The beleaguered Kay McConney and Santia Bradshaw unsurprisingly retained the support of Prime Minister Mottley.

Prime Minister Mia Mottley spoke to the nation yesterday on a number of matters and of interest were a few changes to the Cabinet. Marsha Caddle was returned to the Cabinet on her own terms, she is the Minister of Industry, Science and Technology. Although her predecessor was fired he landed in the pime minister’s office and will retain a minister’s salary. Dr. Sonia Browne was operating in a role that created too many sleepless nights and decided to make way. The other changes may have merit but did not resonate with the blogmaster. The beleaguered Kay McConney and Santia Bradshaw unsurprisingly retained the support of Prime Minister Mottley. The next general election will be an accurate pulse check how the public will appraise the performance of these two.

Changes at a glance

• Marsha Caddle will become Minister of Industry, Innovation, Science and Technology.

• Chad Blackman will become Minister in the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Investment.

• Dr Sonia Browne will now chair the National Wellness Programme.

• Davidson Ishmael will assume the role of Minister of State in the Ministry of Health and Wellness.

• Sandra Husbands switches to Minister of State in the Ministry of Education with responsibility for higher education and technical and vocational training. Kay McConney will remain as Minister of Education and focus on education transformation.


• The Water Resources portfolio will move from Ministry of Transport, Works and Water Resources to the Prime Minister’s Office.

• The Urban Development Commission and Rural Development Commission will fall under the portfolio of Senior Minister Dr William Duguid.

• The Building Standards Authority will go back to the Ministry of Public Works.


• Chad Blackman will replace Senator Lorenzo Harewood.

• Reverend Charles Morris will replace Senator Shanika Roberts-Odle.

Diplomatic corps

• Ambassador Noel Lynch will now take lead on the coordination of the 2024 ICC T20 World Cup.

• Vic Fernandes will assume the role of Ambassador to the United States.

• Sharon Marshall will assume the role of Ambassador to Cuba.

• Cleviston Haynes, former Governor of the Central Bank, will be our first Ambassador to Ireland.

• Senator Lorenzo Harewood will become the new Consul General in New York.

• Senator Ambassador Elizabeth Thompson will assume the responsibility of sherpa as Barbados takes on the chairmanship of the V20.

Nation newspaper 06 January 2024

Maybe the blogmaster is being harsh because after 10 minutes of listening to Mottley yesterday there was a temptation to tune out. Is Mottley’s ability to command her audience fading? Yesterday’s delivery to the nation will predictably suck some of the air out of the cheque story.

In August of last year Mottley promised the nation if her two senior ministers Duguid and Marshall were unable to resolve the Savvy of the Bay matter she would be forced to intervene. To quote on the matter:-

But what I will say to you now is that I have said to the two gentlemen, ‘you have a timeline on these negotiations, and if these negotiations don’t finish within the next few weeks, there must be a ministerial statement to the Parliament and all of the facts laid bare, including how this matter started under the last government; why there was a need to go to court under the last government; how, therefore, the sale was proceeded with as a result of an act of specific performance; and why we would not have been able to act before when we said from the very beginning, those two lots in the middle were always car parks’. 

Prime minister mia mottley

Both sides on this matter have fallen silent. This is how we do the public’s business in Barbados. All the talk about transparency is just that, talk!

76 responses to “Prime Minister Mottley talks and talks”

  1. The beleaguered Kay McConney and Santia Bradshaw unsurprisingly retained the support of Prime Minister Mottley. The next general election will be an accurate pulse check how the public will appraise the performance of these two.

    How so?

    Do you really expect the electorate in these two constituencies to sacrifice them for the greater good?
    St. Philip might be interesting again, but St Michael is all but a foregone conclusion.

  2. Talk, talk, talk…… fluff fluff and more fluff

    I am happy though that Marsha has come back in the fold. She is a bright spark within that Party.

    Santia, a shame that such a senior Minister was allowed to have her matter swept under the rug ‘Play Bad Card’ a clever punch line to close that matter.
    We all know Santia’s man?!? has several half built houses around Wakefield area with bush growing all around and within the houses. He got some explaining to do, HOPE fully

    Savvy issue….. the blog master wrote before about Players! Well Kinch et al is a player and he clearly paid the Piper. Why else has it gone so quiet

    Disappointing at best

  3. Correction

    “ Draw Bad Card “

  4. OSA once opined that the BLP had become the plaything of MAM. I think that was before she became PM.

    These days, one could be forgiven for thinking that he said; Barbados and Bajans have become the playthings of Mia Mottley.

    Like it or lump it.

  5. Santia’s constituency is a marginal one and will washout a siting member of government if the national swing is at best single digit.

  6. PM Mottley has located the Santia matter with Dr. Yearwood and the DLP, smart play. What about the thousands og Bajans who do not see what happened as passing the sniff test of transparency?

  7. The PM speaks on whatever the PM wants to speak on.
    She is quite skillful at setting the narrative and the traditional media dare not deviate from the script.

    The Fourth Estate is in need of emergency repairs
    David Ellis needs to open a school posthaste, before he given a “Service Star” or some other such useless honour by the government.

  8. The blogmaster listened to the PM’s several references to cash is not wealth, probably a covert attempt to trigger the thoughts of Bajans who are 50:50 on BOSS+.

  9. The PM can be an intimidating woman if you allow her to be. You have to stand tall, too many in her parliamentary group fall short figuratively and otherwise.

  10. href=”″>David

    Those persons will go the way of those opposed to the survey. They can commiserate with the ones perturbed by the drill simulation.

    Nothing to see here.
    Files in shredder
    Cases closed.
    Them votes… I mean voices don’t count.
    Which part of “Watch Muh”, wunna don’t understand?

  11. (Not) enuff
    Looks like Mackey Holder is off to England ✓

    Savvy matter still needs completion

  12. I like how Mia takes control of matters. We really do not need a police force or courts. Give it to Mia and we hear “Case closed”.

    Forget about crowded courts and police investigations, Mia dishes out vigilante justice. All she needs to make her brand of justice more easy to understand is to add a 👍🏾 or 👎🏾 as she delivers the verdict.

    Santia 👍🏾
    Smuggling passports 👎🏾
    Savvy 🤞🏾
    Lynch 👎🏾
    Long live the leader of the Republic.
    Mia 💕😘

  13. David,

    Intimidating? I don’t understand how a person could be intimidating without pointing a gun. Only my mother was intimidating to me…. when I was a child.


    But I still never backed down when I knew I was right.

    What kind of wimps are these?

    David, you often throw this word around, therefore I assume you accept this thing called “intimidation” as a norm.

    Do you at any time feel “intimidated”?

    And why?

  14. David

    That’s the word for today.

    SMSE may have been marginal in the past.
    I don’t know about now
    Holding down the Deputy PM post must count for something. Second amongst equals?
    Benefactors and sponsors will be tripping over each other to donate to such worthy cause.

    Anyhow, leh me go and drink my water.

  15. @Donna

    Many feel intimidated by others who hold senior or professional positions, who have ‘learning’ and in this case prime minister’s office. One has to feel socially secure to dispel a comfort mindset that develops when confronted with such meetings. Remember one should not form conclusions from one’s personal experience.

  16. Hopefully it is not brown water. As look would have it, that responsibility was removed from Santia’s portfolio?

  17. I too listened to the Boss Lady and this is what I heard.

    If I accept a cheque as a politician BUT do not bank it i have brolen no law. So a bribe is only a bribe if i bank the cheque apparently. Wonder if i accept stolen goods but dont sell them if i am innocent too?

    The drug smuggler with the diplomatic passport is the DLP fault. It is THEIR fault that door was opened to the whole family and maybe the dog, to be protected by this document. Never mind though that a BLP minister had to issue the passport under this govermment. This will however be reviewed with no deadline for review given.

    The rest of the feel good all of we is one speech, along with a guarantee of transparency to come was well delivered. The PM must be respected as one of the best spokespersons we have had recently. She speaks to people straight and to the point and that is appreciated by many including myself. I do not miss the fables and historic messages of the past littered with rhetoric and starved of facts.

  18. 🙂
    That really hurt man.
    Yuh mean suh early dis morning?
    Cheese on bread.

    Nuh lotta rain ain’t fall last week, so de water good.
    To besides, we get some shiny new black tanks now.

  19. No law was broken because the relevant one is not law yet.

    Forget about potential and how it looks. Carl Hooper had lots of potential, remember?
    Somebody jumped the gun and it will a while before dem can say gotcha again. It is what it is, no matter how bad it looks.

    Have we not see time and time again that this particular PM could not care less about what Bajans thinks, as long as they do as she says and she gets her way?

  20. The point has been made that although the integrity in public life law has not been proclaimed after five months? The spirit of it should be observed if this government wants to be taken seriously. Until the law is proclaimed all public officials should be guided by what is intended by the law. Especially a government rich in transparency rhetoric.

  21. @David
    It has always been talk talk talk, distract, distract, distract

    The only difference now is the weakness of some ministers is showing thorugh, the problems that affect us most are not being solved and the promised transparency and accountability remains nothing but a promise.

    SMSE is safe, Santia has little to worry about. McConney however as a failed Minister and non-politician is another story. She needs to go.

    And yes, you are right, it was clear from watching the king speak that the “aura” of inevitability has worn off. I suspect others have taken note.

    This parliament is filled with wimps. It is what it is

    Cricket in June and Crop Over in July will pave the way for the masses to rejoice and forget all about checks, surveys, unkept promises and long waits and dead weights.

    Nothing to see here!!!

    Just observing

  22. @Observing

    Be careful, you will have Artax after you.

    Extra Cabinet member ‘a concern’

    At least one political scientist is not impressed with Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley’s reshuffle of her Cabinet. In fact, Independent Senator Dr Kristina Hinds said it was concerning that the Prime Minister has added an extra member to what many have deemed an already oversized Cabinet.

    Hinds said: “The Cabinet reshuffle adds an additional member to an already big cabinet .

    . . I understand that Dr Sonia Browne resigned and although we have an explanation, I was hoping to hear a little more about that. It is understandable that there needed to be a replacement for her but the addition of a person in the Ministry of Economic Affairs, as well as the addition of a person in the Ministry of Education, is not something in which I am readily seeing the logic,” she added.

    Among the notable changes, Marsha Caddle will replace Davidson Ishmael as Minister of Industry, Science and Technology, Chad Blackman, Minister in the Ministry of Economic Affairs, while Dr Sonia Browne has stepped down as Minister of State in the Ministry of Health and Wellness and will now chair the National Wellness Programme. Ishmael will now assume the role of Minister of State in the Ministry of Health and Wellness.

    Hinds’ view was shared by president of the Democratic Labour Party (DLP) Dr Ronnie Yearwood, who slammed it as a “disrespect to taxpayers”.

    “Today brings us to the end of the Christmas season and the Prime Minister of Barbados has once again reshuffled her Cabinet. Sadly, the Prime Minister failed to address the real problem of an incompetent, bloated and expensive Cabinet that continues to burden taxpayers.

    This is at a time when Bajans are struggling to make ends meet and the cost of living continues to rise,” Yearwood said, “Many Bajans are in disbelief that the Prime Minister has increased the Cabinet again with this reshuffle while Bajans worry about how to feed their children today and get them ready for school on Monday. This is another pointless exercise of musical chairs that shows her utter disregard and disrespect for taxpayers’ money,” he added.

    Political scientist Dr George Belle said in his view the development was a demonstration of Mottley’s willingness to adapt to the changing needs of the country. He also described some of the changes as the party making an investment in future leadership.

    He contended that Browne always appeared tentative when it came to her involvement in frontal politics and therefore her resignation did not come as a surprise to him.

    “I have always seen her as having some amount of equivocation about a political career. I might be wrong but that is my general perception of her. I think Blackman has always been an ambitious young man as it relates to a political career and again, I am not surprised with him taking any opportunity once a window opened in politics. He started off in the diplomatic appointment and apparently, he did quite well there and I am not surprised that the party is invested in him for future contribution in leadership” he said.

    Regarding Caddle’s return, Belle said as a back bencher for the last few years, she demonstrated her commitment to being in politics for the long haul. “I am not sure if she also had some doubts in her mind as to how she should proceed.

    It could not be easily determined whether she had been demoted from the Cabinet or whether she had chosen to withdraw from the Cabinet. The critical perspectives that she has been bringing as a backbencher would have attracted the attention of the Parliamentary front bench, who would have thought it best that she returned to the Cabinet as she seemed committed to maintaining herself in good stead in politics,” he said. (CLM)

    Source: Nation

  23. Bushie is increasingly amazed that wunna keep missing the critical point that we now have a country WITHOUT any moral compass, …where money – however obtained, is all that matters,
    ….and where EVERYTHING is measured in dollars – usually millions of them.

    Extrapolate that situation – and let Bushie know of ANYTHING that is really surprising about the manner in which the PM has reacted the the various issues that she raised.

    But the KEY reason why we have to PRETEND ignorance of our sad state is that we are practically ALL just as guilty as the articulate PM.

    The Companies that ROUTINELY give these bribes – in exchange for UNDESERVED contracts – and who OPENLY admit to such bribery of BOTH parties…

    The Individuals who join in the political games JUST to obtain undeserved benefits and handouts..

    …and the rest of us (wunna) who justify the criminal and immoral behaviors as “everyone does it …so what”…

    Our donkeys will pay the price….

  24. By the way, did the PM explain why promised bi-weekly post Cabinet briefings have gone the way of all flesh?


  25. Pop style
    Did anyone really expect Mia to admit wrongdoings?

  26. Brown paper bags and large envelope for 2024

  27. What is George Belle’s role in today’s politics? He sounds like a weak apologist. This is not the first time a political party has attempted to pass transparency legislation. Why should there be optimism that the electorate will be hopeful that donations to political parties will be handled as they should?

  28. @John A
    Who says the cheque was not cashed?

    According to the Deputy PM

    “This particular contribution could have been written to my charity or in my name, as it was done. Either way, it was processed by my office and the proceeds went to the people of my constituency,” her Deputy – Barbados Today

  29. Follow the money! Most likely THAT check couldn’t be cashed .

  30. This is 2 and I am not replying for A

  31. How does speculating help the discussion?


  32. Grantley Dobayan Avatar
    Grantley Dobayan

    Ultimately, or ominously, the biggest move is the Water Resources portfolio. Bigworks will oversee personally the privatization of water.

  33. @John 2
    I also believe that the cheque couldn’t be cashed as it was stolen and possibly altered, so why would the Deputy PM make that statement?

    Did she receive a replacement?

  34. @ Sargeant

    I thought the arguement i was hearing as a defence by the PM was that Ms Bradshaw did not cash the cheque, hence this was all a none issue. If the cheque was indeed cashed and the proceeds obtained then this is a different discussion.

    Was the cheque cashed or not can anyone confirm?

  35. @John A

    Several traditional news outlets reported the following confirmed in this Loop News report.

  36. @ David

    So the cheque was stolen and never cashed then? That is what I took from the PMs speach?

  37. There is a possibility traditional media has reported incorrectly on the matter.

  38. I will await clarity in the PMs quarterly address. Lol

  39. “Appearing before Chief Magistrate Ian Weekes on Wednesday, Holford was also charged with endeavouring to obtain from Royal Bank $7 500 by virtue of a forged RBC cheque payable to Bradshaw, knowing it to be forged, and that with intent to defraud, he uttered a forged bill of exchange to RBC Royal Bank purporting to be a RBC cheque to S Bradshaw by order of Errol Clarke Associates, knowing the same to be forged.”

  40. The cheque was ” evidence ” when the alleged burgular was arrested.

    So was a “new” cheque written to S. Bradshaw ?

  41. The writer of this piece has well established a cyclical approach to local politics.

    We locate him currently at the arc of such a cycle where he appears to be as disgusted with the Mottley regime as he rightly showed in relationship to the perennial failures of the Stuart regime.

    On its face, most would see this resistance to either party, as is expected of the local yardfowls, to be a redeemable characteristic.

    We would wish to demure. This seemingly ‘pragmatic’ disposition however fails, over and over again, to make contact with the underlying inability of this political-economic system to do any better, even as death awaits it.

    As a result the article writer continues to exhibit a uniquely Bajan typology of cowardice by refusing to dispense with what passes for analysis while seeking the synthesis of his own quixotic political leanings.

    In other words, putting the big, mushroom-headed, deckie in the system itself.

  42. “However, after careful consideration of personal and professional matters over the past several weeks, I have concluded that it is in my best interest and that of the constituents of St Philip North, to continue public service in my role of Member of Parliament outside of Ministry”.
    I was trying to read between the lines of the above statement by the previous Minister of Health and can’t determine “did she jump or was she pushed”. I was told that the lady is no “shrinking violet” so any criticism of her handling of that job would likely be rebutted with vigour.

    Spare a thought for the newcomer to the post, it seems to be “no win” job when the QEH is part of your mandate, although the Colonel received the country’s highest honour post retirement, and even the handpicked mandarin who held the top post at the hospital resigned after a relatively short stint.

    If Bajans were ever polled on what Gov’t entity they have the least confidence in, the QEH would be a runaway winner.

    Good luck to the next man up.

  43. Of course, another arc in this cycle of shifting editorial sentiment awaits the suggestion that another political actor arises to displace this one.

    In these circumstances, the same misplaced excitement, previously wasted, would re-emerge.

    Like we’ve witnessed here for 15 years, or more.

    That actor, most unlikely, could be the dead DLP. Even as there is no evidence that that, once dead, has ever risen.

    These machinations leave the writer deep within a political trap from whence only dead awaits.

    An Xmas gift to the misguided Orthodox Christians here. 😂 😝

  44. NorthernObserver Avatar

    The cheque matter is dead.
    Exactly why the MP HAS a charity but donors do not make cheques payable to that entity is befuddling.
    Likely because they have always made donations payable to her and all has been good. And no one has advised them their donation should be made in the name of the Charity.
    Exactly why the PM has not directed her MPs to continue their charitable efforts, whereby donations are made to a charitable entity and not the MP directly is concerning, for this ends the current matter?
    Lest we forget, the US Court “(3) preclude(d) defendant from introducing evidence or argument that bribes are a custom or practice in Barbados” in the Innis case.
    That monies are provided directly to MPs, makes a distinction between bribery or charitable uses, difficult.
    The solution is easy. Make all charitable donations payable to their charity. Done and over.

  45. Was the cheque cashed or not? I see that when necessary some will lift even lighter weights than I do.

    Heavy lifting
    To answer that question one must look at the size of the balls of the women involved. The most logical course is that the police returned the cheque to the person it was made out to and the womEn with balls the size of a hernia went to the bank.

    Why do we engage in these futile debates.
    There are no penalties attached to cashing the check.
    Vigilante justice was delivered by the PM on January 6, 2023 and the issue is closed.

    A more fruitful discussion would be
    “Was the policeman who gave her back the check condoning corruption?
    Was the bank that allowed her to deposit the check participating in a corrupt act”.

    Try to kick the ball hard and far. Running in circles and making small passes will not get ball downfield.

  46. Braniacs and jokers Avatar
    Braniacs and jokers

    Is Mia losing her glow?
    I am getting the impression that the speeches are no longer resonating with the general public. Has she become the snake charmer who everyone watches and then moves on? It appears that folks are getting tired of explanations that mislead more than the clarify?

    Trying to move the story off of the page by moving around the chairs on the Titanic is not working. A question that should have emerged is “What are the qualifications of the various new diplomats. I suspect that a few of them would be hard pressed to qualify as a dog catcher, but not one Bajan asks that question. Resist the BS.

    Spin Doctors
    It looks as if she rang ‘the Bell’, but folks are no longer interested in hearing/reading a second (rate) spin doctor? What next will she engage a pollster to give us some cooked numbers about her popularity.
    It is national insult when these ‘gurus’ attempt to to influence the thoughts of a nation by misleading us with their spin. Here is question for you… Why do you see a braniac when you look in the mirror and our politicians sees a bunch of jokers?? Who is correct?

  47. Boys and girls, I have one request …
    Please do not follow the thought leaders “round the mulberry bush”. At some stage you have to break away and find your own angle of approach. You may be wrong, you may be crazy, you may end up coming to the same conclusion of those going around the bush, but try to understand what you are reading and hearing. Don’t be afraid to find your own way; independent thought is a must if our nation is to survive.

The blogmaster invites you to join the discussion.


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