Submitted by Grenville Phillips II,

Well, I have finally gotten the message – the threats are now too personal to ignore. To balance the safety of my family, and my duty to Barbados, these will be my final recommendations on COVID-19. They are to cover Stages 2 and 3.

The accusations are, of course, baseless. Asking basic questions is not breaking rank. Questioning is normal when the four steps to develop national plans are not followed.

Step 1 is to develop a draft plan. Step 2 is to present that plan for rigorous public scrutiny (since the public are stakeholders). Step 3 is to analyse the feedback and finalise the plan. Step 4 is to implement the plan.

Both administrations typically only do Steps 1 and 4. There is rarely critical review. This results in either stubbornly staying with a failing plan, or making band-aids under pressure to a weak plan.

The media should be asking pertinent questions, but they seem to have gotten the message a long time ago. They make press conferences as meaningless as a soap-opera. How about asking some of these questions.

The Government claimed that they will be spend $30M to build quarantine sites and respond to this virus. How is the Government procuring the $30M in goods and services?

No-bid contracts normally cost the public two to five times what the contract is actually worth. Is the Government using the same corrupting no-bid contracts for contractors, consultants and supplies? What qualifications are needed to share in the $30M to be disbursed?

The Government promised to appoint a contractor general to put an end to these corrupting no-bid contracts. How is that progressing? Why not start prequalifying Barbadian business right now, instead of automatically disqualifying most of them with the sorry excuse of urgency?

The hurricane season is approaching. We should not be constructing sub-standard buildings in Barbados, especially after turning the six-storey NIS building into rubble. So, to what category of hurricane are the buildings being built? Also, to what magnitude of earthquake? How durable are they?

I dare our established media to ask just one of these questions. Once they realise that the sky has not fallen, perhaps they will be less terrified – and ask another.


In preparation for Stage 2, we should assume that at least one person in our household will get the virus, and plan accordingly.

1. Supplement Diet

If I got the virus, then I would strengthen my body so that it can fight for me – as it has always successfully done. I would add to my daily diet: 1,000 mg of Vitamin C, at least one table-spoon of Blackstrap molasses, and at least five table-spoons of Apple Cider Vinegar.

You can purchase one gallon of blackstrap molasses from the sugar bond area of the port for $2, but carry a clean wide-mouth container. You only need a quarter of that, so distribute the remainder to others.

2. Sunshine

Ultra-violet sunlight is an effective disinfectant. Therefore, everyday, I would open every window curtain and let the sun shine in. I would also open the windows (with insect screens) to ventilate the house. Therefore, maintain some insect mesh and duct tape to keep out flies and mosquitoes.

If I got the virus, I would spend my days near a window where I can get natural light, and breathe clean air.

3. Flush Closed Toilets

COVID-19 RNA has been confirmed in blood and stool samples of some infected persons. Droplets from the toilet have been found on bathroom ceilings after flushing. Therefore, droplets can reach the bathroom’s sink (and any exposed toothbrushes) and towel rack. I would insist that everyone in my household close the lid when flushing the toilet.

Many infected persons have had diarrhea. You are likely to go through toilet paper more rapidly in that condition. Therefore, I would try to maintain 12 rolls of toilet paper for each member of my household.

4. Disinfect Shoes

Not everyone will stop their habitual spitting. The COVID-19 can exist for hours in the air and days on surfaces. You may step on someone’s spit, especially after it rains. Therefore, spray disinfectant on the bottom of your shoes before entering your house, and on your car mats when you get home.

5. Clean Pet Trays

If you feed pets outside, then clean their trays. Uneaten food attracts birds. Birds can step in the same spit and bring the virus to you, so do not attract them.

6. Invest in Yourself

If you are quarantined, then do not squander this opportunity. Take maximum advantage of our double taxation agreements with various countries, especially the US, and grow your Internet based business.

Between managing your business and your household, learn something new. There are many free on-line courses that Universities offer. Take one that can improve your productivity and increase your earnings, then take another.

Please do not waste this time with only entertainment (watching movies and reading fiction). Instead, recharge.

Accept that you may likely get infected, and perhaps more than once. Therefore, maintain your household supplies, and use this opportunity to cultivate a closer relationship with your Creator.

Parting Comments

I have been asked how I know so much. I have worked in disaster areas over the past 2 decades, where the economy came to a halt. In those situations, there is normally no economic activity, nothing to purchase, and no reliable government services.

I have had over 12 deployments to Haiti, when cholera had infected about 800,000 people and killed about 10,000. One member of my team actually had cholera while I was there.

I am also doing doctoral research, and the doctoral research community is rich in cutting edge knowledge. I critically review others’ research and they critically review mine. Why? Because we want to do research that will benefit humanity. Critical review is the most effective method of achieving that aim.

446 responses to “Recharge – COVID-19 @Stage 2 and 3”

  1. Silly Woman and Robert Lucas,

    Thank you very much for getting back to me. Will buy seeds tomorrow. I could convert one of my sheds into a shade house but for right now i am going to grow them in my house or in my very breezy garage in a pot.

  2. @ Silly Woman March 23, 2020 3:01 PM

    It isn’t “Nonsense.” as you put it. They aren’t going to do it again. One has to be savage once to get across a message that juvenile behavior by adults won’t be tolerated. As I said for some one who is always hollering out for and good will, you seem to be mighty intolerant at times

  3. And of course the hurrican season will not go away. The hurricane season begins in exactly 70 days. Storms and hurricanes will not go away because of COVID19

  4. Silly WomanMarch 23, 2020 2:55 PM

    @Hal Austin March 23, 2020 6:08 AM “Already in West Sussex we have had a young teaching assistant being mugged for her groceries. And that is in modern Britain.”

    You are acting a though the British were ever these ncey-nicey people. The British spent not days or weeks, nor years, but centuries doing worse than mugging to your ancestors and mine.

    The British were never nice.

    Not surprised that young women are being jugged for their groceries.

    The British have long been some of the most savage people on earth.

    Don’t know how you can bear to lie in bed with them.


    I have to represent my former foster family here and tell you that they were more wonderful to me than my blood relatives. My happiest childhood days were actually spent with them. Nothing savage about them at all! Savagery is well represented in ll races and nationalities. So is kindness.

  5. Bim is taking this “friends of all satellites of none” much too literally, I will await the Barbados Gov’ts actions. Meanwhile a culture of idiocy seems to have permeated the T & T Gov’t and those persons voicing support for the Gov’t in this matter should take note, next time it maybe you whom the Gov’t doesn’t support if/when calamity strikes in a foreign land. You may discover that Trinidadian citizenship may not be worth the paper it is written on and ‘Trini to de bone” is just another song.

  6. Britain has suggested all nationals overseas to return home.

  7. fortyacresandamule Avatar

    I repeat in times like these, you need a BIG STICK style of leadership. Constitutional democracy does not work. Self-preservation trumps everything else.

  8. @Dee Word

    When did T&T issue the travel ban for nationals? When would the manifest have been cleared?

  9. @robert lucas March 23, 2020 6:37 AM

    Harvey Weunstein is not in jall because of accusations. He is in prison because he was CONVICTED of rape by a jury of his PEERS, and sentenced within the laws of new York State by a very experienced judge.

  10. Britain in lockdown for three weeks. Not even visiting friends and relatives. All non-essential shops closed; no more than two people gathering together in public. One form of exercise and shopping only for necessities.
    This is serious.

  11. Don’t postpone until tomorrow things you can do today. I have been planning to go to the book shop for days. Now I can’t. I also need paper for my printer. Weddings and other social events cancelled, but not funerals, although they are restricted to immediate family..
    We are in unprecedented times. We urgently need sound political leadership, not flamboyant speeches.

  12. @ fortyacresandamule March 23, 2020 4:11 PM
    You right. They told not party and to self-isolate. Some bones when broken will solve the problem .This human rights bs has to be thrown out the windows.

  13. @robert lucas March 23, 2020 3:17 PM “Coronavirus is just the start: Scientists warn there will be more diseases like this in the future and the next pandemic is a case of ‘when not if’ Researchers say our encroachment on wild habitats will lead to more viruses Deforestation and using wild animals as pets, food and medicine are to blame.”

    Agreed 1,00%

  14. @ Silly Woman March 23, 2020 4:34 PM

    You haven’t address the fact that some of the woman exchange sex for position. That is one of the points. The second point is that the events happened a long time ago and facts have become distorted. This “Me too” business has gone to far. Alex Salmond just got off on the same kind of charges. Some of the women were schemers pure and simple. The time given to the man reveals vindictiveness of the highest order: Some murderers have gotten less time. Were you presence when the alleged offenses occurred?

  15. @ fortyacresandamule March 23, 2020 4:11 PM

    I hope you are aware that a state of emergency also means arresting any opposition figures who cause panic in the press like Verla De Peiza or in the social media – or at least what the government understands by that.

    Tron, always decent, always neutral

  16. Donna I am sure that your foster parents were/are wonderful peole.

    But it irritates me how Hal is always willing to refer to Bajans as savages, while never a peep comes out of him about the savagery that the British people inflicted on Caribbean people, and not only Caribbean people, for hundreds of years.

    From listening to hal one would believe that the British are and have been saints straight from God’s right hand.

    When history clearly shows that British imperialism was one of the most savage the world has even seen.

  17. @ Hal,
    It’s official, the UK will be on lockdown from midnight tonight. The UK Prime minister conceded that the UK does not have the resources to combat this virus should we see a dramatic increase in the local population. I noted he was ambiguous with regard to people going to work. This needs to be clarified as employees remain uncertain if they should go to work or stay at home. Should they remain at home will they be penalised?

    Mia has been forewarned by the actions of the majority of nations – particularly in Africa – that immediate action is required to combat this virus. Sadly, she remains detached from the imminent danger faced by Barbadians. I believe that thousands of Barbadians will be wiped out due to the inaction of those who have shamelessly hidden behind pressure groups such as our domestic business community.

  18. @Hal,

    Boris’s front bench was about to rebel. that forced his hand. Britain is in for some pain in the next two weeks. do not leave your flat for the next 3 weeks, mate. i wish you well

  19. Auztin i realize you also suffer from a barbadian condition it is called idiocy and hypocracy of the highest suggested persons attacking Mariposa for her views.If you were honest you would realise that most of the time Mariposa like you does not know what the hell she is talking about and when she get’s exposed like ypu rather than admit her errors goes into a tirade or shifts the goalpost and rather than you point out her foolishness you jump in to support in it by claiming people do not like and a bunch of folly.You really are not her friend and should be ashamed of your self.

  20. de pedantic Dribbler Avatar
    de pedantic Dribbler

    @David, I don’t get the validity of ur query re “When did T&T issue the travel ban for nationals? When would the manifest have been cleared?”.

    I have not argued that the Dr Rowley govt was RIGHT to leave their nationals effectively homeless and trample their constitutional rights… I simply opine that his govt had the LEGAL power to so do!

    Just as the Mottley govt accommodated them based on well founded legal principles of being fellow Caricom ‘citizens’.

    It becomes a mere moot to determine a timeline if you are trying to justify/invalidate the Defense Minister’s decision.

    One must assume the letter of the law was dotted and crossed properly so thus his mandate based on national security grounds superceded all before it!

    The decision was harsh. The act to complete the vacation tour despite the gravity of the pandemic issues was reckless.

    They have friends in Bim so let’s move on.

  21. While countries are going on ‘lockdown” the stable genius is mulling about restarting the economy and loosing restrictions on ‘social distancing” etc. Reason why? He believes that the sinking Dow imperils his election chances and that he can’t boast about the strong economy if it continues to head south. He has tweeted “WE CANNOT LET THE CURE BE WORSE THAN THE PROBLEM ITSELF”. It has the backing of some Republican lawmakers and some WH aides but health officials are aghast at the idea.

    Come end of March we will know what direction this takes.

  22. @Dee Word

    It is not important, moving on.

  23. Cruise ships generate a lot of waste due to thwousands of people on board the vessels every day. Because they are on the move it is much harder for the ships to dispose of waste. A general belief is that these enormous boats simply dump raw sewage and other pollutants straight into the oceans.Jan 12, 2019

    I am seeking clarification as to how long would those sick cruise liners be allowed to dock in Carlisle Bay
    Also Mia believing that any port for a storm
    How long would govt allowed these ocean liners to dump there sewage in barbados waters


  24. Here comes the stampeding boisterous lorenzo
    Hate Mariposa but cant help self but to read mariposa comments
    So glad to oblige because while you are frothing at the mouth mariposa is laughing at how easy it is to mash your corns
    Ouch that really hurts

  25. for the next 14 days we are required to shut down that operation except for nationals of Trinidad and Tobago,” Rowley said, adding that plans are underway to bring home 75 citizens “here in the Caribbean and I think they are elderly citizens, who are trying to make their way back home and we have to receive them because they are our citizens and we have no right or legal framework in which we can deny them entry, they are coming home”.

  26. In a democracy no country has a Constitutional right to lock the citizens out
    If the story is true Trinidad would be setting a bad precedent for these small island to follow
    This cannot be a fly by night decision left totally into the hands of Mia
    When these type of Constitutional problems arise they must be given open discussion by all members of Caricom
    Where is Commisiong
    I remember when Raul Garcia was locked out if Cuba he made it possible for him to go back tonhis homeland
    Btw how long is Trinidad borders closed for.

  27. How about asking why TT government closed the ports of entry and your should be able to answer your question.

  28. @ Greene

    This is a plague that is threatening mankind as we know it. Boris had no alternative. As in Italy and Spain, we will have a situation in which doctors will play God, deciding who will live and who will die.
    We are short of ventilators, ICU beds, medicines, etc. Not enough to go around. In Barbados, we face all these and more: the food shortage that will hit Barbados may lead to riots. Soldiers and police will have to pick sides.
    I suggest the president must confiscate all groceries from supermarkets and take control of food distribution. Take non-essential vehicles off the streets, using up priceless petrol, order all non-essential public sector workers to work from home, close the hotels and commandeer them to be used for sick people. She must muzzle Kerrie Symmonds from talking nonsense about tourism and put lives first. She must also order our textile firms to make facial masks.
    This is serious.

  29. Silly Woman
    March 23, 2020 5:00 PM

    Donna I am sure that your foster parents were/are wonderful peole.
    But it irritates me how Hal is always willing to refer to Bajans as savages, while never a peep comes out of him about the savagery that the British people inflicted on Caribbean people, and not only Caribbean people, for hundreds of years.
    From listening to hal one would believe that the British are and have been saints straight from God’s right hand.(Quote)


  30. For whatever the reason. Those people are TRinidad citizens
    Trinidad owns them not barbados
    If ever there was a case built on humanatarian and Constitutional rights this is one
    This is not a make belief humantarian cruise ship that all knows that when the economy bounce back might not give two rats about Carribbean islands beliving that they are two highrisk to enter in times of crisis
    Those are people born in the country of Trinidad and there is no constitutional law that forbids Trinidad from letting 35 of their nationals from returning because of health crisis
    None whatsover as i said before this is a dangerous precedent being set

  31. Within the last 36 hours this Austin blogger talked about fascism, now he wants Mia to act in this manner. Criticizes Mia endlessly, refers to her as the President, and after all that, wishes her to act like a dictator. Suddenly, on March 23 2020, he realizes “this is serious”. Spending so much time being critical about Barbados, and what happens here, he forgets to assess his own backyard and see the tidal wave about to engulf them. No vision to see what was coming. To all, stay home, for the next 3 weeks.

  32. @Hal Austin March 23, 2020 6:13 PM “…confiscate all groceries from supermarkets and take control of food distribution.”

    Does this government or any government anywhere at any time know more about food distribution that the people who are true experienced food distributors? In divers places when governments have confiscated groceries and controlled food distribution the result was widespread famine.

    Next thing you will be suggesting is that government or the military, confiscate my little cassava patch and send a career civil servant a politician, or a soldier, none of whom has ever grown even a bunch of seasoning to make my land produce.

    They can’t get it done.

    So here are my suggestions:

    Let governments govern.

    Let farmers farm.

    Let fishers fish.

    Let experienced food distributors continue to distribute food.

    Let doctors doctor.

    And above all let elderly lonely retired journalists continue to write shi!e on various blogs.

  33. A surplus of tuna on the market right now, because the tuna normally shipped to high end restaurants in Miami and elsewhere is currently not going there, other foods which would normally go on tourist’s plates at local restaurants is ours to eat.

    Spoke to a farmer today who normally sells his produce to tourists oriented restaurants. For the time being he will sell his produce to all comers. He like me is a retiree, with a pension income but who still farms virtually full time, and still has the energy to ramp his production up a bit as many farmers and fishers can.

    Let us all pray for the gentle nightly rains of the early rainy season.

  34. @Simple Simon

    What did you have for supper?

  35. @ Sargeant,

    You raised the story about those 35 elderly “Trinis” who arrived in Barbados yet have been barred entry to Trinidad. This is a very strange story. Could this be a Citizenship By Investment scheme which grants extended citizenship to very close family members. Is CBI practised in Trinidad?

  36. @Hal Austin March 23, 2020 6:13 PM “This is a plague that is threatening mankind as we know it.”

    i am not underestimation COVID19, but this is not the Spanish flu of 1918-19…yet.

    That “flu” put the word “influenza”into the world’s languages and killed killed 50 to 100 MILLION people.

    Mankind and womankind as we know them continued to flourish.

    8 billion ‘o we and counting.

    Millions of new human beings coming off the production line even as I write this.

    And happy in-love young couples keeping the engines of human reproduction roaring.

  37. @David March 23, 2020 7:01 PM @”Simple Simon. What did you have for supper?”

    Chicken, cassava, spinach, tomatoes.

    I like fish, but alas fish does not like me very much, but still from time to time I sneak a piece, but deep sea fish especially tends to give me arthritis symptoms.

    So for now i’ll leave the tuna to others.

  38. @robert lucas March 23, 2020 4:58 PM “You haven’t address the fact that some of the woman exchange sex for position. That is one of the points. The second point is that the events happened a long time ago and facts have become distorted. This “Me too” business has gone to far. Alex Salmond just got off on the same kind of charges. Some of the women were schemers pure and simple. The time given to the man reveals vindictiveness of the highest order: Some murderers have gotten less time. Were you presence when the alleged offenses occurred?”

    Weinstein was convicted by a jury of his peers.

    Because something happened a long time ago does that mean that harm has not been not done? And that the wrong doer should not be punished?

    One man has been convicted of rape and you call “me too” as having gone too far? Why so?

    No I was not present when the offenses for which Weinstein was convicted occured. But people enough have been convicted and in our system as in America’s the jurors, or complete strangers do not have to be witnesses to the offense.

    Surely as a scientist you are expected to be a reasonable man?

  39. No ! No David this is not a case where a trial ballon with the slogan Humanatarian is thrown across the sky hoping that one day the Cruise Industry would throw a few benefits to the govt of Barbados.
    No!No! Private Corporations dont behave in such manner in their world of economics the bottom line comes first all else afterwards
    So Kerrie with his backward banana republic hand long out( thinking) is going to be really surprised when the cruise line industry tells him NO

  40. @ Pickaknee March 23, 2020 6:45 PM

    If I may add to this, criticising our government’s reaction to Corona is as logical as criticising a hurricane or avalanche of snow. We are simply experiencing the inevitable.

    It is important that the self quarantine of the society now be carried out very consistently for the coming weeks. It is not our government that is worthy of criticism, but the mad followers of certain local devil cults who still gather in their so-called churches to pray Barbados into the abyss. This was also the case with this sect in Korea.

    The military and the armed police forces are called upon to intervene here with the utmost severity, if necessary, even by force, and to lock the cultists up in a cave so that they cannot spread the virus further.

  41. @TLSN

    The T&T Gov’t threatened to bar 35 of its citizens from the country on their return from a cruise. They were scheduled to arrive via Barbados and the some felt Barbados would be stuck with them, check with the media link that “mariposa” provided.

  42. @ Silly Woman March 23, 2020 7:24 PM

    I am not saying that he is innocent of all the charges but it is also a fact that a lot of people have been wrongfully jailed by juries of “peers” It is time that this “me too” movement be nipped in the bud. There are a lot of women who are schemers who holler rape just to get financial benefits or because they have been caught red-handed in affairs.You cannot deny that such happens. There is always the public . preceptions that females are innocent and have been taken advantage of by the male who is then deemed to be a vagabond.

  43. The ridiculous thing about the whole Harvey Weinstein affair is that those who accuse him of damaging them are, as a result of that damage, multi millionaires and are famous.

    For me it is difficult to take them seriously and I pay them no attention!!

    Many people work hard at their jobs and their lives and often damage their health in the process.

    But they do it for a reason and take the blows.

    There is no way they would give up what they have been able to acquire.

    They live their lives and then die like anyone else.

    Ask one of Harvey’s accusers to give up her riches and fame in exchange for whatever damage she can convince the court she was done by Harvey.

    Let Harvey give her that value but she has to give up everything Harvey gave her in return, riches and fame.

    It wasn’t some innocent children Harvey abused, it was in many cases a bunch of prostitutes with wares to sell.

  44. … kinda like “The Picture of Dorian Gray” or “Faust”.

  45. @ Hal
    This is what being politically correct results in. When Trump talked about curbing Chinese tourists from entering the US, Chuck Schumer called him a racist on post (the post has since been removed). Silly Woman do you now see why I am no fan of WHO. An incompetent organization .

    Published: March 22, 2020
    Professor of Virology and Microbiology at the University of Padova Dr. Giorgio Palù told CNN that measures imposing travel restrictions and border controls were taken too late due to fears over political correctness.
    “There was a proposal to isolate people coming from the epicenter, coming from China,” Palù told CNN. “Then it became seen as racist, but they were people coming from the outbreak.”
    The need to minimize potential “racism” and “stigmatization” in response to the coronavirus was a policy endorsed by the World Health Organization itself on numerous occasions and adopted by the left-wing Italian government.
    As we previously highligh” Cted, the Mayor of Florence launched a nationwide campaign at the start of February encouraging Italians to hug Chinese people on the street to “stem the hatred.”

    Footage of the stunt even shows Italians physically removing a Chinese man’s face mask while closely embracing him.
    The Mayor even released a Twitter video of himself hugging an awkward-looking Chinese person to promote the campaign, which was launched to “express solidarity with the Chinese community.”
    SOURCE: SUMMIT.NEWS downloaded from Black listed News.Org 22 March 2020.

  46. The above post is not aimed against Chinese people. It is aimed at the stupid mindset of the left-wing liberals and their bid to impose political correctness and multicultural nonsense on people.

  47. @ Robert

    I do not think Trump is just a racist, he is also a KKK sympathiser. But your earlier reference to the jury system is spot on. Lynching always took place after a ‘jury’ trial. Law is a social construct. It can mean whatever you want it to mean. Check out the US Supreme decisions going back before the war to the present.
    Or closer home, look at the BU court of public opinion.

  48. “Saxophonist Manu Dibango dies of coronavirus”

  49. This IGNORANT CRIMINAL is still trying to prove a point that he is still in control, he is yet to understand that he is only in control of the corrupt, black face fools in parliament.

  50. After being blasted and demonise by the likes of Miller
    Barbados govt confirms the 35Trinis locked out of Trinidad would be staying in Barbados all well and good
    However what is so dumbfounding is govt did not have the ethical or moral decency to informed their citizens of their intentions
    All along many have been saying that govt actions on many policies are comparable to dictatorships
    From removing bones of slaves and transporting them to foreign soil in the name of goodwill
    To unilaterally defaulting on barbados debt
    To taking full possession of Ram property on bay street in favour of handing it to outside private interest
    To having international cruise liners with sick crew lay idly in barbados waters
    Also the latest re-accruing story of withholding money from the opposition
    All these stories have similar themes of a govt ruling with iron fist
    A govt withholding relevant information under disguise themes of humanity with an intent to close the eyes and massage the intelligence of the people
    Barbados is governed under democratic rule and transparency gives way first to whatever govt intentions are be them good or bad
    The people right to know cannot be just denied because govt believes that they have a right to exercise a leverage of privilege with a self made belief its gives way to humanitarian cause or any cause
    Justice and fairness stands as a right for the people not some of the time but all of the time

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