone he lead an entire country to believe was capable based on his integrity. Owen lead the people of Barbados to believe beyond a shadow of doubt that Mia was a capable successor after he announced that he would take a break. Many praise Owen for a ‘sterling’ performance as PM (I don’t) and then respected and approved his leave of absence from being leader of Opposition – Owen then came back and said he will lead the Opposition – why??? He does not say, did not say? but, will he say?To regain that respect and approval he has to state facts. Therefore I agree with you that OSA should tell the people waht is wrong that he and his colleagues found MAM unacceptable. And, was it unpardonable seeing that he may be asking too for pardon.

    Owen can try to protect the party and lose every possibility of regaining respect among the electorate of Barbados. When people hear his name they will stupse and consider him a ‘poor’ leader because of the way he removed Mia after praising her. That is what Owen is facing – I say again – it has nothing to do with 14 years of PM but what happened after – when he could have taken up leadership immediately but did not.

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