The unemployment situation in St George North is dreadful.  Disappointing voters with false promises is not an option in this by-election.  Candidates must offer workable plans, to effectively address the mass unemployment problems in St George North.

There are six candidates seeking to work for the people of St George North, for the next 30 months.   It is important that none of us follow the bad examples of those who have gone before us.

Candidates who plan to use the desperate unemployed people of St George North as pawns, just to secure a seat in the House of Assembly for their party, are doing the unconscionable.  They are ensuring that the people continue to suffer, during these exceptionally difficult times.  The present suffering is compounded by an unnecessary IMF austerity program, and a global COVID-19 pandemic.

Candidates who make promises that they know they cannot keep, are deceiving voters’ families.  Candidates who know that they have no capacity to implement their party’s plans, push that deceit beyond tolerable levels.

Career politicians have repeatedly broken their promises to previous generations of voters.  Those voters had the patience to tolerate and forgive those, who repeatedly deceived them with empty promises.
The current generation of young voters are different – they will not forgive that type of deceit.  Candidates without any workable economic plans for the families of St George North, are playing with fire.

Audio Version

Grenville Phillips II is a Chartered Structural Engineer, and the Solutions Barbados’ candidate for St George North.  He can be reached at

545 responses to “Solutions Barbados – Playing With Fire”

  1. Mock sport

    The Grantley Adams Award, the highest award of the Barbados Labour Party, will be bestowed on Gline Clarke on Friday during the party’s annual general conference.

  2. Johnnie on the left
    Lorenzo on the right
    Doesn’t really matter
    Both covered in shite.

  3. i say again

    F U on behalf of the thousands of bajan that voted B and D
    because they dont conform to what you want their cannot think for themselves. yes i am the ignorant – i confess i cannot not see that you are trying reverse psychology

    jackass you are

    You may have the last word dumb donna

  4. David
    We need a stronger Opposition and the Dems put forward an inexperienced candidate with questionable public speaking skills? What Reifer could bring to the Opposition? GPII far more deserving and competent than Reifer. Who will get the senators in the upper house? Will 2 weak Opposition MPs make a difference?

  5. Donna poor girl i thought you wasn, t going to be responding again? I guess you can , t help you must have the last word because you never wrong.For sure once you get rightly called out as a dem trying to pretend like some on here as a neutral then those calling you out are yardfowlsYou must think you speaking to idiots cut the crap lady.I KNOW YOU ARE ONE OF THE BIGGEST DEM YARDFOWLS ON HERE AND NOTHING YOU SAY WILL CHANGE THAT.

  6. I don’t want to fight with anyone…..

    If you are referring to me, why must I always be a wingman for someone?
    Wingman for piece.
    Piece absents himself.
    Now wingman for Mr Hal Austin. Is that a demotion or promotion?
    I just want to fly alone.

  7. @enuff

    They are going with his strong local brand to carry the message beause the DLP’s is weak at the moment. Time will tell of the people of SGN are overwhelmed by it.

  8. Cock Johnny smelling bad
    Cock Lorenzo smelling worse
    De only ting more smelly
    Is a duppy left in hearse.

  9. @David

    do you think the DLP made a choice in Reifer? how about the BLP? this was suppose to be a romp home for the BLP but all you have is talk for the DLP? what gives, man?

  10. Poor donna cant Even Get a snelle duppy in a hearse to give she a cock

  11. @Greene

    What evidence is there that it will not be a romp in the park?

  12. “There is no context for a fabrication.”

    Why is it when anyone writes anything about you, it’s always fabrication?

    According to you, “I do not expect any of this will change your mind, but it is my last reply to you.” I NEVER MENTIONED ANYTHING about reading ANY information that “suggested or hinted at or implied you ever worked as an insurance salesman.” You are a LIAR.

    In the interest of clarity, let me be a bit more specific. I previously wrote about having read information pertaining to you, and was immediately ‘drawn’ to the words ‘financial adviser.’ Misinterpreting the term within the Bajan context, led me to believe you were an insurance salesman. You came to BU two weeks ago with the same nonsense, and, I once again ADMITTED that, upon re-reading the information, it clearly indicated you were a Senior Editor of the Financial Adviser.

    Unless the below information is a ‘fabrication’ and the photo therein is that of another individual, then I stand corrected.

    However, if it is accurate, then LET’S MOVE ON………….. PLEASE!!!!!

  13. @David,

    it will be an upset if the BLP doesnt win. would that have changed if the Dems ran a different candidate? how about taking a stab at my other queries?

  14. Oh dear! Are we back to the sex thing? All male insults seem to derive from sex and gender.

    I was actually talking about roosters.

    What is this obsession with sex????? Men and Evangelical Christians. Obsessed with sex. I must see if there are any psychological studies on that.

    I have always found that there is more to life. Today I am listening to Just a Minute on Youtube. Tonight I will listen to the Clitheroe Kid.


    Cock Johnnie getting vex
    Puffin’ up in shitty nes
    Cock Lorenzo flew de coop
    But he cyah long plenty poop.

  15. In response, I ‘said’ I misinterpreted information that led me to believe the individual was an INSURANCE SALESMAN…… and EXPLAINED, in Barbados, those guys usually identify themselves as ‘financial advisors.’ I also explained I used term within in that context and NOT to identify someone who provides professional financial services to clients. I ACCEPTED his explanation and MOVED ON…..(Quote)

    ” I NEVER MENTIONED ANYTHING about reading ANY information that “suggested or hinted at or implied you ever worked as an insurance salesman.” You are a LIAR…..(Quote)

  16. @Greene

    It is not a binary issue. The BLP secured 81% of the vote in 2018. The extent to which the DLP can reduce that % will be a learning of where the parties are in the minds of the electorate.

  17. Carson C Cadogan Avatar
    Carson C Cadogan

    Where you got those figures from????MoreAlmos 50% of ELIGIBLE VOTERS didn’t vote last elections.

  18. @David,

    man, you seem to be responding to some other queries besides

  19. I promised not to revisit this silly topic, but, in the interest of clarity, MISINTERPRETATION is the key word here.

    I already explained and ADMITTED my misinterpretation of the term ‘financial advisor,” led me to form a PERSONAL OPINION you were an insurance salesman. Surely, if there was any information that specifically identified you as such, then there wouldn’t be any reason to FORM an opinion, based on a misinterpretation.

    Don’t you believe, after approximately four years of ‘holding a grudge’ and rehashing this petty nonsense, it’s time for you ‘to let go and move on?’

    The irony of holding a grudge:

  20. @ David BU

    Compare the number of people registered to vote in St. George North between 1986 and 2018, with the number of people who actually voted and the percentage which the candidates ‘won the seat,’ is very interesting.

    For example, in 1986 the DLP’s Cyril Walker received 3,089 (59.86%) and Jack Odle received 2,058 (40.14%). Of the 6,595 registered voters, 5,160 (78.24%) voted, while 1,435 did not vote.

    In 1999, Clarke received 3,948 (79.45%) and Patrick Carter = 1,021 (20.55%). 7,468 registered voters, 4,996 (66.90%) voted and 2,572 did not.

    In 2003 Gline Clarke ran against ‘hometown boy’ Desmond Browne. Of the 7,625 people registered to vote, the voter turn out was 4,879 (66.78%) of which 3,398 (60.07%) voted for Clarke, while 1,447 (29.87%) voted for Browne, which meant 2,746 people did not vote.

    In 2008 Clarke ran against another ‘hometown boy,’ Colin Spencer. Clarke = 3,309 (69.58%) and Spencer = 1,447 (30.42%). of the 8,542 registered voters, 4,756 (55.68%) voted and 3,786 stayed away from the polls.

    In 2013, Clarke = 3,508 (55.12%); Jepter Ince = 2,391 (40.43%). Of the 9,041 registered voters, 5,920 (65.48%) voted, while 3,121 did not vote.

    Also, your assistance with a comment I posted.

  21. David

    I would expect ThT percentage to drop
    I expect more dlpite to come out for reifer AS he is not cooked to the lost de Ade squash

    However if moore comes any where near the total votes that Clarke got then he can hang up HIS BAT

  22. I promised not to revisit this issue, but I’m forced to do so, in the interest of clarity.

    You purposely took my entire comments out of context in an attempt to prove some silly point. That’s the norm with you.

    I have already explained that a misinterpretation of a term led me to form a personal opinion. If I had misinterpreted any information that suggested, hinted, implied or explicitly identified you as having sold insurance, then, surely I would have probably mentioned, for example, you were a ‘soil technician’ or a ‘rose tree trimmer.’

  23. @Artax

    Thanks, the numbers tell the story. There will have to be a seismic swing against the government for Reifer to win. Also note the voters list is always in need of culling.

  24. Oh shirt! I just really read that Johnnie’s statements. Looks like he thinks Baje and I are the same person.


    So…. I guess I have multiple personalities. The Donna personality thinks that she is in the top 10% of the world’s richest people. And the Baje personality thought she was delusional. Don’t know if he did the math after PLT’s intervention cause he dropped the delusional bit. But he does still cuss the Donna personality on Hal Austin’s behalf. I think the last time the Donna personality was a bullshitter or is that the time before last. Probably just a jackass now.

    Murdah! This week has been hilarious so far! I’ve have been investigated by two Johnnies.

    And the results are in – I am both a mannish woman named Baje and a weak woman named Donna.

    Which personality will dominate tomorrow?

    Stay tuned!

  25. If you are presenting voters by party and non-voters, then presenting them so that there are three percentages would be interesting.

    As an example,
    In 2013, Clarke = 3,508 (55.12%); Jepter Ince = 2,391 (40.43%). Of the 9,041 registered voters, 5,920 (65.48%) voted, while 3,121 did not vote
    In 2013, Clarke = 3,508 (37%.3), Jepter Ince = 2,391 (25.4%) and 3,121 (34%),did not vote.

    A strong third party could probably pull a few from all three groups. What was seen as a run-away win could be a close race.

    (Using a cell phone and wrong denominator)

  26. The magnitude of the 30-0 win is more mythical than real.

  27. However, the SGN 2018 win was impressive.

  28. TheO. 715pm


  29. Ok. Got it

  30. @ David

    I agree with you. What you have to realise is, although ‘the numbers tell a story,’ rather than being comfortable given the statistics, the BLP appeared to be complacent in the initial days of the campaign, but subsequently went on the defensive. It seems as though Mottley is ‘be all, end all’ of their campaign strategy, which also appears to be disorganized, as evidenced by many of their speakers’ lackluster performances and Delisle Bradshaw’s injudicious comments regarding Reifer.

    Their campaign was also ‘dealt a serious blow’ by former BLP member and their 2018 general elections deputy campaign manager, Anthony Wood, who publicly ‘threw his support’ behind Reifer and spoke on his platform. This is indicative of the ease with which disgruntled BEES and DEES can cross and immediately settle within the opposing party.

    The suggestion Reifer is not a politically effective orator is perhaps true, because I’ve heard him struggle to read from the script. But, I have some difficulty trying to understand Edmund Hinkson……… and he’s the parliamentary representative for St. James North. However, Reifer offers a level of ‘freshness and innocence’ that Colin Spencer, Jepter Ince or any other former DLP candidate are unable to offer, as a result of the ‘baggage’ they would ‘bring forward’ from the previous administration’s tenure.

  31. Donna

    Go back to 1119am. Baje

    Why he jumped on me in Defence of u?

    I wont put anything pass you or him

  32. Does anyone know what caused the fracture between Wood and Weir? Whatever it is Wood has now distanced himself from the BLP which is surprising considering it is still holding the reins of power and anything that an (ex)politician wants still has to go through the PM.

    Don’t blame me the PM said so and she was backed by the so- called expert on the Constitution.

    BTW where is Lucille Moe?







    Wood speaks at DLP meeting, but says he has not joined the party

    Former Barbados Labour Party (BLP) stalwart, Anthony Wood, is calling on constituents of St George North to send a strong message to the Mia Amor Mottley administration that the “elitist governance” shown thus far will not be tolerated.

    In a highly-anticipated address on Sunday night in Newbury, St George, from the platform of the Democratic Labour Party (DLP), Wood painted a picture of a BLP membership cowering in fear of reprisal from the top.

    Wood was speaking leading up to the November 11 by-election for the St George North seat left vacant by former BLP member of Parliament Gline Clarke.

    “There are some who tell me that all roads lead to Mottley. So they are like sheep, they are being dominated . . . ,” said Wood.

    The former BLP member made it clear that while he has not joined the DLP, he “has come too far to be a boy in the yard under Mottley”.

    Wood, who was the deputy campaign manager for the BLP during the 2018 General Election, argued that under Mottley there has been a high-handed approach to governance, which has been evident in policy decisions such as the Barbados Optional Savings Scheme (BOSS), which originally was pitched as a forced savings plan. He also questioned the manner in which the domestic debt restructuring was handled. He warned that if left unchecked, Barbadians will be sorry down the road.

    “I am concerned . . . . When I first heard the term forced savings plan, I said to myself that I did the right thing in leaving the Barbados Labour Party because I cannot understand how a woman could be so forward . . . to think that she could determine better than the civil servants how to save their money,” said Wood,

    He also argued that the “unilateral approach” to the domestic debt restructuring, during which people holding Government paper took a haircut, was another glaring example of autocratic rule by the current administration. He acknowledged that he was a proponent of the debt re-profiling plan while on the 2018 campaign trail, but he understood it to mean a lengthening of the repayment time rather than deny investors a significant portion of what was owed.

    “A clown like me believing that was what debt reprofiling meant, I went and sell that to all sorts of Barbadians on platform after platform . . . ,” he said.

    Wood also questioned the haste behind a by-election in the middle of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

    “Gline Clarke resigned abruptly, it surprised me and Gline Clarke is my friend with whom I talk very often. He resigned after telling Barbadians on August 16, 2020 that he intends to contest the next election under the BLP banner. What has changed since August 16? He repeatedly said that he entered politics to represent the St George North constituents and not be a minister. The people of St George North took Gline Clarke at his word and they reposed confidence in him,” he said.

    Wood also urged Barbadians to pay close attention to what he described as elitism on display on the BLP’s platform, noting the recent pronouncement by Delisle Bradshaw, who stated that “any idiot can play cricket”.

    “When Mottley is telling you that you can’t have big works without talking to me, that is an elitist comment coming from Mia Mottley, whose socialism was different from mine. She is saying that Floyd Reifer is incapable of conceptualising anything that could be considered part of a big works programme, so he got to talk to Mottley to get some help to shape the programme and the policies that would result in big works being produced. That is an elitist statement,” said Wood, who served in the Cabinet of the late Owen Arthur from 1999 to 2008.

    “You see these elitist and disparaging comments coming from the other side. I want you all to deal a telling blow to such comments and let them know that you still expect a high degree of respect in social relationships in Barbados. You still demand respect in how people interact with each other in Barbados. If they on the other side, led by Mottley, think that this is not important, then they must be reminded,” he said

  34. Tell Woods to throw HIS hat in the ring if he really got the balls to take on MM


    Beside that he is bare talk

    He got Over 2 years and a whole bunch of parties to join

    But he weaker the the Cabinet members and is a joker just like the jackass baje is


  35. A man that spend 30 years at the top
    Now running from one party to a next
    The Two parties that you dont give a ‘rats ass’ bout
    And u all up in he. According to u – 30 yrs of living off the black bajans and now signing for HIS supper in the next party dat did the same. Now all if a sudden he speak the truth.
    Man go to hell wid ur foolishness

  36. Wood to UPP would be a better move / FIT

  37. In the interest of transparency: What is the official explanation and or reason for the COVID Czar’s departure ?

  38. @Artax

    Interesting comment and analysis. As stated in an earlier comment, the people yearn for a stronger Opposition and this is what the DLP must try to exploit i.e. the protest vote. Bradshaw’s Lammie Craig manner on the platform is old school. He got carried away, was not coached or all the above. In any case it was an indiscretion Reifer needed to deflect and tru to push Moore on the defensive. So far she has tried to stay above the fray but it will be raised in the debate if it comes off.

    Regarding Wood, he was an Arthur disciple and may have decided to continue with Arthur’s Mottley fire rage?

  39. A man that spend 30 years at the top
    Now running from one party to a next
    The Two parties that you dont give a ‘rats ass’ bout
    And u all up in he. According to u – 30 yrs of living off the black bajans and now signing for HIS supper in the next party dat did the same. Now all if a sudden he speak the truth.
    Man go to hell wid ur foolishness




  40. For the IGNORANT fowl slaves/yard fowls….one way or another these leaches and parasites in Black people’s lives have to go, them and their tiefing trash minorities..

    Another accustion of being despotic attributed to Mia. What she and her filthy, no good racist THIEVES AND business partners in the minority community fail to realize is that there is NOT ONE EDUCATED BLACK PERSON, i mean people who understand what ALL OF THEM has done to the black population over decades, will sit back and allow them to continue ROBBING the BLACK population, living OFF THEIR BACKS then acting like the people who really fund the island don’t count, don’t matter and are all SLAVES, that is my problem with Mia and that gang of THIEVES….they have stolen from generations of Bajan youth and are still telling themselves they are invincible and cannot be stopped because they fancy themselves slave masters, well that evil shit by black face JAILERS of the majority black population, ENDS IN THIS DECADES…our grandchildren will no longer be the victims of you cockroaches. Don’t know who they think they are, that’s why Africa must be warned about them, they are too damn arrogant and cocky and believe they are going to be the best slave masters, better than Elizabeth, but watch we nuh, watch us RID THE ISLAND OF ALL OF THEM.

    “Declaring that he is not a “yard boy”, former Barbados Labour Party (BLP) minister Anthony Wood has charged that there is “an element of despotic leadership” in the current administration.
    Referring to the use of the word “despot” by the now late former Prime Minister Professor Owen Arthur to describe Mottley back in 2013, Wood said: “I am concerned that Mottley in her head… thinks she is tightening the vice gripes over Barbadians’ minds and our actions. I am concerned that there is a manifestation of despotic leadership that, if we allow it to go unchecked, we are going to be extremely sorry.”

  41. If wood is preaching a concern about calling an election during COVID 19 he should be the first one to lead by example and weal the mask, practice distancing etc.

    Wood hammers Mia and Bees

    FORMER Barbados Labour Party (BLP) minister and Member of Parliament, Anthony Wood, is calling on constituents of St George North to send a strong message to the Mia Amor Mottley administration that the “elitist governance” shown thus far will not be tolerated.

    In a highly anticipated address on Sunday night at Newbury, St George, from the platform of the Democratic Labour Party (DLP) with whom he had been ideologically at odds for decades, Wood painted a picture of a BLP membership cowering in fear and acting against their consciences, even when it was clear that several promises to Barbadians had been broken.

    “There are some who tell me that all roads lead to Mottley. So they are like sheep, they are being dominated and you all might be surprised, but a lot of what I am supposed to talk about on this platform comes from members of the BLP who are scared to confront her,” said Wood, who made it clear that while he had not joined the DLP, he “has come too far to be a boy in the yard under Mottley”.

    Wood, who was the deputy campaign manager for the BLP in its successful 2018 campaign, charged that under Mottley’s administration there had been a high-handed approach to governance. He said it was evident in policy decisions such as the Barbados Optional Savings Scheme (BOSS), which originally was pitched as a forced savings plan.

    He also said the manner in which the domestic debt restructuring was handled provided further proof of wanton disregard for the rights of people. He warned that if left unchecked, Barbadians would be sorry down the road.

    “When I first heard the term forced savings plan, I said to myself that I did the right thing in leaving the BLP because I cannot understand how a woman could be so forward to think that she could determine better than the civil servants how to save their money,” said Wood.

    Debt reprofiling plan

    He also argued that the “unilateral approach” to the domestic debt restructuring, during which many people holding Government paper took a haircut, was another glaring example of type of rule by the current administration. He acknowledged that he was a proponent of the debt reprofiling plan while on the 2018 campaign trail, but understood it to mean a lengthening of the repayment time rather than denying investors a significant portion of what was owed.

    “A clown like me believing that was what debt reprofiling meant, I went and sell that to all sorts of Barbadians on platform after platform. These people then changed their tune and they shaved off the value in a most unilateral way. So millions of dollars got shaved off . . . and a lot of people have gone to their grave getting no redress whatsoever because the Government did it in a unilateral fashion,” he lamented.

    Wood also questioned the haste behind a by-election in the middle of a COVID-19 pandemic. He charged that

    plans were in the making before the 2018 general elections to replace Gline Clarke, who was Member of Parliament for St George North for the last 26 years.

    “Gline Clarke resigned abruptly. It surprised me and Gline Clarke is my friend with whom I talk very often. He resigned after telling Barbadians on August 16, 2020 that he intends to contest the next election under the BLP banner. What has changed since August 16?”

    Wood also urged Barbadians to pay close attention to what he described as elitism on display on the BLP’s platform, noting that the recent statement by Delisle Bradshaw, that “any idiot can play cricket”, was just one of several instances where the Barbadian intellect was disparaged during the BLP’s campaign.

    During the DLP’s meeting in Newbury, St George, on Sunday night. (Picture by Lennox Devonish.) FORMER BLP MP Anthony Wood (centre) in conversation with Patrick “PG” Gollop (left) and Colvin Mascoll

    Source: Nation

  42. Check out the two clowns wearing their masks, under their chins and spitting in each other’s faces, these are the fools who call themselves the “educated” elite in Barbados

  43. Nothing new is what Mr Wood has said. It has all been aired here on BU since May 2018. What is interesting is that it now comes from a former insider.
    The president is a bully, arrogant and she intimidates people, the voters of St George North should give her a bloody nose.

  44. Barbados taxpayers to pay for the CXC reviews examination papers of barbadian students
    Mottley says on the SGN political platform
    Once again Mottley role as a dictator shines supremely as her orders/ measures are first dictated and released on a political stage before being laid out in parliament under the rule of good governance

  45. @Hal,

    true. nothing new said by Wood. makes for good political theatre tho. the DLP ought to be careful and wary of Wood. there are things lurking in the background that may be revealed. but for the time being the enemy of my enemy is my friend

  46. @David,

    quote] Regarding Wood, he was an Arthur disciple and may have decided to continue with Arthur’s Mottley fire rage? [quote

    interesting question.

    Wood was the deputy campaign manager for the BLP with MAM as the leader in the 2018 elections.

    Wood accepted a post when they won.

    Arthur accepted a post from MAM and seemingly mended fences.

    a little bit over 2 years into the BLP govt, Wood and Minister Weir fell out and Wood made allegations of nepotism and dishonesty with no comment from the BLP.

    yet the question about Wood carrying Arthur’s fire rage arises?

    Man pissss innn myyyy pocketttt and tell me it is raining.

    i take it there can be no other reason in the form of a question about why Wood has soured on MAM?

  47. Baje who earlier stated he does not care about BLP/ DLP politics could present on this blog a verbatim report of what ex BLPMinister Anthony Wood said
    Very interesting, this is aguy who appeared on this blog just after the 2018 election ranting and raving like a madman.I wonder where he was before 2028 when bajans were seeing hell with downgrade after downgrade to junk bond status not a peep out of him.This brings me to the conclusion he is either sn ec minister or insider of the DLP pretending like Skinner, Lest we forget and Donna among others to be neutral.However the last attempt to cuss Ms Mottley did not end well for the Dems and this one will fall flat the same way in my view.I ask again WHAT IS MR REIFER, S PLAN FOR ST GEORGE AND HOW WILL HE FINANCE IT? They scraping the barrel looking for red herrings to avoid the debates as they know Depeiza and Reifer cannot win any debates with Ms Mottley and Ms Moore period.Lastly the talk about roads in St George WHY WERE ROADS NOT FIXED IN ST GEORGE WHILE MS BYER SUCKOO WAS IN CABINET FOR TEN YEARS IN ST GEORGE SOUTH?Maybe Ms Depeiza or Mr Reifer or 5he Dems on here csn answer.

  48. Murdah! That serves Baje right! To be mistaken for Delusional Donna – a fate worse than death!

    You can’t make this stuff up!

    Wuhlaus! Muh belly!

  49. But back to the topic! Moving from Bee hive to the dump is not a good look for Wood.

    The Lone Ranger riding to the dump to the dump to the dump dump dump.

    Why not the UPP???

    DBLP is one party???????

  50. @Greene

    It is known Wood was a regular visitor in the Arthur office @Cave Hill.

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