Submitted by Grenville Phillips II,

Well, I have finally gotten the message – the threats are now too personal to ignore. To balance the safety of my family, and my duty to Barbados, these will be my final recommendations on COVID-19. They are to cover Stages 2 and 3.

The accusations are, of course, baseless. Asking basic questions is not breaking rank. Questioning is normal when the four steps to develop national plans are not followed.

Step 1 is to develop a draft plan. Step 2 is to present that plan for rigorous public scrutiny (since the public are stakeholders). Step 3 is to analyse the feedback and finalise the plan. Step 4 is to implement the plan.

Both administrations typically only do Steps 1 and 4. There is rarely critical review. This results in either stubbornly staying with a failing plan, or making band-aids under pressure to a weak plan.

The media should be asking pertinent questions, but they seem to have gotten the message a long time ago. They make press conferences as meaningless as a soap-opera. How about asking some of these questions.

The Government claimed that they will be spend $30M to build quarantine sites and respond to this virus. How is the Government procuring the $30M in goods and services?

No-bid contracts normally cost the public two to five times what the contract is actually worth. Is the Government using the same corrupting no-bid contracts for contractors, consultants and supplies? What qualifications are needed to share in the $30M to be disbursed?

The Government promised to appoint a contractor general to put an end to these corrupting no-bid contracts. How is that progressing? Why not start prequalifying Barbadian business right now, instead of automatically disqualifying most of them with the sorry excuse of urgency?

The hurricane season is approaching. We should not be constructing sub-standard buildings in Barbados, especially after turning the six-storey NIS building into rubble. So, to what category of hurricane are the buildings being built? Also, to what magnitude of earthquake? How durable are they?

I dare our established media to ask just one of these questions. Once they realise that the sky has not fallen, perhaps they will be less terrified – and ask another.


In preparation for Stage 2, we should assume that at least one person in our household will get the virus, and plan accordingly.

1. Supplement Diet

If I got the virus, then I would strengthen my body so that it can fight for me – as it has always successfully done. I would add to my daily diet: 1,000 mg of Vitamin C, at least one table-spoon of Blackstrap molasses, and at least five table-spoons of Apple Cider Vinegar.

You can purchase one gallon of blackstrap molasses from the sugar bond area of the port for $2, but carry a clean wide-mouth container. You only need a quarter of that, so distribute the remainder to others.

2. Sunshine

Ultra-violet sunlight is an effective disinfectant. Therefore, everyday, I would open every window curtain and let the sun shine in. I would also open the windows (with insect screens) to ventilate the house. Therefore, maintain some insect mesh and duct tape to keep out flies and mosquitoes.

If I got the virus, I would spend my days near a window where I can get natural light, and breathe clean air.

3. Flush Closed Toilets

COVID-19 RNA has been confirmed in blood and stool samples of some infected persons. Droplets from the toilet have been found on bathroom ceilings after flushing. Therefore, droplets can reach the bathroom’s sink (and any exposed toothbrushes) and towel rack. I would insist that everyone in my household close the lid when flushing the toilet.

Many infected persons have had diarrhea. You are likely to go through toilet paper more rapidly in that condition. Therefore, I would try to maintain 12 rolls of toilet paper for each member of my household.

4. Disinfect Shoes

Not everyone will stop their habitual spitting. The COVID-19 can exist for hours in the air and days on surfaces. You may step on someone’s spit, especially after it rains. Therefore, spray disinfectant on the bottom of your shoes before entering your house, and on your car mats when you get home.

5. Clean Pet Trays

If you feed pets outside, then clean their trays. Uneaten food attracts birds. Birds can step in the same spit and bring the virus to you, so do not attract them.

6. Invest in Yourself

If you are quarantined, then do not squander this opportunity. Take maximum advantage of our double taxation agreements with various countries, especially the US, and grow your Internet based business.

Between managing your business and your household, learn something new. There are many free on-line courses that Universities offer. Take one that can improve your productivity and increase your earnings, then take another.

Please do not waste this time with only entertainment (watching movies and reading fiction). Instead, recharge.

Accept that you may likely get infected, and perhaps more than once. Therefore, maintain your household supplies, and use this opportunity to cultivate a closer relationship with your Creator.

Parting Comments

I have been asked how I know so much. I have worked in disaster areas over the past 2 decades, where the economy came to a halt. In those situations, there is normally no economic activity, nothing to purchase, and no reliable government services.

I have had over 12 deployments to Haiti, when cholera had infected about 800,000 people and killed about 10,000. One member of my team actually had cholera while I was there.

I am also doing doctoral research, and the doctoral research community is rich in cutting edge knowledge. I critically review others’ research and they critically review mine. Why? Because we want to do research that will benefit humanity. Critical review is the most effective method of achieving that aim.

446 responses to “Recharge – COVID-19 @Stage 2 and 3”

  1. @robert lucas March 24, 2020 1:12 AM “…the left-wing Italian government. As we previously highligh” Cted, the Mayor of Florence launched a nationwide campaign at the start of February encouraging Italians to hug Chinese people on the street to “stem the hatred.”

    But Florence is in the middle of italy, and yet the epidemic in Italy started several hundred miles further north.

  2. Where is Commisiong he disappeared without as much as a whimper
    He like Atherly has learned to master the art of being paid for doing Nothing
    So many problems within the Caricom community and he is silent as a church mouse

  3. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @John2, the world is made up of lots of sensible people and people who determine they are sensible because what they do suits their needs…

    Respectfully senor but the argument that nothing was shut down in TnT before they travelled borders on lunancy.

    The issue had LITTLE to do with what was happening in TnT as ANY decision matrix which includes that as a principle or key variable is madness.

    Senor, by Feb 23 the WORLD was coming alive to the seriousness of the matter… The US had ALREADY issued travel restrictions re China and had ALREADY noted the matter as a ‘public health emergency’ .

    Good sir, these folks were LEAVING TnT and traversing the UK and places well beyond this of NECESSITY they HAD to focus on WHAT OTHER GOVERNMENTS were doing.

    You said “again many other people from other had the same experience as these 35 that you called reckless – I call them unfortunate”

    Ok… Unfortunately POOR decision making and that’s why many of them who took these types of unnecessary trips are not lodged in Peru or Timbuctu expendibg time and money on extended vacations… Without needed meds or whatever!

    If that makes sense to you when they just needed to analyze the serious issues before them , then more power to them and their ‘awesome’ decision making processes!

  4. @Sargeant

    What matters is the quality of the decision by the government. If Trinidad government feels it pull a face one so what?

    “Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown”

  5. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    …are NOW lodged… Correction….

    And THUS, not ‘this of necessity’.

    I gone.

  6. @Silly woman

    There is a Chinese migrant community in Lombardy, many of them send their children to China over the holidays

  7. @ Mariposa March 24, 2020 1:00 PM

    The Comrade Commissioner has severely angered the Americans and Guyanese with his sweet talk about Venezuela. Mia had to turn his loudspeaker to zero to prevent worse.

    If Comrade Commissar makes one more peep, he will be dismissed from his post.

  8. @ john2 March 24, 2020 8:57 AM “if it was you mom or dad would you want them go back to England?”

    Yes. Why not? Is not England the Mother Country under whose reign, whose Union Jack these elderly Trinidadians were born and raised?

    I too would have refused them permission to disembark and sent them right back to the lovely Mother Country.

  9. NorthernObserver Avatar

    It will be up to the voters of T&T to determine the +/- of their governments actions. If they even remember come election day. Same holds for the GoB.
    When faced with a decision the GoB made a call.
    FYI, my medical insurance was revoked at 10 days notice. Because I couldn’t find an appropriate “out” clause, I was told the pandemic fell under “an Act of God”.

  10. “I suspect the contagion is more widespread in Barbados than officials are admitting.”

    saw a world map with other countries circulating says Barbados now has 29, not sure if that was the temperature, then i saw a barbadostoday article confirming.

  11. but it all seems fake, idle ass people with nothing to do.

  12. The new coronavirus may already have infected far more people in the UK than scientists had previously estimated — perhaps as much as half the population — according to modelling by researchers at the University of Oxford.
    If the results are confirmed, they imply that fewer than one in a thousand of those infected with Covid-19 become ill enough to need hospital treatment, said Sunetra Gupta, professor of theoretical epidemiology, who led the study.
    The vast majority develop very mild symptoms or none at all. “We need immediately to begin large-scale serological surveys — antibody testing — to assess what stage of the epidemic we are in now,” she said.
    The modelling by Oxford’s Evolutionary Ecology of Infectious Disease group indicates that Covid-19 reached the UK by mid-January at the latest.
    Like many emerging infections, it spread invisibly for more than a month before the first transmissions within the UK were officially recorded at the end of February.
    The research presents a very different view of the epidemic to the modelling at Imperial College London, which has strongly influenced government policy.
    “I am surprised that there has been such unqualified acceptance of the Imperial model,” said Prof Gupta. However, she was reluctant to criticise the government for shutting down the country to suppress viral spread, because the accuracy of the Oxford model has not yet been confirmed and, even if it is correct, social distancing will reduce the number of people becoming seriously ill and relieve severe pressure on the NHS during the peak of the epidemic.
    The Oxford study is based on a what is known as a “susceptibility-infected-recovered model” of Covid-19, built up from case and death reports from the UK and Italy. The researchers made what they regard as the most plausible assumptions about the behaviour of the virus.
    The modelling brings back into focus “herd immunity”, the idea that the virus will stop spreading when enough people have become resistant to it because they have already been infected.
    The government abandoned its unofficial herd immunity strategy — allowing controlled spread of infection — after its scientific advisers said this would swamp the National Health Service with critically ill patients.
    But the Oxford results would mean the country had already acquired substantial herd immunity through the unrecognised spread of Covid-19 over more than two months. If the findings are confirmed by testing, then the current restrictions could be removed much sooner than ministers have indicated.
    Although some experts have shed doubt on the strength and length of the human immune response to the virus, Prof Gupta said the emerging evidence made her confident that humanity would build up herd immunity against Covid-19.
    To provide the necessary evidence, the Oxford group is working with colleagues at the Universities of Cambridge and Kent to start antibody testing on the general population as soon as possible, using specialised “neutralisation assays which provide reliable readout of protective immunity,” Prof Gupta said. They hope to start testing later this week and obtain preliminary results within a few days.(Quote)

  13. Populations with millions are at extremely high risk of being exterminated by this virus, Spain is in real trouble just like Italy…too much spread.

    “The worldwide count of coronavirus cases eclipsed 400,000 on Tuesday afternoon, according to data compiled by Johns Hopkins University.

    The tally has climbed rapidly in recent days. It reached 300,000 on Saturday evening.

    The number of COVID-19 cases in the U.S. has skyrocketed above 40,000, picking up speed as the coronavirus crisis widens and as the availability of tests grows.”

  14. The way it jumps is truly fightening, just this morning i was hearing about 15K deaths worldwide, now it has jumped to 18K and it has not peaked fully yet….at least it runs its course after months, the resurgence is equally frightening too.

    “The global death toll from the pandemic sat at 18,227 on Tuesday afternoon, according to Johns Hopkins.

    More than 100,000 people have recovered from the illness, mostly in China, according to the database. The country has seen its outbreak ground to a halt.”

  15. @ Silly Woman March 24, 2020 12:57 PM

    I only reported what was posted.. They could have moved on, nothing amazing about that.

  16. Trump has this thing figured out too.

    It is going to get better and when it does he wants America ready for business.

  17. Hal Austin
    March 24, 2020 2:55 PM

    The new coronavirus may already have infected far more people in the UK than scientists had previously estimated — perhaps as much as half the population — according to modelling by researchers at the University of Oxford.
    If the results are confirmed, they imply that fewer than one in a thousand of those infected with Covid-19 become ill enough to need hospital treatment, said Sunetra Gupta, professor of theoretical epidemiology, who led the study.


    Probably means the population’s resistance to it has increased.

  18. @ Hal

    Perter Wickham has admitted that the idea to oppose being as self-sufficient in agriculture was wrong. Admitted( admitted on today’s program) the present situation was the causative agent for the change of heart. The amount of damage done by that individual is great.

  19. @ John March 24, 2020 3:35 PM

    I respect your optimism. However, wait till you see the massacre in the weeks ahead. In Northern Italy we have a lot of infected people off the official statistics. You know the results. Besides, the English health system is on par with South America, Africa and Central Asia. For many years now, they have been letting citizens over 70 die in Britain because life-saving treatment is too expensive. Pure Social Darwinism.

    I wouldn’t be surprised if France blows up the Channel Tunnel in May and mines the Channel to keep the British on their island.

    It is a tragedy that our largest group of tourists, the British over 50, of all people, is dying off now.

    If you think that this time the blacks in the Caribbean and in Africa are going to get the shit end of the stick, you are very much mistaken. This time, the Grim Reaper catches the whites.

  20. @ Hal March 24, 2020 2:18 PM

    We have a sociologist as the Czar. He should be doing what Prof. Gupta has done. Talk about a square peg in a round hole. That herd immunity is okay if you have a vaccine and inoculate over ninety-percent of the population. In this case they were depending on obtaining anti-bodies from serum of infected persons to inoculate the population. The problem with such an approach, one can end up with a lot of dead people on one’s hand.

  21. Bajans are showing their survivors instinct by locking down themselves, someone who has a business in Bridgetown is complaining on FB how empty the streets are and ya done know the usual idle talk about ya will get it anyhow if ya have to and the bibile and a ton of shit…lol

  22. @ Robert

    Having a sociologist in charge of anything is nearly as bad as having a journalist – or pollster. We need political leadership; the nation is leaderless. The president is asleep on the job.
    Did you see the people she put up last night to calm the nation? Jordan, O’Neal and Best. Is that the best Barbados can do. By the way, there are 25000 coronavirus cases in New York alone, and that is doubling every two or three days.

  23. barbados today is reporting one new case today
    Now that govt has been caught looking like greedy lichorish fools
    One should not expect full transparency in the days and weeks ahead on any truthful numbers relevant to the virus
    The govt has yet to tell the public how many people are in quarantine in govt provided housing
    The news would be slow and trickling
    It is going to get bad and real bad

  24. Trust in our patron Goddess Bim and the Saints of the Parishes.

    For your peace of mind, I recommend this:

  25. Hal…one more case reported, they need to stop the “only one more” rhetoric, that one would have had contact with at least a few other people who would have had contact with others and on and on….

    ….at least report responsibly snice they are all over the computer misuse act..

  26. We know you must be getting ready to dance on the street where you are. You better keep your eyes wide open where you are.

    It will end in tears.

  27. Young Irish doctors working overseas are flooding home to help out in the crisis. Has Barbados called on its expert overseas national to come home? Has anyone asked @Robert Lucas to join in?
    Are we still gatherin’?

  28. “In this case they were depending on obtaining anti-bodies from serum of infected persons to inoculate the population. The problem with such an approach, one can end up with a lot of dead people on one’s hand.”

    those who were thinking about that one found that it blew up on them real fast, China was the first to go that route, looks like they abandoned it or it worked for some and not for others,

    Saw an article somewhere, scientists said the virus mutated 40 times, another problem, mutating to suit its environment for survival…no es bueno.

    best course of action is to stay inside until it dies out…no matter how long.

  29. Of course we are gathering. Those coming are free to swim.

  30. David why would anyone wish ill on their fellowman
    The blame does not like in my comments but at the feet of an arrogant govt who has lost its way walking in the foot steps of greedy capitalist
    The end result was predictable if one look at how fast China and Italy and the UK population got infected
    It wouldn’t have taken much intelligence to go by observation to make a common sense decision based on saving lives
    But No !the govt has gambled and lost .
    Pretty soon QEH would not be able to stand the financial pressure coming from this virus and could become a casualty as well
    Mother Nature hand has been moving across the world it is not happenstance that the big countries further West has been beaten down
    Meanwhile mother nature had given the smaller nations predominately black a better and longer chance for preparation but the leaders squander the opportunity chasing money instead
    The outcome would not be good but God will deal with the leaders in the harshest way
    Like sheep to slaughter these leaders took their people
    What a dam shame

  31. @David

    why you does treat Hal so scruffy?

    is wah de man do you?

  32. Tell me this is some fake thing by a fool pretending to come from government…and if it’s not, you do not benefit from the death and misery of others and then call it a blessing in disguise, it is, apart from being backward as usual, tacky and heartless…and you sure as hell don’t post it to FB boasting and gushing.

    This is no better than malicously and wilfully putting fake news about the count of the infected out there….what the backward don’t know yet is that when this is over, they are in for a hell of a surprise if they think everyone is like them and not proactive and forward thinking, just in case this happens again soon….more progressive countries will never return to the same old.

  33. @ Greene

    Ignore the Ninja Man of the blog. He badly needs help. I must have upset his paymasters.

  34. Everytime i try to give these clowns the benefit of the doubt this happens, i should have known it was the retard prompting such idiocy, first of all at this time YOU DO NOT HAVE A TOURIST INDUSTRY…JUST LIKE BERT IT WENT BUST… what about returning the multimillions paid to consultants for Bert the Bust.

    ya don’t even know if the cruiseliners will be floating in the summer, most if not all of them will be docked for CLEANING and SANITIZING anyway.

    everyone has to rebuild but there is no need to do so while being a bottomfeeder. Instead look for better more realistic sources of income….to BENEFIT THE PEOPLE and not yaselves…some countries are saying it’s another 9-18 months before a semblance of normalcy is seen or return…but there is Bere Retard making big brain plans without a functioning brain.

    “Government’s demonstrated commitment to cruise ships home porting in Barbados’ waters, amid the COVID-19 crisis, could redound to its benefit in the months ahead.

    Minister of Tourism and International Transport, Kerrie Symmonds, said today that the country’s humanitarian approach to the issue was already seeing positive results with the possibility of a Southern Caribbean Cruise Alliance allowing for a cruise itinerary in the summer being on the cards for Barbados.”

  35. @robert lucas March 24, 2020 3:37 PM “Perter Wickham has admitted that the idea to oppose being as self-sufficient in agriculture was wrong. Admitted( admitted on today’s program) the present situation was the causative agent for the change of heart.”

    i didn’t listen much to Brass Tacks today, but a friend called me to say that like Saul on the road to Damascus, our Peter has seen the light and heard the voice of God, regarding agriculture.

    i like Peter, a lot. But I never agreed with his views on agriculture, because I have the lived experience of how agriculture, including the often reviled “petty” agriculture can make the difference to a family’s survival, and specifically to the survival of very young children.

    Our father used to keep a cow, sometimes things were good enough that he had up to 2 cows and 2 calves, All of us were born between the mid-thirties and the late fifties. All of us have survived to at least 60 years old. I believe that our ready access to plenty of milk during our growing up years made a marked difference to our nutrition and to our health and to our ability to concentrate and to learn at school. It likely was why also that when my father fell out of bed in his 90’s he did not break anything. For many people 90+ falling out of bed means a broken hip or two. It means a death sentence.

    So hail to all agriculture, big and small.

  36. DPD

    When the 35 left Trinidad the virus was spreading but the only restriction on travel / travel ban (because of the virus) was for people coming from china.

    You are using the sudden acceleration of the cov19 case, the sudden border closures by the multiple countries and the great value of hindsight to judge the 35 as reckless. None of the three factors the 35 had the benefit of when they departed Trinidad.

  37. mari
    every day I see the government giving updates on how many test positive, in quarantine etc. stop lying

  38. @Greene March 24, 2020 5:04 PM “@David. why you does treat Hal so scruffy? is wah de man do you?”

    But Greene you never noticed how much lashes Hal does share on this blog? I don’t think that Hal needs any defenders. He is the original [verbal] tough guy.

  39. When did the 35 Trinidadians leave Trinidad?

  40. FEB 22

  41. 25th

  42. Hugh RichardsMarch 24, 2020 5:23 PM

    every day I see the government giving updates on how many test positive, in quarantine etc. stop lying

    Why u call me a liar

    I have not seen numbers of the number of people in quarantine

  43. @ Hal March 24, 2020 4:16 PM
    I really do not watch. It is a lot of hype. As for NY, the governor was all for open borders and refused to assist in the round up of illegals. As a matter of fact was down right hostile. It is interesting that the area of hot spots are those which were very hostile to the removal of illegals even giving them drivers licenses and also wanting to give medical treatment at the tax payers expense.

  44. I did say the govt being licorish has caused the island to become infected by the virus
    Symmonds words prove me right cause he wanted to sit back with his hand long out like beggar looking for crumbs falling off the Cruise line industry table
    But he will be sorely surprise because the ships are sick and most would be on dry dock for a long time
    Most likely the might engaged Symmonds for a bail out and he might just answer the call lol
    What a lowlife piece of dung selling out his countrymen for nothing to billionaires clubs of which he would never ever get an invite
    Could see these big shots laughing at Symmonds in they board rooms and snickering “what does the idiot think”
    Lol ha ha ha

  45. @ Silly Woman March 24, 2020 5:20 PM

    The problem with Wickham is that he always dismisses the ideas of others as foolishness. Only an absolute ass could have arrived at the conclusion that he arrived at. It was not a Saul on the road to Damascus thing for him. He was called to account for his prior behavior by a caller who put him on the spot.He had no option but to concede that he was wrong. Confessed that his eyes were opened by the virus. It shows the lack of analytical reasoning on his part. No vision at all.

  46. @Greene

    People get treat they way they deserve. This blogmaster abhors arrogance and pompousness.

  47. @ Mariposa March 24, 2020 5:53 PM

    At 21 degrees C viability on metal surfaces is approximately 72 hours. On card and other surfaces it is less than 72 hours. In the environment under colder temperatures the greater the viability. Shorter time at higher temperature. Check the informative videos by Dr. John Campbell on You Tube.

  48. NY is having a bad time and it only just got started.

    “Gov. Cuomo offered a grim update on the exploding coronavirus pandemic Tuesday, saying New York is in the grip of a frightening “spike” with 25,665 people now infected in the state and 210 dead.

    Speaking at the Javits Center in Manhattan, where the state is stockpiling medical supplies and the feds are setting up a makeshift hospital, Cuomo mixed soaring rhetoric and raw anger.

    “The rate of increase of infection is doubling every three days,” Cuomo said. “The curve is actually increasing.”

    “It is spiking,” Cuomo said, speaking with boxes of gloves, masks and surgical gowns stacked up behind him. “That is a bad combination of facts.”

  49. Only 16,600 ventilators.

    That’s the total number of breathing machines that sit in the Strategic National Stockpile, the government reserve meant to fortify overwhelmed hospitals in a crisis. It’s a small supplement to the U.S. medical system’s estimated 160,000 or so ventilators — many already in use — and not nearly enough to help patients survive a severe outbreak of coronavirus infections, health experts say.

    The previously unreported stockpile number, confirmed by a U.S. Department of Health and Human Services official who works with the reserve program, shows just how few ventilators are available to a national health system bracing for the full impact of the coronavirus.

    *New York City alone has said it needs an extra 15,000 ventilators
    *New York state had more than 25,000 confirmed cases of the coronavirus as of Tuesday.
    *The stockpile was started in 1999 primarily to prepare for attacks against Americans using weapons of mass destruction. Once an obscure government initiative, it has been shoved into the spotlight as state officials and hospital administrators search for every available breathing machine

    For more on this read:

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