For the next days and perhaps weeks there will be palaver about how effective the policies of the Barbados Labour Paty (BLP) have been since taking up the office. The conversation is reminiscent to what follows the annual 11+ exam. It is a must do exercise for ‘stakeholders’- including the media- to purge themselves of any accusation of not delivering on the mandate.

Given the perilous state Barbados finds itself both on the economic and social fronts, it is a challenge to speak with certainty whether measures implemented so far by the one year old government are gaining traction.

If you separate the political noise- loud as it is- there is justifiable concern that although the Mottley government has been active by attempting to tackle the gargantuan debt situation by restructuring, moving with urgency to apply a temporary fix to the sewage issue on the south coast, rationalizing SOEs, drawing-down development loans to fix crumbling infrastructure, dusting off out dated Town Planing legislation, addressing thorny issues like local and regional Transportation (LIAT, Transport Board), breathing life back into brand Barbados by increasing visibility on the regional and international spaces. This is not meant to be exhaustive. A review of the BGIS portal archives can assist with listing government’s effort to date.

A concern of the blogmaster however is a lack of similar energy as it relates to communicating the state of the National Insurance Scheme (NIS),  operationalizing a transparency framework to include Integrity (anti-corruption) in public life, FOIA, political campaign financing, a relevant Public Accounts Committee, Auditor General’s office and related projects.

This concern about the NIS was heightened with a recent public  assurance delivered by Chairman Ian Gooding-Edghill that the NIS is financially healthy. What does his statement mean if we compare to a 2017 IMF report – NIS Reserves Projected by IMF to be Exhausted in 2037 – UPP Candidate Craig Harewood Muted by VoB?

Government needs to do more to encourage people to become investors and create ä Barbados that works for Barbadians – President, Barbados Economic Society

In a related matter is is encouraging to listen to Opposition spokeswoman on economic affairs Senator Cristal Drakes not intimidated to discuss the pros and cons of devaluing the Barbados dollar. Her position was supported – not directly – by President of the Barbados Economic Society (BEC) Simon Naitram. He is on public record promising to dispassionately debate the issue on the BEC website in the coming weeks.

Sorry to disappoint a few members of the BU family who will want to look at the numbers from all angles. Not to forget about the social fabric of the society also busting at the seam. Has the time come for us to focus more on the Vision/Strategy positions of our governments? If we hold our leaders accountable for the Vision the supporting tactics may be better understood. What is the REAL Vision/Strategy of the government for Barbados?

The blogmaster is unable to grade the government A, B, C or D at this stage. To use a race horse analogy – the horse has ‘lathered’ nicely in the paddock before the race, outcome unknown.



269 responses to “Barbados Labour Party One Year Later”

  1. @William

    Did Harry Russell suggest a different approach to lend and monitor the lend?

  2. WURA-WAR-on-U Avatar

    where is the BRIBE IN THAT…Harry don’t do funneling and syphoning off…

    …plus he looks just like them and of course they cannot have that, plus he is NO nonsense and not corrupt Enuff….

  3. The smoke and mirror policies of borrowing .high taxation and using bond holders savings to pay barbados debt only make sense to supporters of this govt
    The questions going forward is how much of the savings govt is touting was borrowed money and how much came from taxation
    Lest we forget that govt initial planning stage of paying the debt started with an IMF loan of 129million plus bond holders savings which must all be paid back
    Now the question which must be asked are those saving exclusive of what govt still owes including the 129million loan plus other outstanding loans on the books

  4. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner


    Did Harry Russell suggest a different approach to lend and monitor the lend?

    Quite frankly it’s years now that he has been doing just that !

  5. @William

    If you can find links to when he has done so please post.

  6. WURA-WAR-on-U Avatar

    William…i was waiting for you to say that..Harry has posted articles for years telling both governments what they need to do, ya just gotta go up by his house to get him started on what they need to do…


  7. David
    Is “Rogue Works” responsible for putting the legislation to work or the Auditor General? It is also hilarious to see on BU, the den of defamation, a cry for defamation laws.🤣🤣🤣🤣

  8. WURA-WAR-on-U Avatar

    Wuhloss… defamation laws and deadly, dangerous synthetic marijuana drugs should go down really well with the MAJORITY BLACK POPULATION COME NEXT ELECTION…and let’s not forget the assaults…am sure they will love that..ah can’t wait..

    Piece…what say you..

  9. William Skinner Avatar
    William Skinner

    @ WARU

    I know Harry going back to our days in the NDP and he was even writing before that.

  10. WURA-WAR-on-U Avatar



  11. @ Lexicon May 27, 2019 5:24 AM

    The shelves in the supermarket are as full as ever. And in my opinion, prices haven’t risen in a year either. We owe all this to the IMF programme.

    A devaluation would change that. And since the majority of Barbadians have not been used to hard physical labour for decades, it would be difficult for them to survive on agriculture. Imagine the miserable whining of the masses when they could no longer sleep in the office in front of a running air conditioner, but had to work physically to feed themselves.

    All I ever hear is the whining of pastors, trade unionists and self-proclaimed representatives of the rotten welfare state. People should be glad that they are allowed to live on such a beautiful island in the tropics. I call the exaggerated criticism of the new government ingratitude.

    People have given themselves the gift of a reform government and should now give it time to break the rigidities of the welfare state and free people from their self-chosen slavery of welfare state addictions.

  12. Tron do u live off minimum wage
    Do u pay rent
    Is your income in a bracket that cannot support change of prices that has escalated in a drastic manner which forces u to cut back on basic life style with the impact of having to choose between paying govt debt and paying rent
    For your mouthings i assumed you are wealthy and therfore cannot relate to the struggles of the under dog

  13. WURA-War-on-U Avatar

    Tron is more than likely helping tief land from old ladies and their beneficiaries..that is why he got so much foolish talk…but time is longer than twine.

    The common class in parliament still want to act like they are doing the people who have to pay them and their rotten ass consultants a favor…not even 29…but 30-0 next election.

  14. @ Tron

    You are either a joker or a real real CUNT.

  15. @ WURA-War-on-U May 27, 2019 12:22 PM

    Your Caribbean migrants in Britain slander Barbadian government officials without evidence. I’m sticking to the fact that Dale Marshall is an honorable man.

    The lawyer’s bills and everything else proves nothing at all. If they prove anything, it’s that your two Youtubers didn’t take care of their legal affairs. For example, they could have used Freshfields instead of saving money. Some lawyers have LEC and admission to the West Indies. If you only want to invest 250 USD per hour for legal advice, you shouldn’t be surprised at the result.

    If you buy cheap, you buy twice.

  16. Barbados 2019 Avatar

    I can tell you personally that George Walton Payne and Co is a dirty company ran by Pain and Teets.



    This company has no qualms being involved with dishonest land transactions both private and Government owned.

    They also know how to use the BARBADOS Law Courts to their advantage including colluding with other Lawyers to win at ALL cost WHETHER THEIR POLITICAL PARTY IS IN OR OUT.

    There is no justice in Barbados but INJUSTICE.

  17. You always know everything as GP opinions.

  18. Piece the Legend Avatar
    Piece the Legend

    Imagine this scenario

    Suppose you have a person, say Walter Blackman PPK, or John the Quaker, assume a other, as in a 3rd a onymous identity a d come to blog on Barbados Underground.

    What will be the characteristics of that blogger?

    Unless the blogger is going to blog on their own political aspirations, WE ALWAYS HEAR A VERY ARTICULATE, WELL REASONED, BLOGGER, COMMENTING ON ANY SUBJECT MATTER THAT THEY SPEAK ABOUT

    This Tron person understands people in general, but more importantly, banana, in particular.

    He understands sarcasm, non popular sentences and repetition EXTREMELY WELL.

    One notes that he will come and speak a on variety of things where, irrespective of the subject matter, he always deifies Mugabe.

    Let me show wunna his style

    He says and I quote

    “…The shelves in the supermarket are as full as ever…”

    That as we all know is a lie BUT HE SAYS IT WITH A STRAIGHT FACE, so to speak

    He then continues

    “…And in my opinion, prices haven’t risen in a year either. …” ANOTHER BLATANT LIE to which he cleverly appends…

    “…We owe all this to the IMF programme…” AND BY EXTENSION TO MUGABE MOTTLEY!!!

    He then continues by using the much feared word “devaluation”

    He says “… A devaluation would change that…”

    And continues, without ascribing any blame to any if wunna lazy ass docile bajans…

    “…And since the majority of Barbadians have not been used to hard physical labour for decades, it would be difficult for them to survive on agriculture…”

    He then hits rather softly by saying

    “…Imagine the miserable whining of the masses (DE OLE MSN DOES CALL WUNNA SHEEPLE) when they could no longer sleep in the office in front of a running air conditioner, but had to work physically to feed themselves…”

    He then continues to specifically insult all the major thinkers by saying

    “…All I ever hear is the whining of pastors, trade unionists and self-proclaimed representatives of the rotten welfare state…”

    He is being systematic with his submissions here with what is a slow BUILD UP against Mugabe Mottley

    Observe how he ends a d you will all see what de ole man is saying

    “People should be glad that they are allowed to live on such a beautiful island in the tropics.

    I call the exaggerated criticism of the new government ingratitude…”


    De man good as ass!!!


    But that is not all, de boss man Tron continues…

    “…People have given themselves the gift of a reform government and should now give it time to break the rigidities of the welfare state and free people from their self-chosen slavery of welfare state addictions…”

    Incredible blog submission!!!

    He has FOR AN ENTIRE YEAR, BEEN ABLE TO BLOG HERE ON BARBADOS UNDERGROUND and escape being called a Salamite or Pick a Noise member.


    Never too much acidity in his blog for a reader to feel that he is being overly supportive of Mugabe.


    De ole MSN gives you an A+ Tron

  19. Piece the Legend Avatar
    Piece the Legend

    A d then, to confirm why earlier drivel observe the sterling advice Tron gives

    “…they could have used Freshfields instead of saving money. Some lawyers have LEC and admission to the West Indies.

    If you only want to invest 250 USD per hour for legal advice, you shouldn’t be surprised at the result…”

    Wunna understand what de ole man saying now?

    Tron is giving advice to ghe Stewarts in England.

    I am going to watch and see who is going to accept it.

  20. WURA-WAR-on-U Avatar

    “Your Caribbean migrants in Britain slander Barbadian government officials without evidence.”

    oh really..and ya telling that to me…why not tell it to FBI and Interpol.. ya done know yall teif the people land and money and whatever else yall like to tief..just give it back…christ, what is so hard about that, if ya gave it back , even i would forgive ya….ah know it don’t seem like that sometimes, but i could be real soft hearted.

    but ya see that hardline stance ya got especially when ya done know ya did some other real evil shit that is not so easy to forgive or forget…and there is also LOTS OF EVIDENCE IN THAT PARTICULAR SHIT..that ya can never deny like ya doing with ya OTHER VICTIMS.

    ya gotta know when they JIG IS up..

    and while ya at it…get rid of the stinking corrupt racist minorities…cause ya done know they are going to sell ya black asses out before you can sell them

  21. Barbados 2019 Avatar

    @ David

    You always know everything as GP opinions.

    There is something wrong with you if you are referring to my comment in regards to my own distasteful DOCUMENTED experience with George Walton Payne & Co with their immoral shenanigans.

    As Sunny Sun Shine remarked about you, your hidden intentions are not as hidden as you may think.

    You can do what you like with your Blog Barbados Underground but you can’t hide the truth.

    The Law Practice is crooked along with its head.

    You noticed I have never called out another Legal Practice, my comments are from personal experience whether you agree or not or suits your Agenda.

  22. Abigail de Salemite
    You sad, sad troublemaker, read before you respond. You’re always confused, confusing and confusion.

  23. **Speculation

    “Based on the fact that it’s been 3 months since the P.M’s budget and she has not gotten the USD accounts for locals off the ground, I really don’t see how we could begin to think we could monitor a system that by its very nature, exist in a virtual world.”

    It may not be a virtual world. I do not see the Bitt exercise as progressing beyond a transfer of money from one person to the other. Perhaps, the goal is to become the Caribbean equivalent of Moneygram or Western Union in pure intra-Caribbean transactions.

    It puzzles me in what currency these transaction will be conducted….

    Perhaps, it may be done by referring to US dollars without actually using US dollars. Party A walks into a Bitt office with 100 BDS $ tells his counterpart in Antigua he is sending $50 US. His Antiguan counterpart goes to the local Bitt office and gets the equivalent of US $ 50 in EC dollars.

    As you can see the above transaction uses no real US dollars. However, Bitt can maximize it profits if it goes through the motion of converting BDS to US $ and US $ to EC $ at the front and back ends.

    Figuring out Bitt is an interesting exercise.

  24. Barbados 2019 Avatar

    @ Piece

    As much as I have hated many of your distasteful comments in the past you have higlighed well @Tron presence on BU for the last year.

    I have been reading his comments for a while and I believe %100 he is FOREIGNER Jong HIRED BLP Internet and Social Media spin doctor IN 2018

    Pay close attention to all his comments in the past.

  25. “1 Berkshire Hath share $303,000”

    Too late for you to get in Berkshire A stocks, but if you have mauby pockets there is a Berkshire B stocks at around $200.00

  26. WURA-WAR-on-U Avatar

    “You sad, sad troublemaker, read before you respond.”

    yeah President Enuff…keep colluding with corrupt minorities when all of you know ya committed crimes that can land ya asses in some prison somewhere for a hundred years…continue to make it about me…

    don’t stop…keep it up…

    i sleep well ENUFF at night, sometimes i fall asleep at 4 in the evening…imagine that and don’t wake until 2 or 3 or 4 the next morning…can u say the same..

  27. WURA-WAR-on-U Avatar

    what Tron is not realizing is that ankle monitors and handcuffs…ALSO COMES IN HIS SIZE…so let him continue to bullshit and thinks he got everything and everyone covered.

  28. WURA-WAR-on-U Avatar

    Ya see the point that they are all missing…if someone slanders me ON FACEBOOK FOR A WHOLE YEAR..and have no evidence to back up their claims of theft of properties….i would already have not only FBI but also Interpol going after them….and that is the point they are missing.

    how much time did allen sandford get again…120 twenty years and ah don’t think he set up two of the major countries on the earth….how much time did Bernie Madoff get again…150 years…ah don’t think he set up 2 major countries either…keep making it about me.

  29. @SSS

    Thank you.

  30. Did a little googling and it seems like these central bank digital currency (CBDC) will be more like a local currency in the initial phase. Instead of walking around with dollars in your pocket, you will be doing transaction on your phones. Initially, it will reduce the use of local cash.

    Don’t confuse a CBDC with cryptocurrency..

    The brains of BU need to be trashing matters like this instead having esoteric conversations on Italy…. This will affect you more than Brexit or the Itally’s exit from the EU.

  31. Hi Hal,
    I have commended you a thousand times and never a “thank you” 🙂
    Forget the Austins of Guyana, Panama, Liberia etc….
    I think you would do a great job telling us about CBDCs and their ramifications.

  32. WURA-WAR-on-U Avatar

    Yeah…they playing slick.

    Tron is INSULTING and DISRESPECTING the majority population WHO PAYS THEIR SALARIES…while they set up scams, set up people and set up thefts…good going…don’t stop…

    hope to see all of you on TV crying… i will be sure to take photos for prosperity.

  33. The0gazerts just think if you had bought 100 shares In Berkshire 20 years ago what you would be sitting on today!

    I don’t see how the Bitcoin is going to work in a region where you have so many different currencies, with 3 of the largest players all having their own currency which changes and are not tied to the USD like the EC and Bds $. Plus as you start switching in and out the USD, somebody has to lose on the exchange either the receiver or sender.

    Who knows it may become no more than a digital moneygram in the end. I for one have no faith in it as its way too volatile and dangerous an investment for the long term investor. If you are trying to hide money from taxes or have other questinable earnings you want hidden, well maybe Bitcoin is for you, providing of course you dont mind losing 20 % of it along the way.

    In January 2017 Bitcoin was valued at $997 a share. By December of 2017 it had risen based solely on Hype, to $19343 a share. When asked then by CNN Buffet said it will crash soon and people will lose millions, it’s a currency supported by nothing tangible. Today it trades at $8432 a share and investors lost millions! It claims to have a market cap of $156 billion and a supply of 17.73M, so if that is true who is holding Bitcoin as an investment? How can a potential buyer confirm its market cap? How can we confirm its supply? Remember there is no regulatory government entity covering crypto. So we depend on the company to tell us the truth and then we open our cheque books is that the plan? As Buffet said maybe a host of charlatans and other unsavoury types are the ones holding this alleged currency.

    I can’t even call it a crypto PONZI scheme as there is no way of confirming its true value from the PONZI valuation, I tell you sometimes you have to laugh at what passes for an investment. I wonder if I offered one of these alleged holders to buy a few shares if they would take payment in more crypto? Bet you 10 to 1 they would say no thanks but USD will do thanks!

  34. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    Puffy Enuff

    I am a very busy lady. You do not get to be Miss EU MM by sitting on your lazy tootsie. Now can you bring me a little clarity with respect to this act you quoted? If the act was passed since January, what new powers does the Auditor General have that are different to the very little he had before? Can you send me a copy of the act so I can catch up? I am as busy as a bee. Not easy to get on here when you are plane hopping. Do that small little favour for me, Puffy Sweety.

  35. WURA-WAR-on-U Avatar

    “well maybe Bitcoin is for you, providing of course you dont mind losing 20 % of it along the way.”

    20%?? people have been losing hundreds of millions of dollars…it’s a scam…who ain’t hacking in a tiefing all the money…dying with the damn passwords and no one can get access…

    Bajans will have to be another level of foolish…seeing how this government disrespects the black majority…short memories won’t help the people now, they better remember all the evil shite this government is hellbent on doing to them… even consider putting a dime of their money in any of the government scams with Rawdone et al.

  36. @ William,

    Government does not control the state; government is part of the state, some may say the most important part. The state is all the key institutions of our democracy. The state s an invisible entity.
    I will give an example: when someone is prosecuted for a criminal offence, that prosecution is in the name of the state. In some jurisdictions it may be termed the Crown (we had this debate before on BU and it was mistakingly assumed that the term the Crown meant the Queen in person).
    In others it may be termed the State versus John Doe, and in others it may be termed the People versus John Doe. That is not the government.
    @ William, it even goes beyond the idea of the nation-state, which is a political and legal entity, to one of collective identity, of the institutions a group of identifiable people recognise as having influence (control) over their daily lives. The law is a good example.
    We recognise the law and the process of law-making; a group of drunks cannot get up in the BU rumshop and say from today this is the law; but a group, even if drunk, can get up in a legally constituted parliament and pass legislation after which we as citizens have to obey. Hope this briefly explains the idea of the state.
    A failed state is when those institutions do not work at all or work properly. Again the law and the institutions and processes to enforce it (parliament, the criminal justice system, prisons, etc) do not work as they are expected to.
    Our parliament does not work as it should, in fact it is often ignored by the government. The courts do not work, just look at the logjam in the registry; and the way our magistrates work.
    Or, and I will end here, you can take the concept of social welfare, which is based on the idea of a social safety net – the level beyond which society determines no one should have to live (in the UK we call it the Beveridge principles). So the state provides social housing, medical care, mental health care, education, a little cash for the unemployed etc. That is the price we pay to maintain the social order.
    If these institutions fail or are flawed, then the state has failed or is not working properly.
    I say all these institutions have failed in Barbados. Hyper nationalism in whatever guise will not make things work.

  37. Sunshine Sunny Shine Avatar
    Sunshine Sunny Shine

    Hal Austin

    I shall be in that big Mall in Stratford, London, tomorrow at 10:00 am for a meeting with management. Our company is hired to do a cinematic. After the meeting, I have about two hours before my flight at 2pm. Would you like to meet the SSS and her marketing team.

  38. @ Theo,

    Many thanks to you too. And to David BU.

  39. WURA don’t get worried Bitcoin will sell you a Bitwallet to put your virtual coins in! I mean it got to be safe after all they call it a wallet! LOL

  40. @John A

    You do understand that bitcoin is not what is being peddled by the Bajan fintec?

  41. @SSS

    Thanks for the offer. You say tomorrow, but is that Tuesday? However, I must decline your wonderful and thoughtful offer. I am still waiting for an offer from David BU to meet.

  42. WURA-WAR-on-U Avatar

    JohnA…i used to call it a

    should i see anyone of them approaching me..i will call the police and shout THIEF…

  43. David we can only assume it will follow a similar path unless otherwise outlined. In the absence of something concrete being proposed I can only discuss the most known crypto and it’s performance and downside. As for what they are “considering” it’s anybody’s guest, they are however some basic guidelines that govern the movement of crypto all the same.

    It’s like a new car company launching their car. It is fair to assume without seeing it that it will have 4 wheels and drive on the same road surface as other cars.

  44. You know what has always made me wonder? Suppose someone has a large stash of Bitcoin and they pass without a will, how do the surviving relatives go about retrieving it without the password ???

    I know some would say John you are morbid, but seriously what happens there?

  45. Miss EUMM

    Go read it yourself! I am.also employed–serious work! But I don’t post without having facts. That’s all.
    Hal musse never set foot in Westfield Stratford.🤣🤣🤣🤣

  46. WURA-WAR-on-U Avatar

    Me nah know what Tron was rambling on about…but me just want to know if yall demons actually went and filed cases in UK and US to cover up the crimes in a case yall refuse to finish in Barbados…tiefing from a woman and her beneficiaries as usual…ah watching the fallout…ah won’t dare mess that shit…at

    yall know that is FRAUD right…misusing and abusing the UK and US court systems to cover up ya crimes…REALLY???

  47. Each time you mention bitcoin to reference the pilot with ECCB for example, you expose that you are ignorant about this project. The integration of fintechs with traditional businesses is the next operating model for how the world will do business whether you like it or not.

  48. David regardless of how you try to approach it do you agree that this is going to be virtual form of payment?

    If you do agree what will it be tied to for purpose of selling and buying will it be a Barbados dollar say or a USD?

    Let’s start with these 2 questions.

  49. If we can agree on these 2 points then we can move on to discussing it further.

  50. You are looking at it from simply it’s implementation but i am looking past that at establishing a measure for its value and long term viability as a trading option.

The blogmaster invites you to join the discussion.


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