Submitted by Ziggy Greene


Voter annihilation
The Democratic Labour Party (DLP) was wiped out in the 2018 general elections in Barbados. It lost all 30 seats that constitute the House of Assembly. So devastating was the defeat that the DLP won only one or two of individual constituency voting boxes. Previous strongholds of St John and St Lucy were swept away like coastal lands in a tsunami. Many pundits, political and otherwise, have prophesied, more in hope than serious thought, that the DLP is now dead and defunct. It is deceased they declare; it cannot rise again. Good riddance to bad rubbish was how one Barbados Labour Party supporter, a friend, framed it.

And so it seems after the election if one drove along George Street, Belleville, the headquarters of the DLP affected a forlorn and shabby appearance, a reflection of the state of the party. For weeks nothing was heard from former Cabinet Members. Not even from the former PM Freundel Stuart; he remained as silent after the loss as he had been during his leadership.

The show must go on
Nevertheless after sometime, an election for party leadership was held. It pitted Guy Hewitt, former UK High Commissioner from 2014-2018 against Verla De Peiza, a previous unsuccessful candidate for the party. Hewitt represented a break from the past and De Peiza a continuation thereof albeit one who was never in government. Without going into the reasons why, De Peiza won.

Can DePeiza make the DLP viable again?
That is question on the lips of party faithful and Barbadians who want to see a robust opposition. After two years in the leadership role it is difficult to tell if the question has been answered. What comes out of George Street is an amalgam of worn out political utterances and defensive statements that give no clue to the personal political underpinnings of Miss De Peiza or what a DLP Administration under her leadership would portend. There is no inkling on where she stands on the pressing issues that plagued Barbados, whether it is crime, social or economic concerns.

Every party suffers defeat
At some point a party will lose an election. At some point the political philosophies of a party will clash with the wishes of voters. Between 1932 and 1952 during and after the great depression, and the Second World War Americans favoured the Democratic Party for its social policies. Between 1980 and 1992 the Democratic Party was in opposition to the Republicans in presidential elections when Americans opted for the conservative policies of Ronald Reagan. At home, the DLP won 24-3 over the BLP in 1986. In 1999 the BLP defeated the DLP 26- 2 and in 2018 30-0.

It ought to be pointed that the Democratic Party in the US began life as a conservative party and the Republicans as more liberal per the America definitions of those terms. They flipped ideologies around the 1970s although it can be argued that the change started around 1932 when FDR instituted social and welfare reforms to combat the great depression. In Barbados, there is no defined political ideological demarcation between the DLP and the BLP. Demonstrably, political parties form and reform or reinvent themselves according to the philosophies of their leaders and members, and the voting tendencies of the public.

The DLP Party must reform
Without doubt it must. But how is that to be achieved? My advice would be to first apologise to the citizens of Barbados and to DLP members if there is a distinction or if such a specific apology is warranted. Sorry for not living up to expectations of those who voted for the DLP, Sorry for besmirching the values and name of Errol Walton Barrow and those who started the Party and carried its banner for many a year, Sorry for the failures of the past 8 or so years. Pledge that it would never be repeated. That would represent a break from the past and signal a new dispensation. One rightfully may argue that it may anger some members not least the old guard from the previous administration and that may be true. I say so what? But an apology is not the end all.

Political reform – a review
Jose Moroni in a 2009 paper about Brazilian politics considered the question of political reform and advanced seven basic but fundamental challenges, that any serious attempt at political reform must overcome.

There are to quote Maroni:-

  • Male dominance: Any system of political, economic, industrial, financial, religious or social organization in which the vast majority of the senior positions in the hierarchy are held by men.
  • Patrimonialism: Political conduct on the part of dominant elites in the exercise of public government functions whereby public resources (of the State and/or its institutions) are appropriated as if they belonged to these elites.
  • Oligarchy: A form of government in which power is concentrated in the hands of a small number of individuals who are in many cases united by family ties or political connections, and who belong to privileged social classes. Typically, oligarchies tend to be dominated by men and to function in a patrimonialist way.
  • Nepotism: The practice of individuals in positions of executive power in the State apparatus granting favours by awarding jobs to their relatives.
  • Cronyism: The exchange of favours and mutual preferential treatment by individuals in executive positions in State structures and public services.
  • Personality cults: Creating cult status for individuals in the political sphere, which leads to the devaluation of political debate and the de-politicizing of conflicts.
  • Corruption: When individuals appropriate or re-allocate public resources for private ends and are able to act with impunity and maintain themselves in power. Another aspect of corruption is that it is a way of usurping the power that rightly belongs to the people.

For ease of reference, Moroni succinctly explains those challenges. To varying degrees and deferring terms, these are comparable issues that plagued Barbados.. Nevertheless this is by no means an exhaustive list. There are other issues like encouraging a more broad-based economy, debt and debt financing, the welfare state, civil service reform, crime, targeted free university education, technical and vocational schools or studies, same sex marriage, school zoning, legal reform, and single sex schools. Coterminously, there is the matter of in- house DLP recalibration surrounding attracting new members, candidate selection restructuring, and maintenance of party headquarters.

Back to Moroni
Addressing the political scene in Brazil, Moroni offers up more incisive guidance for reform, which on examination has exogenous appeal. He advises reformers to-

  1. Strengthen direct democracy;
  2. Strengthen participative democracy;
  3. Improve representative democracy (the electoral system and political parties);
  4. Democratize information and communications;
  5. Democratize the judicial system

How germane, given what has been trending in Barbados. The President of the Senate recently resigned and has been replaced by a party insider, with no reason given for the particular appointment. The Chief Justice has retired and advertisement for a replacement has been broadcasted. Despite that, critics are confident that a party affiliate is a surety for the post.

And with the recent Throne Speech and the intent of the Government to implement measures towards same sex civil unions and republicanism, there has been some furore over whether Government should proceed unilaterally in the case of becoming a Republic or by way of referendum, as it has for same sex marriage notwithstanding the civil union stop gap.

Such political angst is ubiquitous in democratic forms of government but there are lesson to be learnt here for the DLP. Changes are not easy. They are disruptive and divisive, but they are inevitable.

My Advice to DePeiza
Scrutinize these political reforms posited by Maroni. Juxtapose them against the political landscape of Barbados and your ideals for the DLP. In detail, pen how you would realign the political principles of the DLP taking into account this framework. Promulgate it to the public along with any other reforms that you deem necessary under the circumstances.

Above all, mean it, and demonstrate that you do. We must know where you stand. We must know where you intend to take us and above all we must believe you. You may not win the next election and you may not win any election but you would have propelled the DLP into the future and perhaps ensure its existence.

262 responses to “Reform or Die”

  1. it is telling when the presedent can make a speech on the acheivements and what have been put/ing in place over the last two years and all the BU DLPites can rebut with is that she telling lies bout the lost 10 years. Double WOW for a group that does pick on the slightest of negatives. the Koolaid must have been good. looking forward to the DLP swank 🙂

  2. “BU too sweet. Caswell win what? You ever hear Caswell advance a policy yet?🤣”

    You mean to tell me that in the 30-0 we had thirty winners because they each had a policy?

    I thought the party pre-election manifesto covered them.

    There are a few here who believe that after the elections are held, the manifesto is meaningless.

  3. John2
    Them buses and garbage trucks are all imaginary. The 5% salary increase and increased pension too. UWI students are really paying $6,000 $9,000 or $16,000 a year in tuition, don’t mind the PM. She hypnotised the population with kool aid and the public hallucinating. The $2b+ foreign reserves is really made up of monopoly money and the 7 new judges and reopened supreme court building at Whitepark Rd are part of a dream. The debt restructure was a mere mirage, that will end in tears shortly. Look how Bim aging infrastructure look set to get boost via Wonderland–41 roads in the Scotland District; a new sewage plant and bridges. The reality is that the BLP never won the election 30-0 and the Dems are still the government; Covid does not exist; we were not downgraded 20+ times; and, the economy batting like Sobers.🤣🤣🤣

  4. Pimping for recognition and credit for ministers who are BEING PAID TO DO A JOB…and who have to take the SAME PEOPLE’S TAX DOLLARS to buy buses, give salary increases and pensions too…but the fowl is acting lie the parasites of parliament are doing someone a favor…low vibration negros.

  5. Theo
    Of the 30, those who were at the time or previously sat in the Upper or Lower House or mounted a political platform prior would have advanced some inkling of public policy. Others like Straughn, Caddle
    Medic were doing it even without being candidates. Caswell has been a Senator with a platform for over 2 years, tell me of any new policy advanced by the goodly senator during this period? Anyway let me hush muh mout cuz the conspiracy specialist would be fast to say the President sent her poochlicker to attack Caswell.

  6. Salemite
    It is called PERFORMANCE! Google it, after all Google is your best friend. #alottashite

  7. Performance my ass…let me see Mia and her hangerson and consultants perfrom WITHOUT THE PEOPLE’S MONEY…..or without the BLACK POPULATION…

  8. And here comes the one answer fits all bullshit-black, money and capital letters. You may carryon, we all know how you love a monologue. 👋🏾

  9. Where are these exchanges intended to lead?


  10. Ya should get a calculator and extract less than 8,000 minorities from over 285,000 and when ya done that, extract an additional 5,000 that make up the other minorities….and see how much ya get…then remove the over 260,000 completely from the island and see how well Mia and her parasites perform…simple math, not even as complicated as closing the supermarkets and not knowing the chaos it will cause…and which yall cocked anyway..

    .. my 14 year old grandson can do it…

    btw..80,000 immigrants CANNOT MAKE UP ANY SHORTFALLS…or pay all those IMF debts…CDB debt…this debt, that debt, the other debt…

  11. David
    Where every exchange on BU should lead to–truth or founed in facts. Note I said truth or founded in facts, not agreement. I am just trying to help..not looking for likes, friends or enemies. You prefer a Barbadian born Brit to submit a post asking if Commissiong is Barbadian born and should have a say?🤣🤣🤣

  12. Also Gline Clark can now be described as more dangerous than Covid
    His bare faced untruths speak to the depth of political untruths he would go
    Makes for wonder how the an be given a prestigious job as a High Commissioner

  13. @enuff

    And it was challenged for what it was, BS.

    The problem here as the blogmaster frequently opines is that we have narrow interest being defended, it does not matter what is the rational position.


  14. Truth be told

    Glyne Clarke continues to be a spin doctor for the BLP. He stated in St. George last evening that the DLP eliminated Tertiary education and health services in Barbados. Nothing could be far from the truth.

    The DLP paid to the UWI approximately $126,000,000.00 each year between 2014 and 2018. Students were asked to pay the tuition fee, while the government of the day paid the economic costs. Students who were challenged also had a significant part of their tuition fees paid. The promotion of this propaganda by Clarke is symptomatic of the type of agenda that is promoted by the acolytes of Grantley Adams party.

    The Barbados Community College was not abolished. In fact the BCC introduced 10 new degree programmers in such areas as Clinical Laboratory Technology, Media Studies, Sports, Music, Nursing. Etc. The Samuel Jackman Prescott Technical Institute was improved to admit more students. The Hospitality Institute continued to cater to hundreds of students.

    The issue of a tuition fee to be paid by students was a complex issue since 1994 when the Minister of Education at that time set up a Committee to look at the payment. The Committee recommended that Barbadian students paid the tuition costs. The Government of the day did not accept the recommendation. At that time the tuition fee was 15% of the cost of a programme. That was subsequently raised to 20 %. The Government up to 2007 was paying to UWI $97,000,000.00. By 2009 this skyrocketed to an unsustainable $162,000,000.00. The DLP Government committed itself to that payment to UWI between 2008 and 2013. And this was done when the world was in a financial and economic crisis. The facts are there for all to see.

    It is also not well known that the government supports financially, the Hospital at Mona, the UWI center located at Mona, the Metrology and Hydrology Institute located at Husbands, St. James, The Codrington College, in St John and the Open Campus of the UWI. Tuition is also provided free of costs for all students studying at the Hugh Wooding Law School. Added to all of this the Government pays the full costs for 25 students studying Medicine at Cave Hill, 5 at St Augustine and 5 at Mona. That adds up to 175 students over a five year period. There are no limits to the number of persons who study Dentistry at Mount Hope, Trinidad. That is also paid for by the government. The DLP paid those fees as well.

    There has been a commitment to tertiary education by the DLP over the years. In fact it was the DLP who introduced expanded tertiary education in Barbados beyond the Codrington College.

    The DLP introduced the BCC, UWI, SJPIT. The Hotel School etc. and continues to support our human resource development. I also want to stress the Finances given in support of our Scholarship Winners, Exhibtion Winners, National Development Scholarships and Special awards. None of these were eliminated between 2008 and 2018. The DLP Government paid all the fees for these programmes.

    In Mr. Clarke retirement speech he completed obliterated the truth of the matter. The tuition fee is the smallest part of the payments made to tertiary education in Barbados. In fact it can be argued that The DLP Government protected tertiary education. These lies and political machinations do not enhance our politics. Bye Mr. Clarke. Carry your political acumen to Ottawa. MAM has outsmarted you again. Collect your pension and go and relax in the new posting. Owen Arthur, rest his soul,would have advised you better.

  15. Is Commissiong a Barbadian? Should he have a say in this important decision? Only Barbados born voters should be allowed to vote in any referendum…(Quote)

  16. Those who listened to Clarke yesterday with comprehension understood what he meant. Steuspe.


  17. Seems to me the problem with fowl slaves, they want the majority Black population to always be dependent on crooked local minorities and foreign racists…..yall need to grow out of that slavemindness.

    Ha, Ha was upbraided for his low vibration, pettymindedness…by me…

    we are dealing with why fowl slaves don’t want the people, the large population, to be independent of dependency…and be crafters of their own fate and destiny…control their own businesses and economy, it’s THEIR ISLAND, built by THEIR ANCESTORS and STILL FUNDED BY BLACK PEOPLE…..that’s the problem right there, has nothing to do with foolish Hal..

  18. Yes he is a Barbadian, like the late prime minister David Thompson. Steuspe.

  19. David the only person who can comprehend is You? Steupse
    Gline Clark told bold faced lies no ifs ands or buts

  20. Cuhdear Bajan,

    You sister born up in Barbados? She vote in de Brexit referendum, right?

    Dah mean Hal Austin was eligible to vote up in Englant????

    He want vote up dere and down here too?

  21. Verla, George Pilgrim or Ronald Jones wrote that?

    It’s very ‘out of character’ for the goodly lady, especially for someone who said she doesn’t support the DLP or have never seen the inside of its George Street headquarters.

    By the way, could you explain why during the period you’ve alluded to, there was a significant decrease in the number of students applying to UWI?

    Do you remember several parents over age 50 could not qualify for loans from the Student Revolving Loan Fund.

  22. Or a self-appointed demographer? Ask her what cohorts, reproductive rate etc she used to determine 80,000 is not enough? 🤣🤣 This is what I mean about truth and fact-based arguments. The blog can’t only be built on one people’s feelings and proclivity to mislead.

  23. Yes he is a Barbadian, like the late prime minister David Thompson. Steuspe….(Quote)

    What does this mean?

  24. Artax,

    It is quite obvious that Mariposa did not write that. Unless she has multiple personalities.

  25. Go to the video of the meeting from about 48 minutes in- listen to why your statement is inaccurate.


    more the the night watchman seem to have gotten bowled by full tosses

  27. “What does this mean?”

    it means Thompson was born in UK, where you WERE NOT BORN, but still allowed to vote..

    and ya call yaself a journalist…look, move…steupssss

  28. Artax
    Distractions not going work
    All by now knows that the blp is stranger to Truth

  29. “Ask her what cohorts, reproductive rate etc she used to determine 80,000 is not enough?”

    so what reproductive rate did both governments use to get a bunch of tiefing minorities to rob the treasury and pension fund generationally..

    ya must think 80,000 immigrants are going to all BREED THE SAME NIGHT…and the babies will go from 0-25 years old within months….ya must think ya can run breeding farms like the colonizers…we are going to get yall locked the hell up one way or the other, even if it’s just for being dumb stupid fowl slaves…

    breeding is done over time and in waves…when it’s allowed to take its natural course and not when government is planning to use it to pay off debt and keep a country afloat…because yall robbed the country billions of dollars and now desperately trying to replace what ya stole….breeding people is illegal, in case yall wannbe slave master clowns still don’t know..

    1 generation = 25 years
    2 generations = 50 years…

    all the wannbe slavemasters will all thankfully be DEAD BY THEN…..including those now polluting the parliament.

    ah told ya to get a calculator…you are mathematically stunted..

  30. @Wura

    Thank God I am not a fraudster.

  31. @ Donna

    I read a contribution in which the resident pantomath mentioned something about “linguistic fingerprints.” Since stylometric analysis now seems to be one of his ‘many talents,’ perhaps he could ‘tell’ us who is the author.

  32. No are not a fraudster…you are A BIGGER FRAUDSTER…AND REPULSIVE LITTLE LIAR….who gotta live with yaself…..and ya false god who made ya pay taxes for the enslavement of ya own ancestors…thanks you too…

    ah see ya got Nathalie well trained to go right back where she starte…big fraud..

    they will soon throw ya ass out of UK…but Guyana is available..

  33. I have been following Barbados underground from its inception and can remember the many articles about MPs from both sides of the aisle in Parliament. Gline Clarke was a constant target with many attacks about a house built some place illegally. Only in Barbados could he have survive that period and today is a good man going off to represent the country as an official. There is hope for all the others because we do short memories.

  34. Many minibus licenses were ‘sold’ for a fee.

  35. To think that Mia stood on the same podium with that liar Clarke and afterwards endorse his every word
    Shameless pack

  36. “Gline Clarke was a constant target with many attacks about a house built some place illegally. ”

    there is also the nickname “PEDO”

  37. So much for his high ranking position in Canada


  38. i heard Gline say that they restored free uni ed and that he was appalled when the DLP referred to Jack Odle as Jack Idle in a meeting. man that is when i stopped listening. what rot. that was in 1976 and my father used to drive me around and we would listen to election open air meetings. i heard Richie say that Louis Tull got 2 more years to live as he has/had leukemia and i heard Louis say that Richie doesnt like black people. Both were far from true. Louis is still alive and Richie was a v decent man who never displayed any dislike for black people. it is ironic that Louis at the time was married to Richie’s sister. so for Gline to be incensed by Jack Odle being called Jack Idle is bollocks. in fact that might have true because as the story goes the only time Jack ever spoke in the house was when he begged the Speaker’s permission to rise to close a window as the raing was coming in

    Cave Hill was established by the DLP in 1963 as part of its free education expansion for Barbadians. It started with 118 students at a temporary site near the Deep Water Harbour. It later moved to its present Cave Hill location and was designed for 500 student on its 47 acre site. It now houses 7-9000 students on 98 acres.

    in addition to Cave Hill there is the Barbados Community College which is more like an American two year college with students working toward credits than based on the more traditional English university type certification. There is also the Samuel Jackman Polytechnic for technical and vocational studies. These institutions were either set up or expanded by the DLP. The vision was to establish an educated worker class which translated into an educated worker class for the civil service with excess spilling over to the private sector. and for those who were not academically inclined or wanted a more technical focused ed to attend the polytechnic

    Arthur contemplated introducing uni fees and in 1996 established a commission to examine the matter-

    The commission led by Dr Shorey recommended that students should pay 50% of uni cost but Dr Shorey himself felt that students should bare the full brunt of their tertiary education.

    However the government in the form of Mia Mottley, the education minister at the time, rejected the recommendation and declared uni would continue to be free despite reports that students were failing at alarming rates and not taking their studies seriously.

    “According to data from university departmental reports covering the years 1991 to 1994, as much as 50 percent of those enrolled in certain courses at the institution’s Natural and Social Sciences faculties are failing these subjects.”

    despite that Mottley said-

    “It was in a defining philosophical moment that the Cabinet decided to treat education as an economic sector with the full realisation that on a growth path of knowledge-based and skill- intensive industries, the major input of that sector was human resource development”

    in 2014 the DLP administration facing mounting financial pressure instituted for the first time in its history university tuition fees with govt paying the so-called economic cost-

    perhaps it should be means tested. perhaps degrees or courses of study that are deemed beneficial to the development of Bim at certain stages should be free at point of service but for others the student should pay tuition fees with the govt paying the economic cost. whatever the case at some point this will have to be revisited. not everyone has to have a uni degree. there are targetted professional qualifications, vocational studies, and hands on technical qualifications etc.

    Consider what Daryl Dujon said when he examined the issue of subsidized education in Bim

    the BLP latches onto these issues because it was not the origin of these ideas so to prove its worth it sometimes pretend and affect a saviour personality.

    so when Gline and MAM and the lot of them feign sincerity and manufacture outrage there is a need to be call them out

  39. @Wura

    You are the village idiot. I can tell the blog about your criminality, apart from trying to forge an email in my name, which they already know about. You know that I know you have done worse, but have simply decided to ignore you, since you need treatment for your mental decay.
    The blog will be surprised you are not just a cut and paste idiot, but an evil fraudster, which is not funny. You are a dangerous criminal. I know and you know that I know. You tried to forge my details.

  40. @Donna September 21, 2020 1:03 PM Cuhdear Bajan,

    You sister born up in Barbados?

    My response: Yes. Left here as an adult.

    She vote in de Brexit referendum, right?

    My response: Yes she did. Even though she voted “wrong” that is she voted for for Brexit, but what can I do? I have loved her for nearly 70 years now, and I don’t know how to stop.


    But there only one woman one vote and one man one vote.

    I expect that it will be the same here.

  41. So why not expose it….ya must think ya have secrets for me, i still have your emails and am sure FT saw what you did even if they wiped their servers by now…the only dangerous slaveminded criminal on here is you……forge what details…Hal ..ya don’t have shit that anyone would want forge, not even ya fake intelligence…ya so stupid, you are a citizen of UK, born in Barbados, but you don’t think another citizen of a Caribbean island should be allowed to vote in Barbados…..dumbass

    so bring it on…

    ya don’t have anything i want…ya probably just on BU seeing what ya could plagarize to write, just like Grenville, but if i ever catch you anywhere with any of my writings, i wll find an sue your ass, ya nasty little chauvinist pig…

    ya think ya can run me, bring it on..

  42. Gline Clarke is now the village idiot for govt
    What a spectacle ..
    Here is a person hoisted up the political ranking but could not help himself tell a barrage of lies on the way out
    What a jac..a.sss

  43. I actually feel insulted that Hal Austin of all creatures, believes he has something that i would want…BOY stay in ya lane, ya really don’t know what i will bring down on ya stupid ass.

  44. @ Wura

    Stop your forgery. It is not funny. It is a crime.

  45. This blog will be closed if…

  46. I think this blog plays an important role for persons to express their opinions. At this time, it is needed even more because the mainstream media does not show a lot of objectivity to a government that has all the seats in Parliament including the opposition member. Caswell opposes like an opposition should and not like his leader who is very passive. For example, he said that the consultants cost is too high but never pushed for the costs to be disclosed. There are now extra costs for two special envoys based in Barbados. There must be a push for transparency in government business in Barbados

  47. Don’t mind Ha, Ha…shame got him, I contacted FT a while back and showed them what he did, they had the info still, he can never get over it…am sure he is no longer invited to any meet and greets…he was so ashamed all he said was that he no longer works there, of course not, and ya will not be invited back either..after i gave them the heads up…

  48. Now the issue runs on a fast track to expose lying Gline Clarke David threatens to close it
    What a shame

  49. @ Hal Austin September 21, 2020 1:10 PM “Yes he is a Barbadian, like the late prime minister David Thompson. Steuspe….(Quote) What does this mean?”

    It means that you loved the foreign born David Thompson, and you can learn to love the foreign born David Commissiong too.

    Love is good.

  50. David can you please start a separate thread so that Waru and Hal can have their cuss out

The blogmaster invites you to join the discussion.


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