Donald Trump (l) President Obama (r)

Along with all that is happening on the world scene minute to minute  two occurrences stood out for BU last week. There was the Royal Wedding and the challenge by Donald Trump to President Obama to produce his birth certificate to prove he is a bona fide American. The fact that both matters have hogged the media space confirm surely we live in times where news is greatly influenced by its celebrity nature, that is fluff over substance. News reports suggest 12,000 media workers were assigned to cover the royal wedding. Most of the USA Cable Networks gave the Donald Trump Obama birth certificate Obama story top billing this past week.

The UK Telegraph reported that the royal wedding will cost the UK economy the unconscionable sum of £5billion. Bear in mind the UK economy is still in the throes of a severe economic depression. The large expense possibly speaks volumes to the importance the English still regard he monarchy. What else could it be?

After the pomp and ceremony was done at Westminster Abbey on Friday, April 29, what resonated for the BU household was the compulsion to reflect on the institution of marriage between a man and a woman. It is a traditional institution which has seen its diminution in a world where cultural relativism has taken deep root. Perhaps the lesser role now played by the Church in modern day society and the bastardization of the institution of marriage has been a natural consequence. If there is one positive BU hopes prevails out of the royal wedding would be to reinforce the importance the institution of marriage plays in building strong family units.

To the other event:

As if Sarah Palin was not enough the US political system has conspired to suggest that US celebrity Donald Trump would be a worthy Republican presidential candidate, thus giving the possibility that he could potentially become president of the USA. A strategy the publicity seeking Donald attempted last week was to resurrect the birth issue which has dogged President Barack Obama since assuming the presidency. Surprisingly there is still a healthy number of Americans who do not believe that Obama is an American and therefore eligible to take up residence on Pennsylvania Avenue.

What was distasteful about what Donald Trump did was to insinuate that Obama benefited from affirmative action to gain entry to Ivy League Harvard. Bear in mind Obama graduated magna cum laude from what is regarded as the most prestigious law school in the USA and he was named editor of the Harvard Law Review, the institution’s highest student honour. The fact that the US media would give currency to this bout of stupidity by Trump speaks volumes to how minorities are regarded by the White elite in the USA. How the hell did Obama become president any way? No doubt Trump is hoping to piggyback on the rising sentiment fuelled by the Boston Tea Party et al coat tail.

Some in the USA have pulled the race card regarding how Trump has treated with Obama issues in his early foray to be the Republican nominee for president. BU believes though he has demonstrated a level of stupidity, which causes one to seriously question how he was able to accumulate the significant wealth he is reported to have.  Obama was able to have the last laugh at the Donald last night at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner.

The logic as to why why Donald got the airplay he did.  The logic as to why the British government would outlay such a significant sum at a time when people are being sent home. Both explain the illogic of many things currently wrong with the world we live in today.

236 responses to “Obama Trumps Donald, The Royal Wedding Gives Thumbs Up To The Institution Of Marriage – Add The Reported Death Of Osama bin Laden”

  1. @ Tina Roach…..

    Come on…you believe in the US, great!!
    Then you should also believe in freedom of speech on this blog .
    You have your opinions and others have theirs, you choose to continue to drink the cool-aid, others refuse.
    You are a johnnie-come-lately so this might seem strange to you but this is what blogging is all about.
    Go to some other blogs world wide and get an understanding of what it is all about, you dont have a monopoly on the thoughts and ideas here.
    Some people are willing to ask the hard questions rather than be like sheep forever.
    Why is it, that those who dare to question the establishment are immediately labeled as traitors, conspiracy theorists etc?
    If your spouse or significant other constantly cheated on you, would you be always forthright and forgiving?
    Will you continue to forgive them for betraying your trust over and over again without explanation, or will you wake up and ask questions?

  2. What land what man on the moon what?!?!?!?

    You sure you are Tina Roach or Tina Fey?…..cause this sound like bare SNL!!

  3. Huh !!!!

  4. HOPI sounds like a crazy person

    but in any case
    All who doubt or believe must take note
    Dont know ! Really dont know
    but sumting is happening.
    THE WORLD-(as we know it ?)

  5. @ Micah,
    I agree with you 100%, bigotry and disrespect should never be tolerated and should be called out at every opportunity. But I didn’t mean his response at the WH dinner, which was great; I was more talking about when he responded to Trump and the birthers by producing his birth certificate.

  6. @ Green Monkey…

    Just heard on CNN that a new tape is expected to come out from Osama soon….lol.
    It is ‘claimed’ that he sent it out months ago……how interesting.

  7. What a bunch of wack jobs on this blog. Some of the most insane comments I’ve seen in a long time.


  8. I thin Obama was a jackasss for releasing his birth certificate to the public. I also think Bin Laden has been dead more than seven years when former Prime Minister of Pakistan, Benazir Bhutto announced it and at that time it was carried in a major Egyptian daily.

    This is a charade – American fake and foolery! It is not even good magic to thinking heads. I agree with BAFBFP. dcheupse

  9. What does Hitler and bin Laden have in common on this day?

    Obama political stock has just risen immeasurably.

  10. Technician

    DNFTTs even the female ones … DNFTTs


    Correct..! Thanks for the reminder …


    You got me cracking up big time … 🙂

  11. @Roachie

    Come May 22 you may be challenged to inflate your credibility stocks.

  12. If you can take this as credible…here is ‘independent’ verification that some sort of raid did indeed take place….. though the rebuttal will no doubt question this ‘IT professionals’ story for why he was there…

    The raid that killed Osama Bin Laden was revealed first on Twitter.

    An IT consultant, living in Abbottabad, unknowingly tweeted details of the US-led operation as it happened.

    Sohaib Athar wrote that a helicopter was hovering overhead shortly before the assault began and said that it might not be a Pakistani aircraft.

    He only became aware of the significance of his tweets after President Obama announced details of Bin Laden’s death.

    Mr Athar’s first posting on the subject came at around 1am local time (9pm BST).

    He wrote: “Helicopter hovering above Abbottabad at 1AM (is a rare event).”

    Soon after, he reported the sound of an explosion, now known to have been US forces blowing-up their damaged helicopter.

    “A huge window shaking bang here in Abbottabad Cantt. I hope its not the start of something nasty :-S”

    Throughout the raid, Mr Athar was drawing on information from friends in the local area who were also online.


    I am somewhat surprised that the place was not more heavily guarded, but as neighbours were military personnel… may have thought this unnecessary.

    Whatever really happened, questions remain on how such an individual was able to live within such proximity to military officers…..

    and the world goes on……

  13. Poor BAF. so yuh right hand man been killed. But idon’t knw why u so upset wid amerika since yuh say dat he was ded fuh abou ten years from kidney aliment. can’t have it both ways .BTWobama going to ground ZERO on friday symbolic of putting de final nail in Bn laden asss.

  14. Hey you pussies,

    Remember the famous Jessica Lynch and her rescue from a Hospital in Iraq..? There was another female POW, Shoshana Johnson, who is still alive today, who like Jesica was virtually released by the Iraqis (Shoshana’s picture made the internet as one of the six Americans to be first captured in the Bush II invasion of Iraq – they were all subsequently released by the Iraqi officials in good faith)

    The US took the White Jessica Lynch’s story and blew it out of all proportion (much to the understandable outrage of the Black Shoshana). They even made a movie of the so called rescue. This is what propaganda, with the willing participation of the film making industry, is all about. Now view the following 2 min BBC story …

  15. What exactly is silly about facts? or the truth?

    `natural born Citizen’ is used under Article II, Section 1, of the Constitution of the United States. The accepted intent of the framers was to avoid a situation were a President of the USA would have to declare war on a nation that could be the birth place of his mother or father. “natural born” defines a type of citizen… Many people have been born in the USA to illegal immigrants and granted citizenship, even though it is not clear is such persons are entitled to citizenship under the constitution.

    The point is by his own “birth certificate” he is ineligible to be president of the USA.

    Somehow we are to believe Osama is now conveniently dead??? Impeccable timing. By all serious accounts he died years ago in Tora Bora, prior to 911 he was receiving dialysis in Pakistan, go back and look at those videos where he appeared to have suffered a stroke. Unlikely he would have survived till 2011.

  16. @Pretty Blue Eyes

    “It is cows like you that always raise their racists horns, did time you white and ugly as dog, probadly looking more like donald trump.”

    I’m racist because I point out facts about American law, and anyone with one day of experience in digital forensics could tell you the Obama pdf is a fake. You get all vitriolic and emotional, irrationality writ large.

    Barack Obama is a fraud, it hurts to admit it. But part of being a mature adult is dealing with the mistakes you have made in the past, errors of judgement, everyone can be lied too, or tricked. What is really sad is when in the face of mounting evidence, instead of questioning your position, you attack the character of a messenger.

    Obama has continued the war in Afghanistan , a few days ago the main story was of a Taliban Spring offensive, of the war dragging on and the U.S possibly losing.

    Obama has continued the war in Iraq but under a different name (proof positive he is far more intelligent than bush)

    Obama has stepped up drone attacks in the border region between Afghanistan and Pakistan ( amazing they didn’t get a shot at Osama earlier)

    Obama reappointed Ben Bernanke, and allowed the fed to monetize U.S debt and kill the dollar. Yes it is dying go look at the charts for yourself.

    I could go on and on and on, with Obama hypocrisy, double talk and deceit. Bush was a terrible an awful President (and stole at least one election possibly both) but Obama has changed nothing and in many ways has made things worse for the U.S.A. When the shit does hit the fan, the RACISTS the real ones (not black people like me who dislike Obama on policy and principles) will have the ultimate Black man to demonize….American blacks will struggle to recover from the damage of Barack Obama…

    The longer you hold on to the Obama grenade the shorter the fuse becomes.

  17. As for Trump, he had a silly reality show, that was popular for a time…between bankruptcy filings. When you think about it though his Presidency does make a kinda twisted sense who else to run a nation that is in debt north of 14 trillion but the Bankruptcy guru of American capitalism. But I jest, I would never take this guy seriously.
    I did look at the pdf the White House released and its an obvious fake…go view it for yourself….if you know what to look for 😀

  18. i never knew they were so many amerikkka lovers the farm is truly getting bigger and bigger time will tell

  19. Switzerland says ‘illegal assets’ found
    Official claims millions of dollars linked to Gaddafi, Mubarak and Ben Ali frozen following blocking orders.
    Last Modified: 02 May 2011 22:27

    Mubarak has strenuously denied charges he amassed wealth or stashed away funds in foreign bank accounts [AFP]

    Switzerland claims it has found $416 million of potentially illegal assets linked to Muammar Gaddafi, Libya’s leader, and his circle.

    Separately, about $473m traced to Hosni Mubarak, the deposed Egyptian president, and $69mn linked to Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, the ousted Tunisian president, have also been identified, Lars Knuchel, a Swiss foreign ministry spokesman, said on Monday.

    “These amounts are frozen in Switzerland following blocking orders by the Swiss government related to potentially illegal assets in Switzerland,” Knuchel said.

    He declined to name the banks in which the accounts or properties are held.

    Mubarak has strenuously denied amassing wealth or stashing away funds in foreign bank accounts.

    Both Tunisia and Egypt – where unrest led to the ousting of their respective leaders – are in touch with Swiss judicial authorities regarding their formal requests for legal assistance to seek return of the funds, according to Knuchel.

    No such discussions are under way with authorities in Libya, where Gaddafi is clinging to power in the face of an uprising and NATO air raids.

    Switzerland, a neutral nation, had previously announced that it was freezing any assets linked to the three north African leaders, thereby requiring financial and other institutions to report any suspicious funds.

    Swiss authorities also froze assets belonging to Ivory Coast’s now deposed president, Laurent Gbagbo, in January.

    Switzerland has worked hard in recent years to improve its image as a haven for ill-gotten assets.

    Its cabinet has previously taken blocked funds in accounts held by deposed leaders including Ferdinand Marcos of the Philippines and Nigeria’s late Sani Abacha, buying time for foreign prosecutors to build a case for restitution of funds.

    Knuchel said that Switzerland had returned $800m held by Abacha to Nigeria, although it took four to five years to complete legal proceedings.

    “It was a good example of restitution,” he said.

    The Swiss finance ministry said earlier on Monday it had started proceedings to return assets of the former Haitian dictator, Jean-Claude Duvalier, frozen since 1986, to the Haitian government.

    End of an era 5/1/11= three (1) s
    Signal moment 9/11/01=three (1)s
    End of world prediction 05/21/11 =three(1)s

    The 21 of may interpreted by the predictor of the END OF WORLD actually saw Bin Laden’s experience unfolding but interpreted it as the end of the world–

    Now it is explained , everybody can sleep comfortably.
    Note: Royals cancelled Honeymoon because of the operation to get UBL.
    Note operation was to happen on Saturday but the power of the 1 (ones) prevailed.

  21. The man wiv no name!! Avatar
    The man wiv no name!!

    Nia, Obama’s put-down of Trump was a very impressive one, and I’m still in admiration of him for it! If you’re worried about travelling on the underground, then take a bus! Obama’s risen in my estimation, just as he has in that of most of the world, so relax, the world is now a better place! Well said, Micah – we’re agreed on Obama’s response!

  22. Corporate News: “You write what you’re told”

    We Couldn’t Control The People Without You
    A Message From Homeland Security

  23. @ AOD

    Ad hominem, ad hominem.

    @ David | May 2, 2011 at 11:42 PM |

    Now who determines which funds should be frozen and which funds not? What about all the funds from the active US mafia operatives around the world? What about the funds amassed by the owners of Lehman Brothers, Meryl Lynch, Goldman Sach, Morgan Stanley, AIG and others before they went and scewed the whole world? What about the funds that belonged to the owners of PanAm before they declared bankrupcy?

    @ Kiki


  24. Donald Trump is a hot head and not even a clever one. If he became the President of the most powerful country in history, he would see the end of mankind. This is exactly what is wrong with democracy. Any old idiot with a following, any old idiot with a flair for appealing to the lowest common denominator can pop up and do some serious damage.

    if Obama (the fraud that he is) has to show that he is American, should not the same types of rules apply for the leaders at the state level (for example Arnold Schwarzenegger, shite, even Chris Gayle speaks better English than this guy)

  25. BinLaden a man who singlehandely gave people a reson to fear muslims after 911 and the comfort once allowed to the flying public became a nightmare . What’s good about that.?
    Good riddance Bin Laden.

  26. @BAFBFP

    You just don’t get it do you?

    There are the countries which make up the world police in the West.

    They have systems of government as we know it, the religions are familiar etc.

    Then there are the rebel countries of the East with their benevolent dictatorships etc and alien brands of religion.

    That is the way it is and that it the way it will be.

  27. ac | May 3, 2011 at 6:02 AM |

    BinLaden a man who singlehandely gave people a reson to fear muslims after 911 and the comfort once allowed to the flying public became a nightmare . What’s good about that.?
    Good riddance Bin Laden.

    Seriously ac???
    I have to really shake my head at a statement as asinine as this!!
    Muslims were feared and hated long before Osama Bin Laden was even born (does the Crusades ring a bell).
    While I can understand the obvious emotional reaction, it is statements like these that only serves to fuel the hatred.
    Just after the WTC bombings, the world was outraged at the videos of Muslims dancing in the streets ( a video that was later found out to be celebrations for a completely different reason). Yet at the news of OBL”s death, the same people who were outraged are doing the same …….what does this say about the ‘civilized’ world?

    “I mourn the loss of thousands of precious lives, but I will not rejoice in the death of one, not even an enemy. Returning hate for hate multiplies hate, adding deeper darkness to a night already devoid of stars. Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.” ~ M.L.K. Jr.

  28. @Techie

    Posted a similar comment on FB this morning. A read of Animal Farm is instructive.

  29. At the 6:15 mark in this video, Benazir Bhutto refers in a matter-of-fact manner to “the man who killed Osama bin Laden.”

    If this was a misstatement, she did not correct herself, nor did the interviewer call attention to it.

  30. @ BAFP (and his hebrew bro “the other BAFP ” aka ✡ STAR OF DAVID). Please review and revert, many thanks

  31. St George's Dragon Avatar
    St George’s Dragon

    The US Seals did not kill Osama Bin Laden.
    You don’t think its coincidence that Prince William, who is a helicopter pilot, and Kate Middleton, clearly a highly trained secret agent for the UK Government, disappeared immediately after the wedding?
    The story about them not having a honeymoon and staying somewhere away from the media is obviously a cover story. Prince William flew them to Pakistan, they raided the Bin Laden compound, handed over the body of Bin Laden to the US authorities and before you know it, will appear back in the UK again.
    Who said Royalty was a waste of space?
    More truths to follow as soon as I make them up.

  32. @ Smooth Chocolate

    “I think humans are really silly creatures, some idiot comes up with a statement and most grab and jump with it, not thinking it thru. both parents to not have to be born inamerican for the child to be american.”

    Just in cased you missed it:

    `natural born Citizen’ is used under Article II, Section 1, of the Constitution of the United States.

    it looks like this:

    “No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President;”

    The accepted intent of the framers was to avoid a situation were a President of the USA would have to declare war on a nation that could be the birth place of his mother or father.

    As for: “or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution” they are all DEAD which only leaves a natural born Citizen as eligible.

    “natural born” defines a type of citizen…i.e both parents are citizens of the USA at the time of birth, it has been challenged whether the parents must be born in the USA or naturalized….but the Supreme Court has sought to hold to the intent of the framers as outlined above.

    Many people have been born in the USA to illegal immigrants and granted citizenship, even though it is not clear if such persons are entitled to citizenship under the constitution. Fortunately for all involved it has never been challenged.

  33. AOD I think you’re making up law / getting confused. e.g. obamas father was born in kenya.

  34. Anyone born in the US by law must register for american citizenship regardless of the parent’s nationality, they may also be entitled to apply for dual or multi national citizenship based on parentage.

  35. St George’s Dragon

    Shut tah fcuk up …! Enough from you pious simpletons who will fall for anything that is feed to you.

    @ David

    I Totally get it, I Tottally, Toottally, Toottaally, Toottaallyy get it … ! 🙂

    @ Techie

    Man you playing too fair now …

    @ Fat Arse

    Do you really see yourself as intellegent being …? Seriously, do you? Should you not be blogging elsewhere …?

  36. @ Kiki

    I actually still am the proud owner of the Newsweek edition that detailed much of what was said in this article. It was probably the only time that a magazine of this stature has ever attempted such an exposé

  37. @ David

    BTW, Osama bin Ladin actually has twelve lives … the nine that are referred to in the video, and the three times that David “MyTakeIs” Ellis declared him dead over the last few years …!

  38. …..and the crap has started, nibbling away at the freedoms of the masses.

    NYPD were out in full effect this morning in the subway stations. Full gear and weaponry, sniffer dogs etc.
    It is best to leave any bag bigger than a purse at home or be delayed with a search ( I love my knapsack on my back) .

    To think this was in Crown Heights, I don’t even want to see Manhattan!!
    I am all for security but I hope this isn’t the excuse for something sinister.

    Fear ……….

  39. Some of us read, research, seek information from various sources, keep an open mind, and are able to think and reason for ourselves, while others are simply led blindly by American (gov’t and media) propaganda.
    There are some among us who aren’t aware of the suspicious details surrounding the events of 911, and the many unanswered questions. Some don’t even care to entertain the thought that things may not have happened quite the way the story was told by George W. Bush and company, because their minds have already been made up for them.
    We have not been told the entire truth about 911, but maybe one day sometime in the future somebody will reveal the full truth.

  40. @Ian Bourne | May 3, 2011 at 7:34 AM | At the 6:15 mark in this video, Benazir Bhutto refers in a matter-of-fact manner to “the man who killed Osama bin Laden.”
    If this was a misstatement, she did not correct herself, nor did the interviewer call attention to it.
    That is very interesting Ian. Is it possible that she was misinformed back then or what?

  41. “The ISI – Pakistan Intelligence – gave details of the raid, saying Bin Laden’s young daughter had said she saw her father shot.”

    BBC News (South Asia) 3 May 2011

  42. @Zack – not long after, Benazir was killed… Do you think that was coincidence?

    @St George’s Dragon – Thx 4 excellent laugh, plus knowing we irritate pea-brains on this thread makes our contributions all the sweeter, eh? Cowardly li’l yardfowls who can’t even post their real name nor face because they are scared of their own shadow!

    At least everyone knows who I am and therefore my credibility is less questionable than some idiot who gets himself thrown off other sites…

  43. @Ian Bourne | May 3, 2011 at 2:55 PM | @Zack – not long after, Benazir was killed… Do you think that was coincidence?
    I fail to see any linkage. Everybody knew that she was a potential assassination target from the time she returned from exile and announced that she contesting elections again.

    So my question stands, was she correct about Bin Laden at that time or not? If we are to believe that the Americans only recently killed him, which I haven’t heard anybody major refute, then we have to conclude that she was either mistaken or purposely misleading.

  44. Yu’all frightened by the rain get out you wimps instead of posting mega crap about something of which you know nothing.

  45. Hey Fat Arse …yooo hoooo ….Fat Arse, yeh you …! You referring to me by any chance …? I’d like to see someone throw you some place ..! Hmmm , nope, guess not … Just not possible now is it ..?!

  46. It is being reported that President Obama gave the thumbs up to the Navy Seal going in for bin Laden instead of the Drones. A pity such an approach was not used to do same with Gadaffi and Hussein

  47. ru4real | May 3, 2011 at 3:34 PM |

    Remind me again as to which position you hold on this media propaganda thingy campaign ..?

  48. @ David

    Exactly what has Gadaffi and Hussein (I believe that they are/were both also entitled to the title President) done to you as a person, as a Barbadian and as a citizen of this wonderful world to deserve such a morbid commentary …?

  49. @BAFBFP | May 3, 2011 at 4:45 PM | @ David
    Exactly what has Gadaffi and Hussein (I believe that they are/were both also entitled to the title President) done to you as a person, as a Barbadian and as a citizen of this wonderful world to deserve such a morbid commentary …?
    Good question BAF. I’ll bet the answer will be the same ol’ American fed line, “they kill their own people”. Some people really believe that the American gov’t cares about the lives of others. They certainly didn’t seem to care about the lives in Rwanda, Darfur, and other places.

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