Submitted by Ziggy Greene


Voter annihilation
The Democratic Labour Party (DLP) was wiped out in the 2018 general elections in Barbados. It lost all 30 seats that constitute the House of Assembly. So devastating was the defeat that the DLP won only one or two of individual constituency voting boxes. Previous strongholds of St John and St Lucy were swept away like coastal lands in a tsunami. Many pundits, political and otherwise, have prophesied, more in hope than serious thought, that the DLP is now dead and defunct. It is deceased they declare; it cannot rise again. Good riddance to bad rubbish was how one Barbados Labour Party supporter, a friend, framed it.

And so it seems after the election if one drove along George Street, Belleville, the headquarters of the DLP affected a forlorn and shabby appearance, a reflection of the state of the party. For weeks nothing was heard from former Cabinet Members. Not even from the former PM Freundel Stuart; he remained as silent after the loss as he had been during his leadership.

The show must go on
Nevertheless after sometime, an election for party leadership was held. It pitted Guy Hewitt, former UK High Commissioner from 2014-2018 against Verla De Peiza, a previous unsuccessful candidate for the party. Hewitt represented a break from the past and De Peiza a continuation thereof albeit one who was never in government. Without going into the reasons why, De Peiza won.

Can DePeiza make the DLP viable again?
That is question on the lips of party faithful and Barbadians who want to see a robust opposition. After two years in the leadership role it is difficult to tell if the question has been answered. What comes out of George Street is an amalgam of worn out political utterances and defensive statements that give no clue to the personal political underpinnings of Miss De Peiza or what a DLP Administration under her leadership would portend. There is no inkling on where she stands on the pressing issues that plagued Barbados, whether it is crime, social or economic concerns.

Every party suffers defeat
At some point a party will lose an election. At some point the political philosophies of a party will clash with the wishes of voters. Between 1932 and 1952 during and after the great depression, and the Second World War Americans favoured the Democratic Party for its social policies. Between 1980 and 1992 the Democratic Party was in opposition to the Republicans in presidential elections when Americans opted for the conservative policies of Ronald Reagan. At home, the DLP won 24-3 over the BLP in 1986. In 1999 the BLP defeated the DLP 26- 2 and in 2018 30-0.

It ought to be pointed that the Democratic Party in the US began life as a conservative party and the Republicans as more liberal per the America definitions of those terms. They flipped ideologies around the 1970s although it can be argued that the change started around 1932 when FDR instituted social and welfare reforms to combat the great depression. In Barbados, there is no defined political ideological demarcation between the DLP and the BLP. Demonstrably, political parties form and reform or reinvent themselves according to the philosophies of their leaders and members, and the voting tendencies of the public.

The DLP Party must reform
Without doubt it must. But how is that to be achieved? My advice would be to first apologise to the citizens of Barbados and to DLP members if there is a distinction or if such a specific apology is warranted. Sorry for not living up to expectations of those who voted for the DLP, Sorry for besmirching the values and name of Errol Walton Barrow and those who started the Party and carried its banner for many a year, Sorry for the failures of the past 8 or so years. Pledge that it would never be repeated. That would represent a break from the past and signal a new dispensation. One rightfully may argue that it may anger some members not least the old guard from the previous administration and that may be true. I say so what? But an apology is not the end all.

Political reform – a review
Jose Moroni in a 2009 paper about Brazilian politics considered the question of political reform and advanced seven basic but fundamental challenges, that any serious attempt at political reform must overcome.

There are to quote Maroni:-

  • Male dominance: Any system of political, economic, industrial, financial, religious or social organization in which the vast majority of the senior positions in the hierarchy are held by men.
  • Patrimonialism: Political conduct on the part of dominant elites in the exercise of public government functions whereby public resources (of the State and/or its institutions) are appropriated as if they belonged to these elites.
  • Oligarchy: A form of government in which power is concentrated in the hands of a small number of individuals who are in many cases united by family ties or political connections, and who belong to privileged social classes. Typically, oligarchies tend to be dominated by men and to function in a patrimonialist way.
  • Nepotism: The practice of individuals in positions of executive power in the State apparatus granting favours by awarding jobs to their relatives.
  • Cronyism: The exchange of favours and mutual preferential treatment by individuals in executive positions in State structures and public services.
  • Personality cults: Creating cult status for individuals in the political sphere, which leads to the devaluation of political debate and the de-politicizing of conflicts.
  • Corruption: When individuals appropriate or re-allocate public resources for private ends and are able to act with impunity and maintain themselves in power. Another aspect of corruption is that it is a way of usurping the power that rightly belongs to the people.

For ease of reference, Moroni succinctly explains those challenges. To varying degrees and deferring terms, these are comparable issues that plagued Barbados.. Nevertheless this is by no means an exhaustive list. There are other issues like encouraging a more broad-based economy, debt and debt financing, the welfare state, civil service reform, crime, targeted free university education, technical and vocational schools or studies, same sex marriage, school zoning, legal reform, and single sex schools. Coterminously, there is the matter of in- house DLP recalibration surrounding attracting new members, candidate selection restructuring, and maintenance of party headquarters.

Back to Moroni
Addressing the political scene in Brazil, Moroni offers up more incisive guidance for reform, which on examination has exogenous appeal. He advises reformers to-

  1. Strengthen direct democracy;
  2. Strengthen participative democracy;
  3. Improve representative democracy (the electoral system and political parties);
  4. Democratize information and communications;
  5. Democratize the judicial system

How germane, given what has been trending in Barbados. The President of the Senate recently resigned and has been replaced by a party insider, with no reason given for the particular appointment. The Chief Justice has retired and advertisement for a replacement has been broadcasted. Despite that, critics are confident that a party affiliate is a surety for the post.

And with the recent Throne Speech and the intent of the Government to implement measures towards same sex civil unions and republicanism, there has been some furore over whether Government should proceed unilaterally in the case of becoming a Republic or by way of referendum, as it has for same sex marriage notwithstanding the civil union stop gap.

Such political angst is ubiquitous in democratic forms of government but there are lesson to be learnt here for the DLP. Changes are not easy. They are disruptive and divisive, but they are inevitable.

My Advice to DePeiza
Scrutinize these political reforms posited by Maroni. Juxtapose them against the political landscape of Barbados and your ideals for the DLP. In detail, pen how you would realign the political principles of the DLP taking into account this framework. Promulgate it to the public along with any other reforms that you deem necessary under the circumstances.

Above all, mean it, and demonstrate that you do. We must know where you stand. We must know where you intend to take us and above all we must believe you. You may not win the next election and you may not win any election but you would have propelled the DLP into the future and perhaps ensure its existence.

262 responses to “Reform or Die”

  1. @Pacha
    You are missing the point. I never said you only bowl long hops; I merely said you are bowling @David long hops and giving him tutorials.
    Quite recently we at Mahogany Coconut, republished one of your several brilliant pieces from 2016. Certainly, we have utmost respect for your intellect and superb writing skills.

  2. Lorenzo don’t worry about the mega watts which my bulb emits
    I have witnessed the blp crying in the wilderness for 10 ten years and yes i used that same dim bulb to put them there
    Just thinking that out of two years the present govt can inflict so much harm on the lives of people should be enough to ask of self how much more damage can the people endure under present govt
    As they say the tea leaves which once were green have already turned brown and dried
    The dlp will rise again and so far the present govt has given the dlp enough of an opportunity to do so
    Just check the social and economic environment if u doubt me

  3. Skinner

    We therefore withdraw and humbly apologise.

  4. let’s not forget there is no depth in the DLP. without MAM to run interference where would they stand?

  5. Have any one noticed that with Covid using both knees pressed tightly on all countries
    That govt touting of garbage trucks and buses that the buses have been running on low capacity and the garbage trucks task might have been made a lot easier because of business slowing down having an impact of not having to dispose of more garbage
    What if that money was placed in rebuilding a new sewer plant

  6. Sargeant at 11.41
    “BLP is led by a leader who is adept at garnering attention from the International media”
    Not all international journalist are asking easy questions. Saw a clip of an interview by BBC on Facebook with the PM. The Journalist posed a question asking the PM if persons in Barbados should be allowed to be gay. The PM felt he would not have asked that question about the United Kingdom. She handled herself well in the reply after. I would say it is going to become very risky doing all of those international interviews as these persons push Barbados to be fully compliant with same sex marriages.

  7. Saw that interview
    Thought she was caught off guard and reply with disgust and annoyance to the interviewer
    Yes she also display a quality known as arrogance to simply say that If Uk can be tolerant of same sex unions so can barbados
    However if she continue on that path of engaging with international press she would be placed in the same category as Trump who the media has taken much delight in making Trump look like a buffoon
    If she wants international media on her side she must stick to the script which Jong has been writing

  8. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    @ William Skinner

    Out of the despicable lot, who would be best suited to represent ‘a call to DLP stalwarts.’ If you have persons in mind, please do not mentioned those few I provided in the list. If you think that Barbadians will be comfortable with them again you better think twice. I vow never to vote DLP again if any of the former members from the last government are still in it. I can guarantee that many others are thinking along the same lines. You might be surprise by what 30 fresh faces might achieve. The only ones who would want a return of recycle waste will be takers and old fossils set in their ways. The DLP are not in any position of strength to reel, wheel, deal or even persuade. But, the pendulum always swing to two sides, and with know third party force arising, the DLP might just get back in, if Mottley continue to make it so obvious that she is feathering her nests and establishing her image..

  9. @ Sunshine sunny shine
    It’s just my humble opinion. I would hope one of these days to wake up in a Barbados that has sent both the Barbados Labour Party and the Democratic Labour Party, into political oblivion.
    However current reality suggests that’s not going to happen any time soon; some say never.
    In the meantime I give support to policies from both as I see fit.
    For example: At this time I am fully in support of becoming Republic; same sex marriages and opening diplomatic presents in African countries.
    I have praised the government for its handling of COVID to date. However I oppose opening primary schools before the start of 2021. I just don’t think we are quite ready but I may be wrong.
    What I will not tolerate is one sided hypocrites who only see my country only through the DLP or BLP.
    The BLP and DLP can run whomever they like. At the end um is still six and half dozen.

  10. WS,

    with all due respect, at times you take a 6 for a 9

  11. I ain’t calling no names, but some people not only take a 6 for a 9, they take a d for a b.

  12. So my question what value economically or morally can same sex unions add to Barbados
    The hoisting of same sex unions is an additional appendage to the welcome stamp all blown up as being tolerant of these Unions
    While all the hyped blows across the water the many concerns goes out the window
    One of joblessness and high taxes on the barbadian household

  13. We are always surprised how issues are broached as though the internal dynamics are all that matter.

    We suggest that the dire circumstances, as mounting, within the USA, and elsewhere, are going to have a not insignificant impact on everything which may happen in Barbados. The UK is now looking at another Covid lockdown.

    We fail our country when we, like Mugabe, fail to estimate the wider environment. This requires a different kind of ‘party’ – if they remain necessary evils.

    People in the USA are more and more dependent on food banks and with joblessness much higher than officially stated.

    Last week China launch missiles near Taiwan in retaliation of American violation of the One China policy. These are nuclear weapons countries and Russia is likely to enter on the side of China.

    There is a burgeoning homeless crisis as tens of millions of people are being evicted. By winter homelessness, per population, could exceed depression levels, times.

    America is on the threshold of deep social unrest as people with high powered guns, and armed to the teeth, find themselves impoverished within a political environment where one actor sees civil war instigated by Euro-American terrorists as an anvil on which to hammer and forge a second term.

    Neither the DLP nor BLP has any internal structures to write about these things, to study them, to inform their policies by such findings, to tell Bajans how expectations are to be tapered based on exogenous circumstances. And we are talking about parties 50 to 70 years old.

    No wonder prime minister Mugabe was so susceptible to blindly going into an election upon an unsustainable premise. Thereby possibly heightening instability unnecessarily.

    The DLP has shown, that it too, has no internal capacities, as a party, to be a real institution worthy of its name. In fact, now in opposition, it will be facing extreme difficulty paying the light bill. How can such an organism could for 10 years, recently, be the instrument for the mobilization of billions of dollars for elite White interests, mainly, and then be cast into institutional poverty the day after.

    We have elsewhere given the death knell to them both.

  14. @Pacha

    We hail you as BU’s great prognosticator. What other traits should we attribute to you?

  15. David

    Thanks much, but we must be careful.

    For one Vincent Codrington may see prophesy, bible type, as your meanig

    And another may conjure long hops being ecchanged.


  16. Or a frognosticator? We had a very colourful character in our village years ago who used to boast of the words she learnt from her dipthon. Frognosticator was one of them.


  17. @Pacha

    It is why the blogmaster resisted labeling you the great Oracle to prevent Vincent throwing a fit.

  18. “Neither the DLP nor BLP has any internal structures to write about these things, to study them, to inform their policies by such findings, to tell Bajans how expectations are to be tapered based on exogenous circumstances. And we are talking about parties 50 to 70 years old.”

    they have no clue what the hell ya talking about anyway, or Mia would never have interferred in Guyana….all of them are cluelss.

    that is why it’s incumbent upon us to free the people’s minds, just to save some….i have been working on that for about a year…long before we even knew it would unfold into catastrophe.

    when UK is like…ya on ya own…that means, we shall meet again, and that does not mean what Mia misinterpreted it to be…some things are not to be found in a book.

    “How can such an organism could for 10 years, recently, be the instrument for the mobilization of billions of dollars for elite White interests, mainly, and then be cast into institutional poverty the day after.

    We have elsewhere given the death knell to them both.”

    they need a special type of hell, dumb house negros. not sentimental ok.

  19. @Pacha
    Your student seems to be catching on.
    There is hope yet.
    Exogenous actions have long defined us going back to the days of slavery.
    As you are quite aware, the mental capacity to interpret what are now being wrongfully called your prognostications, has plagued the entire region before and most embarrassingly since independence.
    The much decadent political class has been propped up by people like your student, who once suggested that Mottley’s begging trip to the IMF and the speed with which she was successful, could be tweaked and then sold/ exported to other countries. Such is the thinking of your student and others , who have no confidence in our ability to solve our own problems. You would note that we are now giving $300 million to the rich and infamous hoteliers because we have once more been ruthlessly blackmailed that if the government don’t take on their severance payments responsibilities, they would just shut down and destroy the economy that they have exploited in concert with foreigners for sixty years.
    So, believe it or not, the BLPDLP know full well all you have written or “prognosticated.“ The simple truth is that these political criminals just don’t frigging care.
    Keep up the good work with your student. Love blossoms in deserts. Some plants only strive there.
    It comes down

  20. @William

    You have just delivered a roll. We do not live in a perfect system. The imperfections of man see to the fact that there is always room to improve. Barbados has done no worse than others . Relax yuhself in Trump country!

  21. Pacha, in case you dont visit the other thread…,check out Piece’s companero..

  22. @ William

    Government has stealthily embedded itself as arbiter of which sector of the economy should survive and be supported by taxpayers’ money and which will live or die according to market forces.
    So it has decided that the privately owned hotel sector must survive, be funded by taxpayers’ money and which sectors should sink or swim on their own.
    That is not the role of government, but one for the very market forces they celebrated unconditionally. Even so, what metrics will government apply to these zombie hotels before deciding which to support? Will they audit the books of these hotels, going back one, two or three years?
    Why not compel these hotels to offer salaries for shares to their employees?

  23. William Skinner
    I don’t even say much these days on BU and you got me in yuh craw. Show my hypocrisy or hush yuh RH, damn deposit loser.

  24. WS

    sounds like the GEMS project all over again

    a leopard cant change its stripes lol

  25. who knows? Clarke maybe announcing he will be joining Artherley in the opposition or retiring from politics altogether lol

  26. why are Government ministers wearing party colours with their names emblazoned on the chest?

  27. Its a Constituency meeting not an official Gov’t meeting the Ministers can wear anything

  28. when is the BLP going to realise it is the Govt and not on the campaign trail?

  29. @Sargeant

    Bollocks. Marshall is speaking about his function as AG and addressing the objectives of the Throne Speech. those are governmental issues

  30. I want to hear Piece’s take on Comissiong pretending to stab the corrupt minority parasites on the island in their backs while throwing them under the bus…..can’t wait…popcaan.

  31. Republic?

    So much talk about BDS becoming a Republic State, allover social media. It echoes to the furtherest corners of the universe. One would think BDS was preparing for a cat 6 typhoon.

    The starting point for this revolution must be learning from the highest impacted countries during this Covid era – those countries with the DNA – to reassess how to govern, deliver and organise in the public sector going forward.

    Progressive government for the modern era should therefore begin with the business of government itself.

    The key lesson is that as the world becomes more interconnected and interdependent and not allowing the IMF and WB to decentralized our economies and control our destiny. It’s a poor fit for delivering change. Instead, governments should see themselves as conductors and convenors of the wider economy and society. Setting the direction and creating the conditions for progressive change during these difficult times.

    Unfortunately BDS have no natural resources to make us less dependent on de oppressors.

    Our chartered course needs to be prudent. No deviations…


    Can you send the definition of a (Republic State) in its entirety across the bow…Some on social media needs clarity. Layman-terms please.

    I have Lotus 1 2 3 with wang as my operating systems. No can do for me.

  32. @HA
    In Pacha style….audit my rassoul. They cannot even audit their own SOE’s and you expectin’ they are going to audit others. Didn’t the BRA try this stunt before and fail?
    There is zero effing accountability across public life in Barbados.
    On this, the Irishman is right.
    One can call it whatever you wish, it is a nightmare.
    Did you bother to read the Caves of Barbados financials recently laid. Most Bajans haven’t. The annual GoB grant is LARGER than their revenue!!! And they still lose money!!
    Even your sidekick Mariposa has suddenly understood the problem with Debt. She didn’t until May 2018, one good outcome of the election.

  33. i cant listen anymore. this is pure self serving BS.

  34. @ David
    Where have I ever said that Barbados is doing or has done worst than any other country? Where have I ever written that any system is perfect. You are an apologist and obstructionist. That is a very mild description. At least I have not called you or anybody on this blog a JA or RH.
    @ Enuff
    The guy named William Skinner does not have you in his craw or anywhere. The only time you have ever said anything remotely positive about him is when he said he would support your party, but his government, at the very beginning of the COVID. And you told him that you had found “respect” for him. He subsequently told you that he considered you a hypocrite because you only were complimentary because he supported your party. In other words he does not particularly accept and certainly does not need compliments from one sided kool aid drinkers of either the BLP or DLP.
    These days William Skinner is supporting: the abolition of the the eleven plus; going Republic; same sex marriages ; establishing embassies in African countries etc because he has been identifying with such beliefs for donkey years .
    Please don’t tell me you have once again found respect for me. You are a political hypocrite like all the others who can only appreciate people when they support your party. People like you only pretend to like Barbados..The only difference with you and those who Jim Jones poisoned is that to their eternal credit: The Adamses; Barrow, Sandiford, St. John, Stuart , Arthur ,Thompson and Mottley have not given wunnuh blasted poison in the Kool aid to drink.

  35. Same sex ?

    Definition: It allows Sir Elton John, to come back to bim after 48 years to perform her his (I’m still standing) concert @ de Diamond ♦️ Sandy-lane Hotel Golf & Country Club and not afraid to kiss a caddie or waiter…choose one….

  36. Caswell Franklyn is bowling some real bouncers.i dont agree with everything he has said but he is a better listen than that BLP nonsense in St George

  37. @Greene

    Relax, it is a red meat affair.

  38. Did Gline have a few strong ones before that speech? Why the nervous laughter?

  39. @David,

    mate, that may be true but i am just fed up with this type of nonsense from either side

    i prefer to listen to Caswell

  40. @ Tony September 20, 2020 6:12 PM

    The term “republic” can be defined in various ways. Firstly, as a contrast to monarchy; secondly, as a state oriented toward the common good; and thirdly, as principle of popular sovereignty. The announcement that Barbados is to become a republic can thus also imply a non-democratic dictatorship or a democratic presidential republic with a strong president for life, depending on the definition of the republic.

    I personally prefer the latter way. We need a strong leader to steer our country through the Corona crisis and beyond.

  41. Hahaa

    And poor richie never Even got to make a glass of cool Aid. But it still stick in someone throat

    How is that possible ?

  42. Highly appropriate, but these are the types of punishments that are justifable for stealing taxpayers and pensioners funds as well…instant death….de “white,” minority people make we do it, will just not cut it, they should be put to death too..

    “Rapists will be castrated and child rapists put to death in harsh new laws being brought in by a regional governor in Nigeria. Any man who rapes a person aged over 14 will have their penis surgically castrated and be handed a life sentence, but they will be executed for raping a child under the age of 14..”

  43. Caswell said that before he died, Arthur and him mended fences to the extent that Arthur told him some of the reasons he opposed MAM ascension to the leader of the BLP and PM. that is quiet interesting.

    he also said the DLP and Barrow are one and the same and after Barrow died not leaving a clear succession plan the party floundered and is still floundering. he said it was slow dying for a while and the last regime was vastly inept. i believe that is a correct reading of the DLP’s problem. the party must move beyond the Barrow shadow into the future if it is to remain viable. i thought Thompson would have been able to do just that but alas.

    Caswell is raw and unpolished but i give him a lot of props. he comes across as genuine and honest and straightforward. qualities that are missing in today’s politicians. wish we had more like him

  44. @ Greene
    At this time Caswell is the only member of the Upper House or Lower House who we can trust. He has exposed the current and former administrations and their hocus pocus approach to governance.
    He reminds if people like @ Miller@ Artax and @ Northern Observer @ Donna on BU , who always shoot straight regardless of their party preference.

  45. What is this nonsense about Caswell beimg “unpolished”,
    Sounds to us like misguided perceptions as to what we are to be

  46. Greene
    he also said the DLP and Barrow are one and the same and after Barrow died not leaving a clear succession plan
    How is Arthur’s succession plan working out?

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