The electorate of Barbados decided to give the Barbados Labour Party (BLP) an overwhelming and unprecedented mandate on the 24 May 2018. The result was a repudiation of a hapless Democratic Labour Party (DLP) administration led by Freundel Stuart, as it was a belief by Barbadians in red bag-promises from Mia Mottley. We know the proclivity of human beings to want to believe in something, anything if it means being blinded to facts. Barbadians have shown themselves to be no different.

As we prepare – how time flies even when not having fun – to enter the early phase of another election cycle, the question being discussed quietly in some circles – is it possible the Mottley government could become a one term government? It harrows the mind of the blogmaster that after a 30-0 drubbing of the DLP three years ago some are open to the possibility of the incumbent suffering the ignominy of an Alan Chastanet in St. Lucia. 

The pandemic is proving to be an x-factor driving unpredictable human behaviour, beleaguered electorates suffering from economic fatigue has seen governments of SIDs struggle to govern. An absurdity tossed up sometimes by political talking heads is that some elections are good to lose. Is it possible this is the case for Verla Depeiza and her unready team? A scan of the DLP’s ‘newly minted’ website suggest the party is a work in progress.

Barbadians accept that the DLP represents the only option as the credible opposition party going into the next general election (The blogmaster was unable to find a website of the official opposition party led by Joe Atherley). We are therefore vested in a competent DLP being equipped to share alternative, progressive programs and to present a competent team to implement same to move the country forward. Based on what we have seen can we say – are we there yet?

The honeymoon period has disappeared for the Mottley government and much of its post-2018 political capital. Although the blogmaster is not convinced at this point Mia Mottley will suffer the fate of Alan Chastanet at the next poll, there is a level of apprehension in some quarters driven by the hostile environment governments of SIDs are presently negotiating. Making it more difficult for the experienced Mottley are rookie mistakes made so far, helping to reaffirm a perception that six of one, half dozen the other. 

It is unfortunate given the level of political apathy shown by the electorate, it has not given rise to a vibrant, credible and alternative political movement. One must conclude there are serious underlying issues preventing Barbadians of integrity and the other prerequisite characteristics to offer themselves for public service. The result has been successive governments who lacked the ability to sustain Barbados’ position on the socioeconomic ladder.

Now that Vela Depeiza has shown her mettle to win against internal combatants George Pilgrim from old guard and upstart outsider Guy Hewitt, is Verla battle harden enough to take on Mia Mottley?

472 responses to “One Term Government?”

  1. DavidOctober 3, 2021 4:21 PM

    Your statement was an unfair one William. You cannot brand the whole blog based on a comment from one or two. If the blogmaster were to catch at every unfavorable comment it would mean expending precious time
    U asked for a response now that the response does not fit your observation you cry “unfair ‘
    What is unfair is you testing people nerves into giving a favourable response
    The evidence of what u asked is now given proof support by the ignoramus above comment posted by Lorenzo at 4.43 today
    A comment so ridiculous and politically infused that it begs question of asking ” how many glasses of Mia koolaid do they drink daily

  2. @ Lorenzo October 3, 2021 4:43 PM

    Our task at BU is to point out undesirable developments and traitors in the ranks in good time so that our Supreme Leader can act quickly. I am thinking first and foremost of the Chief Labour Officer who, on our Supreme Leader’s birthday, engaged in obstructionism. But we should never doubt our Supreme Leader and her democratic legitimacy. Instead, we must forcefully stamp out and eradicate traitors.

    Once our Supreme Leader has carried out the next purge, that is, reshuffled the cabinet, there will be nothing to prevent the re-election of our universally popular government. If the opposition were in power, the island would have been hermetically sealed off for 18 months, we would have no food and no medicine, and half the indigenous population would have starved to death.

  3. Interesting to see the dour Richard Sealy playing a leading role in the revival of the DLP. One cannot help but think DePeiza needs a Guy Hewitt personality on her team. Someone to add some energy.

  4. David Bu Mr Sealy is a good addition to Ms Depeiza, s team.In fact as i have often stated he was the one shining light of the dems last disatrous ten years.In my view Mr Sealy did a reasonably good job in tourism.I believe he should take ovet as leader of the dems from Ms Depeiza to give them a better chance of winning some seats in 2023.As for AC sometime ago you were denying Mariposa and you were the same person .Now i note you said you switch to Mariposa to see if your comment would be moderated.Tells me you are a damn liar just like Waru.You actually talking about koolaid drinker? You?What the hell i hearing? This is the same woman that defended everything the dems did between 2008 and 2018 including sending home 5000 workers just after the elections in 2013 when Mr Stuart stated otherwise or when Mr Thompson wrote off thousands of dollars for the turf club along with raising water rates by 60 % Just after coming to office?You tbink bajan memories short?Reel and come again.Off topic i heard Mr Wickham mentioned the possibility of Ms Holder returning to brasstacks to replace Mr Ellis.I sincerely hope notafter all the licks she put in Starcom while at CBC.She had that talk show as if it was an extension of goerge street.In my view she was the most biased moderator i have had the displeasure of hearing.Therefore i hope this is not true. I gone.

  5. Maureen Holder is a DEM.

  6. .LorenzoOctober 3, 2021 6:16 PM

    David Bu Mr Sealy is a good addition to Ms Depeiza, s team.In fact as i have often stated he was the one shining light of the dems last disatrous ten years.In my view Mr Sealy did a reasonably good job in tourism.I believe he should take ovet as leader of the dems from Ms Depeiza to give them a better chance of winning some seats in 2023.As for AC sometime ago you were denying Mariposa and you were the same person .Now i note you said you switch to Mariposa to see if your comment would be moderated.Tells me you are a damn liar just like
    Never knew kool-aid made people drunk
    But I belive u had too much kool-aid
    U come here to call me Liar
    Now support your boldface mouthing by showing proof

  7. Agree 100percent Richard Sealy was a shining light in his presentation yesterday
    One of his comments made me lol when he said Mia had given the youth saragussum peltback and volcanic ash pick up jobs
    for which they were no future
    Sealy was on point all the way

  8. When it comes to politics, sports, and religion, human beings tend to display maximum irrationality in these sphere of life. Therefore, the DLP forming the next government is quiet plausible. The Bahamas recent election is a great reminder.

  9. @fortyacresandamule October 3, 2021 6:35 PM

    The next DLP government will be our downfall. Donville Inniss will certainly be rehabbed. Porn, money laundering, drugs, cockroaches will flood the island. Shit will overflow on the south coast. There could be race riots with shops being looted and businessmen murdered. The expats, tourists and businessmen will then flee the island, leaving the violent, impoverished masses behind.

    In the event of a new epidemic, only DLP members will receive the highly sought-after vaccine; the rest will have to buy it on the black market.

  10. @Angela Cox, 2018 was no mistake the Stuart’s administration was a waste of space. I would take my chances with an energetic Mia Mottley who we need to keep on her toes.

  11. William Skinner
    The cap fits. But you did not go far enough. Even if you leave Barbados for six months Bajans, at home, think and act as though a turn is lost.

    There is no national sensibility about Bajan descendents living almost everywhere this writer has been. Nobody remembers them. And the descendents of Bajans are almost everyhere. Panama, for example.

  12. Kammie HolderOctober 3, 2021 6:57 PM

    @Angela Cox, 2018 was no mistake the Stuart’s administration was a waste of space. I would take my chances with an energetic Mia Mottley who we need to keep on her toes.
    Go ahead take yuh chances with Mia
    I rather take my chances with good governance

  13. The mentally challenged are getting more and more pathetic,, by 2023 they will be reduced even further to blubbering idiots..

  14. I have no problem wearing the hat. I said it on another blog and I say it again where you people live the economies will recover quickly. And yet your governments are doing the same damn things you rail against our government for even thinking about doing.

    We who live here have to live with the consequences of depressed economic activity, not you.

    He who feels it, knows it.

    That is why I say it is madness for you who live up there to want to vote down here and choose who will govern us and not you.

    And who doan like dah could lump ‘um!

    And I as far as I know, I have had no problem defending any position I take against the crap some of you get here on BU and post.

  15. And I see some of you think that if you send money here you are entitled to choose who governs us.


    Come back and live, then vote!

    Here ends the overseas segment.

  16. Barbados govt is in trouble and they know it
    The COVID PR today set out to lay out facts
    A fact is that the growing numbers and low medical resources is making the fight insurmountable to lower the death rate
    Last I heard govt said that there were 100 hundred ventilators on hand

  17. Donna

    My nehbul string buried deh
    I wuk deh
    I dus pay property tax, sewsge and other taxes just like you
    I dont vote. But why shouldnt i if i wanted to? because i am now living overseas ? Cha.

    You vote for a party that one of the main candidates had an address overseas
    And recently that same party had a candidate that lives overseas Trying to Get a shot at Running for PM.

    There got something called constitutional rights.

  18. Wunnah didn’t have a problem when Mia brought back two overseas Bajans and made them Senators last time I checked one is a Minister- Full disclosure I supported that move because I believe that talented Bajans should be given the opportunity to serve their country wherever they reside.

    I reserve the right to be as critical or supportive of Gov’ts in Barbados as I decide, whoever don’t like um could lump um.

  19. Sometimes i get the feeling am forced to lower my iintelligence to discourse with some bloggers and it’s beginning to disturb me more and more….shitehounds with money most times they stole, are not Black, don’t live on the island, not only dictate what goes on in your legislature…but rob the treasury and pension fund… and say if Blacks could go on the beach or not, and if they should get paid, or if they can have a business or not.

    even the shite tourists who only spend a few days at a time, on the island dictate what should and should not happen in Black lives…but here is the genieass Donna saying that Black people who emigrated and PROP UP the island WITH THEIR REMITTANCES should have no say where they were either born or raised from small…and she was not even born on the fcuking island….

    it’s frightening the load of ignorance shared between her and Artax, no wonder they get along so well, some things i feel too embarrassed to even answer these days…’s goddamn scary…and i feel like am lowering myself more and more to be seen back and forthing with those two payasos.

    don’t even bother to waste ya goddamn time jumping out, both of you are really TOO DUMB to be bothered with anymore…’s really embarrassing.

  20. and she was not even born on the fcuking island….

    oh, and she can’t go to UK where she was born and say none of that shit publicly…without a very public backlash…..ignorance is not bliss, it’s a goddamn CURSE…

  21. I listened to what my mind could have endured of the COVID press conference and it saddens to hear the predicament the govt has on its hand
    The Facts as told by govt were daunting
    Reminders of and warnings given to the govt were met with high objectivity
    All I could think of were these words
    How did the country find itself in this situation
    Instead of light at the end of the tunnel the monster has overtaken the entire country
    With limited resources can the govt wrestle this monster to the ground

  22. Fuh peat sake would u stop putting my comments in moderation
    Just 5.26 in the morning and the already started
    If u there is a problem fix the dam thing
    Very blasted annoying

  23. Sealy for South Central again

    FORMER Minister of Tourism Richard Sealy will be running again in St Michael South Central in the next general election.
    He made the announcement during a Democratic Labour Party (DLP) St Michael South Central branch meeting on Saturday night held online.
    “I am happy to be here and happy that the branch has invited me once again to continue my political stewardship in St Michael South Central. I want to thank the various organs for ratifying my candidacy and asking me to be the standard-bearer for the Democratic Labour Party in St Michael South Central. I accept that with humility and with the assurance that I would give my very best to seek that the seat of course comes back to the Democratic Labour Party,” he said to applause.
    Sealy, a civil engineer, first won the seat in 2003 and again in 2008 and 2013, until the 30-0 wipeout by the Barbados Labour Party in the 2018 poll.

  24. Don’t even know why administration on BU monitoring my comments
    Could it be my views does not line up.with govt policies
    Funny strange that only on this platform I am.having this problem
    Freedom of speech is a gift please BU for God sake down kick such freedom down the ladder holding on to political might
    One day coming u might have regrets and what if’s

  25. I know money is of essence to have a secure life
    But don’t know why Sinckler got suckered into accepting a job from Mia
    Now that govt pot is boiling over with scams and Scandals he would best be advice to.jump ship and use his free time to write a book
    Titled how things can mash up and Barbados politics at the drop of a hat
    I admire Sealy fortitude for staying with the party during the bad times
    He would be rewarded for his loyalty by the electorate not forgetting in his ten year tenure he did an outstanding job as Minister of Tourism
    He is one that is dependable and takes the oath of good stewardship with all seriousness
    Kudos to a man who has the country back

  26. re Sometimes i get the feeling am forced to lower my iintelligence to discourse with some bloggers and it’s beginning to disturb me more and more…

  27. It’s not a good feeling and EXPOSES all that is VERY WRONG with Barbados” miseducation system, no matter how much they brag and boast of attending this school and that school….it DOES NOT TRANSLATE to commonsense, high levels of intellect or even basic literacy…they try way too hard to let everyone see the reality.

  28. John2,

    Your family lives here still? Your wife and your children? You planning to return? You have a business here?

    That is a different matter.

    But those who have nothing here but a and house and a house spots should not vote here. Their property may depend on it but we who live here- our whole LIVES depend on it.

    And as for not being born here – I have dedicated nearly fifty damn years to this country and its children to the point where their parents laughingly called them “Donna’s children”.

    So the crazy ass bitch WURA can piss off!

    It has nothing to do with birth. It is about being ALL IN!

    If yuh planning to come home, nobody can stop you and why should they even wish to!

    Then you can vote for who governs US ALL!




    You is an ignorant bitch, doh!

  29. Has anyone seen the breaking news yesterday about the Pandora Papers….it’s quite the ICIJ expose….had the internet hot like fire..

  30. “He who feels it, knows it!”

    That, in a rational world, should be ALL it takes to win the argument of who should vote here.

    Imagine, you want to vote in who will govern us while you remain unaffected! And we who live here must live with YOUR choices.


  31. For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith.
    1 John 5:4

  32. Donna i must say it feels strange to agree with you but you are spot on.Imagine bajans who live here voting back in the clueless dems led by the political nightwatchman.Then we who live here gotta live with the consequences while the likesof Skinner, Gazzerts, Tlsn , Sarge, Ac and others living outside cslling us idiots .Hell no let them dtay where they are amd vote for tjr persons in their country.These are dems looking to score cheap political points.However i believe most bajans are sensible enough to see through their agendas.Therefore we who live here ain, t buying what you selling.There is very few countries in the world who are not struggling with this pandemic.This is not time for amateurs.As for Waru you sin,t lowering yourself you are nothing but a msd asd bitch who pollutes the blog everyday with the same bprimg shite and then got the audacity to claim you jave accomplish something on this blog.What is this accomplishment boring us to death? Go get a life asshole.I gone.

  33. Little Slave…and that’s all ya will ever be….ya not important at any time of any day to make a difference anywhere…

  34. And that is as low as am willing to take my intellect going forward..

  35. Lorenzo

    The same way some local bajans will vote b or d or any third party or not vote at all so too will the overseas bajans

    The bu overseas bajans may lesn d but they Are not the majority of bajans overseas

  36. My opinion.
    Allow me to put in my two cents. I will straddle the fence somewhat

    If a person leave is permanent (there is no intention/desire to return) then he/she should consider not voting in elections back home.

    If a person migrated (like birds do), it is in their interest to participate in elections at home. A person who migrated to better himself/his family and his country should have the same or similar rights to a person at home and not contributing.

    Government should provide the opportunity for citizens to vote no matter where they are.

  37. It is wrong to lump all overseas Bajan in the same boat.

    I have never called all at home idiots. In fact, I dislike the use of that word and may have applied it to a single individual. I cannot even remember who.

    I discovered that when I made a smart remark and moved on, the ‘targets’ still remembered them. That is one of the reason I tried to get out of name calling and smart remarks about any individual.

    The attempts at humor will remain.

  38. William Skinner Avatar

    @ Lorenzo onsequences
    “while the likesof Skinner, Gazzerts, Tlsn , Sarge, Ac and others living outside cslling us idiots .”(Quote)
    I just want to ask you directly.
    1. Did you ever read anything William Skinner wrote about overseas voting for Barbadians?
    2. Did you ever read where William Skinner refer to anybody as an idiot ?
    @Lorenzo, kindly extend to me the courtesy of only engaging me on what I write. That’s all I ask.
    Have a nice day.

  39. Here is my poke at list
    Lawson – can take and return a poke

    Lorenzo – serious as a heart attack. Should be poked to death.

    🐇 – I just like to watch him digging new holes

    AC – my new love; a mad rabbit at times

    Cuhdear – just love her gotcha moves

  40. angela cox October 3, 2021 3:55 PM #: “The same two or three Enuff. Lorenzo on occasion Artax. And of course yourself.

    My friend,

    ……… if I ‘say’ you’re LIAR, you will obviously ‘jump up and holler fuh murdah.’

    David BU ‘asked,’ “For the sake of clarity, HOW MANY commenters made reference to overseas bajans on the TOPIC BEING DISCUSSED.”

    As far as I know, the “topic being discussed” is, ‘One Term Government?’

    This is my THIRD contribution to the topic.

    Could you PLEASE INDICATE to me and, by extension, the forum, WHERE in ANY of those contributions, I MADE ANY REFERENCE to “overseas Bajans?”

    As the old saying goes, ‘if you don’t know what to talk ’bout, then STFU.’

  41. Should riri be allow to vote In Barbados if she chose to?

    Then why no the bu idiots?

    Agree with TheO
    It should be the choice of the bajan to give up that right

  42. Lorenzo jumps out front to criticize bajans living overseas
    But on the matter of govt procuring vaccines from scumbags and lowlife Lorenzo has nothing to say
    Just imagine jumping up and and down on BU and cussing yuh own brothers and sisters all who have and are still contributing to Barbados economy and many who have and are still supporting charities
    But can’t exercise the same vitriol towards foreigners who scam the govt
    Yuh ought to be ashamed of self

  43. @Lorenzo H
    This is not time for amateurs
    You got that right, ah mean a man got taken to the cleaners trying to enter the murky world of third party vaccine procurement. Looka here, judging from all your comments I know that you believe that Mottley is the best thing since sliced bread, but I happen to have a different opinion and the Gov’t’s handling of the pandemic has done nothing to change my opinion. A leader leads, a leader doesn’t wait to see which way the wind is blowing to act. Barbados has a serious problem in its burgeoning number of COVID cases, it can’t be business as usual or nonsensical phrases of “this is not who we are” it requires decisive action by Gov’t to halt the spread of the virus and if that means vaccine mandates, the Gov’t (Mottley) has a duty to act and let the chips fall where they may.

    Imagine a country with 80-90 % of its citizens fully vaccinated, imagine Harrison’s Point being a ghost town, imagine schools being returned to their substantive use with children in their classrooms. Imagine no line ups at all the commercial houses and Gov’t offices

    .Just imagine that, You can hail the great leader who accomplished that feat and have visions of another 30-0 .Then you could don your Republic outfit and boast about Amateur hour for another 5 years.

  44. With Sealy In the race the dlp now got a shot at Two Seats maximum.

    He now need a PR bath to wash the south coast shit from off of him.

    His chances of becoming opposition leader Are greater than verla .

  45. Theo……i distinctly remember….when the government came up with this “we gathering” victims scam to get people livig in the diaspora to POUR THEIR HARD EARNED money into Barbados, just before Covid, they said there would be legislation to allow those in the diaspora to vote, don’t know if the legislation happened because some who left the US to come to the cocktail parties ended up as Covid victims…….don’t expect the miseducated with short memory syndrome to remember that, all these little uneducated Slaves on BU were happy to encourage the scam , now they are spewing UNEDUCATED Slave shit….but Covid happened for a reason….to also expose all this backwardness..

    hope this jogged their memories, because those living in the diaspora DID NOT FORGET….i would let their asses starve just for their disrespect.

  46. @J2
    I see that you are doing some calculations. But I must query your answer as Sealy is just 1 man.

    It is true that you use the word maximum, but you must have another in mind.

  47. William…ignore the uneducated little Slave….all he got is BU to make himself look more and more stupid every day…..without that he would remain invisible..

    told them already that am not the one.

  48. A few commenters on the blog share an opinion and some of you run with that as the gospel according to all Barbadians.

    You lot must have a lot of time on your hands.

  49. I just checked the 2018 results

    Sealy got to Much ground to make up against a solid woman


    The best chance dem got is SM NW
    Sincklet former Seat – was the closest. – he lost by just under 500 votes
    But that will still be a lot to make

    I still on another red wash

  50. William Skinner Avatar

    Quite frankly , it will take a remarkable person to say that this is not the norm on BU. But, I am still waiting on the day to come when somebody, any part of the world, plant okra and reap pepper.
    There are some of us who live in perpetual denial of what goes on around them; others suffer from convenient amnesia.
    I have already had to remind one person of how he viewed Mark Maloney prior 2018 and how he views him now. And that’s how the seeds reproduce time after time. Whatever is planted.
    Divide and rule was the main weapon of our former slave masters. Unfortunately it is now the main weapon of our political class. And it’s working with great precision.
    However, in the end it will not serve the country well. Lowering standards and exploiting the gullibility of those who can least defend themselves , have ravished our country , and like it or lump it, it will not see better days unless there is a seismic shift in how we think.
    The socio economic fabric of Bim will not be served by the almost unimaginable defense of using and promoting the same weapon that kept us in bondage and raped us of our very being.
    We have to be brutally Frank: Sir Grantley Adams with all his faults took us to adult suffrage; Errol Barrow with all his faults took us to independence. Sometime after that both political parties just lost their way.
    They are now incapable of doing any better. We have not yet produced one leader of the calibre of Sir Grantley and Errol Barrow. There is now none and there is none on the horizon. It’s a sad but brutal assessment of our country.
    The lies, deception, lack of transparency, lack of accountability,largesse, looking after party pimps, committing the country y to bogus and muddled arrangements ; that transpired before under the Democratic Labour Party and were correctly voted against are with us now under the Barbados Labour Party.
    And that’s the bitter pill that some on this blog cannot accept and will never accept.
    The Duopoly will eventually squeeze all the breath from our beloved country.
    Mottley + Depeiza = Samething.
    One term ,five term , ten term ,Bees or Dees will be the same result.
    Never plant okra and look for pepper .

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