The unemployment situation in St George North is dreadful.  Disappointing voters with false promises is not an option in this by-election.  Candidates must offer workable plans, to effectively address the mass unemployment problems in St George North.

There are six candidates seeking to work for the people of St George North, for the next 30 months.   It is important that none of us follow the bad examples of those who have gone before us.

Candidates who plan to use the desperate unemployed people of St George North as pawns, just to secure a seat in the House of Assembly for their party, are doing the unconscionable.  They are ensuring that the people continue to suffer, during these exceptionally difficult times.  The present suffering is compounded by an unnecessary IMF austerity program, and a global COVID-19 pandemic.

Candidates who make promises that they know they cannot keep, are deceiving voters’ families.  Candidates who know that they have no capacity to implement their party’s plans, push that deceit beyond tolerable levels.

Career politicians have repeatedly broken their promises to previous generations of voters.  Those voters had the patience to tolerate and forgive those, who repeatedly deceived them with empty promises.
The current generation of young voters are different – they will not forgive that type of deceit.  Candidates without any workable economic plans for the families of St George North, are playing with fire.

Audio Version

Grenville Phillips II is a Chartered Structural Engineer, and the Solutions Barbados’ candidate for St George North.  He can be reached at

545 responses to “Solutions Barbados – Playing With Fire”

  1. @Greene

    Are you onboard to promote change or not. Do you agree if Reifer is a no show at the debate if it comes off it will be a negative for him? Answer the questions.

  2. @ David BU

    A televised live debate for a by-election would be a waste of time, even if the moderators were David Ellis, Julian Rogers or Wolf Blitzer. I could see such a debate being dominated by focusing on national issues, as opposed to issues that are confined to St. George North.

    However, the only candidate, in my opinion, who has so far set out clearly defined vision for the constituency, is Grenville Phillips II. Candidates coming to a forum to talk about repairing roads, providing housing solutions, debushing or building community centers is folly, because parliamentary representative are duty bound to provide those things.It’s similar to ‘government’ bragging about buying buses and garbage trucks.

  3. @Artax

    The issue for Reifer if we are to go with the info in the public is that there will be a debate. It therefore does not matter if it will be a waste of time – we will have to wait for the outcome – but the decision to participate or not.

  4. @David

    no. and Reifer has already dealt with that issue quite adequately

    quote] However, on Sunday night, the DLP’s candidate Floyd Reifer seemingly poured cold water on the debates.

    “Politics is about representation. This isn’t the time for grandstanding when people are suffering, hurting, unemployed and frustrated. Every spare moment I get, I will spend with my people,” he declared during a political meeting.[quote

  5. He will have to deal with the fallout of it comes off. Can he afford fallout based on support? Time will tell.

  6. @Artax, my former campaign manager and ‘neutral ‘commentator,

    spot on

  7. It is official, heard on the news that the DLP has declined the invitation to debate because Reifer
    does not have sufficient time to prepare. One has to assume the other candidates have no such issue.

  8. .This brings me to the conclusion he is either sn ec minister or insider of the DLP pretending like Skinner






  9. AFTER NOW 11 he will have a lot of spare time

  10. @David,

    i told you so. it makes sense for the DLP. the others can do as they like. DLP showing real balls. that is change you can believe in.

    all they have to do is hammer Moore with the sell out tag- held out for 23% with the DLP and settled for 5% with the BLP and a seat in parliament.

  11. @Greene

    We will know the quality of that decision soon. At this point it is an unknown variable.

  12. Greene

    all moore being a sell out going appeal to are the vote that are already in his pocket.
    i keep telling you the “union” is mainly behind moore.
    SGN is strickly BLP as the numbers over the yeas will point out.

  13. Baje i see you choose to cherry piclk parts pf what i ssid.I also asked youWHERE THE HELL WERE YOU BETWEEN 2008 AND 2018 WHEN WE WERE SEEONG HELL FROM DOWNGRADE AFTER DOWNGRADE TO JUNK BOND STATUS?Answer that part jackass why you running from the question?During that period we had the two worst PM and the worst cabinet in my view in the history of Barbados and NOT A WORD FROM YOU.WERE YOU ON MARS OR TIMBUCKTO AT THE TIME?As for Greene you can pretty it up any way you loke Mr Reifer is running scared which will backfire on him because if he cannot handle a debate how the hell he will reprezent people in parliament?Pure folly.

  14. No debate
    Debate what their would be unfair advantage for Reifer
    No debate just a political land mine set up for Reifer
    Let them debate meanwhile Reifer goes out in trenches and do what he does best exposed govt failures all highlighted with videos to show proof of what govt refused to do for SGN
    A picture is worth a thousand words

  15. the most vote that reifer can count on are thos by Ince in 2013 when the dems were in power.
    he need to convert well over 1000 to get any place close to making it an interesting match.

    If you all think moore, clarke and MM so unpopular in SGN you fooling yourselves

  16. “ It is particularly ironic that a politician should think that way because in politics anyone can win a seat and become a Member of Parliament . And if his party wins power, he can become a minister in areas of governance in areas of governance in which he has no training , competence or qualifications. It is not difficult to understand substandard leadership and substandard performance at ministerial levels.”
    Dr. Rudi V Webster
    Nation Newspaper Tuesday Oct. 20th.

    We have had lawyers guiding educational policy, health policy, economic policy, housing policy etc.
    I guess Rihanna is an excellent debater; has a great command of the English language and that made her a billionaire but she may not be fit for parliament because she is just an entertainer and any “idiot” can sing into a microphone.

  17. @Greene

    To elaborate, not participating in the debate is the better decision for Reifer. He would have been a poor debater.



    @ Lorenzo the female rabbit



  19. did i miss something?

    did anyone said some one is unfit because they cannot debate?

  20. @David,

    that may or may not be true. but let me ask again, how many persons in parliament who are now ministers participated in a televised debate to be elected?

  21. The blogmaster recalls a youthful Richard Sealy performing very well against the experience Billie Miller. He was able to establish his bona fides as a serious politician.

  22. @Greene

    Do you accept some of us are prepared to raise the bar and not what was?

  23. Baje

    Because u were once blind but now you can see means that all the bajan that cannot see the light yet cannot think for themselves?
    i profess to speak on their behalf but i would never try to think for them. i believe they are all educated and can make their own decisions. right or wrong it them that have to live with it.

    i share my opinions on BU just like everyone else and pay the taxes i have to pay in bim which ever GOV is in power.

  24. John 2 do not take on Skinner he is just trying to be funny as usualI do not know how saying debating is not Mr Teifer, s strength can be determined to be saying Mr Reifer cannot debate.Some of these dems have a problem with comprehension and scrapinh about for all kind of red herrings but it will not help Reifer or them.Skinner also asked about the czar in the unterest of tranparecy.I heard the PM and the AG speak on this matter stating that Mr Carter had been seconded from another job to become the czar based on his experience with ebola etc and that time period had expired and Mr Carter had returned to his substantive job.What more transparency you want?By the way John 2 Donna and Baje are two seperate people not the brightest but there you go.

  25. David,

    that was just 2 years ago. that was a general election and this is a by.

    mate, you are flogging a dead horse and this has become a circular argument.

    lets wait and see how the cookie crumbles. this remains a BLP seat to lose,

  26. when MM announced that the time would be made available for the debates she did say it was because of the covid situati

    but politics is politics.

  27. If all the other parties take part in the debate then which one can we concluded is the one that approached GP2?

  28. Refier and DEM on the backfoot running away from the ball

  29. Ms Depeiza got to be joking.She states Mr Reifer does not have enough time to prepare.Enough time to prepare for what? I thought Mr Reifer was a hometown boy from St George.What time does he need to speak about issues in an area he dhould know like the back of his hand.Unless he was never interested in the problems until he was nominated which would be a poor reflection on him. Bottom line i believe he is afraid to debate with Ms Moore and they looking for excuses either way it looks bad on his part.

  30. @ William

    When I talk about revolving mediocrity this is what I mean. A young man or woman goes to school, then goes on to do a LLB at Cave Hill and LEC at Wooding.
    They return to Barbados and work in a decent set of chambers, if they are lucky, and, after a couple years, enter politics. If fortunate, they are elected to parliament and may even get a ministry.
    From birth to parliament, that person has never managed a household budget, farless a ministry; they have received no specialised training and are ill-equipped for the task at hand. You only have to talk to them to realise they are out of their depth.
    This is the setting. Recently the president said she loved numbers, in the mistaken belief that this equips her to be finance minister.
    I once heard her described accountants as bookkeepers, which I am sure was not meant.
    I know we do not like looking overseas, but in the UK, elected parliamentarians are given workshops and seminars by leading academics and those who will head economic ministries are given crash courses in economics.
    But, ignore these Europeans, they do not know what they are doing..

  31. no got time to prepare is such a poor excuse if all the other parties take part.
    should have stick to the script of staying in the trenches

    Greene you need to get DEM direct line

  32. @ Green October 20, 2020 12:42 PM
    that may or may not be true. but let me ask again, how many persons in parliament who are now ministers participated in a televised debate to be elected?”

    Excellent point! That riposte should put the blogmaster on the back foot.

    Why should the rest of the residents of Barbados who cannot cast any vote in this by-election be subject to a debate focussed on parochial matters affecting the voters of SGN?

    Maybe a debate involving the leaders of the political parties to discuss their parties’ manifesto plans for the people of SGN and, by extension, the wider Lilliputian island; but clearly not rookies or political whippersnappers (except GP11) with no track record to defend.

  33. the DLP did the right thing and i endorse the stance taken.

    a televised debate in a run of the mill by election is a waste of time. let Moore or Less strut her stuff with the others. maybe she can find time to sell out Grenville.

    after all, as union leader of BWU, Toni held out for More under the DLP but settled for Less with the BLP. for which she was seemingly rewarded a seat.

  34. A debate is a waste of time.99% of Barbadian young persons do not watch CBC and that is nationally. How will a nationally broadcast debate decide what is happening in St.George North? There should have a been a three townhall meetings held at St. George Secondary School with selected voters from SGN. There should be supporters of all parties and independents. Grenville Phillips wants to debate because he needs the national attention. The BLP and DLP already have a base of supporters.The idea of debates were not pushed in the last election or Chris Sinckler would have won based on what the the PM is trying to show that Reifer is not a debater but Toni Moore is.

  35. @Greene

    The blogmaster senses Reifer’s non participation will be interpreted as a sign of wanting to hide the fact he has to present from prepared scripts. Rest assured the BLP will tar him for it. However, if he participates the evidence so far is that he is a poor debater. He is staying away because his handlers are hiding him and for no other reason. A discerning public is aware. Will it hurt him?

  36. Oh shirt! Donna and Baje are two different people?????


    Note to self – never hire Johnnies for detective work! They are not the brightest bulbs.

  37. @David

    any idiot can debate

  38. Mia Mottley is the best. She is the smartest. She is wonderful. She is completely honest. She can do no wrong. Every move she makes is spectacular.

    Sending this to CXC for grading. I hope I get my first ever Grade 1 so I can be a bright girl.

  39. Oh dear ! I forgot the title.

    Mia the Magnificent – My Dearly Beloved Leader.

  40. @Greene

    And that idiot will lose the debate if he or she has to participate with others who are not idiots.

  41. The voters of SGN do not want to see the staging of a NATO (No Action, Talk Only) conference on TV on some 2×3 island.

    They want to interact with the candidates to find out which one of them ‘appears’ to be the most people ‘friendly and focussed’ person and not just another certified bull-shitter made up for the TV screen.

    It’s called voters’ emotional intelligence at work!

  42. David
    In the House of Assembly the MPs debate from prepared notes. All they do is make sure they add Mr. Speaker Sir along the way. I watch them and it is sometimes very hard on the ears.There are not many good debaters in the House Assembly at this time.

  43. @Miller

    Do you live in SGN?

  44. Understand how this works. People have a ‘visual’ in their heads the type of person they will support. Some will vote for party colour, , some for the candidate perceived as being able to help them at the household level, some because the vote was bought, some because of miscellaneous reasons where no rationale can be applied etc etc.

    In this case many have taken note that Reifer has to read from a piece of paper all the time which is unusual when stumping. Although many will be sympathetic, it waters down the perception of someone who is fully versed.

  45. Can we post questions David Ellis should have on his iPad? He can email those for Reifer so that he can prepare an email response.

  46. Who expects that Floyd Reifer would be a good debater? When last has he debated?


    I agree with Artax that it would have to be about national issues because the issues that occupy the minds of constituents are not really the stuff of which good debates are made.

    Should be good fun to watch! GP2 will be there. I en missing dah!

  47. @ David October 20, 2020 1:55 PM

    Ancestrally speaking!!

    BTW, the people of St. George were once promised a “SEA”. They are still awaiting the arrival of the sand and the fish.

  48. @Donna

    This is where we disagree. There is nothing to constrain the debate to parochial issues, this is a member of parlia man who should be able to speak to issues of national concern, going republic, same sex union/gay marriage, governance issues etc.

  49. Donna and Baje are two seperate people not the brightest but there you go.


    IS THIS COMING FROM @ Lorenzo the Female Rabbit.

    A brazen asshole who can’t think for himself and bogged down in BLP SHENANIGANS.





  50. So Blue Horizon which belonged to TAXPAYERS and was sold to crooks BY CROOKS,
    DOWNWARD of its market value by a at least 7 MILLION DOLLARS….is now a quarantine facility…ah wonder who is benefiting on BOTH ENDS from that clear case of stealing from the public to benefit corrupt minorities and even more corrupt politicians…

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